xt722805176k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt722805176k/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-10-13 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 13, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 13, 1986 1986 1986-10-13 2020 true xt722805176k section xt722805176k __-__—______________________.___——____________———__——————————
I Vol. XCI, No. 34 Established IBM University at KOntucky, toxingiom Kentucky mm, “M. "7‘ Monday. October 13. I986 _ .
n S mm't ends 011 had t 111 t t
1 3 Ily \llt'll \lil. l’l 'I‘ZHI. ing. Secretary of State George P. tary personnel at Keflavik Naval Air the right to develop. test and deploy Wars program had caused the tail agreeiiienls tailed to Ilaitt‘l‘lalii't' lit' 1 .‘
.\~~iK'izitctll’l‘<'~\ Shultz told reporters. and a high- Base just before he boarded Air 8 defense against nuclear missiles ure causi- all the parts !' iiiieiii ' ' . '
ranking Soviet official called it a Force ”he hit the nearly SlX‘hOUT for thepeopleofthefree world.“ .Asked whether there would he an laieii '- . , _
. lllii ly'JAVlK. Iceland . Presi- “deadend.” ride back to Washington. said the “This. we could not and will not other suniinlt meeting between ’ l! lit‘t‘.ll'lt' more and more i‘:t‘.l . ‘
. th’ht Reagan’s \H‘ekt‘htl summit With Shultz said ['8 leaders were N“ Slde‘ hii‘l "mUVEd toward do.” Reagan declared. to heavy ap- President Reagan and (lorhai-hey that the soyiet lizio- . vilili‘i‘l'u‘ ' .
. Mil‘hihl “”l'hih'h” ("“10” yesterday “deeply disappotnted" in the out- agreement ‘ “h (”115th FQdUCthhS lh plause. Arbatov said. "If the Americans do was eltei-tiyely to it . iii: ~h. s|i1 I. ',
‘ “mm“! i‘gl‘t‘t'lht'hl l" (‘Ut'h nuclear come. lhterhlf’thatt‘THhEP “'98th in EU' "This is the dead end to which not change their position on this progran aid to .to .i tit. st'i‘KlllL‘ i -, . -, .
““ ‘h‘m’ when ”‘9 l'hht‘d States re» The hangup. Shultz said. was Sovr rope ilhd ASH! flhdhh other issues. they have driven the whole issue of basic issue. i am afraid not ' change in the \l’.\l ‘ri-ai~. 't . 7" _ I.
lil‘ '(l to scuttle the “Star Wars" (a insistence that Reagan curtail re- But. the president suidI "there re- arms control." said (ieorgi Arbatov. Shultz said the leaders hail nearly would so i-oiis'iaii 'n.i' l't“t‘.i! ii ,' i . .. 'I ’
"l ’ ’h‘ ‘h'tt‘h‘t‘ PWL’JWH Reagan search on the so—called Star Wars mained at the end of our talks one a top Soviet adviser on East-West agreed on ways "to deal etlectcmly would not he an ~. lillrt't‘t'if {wilt ’ . '-
itei’ reil "this we could not and will program. the futuristic missile area of disagreement Thp Soviet relations. with intermediate range llllrssllt"s lull} ' hi‘ wilt . »
”""‘"' shield concept known formally as t'nion insisted that we sign an Arbatov said that [is refusal to and had made progress toward an "lite [)l't‘slilt'l.' fill pi. w ' 4 .' .
'lhe two leaders also failed to set a the Strategic Defenselnitiative. agreement that would deny to me limit testing on the strategic de- agreement on limiting underground . _ .. w . '
«law» for a third sillwl’powel‘ meet- Reagan. talking to American mili- and to future [)y'psjdpnls for in years fenses envisioned in Reagan's Star nuclear tests, but that the liotclitixil \ .1 \nul i. : _' ' ' I ..
. ' ‘ VI 'I It '.
‘ - - » . z m... _ ,. . p ce overa ,. ..
. > ' M“ ‘...; “*7": l , ”awn-"5 . ' 1‘ .
I . rt ,afif I :. r “I ., - ’4' “x . ~ . ‘ i .
.. A _....-.. ‘..."- ~ " . ‘ . ' . .I.' -‘
v , - x, t in debate tourney
s..- §¢w*l’:::t’ , .,.. ~.:.I:::’f , ‘ . I. -. . "4“" VI M,:I.»';="‘rv/" ' E: I . l . I ' . .‘ f '
. M; . /. , UK finishes fifth out ofninc squads j v . ~
’ .. -« f ' . in national round robin competition . . . » f
I ' p \ ,5" . .‘\ If B.‘ BRAIHI‘UUPER Leon shared the sane en'liusms: . ‘ -. f . . '
‘I A: = ‘ -- ' “ ~ 3‘17 *1. Assistant News Editor ‘.liiiiiv 'llt' '.\ l" . . -
. _ .X’ gag? . It s supposed to lie in l)! l’a'tei I ' - - ~
‘ . .. ~ , .t A debate team from the l'niyersi soi. s and finger .s'oit s l K s as '_ . ..
»/ - . A ' 2 ..- s ;I; ty of Redlands outlegged teanzs sistaii' director oi flt’litilt‘ ii..i:~. .llii'. . . -
. ‘ r“ , . I. “Wei: from Baylor and (teorgetown uni other people that this is \lll)lttl\t' ' ' tournament's history that a 'caiii one time a team has taken both the t . .
' . :2“ .«:. ”a... gitWi‘y .413; finished undetcateil. said .I \\ l’atr Round Robinandthet‘lay “(19> , .
' it»: ,. s 2““; ‘ ' kmfifi ‘ “T50“ l h »‘ (hrt’t'htl‘ ”t (tt’ttdh' ith‘l This statistic is in the back of both '
"f ”We - i I if I, _ q ..;,,; ,. -V ‘ tournament h‘N LaP‘ave's and Leon‘s minds as they .
’ :y . .I“ ”r .' ~ ":~ :33» V’ » . ‘ The last time the teat was accoiu prepare to enter the elimination . .' ..
' I ' 3" 1“" . if f .. - ' plished was wheil a [K team woli rounds of the (‘lay tournament at .
l 9: » t. l \ h \ ‘1 i \ the tournament 1" 1‘37“- l’””“‘"“” Lexmgtons Harley Hotel this morn ‘ '
a .II ) t: f , , V, I II II E . said, mg . . , I
R. h. ’ i 5 ' f l ‘ . For Lal’ave. who was participatr I . . ' _ i
i 6‘" io- -. h I’ I 7; ing in his second Kentucky round .\lthough [K may not hate i-ap . . '
.A~um”"°" lam-ism“ robin. capturing the [(llll‘nt-y \tgis the lIllt'tl iIill\Ih(illiils .ll lllt' i‘iiilfiij i‘iI g. H. I . I I, .
most meaningful victory of his tour hiiptt-ibeig does no' hang h s tie ' , . '
Clean up yeardebatecareer lo“ . _ ' , 'I
Tim Jolly a Sigma Nu accounting sophomore, paints the trim of House Saturday. The event was sponsored by Sigma Nu frater- my flask”(finitelllggty.:p~\ll::. IEIIIII ’ltl,“(Killjlt‘ll'ltt‘llltll :IIM‘ ill“ ‘lt“ . . ' -‘ . .
one of the five houses that was painted during the Adopt-A- nity and Alpha Omicron Pi sorority. ~th ls‘Iht‘ premier “shah 'tlll!"ll.i‘ Li...” ..,m.hIm.I._h. M. h. .h. II“. ~ I , .
___________________________________——-—————-———-— ment next to nationals ' L’H‘Jt ' _ 4 I ,I .
Former agency official University joins consortium " i "
get-'3'! . . . . .s
says CIA hes ‘0 Pubhc W studying education programs >
- h.‘ 1’“ ”\N‘l‘ih'l‘ McGehee said the agency disre- »‘ . . " 1 .I : '
.s'tatl Writer garded the results of his work in '5 I?“ I j I I . . l' t' m .. “,1“ “hi "s()lll' .- ~ . L‘
Thailand. which showed strong sup- .X A"... II i H) I\.\II{Il-.N PHILLIPS ‘I’mTfig‘ “ I“ I‘ ' I liiit I‘III th .. ‘ llolnies (iroup 'l‘hat tat-t has , t I .
'l‘lie t'l-\ is not an intelligence port among villagers for commu- "1 _ ’...“? I". Staff\\riter are ““"m M u “in“ “ iii-ought ('l‘lllc'lsll‘ to the i-ao st'llimls . - . ' .
agency, but rather a covert arm of nism_ _ '“‘ ' I . , . Two recommendations in ptil‘llt“ and the lliilmes iii-oiip liy siil‘u' oi ‘ ' , . .
_ the goyernnient that uses misinfor— And by purposely underestimating JIIW'JI I- [K officials announced Friday ular have been the gummy of much uh. huh. \ mhm. thh‘ and Hm” .I _ . - _ :
~ Itidtlclt ”1 Hitler to ill-Wt} l' 5» to!" the support for the communists. the Y .553 x that the I1 hh'C’FS't.“ has .lhlht‘d the criticism..\‘agan said sities . - ‘ I;I
‘ t‘tts’h Pitht‘.‘ (‘lA was able to justify the {'8 role \ " 6‘ '9 .. Holmes (1”)qu 3“ organization "()h‘ A change in the teacher education “Hi -i' . I .. I . i' I I. I l l ‘ . . ' .
Th1” “”5 the the-“£130 .fllVeh h." asadefenderof the people.hesaid dUCth a nationwide 9th“ ‘0 lm- program proposed by the llttllllt's 'llltl l" I‘II 1‘ ‘I‘I l”"‘l‘I“'I'I' I“: ‘. I‘ _ . . ,'
. Ralph .\lc(;ehee last night during a Such “misinformation is a major i :“rt_I prove teacher education and work- Group would t‘equt‘e the current t'roui II I.‘ Ilt‘lhlhl: ill .. 'tlItIIitIV I - .- , I
“will“ “' “hm” 7” people lit the part of the (‘lA's responsibilty — . ithOhdltIOhS- I , four-year degree plan be changed to tll'tlll‘llh ‘1': hr imhlhnfl ‘1‘; 1h," ' _ . .'
(‘eniral (‘hristian (‘hurch on East lies. propaganda." McGehee said 3i? The move. officials say. will effect five years This plan would award I ue 'I (t fl I“? “ ‘I" i\. I . “I' ' * . .
*h'“ 5W“ Th“ Vl’et‘t‘h “"5 SPtth‘ The agency had about 401) Anier- I & changes in the l'niversity's educa< graduate an undergraduate dcili‘ct'~ ,h h 2211“.“ .1 my? hail!) .. H I - I ,‘
“WM 9’} the Lexington Task Force cian media representatives who ‘ tion program. . . in an area of arts aiid sciences and a III "t\ in wort: ( little I‘I'II‘IT‘II f... _ _
on l.atui \nierica would plant stories and suppress in- I I . . “We are committing ourselves to master'sineducation ili‘eivi ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ . . ‘ I’-
\lc‘.iclicc .scl‘\c(l It] the CIA for 25 formation. he said RALPH MCGEHH. a masswe planning protect." said “The five-year plan isn't siiiieii iiii- "
years before leaving the agency in McGehee said the agency regular- Edgar L. Sagan. deanIOf the PK (‘01- the elementary education teacher . I
lit‘iilt'sl oyci‘ its policies during the ly uses propaganda to influence pub- .mh. pomyj Mctiehee said He lege of Education. "Vte “'1“ he “0er Bridge said "The elementary ed eatgtwgwm;%§wg%fi - . . ~I
\‘tetnaiii “gn- lic opinion and justify [(3 Opera said. the agency was involved in mg With the state and other schools teacher needs a wide area oi educa' t if "" III . . . '
' [in xiii; his Hist 17 years in the lions in (‘entral America. as it did iii more thaii ‘90., inaior and several "h how to improve teacher educa- ”Oh and furthermore. ”h” PM” puts *2 ‘ . I W
i‘l \ \lctiehee said he saw the agen- Vietnam Such tactics include thousand minor covert operations tion programs. . 0” all the education “MM“ until ~. I i i; .
cy as ;i sttH oi missionary group staged weapons shipments. rigged during a Hyear period that he has By IJoining the Holmes (.roup. Ian they?“ year
that was s.l\lllIL‘ the world for do elections and false intelligence re- examined ' assomation started by education H‘ education ”mcml‘I “h“ ‘1'” "I. WING.” took a beat- -‘
moi-racy andreligion ports.hesaid deans from about «to universities. agree with the llolmes (.roup plan ing Saturday in Jackson
ltui during his work in Thailand "The (‘IA is not now. nor has it “We cannot allow the (‘IA to go [K expressed that it agreed with toclassifyteachersintothreetiers M'ss 5 th OI M' R ' ~ -
.ind Vietnam. he soon realized that ever been a central intelligence around the world overturning demo- the groups goals. said Richard La- The plan allows an instructor. the ' .. a e ' '3‘ 9'
lhls war against communism was agency. It is a covert arm of the craticallv run governments and de- Brecque. chairman of the [had hoc “WW-“t in the teacher hierarchy. t“ b.“ m' them 3343' For _
liilfi‘t‘tl (til .‘I (l(‘lll)(‘l‘(lt(‘l)' distorted president's foreign policy "5 intelli. stroving‘life, lllX‘l‘lV, justice and deI committee on the Holmes (vroup re- be anygne with a degree in any area 9h. 90m. 5'0”. 5”
\'l('\\ oi the loyalty ofthe people. gence in all cases is used to support moc'racv " I port. . and to let that person teach with no N. p09. 3.
‘ "We “hall." recommended that the teaching preparation. Bridge said
College of Education lmn t e "They‘ll know the content of what .
. Holmes GrouP- b"! With the under~ they are teaching but not know how "‘0‘“ '“ “M".Ionce
H t b L t I I K standing that joining would show to teach it.” she saldI again scores big with his re- '
onorary 0 rlng arson 0 commitment to follow the five gen- ”Anyone teaching in a classroom cont uric-comic release.
eral goals. not any of the specific should be fullIV prepared." Sagan "P099“ Sue Got Married."
3) II()I'I~‘.B.\RHI\\ Legibus. said Larson would be the yers aware of different types of law recommendations he eatdI I said For a review, 3.. ”VII.
(‘ontributing Writer first of three guest speakers to ad- to see how law and society inter- The five general goals 59‘ WI b) lh plans t0 use the ROMS and we m P0906
Commonwealth's Attorney Ray- dress the pre‘law honorary this 59- relate."Stanlev said. the Holmes Group. outlined in its r9- ommendations of the llolmes (.roqu . -
mond Larson. the prosecutor in the mester. ‘ port 'I‘Tomorrows Teachers.I in. and {oi-m them in sun Kentucky's
highly publicized trial of Elizabeth Larson is a graduate of ”(-5. law The [fig Attorney for the Eastern volveIlmproy‘ement of teachers Ipre< education needs.hesald
Turpin and Karen Brown for the school and began practicing law In District, Louis DeFaIaise. is ex- paration and working conditions. ,
murder 1)" Michael Turpin. will ad- l970 He was appointed as (‘ommon— pected to speak at the N0vember and are generally agreed upon. said I The Holmes Group is still in the I
draw “Was Pro legibus at its wealth attorney by Gov Martha meeting. said Dr Robert Ireland, (‘onnie Bridge. former Iassociate initial stages of organization andlly
next meeting at Tao pm tomorrow Layne Collins- m- 1985 following the honorary": facultv adviser. dean of the (ollege of Education. will be a part of that process. La- T I will b. rainy with c
In 228 Student (‘enter Addition. Larr 'Robert's resi n tio Susan Whiteiassistant dean of d- now aprofessor in the department Brecque said
- - - ~ - ~V ‘ g a n. » . . . . 3. ofcurriculuminstruction high in tho W 60" To-
lc‘rw'“ “h” frequently speaks to Larson was elected for a new SIX- missmns at the [niversny of LOulS- .. . .
hl h “hm; mu . about dru is- .- _ . . The No. 1 need in Kentucky , night will to dandy with o
g _ g pg g year term last November. Ville Law School. is scheduled to “The five general goals are we” - ._ - .
s s said he would talk about the . _ .. . , .. . ‘ . - and "at'ona'h '5 that there needs 70 t chomo at ruin
.ue. ‘ Stanley said Larson wasa stern speakinDecember.hesaid, generic. she said "they‘re like to be h n - d't' - W
role 0f the state prosecutor and also but fair prosecutor willing to apple pie and motherhood ,_ no one h hfc ? 89:9 mag?" ' W: m Md 0 low In W 0.70-
answer questions about the Turpin speak tostudents any "me-u Meetings are held the second would quarrel with them," SC 005 or eac rs. ‘ gan 58' ' norm W N M with
trial The honorary. which first estah» Tuesaay 0' every month. Stanley l'K and the University of Louis- 0 Mfli to WI. MU to w
Harland Stanley. 22, a pre-law se- lished a UK chapter in 1968. is in» said. and open to interested stu- “The Holmes Group charter is ville were the only two institutions “
mor and prestdent of Societas Pro tended to “make prospective law- dents. filled with some very specific rec- in Kentucky asked to join the '
I I ‘ . '

 5 l " x KENTUCK v KENNEL. Monday. October 13. 1!“
‘5 i - Information on this calendar of events is collected and coordinated through
I h ‘i‘ 2 . i i- the Student Center Activities Office. 203/204 Student Center, UniverSity of ken-
5 \ ., tucky. The information is published as supplied by the on-campus sponsor, With
5 " i' l 1 editorial privilege allowed for the sake of clarity of expression. For student orga-
i. 17“ nizations or Uniiersity departments to make entries on the calendar. aI (ampus
S” -' E 1 ‘l' Calendar form must be filled out and returned to the Student Activrties Office.
\ - ‘i . ~, ‘ . ~ . . I .
‘. "' 9i :7 Deadline: Forms Will be accepted no later than the Manda) preceeding the
7 : I. \. publication date.
't. r‘t .~ i
1 -. ‘3 \ ..
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\ 1 II~ ‘. ~II;_I‘.II ,I'ii_II
-:'~ x'. 1 ‘i‘ _
.'.‘l‘,' 3.5.;‘ 1 .
JR"? ‘._.I."' A o
i. iii, 3
1'11} “' 5‘. -$ _ p. q, .1." Reading i0 0 Academics Practical Law Planning tor Retirement.
I. .‘ ' - ” “ ‘ , . . i l ' Rm. 215. 7-9
1 _i «“‘if-f'f- . — S." N. . uii S't. 20. Frazee Hail Sine 2:17,? 2233mm P anner S20 session 10 15- Mowes Color Purple 51 95 Worsham Theatre 800
.‘Ir .I- {34;in . » "78867
. T - i“ ‘ ~'.'-‘ . . . ,, ~ ,V. ' Meetings Andrew Greeley - An Evening With Andrew p.m. Co I t 8
'7 .1 : "Hf-f ' ‘ 5' 5 ’ ‘ .. \ e h C p Greeley Newman Ctr Speakers Program) Free UK 10 16, MOVies Color PurPIe $1 95 Worsham Thea re
.13 j ‘I'fI; Centertor Arts 7 30 p m Call 255-8566 of“ 2C0“ 7-3867
{1. Lift {il‘fig ' i . 'Other Delta Gamma Haircuta-thon S7 Sit-tor 10 17 Movies Color Purple'5195 Worsham Theatre 8
-;:x‘ {‘I‘ .‘.- ' ' V; \j‘ 2 WV H .9“ s the makeoirers UKSC-Mezzanine lO»8p m Call 8-8028 pm Call 78867
i .J‘-i'"i‘"“‘il‘ I“; - ' -I r \ IItI I It ~, I: I Co 0 Religious Tuesday Night Together Worship Service , 10 18. Movies: Color Purple, $1.95 Worsham Theatre 8
Q ‘5’?) 311;} 154 l ‘ ., ‘ Baptist Student Union Free 429 Columbia Ave 7 30 p.m. p.m.. Call 78867
"‘3'“ ..1-. is
-, :"" ‘: Isuli'wi . _ I . .I I. .\ pk 'due Free w UK Colt - 3°89
71‘3"; .L'LR‘PJ-L ., . .. ~ . .. (Q. ~ 4:0 ' Seminars Biochemistry , Dr Martin Low
rifthr \i‘.:§\.§' _ .l \. ,\I i. ‘ . L 5 U going Glucosaminyl PhosphatidylmOSllOl Free MN “>3 ‘ P m,
“:‘-,‘r‘:-."‘-“"-“.’."?‘r‘ . , I , f 5 g . “ goii Call?! 5549
”5“,” 1355: 5.33:3. 1 .. WU ‘ 0 Sports Football ticket distribution for L.S U game
"Vii-"339?: {4}"? . . A .... OWE. Careerstor to 18 Freew UKiD MemorialColiseum 9.4 p.m.:Call
.-,. .. ._ . . ’ . . .
3.1;an "it ”if" 5 it: 4 .1 SC 0 m Cail 7 315‘ A JKA $30
't.‘ '3 ilk-3..“ .“_ 9 Meetings Japan Karate ssomotion- ,
I: fll'L“';5.-.’fi.\-tr; semester Alumni Gym lott 628 p m Call 7-1195 ARTS & CONCERTS
.I, .II~I.’I. 7"?" 3 I . O'he( Developing A Lie Detector . United Campus
"53";“31'; Ministry 6 week non creditcourse‘ Free K-House 412 10 17 Plays ‘The Foreigner $5 adult58$3 students
‘9‘ {1'} 1 Rose 7 30 p m Call 254 1881 6' Fine Arts Theatre; 8 p.m.
.‘ "'33" '5'33211’ 0 Other Single Parent Student Seminar - United Campus TO 17 Plays. The Fantasticks - based on a play by
v35"? ”3-154", Ministry tree child care provided: K-House 412 Rose. 730 Edmond Rostand. $6 8 $5 Stu 8 S'- C" GU'Q'ml ”‘90"? 8
..;.-.,.‘_r‘. 53.3;- p m Call 254-1881 . p.m. Call 7-1385 .
5.15.5 {ix-'1“ ‘ 10 16: Concerts. Brass Department Recital Free Reeltal 10 17 Plays‘ 'Talking With »a collection at eleven
; -_-.-,-_i . '- " ' .Ksr cit
. ' '2 s"? Hail, ‘. p.m.. Call 7 4900 extraordinary monologues $5 is $4 tor 5'0
l 3’31"“? 1.)“! 10 16- Plays 'The Fantasticks' ~ based on a play by Briggs Theatre 8 p.m.: Call 71385 .
'~ V,‘ 1“ 3 Edmond Rostand $6 8 $5 for stu 8 sr cit., Guignol 10 17 Concerts, Judy Small - talk singer trom Australia
.12“? i‘ir Theatre: 8 p.m.: Call 7-1385 sings abOut political issues 56‘ Stu UP“)n Theolre 7 3°
:3. ' .'."i‘- -'-“." 10 16: Plays. 'Talking With a collection of eleven p m ’Call 268-8840
2"" 1.52”} extraordinary monologues. $5 8 54 ‘01 5'” 8 5"- c'l‘ 10 19 Exhibits An Age at Gold Three Centuries at
'«11'5'5'»'.‘5'.;}.'I:‘-‘ ' Briggs Theatre. 8 p.m. Call 75385 Painting from Old Ecuador Tues-Sun only UK Art
'3. If: ._!“.‘-; '1“.- 10 17: Concerts. Lexington Philharmonic. Melissa Baber Museum 12.5 p m. Call 75716
341"}f’2'i'V"-'li - I soprano 8 Diana Davidson messo-soprano: 520512.50 10 19- Concerts Center SucndIfiys gages Skip Gray tuba
.- 4-2. , _ .
r‘.‘ -i"- w (Juli. . Concert Hall: 8 pm. Call 7-4900 Free. Recital Hall. 3 p.m., a 7-4
st‘ sen-2t: . a V 1
.-;.2.-, -1-.li -
1."?s~‘.’,‘>.t} L-l 4 A
" '- l‘i- if???"
3" -'-. fr}; . y . q , , (h m readm ' Academics Dental Management at the Normal and SPORTS
5’12; 25.12,: 13"; I i . . U : ' ff. 32 «5‘ Pathological Changes oi Agt"9 $18 00 7‘l0 pm C0” 7’
J: .‘l; - . - - *‘Q 9 S I 2692 10 15 Sports Aikido Japanese Martial ArtBeginner
,chIII .III..III.III.I'I’IIII,‘I 1" , . f- 19.1 i- no )Dr mg erneS er . Concerts BTOSS DQDOF’m‘PV" Recital Free Recital Hall Classes Free Alumni Gym 101' 8 30 D m Call266-0102
’-;‘r: zw’iu'r . c ll 7 4900 - r m .USL . Rolex Free
r'.“w’. Its . , , . . ,1. ., ,. i '9'“ 0 1016 Sports. UKMens en svs
,’ 1’53; . ‘ ' ‘_ ‘ K ‘ Q ”S'Udep -Meetmgs UK Tob'elenmoub “99 5°°'°" C" 7' , Latoyette LA Call254-4072
I 1153.41Lir97521 _ , _ ..I ‘r. V -.. . 'GC'WG l0 P ”- C9” 25? NB“ . 8 10 13- Sports UK Women s Volleyball vs. Purdue. F199 10 16 Sports UK Men s Tennis vs Southern Iiite Free
I; II-.I.,I,I- I .. .,.. : . g 1 Free Rm “Q o Mavies Color Purpie Si 95 Worsham Theatre 19 m w UK ID $3-pub' MemorialColiseum 7-30p.m.' Call 7. Lalayette LA Call 254.4072
I "Mi-"1' ' ’ Yr 5 «N “"788“ 1419 10 185 t UKt tb 11 L s u Commonwealth .
.; .1 -.~. I" . I par 5 00 0 vs.
ig-ivifi- w“?! . I. . . c .: e 'neotre 800 'Omer BOSSSDOV b t t , 10 13-5P°"Svl‘°°'b°”“(“5”D‘smbu'w"l°’L'S'U'9"me StodiumCol'7-3838
.f {1'7“ ' ‘ ' 0 Other Collete at Home Economics Okto er 95 ’_ (10 181, Freew UKiD Memorial Coliseum. 8»8 p.m. Call 10 ‘9 Meetings. UK Badminton Club Free Segton Ctr
2'3 _',~"~;."'-;,{I' f; ' S 5" Student Advisory CounCil Free Memorial Hall Ampith 5-6 7315] 2 30 p m Call 35157
...’-: (" :'.i‘- I , - . - ~_,><_: g‘a‘”' T J . . . . 2 . . .
{Ti-«(‘14 ”(it - . II . .. I .. I II {OMB 8028 p in Call8202o~1 | b d d 10 14. Sports Football ticket distribution tor L S U. 90cm: 10 19: Sports AikidO Japanese Marital Art Beginner
.',{-.‘-‘-.I'rr“‘,i Tl!“ ' "" ’ ‘ E e 0 Plays The Fantasticks based on 0 PIOYIII Y E "‘80" (10 15). Freew UKID Memorial Coliseum 9-4 p m 0 Classes Free Alumni Gym 1 p m Call 266-0102
..c ,. _ _ _» ,, r. H . .. “9.), r~
rt"! - ' R t d SbSSStorstu &sr cit Gulgno T eotre 7-3151 . . ,
i '15" ”flirt! ’ 5 'h S? A S“. b. a.“ a V (I. 90:1 0“Call 7 1385 10 15' Sports Football ticket distribution tor L.S.U, game 10 20. $305; l;ootballJiIiIkDetIItiistrgbugiIocnolIcisreSIenorIgigip m
‘. 4.}‘I‘A.I.tf,/‘i.:l' . g _R . . . . . I I em 1 I
{3,123 "Ii-""2? . t .; 3b. . Plays talking with .o collection of eleven (lo 18): Freew UKID- Memorial Coliseum, 9-4 p m. Call 321?: (31151 , ree w
'4-"".-r.-A .. , . i, . L . 1
I‘,I"j:_- =.I,,-Ir:_l_.'.I-‘>SI£'I.Q‘ ' ' . 5'; ‘1 HI 1:992:30» | 5 3O extraordinary monologues $5 8 $4 lor stu. 8 sr. Cit. 7-3151
‘5"‘5‘,‘..-'E.i{...5;.'{“’,2":_ i i ‘_ . i l 1,1. \ cgus ‘ e ape Briggs Theatre 8 p m Coll 7-1385 hl F
“..,"":7"',"25“"t 1r . 0 Religious Fellowship of Christian At etes. tee:
. I J“. I‘I_:III_, , 1. .I . \. ‘ V‘ Aflorrho WC” ADP I 1
.. ,r.‘ A, ,I I--..‘r} I I I h Kirwat‘ 1 Basement 9 p m, Call 8-6872 LECTLI
_,IU- rylztg'l'l; I ' 'I ' "J ~ V D“ “9 S phos Free MN 0 Religious D 8 L Grill , Baptist Student Union 51.“). MEETIN GS &
{5. 5’ Edi-’5’?- . . I. 2 . ., i- I _ I lr I S U ame 429 Columbia Ave Noon Call 73989 I I . 10 16: Meetings Japan Karate Assooatioh ~ JKA .
rv’y‘u: . 1 .II . :8 g 5. . ‘2': 1:1,;le Q 4 pg"- Call - Seminars Robert W. Tott . 'IN:w Peggeccgives :InhAcinIdéo $30 semflier Alumni Gym lott 5:30-6:30 pm (0117,
‘I~_I,I4 .‘I; ." II. , _ . i’ C. c- . . t f h '5 ree em Y? I
III .;!_r.‘.:‘-."';}:F>": 1’ base Chernis rv re res men I I A E enm WIIIII 1195 III I F Rm IOJA
.i’é"'~t'r".'-.'-5r‘l . . .. .. . thnIror‘ homing Call 9 in Call 7 3484 10 14 Meetings: Andrew Gree ey~ n v 9 I 10 16 Workshops Job Searc Stra egies ree
-‘—- (51:1 . l i I i A. A ‘ l 7 ' 59mm)” B'OChemlSer ’ Mr Thomas Webster I Andrew Greeley' (Newman Ctr. Speakers Program., Free Mathews Bldg' 5530 p m, Call 7-2746
5/ 3 I' ’K‘: . V . , . II: :w-«ushops Free Rm Structure 8. Requlatior; ot the Galactose Gene- Free, MN UK Center '0' Arts: 7,30p.m.; Call 255-8566 10 17: Lectures: 'The Book As Art . by William Hennessy
75': 3'. i :._: -,'_:- ~ , . -- _ f I 2 463 3 p m Cal 3554 , . I . t' I JKA- $30 I 1 Lb N ‘Noon Call 75895
2- 2-..".‘.-"-.~r.‘:" .2 - . ~ ., s ; -~ La‘ 2746 10/14, MeeTlngS, Japan Karate Assocto ion Free, King i rory .. .
~.f ‘it?'\'_.k’:;_='£‘;'.- . . . . .51 c ”-0 at on and . Meetings Japan Karate frigging“ Call 7 mmester' Alumni Gym loft. 6-8 pm , Call 7-1195 10 17 Meetings UK Badminton Club, Free Seaton Ctr
2i.-..i. 5.1.3.: " - . *- ‘i' \ '0'»- ' ’ t . m. - ,
_ . . . ,. _;:, he? pm tisgc ~p m ‘30 semes’el A'Ummc’lm ° p i0 15:Meetings.Cycling Club meeting: Free' Rm. 106 7.30.9me CaiI3-5157 I
ll: Nettle)“ ”95 F R 103A Student c" 830 p m 'Call 254-7765 10 17.5eminar The NIH Grant ReView Process , Juanita
"'l .", 'si-" . . m. . . . . - . .
'_‘<":l.rf,-.ii13;.7‘;—:., 'W°'*S';°pssjggge°:h SC';filfg'7e:6 we io 15: Meetings- Food ior Thought; ‘lntro to Creative w, Flaming RN. PhD. F.A,A,N Free HSLS Rm 502M;
(' r»- {5'35 ‘ :11» Mathews . d' l ' L Visualization 8 MEditation (bring sandwich,l Free. Rm 119 B Noon»l p.m.. C0” 3'5‘06
33-1? (32.791215 '5 sc; Noon. Call 73295 10 17- Workshop? Unde'st°"d'"9 J°P°"°5° A”
""'{""' ‘ 'l'll iJ Art 520 Rm 254$tu Ctr 830
lfi(’ :5". ‘4 RID A Y 1 SA RD 10 15: Meetings Students tor the Exploration and Overview 0 apanese .
'3 .13, ,< , Development oi Space~SEDS-, Free Rm 115 sc 7p m, 11 30am IICrIiIll wield I d I AII Ikebana
E‘""':""H‘"-"E§' 10 17 War 5 ops n ers an ing apanese ,
.- " i... -..=»\."» -". " Cal1233-1200
5": ‘li'lr‘zr‘gls'ég‘ ’ o no ~ c Melissa BOD?’ 9 Meetings College of Law KY Bar AssOCiation 10 15: Seminars Psy. Grad. School seminar 2 Psi Chi Japanese FéoyyjrsAsngangement $35 Rm 254 Stu Or 1
c-l.s.‘f1-i‘.'~"‘"5 . . , .r 1" '~ t" " . . . l . . C ”276-1490 430 m. a -
‘i’i,.-’:‘Tr;l‘4‘ ., ~ . .. - "essci soprano $20-$12 50 meeting brunch members Onlyl Free 209Law Bldg. 9'] Free, CB Rm 106Part|6p m I 8 30p "1 0 10 1: M etin s College of Law 2 KY 80' ASSOCIO'W‘
-”r-‘-',"-‘-=.‘}'-‘5e . ~. ‘49): p m Call7~8321 10 16. Meetings: UK Table Tennis Club Free Seoton Ctr in ebrungh 'membersonly‘ Free 209 Law Bldg 9 i
~‘six‘1‘,\ . . — . A. A” tw William HenneSSY 9 Movies Color Purple $1 95 Warsham Theatre 5 P-m 7-l0 132'“ (011252-7081 3‘: ICE” 7‘832k
\I \L‘Ie'I‘ 3;; - ’. 'i ,. TIJ- ‘ 58°5 ‘ 1 Coll 7.8867 TD 16, Religious Fellowship at Christian Athletes Free 10 18 Other College of Allied Health Protessmns
. . ‘ ;..: '. gL~._»,.-'-i , . . . . . g; tree Seoton Ctr 3k 0 Other Sweetest Day Kirwan l Basement 9 p.m., Call 8-6822 . _ . C 11
'-‘ " .r'~.:'.‘r‘. l R C ll 7.315] , . . . . Saturday SemH'VOl’S. Free. ES Good Barn Noon 2 p m a
V3114) “.13.? ItI. . . Other Phi Kappa Psi Pi Phi Bicvc e 0C? 0 10. 16: Religious. D 8. 1. Grill - Baptist Student Union $1.00 7-2622
fi;i'1tl;:'fi¥;";l;Ti: ' I b I: Q S as “armor" Theatre 8 p m . O'her College 0* Allled Health Professions Saturdzgy ‘29 Columbia Ave. Noon CO” 7-3989 10 18- Other College of Communications Ethics and the
‘\' ‘i'liiz‘pz. : Seminars Free ES Good Barn Noon 2 p.m. C0” 7'26 10 16: Seminars. RobertW. Tatt~ 'New Perspectives in P ‘ ' ns (The Case at Journalism)‘ Free 18th lloor POT
’:‘:"::Ii;§"§.§.iitlr , , . , _; . . S: o.) .‘ts 8 S3 students Fine - Other College of Communications Ethics and the Acid~base Chemistry (retreshments): Free 137 Chem Phy, 3r:)I:;I)ssioIII call 72622
.I II 3&5'15‘13253’: ’I I _ I Protessmns The Case 0+ Journalism' Free 18th “001' P013 3;30 p.m.: Coll 7-3484 ‘6 118‘ gther ASlD _ wane, Morris Memorial Scholarship
:‘ti'i 1:51.»). - . ~ - -2 f1q\c'~‘.0 Olav by Edmond 3-4 30 p m C0” 7 7627 I . 10 16: Seminars: Biochemistry - Mr. Thomas Webster Com etition 0 en '0 Jr 8. Sr members Free ”3
Iléngr‘. :If‘I; 2?. -. 5 - 5 . . 2.7 .Qnr‘i- Theatre 8 a n~ o Other ASlD Walter Morris Memorial Scholarship 'Structure 8 Regulation of the Galactose Gene Free MN P if; I C‘bll 277‘7318
."1I"';' competition open to Jr 8 Sr members Free 113 463; 3 p.m,; (0113.5549 un ouse . .
‘,.-‘=';\t', 1:. 7‘5’,"’. - . y ~ ~, -- e- tron 0t eleven Funkhouser Call 277 7318 ,
21313 .1'1 93‘: . - 4 . \ $5- 8 SA ‘or stu 8 8' C" I Plays The Foreigner $5 adults 3 S3 STU .F'ne Ans
~t“.'l “41.43.", . 1, .
.t to, 311.? .;. . . . -~_ .. o 355 Theatre 8 p m
~.'v"."--.'.‘r-i;’,.’.r."‘:".i'.‘.i:, . - , r. t. . y 4:... 9w P-nress Juanita W 0 Plays The ””05"“ b°sed 0" a play be Edmond 3:? SPECIAL EVENTS
t‘i . a -> , . A A -. r-ee H8181?!“ 502MB Rostond SoESSlOrStu asr cii GuignolTheatre: 8 fix}
'i‘-"-_-,rr."'l'1""‘i‘.i‘ .Ig . I C ll 7 1385 I . I
-. . - " . p m o . . lo 15: Academtcs Cooll-abOI’O'Ot'Y Te¢h""'°" "0"”"9
[III-{hi};14,3325: . . 1 _ t, .q t ..q JapcanesIIeIgrtI I 03:;erwew o Playds Talking VtI/ith - a cglzcgosrlftaeslrevzr Briggs Call 7-2847
...t' ".3 ”e“; 'x - . , - g1 ” ~- 15.: (to tr ., O 1'“ traor inory mono o ues . - I . . _ n
' III-I.I’U'i .II V Theatre 8 p in Call 791385 10 13: Workshops, Learning Skills Program Reading to 10035. AIcaIererrIigcas7 EEO-(“lnszxgngligrngiiibffgmi: at
an. ‘ - . , . rm
-..«._i‘.-..;r~2..- :13; t '. . . . - , M... .~,- ”11"(; Japanese Art - lkebot‘o - sports UK football vs L S U Commonwealth Stadium Remeber‘ SiO-UK Stu, - S25 Non UK Stu 201 Frazee Hall re m 0 e. h 1') b9 I dad in the Spring Semester
7:1 ZEJ-I..I,II,'.,’rJ;t-I ' _ . ,, 9“; 535 Rm 254 Stu Ctr 1 Call 73838 3-3:50p.m,, Call 7-8701 undergrads v1.5 ing a e inc u
.m H . H ‘- «r- . I _ I . .. I
rill-.1135 Flt nil , ._, - Workshops Understanding Japanese Art . Joptznese 10. ”(0.15.7133 Print Sale. 206 Student Center. 10 6 I/deItglrgIfigln Delta Gamma Haircut-o-thon $7 $3
3 -' -.'"“:-".'>~Ti3";i‘r - 2 a 1 ~ .. mow twAusiroiro Brush coiiigrophv Workshop 535 Rm. 230% Stu. tr.: p.m.‘ a - I makeoveIs UKSC-Meuanine‘ 108;) in, Cannon
'i£.":.'.j"l~fl;";{.i’r' , . , 8* «,i i." . Theatre 7 30 8 3O 12 30p m Call 7 3861 1° ‘3} Other Yom Kippur 10 15 Other ‘Talking With -A collection at eleven
..: 531-135“?- 2'.) 1 . . Worksho 5 understanding Japanes Art- Formal Tea 10 13, Other. Columbus Day Observed .
""1555“. ”‘1“: V. ’ 1 C n 525) Pres Rm Stu Ctr 224 30 pm, Call 73861 10 13; Seminars Integrative Studies Seminar on Lewis extraordinary monologues $58 $4 tor stu 8 st cit
l='i't“;'-e"i‘-9-ti’~'v 6”“0 V ' the Children at Sanchez' Free 137 ChemrPhy 7 30 pm, Briggs Lheatre‘ SSTCCaII 71385 W ldH ger Do
"'1'" ”5'3"?“ 10 15, eigious' oy ammunion or un Y
i 1.5 r, . Call 3-5563
.7"! '3'}; '1 ; Til-10.13- Workshops Special Interest- Alternative Careers (Canterbury FellOWSP’Pl‘ Free 5'- AUQUS'me Chapel 5 3O
.; 3.5.1533 .5553; tor Teachers; Free: Rm, 103A Mathews Bldg “sopm; p.0mI.'5C:ell 254.372: h I I M Martha we” ADP
" n".'..'_‘;" ”wilt: (“”4746 l : minors iac emis ry» Is,
, if)?! 13:35-55"; I I O N D Y 10 14: Academics. Practical Law: Planning for Retirement Ribosyl Protianrgagse‘gGlutamyl Ribose 5-phos Free MN
it, ,'-",:.'-' . ‘ ' i l
' 121.2,; :- ...r'.r,.‘~ A F' ' lPlanner $20 session, Rm. 215. 7-9 463 401“” 0 - __
”wit 4 '53:}! I l" 1 9 S L/ l\ D A Y 20 M 3:52:11; 253000 10 15- Workshops: Resume Writing Workshcgps Free Rm
',;:-'-:. "';I-‘:_:r . .. - I II I
{7-52 t'r-T 40’? lo 14: Other: Delta Gamma Haircut-a-thori; S7 sartor 103A Mathews Bldg. 3 3.50pm.. Call 7 274 h' u I d
.,-;'.-.": "I"; 13‘ - T tT k’ '310 k ‘ UKSC-Mezzanine 1028p m Call 8-8028 10 '15' Religious: Wednesday Evening F°H°ws 'p' m e
.2: _ wigs-"z, I . I A I‘ r”. a “wee Centuries ot Painting a Workshops Learning Skills Program as a ing. - mo eovers, I . . I . M' . ' (food fellowshipfli worshipl Free K
. i. ._... - t — . ' ' . .
We?" 'r‘ 'isffifi' . ~ r .2 , en uK Ar~ Museum 12 5 UK Stu S25 Non UK 201 Frazee Hall 1.1 50 pm Call 7- 10 14. Religious. Tuesday Night Together Worship Servtce Campus ""5 'Y Call 25‘ 1881
.Iwi ..r , "1'2 '3. 2 m r. i 8701 - Baptist Student Union, Free: 429 Columbia Ave; 7:30 House :lmsa: 6 gnI lMa agement ol the Normal and
r 2' ,'.- r ...-,2, - , “7.3,” to 16: c mics: n a n
.1 -,i .117 ‘ . . , .. I A adem cs Teachin Pro rams taculty complete p.m.,Ca . _ I , . ”7
15.31-13.38“; ' V h K a?“ 80:30 Skip Gray who admisC