xt7228051b2w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7228051b2w/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2008-10-24 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 24, 2008 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 24, 2008 2008 2008-10-24 2020 true xt7228051b2w section xt7228051b2w Off the tee

ca etiee attztutle.

Page 3




Lack of use,


solid plan plague
safety program

No timeline available
for safety measures

By Jill Lester
jlasta kykernelcom

A comprehensive. cam-
pus-wide emergency plan
has been in the works for
years. but nothing has been
completed. one of UK‘s top
safety officials said Thurs-

- Until such plans are
completed. the university
has no person in each build-
ing in charge of orchestrat-
ing safety efforts. said An-
thany Beatty. UK’s assistant
vice president for campus
services. Such a plan should
be Completed within a year.
he said.

“All of those things
have to fit together. so l
can‘t just give you a time—
line.“ he said.

However. he said the
university is confident it
can handle any crisis situa-

tion that arises. Police offi—
cers are trained multiple
times a year to respond in
any sort of emergency situ-
ation. Beatty said. Some de-
partments on campus also
have individual plans in

After the Virginia Tech
massacre in April 2007. UK
focused on getting an elec-
tronic alert system. said
President Lee Todd in an
interview Thursday. UK
Alert is a system that sends
text messages. e-mails.
voicemails and other elec-
tronic messages to those
signed up whenever an
emergency occurs on. or in
some cases near. campus.

However. UK Alert de-
pends on cell phone recep—
tion. which isainavailable in
some rooms of campus

See Safety on page 5


Kernel surveyzl
just not there

_By_l§enny Colston

At least two-thirds of students
interviewed in a Kernel survey did
not know how to contact UK Po-
lice outside of a standard 911 call.

Even fewer would know what
to do if they saw one of the many
emergency call stations on cam—
pus. the brown poles with blue or
green lights on top. flashing. Only
one in three students are signed
up for UK Alert.

"if I saw one of those brown
poles flashing I would probably
just think it was out of order." said
Josh Hammer. a mechanical engi-
neering senior.

After UK officials said
Wednesday that UK Police and
systems like UK Alert would be
able to handle any dangerous situ-

UK Alert?

See Survey on page 5

Do you know whet the
blue paw prints on the
sidewalks are for?

Are you signed up for

Do you know where
the emergency stations
are on campus?

The Kernel surveyed 183 students of various eges
indicates a "yes" response from those surveyed, e

Do you know
what UK Alert is?

Do you know what

it an emergency call
station were flashing a
green light, would you
know what that meant?

This path
patrolled by


Down r, .. i to
contact SAFECATS?

Other than“ i, do you
know how to contact UK

Emergency call stations UK Alert

Stations are placed throughout campus and
available for emergency pages to the UK
Police station. Attei a page. the emergency
station's green light will flash, indicating the

Text messages and other electronic messages
are sent out to the list during emergencies.
Around 5,000 students are signed up.

The Cat’s Path sign also has the UK Police
phone number on it, which is #UKPD. The
Cat‘s Path is a series of "recommended walk-
ing routes" that are frequently traveled,

Cats' paws are placed on all “Cat's Path"
sidewalks. The walkway is illuminated at
night and police-patrolled.

location of the call.



Social work dean chosen

By Daniella Pritchett

The College of Social Work
named its new dean Thursday.

James P. Adams Jr.. who is cur—
rently the dean of the School of So»
cial Work at the University of Ala»
bama. Will begin the position in July
2009 pending approval by the UK
Board of Trustees. according to a
university news release.

“I had an appointment to meet
the leadership at UK. including Pres
ident (Lee) Todd and Provost lKum»
blcl Subbaswamy. as well as the fac—
~ulty and staff at the College of Social
Work." Adams said. He said the
meetings made the job more appeal-
Adams will follow Kay Hoff-
man. Hoffman. who is returning to
a faculty position. stepped down in
August 2007 but agreed to serve as
dean until a replacement was

“Dr. Adams
has a distin—
guished career of
teaching. research.
administration and
community in-
volvement to the
UK College of So—
cial Work

said in the news
release. “1 am con—

fident the college will continue to
thrive under his leadership. as it has
under the exceptional guidance of Dr.
Kay Hoffman."

Adams said he was impressed by
the support shown by UK and the
Lextngton community. and feels the
College of Social Work is in a good

“As far as changes go. I would
want to spend time talking with fac-
ulty and students at the college."
Adams said. “i hope we continue to
move forward."

Adams has researched the areas
of adolescent pregnancy prevention.
aging. black family structure and
functioning. deliberative politics and
public leadership. among other areas.
according to the news release. His re—
search has been published in various

Since beginning his time at Ala—
bama in August 1979. Adams has
served as executive assistant to the
provost. vice president for Academic
Affairs and director of Economic and
Community Affairs.

He has also served on the board
of the Alabama Poverty Project and
as a research associate for the Ketter-
ing Foundation.

“The University of Alabama has
been a very dear part of my life."
Adams said. “There will be some re—
grets. but when you have an opportu—
nity like this. you can‘t turn that

Adams was one of three finalists
for the position.


F acebook addition grades the professors

By llo e Smith

With just a few clicks of the
mouse. Facebook members can now
view UK course grade averages and
professor ratings from the conven—
ience of their own profile.

A Facebook application intro‘
duced this month. CampusBuddy. al-
lows users to view average grades for
prospective courses and feedback
about instructors. connect with class»
mates. and share notes.

Created by University of Califor-
nia student Mike Moradian to rival
sites such as RateMyProfessors.com.
C ampusBuddy is a free resource for
students at over 300 national colleges
who wish to add the application to
their Facebook profile.

Moradian used official universi—

ty grades when he compiled his in-
formation in an effort to keep the
grade portion of the tool as accurate
as possible. but anyone can add
comments about instructors or

From a statistical standpoint. ap—
plications asking students to submit
feedback about their professors al-
ways run the risk of being over-rep~
resented with students who have ex-
treme opinions. said UK Director of
Institutional Research Roger Sugar-

“Voluntary samples often pro~
duce biased results. Only a census or
a random sample of students is likely
to provide valid evaluations of cours~
es and professors." Sugarman said.

The application also shares gen-
eral information about universities.
such as nightlife. which can be a re-


cruiting resource.

“l can see it being a helpful tool
for students who are considering
coming to UK." said history and in-
temational studies sophomore Jere-
my Burha.

A student‘s voice is still impor-
tant to some. said political science
professor Justin Wedeking.

"I think students would be more
comfortable hearing from other stu-
dents than from a professor‘s syl-
labus when choosing classes." he

However. geography instructor
and Facebook member Lynn Phillips
said CampusBuddy wouldn't change
much for her.

“The application wouldn‘t greatly
influence the way I do business. I‘ve
been doing what I‘ve been doing for
years." she said.


The younge

r the better

when taking the GRE

_By Allison Alvey
news kykernelcom

More people are taking the
Graduate Record Examinations.
or GRE. at a younger age. said a
representative from an educa—
tional preparation company.

Shadna Wise. the head of re-
search and development of GRE
preparation for the Princeton Re-
view. said there has been an in-
crease in younger students over
the past few years that have been
preparing to take the test. About
40 percent of students that take
the GRE are between 19 and 23.
she said.

The GRE measures verbal
and quantitative reasoning. criti-
cal thinking. and analytical writ—
ing skills of prospective gradu-
ate students. These scores are
used to determine acceptance of
applicants by many graduate
schools. ’

Wise said more people are
taking some graduate school
courses without getting their full
degree so that they can be more
competitive in the job market.

“In the past. during an eco-
nomic crisis. there hasn‘t been a
dramatic increase in graduate
school applicants like you would
see in business school or law
school." Wise said.

The scores may be higher for
younger students. said Dawn Pi-
acentino. associate director of
GRE programs with Educational
Testing Service. which adminis—
ters the GRE.

According to research by the
Education Testing Services. stu-
dents score higher on the GRE
when they are still in school
rather than waiting to take the
test after they graduate.

College students tend to
score higher because of the

amount of academic support and
test preparation they have now
versus when they graduate. Pia-
centino said.

Piacentino also said students
score higher while they are still
in school because the skills that
are important for graduate
school are the skills that are be—
ing developed while still in col-

The quantitative section of
the test measures high school
math. When you are a junior or
senior in college. she said. you
are more likely to remember
things you learned in high
school. rather than after you
graduate from college.

Karin Lewis. UK‘s director
of Academic Enhancement. is in
charge of prep courses for the
GRE at UK. She said her office
has not conducted any type of
research of students registering
for prep classes. From her obser-
vation. they get a fairly balanced
mix of juniors and seniors from
many different schools. as well
as adults planning to return to
graduate school.

“UK students who even
think they may want to apply to
graduate school in the next 10
years are encouraged and strong-
ly recommended to go ahead
and prepare for and take the
GRE while they are in an aca-
demic frame of mind.“ Lewis

Lewis actually took the GRE
as an undergraduate and again as
an adult after working for more
than 10 years.

“Certainly. taking the GRE
as an undergraduate upperclass-
man with the academic mind-set
and recent coursework fresh in
my mind made taking the exam
a familiar and a less intimidating
experience.“ she said.





Panel) Friday, October 24, 2098“ 7




























4pm corn


Today is an 8 You have
everything you need, although
it may not seem that way at
first Some of it needs a little
work. Those parts will be obvr—
ous Try not to trip over them
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
Today is a 7 ~ You've been

four weeks, a lot of things
seem to be getting easrer it
won't all workout well, howev-
er The flaky stuff will crumble
Prepare yourself for several big
reality checks

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) —



To get the advantage, check the
day's rating: 10 is the easrest




day, 0 the most challenging.

Aries (March 21-April19)—
Today is a 7 7— Be careful
about the details. Don't let your
attention wander

Taurus (April 20-May 20) —
Today is an 8 ~— Every once in
a while, you just have to
splurge. If you're planning on
doing it with company or family
money, however, better get
your partner's OK.

Gemini (May 21 -June 21) —
Today is a 6 — Take a moment
to get organized Set priorities
Don't start racing around none
yet. First, figure out where
you're going. '
Cancer (June 22-July 22) ,—
Today is a 6 —— For the next

Today is a 7 .,., The Job is more
drf fir: ult than you thought t
would be Take care, so you
don't spend more in expenses
than you make in profit

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) ——
Today IS a 6 7 You’ve got a
pomt to prove, but you shoulu
proceed wrth caution

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) —
Today is a 6 d- OK. you can‘t
put it off any longer The task
you‘ve been avoiding has come
due The good news is that
you’ll be paid for this, and you
can use the money

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) —
Today is an 8 w You're feeling
stronger now, and this wrll con»
tinue for several weeks
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

working off extra weight. Now
it's party time

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
Today is a 7 _ It's important
for you to figure out where the
money ones. It doesn't all show
tip in your paycheck. that's for
sure Some of the most valu’
able reimbursement you get is
hidden in fringe benefits Check
it out

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
Today is a 6 w Let somebody
else till the hard part now
There's a volunteer who msrsts
he or she could do it better Let
them try It you can't find a vol
unteer, you could hire it done.

n Z‘Uh’n Tribune Media Sernces


Today' s
Sponsored By:



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Liouoaaludosoot entertainment. pop culture and fun

inertial WP


flie DiSl-I

Don t “misundercs-
Banks! The versatile

actrcss and self-
described “guys' girl“

stars in both W. and
Zack and Miri Make a
Porno (October 31 ).
She plays Laura Bosh
in Oliver Stonc‘s con—
troversial biopic m “I
think it's a respectful

I don‘t want bomb
threats and anthrax sent
to me!" she jokes _
and an ~unlikcly adult-
film actress in Kevin
Smith‘s comedy. The
married Massachusetts
native. 34. briefed Us
on her opposite roles.

Q: How do you see
these two two" different
movies olfé'r'ting your

l‘m cxcitcd
Hollywood hasn‘t fig-
urcd out how to pigeon-
holc mc.

I‘m a charactcr -
actor trapped in a lead-
ing lady‘s body. and the
films show both sides
of that coin.

Q: How was it play—

r'ng the first lady?

She is a real enig-
ma. lt‘s hard to find
film of her lctting hcr
guard down.

I made my best edu-
cated gucss as to how
shc'd be behind the
scenes. -Nincty-ninc
pcrccnt of thc movic is
their privatc lives. not
their public oncs.

Q: Do It)“ think W
has the potential to
affect the election."

No. voters are
smarter than that! It‘s
just a great story about
a father and a son and
a son taking over where
the father left off.

Q: In Zack and
Miri. you get down and
dim with the boils.

I‘m low- mainte—
nance. lts svery hard to
offend me. and I don t
carc about vanity. i
totally dig making pco-
plc laugh. so [’11 do
whatever it takes!

Kenny talks Renee

Kenny (‘hcsncy
opens up in the new
Newsweek about his


Elizabeth Banks shares
about playing the first lady
and a porn star

“horrible" heartbrcak
from annulling his mar-
riage to chcc
chlwcgcr. 39. after
scvcn months. “1 was ‘
mentally cxhaustcd." he
says of thc 2005 split.
adding it took “years"
to rccovcr and inspired
a song on his ncw Cl).
Lucky Old Sun.

First digs

Vanessa Hudgcns. ii
If). bought her first 7
homc. a six-bedroom
placc in L.A.'s Studio
City ncighborhood. for ~
$2.75 million, per the $5
LA. Times.

(s i

w l


A very Brady confession f“:


McCormick. 52. reveals w l

shc had an off-screen
affair (and first kiss!)
with her TV brother
Barry -Williams. 54. in
hcr new memoir. Here's '
the Story: Surviving
Marcia Brady and
Finding My Truc Voice.

Copyright 2008 Us Weekly





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