Altrusa International of Lexington records


The Altrusa International of Lexington records (dated 1923-2019, undated; 17.84 cubic feet; 33 boxes, 1 folder) contain administrative papers, correspondence, financial papers, conference reports, event programs, minutes, artifacts, printed serials, scrapbooks and a small selection of photographs, posters, and personal members' papers.

Descriptive Summary

Altrusa International of Lexington records
1923-2019, undated (inclusive)
17.84 Cubic Feet
Associations, institutions, etc. -- Kentucky -- Lexington.
Business records -- Kentucky -- Lexington
Clubs -- Kentucky -- Lexington.
Lexington (Ky.)
Women -- Kentucky -- Lexington -- Societies and clubs.
Women -- Societies and clubs
Collection is arranged by format and subject.
Finding Aid Author
Victoria A. Triplett
Preferred Citation
1997ms271: [identification of item], Altrusa International of Lexington records, 1923-2019, undated, University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.
University of Kentucky

Collection Overview

Biography / History
Altrusa International, Inc. is an international organization of professional women who work to create community-wide enrichment through volunteer service. Professionals are drawn from a wide range of backgrounds and careers. Historically, membership was by invitation, and individual clubs monitored applicants to ensure that only one representative from any specific business field or profession was selected for invitation. While members must be classified according to a particular field or career, the organization itself is non-partisan and non-sectarian.
At the local level clubs concentrate on programs to benefit their communities as well as participate in international projects supported by Altrusa International, such as the Grants-in-Aid fund and the Founder's Fund. While the creation of local committees might show variation, the main organizational structure has not changed since the emergence of Altrusa in 1917. Local clubs, headed by a Board of Directors, are grouped into Districts, each of which is under the supervision of a Governor and her corresponding Board of Directors. Above the District level is the International level, which is headed by the President of Altrusa International and her Board.
The Altrusa Club of Lexington was founded on November 15, 1923; the organization did not become International until 1935. Jessie O. Yancey, formerly of the Louisville Club (1917), was its first president. Membership regularly included members connected to the University of Kentucky, including former UK Special Collections head, Jacqueline Bull. As Altrusa International grew in membership, district lines changed, with the Lexington Club shifting from the third, to the fifth, and finally the sixth district, which, as of current, includes Indiana, Illinois and Kentucky. Several members of the Lexington Club have gone on to serve at the District and International level. The Club, still active, now refers to themselves as Altrusa International of Lexington.
Scope and Content
The Altrusa International of Lexington records (dated 1923-2019, undated; 17.84 cubic feet; 33 boxes, 1 folder) contain administrative papers, correspondence, financial papers, conference reports, event programs, minutes, artifacts, printed serials, scrapbooks and a small selection of photographs, posters, and personal members' papers. Predominantly paper-based with a large collection of newspaper clippings. While the collection includes records from the early to mid 1990s, the bulk of the collection is between 1923 and 1989, as corresponds with the Scrapbooks and Minutes.

Restrictions on Access and Use

Conditions Governing Access
Collection is open to researchers by appointment.
Use Restrictions
The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.

Contents of the Collection

Administration, 1957-1974

Scope and Contents

Administration contains papers and correspondence regarding the administration of club activities as a whole. Series have been constructed to reflect the administrative board of the club, namely, the Board of Directors, also known as the Executive Board. Subdivided by International, District and Local, referring to the corresponding administrative levels of the of the Altrusa International organization, distinct differences being that District Boards are headed by a "Governor," who oversees activities of all those local clubs within district lines. General papers lacking better classification under alternative series have also been placed here under "General." For papers and correspondence as originating from a specific committee, see the Committee series.

Given the organization's specific requirements as to membership into the club, papers relating to club membership and classification are quite numerous. See both the Membership Committee and the Membership series under the Local Administration branch. The Club Manuals also provide explicit information regarding the organization of Altrusa, the creation of a local club, and the induction and responsibilities of members.

District, 1957-1974

District Six, Correspondence from Committee on Nominations, 1957 August 16-January 23, 1974 November

  • Box 8, folder 5
Scope and Contents

1957 correspondences are regarding the nomination of member Ollie Pherigo's to District chair. 1974 correspondence are regarding nominations meant for the next Altrusa biennium, 1956-1957.

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District Six, Directory of District Six clubs, 1973-1974

  • Box 8, folder 24
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District Six, Letters regarding newly elected officers; Altrusa club presidents; Joan Curtis from Nacy J. Russell, 1967 March 20, 1971 October 13-1972 January 1, 1974 September 29

  • Box 10, folder 15
Scope and Contents

1967 letter from Governor Virginia Sams concerning President's Workshop to be held April 22, 1967. 1971-1972 correspondence seems to be related to Christmas and New Year's holidays. Letter to Joan Curtis (September 29, 1974) from Nancy J. Russell, Vocational Services Chairman, concerning committee workshops at the 1974 District Six Convention in Evansville.

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District Three, Report of President's Workshop, 1953 June 12-13

  • Box 8, folder 16
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International, 1967

Golden Anniversary Convention correspondence, 1967 July

  • Box 5, folder 10
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Local, 1920-1993

General, 1920-1993

Scope and Contents

Papers lack distinct information to sort by original creator or recipient.

Altrusa club of Winchester charter banquet program; Carnegie Literacy and Learning Center event program, 1984 May 24, 1993 September 12

  • Box 13, folder 11
Scope and Contents

Altrusa club of Winchester charter banquet program, May 24, 1984; Joyce Delabar, Carnegie Literacy and Learning Center, event program, September 12, 1993.

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"Be my Valentine" dinner program, 1950 February 9

  • Box 1, folder 4
Scope and Contents

Bi-fold program. Left reads: "Program presenting Miss Marie Duncan (and) Mr. Silas Rose of Lexington, Kentucky and San Francisco, California." Right side prints dinner menu.

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Mammie Bass Award and Grants-in-Aid correspondence, [1956], 1965 January 20-June 16, 1983 September 12

  • Box 13, folder 9
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Postcard to Martha Van Meter from Dorthy C.; Greek Christmas card from Lily Stephens, 1965 October 6, [1975]

  • Box 1, folder 22
Scope and Contents

Postcard reads "Aloha from Kauai" and depicts Waialua Falls. Greek Christmas card design displays "Kala Christougena" in Greek with a colorful picture of a ship and what appears to be faint doodles (circles as little faces for the "sailors" on the ship). The inner message text is in English.

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Handwritten letters, circa 1942

  • Box 12, folder 3
Scope and Contents

Includes letters from Mabel Dublin and Ollie Pherigo.

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Ellen [Connor] letter to "Office"; Draft notes for speech or paper,, [circa 1961-1964]

  • Box 2, folder 33
Scope and Contents

The letter discusses the Christmas holidays and is signed "Ellen," with the addressee being "Office." The date is not clear, nor is it certain that the letter was written by Altrusa member Ellen Connor. Notes are written on the back of the letter in what appears to be different handwriting; perhaps at a later date.

The "draft notes" were typed on a sheet of paper with the header for the Mildren Burress Insurance Agency, however there lacks a name or proper title. It is suspected that the written passages were meant for a speech to be presented to Altrusa members. The contents discusses problems facing women's equality and social independence.

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Event inventations, program schedules, and condolence cards,, 1920-1975

  • Box 2, folder 12
Scope and Contents

Miscellaneous events to which Altrusa members were invited, such as a holiday parties or (non-Altrusan) club meetings; generally placed here due to lack of identification. Also contains greeting cards in response to a birth, a member's death, and the marriage of a member's child (presumably).

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Corresponding Secretary, 1937-1987

Scope and Contents

The Corresponding Secretary was responsible for handling official club correspondence.

Christmas party announcement, 1937 December 23

  • Box 8, folder 22
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Correspondence, 1981 April 6-1984 May 23

  • Box 13, folder 4
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Correspondence-Jaqueline Bull, 1964 October 23-1965 October 14

  • Box 5, folder 9
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Incoming correspondence, 1982 July 30-1983 August 2

  • Box 13, folder 5
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Membership invitation letters, 1981 August 25-1987 May 22

  • Box 13, folder 7
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Financial matters, 1939-1993

Scope and Contents

Subseries contains the financial documents of the local chapter.

Account reports, 1945 October 8-August 3

  • Box 8, folder 7
Scope and Contents

Reports conducted by third-party certified accountants of Altrusa financial accounts.

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Expense reports, 1950 November 24-1959 November 20

  • Box 8, folder 9
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Financial reports and records; financial statements, 1947 June 30, 1954 June 30-1958 June 30, 1991 May 31, 1993 May 31

  • Box 13, folder 12
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Financial reports; budget reports, 1953 July 6, 1966 July 1-1967 June 30, 1974 June 30-1975 March 31

  • Box 10, folder 7
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Notary data; The Notary Public, 1945 ed., 1939-1953

  • Box 8, folder 2
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Membership, 1923-1987

Scope and Contents

Contains the membership information for the local chapter.

Altrusa member installation banquet, 1963 June 28

  • Box 8, folder 23
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Classification guides, 1949 June, 1954

  • Box 7, folder 13
Scope and Contents

Contains multiple copies of the 1949 edition, several with member names and/or notes within. Single copy of 1954 edition with additional notes attached.

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Constitution and By-laws, 1923-1956

  • Box 5, folder 1
Scope and Contents

Includes 1923, 1925, 1939, 1951, 1953, and 1955 edition. One copy marked "President's copy / Revised." One marked "Ila Earle Fowler." One with dark mark for 1958.

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By-laws and Classification, proposed and approved amendments, 1974 July, 1976 July

  • Box 10, folder 8
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Handbooks, articles, parliamentary guides, circa 1939-1987

  • Box 14, folder 2
Scope and Contents

Contains a copy of The Altrusa Handbook (undated), Articles of Association and By-Laws (1939), Proposed draft of International Bylaws (April 1, 1986), Articles of Incorporation of Altrusa Club (circa 1974), Point of Order: Simplified Parliamentary Procedures for Altrusans (1987), Parliamentary at a Glance (1949), Altrusa Local Club Handbook (1978).

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Member's Manual, 1958-1967

  • Box 5, folder 2
Scope and Contents

Includes 1958 edition, 1961 printing, 1967 edition.

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Membership kit, [1974]

  • Box 2, folder 9
Scope and Contents

The Membership kit given to new members, includes Member's Manual (1973 rev. ed.), Founder Fund Vocational Aid brochure, Grants-in-Aid brochure, Altrusa: Pioneer of Women's Service Clubs booklet, 1974 Classification Guide, 1974 By-laws and Policies, and attendance card.

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Membership papers-Joan Curtis, [1971]

  • Box 6, folder 1
Scope and Contents

Includes Joan Curtis' personal member's binder, sheet music, and 1971 Governor's Banquet program.

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New member's kit, [circa 1978]

  • Box 13, folder 8
Scope and Contents

The membership kit given to new members, includes dues card, Sponsor's Guide, membership card, New Member Digest, Classification Guide, Bylaws and Policies, and recommendation form.

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Song book; sheet of songs, [circa 1940]

  • Box 7, folder 16
Scope and Contents

Song book published by local Lexington printer, The Keystone Printery.

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Outline for orientation workshop, 1974 May 19

  • Box 2, folder 32
Scope and Contents

An outline of information about Altrusa and the local club, both historical and modern (1974), presumably meant to help orientate new members.

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Past-President, 1961-1963

Scope and Contents

Contains the personal correspondence and papers of Lorraine Seay, 1960-1961. Includes letters regarding Mrs. Seay's nomination for District Six chairman.

Personal papers of Lorraine Seay, 1961-1963

  • Box 4, folder 9
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President, 1927-1979

Scope and Contents

These are the materials collected by the individuals who held the office of President.

General, 1927-1975

Scope and Contents

Subseries includes material collected by the local club's presidents.

ASK US, Inc. to Barbara Rosenbaum, 1974 August

  • Box 10, folder 9
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Collection of club correspondence, 1943 January 12-1954 April 19

  • Box 8, folder 17
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Correspondence with Women's Club of Lexington regarding catering, circa 1973-1974

  • Box 5, folder 13
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Daysie Procter to Fayette Home Telephone Company, Inc., 1927 June 3

  • Box 8, folder 20
Scope and Contents

Correspondence discusses a luncheon and includes luncheon program.

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Letter from club president concerning white crosses on Fayette County highways, 1973 February 16-27

  • Box 13, folder 16
Scope and Contents

From current President, Katherine Goodman, to Russell Johnson, District Engineer for the Department of Highways, Commonwealth of Kentucky, about placing white crosses on the highways in Fayette County.

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Monthly news bulletin, 1933 March-June

  • Box 2, folder 31
Scope and Contents

It is unclear if this bulletin is unique from the Chatterbox monthly newsletters (see Chatterbox sub-series under Printed Materials). Further, the committee or office that produced it is unclear, however "Ila Earle Fowler, Pres." marks some issues' header. The collection does not seem to contain any similarly focused monthly news bulletin.

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Papers and correspondence of Ollie Pherigo, 1942 November 1-1966 July 29

  • Box 12, folder 2
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Parliamentary Usage, book, [1935]

  • Box 14, folder 10
Scope and Contents

Personal copy of Ollie Pherigo. Copy of hard-bound book Parliamentary Usage (1935) by Emma A. Fox. Personal, signed message from author.

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Personal notebook of Elizabeth Larkin, 1975

  • Box 9, folder 12
Scope and Contents

Handwritten notes by Elizabeth Larkin as kept in a spiral-bound notebook.

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Presidential papers, 1952-1953, 1961-1962, 1973-1974

  • Box 9, folder 5
Scope and Contents

Presidents included: Orinne Johnson (1952-1953), Clara Allison (1961-1962), Barbara Rosenbleum (1973-1974).

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Workbooks, 1974-1979

Audrey Stewart, 1975-1976

Committee and project progress reports, 1975-1976

  • Box 1, folder 20
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Correspondence and papers, 1975-1976

  • Box 1, folder 19
Scope and Contents

Includes copies of board meeting minutes 1975-1976; Program for leadership seminar (April 1975); District Six calendar (1975?).

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Elizabeth Larkin, 1974-1978

Altrusa International Service Bulletin with notes, 1975-1977

  • Box 1, folder 15
Scope and Contents

Includes copies of Altrusa International Service Bulletin Vol. 12, No. 12-C (March 1975)- Vol. 14, No. 9-C (March 1977).

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ASTRA guidelines, 1976 April

  • Box 2, folder 5
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Budget materials and project notes, 1975 November 30-1977 June 30

  • Box 2, folder 4
Scope and Contents

Includes budget report from president, Audrey Stewart (1975-1976).

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Chatterbox, 1974 December-1977 June

  • Box 1, folder 10
Scope and Contents

President's copies of Chatterbox. See the Chatterbox subseries under Printed Materials for further issues. Missing issues for months July 1975-January 1976.

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Calendar, 1976 March

  • Box 2, folder 18
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Calendar, 1976 April 6-26

  • Box 2, folder 19
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Calendar, 1976 May

  • Box 2, folder 20
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Calendar, 1976 June

  • Box 2, folder 21
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Calendar, 1976 July

  • Box 2, folder 22
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Calendar, 1976 August

  • Box 2, folder 23
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Calendar, 1976 September

  • Box 2, folder 24
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Calendar, 1976 October

  • Box 2, folder 25
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Calendar, 1976 November

  • Box 2, folder 26
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Calendar, 1976 December

  • Box 2, folder 27
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Calendar, 1977 January

  • Box 2, folder 28
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Calendar, 1977 February

  • Box 2, folder 29
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Calendar, 1977 March

  • Box 2, folder 30
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Committee correspondence-Altrusa Information, 1976 June 21-November 10

  • Box 2, folder 14
Scope and Contents

Includes copy of Member's Manual, October 1976 edition.

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Committee correspondence-Community Service, 1976 May 6-20

  • Box 2, folder 17
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Committee correspondence-International Relations, 1976 December 30-1977 January 31

  • Box 2, folder 16
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Committee correspondence-Vocational Services, 1976 August 9-October 11

  • Box 2, folder 15
Scope and Contents

Includes copy of "Vocational Services -- District Six -- Annual Report -- 1975-1976."

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Committee reports for 1977 International conference, 1976-1977

  • Box 1, folder 16
Scope and Contents

Committee reports covering activities during fiscal years 1975-1976 to be presented at the 1977 International conference.

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Correspondence, 1976-1977

  • Box 1, folder 18
Scope and Contents

Majority of correspondence are letters from Elizabeth Larkin. Also includes several letters between Joyce Delabar (current program coordinator) and Larkin.

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Correspondence and papers, 1977 February-May

  • Box 2, folder 13
Scope and Contents

Includes correspondence from Elizabeth Larken to Lynne Funk; copy of International Altrusan Vol. 54, No. 6 (February 1977); Leadership self-evaluation form; 1976-1977 event calendar; June 2, 1977 meeting minutes; April 30, 1977 budget summary; Resolutions committee; Altrusa International Service Bulletin, Vol. 14, No. 12-C (May 1977); Articles of Incorporation for the Altrusa Club.

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District Six leadership seminar, 1976-1977

  • Box 1, folder 14
Scope and Contents

Includes copies of District Six Service Bulletin vol. 21 no. 5 (March 1977), vol. 21 no. 3 (June 1976), vol. 21 no. 2 (March 1976). Leadership seminar held April 2 & 3, 1976.

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Immediate Past-President papers, 1977 June 30-August 18

  • Box 2, folder 7
Scope and Contents

Former presidents participate as Immediate Past-President after new elections. Also includes copies of Local Club Handbook and International Altrusan Vol. 54, No. 7 (March 1977).

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International Altrusan, Vol. 54, No. 8-10, 1977 April-June

  • Box 2, folder 8
Scope and Contents

Copies addressed to President Elizabeth Larkin. Also see International Altrusan subseries under Printed Materials.

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Inventories of club materials, 1976-1977

  • Box 1, folder 17
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Membership materials and papers, 1976-1977

  • Box 2, folder 10
Scope and Contents

President Elizabeth Larkin's workbook copies for 1976-1977 Year Book, Classification Guide, Amendments, By-Laws, Calendar, Duties, and select correspondence and project discussion.

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Men's Fashion Show, Third Annual, 1977 January-April

  • Box 2, folder 6
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Needlework Fair report and papers, 1976 September-December

  • Box 2, folder 3
Scope and Contents

Third annual Needlework Fair, held September 17-19, 1976.

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Notes and papers on executive board meetings, 1977 May 19-June 16

  • Box 2, folder 11
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Notes on board meetings, 1977 January 23

  • Box 1, folder 11
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Papers and notes, [1976-1977]

  • Box 1, folder 12
Scope and Contents

Includes hand-written notes, drafts, a list of names (donors?), Chatterbox (March/April 1977), Annual Report (1976-77).

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Project budgets, [1975]-1977

  • Box 1, folder 13
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Proposed members, 1977-1978

  • Box 1, folder 9
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"Senior Citizens Hobby Sale" papers and correspondence,, 1976

  • Box 2, folder 2
Scope and Contents

Noted to be eleventh annual sale.

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"Set Your Pace" papers and correspondence, 1976-1977

  • Box 2, folder 1
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Helen Anthracoupolos, 1977-1979

Calendar, 1978 April-May

  • Box 7, folder 12
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Calendar, 1978 June

  • Box 7, folder 11
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Calendar, 1978 July

  • Box 7, folder 9-10
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Calendar, 1978 August

  • Box 7, folder 8
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Calendar, 1978 September

  • Box 7, folder 7
Scope and Contents

Includes photograph of Altrusa members at the Red Mile race track. Contains papers and correspondence showing the Altrusa club's interest in supporting the Kentucky Horse Park and the Red Mile track.

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Calendar, 1978 October

  • Box 7, folder 6
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Calendar, 1978 November

  • Box 7, folder 5
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Calendar, 1978 December

  • Box 7, folder 4
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Calendar, 1979 January

  • Box 7, folder 3
Scope and Contents

Includes copy of Chatterbox, December-January 1979.

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Calendar, 1979 February

  • Box 7, folder 2
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Calendar, 1979 March-April

  • Box 7, folder 1
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Project Planner; Planner's Primer, 1977

  • Box 6, folder 18
Scope and Contents

Two booklets related to generating service project ideas and project planning techniques.

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Joyce Delabar, 1976-1978

Annual club reports, personal papers and correspondence, 1976-1978

  • Box 6, folder 3
Scope and Contents

Includes copies of Altrusa International Service Bulletin Vol 15, 3C, September 1977; July-August 1977 "C-D".

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By-laws, amendments to club policies, 1976 July-1977 July

  • Box 6, folder 4
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Calendar, 1977 March-June

  • Box 6, folder 17
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Calendar, 1977 July

  • Box 6, folder 16
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Calendar, 1977 August

  • Box 6, folder 15
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Calendar, 1977 September

  • Box 6, folder 14
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Calendar, 1977 October

  • Box 6, folder 13
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Calendar, 1977 November

  • Box 6, folder 12
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Calendar, 1977 December

  • Box 6, folder 11
Scope and Contents

Includes several Christmas cards addressed to Joyce Delabar and the Altrusa Club. Includes a photograph from Christmas (dated 1978).

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Calendar, 1978 January

  • Box 6, folder 10
Scope and Contents

Includes St. Joseph Hospital centennial anniversary awards program, July 9, 1977.

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Calendar, 1978 February

  • Box 6, folder 9
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Calendar, 1978 March

  • Box 6, folder 8
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Calendar, 1978 March-June

  • Box 6, folder 5
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Calendar, 1978 April

  • Box 6, folder 7
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Calendar, 1978 April-May

  • Box 6, folder 6
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Correspondence, 1977-1978

  • Box 1, folder 3
Scope and Contents

Correspondence, notes and papers meant for the presidential workbook of Joyce Delabar.

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Incoming Presidential Calendar, 1976 April-1977 April

  • Box 6, folder 2
Scope and Contents

One of the duties of the retiring president was to prepare a notebook for the incoming president.

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Recording Secretary, 1952-1991

Scope and Contents

The Recording Secretary handled club minutes. These are the materials collected by the individuals who held this position.

Club meeting summaries, correspondence, and papers, 1989 June 1-1990 May 17

  • Box 3, folder 7
Scope and Contents

Recording Secretary Louise Gladstone, 1989-1990.

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Club meeting summaries, correspondence, and papers, 1990 June-1991 May 16

  • Box 3, folder 6
Scope and Contents

Recording Secretary Patrica Motley, 1990-1991. Includes copies of Altrusa Accent Vol. VI, No. 1 (September 1990), Vol. VI, No. 3-No. 4 (March/April 1991); Altrusa Focus June 1990-March 1991; Christmas songs lyric card.

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Member's telephone numbers and address list, 1990 June 15

  • Box 3, folder 5
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Minutes, notes; report from president, 1952-1953

  • Box 7, folder 17
Scope and Contents

Minutes, notes, November 13, 1952. Acting-Secretary Mary C. Sullivan in absence of Secretary Alice Buckner. President's report from office of Orinne Johnson, 1952-1953.

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Minutes, drafts, annual reports, meeting notes, 1973 July-1975 December

  • Box 7, folder 18
Scope and Contents

Recording Secretary, Toby Carlson.

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Summary of board meetings, 1989 June 15-1991 May 16

  • Box 3, folder 8
Scope and Contents

Includes copy of Altrusa District Six Service Bulletin Vol. 31, No. 7 (May 1991); Vol. 31, No. 7 (February 1991)[sic], Vol. 31, No. 6 (November 1990); Vol. 31, No. 5 (August 1990); and, International Altrusan Vol. 68, No. 1 (Fourth Quarter, 1990).

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Treasurer, 1953-1995

Scope and Contents

This contains the material collected by the person holding the office of Treasurer.

Anne Stiene-Martin Binder-Altrusa Focus; Altrusa International Service Bulletin; Altrusa Accent; Altrusa jewelry, award and product price list, 1991-1995

  • Box 12, folder 15
Scope and Contents

Issues not contiguous. In binder, corresponding section originally titled "Focus". Altrusa Focus, May 1993-May 1995; Altrusa International Service Bulletin, September 1991-August 1994; Altrusa Accent, October 1994-February 1995; Altrusa jewelry, award and product price list.

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Anne Stiene-Martin Binder-Attendance lists, 1994 July-1995 May 18

  • Box 13, folder 2
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Anne Stiene-Martin Binder-Auditor's report, 1994 May 31

  • Box 13, folder 3
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Anne Stiene-Martin Binder-Budgets, 1993-1995

  • Box 12, folder 11
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Anne Stiene-Martin Binder-Correspondence, 1993 August 9-1994 July 15

  • Box 12, folder 16
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Anne Stiene-Martin Binder-Correspondence regarding club receipts, 1994 October-1995 July

  • Box 13, folder 1
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Anne Stiene-Martin Binder-Dues statement, 1992-1995

  • Box 12, folder 13
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Anne Stiene-Martin Binder-Front material, 1993-1995

  • Box 12, folder 8
Scope and Contents

Includes 1994-1995 directory book of Lexington club members.

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Anne Stiene-Martin Binder-Kentucky tax records, 1991-1994

  • Box 12, folder 14
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Anne Stiene-Martin Binder-Member rosters, 1994 June

  • Box 12, folder 9
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Anne Stiene-Martin Binder-New members, 1992 December 11-1994 December 13

  • Box 12, folder 10
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Anne Stiene-Martin Binder-Reports, 1992 June 11-1995 April 30

  • Box 12, folder 12
Scope and Contents

Excel worksheet printouts and treasurer's reports.

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Papers and correspondence of Clara Allison, 1955 June 15-1958 May 15

  • Box 12, folder 1
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Reports, 1965 June 17-1966 June 20

  • Box 10, folder 17
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Reports, 1987 June 18-1989 August 31

  • Box 3, folder 4
Scope and Contents

Club treasurers' terms: Genevieve Baxter, 1985-1986; Barbara Sue Turley, 1986-1988; Margaret Wheeler, 1988-1989. Includes copy of Altrusa International Articles of Incorporation: Bylaws and Policies, Classification Guide: Membership in Altrusa.

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Reports and notes, 1953-1955

  • Box 7, folder 19
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Reports and tax statements, 1953 December 31-1966 June 20

  • Box 8, folder 8
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Conferences/Conventions, 1940-1993

Scope and Contents

Contains papers relating to the annual conferences held at the various levels within Altrusa. International conventions are bi-annual. District conferences are annual. See the Member's Manual for a description of specific rules as to when and where a convention or conference in a given year might be held. The listing of multiple districts reflects the changing of district lines over the years.

Altrusa International Conventions, 1947-1993

Scope and Contents

Programs, reports, papers, summaries and minutes relating to the Altrusa International Biennial Convention.

Convention related newsletters, 1961 July 27, 1971 July 27

  • Box 10, folder 4
Scope and Contents

Newsletters produced as a result of an International convention taking place in the area at the time. Altrusa's Rocky News: 27th Biennial Convention, held in Denver, Colorado (July 1961); 32nd Convention, held in San Francisco, California (July 1971).

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Program and papers for Twentieth Convention, Forty-third Convention, 1947 June 15-19, 1993 July 2-6

  • Box 9, folder 8
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Program and report for Thirty-third Convention, 1973 April-July 26

  • Box 11, folder 8
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Summaries, programs and reports, 1951 July 1-1952 June 30, 1974 July 23-26, 1975 July 25, 1977 July 24-28

  • Box 10, folder 1
Scope and Contents

Annual reports, July 1, 1951-June 30, 1952; Summary and annual reports, July 23-26, 1974; Summary and reports, July 25, 1975; convention program, July 24-28, 1977. Contents include Altrusa International Board of Directors Meeting; club programs and project reports for District Six clubs; report of club president (Lexington, KY); annual reports by editor of International Altrusan, executive director, budget committee, and Founder's Fund Vocational Assistance committee.

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District Five Conferences, 1953-1956

Scope and Contents

Includes conference programs and minutes, and copies of Constitution and By-Laws, Classification Guide, Carl Sanburg tourist information (prepared by Illinois Historical Society).

Program and minutes for Twenty-third Annual Conference, 1953-1956

  • Box 8, folder 29
Scope and Contents

Twenty-third Annual Conference, October 7-9, 1955. Personal folder of Anna Pherigo.

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District Six Conferences, 1955-1976

Scope and Contents

Includes conference programs and minutes, registration, reports and correspondence.

General correspondence, 1955 October 7-1958 July 1

  • Box 8, folder 13
Scope and Contents

Conferences covered: October 7-9, 1955 (Galensburg, IL); October 19-21, 1956 (Terre Haute, IN); October 25-27, 1957 (Louisville, KY). Correspondence is between the Lexington club and corresponding clubs in which the current conference is being hosted. Also includes membership report.

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General correspondence, 1960-1976

  • Box 10, folder 2
Scope and Contents

Contains correspondences from the District Six board to the Lexington club, correspondence from the Lexington club about events related to conferences, 1960-1976. Also includes a workshop schedule, 1977.

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Programs for Governor's Banquet, 1955 October 8, 1956 October 19-21

  • Box 14, folder 8
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Programs for Second and Fifth Annual, 1957 October 25-27, 1960 September 23-25

  • Box 8, folder 6
Scope and Contents

Second Annual Conference program with Governor's Banquet menu. Held October 25-27,1957. Fifth Annual District Six Conference held September 23-25, 1960.

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Programs for Thirteenth, Fifteenth, Twentieth, Twenty-sixth, Twenty-eighth, and Thirty-eighth Annual, 1968-1993

  • Box 14, folder 3
Scope and Contents

Contains programs for conferences held October 5-6, 1968; October 9-11, 1970; October 10-12, 1975; October 9-11, 1981; October 14-16, 1983; October 15-17, 1993. Includes invitations from the Lexington Altrusa club advertising local Bluegrass activities to coincide with the Twenty-Eighth Conference (1983). Includes a menu for breakfast held during the Thirty-Eighth Conference (1993).

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Registration form for Twentieth Annual, 1975

  • Box 1, folder 8
Scope and Contents

Addressed to Elizabeth Larkin. Fall Conference, October 10-11-12, 1975.

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Report of Governor, 1974-1976

  • Box 14, folder 4
Scope and Contents

Report of the Governor created by District Six Governor, Board of Directors and Committee Chairmen; report covers years 1974-1975 and 1975-1976.

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Summary, reports and program for Eighteenth Annual, 1973 October 12-November 1

  • Box 11, folder 9
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Summary, reports and program for Sixteenth Annual, 1970-1971

  • Box 11, folder 5
Scope and Contents

Includes correspondence, committee reports and the conference program for the District Six Sixteenth Annual Conference, 1971.

To top

Summary, reports and papers for Twelfth Annual, 1966-1967

  • Box 19, folder 1
Scope and Contents

Includes committee reports, Report of Governors, and miscellaneous papers, such as a sheet of song music and state maps, likely used by members while traveling. Conference held September 29-October 1, 1967 in Chicago, Illinois.

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District Three Conferences, 1940-1953

Scope and Contents

Subseries includes programs, reports and minutes for conferences.

Programs for Twelfth, Fourteenth, Eighteenth, Nineteenth, Twentieth Conferences, 1940 October 19-1952 October 26

  • Box 7, folder 20
Scope and Contents

Includes program and a menu for the 22nd Conference Governor's Banquet dinner (October 25, 1952).

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Narrative Rhyme of the Adventures of the Lexington Altrusa by Ila Earle Fowler, 1945 October 19-21

  • Box 8, folder 14
Scope and Contents

Poem written by Ila Earle Fowler about the club experience at the Third District Convention, held in Jackson, Mississippi, October 19-21, 1945.

To top

Report and minutes; Report, program and minutes, Thirteenth Annual; program and card, 1940-1946

  • Box 8, folder 15
To top

Report and minutes, 1941, 1945

  • Box 9, folder 11
To top

Sixteenth annual, minutes and reports, program, papers, 1946 October 25-November 25

  • Box 11, folder 7
Scope and Contents

Papers and notes belonging to Mabel Dublin.

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Minutes and reports, Twenty-second and Twenty-third Annual Conference, 1952 October 24-26, 1953 October 23-25

  • Box 14, folder 7
To top

District Conference and International Convention, 1967-1987

  • Box 26, folder 26
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Committees, 1923-1994

Scope and Contents

Contains papers and correspondence from Altrusa committees. Some committees are essential, and required by Altrusa International, while others were created ad hoc or as a result of a local club project. See the Member's Manual for a list and description of committee practices and policies. Some of the Yearbooks, or the Directories, contain information regarding committee activity; these resource will also list membership of a committee for a given year.

It is also likely that checking the club minutes will provide a clearer overview of a committees' activities for a year. Each committee is required to submit a yearly report and often these are included with the minutes. Club minutes are typically detailed, and while not completely contiguous, run a date range from the Club's inception in 1923 to July 1989.

Altrusa Information, 1940-1994

Brochures and information sheets, circa 1940-1994

  • Box 13, folder 18
Scope and Contents

An assortment of information brochures or pamphlets about supported Altrusa International projects, such as the Founder's Vocational Aid Fund or the Grants-in-Aid project. Also includes brochures on projects sponsored by the local Lexington club, such as the Spelltacular spelling bee (1994) or HOPE for Millions. Includes copies of project planning information booklets published by Altrusa International. Lastly, includes an Altrusa supplies catalog (1982/1983) for members.

To top

Correspondence with Ollie Pherigo; Grants-in-Aid information; Founder's Fund, 1945-1953

  • Box 8, folder 12
Scope and Contents

Correspondence with Ollie Pherigo, 1953; Grants-in-Aid information, 1950-1953; Founder's Fund, 1945.

To top

Mammie Bass information; report and minutes; duties of president and incoming-president, 1962-1974

  • Box 12, folder 4
To top

Papers of Mabel Dublin regarding Forty-seventh Anniversary, 1962-1964

  • Box 19, folder 2
Scope and Contents

Includes copies of a Member's Manual (1958 ed.), International Altrusan 1963 May, 1964 April.

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Planning meeting minutes; program brochures, 1973 June 4, [circa 1976]

  • Box 9, folder 6
Scope and Contents

Program brochures include Altrusa Pioneer (rev 5-72), Sponsor's Guide (11-76-2m), Principles of Altrusa (c. 1961), Founders Fund Vocational Aid (rev 8/76), Grants-in-Aid (rev 8/76), What's Your A.Q.?.

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Altrusa Scholarship, 1951

Altrusa scholarship and Transylvania College, 1951 December 5-December 12

  • Box 11, folder 6
Scope and Contents

Contains correspondence and papers regarding the scholarship for Translyvania College.

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Archives, 1923-1943

Scope and Contents

Also refered to as the History Committee.

History of Lexington club, 1942-1943

  • Box 10, folder 6
Scope and Contents

[Authored by Ila Earle Fowler.]

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Papers of Ila Earle Fowler; history of Altrusa club, 1923-1942

  • Box 12, folder 5
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Papers of Ila Earle Fowler; history of Altrusa club, circa 1940

  • Box 7, folder 14
Scope and Contents

Ila E. Fowler served as club historian. Responsible for several club or event-inspired poems and songs. Contents also include two small photographs/cards.

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Papers of Ila Earle Fowler; history of Altrusa, [circa 1940]

  • Box 14, folder 9
Scope and Contents

Includes handwritten notes and a collection of committee reports. Has copy of 1962-1963 Yearbook.

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Budget, 1946-1974

Estimated budgets, 1952 July 1-1954 July 1

  • Box 10, folder 16
To top

Financial reports, proposed budgets, operating budgets, 1946 May 31-1960 July, 1968 June 18-1973 June 30

  • Box 10, folder 18
Scope and Contents

Financial reports, proposed budgets, 1946-1960; committee project budgets, 1973; operating budget, June 18, 1968-June 30, 1973.

To top

Project Budgets, 1973 July 1-1974 June 30

  • Box 1, folder 6
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Christmas, 1944

Scope and Contents

A committee that handled holiday celebrations and/or dinner events.

"Guess Who"; Correspondence with Ollie Pherigo regarding club Christmas festivities, [1944] November-1944 December

  • Box 7, folder 15
Scope and Contents

"Guess Who" quizzes members to match member names with corresponding descriptions written in figurative verse.

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Community Resources, 1974-1975

Correspondence and papers concerning Big Sisters Club; community resources list, 1974 February-1975 May

  • Box 10, folder 13
Scope and Contents

Committee composed of the chairman of International Relations, Community Services, Altrusa Information, Vocational Services committees, the ex-officio Board Member, and volunteers. The Ex-officio Board Member was filled by the Altrusa member who served on the Board of Directors of the Big Sisters.

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Community Services, 1963-1994

ASTRA club manual and papers, [circa 1994]

  • Box 19, folder 3
Scope and Contents

ASTRA is a girls' club sponsored by Altrusa. Local ASTRA clubs are sponsored by corresponding local Altrusa clubs. These papers contain the guidelines for forming a ASTRA club in a local community, the bylaws and policies, as well as containing copies of officer and member nomination forms. Also includes a laminated news-clipping from the local Lexington newspaper.

To top

Correspondence concerning Senior Citizens Hobby Fair, 1967 October 10-1973 November 21

  • Box 10, folder 20
To top

Senior Citizens Hobby Fair papers, 1963-1967

  • Box 5, folder 12
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International Relations, 1960-1975

Correspondence and papers on Grants-in-Aid award; Founder's Fund; International diner and show, 1973-1975

  • Box 8, folder 25
Scope and Contents

Correspondence and papers on Grants-in-Aid award, 1973-1975; Founder's Fund, 1973-1975; International diner and show, March-May, 20, 1974.

To top

Correspondence and papers on Book Project; Foster Parents, 1970 September, 1972 April 27

  • Box 9, folder 10
To top

Grants-in-Aid and annual reports, 1960 March-1964 June 2

  • Box 5, folder 7
To top

Mid-year report; final report, 1973-1974

  • Box 10, folder 3
To top

Golden Anniversary, 1967-1974

50th Anniversary Celebration Dinner program and report of president, 1967 July 23-27

  • Box 12, folder 7
To top

50th Anniversary Celebration Dinner program, papers and correspondence, 1973 May 10-1974 January 22

  • Box 10, folder 10
Scope and Contents

Golden Anniversary Committee members (1973-1974): Jean Ham, Chairman; Carol Mitchell; Verna Whitehouse; Charlotte Bennett; Martha Egan. Includes dinner program and speech "Altrusans Look at 50 Years" by Kitty Thorton.

To top

Program Coordinator, 1959-1991

Calendar June-July; club evaluation, circa 1980-1991

  • Box 13, folder 6
To top

Committee activity report forms, 1960 January 13

  • Box 8, folder 3
Scope and Contents

Committee activity report forms, blank, with letter from district governor.

To top

Committee assignment lists and schedules, 1959-1960, 1973-1975

  • Box 10, folder 11
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Foster child project correspondence, 1973 February 7-July 19

  • Box 13, folder 17
Scope and Contents

Includes hand-written letter from a foster child, Maria Villalobos Ramos, to Altrusa Club of Lexington, the "foster parent."

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Information brochures of projects supported by other Altrusa Clubs, circa 1975

  • Box 1, folder 7
Scope and Contents

A collection of informational brochures meant for review by the Program Coordinator Committee. Projects are community service programs sponsored and encouraged by outside Altrusa clubs.

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Nomination for Mamie L. Bass Service Award, 1978-1979

  • Box 1, folder 1
Scope and Contents

The Mamie L. Bass service award is awarded at the club level. Clubs are evaluated based on a specific community service project.

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Program dates and committee assignment lists, 1954 August

  • Box 8, folder 4
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Reports, 1976 January-[circa 1977]

  • Box 1, folder 2
Scope and Contents

Includes "Annual Report of Program Coordinator" (June 1976) and "Report on Evaluation Results" (Feb. 1976). Evaluation report based on a set of questions about planned or upcoming events and projects. Annual report is a annual review of the club's programs and projects for the fiscal year July 1975-June 1976.

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International Women's Year, 1975

International Women's Year program brochure, 1975 October 19-October 27

  • Box 1, folder 5
To top

Fashion Style Show, 1974-1976

Scope and Contents

The style show and dinner event is also known as the Men's Fashion Show, "A Woman's best accessory is a well-dressed man."

Papers for Men's Fashion Show, First and Second Annual, 1974 October 8, 1975 February 2-February 12, 1976 March 18

  • Box 1, folder 21
Scope and Contents

Reports, papers and programs for the First annual show held February 12, 1975. Reservation card for the Second annual show held March 18, 1976. Also see corresponding folder under Realia series for larger posters.

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Membership, 1923-1993

Active membership records, 1987-1988

  • Box 4, folder 4
To top

Collected papers of membership lists; committee assignments; member directory lists, 1923-1965

  • Box 11, folder 10
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Committee assignments; summary reports; calendar; annual committee report, 1984-1987

  • Box 4, folder 6
Scope and Contents

Committee assignments 1984-1985, 1985-1986; summary reports; calendar 1985-1986; annual committee report, 1986-1987.

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General papers and description of duties, 1952-1967

  • Box 5, folder 11
Scope and Contents

General papers include committee assignments and miscellaneous club correspondence.

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Indexed memo book containing list of club members, [1949]

  • Box 8, folder 28
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Invitations and recommendations for membership, 1990 January 18-1993 April 1

  • Box 4, folder 1
To top

Members and classification lists, 1965, 1988, 1989, 1970-1971

  • Box 10, folder 19
To top

Membership and classification meeting minutes and reports, 1987 July 1-1989 March 15

  • Box 4, folder 2
To top

Membership roster; member recommendation forms, 1987-1989

  • Box 4, folder 3
To top

Membership lists, 1952, 1973-1974

  • Box 10, folder 12
To top

Proposed and resigning members, 1952 December 7-1975 March 3

  • Box 11, folder 2
To top

Proposed members; memoranda correspondence, 1972 September 22-1973 May 22

  • Box 6, folder 19
To top

Recommendation for membership forms, 1983-1988

  • Box 4, folder 5
Scope and Contents

With original label of "Applications over 60 days".

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Recommendation for membership forms and invitation letters, 1988 September 23-1989 March 17

  • Box 4, folder 7
To top

Recommendation for membership forms; invitation letters; resignation letters; miscellaneous notes, 1981-1985

  • Box 4, folder 8
To top

Set of index cards with members names and classification, [circa 1970]

  • Box 10, folder 21
To top

Kentucky Female Orphan School, 1938-1965

Correspondence from Kentucky Female Orphan School; Kentucky Girls State, 1945 September-October, 1965 January 20

  • Box 9, folder 9
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Correspondence regarding Altrusan Scholarship at School; Altrusa Bridge dedication; Holiday card featuring picture of Altrusa bridge; School Bulletin, 1938 July 17-1964 April

  • Box 8, folder 18
Scope and Contents

School bulletins published by Midway School; collection is incomplete. Name change to Midway Junior College by 1962. Later bulletins by Midway Junior College Pinkerton High School. Correspondence regarding Altrusan Scholarship at School, August 12, 1943-October 6, 1945; Altrusa Bridge dedication, July 17, 1938; Holiday card featuring picture of Altrusa bridge; School Bulletin, April 1929-February 1962, April 1964.

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Needlework Fair, 1974-1975

Needlework Fair, Second and Third, information and programs, papers, correspondence, committee assignments, 1974-1975

  • Box 10, folder 5
Scope and Contents

The Needlework Fair committee involves ad-hoc committee placements as decided by a "steering committee"--see committee assignment sheets in folder. See also, corresponding folder under Realia series for larger posters.

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Publicity, 1934, 1963-1968

Letters to Lexington Leader, 1966-1968

  • Box 11, folder 1
Scope and Contents

Letters alerting newspaper to club activities and providing details for potential articles or news releases.

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Papers of Jacqueline Bull, 1963-1968

  • Box 5, folder 8
To top

University of Kentucky radio program, 1934 July 1

  • Box 14, folder 6
To top

Committee Records: Various, 1967-1987

  • Box 26, folder 25
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Meeting Minutes, 1923-1989

Scope and Contents

Contains those club minutes as recorded by the Recording Secretary. For papers or correspondence as related to the office of the Recording Secretary, see the Administration series. Club minutes are typically detailed, offering clear overview of yearly club activities.

1923 November 15-1927 May 17

  • Box 11, folder 3
Scope and Contents

Labeled "first minute book."

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1927 May 19-1931 October 1

  • Box 11, folder 4
To top

1931 November 1-1933 February

  • Box 5, folder 15
To top

1933 March-1935 July 1

  • Box 5, folder 16
To top

1935 July 1-1938 July 1

  • Box 9, folder 3
To top

1938 July 1-1943 July 1

  • Box 5, folder 14
To top

1943 July 1-1947 May 3

  • Box 9, folder 1
To top

1947 July 1-1952 December 30

  • Box 9, folder 2
To top

1953 February 3-1955 May 4

  • Box 8, folder 10
To top

1965 June 27

  • Box 8, folder 19
Scope and Contents

Includes note: "This is a brief resume of the activities of the Lexington Altrusa Club for the year of 1956-66." Signed: "Chloe Gifford, President."

To top

1967 July 6-1968 May 2

  • Box 14, folder 5
To top

1981 July 2-1985 July 17

  • Box 3, folder 2
To top

1985 July 17-1987 May 5

  • Box 3, folder 1
To top

1987 May 21-1988 June 16

  • Box 3, folder 3
To top

1988 April 28-1989 July

  • Box 12, folder 6
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Realia, 1951-2011, undated

Scope and Contents

The Realia Series contains artifacts awarded to or used by the Altrusa club of Lexington members. Certificates awarded to the Lexington club are also filed in this series.

General, 1951, 1967

  • Box 21
Scope and Contents

Two metal keys [unlabeled]; wooden plaque with Altrusa symbol and names of Lexington club member; glass ashtray celebrating Golden Anniversary (1917-1967); Piece of ash wood, labeled "'Ash' from Ashland," presented by Dean F. P. Anderson; Ila Earle Fowler award medallion, 1951.

To top

Certificates of Achievement presented by District Six, 1971 October 9, 1973 June 30

  • Box 9, folder 4
Scope and Contents

June 30, 1973 award for "Net Gain of Three or More Members"; October 9, 1971 award for "Membership Gain - 1 year".

To top

Certificates presented by District Six, Hospital Hospitality House, Altrusa International, Inc., 1966 October 30, 1983 October 15, 1986 October 11, 1985 July 19-23, 1988 May 26

  • Box 13, folder 10
To top

The Center Scene newsletter; Needlework Fair posters; All Male Style Show, 1972 February, 1975-1976

  • Box 22, folder 1
Scope and Contents

Alber B. Chandler Medical Center's The Center Scene Vol. 1, No. 3, February 1972; article related to Altrusa club of Lexington titled "Altrusa Answers Need," and concerns a donation to the University Hospital's social services. Needlework Fair Second Annual help September 6-7, 1975; also includes second poster with a cut-out entry form. Needlework Fair Third Annual held September 17-19, 1976. Men's Fashion Style Show held February 12, 1975. For more about the Needlework Fair and Style Show, check within the corresponding subseries under the Committee series.

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Awards, 1982-1983

  • Box 26, folder 28
To top

Altrusa Award - Joyce Delabar, Governor, District Six, 1985-1987, circa 1987

  • Box 33, item 1
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Altrusa business card holder, 1983-1985

  • Box 33, item 2
To top

Altrusa cup, undated

  • Box 33, item 3
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Altrusa paperweight, undated

  • Box 33, item 4
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Altrusa keychain, undated

  • Box 33, item 5
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Altrusa spoon, 1986

  • Box 33, item 6
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Altrusa Shirt: Navy, 2009

  • Box 28, item 1
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Altrusa Shirt: White T-Shirt, 1985-1987

  • Box 28, item 2
To top

Altrusa Shirt: White V-Neck, 2010

  • Box 28, item 3
To top

Altrusa Star of Service, undated

  • Box 33, item 7
To top

Altrusa Sweda watch, undated

  • Box 33, item 8
To top

Apron, undated

  • Box 33, item 9
To top

Club 21 Pin, 2000

  • Box 27, item 1
To top

Coffee Mug, 1999

  • Box 27, item 2
To top

Elegantlady silver spoon, 1952

  • Box 33, item 10
To top

Frankfort club flag, undated

  • Box 33, item 11
To top

Horseshoe, 2011

  • Box 27, item 3
To top

"I Heart Altrusa" pin, undated

  • Box 33, item 12
To top

Keychain, undated

  • Box 33, item 13
To top

Lanyard, undated

  • Box 27, item 4
To top

Paperweight, 2009-2011

  • Box 27, item 5
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Survival Kit, undated

  • Box 27, item 6
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Printed Materials, 1930-2010

Scope and Contents

The Printed Materials Series contains published material meant for use by members either for local or international news and information. A number of news bulletins and serials have been collected. Districts put out both a "service bulletin" and a "newsletter." The collection includes items that chart the progression of the Lexington Club from the Third to Fifth to Sixth Districts. The International Board follows similar practice, putting out a service bulletin as well as a monthly magazine, the International Altrusan; the collection contains an almost complete run from June 1953 to June 1976.

Altrusa International Service Bulletin, 1963 September-December, 1967 September-1968 March, 1972 March-1975 September

  • Box 10, folder 14
To top

Chatterbox, 1930 February 20-1931 December 17, 1956 October-1977 June

  • Box 9, folder 7
Scope and Contents

The local club newsletter of Altrusa of Lexington, contents were overseen by the Chatterbox committee. Incomplete for years 1956, 1966, 1968-1977.

To top

Chatterbox, 1980 July-1983 August

  • Box 5, folder 3
Scope and Contents

The local club newsletter of Altrusa of Lexington, contents were overseen by the Chatterbox committee. Years incomplete.

To top

District Six Service Bulletin, 1964 March, 1965 December, 1966 February-September, 1972 December, 1973 April-November, 1974 January-December, 1976 September, 1993 December

  • Box 5, folder 6
Scope and Contents

The Service Bulletin was published by the Altrusa District Six board.

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Directories, Altrusa International Official Annual Directory, 1949

  • Box 8, folder 11
Scope and Contents

The Official member directory was created by the club and published by the Board of Altrusa International.

To top

Directories, Altrusa International Official Annual Directory, 1952, 1956-1957

  • Box 13, folder 13
Scope and Contents

The Official member directory was created by the club and published by the Board of Altrusa International.

To top

Directories, District Six, 1958 October 1

  • Box 13, folder 14
To top

Directories, Local club, 1956-1962

  • Box 14, folder 1
To top

Fifth Features, Vol. V, No. 2, 1955

  • Box 8, folder 26
Scope and Contents

Published by the Fifth District (Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin).

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International Altrusan, 1953 June-1957 December

  • Box 17, folder 3
To top

International Altrusan, 1959 April-1961 December

  • Box 17, folder 4
To top

International Altrusan, 1962 January-1963 December

  • Box 18, folder 1
To top

International Altrusan, 1965 January-1966 December

  • Box 18, folder 2
To top

International Altrusan, 1967 January-1968 December

  • Box 18, folder 3
To top

International Altrusan, 1969 January-1970 December

  • Box 18, folder 4
To top

International Altrusan, 1971 January-1972 December

  • Box 15, folder 2
To top

International Altrusan, 1973 January-1974 December

  • Box 15, folder 3
To top

International Altrusan, 1975 January-1976 June

  • Box 15, folder 4
To top

International Altrusan, 1992 May

  • Box 15, folder 5
To top

Sixth Summary, 1956-1963

  • Box 5, folder 5
Scope and Contents

Publication put out by Altrusa District Six board.

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Third Decree Vol. VIII, No. 1-Vol. XI, No. IX, 1948 April-1955 August

  • Box 8, folder 1
To top

Third District Bulletin No. 1, 1932 May 15

  • Box 8, folder 27
To top

Yearbook, 1958-1964

  • Box 4, folder 11
To top

Yearbook, 1964-1970

  • Box 4, folder 10
To top

Yearbook, 1970-1978

  • Box 4, folder 12
To top

Yearbook, 1980-1984

  • Box 13, folder 15
To top

Posters, undated

  • Box OS-14, folder 1
To top

Publications, 1967-1988

  • Box 26, folder 27
To top

Periodicals, 1930-2010

  • Box 30, folder 47-61
  • Box 31, folder 1-9
  • Box 32, folder 1-12
Scope and Contents

The Periodicals file comprises programs, magazines, and newspapers collected by and created by the Altrusa Club. The bulk of the files comprise copies of The International Altrusan, Altrusa Accent, and Altrusa International.

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Photographs, 1959-1986

Scope and Contents

The Photographs Series contains photographs of Altrusa members. The majority are these were taken by a professional or newspaper photographer (typically the Lexington Herald). However, there are a few polaroid photographs that seem to have been taken by an Altrusa member.

Altrusa members, 1959-[1976], undated

  • Box 8, folder 21
Scope and Contents

Thirteen photographs of Altrusa members attending club events or activities. Most are undated. Where possible dates and member names have been identified, along with a brief description of the photograph contents.

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Joyce Wilson "Altrusa Sweetheart", 1962

  • Box 5, folder 4
Scope and Contents

A portrait photograph on front with biographical "statistics" on back, such as age, birth date, address. Connected to activities of the Altrusa Sweetheart Committee.

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Photographs, 1966-1986

  • Box 26, folder 24
To top

Scrapbooks, 1929-1977

Scope and Contents

Scrapbooks date from 1929 to 1977, and are filled with newspaper clippings about recent Altrusa activities, pasted or taped programs and cut-outs, artifacts and even copies of the club's monthly bulletin, Chatterbox.


  • Box 14, folder 11
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  • Box 19, folder 6
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  • Box 15, folder 1
To top


  • Box 19, folder 4
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  • Box 19, folder 5
To top

1933 June-1934 June

  • Box 16, folder 2
To top

1934 June-1935 June

  • Box 16, folder 3
To top

1935 June-1936 November

  • Box 16, folder 5
To top

1936 November-1937 May

  • Box 16, folder 6
To top

1937 July-1939 June

  • Box 16, folder 1
To top

1940 July-1941 June

  • Box 16, folder 4
To top


  • Box 20, folder 4
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  • Box 17, folder 2
To top


  • Box 17, folder 1
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  • Box 20, folder 3
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  • Box 20, folder 5
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  • Box 20, folder 1-2
Scope and Contents

Originally bound in an oversized photo-book album. This scrapbook centers on the activities and events related to the 35th Altrusa International Conference, held in Brighton, England. Contains materials related both to Altrusa and personal artifacts of the Altrusa club of Lexington members, such as baggage claim tags, postcards or flight itineraries. Also contains several maps or brochures related to local tourist or cultural locations.

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Records, 1934-2019

Scope and Contents

The Altrusa International chapter in Lexington Records series includes president's records, committee records, local publication, minutes, artifacts, and other records from 1934-2019. Includes a box of older records from the 1966-1989. Service, membership, fundraising, and communication records available for most years as well as thank-you cards and club newsletters. Photographs and local newspaper clippings commending their service projects span throughout the collection.


Minutes, 1934-1936

  • Box 29, folder 43
To top


Newspaper clippings; yearbook; photographs, 1961-1962

  • Box 30, folder 1
To top


Membership, 1968-1969

  • Box 30, folder 2
To top


Newspaper clippings, 1970-1971

  • Box 30, folder 3
To top


Fiftieth anniversary dinner; Capital Altrusan, 1973-1974

  • Box 30, folder 4
To top


Newspaper clippings; Capital Altrusan, 1974-1975

  • Box 30, folder 5
To top


Frankfort yearbook; Capital Altrusan, 1976-1977

  • Box 30, folder 6
To top


Newspaper clippings; fiftieth anniversary dinner, 1977-1978

  • Box 30, folder 7
To top


Newspaper clippings; Capital Altrusan, 1978-1979

  • Box 30, folder 8
To top


Certificate of achievement; Capital Altrusan, 1979-1980

  • Box 30, folder 9
To top


Certificate of achievement; Capital Altrusan, 1980-1981

  • Box 30, folder 10
To top


Club officers; newspaper clippings, 1981-1982

  • Box 30, folder 11
To top


Newspaper clippings; Governor's banquet; Capital Altrusan; artifact - conference, 1983-1984

  • Box 30, folder 12
To top


Capital Altrusan, 1984-1985

  • Box 30, folder 13
To top


Budget; Capital Altrusan, 1985-1986

  • Box 30, folder 14
To top


Club activities report; board meeting minutes; club meeting minutes; membership letter, 1986-1987

  • Box 30, folder 15
To top


Board meeting minutes; club meeting minutes; treasurer's reports; Capital Altrusan, 1987-1988

  • Box 30, folder 16
To top


Board meeting minutes; club meeting minutes; treasurer's reports; Capital Altrusan, 1988-1989

  • Box 30, folder 17
To top


Fundraising, 1989-1990

  • Box 30, folder 18
To top


Publications, 1990-1991

  • Box 23, folder 1
To top

Fundraising, 1990-1991

  • Box 30, folder 19
To top


Committee Records: Service, 1991-1992

  • Box 23, folder 2
To top

District Conference and International Convention, 1991-1992

  • Box 23, folder 3
To top

Publications, 1991-1992

  • Box 23, folder 4
To top

Treasurer: Foundation, 1991-1992

  • Box 23, folder 5
To top

Board meeting minutes; club meeting minutes; treasurer's reports; proclamation - seventy-fifth anniversary, 1991-1992

  • Box 30, folder 20
To top


Committee Records: Service, 1992-1993

  • Box 23, folder 6
To top

District Conference and International Convention, 1992-1993

  • Box 23, folder 7
To top

President Toni Ellis's Records, 1992-1993

  • Box 23, folder 8
To top

Publications, 1992-1993

  • Box 23, folder 9
To top

Treasurer: Club and Foundation, 1992-1993

  • Box 23, folder 10
To top

Fundraising; The Voice, 1992-1993

  • Box 30, folder 21
To top


Awards/ Proclamations/ Thank You Notes, 1993-1994

  • Box 23, folder 11
To top

Committee Records: Membership, 1993-1994

  • Box 23, folder 12
To top

Committee Records: Service, 1993-1994

  • Box 23, folder 13
To top

District Conference and International Convention I, 1993-1994

  • Box 23, folder 14
To top

District Conference and International Convention II, 1993-1994

  • Box 23, folder 15
To top

Photographs, 1993-1994

  • Box 23, folder 16
To top

Publications, 1993-1994

  • Box 23, folder 17
To top

Treasurer: Club and Foundation, 1993-1994

  • Box 23, folder 18
To top

Correspondence; club meeting minutes; treasurer's reports; The Voice, 1993-1994

  • Box 30, folder 22
To top


Committee Records: Communication, 1994-1995

  • Box 23, folder 19
To top

Committee Records: Service, 1994-1995

  • Box 23, folder 20
To top

District Conference and International Convention, 1994-1995

  • Box 23, folder 21
To top

Publications, 1994-1995

  • Box 23, folder 22
To top

Membership; club meeting minutes; treasurer's reports; The Voice, 1994-1995

  • Box 30, folder 23
To top


Committee Records: Fundraising, 1995-1996

  • Box 23, folder 23
To top

Committee Records: Service, 1995-1996

  • Box 23, folder 24
To top

District Conference and International Convention, 1995-1996

  • Box 23, folder 25
To top

Publications, 1995-1996

  • Box 23, folder 26
To top

Treasurer: Foundation, 1995-1996

  • Box 23, folder 27
To top

Club meeting minutes; treasurer's reports; The Voice, 1995-1996

  • Box 30, folder 24
To top


Awards/ Proclamations/ Thank You Notes, 1996-1997

  • Box 23, folder 28
To top

Committee Records: Fundraising, 1996-1997

  • Box 23, folder 29
To top

Committee Records: Membership, 1996-1997

  • Box 23, folder 30
To top

Committee Records: Service, 1996-1997

  • Box 23, folder 31
To top

Photographs, 1996-1997

  • Box 23, folder 32
To top

Publications, 1996-1997

  • Box 23, folder 33
To top

Treasurer: Foundation, 1996-1997

  • Box 23, folder 34
To top

Correspondence; club meeting minutes; exempt information and treasurer's reports, 1996-1997

  • Box 30, folder 25
To top


Awards and Proclamations, 1997-1998

  • Box 23, folder 35
To top

Committee Records: Fundraising, 1997-1998

  • Box 23, folder 36
To top

Committee Records: Service, 1997-1998

  • Box 23, folder 37
To top

President Anne Stiene-Martin's Records, 1997-1998

  • Box 23, folder 38
To top

Publications, 1997-1998

  • Box 23, folder 39
To top

Treasurer: Club and Foundation, 1997-1998

  • Box 23, folder 40
To top


Awards/ Proclamations/ Thank You Notes, 1998-1999

  • Box 23, folder 41
To top

Committee Records: Fundraising, 1998-1999

  • Box 23, folder 42
To top

Committee Records: Membership, 1998-1999

  • Box 23, folder 43
To top

District Conference and International Convention, 1998-1999

  • Box 23, folder 44
To top

President Nancy Wallace's Records, 1998-1999

  • Box 23, folder 45
To top

Publications, 1998-1999

  • Box 23, folder 46
To top

Treasurer: Club and Foundation, 1998-1999

  • Box 23, folder 47
To top

Proclamation (Altrusa Awareness Day 1998), 1998

  • Box 30, folder 26
To top


Committee Records: Communication, 1999-2000

  • Box 23, folder 48
To top

Committee Records: Fundraising, 1999-2000

  • Box 23, folder 49
To top

Committee Records: Membership, 1999-2000

  • Box 23, folder 50
To top

Publications, 1999-2000

  • Box 23, folder 51
To top

Secretary Records, 1999-2000

  • Box 23, folder 52
To top

Treasurer: Foundation, 1999-2000

  • Box 23, folder 53
To top

Yearbook; The Voice, 1999-2000

  • Box 30, folder 27
To top

Club activity report; treasurer's report; The Voice; photos; District Six conference, 1999-2000

  • Box 30, folder 28
To top


Awards, 2000-2001

  • Box 23, folder 54
To top

Committee Records: Communication, 2000-2001

  • Box 23, folder 55
To top

Committee Records: Membership, 2000-2001

  • Box 23, folder 56
To top

Committee Records: Service, 2000-2001

  • Box 23, folder 57
To top

Photographs, 2000-2001

  • Box 23, folder 58
To top

President Kim Townley's Records, 2000-2001

  • Box 23, folder 59
To top

Publications, 2000-2001

  • Box 23, folder 60
To top

Secretary Records, 2000-2001

  • Box 23, folder 61
To top

Treasurer: Club and Foundation, 2000-2001

  • Box 23, folder 62
To top


Awards/ Proclamations/ Thank You Notes, 2001-2002

  • Box 23, folder 63
To top

Committee Records: Fundraising, 2001-2002

  • Box 23, folder 64
To top

Committee Records: Membership, 2001-2002

  • Box 23, folder 65
To top

Committee Records: Service, 2001-2002

  • Box 23, folder 66
To top

District Conference and International Conventions, 2001-2002

  • Box 23, folder 67
To top

Photographs and Artifacts, 2001-2002

  • Box 23, folder 68
To top

President Pat Waggener's Records, 2001-2002

  • Box 23, folder 69
To top

Publications, 2001-2002

  • Box 23, folder 70
To top

Secretary Records, 2001-2002

  • Box 23, folder 71
To top

Treasurer: Club and Foundation, 2001-2002

  • Box 23, folder 72
To top

Yearbook; correspondence; treasurer's report; The Voice; photos; thank-you cards, 2001-2002

  • Box 30, folder 29
To top


Committee Records: Fundraising, 2002-2003

  • Box 24, folder 1
To top

Committee Records: Service, 2002-2003

  • Box 24, folder 2
To top

District Conference and International Conventions, 2002-2003

  • Box 24, folder 3
To top

President Betsy Farley's Records, 2002-2003

  • Box 24, folder 4
To top

Publications, 2002-2003

  • Box 24, folder 5
To top

Treasurer: Club and Foundation, 2002-2003

  • Box 24, folder 6
To top

Yearbook; treasurer's report; The Voice; photos; thank-you cards, 2002-2003

  • Box 30, folder 30
To top


Awards/ Proclamations/ Thank You Notes, 2003-2004

  • Box 24, folder 7
To top

Committee Records: Membership, 2003-2004

  • Box 24, folder 8
To top

District Conference and International Conventions, 2003-2004

  • Box 24, folder 9
To top

President Betsy Farley's Records, 2003-2004

  • Box 24, folder 10
To top

Publications, 2003-2004

  • Box 24, folder 11
To top

Treasurer: Club and Foundation, 2003-2004

  • Box 24, folder 12
To top


Committee Records: Communication, 2004-2005

  • Box 24, folder 13
To top

Committee Records: Membership, 2004-2005

  • Box 24, folder 14
To top

Committee Records: Service, 2004-2005

  • Box 24, folder 15
To top

President Mary Booher's Records, 2004-2005

  • Box 24, folder 16
To top

Publications, 2004-2005

  • Box 24, folder 17
To top

Treasurer: Club and Foundation, 2004-2005

  • Box 24, folder 18
To top

Correspondence; club meeting minutes; treasurer's reports; The Voice; photos; thank-you cards, 2004-2005

  • Box 30, folder 32
To top

Treasurer's reports; The Voice, 2004

  • Box 30, folder 31
To top


Committee Records: Communication, 2005-2006

  • Box 24, folder 19
To top

Committee Records: Membership, 2005-2006

  • Box 24, folder 20
To top

Photographs and Artifacts, 2005-2006

  • Box 24, folder 21
To top

President Dana Henninger's Records, 2005-2006

  • Box 24, folder 22
To top

Publications, 2005-2006

  • Box 24, folder 23
To top

Yearbook; correspondence; club meeting minutes; treasurer's reports; The Voice, 2005-2006

  • Box 30, folder 33
To top


Committee Records: Communication, 2006-2007

  • Box 24, folder 24
To top

Committee Records: Membership, 2006-2007

  • Box 24, folder 25
To top

Committee Records: Service, 2006-2007

  • Box 24, folder 26
To top

District Conference and International Convention, 2006-2007

  • Box 24, folder 27
To top

Photographs, 2006-2007

  • Box 24, folder 28
To top

President Aaron Beckerle's Records, 2006-2007

  • Box 24, folder 29
To top

Publications, 2006-2007

  • Box 24, folder 30
To top

Secretary Records, 2006-2007

  • Box 24, folder 31
To top

The Voice, 2006

  • Box 30, folder 34
To top


Committee Records: Communications, 2007-2008

  • Box 24, folder 32
To top

Committee Records: Membership, 2007-2008

  • Box 24, folder 33
To top

Committee Records: Service, 2007-2008

  • Box 24, folder 34
To top

President Eula Spears's Records I, 2007-2008

  • Box 24, folder 35
To top

President Eula Spears's Records II, 2007-2008

  • Box 24, folder 36
To top

President Eula Spears's Records III, 2007-2008

  • Box 24, folder 37
To top

Publications, 2007-2008

  • Box 24, folder 38
To top

Secretary Records, 2007-2008

  • Box 24, folder 39
To top

Treasurer: Foundation, 2007-2008

  • Box 24, folder 40
To top

Membership; treasurer's reports; secretary's manual; The Voice, 2007-2008

  • Box 30, folder 35
To top


Awards/ Proclamations/ Thank You Notes, 2008-2009

  • Box 24, folder 41
To top

Committee Records: Communications, 2008-2009

  • Box 24, folder 42
To top

Committee Records: Membership, 2008-2009

  • Box 24, folder 43
To top

Committee Records: Service, 2008-2009

  • Box 24, folder 44
To top

President Kim Smith's Records, 2008-2009

  • Box 24, folder 45
To top

Publications, 2008-2009

  • Box 24, folder 46
To top

Secretary Records, 2008-2009

  • Box 24, folder 47
To top

Treasurer: Club and Foundation, 2008-2009

  • Box 24, folder 48
To top

Correspondence; club meeting minutes; treasurer's reports; secretary's manual; The Voice; newspaper clippings, 2008-2009

  • Box 30, folder 36
To top


Awards/ Thank You Notes, 2009-2010

  • Box 24, folder 49
To top

Committee Records: Communications, 2009-2010

  • Box 24, folder 50
To top

Committee Records: Membership, 2009-2010

  • Box 24, folder 51
To top

Committee Records: Service, 2009-2010

  • Box 24, folder 52
To top

District Conference, 2009-2010

  • Box 25, folder 1
To top

Photographs, 2009-2010

  • Box 25, folder 2
To top

President Becky Mercier and Becky Ray's Records I, 2009-2010

  • Box 25, folder 3
To top

President Becky Mercier and Becky Ray's Records II, 2009-2010

  • Box 25, folder 4
To top

President Beck Mercier and Becky Ray's Records III, 2009-2010

  • Box 25, folder 5
To top

Publications, 2009-2010

  • Box 25, folder 6
To top

Secretary Records, 2009-2010

  • Box 25, folder 7
To top

Treasurer: Club and Foundation, 2009-2010

  • Box 25, folder 8
To top

Yearbook; correspondence; long strategic plan; 2009-2010 installation of officers; club meeting minutes; treasurer's report; treasurer's report; The Voice; International Altrusan; Altrusa Encyclopedia, 2009-2011

  • Box 30, folder 37
To top


Awards/ Thank You Notes, 2010-2011

  • Box 25, folder 9
To top

Committee Records: Fundraising, 2010-2011

  • Box 25, folder 10
To top

Committee Records: Membership, 2010-2011

  • Box 25, folder 11
To top

Committee Records: Service, 2010-2011

  • Box 25, folder 12
To top

District Conference, 2010-2011

  • Box 25, folder 13
To top

President Becky Mercier and Becky Ray's Records, 2010-2011

  • Box 25, folder 14
To top

Publications, 2010-2011

  • Box 25, folder 15
To top

Secretary Records, 2010-2011

  • Box 25, folder 16
To top

Treasurer: Club and Foundation, 2010-2011

  • Box 25, folder 17
To top

Club meeting minutes; treasurer's reports; long range strategic plan; Louisville club building report; The Voice, 2010-2011

  • Box 30, folder 38
To top


Awards/ Thank You Notes, 2011-2012

  • Box 25, folder 18
To top

Committee Records: Communication, 2011-2012

  • Box 25, folder 19
To top

Committee Records: Fundraising, 2011-2012

  • Box 25, folder 20
To top

Committee Records: Membership, 2011-2012

  • Box 25, folder 21
To top

Committee Records: Service, 2011-2012

  • Box 25, folder 22
To top

District Conference, 2011-2012

  • Box 25, folder 23
To top

Photographs and Artifacts, 2011-2012

  • Box 25, folder 24
To top

President Patricia Wilson's Records, 2011-2012

  • Box 25, folder 25
To top

Publications, 2011-2012

  • Box 25, folder 26
To top

Secretary Records, 2011-2012

  • Box 25, folder 27
To top

Treasurer: Club and Foundation, 2011-2012

  • Box 25, folder 28
To top

Records of District Six Governor, Toni Ellis, 2011-2013

  • Box 29, folder 39-42
To top

Correspondence; The Voice; thank-you cards, 2011-2012

  • Box 30, folder 39
To top


Awards/ Thank You Notes, 2012-2013

  • Box 25, folder 29
To top

Committee Records: Communication, 2012-2013

  • Box 25, folder 30
To top

Committee Records: Fundraising, 2012-2013

  • Box 25, folder 31
To top

Committee Records: Membership, 2012-2013

  • Box 25, folder 32
To top

Committee Records: Service, 2012-2013

  • Box 25, folder 33
To top

District Conference, 2012-2013

  • Box 25, folder 34
To top

Photographs and Artifacts, 2012-2013

  • Box 25, folder 35
To top

President JoEllen Lovello and Nancy Pope's Records, 2012-2013

  • Box 25, folder 36
To top

Publications, 2012-2013

  • Box 26, folder 1
To top

Secretary Records, 2012-2013

  • Box 26, folder 2
To top

Treasurer: Club and Foundation, 2012-2013

  • Box 26, folder 3
To top

Correspondence; club meeting minutes; treasurer's reports; The Voice, 2012-2013

  • Box 30, folder 40
To top


Awards/ Thank You Notes, 2013-2014

  • Box 26, folder 4
To top

Committee Records: Communication, 2013-2014

  • Box 26, folder 5
To top

Committee Records: Membership, 2013-2014

  • Box 26, folder 6
To top

Committee Records: Service, 2013-2014

  • Box 26, folder 7
To top

District Conference, 2013-2014

  • Box 26, folder 8
To top

President JoEllen Lovello and Nancy Pope's Records, 2013-2014

  • Box 26, folder 9
To top

Publications, 2013-2014

  • Box 26, folder 10
To top

Secretary Records, 2013-2014

  • Box 26, folder 11
To top

Treasurer: Club and Foundation, 2013-2014

  • Box 26, folder 12
To top

Correspondence; club meeting minutes; scholarship application; Club 21; The Voice, 2013-2014

  • Box 30, folder 41
To top


Awards, Thank You Notes, 2014-2015

  • Box 26, folder 13
To top

Committee Records: Communication, 2014-2015

  • Box 26, folder 14
To top

Committee Records: Fundraising, 2014-2015

  • Box 26, folder 15
To top

Committee Records: Membership, 2014-2015

  • Box 26, folder 16
To top

Committee Records: Service, 2014-2015

  • Box 26, folder 17
To top

District Conference, 2014-2015

  • Box 26, folder 18
To top

Photographs and Artifacts, 2014-2015

  • Box 26, folder 19
To top

President Janet Hart's Records, 2014-2015

  • Box 26, folder 20
To top

Publications, 2014-2015

  • Box 26, folder 21
To top

Secretary Records, 2014-2015

  • Box 26, folder 22
To top

Treasurer: Club and Foundation, 2014-2015

  • Box 26, folder 23
To top

Correspondence; club meeting minutes; treasurer's reports; The Voice; thank-you cards, 2014-2015

  • Box 30, folder 42
To top


Correspondence; club meeting minutes; treasurer's reports; The Voice, 2015-2016

  • Box 30, folder 43
To top

Records of President, Virginia Smith, 2015-2017

President's records, 2015-2016

  • Box 29, folder 1
To top

Secretary records, 2015-2016

  • Box 29, folder 2
To top

Treasurer's records, 2015-2016

  • Box 29, folder 3
To top

Committee records - Fundraising, 2015-2016

  • Box 29, folder 4
To top

Committee records - Membership, 2015-2016

  • Box 29, folder 5
To top

Committee records - Service (literacy and community outreach), 2015-2016

  • Box 29, folder 6
To top

Awards, proclamations, thank-you cards/letters, 2015-2016

  • Box 29, folder 7
To top

Publications, 2015-2016

  • Box 29, folder 8
To top

District conference, 2015-2016

  • Box 29, folder 9
To top

President's records, 2016-2017

  • Box 29, folder 10
To top

Secretary records, 2016-2017

  • Box 29, folder 11
To top

Treasurer's records, 2016-2017

  • Box 29, folder 12
To top

Committee records - Communication, 2016-2017

  • Box 29, folder 13
To top

Committee records - Fundraising, 2016-2017

  • Box 29, folder 14
To top

Committee records - Membership, 2016-2017

  • Box 29, folder 15
To top

Committee records - Service (literacy and community outreach), 2016-2017

  • Box 29, folder 16
To top

Awards, proclamations, and thank-you cards/letters, 2016-2017

  • Box 29, folder 17
To top

Photographs and artifacts, 2016-2017

  • Box 29, folder 18
To top

Publications, 2016-2017

  • Box 29, folder 19
To top

District conference and international convention, 2016-2017

  • Box 29, folder 20
To top


Membership; correspondence; club meeting minutes; treasurer's reports; The Voice; photos; thank-you cards, 2016-2017

  • Box 30, folder 44
To top


Correspondence; club meeting minutes; treasurer's reports; The Voice, 2017-2018

  • Box 30, folder 45
To top

Records of President, Karen Crawford, 2017-2019

President's records, 2017-2018

  • Box 29, folder 21
To top

Secretary records, 2017-2018

  • Box 29, folder 22
To top

Treasurer's records, 2017-2018

  • Box 29, folder 23
To top

Committee records - Communication, 2017-2018

  • Box 29, folder 24
To top

Committee records - Membership, 2017-2018

  • Box 29, folder 25
To top

Committee records - Service (literacy and community outreach), 2017-2018

  • Box 29, folder 26
To top

Awards, thank-you cards/letters, 2017-2018

  • Box 29, folder 27
To top

Photographs, 2017-2018

  • Box 29, folder 28
To top

Publications, 2017-2018

  • Box 29, folder 29
To top

President's records, 2018-2019

  • Box 29, folder 30
To top

Secretary records, 2018-2019

  • Box 29, folder 31
To top

Treasurer's records, 2018-2019

  • Box 29, folder 32
To top

Committee records - Communication, 2018-2019

  • Box 29, folder 33
To top

Committee records - Membership, 2018-2019

  • Box 29, folder 34
To top

Committee records - Service (literacy and community outreach), 2018-2019

  • Box 29, folder 35
To top

Awards, proclamations, thank-you cards/letters, 2018-2019

  • Box 29, folder 36
To top

Publications, 2018-2019

  • Box 29, folder 37
To top

District conference, 2018-2019

  • Box 29, folder 38
To top


Membership; correspondence; conference; club meeting minutes; treasurer's reports; The Voice, 2018-2019

  • Box 30, folder 46
To top

UK Libraries Special Collections Research Center is open Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 4:00pm. Appointments are encouraged but not required. Schedule an appointment here.

Researchers must have an SCRC Researcher Account to request materials. View account set-up and use instructions here.

Questions? Contact SCRC via our Contact Form.

You may come across language in UK Libraries Special Collections Research Center collections and online resources that you find harmful or offensive. SCRC collects materials from different cultures and time periods to preserve and make available the historical record. These materials document the time period when they were created and the view of their creator. As a result, some may demonstrate racist and offensive views that do not reflect the values of UK Libraries.

If you find description with problematic language that you think SCRC should review, please contact us at

UK Libraries Special Collections Research Center is open Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 4:00pm. Appointments are encouraged but not required. Schedule an appointment here.

Researchers must have an SCRC Researcher Account to request materials. View account set-up and use instructions here.

Questions? Contact SCRC via our Contact Form.


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You may come across language in UK Libraries Special Collections Research Center collections and online resources that you find harmful or offensive. SCRC collects materials from different cultures and time periods to preserve and make available the historical record. These materials document the time period when they were created and the view of their creator. As a result, some may demonstrate racist and offensive views that do not reflect the values of UK Libraries.

If you find description with problematic language that you think SCRC should review, please contact us at