xt7228051b0q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7228051b0q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-07-05 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, July 05, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 05, 2007 2007 2007-07-05 2020 true xt7228051b0q section xt7228051b0q DE11'111'11111



Profs play earn

By Britney McIntosh

{15.11.311311111111.".11' 11,111

1 1:;111 11.111. .11'11 \.1111'_\ .111111'\
".\111111'11' \ \\111111'11~ 111 11'». 111.111

111-11.111 111'1.1'i1111111_:: 111'1'

(‘1 1 1 1111M 1.

1111111131 UK women's 1111811111111111 coach takes
assistant 11111 at Texas


111 1111' [11.11 1 11.1111 111111.111111'. 11111 |



111'1.111\1' 111111's 1\ 1111111 1111' 111.11
11111411 .111111111'1111'1'1‘1111.1‘.1»E 1111'111
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\111‘ \11111.

'1 1:111 .1 \111111111'1 11'\1';11'1'h 1:1:1111
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. 111\lz\1\‘5()1 1N1)11’1.\'1)1\‘( 1'

new [IDS

[1'11 ’1, 3111f

1711111110111. 111v1ews for this week‘s


111111.115 111 811111111 N‘W"

8 French debut


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1 ‘. , .. ‘
1‘11 »V.1\11.1.11 .. 1- ,1. . . , 11,1111.»


Trustees’ committee approves Samaritan transaction

1111' 1:\1'11111\1' ('111111111111'1' 111
UK\ 81111111111 '|111\t1'1'\1111.11111111111x
I)‘ 1111pr1111'11 1111 111 $711 11111111111 1‘1'1
d;1_\ 111r 111111111111: 1111' purrhaxc 111
S11111.1n't;111 11111111141

“Thu 11.111\.I1111111 1\ 11111111 1111‘
l‘K," \11111 131‘ \11111.11'| K111'111. l'K‘x
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1111.11rs. 111 :1 11mm 1‘1'11‘11s1‘, "lt'x 14111111
1111' Sumanlan. A1111 11's 11111111 1111‘ 11111'

"Sumnrtttm has 11111;: 111'1'n 1111 1111'
p11r111nt health care pr1111111'1‘ 111r
n11rth Lexington. 1111s tr;111x.11'tt1111
11111 ensure that 1'11111111111'\ ”

'i‘hc full 1‘11x1 111' 1111' 11'.111\.11111111
111111 be waived mm 1111' 111'11 11'11
)1'.trs'. Katrpt \‘11111 I'1t1x 1\ 11111 1111'

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1111\1111111 111111'111'1'

I .\i111ut 8“ 11111111111 111r 1111' l1
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1111' 1111\1111111 111111 11111 111111‘ 111.11'1' 11\1'1'
1111' 111'11 1111' \1‘1'11\

I .\1111111 \IR 11111111111 1111 11.111~
111' 1111111'1'1'11 11\.-1 1111' 111'\t 1\111\1'.11\

First issue free. Subsequent issues 25 cents.


N_ursin protessor, 'inspiration'
(1195 a er long Illness

1.111 (1111'111.111 (1111“ .1~\1\1.1111
1111111‘\\111 .11 1111‘ [k (.11111‘1‘1' 1‘1

\111x111}: 1111111'11'1.11111.111' 111111'1.1111,

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\\\.1111111 1111 111111'1'1' 111 1111' 1111111.
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(1111“ \111111' 111.11 \111' \1.1\ .111111111'11
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1111‘ 11‘1‘1‘.1\1‘

1111' (‘11111'111' 111 \111'x1111: 11111
1111111 .. ‘1'1\111' 11111111“ \1111'111111\ 1'1


11 ‘1'1" 11 1611\1’ L ‘11“ .1.‘

.11111'11'1 1 1&1,

1.111% ' 1111- “'1; 1111111111'111.111'1




By Blair Thomas

t1tt1on1as tikykernel com

1111' \1111111' 111 1111' Work-Lite bcn—
1'111x package passed 11} 1111' UK
H1111r11 111‘ 1111\11‘1‘N on April 24 has
111'1'11 1111'1'x11111111111'11 h_\' 0111' 111‘ the
111'111'1‘11x 11 1111’11111C\. x1111] Stuff

Trustcc Rum

“1 hated that vot— “““"'”“:
. 4 "11 1x '11
11‘1gaga111stone 1'1'111111 1‘1)‘
aspect meant “”3“”:959":
\111 111111111111
11181 1 W851 1111111111 111' 111'11 111-111'—
. 1 1 1 x . ..
”9811151 1119111 111111111111 11111.
ail.” "1)111111'\111‘
11.11‘1111'1 hence
PENNY BROWN 111‘ 11.1111111111'
11>[11'1‘1 111' 11
111.11 1'.\1'1'\,~1\c
.1111'11111111 1x 1111'1‘xh111111111ng thc wv

1'1'.11 111111'1' 11111111114111 changm."

l'K \1111111'\111;111 .111} 111111111111 \11111
111 .111111111111 111 t1111x1' 111'111'1'111. 1111'
“11111 1.111' puckugc \1111:

I 1’1'1111111' 11 1111111111 discount for
:1 spouse. [1111'1111'1 111' 11111' dependent
111 1'11111111)1‘1'\ 111111 11;1\1' \1111‘k1'11 111
1 1\ 1111' 11! 11'.1\1 11111' _\1'.11‘.

I 11111111 11111 11111 1'1111111'.11'1' 1'1'11‘
11'1x 1111' 1.1.1111) .11111 1111 11111' 11111
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“111111111111.\11'11111' .11111 1111' other 111'11r
\1111111(‘.11111111\1111 l'11111'1'x111 (‘1111rt.

I (‘11'.111' .1111.11111111.11 1111111'1r1u111—
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:11111 1'111‘1'1'1'.111\.1111'1'1111'1'11 1111' x11111. 111«
111111111}: 1: 11111111111' 1:1r1'1‘1'1'1111ns1'111r.
.1 1'11111111111'1 1111111 111'11g1.1111 111111 1111;111-
11..1 1111'1'1111‘11'~ 1111 1'.11'11111g .1 (11:1).

I \1111 .1 ~1.111‘ 1111'111111'1' and 1117
1 1'1'.1~1.' 1111111111; 1111‘ 1111' “1111—1110 1111
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1.11111' \1-1'111'1'x .11111 111'11g1'.1111~

"1'111'1'1' 1111' \11 1111111} 111'“ things
\1'1~1t) 111111 111'x1'111' prune 1'r11n1
\1.111' 111'1'11'1.11\ 211111 1111111 1111' campus
.11111 1111.11 1'111111111111111." \Vllltums
\11111. ‘11 1x .1 111.11111' that 11 111'111111'11
“1111' 11111- 11111111'xt11' 111111111'1' 111'111'1‘111
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\11111 11111'11'1'1 1111'1'111111'[11'111111x11l

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,1~;1.'11 1111'11111 111.11 I 11111 11111111:
.1};'.1.11\1 1111'111 .111." [1111\111 x1111].
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11111 I 11111 11111 1'11111111' 1111'11\1 .,1 \1111'
1111‘ 11111111'xt11 11.11‘1111'1 1'11'111'111x"

L111‘1111111c111 1111 1111: ruined 1111111
111111 111 1111' “1111 1,111' 1x11111111: 111-
1111111113: 111.111§_'1'1 111.1111' 111 1111' 1111111111—
1'.1111111~ 1111' 1111' .1111111~111111\111‘1'11 111'—
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1‘11111'1 1111' 111'1'111111\ 1112111. 44 111
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111111 ~.11111' \1'\ [1.11'1111'rx 111111 1(1 111111
ampuxttc \c\

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111 5111111. 1111111'1‘ 1111' 111131111111
111.111. 1'1\' 111'1111'1'11'11 111111 372 cm-
1111111'1'1 111111111 1'111'1111 1111‘ 11111111'st11'
11:11'1111'1' 111'111'111\ 111 1111' 111'“ 1hr1‘1‘






. 1 11111111111 [1111(111151’51181111111111311 Hospitai

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your IIIIIIV dose III Ulllelldlllmelll, pop culture and Ian kernel ‘ Ql

W Go to www kykeinel com for the solution
I _



2 43















By Linda C. Black


.\riex I.\larch
'l'IIdII} Ix Ii (III?



\IIIiiiex plague
Iii.i_\ xecIII iie\\ IIIiI lIIIIlI IIIIxI-r
l_\ lheI'ic




had in

'l‘aurus I.-\pril 20 Ma) 2m
'lIIIIa} Ix .i (I \IUUI'
IIIeiidx Ihe IIexI IiIIeiI
IIIInx IIIII Ihe; IIIIII'I all hang


hax e

cIImmIIII xciixe He .Ix


Ihem inIIaIIIlci IexIIIiiI'ex
(II-mini I‘la) 2| .liiiie III
UIIII l lg'l


'l'IIda} ix aii ‘
)IIIi'i'I- I]l.ll\lll‘,‘ IIH'»\
peciall} applicx III yum IIIIII
peIiIiIIii lIic_\'ll IIIIIIlII II'x


lhix cx


mIIIe Ihaii iI ix

('aiieer I.Iune 22 Jul) 22I

lIIda} ix .1 [i\plIII'e
Ill\lIllll IIpIiIIiIx \II'IUIIII}. iI III
.ill pIIinlIIe, l)IIIi‘I go all Ihe
“In II\I-i' Ihei'c ll‘» IeiinIiiig

Leo IJuI) 23 Aug. 22I
IIIIla} ix .1 (I HIIld IIII IIn
I c.I\e _\IIIii in\iii}_'x IlllIl\l .Iiid
\IIII‘ll he IhaIilxIIil l.IIcI

\ irgo I-\iig. 23 Sept. 22)
l)IIii'I II) III
.thicw .I IIIIla)
[here he IIIII man). \IilIl eiiiII
llIIIlIIl I‘lIIaIinI;
IIIIILIIIII \chcdule IIIIII kll\{ll\'
xIIIii IIIi .IiIIIIhei Iime,

liilIra ISepI. 23 ()et. 22)

lIIIla} ix .I l'iIIIIi'Iu

\IIII IIIII'I ieall)

xlIillx )II'IIdL‘ .Icqiiiiiiig
liinIc III dII IlIIllj.l\ a diI


lIIIla) ix II 5



iIaIclI Iixc

Scorpio (Oct. 23-\II\. 2II

lIId.I_\ Ix a (I Be
\Illk‘llll iIIII\_ \\Illl thIppiiIg.


lIIiIiiIg and xelling; II .II all

pIIxxIlIlIz pIIxIpIIIIe .Ill IhaI

quII IiiiIil IIImIIiiIm
Sagittarius IVIII. 22 Dec.
'lIIIla} ix .I (I lI‘x
Ier} impIIiIaiII III he Iiiiual
.IhIIiiI Ihix deal IhaI‘x iIIIi IlL‘lI'I
I‘llglll‘c IIiiI \Ihal II Ix
(‘apricorn ”Me. 22 Jan.
I9I (it!
Iiex and IIIIi'ie gum; III ecI a
IliIIcicnI \ieu III hixIIIi} .'\ll\l.
Ihe} all came III diIIcieiII I'IIII
IliiinInx ('heclI II IIIII
Aquarius (Jan. 2” Feb.
IX) 'l'IIda} Ix a _ (‘IIiiIIii
Iie III e\ei'cixe gIIIId Indgmem
\Ihcn thIppiiIg \IIu‘Il
haIe III inhihiI )IIIIi‘ IIaIIiiaI
geiIei'IIin}, l)IIn.IIe Iimei IIII
IIIIII inIIIie). IIIi' llII\\
l’ixcex (Feb. [9 March
20) i'IIIlIi} |\ .I V \IIII
ma} Ieel like jIIIIi‘ic iIIII maL
iii}: iIIIiIh PIUIJI'L'\\I lIIiI IhIII'x
IIIII i'eIIllI II‘UC \IIII‘Ic L'Clllllf:
mIII iiI-II Iei'iiIIIi‘y xII iI‘x \\!\c‘
In piIIIeeIl \\lllI \IIUIIHII







we Di

(III. II.II‘II' l’aiciIIhuud Lk'l'
I.Iml_\ iniIx I\L‘II R|.l\\cll and
\haiie l)e.ii\ “hen Ihc |l\'\\|_\
\chx Iiealed Iheii iIiIIiIIlI IIld
xIIIi. kiwi. III xIIiIie xiiiI .II Ihe
xlIIIIe iII lIiIIIIlIIIIII Jam 34', a
\\IIIII‘xx Icllx llx. llIc "“allicxx”
xI.Ii. Il.»\ax a picIuie III pIiIlI- ax
lici cIIiiIiIII'IIIi liIilIlII III l‘xllll
iiiIIiIllIx. Ill \IIIIPPL'kl pliIIIIIx III
lici .Iiid Iheii handled lIalIe 'She
\\.Ix giggling. x.I}x Ihe IIiilIIIIlIci'
III Ihc paii \\hII Iheii cuddled .Ix
IlIc) xI.iieIl IIIII .II [he qu‘I "'l'he}
er-iii like III-i} Iaimgz paieiiIx ‘

Julianna Margulies —
Engaged to a Hunk!

.\\ .IiI Illll\‘\\I lIIlianiia Mai-
cIiliex hax gIIIIen plenII III pi’II
pIIxIle I”! gm .1 lIII III piixIIII chr
xhe x IIIkcII lm gum; III
IliIIci'eiII gun" I, lIiiI Ihe xIai.
Jl. hax IIIMIl}
IIIIm liei lIeaIi III II _\e.Ii, \\'(‘
lawn-i KeiIh l lk‘hk‘l'lllIll. U \III
Iliai hex Ii IIIIiglI xell
.I||_\ nice guy xaIx Ii pal. \\hII
lllal .II llIIIIIIiIl la“
him" ‘HL'I II'II IliIl iiIII icIIii'n


”IIL' \ .1 IC’


Drea ls Gearing Up
for Baby

”\\e Iccl IIRL‘ lIx II pill”
l)icII dc XIIIIIL'II Icllx l x II? [he
mm mm xhe .IiiII hei lII\c III xi\
Icaix. \IIIIIIIei ,lk'llllIIIL‘N Illk‘ c\-
paling: II. l)ccciiilIci \\II_\ .’

HeIaIIxe liii :cIIiii; \\|LIL'I III'
xIead III pIIiiiIIci. x.I)x Ihc “lIi’II
III-ii l.iI_~;l.xlI" \‘IIll. ‘5 ‘Im a
l‘c.1\l" \III III IIIL‘ L‘}L‘\ III IIL‘I'
ZN '\IIIiIe .IIIIa/iiigz 'I‘hal‘x iiIII


Keri Russell and son River's
Day at the Beach


Ii'nc'” he Ieaxxui'ed liei .II Ihe
Ili'aniax lune IX NYC pI'CIIllL‘I'L‘.
thIIi'e proclaiming III l'x. "Shex
IIeaIiIiI‘Iil' '

Paula Abdul ——
Meet My New Man!

\\ heii xhc Men In” Ihe cane
Illex IIiI her hii‘lhda) cake June
I”. Paula \lIdiil didn‘I haIe III
\Iixh IIIi’ lme: She‘x .ili'ead}
IIIiIiid II? l'IIi' Ihe past mIIiiIh. Ihe
”.'\IIIL‘I'II'.III lIlIIl" hIIxI hax been
dalmg i‘exIaiirIIIeIii' .IT 'IIIrrcr
:JIIIIII. \\ hII Ihi‘e“ a 45th hii'Ihda}
Iai'I) IIII' her at Kclchup. Ihe
\'exI HU”)\\IHRI eaIei‘} he cII-
II\\iix ”YIIII I‘IIIild Icll xhe \\a.x
xII lIapp} III he \IiIh him." xa)x a
\\iIiiexx .II Ihe hale which III
eluded lIIIIl .IlIImx JIIi'diii Spai'kx.
Blake l.c\\ ix and (‘hi’ix Richard
xIIiI "l‘heI \\L‘I‘C cuddling all
iiighI“ l‘he xIai‘ I\\hII ha» a no“
real”) thI\\. He\ Paula. IIII Bra-
I.III and Ihe Dulce (‘Ii'IIiip paiI
nei'. III mcI Ihi‘IIIigh thank. and
a xIIui'ce my [hair ahead}
Well} xeriIqu "She inIi’IIducex
Iim III e\er\IIne ax hei'
hIIIII‘iend.” Ihe liixidei' Iellx l'x
‘lIx reall} cIIIe hII\\ xhe’x xII
iniiIIeii "

Heidi & Seal's
Diamond Life

'lIIIii‘ing Ihe \‘HII‘III ma) be
owning. IIIII. Seal Iellx L‘x. ”m)
Ia\IIriIe Ihing III dII righI iiIIII.
xiiice l \e been on the mad . . . ix
III iiixI lIe “Illl Ihe I'aniil} " SII
IhaIx \IhaI Ihe xingei‘. 4-1. did
June III. IIIiiIiiig hix \\iIe. Heidi
Klum ImIIni In their xIInx. III-
haii. " mIIiiIhx. and Hem}. 2|
mIIIiIhx. .Iiid hei daIIghIei; Leml
III III .\'e\\ YIII‘II (‘iI_\ at a II‘Ie
“IIU dexigneIl Ihe cIIIiplc x \\ edr
ding I‘ingx. And Ihe l’i'IIiecI Run
\\.I_\ hIIxI. 3-1. gnxhex III l'x III
hcr hIixlIand. "He hIiIx me Ihe
lIexl Ie\\ clr_\ '"

Skinny-dip Hiiinks
Ior Ali tartar!

()ii .I reIenI hIIlida} in
H;I\\'IIIL I\li Lai'lei' planned Ihe
pei'IecI dale \HIII lIIIe H;i_\ex
MacArIliui‘ Ihe‘x alxII her cIIxIar
in Sepleiiihei’x “National Lani
pIIIIn'x HIImII Erecqu'W. "'l‘here
“ax Ihix gIIi‘geIqu lagoon . V . xII
Ihe drexx came I)” and in l
\IeiiI," Ihe HerIIex xIar. 3l. Icllx
l'x. BuI IheiI~ dip “CHI aur)
Iiheii a _|eil_\'»Iixh xiung her arm
"II xlaned IIuI ax a rIImaiIIic renr
de/mux.” xhe in_\x. "and ended
up in the ER?"

Courteney & David's
Enduring Romance

(‘IInxidei‘ing hIm man} HIIl
IIIIIIIId iiian‘iagex crumble. hm»
IlII ('IIIirIene) (III and [)a\id
Ai‘qucIIe defend their eighI-Iear
IiiiiIIiI .Igaiiixi Ihe ine\iIahle xIII-
i‘iex IhaI Ihe} IIIII are on the mad
III SpliIinlle’ "When we gei
IhIIxe callx \.\e IlixI ,xa} “e love
each IIIhci’." Ihe acIIIr. 35. Iells
Is The} cei'Iaiiil) IIIIIked cII/_\‘
.liine ll aI LAIx KIIMIIL “here
Ihe .IcIi'exx. ~13. hIIxIed an eIenI
launchingv Ihe charit} TrshirI line
()miiiPeace. which hencIiIx Mil-
lcnnium l’rIImixe. a nonprofit
working III end ein‘eme pmerI).
"(‘IIui‘Ieiie} and David .xecni
\ci'} xiiiiggII." xaid a \inness at
Ihe haxh. which included David
Spade and Alexix ArqueIIe.
DaughIcI‘ (‘IIcII. 3i \xax ahxenl
Ii'IIm Ihe cxeiiiiig. but Dad .xa_\'s
he alua)x keepx her close:
"When _\IIu call in) phone. my
\IIice mail ix her \lllglng Ihe
Lakerx xIIngT"





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July 5, 2007
Page 3




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Fig (Kr Villa um Vin-T

A Day To Remember —
"For Those Who Have

A [)aV to Remember offers
up a unique blend of hardcore
and pop putik on its second re-
lease. "For Those Who HaVe
Heart." The group doesn't realv
lV' mix the two genres iii-
stead. theV alternate between
them restlesslV' and usuallV
within a single song. While the
group seems adept at both ends
ol the spec.trum most listeners

will probablV find the combination a little unsettling. HoweveL it'

Vou otten tind Vourselt torn between SlaVer and Fall Out BoV

then this might just be the compromise Vou Ve been lookiiig tor.
For tans ot: As 1 LaV [)Ving in one ear and PaiiiL' \t thL Dis—

co in the other.






Blow" utili/es Fleetwood Mac‘s

“The Chain"

Bone Thugs-N-Harmony
— “Strength & Loyalty“

Three of the original mem‘
bers of Bone Thugs»N~Hariiio»
n_V return for the group‘s latest
album. "Strength LS; LLiV'altV'.”
The album‘s sound remains
true to the group's previous re-
leases VVhile managing to still
sound relevant. The single. “I

Tried ‘ featuring .~\koii. L‘XL‘ltl'
plities this t'amiliar V'et updated
stV le. Standout track “Wind

in oiiL of the more

ettectiVe samples in r‘eLent niernorV. Rap tans VVill detinitelV want
to piLk' up 21 copV of “Strength & LoValtV
For fans ot: ThL Game. Shop Bon. l abolous


:1) Rl£\'lljl\\'s


a l2iVVVer so tar this Vear.

By Josh Broclt

teaturesiwkykerirel corn


lohn l'. Strohm — "EV'erV daV l ife"

RoL km and I2 iVVVei arL two words that don t oltLii go to-

But John P. Stiohm.

toriiiei lllLWllthl ot thL BlakL
BabiLs and the LeiiioiihLads. happens to be both. .»

\ 200-1

graduate tdClllith‘l'ldllLl School of Law at Saiiitord l'ni~

bum. “liVei'VdaV l ITL‘. ”

VersitV. Strohm liVes iii Birmingham.
VVorks as a transactional entertainment laVVVer. He
also has time to VV rite music. On his fourth solo al~
he turns out lllL‘lULllL.

:\l‘.l.. Vs here he


tempo roLk songs that 2iiL LatLhV enough to haVL Vou

singing along attLi oan a lLVV listLiis
proVides good L \amplLs ot his melodic VoLals and rthhinic
guitar plaVing [his might be the but indie rock album ieleasLd bV
ThL ( I) will M on shelVes JulV lt).

lor tans ot: (ilLii Phillips the WalllloVVLrs. Old ()7 s



ThL tirst traLk. Sha

Marc Broussard - ”$08:
Save Our Soul"

musical ground.

of the greatest soul artists ol' all
time including SteV Ii.‘ Wonder. .-\|
(ireeii. Otis Redding. and Man in
(iaVe. lt iiiaV sound like a lot'tV
goal for 21 VVhite boV li‘oiii
loriisiana to hope to do these
songs VusticL. but Broussaid [)L‘l’

toims so speLtaLul2 1er that he leaVLs no roorir to question his song


lhe album s oiiL original.
that Broussaid isri t Vtist an imitatoi

(mm in tioiii the (old. proVes
lie\ also a student of the

greats. and as such shoVVs 2i lot or promise,

For fans of: Soul music




KellV (‘larkson
“My December‘

l'nless Vou ha\e been liViiig
iii a caVe the last tL-VV Vears. Vou
kiioVV VV hat a l‘lellV (‘lai‘kson
song sounds like coiit'essioiial
lVi‘ics VVi‘ought VVith melodrama.
perfect pop Vocals. topped oil
with a stuck-in-Vour—headtor—
daVs chorus. “MV l)eceiiiber."
the third album troni the burner
.\riierican Idol. dcliVers more or
thL saiiiL iLue llL\\ singlL ‘.\’e*'VLi

ThL album VViIl uiidoiithle bL liei third c‘oiisLLutiVe

smash liit. leaViiig orilV oiiL question thi it LVaLth is she so aiiL'iV

about ‘

l‘or l'aris ot: AV ril LaV igrie.

KT Tuiistall. Tergie


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the iPhone will be costh'.

But IT V‘ou like to use Vour
YouTube or as a mobile e—mail de—
Vice. the highlV' anticipated
will cost roughlV the satire
other smart phone.

Apple Inc. and ATLV‘L'T Inc. the
iPhone‘s chlusiVe VVireless carrier.
said Tuesday that pricing plans tor
the phone. which costs as much as
month for 450 minutes to $99.90
for I350 minutes. In all plans. data

[3.619 liaiiiiew"
Chicago Tribune

lt' V‘ou‘re drum.

to watch Videos from

as am

will range from $50.90 a

the pricing
let with Jupiter Research.
the full Visage or the il’hoiie.
quires a data plan. So getting the
data included in the plan is good."

"Apple has ieallV siiiiplilied
model." said Michael
a mobile phone arias
To get
It re—

But tor people VV ho don‘t use

their iiiolnlc Phones loi data sei-
Vices. the pricing plan is high. he
phone to make calls. this isn‘t the
data plan 21 core part ot the phone
makes sense tor people to get tull
use or the phone."
Besides the 450 minutes lor the

Vou‘i‘c Vust iisiiig Vour

Vou, But making the

(iarteiiberg said.

,Sx2dir0.5in Usage surfing the Internet or cntrV—IL‘VL‘I plan. the \L‘l'\tL‘L‘ ms
(115 15.1 :1 ram) sending e»mails is tree and in» eludes Spiro ltlllllliL‘s oi unlimited
4‘301‘0359’ eludes 200 tth messages. weekend and eVeiiirig use. said 2i

The phone goes on sale TridaV. spokesman for .-\’I2L’l. l'niised

Vice. Prices VarV sigriiticaiith
data cost is on top ol VV hat .»\TLK l'
t_Vpic2illV charges lor minutes

iiiiiiutes rolled oVer into the
iith month as VVell. he said.

BV comparison. customers \\ ho
opt tor another smart phone from
ATo‘L‘T. such as the Sainsuiig
Blackjack or the BlacchrrV l‘eai‘l.
need to paV at least $30 a month
tor an unlimited data plan. VVhich
includes e-iiiail usage and \\ eb sci


Tor eVaiiiple. .-\l2\"l"s ('iiigulai

Nation 4.50 plan includes 450 Hill}?
tites lot 340 2i month Mule 21 plan
ol‘t‘ering L350 minutes starts at 8H0
a month. Data plans are not iiiclud

The iPhone VVill retail tor \J‘N

tor the model VVith 4 gigathcs ot'
storage and 35‘)” tor the b‘ giga
thL' Version.

The IateSt in do- it- -yourself home treatment: lasers

Br Shori Roan

Los Angeles Times

Laura Beard VVas llippiiig
through 2i women‘s maga/ine
when an advertisement caught
her eye. It sounded simple
enough: Aim 2i laser at individ-
tial blemishes ‘ in the privacy
of one's home and the skin
will clear up within 2i daV or

The cost. Sl50. gaVe her
oan' slight pause. if the device
worked. it would saVe her the
time and inoneV she spent on
acne treatments and dermatolo2
gist Visits tor herself and her
daughter. “I have VerV' drV‘ skin.
so I have to be careful about us-
ing acne remedies with benzoV'l
peroxide." said the 5.?»Vear-old
Memphis woman. “This sound
ed so positiVe.”

With the evolution of laser
teehnologV. Llo»it»V'ourself per
sonal care has entered a new
realm. Consumers can now calm
acne flare-ups. plump facial
wrinkles and restore thinning
hair with 2i V'arietV of hand-held
devices. Others in development
could treat superficial wounds.
relieve pain and remove bodV

“This lield will groVV be
cause we have discovered how
to channel the power of light and
cause reactions in the skin and
hair" said John (‘arullo. director
of marketing for Suneties. man-
ufacturer of a hair—regrowth de

Vice. It s quite 2m exciting iii-
dustr‘V. and it‘s on the Verge of


Home hair and skin appli»
ances using lasers or. in some
cases. heat. can spare consumers
from tiresome trips to the doc-
tor‘s ottice and iiiaV be less cost-
lV. oVer time. than monthlV' iri—
ot'tice TL’IL'lill\ and hair treat»
merits. But theV won‘t work the
same kind of magic that can be
(OlllllTL‘kl up VVith more high-
powered tools. And some iiiaV
eV en be a VVaste ot' moneV.

"It‘s a matter or. degree."
said Dr. Harold BrodV. a clinical
protessor ot' LleriiiatologV at
limorV lliiiVersitV in Atlanta. "It
people are trViiig to treat mild
conditions. it iiiaV help. But it
it's something seVere. theV “ill
need the help or a LlerniatolLL

The popularity ol’ iii—home
treatments mirrors the use of
medical LleVices b_V pthicians.
said Dr. Wendy L. Roberts. 2i
Rancho Mirage. ('alitl. derma
tologist and assistant prol’essor
of medicine at Toma l.irid2i l'ni~
V'ersitV Medical ('enter. “I think
eVentuallV these could be effec-
tive for home use." she said.
“But right now there are ques
tions about the etticacV' of some
of these sV stems. Thereis 2i lot of

('onsuriiers maV have espe
ciallV high expectations tor
home lasers.

Lasers release a special loriii

ot light iii 2i single VVaVelciigth;
b_V contrast. iioriiial daVlight
consists of VarV ing VVaVeIeiigths.
Hot lasers. the kiiid iiseLl b_V
health protessiorials iii the treat,
riierit ot skiii resurtacirig and tar
too removal. are high-energV' (lei
Vices that cause heat damage to
the skiii. triggering a healing res

('ool lasers are sometimes
called IoVV leVeI lasers or low
lcVel light LJ,L'i'2ipV. This the or
laser doesn't damage tissue and
is sale to at home. TheV
VVork bV passing a beam Lil light
through the skin to reach cells
below the \lslll.\ surtace and
stimulate the bodV‘s natural
healing processes. lziiergV pro-
duced bV cool lasers appears to
prompt the production ol collar
gen and ATP itlie eiiergV sourcc
needed tor cellular TllllL‘llLHlsl.
promote blood circulation and
boost the release ot groVVth i112»
tors and the remoVal ol \Vaste
products troiii cells.

"I siiicer‘elV doubt ariV ol
these things are so aggressiVe
that theV VVould produce side ct
said HiodV "But the ct
TL‘L‘ll\L‘llL‘\\ is going to be mild

(‘oiisuiiiers iiiaV think that
Food and Drug Administration
clearance means the dunes
VVork similaer to those used bV
LlUClOT\ "ll! FDA “letlrilltL‘L‘ Hi
this ere means oiiIV that the
maiiutaLturer has submitted
sortie data showing etlectiVL-riess



tor the chice s intended pure
pose. l'suallV this means the kit”
Vice is based on similar. proVeii
IL‘L‘ltttLrlLrgV l)L'\tL'L's that do not
ha\e H).\ clearance iiiaV oiilV
be pi'oV eii as sale

For eVample. devrees to
stimulate hair regrowth tor bald
iiig men ha\e been sold oVer
thercourrtcr toi‘ Veai‘s although
iiianutaeturcrs couldn‘t claim the
deViLes helped i'egi'oVV hair. The
approVal in l-‘ebruai‘V tor the
HairMaV l.aser(‘omb “as a
milestone because the iiiaiiulac
tiircr produced scientitic data to
shoVV :ch product had some cl~
tect iii groVViiig hair.

But not cVerV
hair and skirt chice
ceiV ed l2'l);\ clearance

"(‘orisuiiiers need to ask
enough questions to make sure
what theV are getting is ti'iilV ct
ticacious.” said Dr. Mark
Solomon. a plastic surgeon in
Philadelphia and spokesman for
the .\iiiei‘ican SocietV ot Plastic
Surgeons. "()\L‘l‘rlllL‘rL'UlllllCl' dc
Vices don't hurt aanodV. so _Vou
can sell them. But that doesn‘t
mean theV VVork."

The .-\iiieric2iii ('ancer Soci
L'tV has \Vartled that l(l\\AlL'\L‘l
light therapV products in particii
lar are beirig touted tor condi-
tions for VVhich there is little or
no pi'oot that theV help. such as
pain i‘eliet. inflammation. siiiok
mg cessation. herpes. high blood
pressure and migraines.

light based

has re

“SOS: SaV e Our Soul.”
Marc Br‘otissard treads halloVV ed
On the album.
Broussard coVers songs bV some










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