xt722805008c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt722805008c/data/mets.xml  University of Kentucky 1920 bulletins  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Press Bulletins The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. III No. 11, April 15, 1920 text The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. III No. 11, April 15, 1920 1920 2015 true xt722805008c section xt722805008c To Ed·lt¤r:: T‘n• I
,...,.i..ei.  uiletin THE UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY sm-»·¤ ····¤··¤
In pnpared for the   t}, __,• .¥_i._.%?$__ T_ _r_.   E; .._. -_ class mettor at th•
;m.mi.··¤¤em¤             "°“* °"'°° "‘* ‘·°"
for publication en j.""‘°"` ;i°*"’“  §f"’””   i5` U'||t0H• Ky.
race] DL i iQ   j{.‘ ·1i=·:`F, .s' ~‘   I-   {T; ;2=li,rZ;1
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April 15, 1920 LEXINGTON, KEl\TUCKY Vol. III. N0. 11
e~— ·;:.~:-.—:   
H S. ‘ if "¥‘,·¤€i0§» in Soiglriga "High Cost of Education Strollers Play to Improvement of Tobacco
0I’S€ ti§§€E‘i0l` ·J he r J Q ,, _ _ , —
A Menace to Democracy $1,500 Box-office Receipts By Selection of Seeds
' " Q 5 F gy .. Q; . a §° "§{ ! _ _____ ________
H · i xiii H5 EHEHS {B? 31*-9*3 %¤0l°:£ _ . . . . . .
    Q 3 ‘ 3 p A "`l`heil1t¤1‘€;1·$Qd cost of living for stu- l°lziynig before a sympathetic and High prices pnid tor recent crops
"t'“""'_ _   `_   __ -1-. · W - E ( _._&..; interested amudience the St1·oller:=, yl ii,.-. huy:. SL·1,m;m0d jug,-est ·u
The assumption that we are fast ea-;1i di·.·i;lr·nda riniiiialiy by the Sure (1***;* 1¤ *¤l“**Fl"*1O*“‘“; 'hlillfll iw (hmmm. dub OE me Uuiwllsmv Of ill tw ut; lp 1 I It I f 1
_     .   - _. . . -_ » ,·.. tt ei rr   e·nre:4 resn.ent ·. " ’ A · ie crop o suc r at tcgree an arm-
ilpprouvhiilg il i1OY5¢%}¤*$5 QSO H HOL `H ”‘t"‘ IUI m"l‘m°E' A humlii`} )   Qmluz Ht R _ _t E V Kentucky, scored an undeniable suc- _ _ g 1· it yn U H
i- U U ,._ .. .{· Lim, ,,]-3-   {L _   = O Tm--;-,5; y o Aeu- _ A . Y   H _ ,_ _ <-r-2 are wivin coser n en itu in
borne out by facts,   Profecesor J. mlm la ° “)11mg {_1 J €U(1_ (Tx C U i) I M ` _ cess when tney staged 'llie Qlamb- _ '.*’ ` ' _
_ . , ,,_ _ i*Y<>d ten CONS {OM >—¤l ` f  V ‘ T. , .. . I   · ; ·— -1 ·l* ( ‘ ttm
mduy type" ('E cm 'xmk _`m,l Tilt more ot the HOPSG ASS0€1t1U<>11 of tinues serious. The cost of living in mi? O _ A _ _ _ slain?;I1i;,Ig$?;ti}1tOf°;iL;]_fn‘;;} }1;;1)O;t
tractors hate not snctesstully cls- America 1_Cpm.tS that thc Livingston Lexington has mcreascd for tha Sub linzhaid .tei11nb—-loineiy 1·ia.4iei, 4 ·:~ . x l c. ._ .1
P*”°‘*d this *"““‘“1 ““ Um “‘““· Bakerv in cineage round that it com ` ` _ _ 1 1 Of L¤irr¤¤¤¤l>urs. mult $***10*1 at I~€X*¤gt¤¤· “`h€1‘°
Bulletin 222 [mm me Experiment $5360 a month to maintain at horse dents from twenty—t1ve to thlltl   Ed“,m.d “»m,d€n_MmOn Rcvmy quantities of ltobacco seeds are
Statien of the University gives data and mn to maintain an HutOmObi1G_ l111‘S il 111011tll it IGW )’GE11`S H20 to fifty Lgximmnu A brougut tor grading,
. gathered from 320 f81‘11‘1G1'S \\'h0 llT1V€ The life of the horse averages eight O1' $iXtY today- Frederick l\[&lSOl1—··Pl'GSt,O11 Cherry, _ Tins work IG don? [FEB Cgi Charm;
used tractors. It was found by these yea,-E; On me 55[yggt, while auteme. ··N0t only has the housing Situation Bowling GI.G€u_ lll tie Department ot Entomo ogy am
farmers that Mi l¤¤s<= furtiis-l¤V¤1‘¤¥¢· l>iles¤1‘¢i¤¤l¤€di¤ am =w¤¤·¤e¤_¤f time for student/5 betmie erincaisr sam ne, Johnny a·i-Otter-ei—¤vei- om-eil, ];;f":l*‘U`§l‘€;; met  ;°“d";’;`§0;fi"
·,, , . { .-·, ,   ·...·c,,L ._ _ _ _ c- e is*ara ee K-
inc, tmoré tlmgtgilie   Nglm Sah tamt lmcauiqtolbq la G "bnt many faculty men, coming to the Pineville. [Ow in December wm During this
T30 01`S CHU -` · = ? ` —` ·W?¤l GOd°Sby"`F1°d Augu5bmg‘ month 5,347 ounces were received,
_ . . · -¤ ·_ - ··   L z >xin_ 011. ., -» , . .
Whére f1Ve MG DOW WO1`kOd» leaving horsemen have found roads construct- h0uB€S ~-tumble LO then mmm Ham L g · IH Jtlllllaly, 4,·¤$$ Oum-9% \\ Glo graded.
so per eerie of the tarni power to be Gd in the lust few vwy,3 aimost im. faculty mmnbers, it is stated, hnve DOOtO1' SlmOh¤1`t“Al1l`Y¤llO Bell, In February, 2,983, and in March 1,-
SNDDUOO OY hO1`SO'3- Thi? KYOOYOV COW passible for the horse, as their sur- A been forced to pny from 25 per cent. EmmBn°€‘ 785 Ounces WOYO graded? making 8-
not Fendér G<¢011¤mi€€U wld Officltiilt face is much too slippery, especially to 33 Lg pm. CGM Of their Saiarms fm. Ryder-—Harry Brailsford, Louis- total for this season of 14,503 ounces,
$9,..,iCB it pniwiiig email t1nd~i1‘1‘eé’.ul`€\l` in Wim-. ne government applet- ,.0..% me ““€· Y 4 _, _ W d gQ‘§(§§’ aju§"'°t ‘“ff‘“§ “§ °""°?’ mf
UQWS OY Ul <¤¤l¤v¤t¤¤s: gmwmg °*Ol’S· ates the predicament and is planning At the meeting membmw Of the Serwnnt at·Trotte1 s—F1ank e e- . . ou s ve1 y- ive 'pei cen .
Considering the life of a $1.400 trac- to give the horse more consideration I I I U ` kemper, Lou1sv11le. of the seeds were received lll lots of
tor as seven years, and adding cost of in road construction. This informa- bmnd O1 uustees gdvc mmf? than Jordan. Butler—William Finn, less than a pound. Larger lots were
repairs, oil and gasoline, it was found tion will prove gratifying to farmers $1.000 to the Stlld€11’£S' LGH11 Fund. Burlington. ill $01116% i1lStH11C€S brought in by DBI`-
in this study that the tractor cost and- owners of horses, who have been R. C. Stoll and Mr. Richard P. Ernst LOO¤m`d» FOOUmm—T€1`1`iU CO1`O» Sons wht) had grown them for Sam
mere than houses per hour of work. greatly embarrassed by slippery Each gave Oval. $500; Irvin Lyle gave H31‘1`OdSbl11‘g· • Grading is done by machinery and
The owner of farm mares can also road surfaces in the last few years. $250 md Supérmmndém Colvin M8Gt€‘1' S‘f€Y111lg··N3HCY Smocky removes light and imperfect; seeds,
 --1-——————--— ' ’ ‘ HHY1‘0dSb111’§- leaving only the large, heavy ones-
$100- Servants-.} E \Villiams A·=hla11d‘ thgg gh 1) d d
“ ,, . . » · · . · , - , e atmay eexpecte to pro uce
Wolves and Lambs to be University I-Ecads to The insurance on the buildings of John Land, Nicholasville. perfect plants. It is a process ot se-
GRVGI1 at Lllile Théatéf Spéeui 8i the     A- the University was increased to ap- Ml'$· St€l`]i¤g (HOO BIODOIIO H1l¤'fO!') lection, and is believed by farmers to
—; 11 proxinmtely 90 minion dguars and ··MO·1`Y EliZ3·b€Th Downing. Louisville. improve the crop decidedly in both
..The Wolves and the Lumbsy by The University of Kentucky will be awmdgd to the firm Of Kmir & Scott, Miss Ruth Hunter—Marthe Buck· yield and quality, a view with which
W- M· TY`°·°1:m`°y· Wm he mleggnmd · esented by speal‘ers at the Ken- . . man- H€HdOl`$OO· _ ° those in charge of the work are in-
by the Philogephian Litemrv seeiety Tp; D1 t_ I Ax _ t_ t be to be by them distmbuted among oth- Mm' [_hmt€1__ClaI_ibGl Kay, Spring- dined to agree, when they remember
‘ --· · - na i ssocia ion o - . _ _ . ·· . .
in me Little Tiieater at the Univorsr u°`y_ °u°? H? _ 99_ BY lnsluauw °°m¥”““6S· field. Ohio that the best plants are selected for =
ty of Kentucky 'SOIHG time UIC lf1TfOl‘ held m Lculbuug Aim 21`“"‘ Members of the board present at Jessica Hunter—Carlis1e Chenault, growth Of Seeds in the field;
part or April. At the general meeting, held Wed- the lngetjng wm; R_ C_ Swir Lgxiug. lileysinlle- J ——;——
The members ot the cast are: nesday afternoon, Doctor F`. L. Mc- mn; R. G- Gordmy Louisville; Ru Pu · Clara Hnnter—LeuiSB Connell, Par- Tigert Made President
, - · · · · · · . ·- 1s. J .
_ Horace Millilcin .......... Elizabeth Klilft Vey, president of the Univeisity of Emgtl NEW Ymk; J' Irvine Lyle, New _ V _ _r ` Q of Advertlslna  
\Julia Prior ........ Mary Elizabeth James Kentucky, Wm Speak OH Financing YO__k_ Rainey T Wang Mm_l_M_ J Miss Julia Godesby—Eli;al,eth Mai- e,
Lady Kicktlgbury `>```````'`'`````` Ruth Kelly the New School System in Kentucky \V.A;1`lll'llOlj Pé1lH.fS‘·’iUO:’ 逤OtO`i"   Shaq, Lixmgmnl · Doctor J J Tigertiiead of the de-
M"S· Dmmmgton ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘ FMHCQG Bgthel I i- l\l Froman Gl1ent· Franl· McKee MISS Eleanor S1uClmH__MLugM@t r .- I-   v— ’. ~ .· .
, . _ Ppgfgggm- ]\/Ig]-[gnpy Rhggdg, gupervi- · i » \ · Smith, Nulysviugr ])d.ltl11€1lt§ ot ])5§,Cl1010gy, UH1\'€lSlt}’ of
'mlm Howell ‘‘‘`‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘‘`‘‘ Jemue S¤¤m¤¤& \’er5ailles‘ VV C Hanna Frankfort · · - k- 1 t d i- ·d t gf
G . T, Chiu Mina Wylite sor of High Schools, will address the ’ _ ` ' _ _ ’ °‘ ’ Tompson, Mrs. Hunter’s Maid- KOOYUC li WOO OBO O LIOSI GD
Bmgg Ou _``````'`-``-`'```` ` GGGYRG COlV1¤yF1`O¤KiO¥`ti J· R- Rash, iq . R-. 4 1 U xm the Blue Grass Advertising Club,
Mrs- Prior ----—-----------·- Amantlu F<>1`l¤10F meeting the same afternoon on The HBHGQYSOH. W H Grady Louisville. ‘ mma "°m’ m ‘ . _ _ _ .
. ,   . . - · » . -. ··(,l ’ ‘ ' ’ ’ Marie, Clara Hunter’s Mnid—MarY Whlch was YGCQUUY mgdmzed by the
€·l?~"’¢”°° K‘°‘*"’b"‘Y ODD°‘t““‘tY Ot the I*€m“°1*? meh P Preston Johnston Lexiiwton and . · reiresentatives or adverti··in~ inter
Mmguwt Hmbmson SCh°°lS‘ Thos L Hornsby Eminence Governor E` L"°“G’ Lgxmgmn . . ,1 - . 1; ta R· I
Mar Lum Robertson A nh D It 1 t_ U   - y · · - Gu€St__MyI.U€ Clary Lomsvma eats, of Lexington, F‘1an< or, 1C 1-
y " ````````` Q `'```````'``'`-' Q t l 9 GDH) Mita mm m¤S ’“ Morrow was llIl9~blG to OG Dl`€SO¤t· _. · 4- —» »- R b. mond and many surrounding towns
George Mimkm ------------·---- Lwlr MSOYB science-nOctni· W; D. iriiiiiawueer. __...T H°m_d°n E"“iS’pam`fO1t’ and °   WL P, Q GW. qgctm Of Km
· A,·ai,€ii.. Maiiiaii ,..... nimii»»ii—. n»—~ii·¤ ,iW..t..€.,t pf 20.%.,,,. vyiu 5..,.% CH . . , so RWE- L¤¤¤Sr1¤€· deserve much or   ··“*   *
Mi-_ Bennington ____.,....,.__ Kathryn Reed HZOOIOKV as S High échwl Silbigctf, UHIVOFSIYY Professor S Credit [OY thm? Work as Stagg and U§;`5` I u_ _ t th
i " ` .. . ' l     ( .   <* 5 — ` · ` ` ‘ `.1‘—
Buikiey .. .l·..·--·-.-»»·-.»----------·- Mw Simon r-iiaO.-;,»DOCiOi- Eawm-ri -i~mi.,ii, Work Notably Recognized ·’“_“;‘° if “;““"*§""* Thi =*t’°$`1Srg§ ‘€ ;‘{;’_""]05;b‘$‘TE{5$;,, f °$"qg
PHSG ........~·...........·---» Mary Hwy Lievn ·~i~ii€ eoiiege and patriotic Amm. 4 ..- °"‘1”_" "" Ml _“°"€ “’°“ _·° · 8“°?‘? ‘” “ A _ i “ ‘ ‘
H · Tn , , .4 , . Music was supplied by the Univer- vortising. Delegates trom the club
————-—— cans. Jiitnig tvolto, proiessor ot Steam lun- _ _ _ . ,
_ _ _ v __ ` gmeériug at mg Umvewitv of Km? sity Orchestra under the direction of are to be sent to the meeting ot the
Tau Kappa Alpha Frat H‘g}}"‘ ]“d""‘“r‘°““1"§*‘d““ M? mclwv 11% Téceived (IGQQIQNQCI 1_(_C0Um_ Prof. Carl Lambert. The various Associated Advertising clubs of the
Rc,0yganizcs at   of   Yew Shmlld tht? Four EGM gouegq mmxiil th? MUCH igsugé Of ,.Cém‘ju%_ stores and business houses of Lexing— world in lndinnapolis in June, the lo-
‘ `--._- Y gouisg EG Qljanued On uv Jumm and mime ahh (,.SL.)ut'h€m Fugiu€El_A,, ton provided costumes, hats, men’s cal organization having applied for a
» ~ onior asis. J » . . _ _ _ _ V - A, _
The Tw Kappa Al1)1]&,h()]]01·nI*y De. H0 Ecommi q_·Mi'S Mwv qwpg through EMMGS Dumighgd in these clothing and furniture. chaitei as   member of the l1ltC111ZL
bating Fraternity, pledged the follow- me _   ‘ S “ j ` ' mawizings ` _'_"`”_` mma] aS“’°°mUOD·
. t H .` 1 med in H ny, lie:-ul ot the uepertnient ot Home · ¤* · Cafetefa Outgrowing -—-;-—
ing men a ieir annua — g 2   _ _‘ _ __ __ ., 1 ,- ., M, l d P vm. {
Economics Teaching Home loconoin- COm·)U>UO“» (-JO O YO ~O‘ » · ·
·· ‘ h .11*   lr ’ , · .- .- ..--.. i c En meet we
SIIESFS hid El LIB CO Egg pimp; ics iu the Rum] SOOOOISU Plant Eugmcglmg smh P1Ui@‘°$O‘ Its Present Quairlers Not d g S G •
`t ,' , ixingon; i. <. _ V .,_ . V ir. · K
B, 1fionL   luv igawv MCBINWQY Agrmulmm_P1_Of€SSO1_ Gemge R01} Welles yarticlo onl Meclianical qoot ,_,._.. Lectures {0 Seniors
ISCO ’ OKWYI ’ Hilljl P_ frjgmi erts, department of Agronomy, ‘·Train- BIOWQYR TM 3"U°1€_ ]S_ aunmulcgd At the regular monthly meeting of ———·- _
Lavvrencebuig, E. 'jlli lll, IO H5 mg of Ag1_iCu1tm_al Téacham in KMF on the cover page and its illustrntiolis the Fjxgcutivg Committee gf the Two noted engineers come to the
Julme VVOUO find J- 1- C- N0€· tuckyy show various types of soot blowers. Board of Tmsmgg Cf mg University Uuivm-sity Og Kentucky fm. me week
This fraternity, which formerly ex- _ ________ The editor’s note praises the article of I{@ntuc,ky_ held ju {hg Dpesidentis of April 12 to instruct the Seniors in
isted alt tim Univer-sity img been C cl   t d because "the author tells in Pl 0l€¤1`· Office the request of the United thi? (*0119:20 of E¤giHO€‘1`i¤S i¤i1¤1>¤1‘t·
r9()1gu.11izt3d here this year. The qneli· O`€ S ec B to interestillg 11lH1l11C1‘ llOW soot DIOWGTS Duughml-S Og tha COH{»3(]@i·eCy thygugh ant points of engineering affecting ·
lieu-tions [OY m€mbOl`Shil’ me *`€P"€‘ Y. W. C.   L€&d€l'Sl'Up OOO be ODD1`OOiOt€d OS O OOOOSSOYY my their Georgia representative for the hoot and ventilation.
SOHMMUOH ot the U¤lVO1`Sl*Y IO Ol`¢*l»O*`5'- -————-—- Juilct to 0ffiOlO¤CY· imd “’h5’· granting of scliolzirships available for L. Logan Lewis, secretary and pro-
"_t`“7*" PI`Olllll1C1`it CO·Gd&; have been elected FTO’]]] the bOgi1]11l1lg HIS zll'tlClG l`C- (hilt Ol‘gklHlZtLtlOH WRIS l`€jCCtCd UG- duction ]ug_ugg(;y (if the Cgypigy Eugi.
University Leads in to lend the  WV.   r\. for the follow- counts the story ofthe battle against cause of inability of the University mlgying gm-Domuon, Of New Yg1·]{v-tllg
“A . , G¤fi,, F Id mg Ygm'7 Mies UWB (il`Om“’OU» of soot in steam boilers up to the most at DYOSOIUZ tv gfallt SOhOlO¤`$hll’S OUP largest organization of its kind in the
merlca S 1 un GYN-lU£"m» l”`O*m“°’¤t m("“b€*` of the modern appliances available today. SW6 WO St?itO· world, spent the entire week working
""m°" (`1"SR· zm unumlg wcrkgr in The second zlrtltile, \\'hlGh HDDGHPS The advisability of moving the Uni- over the drawing board with the Se-
The_U1}1V°1’*>1tY Oi IfO¤*ll“kY dm M1 Tm1"Ol`*l*-l' OOi*V**»1<‘$· WO5 O1‘?€LOdl*l`OS‘ in the "Southern Engineer" printed in versity Cafeteria from the basement niors. giving lectures and laboratory
€”g““m}“°“‘$ wd "’Sm“u"YS m 1*0** Hmm; MISS Ij“l*‘ Nuke? Gt Beau? Atlanta. Gu., is a scientific discussion or the administration building to the tests on the problems of heat, venti-
mgton m CO“_L“b"mg to the A“{‘“" VlUO· “'H·$ <»1<><¤t¤UI€l- All 419 DIOUW itly discusses the practical l°tlGH'10(1`· glub room eau be established near it Dl‘GS1d€llt of tht? AD1€1'1Ci1H Bl’0'W€1`
-'¤ " » ·' ‘ " i, v:_ ,_ _ . _.. __ _ _ ` _ _ _
O·“i—fl· Hm "°“tm’“i’°“S 0* H·‘* Uh UOM ¤t¤¤t> HL the UIUVOWILY Ohd ot combining the indicator cards so as was digeusged and a cgmmittee was Company, Detroit, considered in the
Veisliy fwilllty MN *iUl’-ll‘l<‘d were former meniliers ol the X. W. C. to gave much ef the la,be·r ef ei·diiiai—y appointed to Estimate the Cost er nee- engineering profession one of the
·¤ V . · .- · . . ,, ,, . .
to $H’·)··m· A- C=*b’·'“·t· procedure. eggary imprevemeiite leading experts in fan engineering.