xt72542j6z3p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt72542j6z3p/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1945053 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1945-05-apr3. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1945-05-apr3. 1945 2011 true xt72542j6z3p section xt72542j6z3p 

     Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees, University of
Kentucky, April 3, 1945.

     The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in the
Presidentts Office at 10:15 a.m., Tuesday, April 3, 1945.  The fol-
lowing members were present: Governor S. S. Willis, Judge R. C.
Stoll, i-Trs. Paul G. Blazer, John Fred Williaims, Superintendent of
Public Instruction, Horace Cleveland, J. C. Everett, H. D. Palmore,
R. P. Hobson, Robert Tway, Thomas Cutler, Grover Creech, Harper
Gatton and Judge Harry W. Walters.  President H. L. Donovan and
Comptroller Frank D. Peterson, Secretary of the Board, were present.

     A. Petition of Students Submitted to Governor Willis.

     President Donovan read a copy of the petition of certain students
in attendance at the University of Kentucky which had been submitted
to Governor Willis on April 2, 1945, asking for a public hearing on
the Aeronautical Research Laboratory, which was originally given to
the University by Axel Wenner-Gren.   Governor Willis then read the
letter which was submitted by the petitioners with the petition.

     The official minutes of the Board of Trustees kept by the Secre-
tary were then produced for the past five years and Judge Stoll read
aloud to the members of the Board each reference in the minutes of
this period to the Wenner-Gren Aeronautical Research Laboratory or
the Aeronautical Research Laboratory, which minutes concerned the
receipt of the gift, the construction of the building, and the opera-
tion of the Laboratory, giving to the Board and the Governor the
complete record relating to the Laboratory from its original inception
to date.   The Governor requested a complete copy of the minutes sent
to his office, a statement as to profit or loss from the operation of
the Laboratory, the number of men taughst in the Laboratory, and the
soldiers trained at the University from 1942 to date.

     B. Architects' Plans--Men's Dormitory, Women's Dormitory, and
Auditorium-Field House.

     President Donovan reported to the Board that the architects who
have been employed by the Board to design plans and make specificd..
tions for certain buildings were available, and would be pleased to
show to members of the Board the preliminary plans of each building,

     John F. Wilsons architect employed to plan and supervise the
construction of the Men's Dormitory, was invited to come before the
Board.   Ivr. Wilson presented his plan in detail and answered various
questions about the proposed plan, after which he withdrew from the



     Messrs. L. K. Frankel and John J. Curtis, members of the firm
known as Frankel & Curtis, architects employed to plan and supervise
the construction of the Women's Dormitory-and a food unit for the
Women's Dormitories, were invited to come before the Board.  Mr.
Curtis presented the plans for the dormitory and the food unit to
serve all existing women's dormitories.  He showed a sketch of the
existing dormitories and the proposed new dormitory, showing the
relationship of each to the plot of wound available for such dcormi-
tories.  After going through the plans with members of the Board
in details and answering various questions and explaining different
features of the plans, he and Mr. Frankel withdrew from the meeting.

     Mr. John T. Gillig and his associate, Mr. Ernst Johnson, archi-
tects employed to plan and supervise the construction of the Audi-
torium-Field House, were invited to come before the Board.

     Mr. Gillig presented briefly sketches of plans which were
thought to be desirable, but had been changed, due to the estimated
cost involved,  He then presented the preliminary plans of the pro-
posed Auditorium and basketball pavilion, including a swimming pool.
The Auditorium part of the building was estimated to seat between
4,000 and 5,000 people, depending upon the location of the stage, and
the seating capacity of the basketball pavilion would be approximate-
ly 12,000.   He detailed and explained auxiliary features necessary
to a building of this type.   Various features of the memorial part
of the building for Kentucky heroes of World War II were explained as
detailed in the plans.   Questions were asked and answered, after
which Messrs. Gillig and Johnson withdrew from the meeting.

     The Board discussed the plans of the various buildings which had
been presented to them and explained in detail, and took the follow-
ing action:

             1.      (a) On motion duly made, seconded and
                carried, Mr. John F. Wilson is directed to
                complete plans and specifications for the
                Men's Dormitory in accordance with the pre-
                liminary plans which have been shown to mem-
                bers of the Board.

                     (b) The firm of Frankel and Curtis is
                directed to compl'te plans and specifications
                for the Women's Dormitory and the Food Service
                Unit, consisting of one kitchen and prepara-
                tion rooms and dining rooms, adequate to care
                for all women students housed in existing
                dormitories and to be housed in the new dormi-
                tory.   The firm is to consult with the admin-
                istration from time to time as to details and
                special arrangements required of buildings of
                these types.



             (c)    John T. Gillig and his associates,
                Ernst Johnson and Hugh Meriwether, are
                directed to complete plans and specifi-
                cations for the Auditorium and Basketball
                Pavilion (Field House), including swimming
                pool' in accordance with the plan sub.
                mitted to the B6ard of Trustees.   It is
                further directed that the architects
                consult with the administration as to
                details and desirable features of the
                plans b
                          ** * ** * * ** *

     C. Approval of Minutes.

     The minutes of the Board of Trustees of January 19, 1945, and
the minutes of the Executive Committee of February 17 and March 23,
1945, were approved as published.

     D. Recess for Luncheon.

     The Board recessed at 1:15 p.m. for luncheon in the Student Union
Building, and left immediately for that building.   Due to the press
of time, the remaining business on the agenda was presented to the
Board during their luncheon, and is as follows:

     E. Tennessee Valley Authority Contract Relating to Coal Carbon-

     President Donovan presented contract between Tennessee Valley
Authority and the University of Kentucky relating to coal carboniza-

                        Knoxville, Tennessee

                           March 23, 1945

     Professor C. S. Crouse, Head
     Department of 1ining and Metallurgical Engineering
     University of Kentucky
     Lexington, Kentucky

     Dear Professor Crouse:

     I am sending you herewith the original and three copies of
     a proposed contract between the University of Kentucky and



the Authority covering work on the low temperature carboni-
zation of coal.   It is understood that you will supply
duplicate progress reports monthly and more complete re-
ports evaluating the work quarterly.   It is further under-
stood that the work covered. by the contract will be under.
taken in line with your letter of March 22.

After proper signature is affixed to all copies of this
contract, please return them to this office.   They will
then be forwarded to our Management for Board approval.
When they are finally approved by the Board of the Au-
thority, a copy will be returned to you for your files,

                                Very truly yours,

                                TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY

                             (Signed) R. Brooks Taylor,Chief
                                      Regional Products Research
                                      Commerce Department

                                            CONTRACT TV_

                      ,CONTRACT (1945)




                  UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY

                        Relating to

                    COAL CARBONIZATION

     THIS AGREEIENT is made and entered into as of the first
day of March, 1945, between TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY (here-
inafter called "Authority") and UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY (here-
inafter called "Kentucky").

                   W I T N E S S E T H:

     In consideration of the mutual covenants, agreements and
undertakings, the parties hereto agree as follows:



     1. Authority is engaged in work concerned with the
improvement of navigation and with the control of water in
river channels and on the land and other purposes under the
Tennessee Valley Authority Act of 1933, as amended, and
said work includes test-demonstration projects relating

    Authority desires to cooperate with Kentucky through
the respective departments thereof in the conduct of certain
test-demonstrations on coal carbonization.

     2. Kentucky, through the respective departments there-
of, such as the College of Enngineering, Department of Mining
and Metallurgical Engineering, can provide facilities for
the conduct of such test-demonstrations and desires to co-
operate with the Authority on such work as may require the
use of such facilities.

     3. During the term March 1, 1945, to June 30, 1945,
inclusive, the Department of Mining and Metallurgical En-
gincering of Kentucky shall conduct certain carbonization
tests on coals produced in the Tennessee Valley and contiga-
OUs areas, as requested by the Authority from time to time
during the term of this agreement. The procedure for the
performance of this project shall be approved in advance by
authorized representatives of the parties and may be changed
at. any time by the agreement of such representatives.

     4. Kentucky shall procure and furnish the facilities
and services required and conduct the work provided for in
Article 3 hereof and shall disburse such sums of money as
may be required to procure and pay for said facilities and

     5. On or before the fifteenth day of each calendar
month commencing with the month of April, 1945, and ending
with the month of July, 1945, Kentucky shall prepare and
submit to the Authority a progress report covering the work
performed under this agreement during the preceding calendar
month. In addition, Kentucky shall prepare and submit to
Authority not later than August 1, 1945, a comprehensive
report covering all work performed under this agreement for
the preceding fiscal year ending June 30, 1945, including
a summary of said work and conclusions relative thereto.

     Kentucky shall keep its books, records and accounts
pertaining to the conduct of the work provided for in
Article 3 hereof in form satisfactory to Authority, and
Authority shall at all times during the usual hours of bus-
iness have access to, and be permitted to examine, all
files, books, records, and accounts of Kentucky pertaining
to the conduct of said work, for the purpose of verifying
the statements of expenditures of Kentucky in connection
therewith and evaluating the work performed.



     6. Authority stall reimburse Kentucky for expenditures
for supervisory services, direct services, labor, telephone
and telegraph expenses, travel expenses, per diem in lieu
of subsistence, shipping expenses, and supplies and materials
chargeable to the conduct of the work provided for in Article
3 hereof; provided, however, that Authority shall not in any
event be obligated to aimabursse Kentucky for any such expendi-
tures on account of expenses incurred during the fiscal year
ending June 30, 1945, In excess of the aggregate amount of
Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000); provided, further, that Au-
thority shall not in any event be obligated to reimburse
Kentucky for any such expenditures on account of expenses
incurred after June 30, 1945, howsoever caused; provided
further, that Authority shall not In any event bet obligated
to reimburse Kentucky for expenditures on account of travel
expenses on any single trip in excess of the amount which
would be allowable under Travel Regulations of Authority.

     In order to effectuate the provisions of this agreement,
Kentucky shall, not later than the fifteenth day of each
calendar month commencing with the month of April, 1945,
submit to Authority a properly certified statement of expen-
ditures, in triplicate, in form approved by Authority,
showing such expenditures made during the preceding calendar
month, together with approved bills in support thereof.
Subject to the limitations and conditions of this article,
Authority shall reimburse Kentucky for such expenditures
upon the receipt of such statements.

    7. In matters relating to performance of this agree-
ment, the Chief of the Regional Products Research Division,
Commerce Department, shall represent Authority and the Head
of the Department of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering
shall represent Kentucky; provided, howeverthat either
party shall have the right to notify the other party in
writing of any change of designated representative,

     8. No assignment of this agreement or any interest
therein shall be made by either party without the written
consent of the other party.

     9, No member of, or delegate to, Congress, or Residdnt
Commissioner, or any employee of Authority shall be admitted
to any share or part of this agreement or to any benefit
to arise therefrom.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this In.
strument to be executed by their representatives therunto
duly authorized as of the day and year firat above written,

ATTEST:                           TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY

    Assistant Secretary                General Manager

ATTEST:                            UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY
WIed) Frank D. Peterson           By (Sined) H   L. Donovan
          Secretary                       President



     It was further explained that this contract would operate in
connection with our research in coal and would be under the super-
vision ofA Professor C. S. Crouse, head of the Department of Mining
and Metallurgical Engineering at the University.  The Board took
the following action:
                        * * * * * * * * * *

            2. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried,
               the contract is approved and the President
               is authorized to execute same.

     F, Resolutions of Kentucky Press Association.

     President Donovan presented to the Board resolutions of the
Kentucky Press Association, expressing confidence in the present
administration of the University of Kentucky.


                                               March 19, 1945

     President H. L. Donovan
     University of Kentucky
     Lexington, Kentucky

     Dear President Donovan:

     It is with personal pleasure that I enclose two resolu-
     tions that were unanimously passed on the Saturday meeting
     of the Executive Committee of the Kentucky Press Associa-

     We request that these resolutions be brought to the atten-
     tion of the Board of Trustees at your next meeting.

     I am also enclosing a mimeographed copy of my annual report
     to the membership for your perusal and information. Please
     note that, at the last audit of advertising business dis-
     tributed to Kentucky (and 41 in Southern Indiana) newspa-
     pers for the year 1944, the amount was in excess of
     6,000.     This office has indeed grown in stature and

     With personal thanks for your own interest and coopera-
     tion in the Kentucky Press Association and the newspapers
     of the state, I am

     Sincerely yours,
     (Signed) Victor R. Portmann




By unanimous action of the Executive Committee of the Ken.
tucky Press Association, in session at the Lafayette Hotel,
Lexington, Saturday, March 17, the following resolution
was passed and ordered spread on the minutes of the Associ-
ation, and a certified copy to be sent to President H. L.
Donovan, University of Kentucky, Lexington.

Resolved, that due to the fact that the administration of
the University of Kentucky has been under fire in the
courts, the Exeuutive Committee of the Kentucky Press Asso-
ciation wishes to express its confidence in the present
administration and extends its best wishes to President
H. L. Donovan and the Board of Trustees.

I hereby certify that the above Resolution has been
spread on the minutes of this Association and a copy for-
warded to President H.L. Donovan.

       (Signed) Victor R. Portmann

March 19, 1945.


By unanimous action of the Executive Committee of the
Kentucky Press Association, in session at the Lafayette
Hotel, Lexington, Saturday, March 17, the following Reso-
lution was passed and ordered spread on the minutes of
the Association, and a certified copy to be sent to Pres-
ident H. L. Donovan, University of Kentucky, Lexington.

Whereas President H. L. Donovan and the Board of Trustees
of the University of Kentucky have demonstrated their in-
terest in the press of the state through the establishment
of our Central Office at the University, and have permitted
Secretary Victor R. Portmann, assistant professor of Journal-
ism at the University, to help the association, therefore

Be It Resolved, that the Executive Committee of the Ken-
tucky Press Association, for itself and for the members
of the Association, hereby extends its thanks and appre-
ciation to President Donovan and the Board of Trustees;



Be It Further Resolved, that this Executive Committee en-
dorses the plan for the erection of a journalism building
on the campus of the University when materials are available,
and for the advancement of the University's Department of
Journalism, one of the 34 Class-A units of instruction in
journalism in the nation, to the status of School of
Journalism.   We extend our appreciation to President
Donovan for his far-seeing and constructive efforts toward
these ends.

I hereby certify that the above Resolution has been spread
on the minutes of this Association and a copy forwarded to
President H. L. Donovan.

Attest: (Signed) Victor R. Portmann

March 19, 1945.

                                   March 20, 1945

Mr. Victor R. Portmann
University of Kentucky

My dear Mr. Portmann:

     Let me thank you for your letter of March 19 enclos-
ing resolutions adopted by the Kentucky Press Association.

     When I opened my paper Sunduy morning and saw what
the Kentucky Press .Lssociation had done I was greatly
thrilled by this expression of their support.   I had no
idea that anything of this kind was under consideration
and it came to me completely as a surprise.   I am certain
that the members of the Board of Trustees will also feel
great gratitude to the Kentucky Press Association for the
loyal support which it has given the University.

     The only way for us to build a great university of
the first class in Kentucky is to have the united support
of the press of the state and of the citizenry generally.
I think there is a great future ahead of the University
because we are getting such fine support, especially from
men who have charge of our state papers.   This support
stimulates me greatly and imcaea me feel that our efforts
are worthwhile.



         Lot me congratulate you on the good work you are
    doing with the Press Association.   We are delighted
    to have through you such fine and close connections
    with this organization.

                                   Cordially yours,

                                   (Signed) H.L. Donovan

    The Board heard thre reading of the resolutions and ordered that
they be received and spread upon the minutes&

     G. Gifts:
             From Mr. Walter JL Salmon.
             From bIrs, Annie  L Neely,

    President Donovan presented two gifts with the following cor-
respondence; and recommended that they be received:

                                           March 22, 1945

    President H. L. Donovan
    University of Kentucky

    Dear President Donovan:

    Enclosed is check for $100.00, contribution by Mr. Wal-
    ter J. Salmon of Mereworth Farm, which, as he states,
    is "in appreciation of some information that we have
    been kindly given from time to time by the Experiment
    Station".   This generous and spontaneous gift for carry-
    Ing on the work of the Experiment Station is most hearten-
    ing.   I wish to recommend that it be placed in trust
    for the use of the Ex-periment Station, for such work as
    the director may deem desirable,

                                     Sincerely yours,

                                     (Signed) Thomas Cooper
                                               Dean and Director



                                      March 28, 1945

Dean Thomas Cooper
University of Kentucky

Mayi dear Dean Cooper:

     This letter is to acknowledge receipt of the
check for $100 from tr. Walter J. Salmon, which he gave
in appreciation of information that had been furnished
him by the Experiment Station.   I shall ask the Board
of Trustees to accept this gift to be used for the work
of the Experiment Station.   The Comptroller will place
it in trust to the credit of the Experiment Station,

     I know you deeply appreciate Mr. Salmon's gift
as it is a very effective way of demonstrating his
appreciation for the good work the Experiment Station
is doing.

                                Cordially yours,

                                (Signed) H. L. Donovan

                                      April 2, 1945

Mr. Frank D. Peterson, Comptroller
University of Kentucky

My dear Mr. Peterson:

     I enclose herewith check from Mrs. Annie C. Neely
for fifty dollars, made payable to the "Graduate Reference
Reading Room," a gift to the library, as "an expression
of sincere appreciation for the courtesy shown me by the
library". Please credit this amount to the library in
its restricted fund.   We hope to use it for the Graduate
Reading Room in some special way.

                              Sincerely yours

                              (Signed). Margaret I. King



                                    April 2, 1945

    President H. L. Donovan
    University of Kentucky

    My dear President Donovan:

          I attach hereto a check in the amount of fifty
     dollars from Mirs. Annie C4 Neely, with letter from
     MIss IIargaret I. King Librarian.  Since this is a
     gift, I believe it should be submitted to the Board
     for acceptance and record.

                                    Very truly yours,

                                    (Signed) Frank D. Peterson

                        * * * * * * * * * *

           3. On motion duly made, seconded and carried,
              the above gifts are ordered received, and
              the President is directed to write a letter
              of appreciation of the University to each
              of the donors.
                        * *** * ** ** *

     H. Honorary Degrees.

     President Donovan submitted for consideration of the Board the
nominations of the University Faculty of persons for honorary de-
grees.   The persons and the honorary degrees were recommended by
the Graduate Faculty.   The Board received the recommendation of
the University Faculty And the Graduate 'Faculty, and upon motion,
seconded and carried, authorized the President to confer upon each
person the honorary degree indicated. . It was further ordered that
the list be filed with the Secretary of the Board and that the
names of persons recommended for honorary degrees and the degrees
authorized be recorded in the minutes of the June meeting of the
Board, and that the niawes also be published along with the list of
regtular graduates of the University at the June Communcemont,

     I. Establishment of an Award to Members of the Universit    taff
for Meritorious Services .

     President Donovan presented a recommendation of the Graduate
Faculty, which hald been approved by thle University Faculty, to per-
mit the University Faculty to have the privilege of recommending
to the Board of Trustees of the University each year one member of



the University Staff for an award for meritorious service.  He
read the following letter, which contained the recommendation:

                                         April 3, 1945

    President H. L. Donovan
    University of Kentucky

    Dear President Donovan:

         The University Faculty, at its meeting April 2,
    approved the following proposal from the Committee on
    Honorary Degrees of the Graduate Faculty:

               "The Committee on Honorary Degrees
         recommends that the University Faculty have
         the privilege of recommending to the Board of
         Trustees of the University each year one member
         of the University staff for an award .for meri-
         torious service, this award when approved by
         the Board of Trustees to be presented by the
         President of the University at the June commence-

    The University Faculty requests the approval of the Board
    of Trustees of the recommendation as stated above.


                                    (Signed) Lao M. Chamberlain
                                              Secretary of the
                                              University Faculty

    The members of the Board discussed the nature and purpose of
the proposed award and took the following action:

           4. On motion duly made, seconded and carried,
              the University Faculty shall have the priv-
              ilege of recommending to the Board of Trus-
              tees of the University each year one member
              of the University staff for an award for
              meritorious service, this award, when approved
              by the Board of Trustees, to be presented by
              the President of the University at the June



    J. Racommend!.tion of the University Faculty for Meritorious
Service award.

    President Donovan submitted the recommendation of the University
Faculty concerning an award for meritorious service to one member
of the University staff at the June Commencement. He read the
recommendation of the faculty and recommended that same be authorized,
and that the recommendation be filed with the Secretary of the Board,
to be recorded in the minutes of the June meeting.  He further recom-
mended that the name of the recipient of the first award be published
in June along with the regular list of graduates and those to receive
honorary degrees.
                          * ** ** ** * **

             5. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried;
                the recommendation of the University Faculty,
                concurred in by President Donovan, is author-
                ized.   The name of the recipient is ordered
                filed with the Secretary, published at the
                usual time, Land recorded in the minutes of
                the June meeting of the Board,

    K. Army Contract for February-March-April Quarter.

    President Donovah submitted contract with the Government for
housing and messing of soldiers stationed on the campus, for the
months of February, March and April, 1945, and stated that it was
similar to contracts that have been approved from time to time. The
Board took the following action:

                          * * * * * * * * **

             6, Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the
                contract is approved and the President is
                authorized to sign same on behalf of the
                University of Kentucky.

* * * * * * * * * *



    L. Modification "Al", Supplemental Agreement. of Contract No

    President Donovan submitted Modification "A", Supplemental Agree-
ment, of Contract No. 33-088 (SC V) 119, which he explained was a
settlement with the Government for training soldiers during the
months of November and December, 1944, and January, 1945p and recomn-
mended its approval.  The Board took the following action:

            7. Upon motion, duly made, seconded and approved,
               the settlement recommended and designated
               above is approved and the President is authorized
               to file same.

    M. Liability Insurance on Trucks,

    The question of carrying personal and property liability insur-
ance on trucks owned by the University was raised at the meeting of
the Executive Committee on March 23, 1945, and the Comptroller was
requested to ascertain the cost of carrying liability insurance on
all trucks owned by the University, and to report to the Board of
Trustees at this meeting.  The Comptroller reported that he had re-
ceived responses from three of the insurance companies which had
been asked to submit proposals for liability insurance on the twenty-
three units owned by the University, with coverage of five and ten
thousand dollars and ten and twenty thousand dollars public liability.
The three proposals were as follows:

    National Surety Corporation     $355.17 on $5,000 and $10,000
    Fidelity & Casualty Co. of N.Y.    427,73 on $5,000 and $10,000
    Celina Mutual Casualty Company     544.36 on $5,000 and $10,000

    The Board discussed the question of the University's carrying its
own risk, and the premium involved and took the following action:

                         * * * * * * * * * *

            8. Motion was made, seconded and carried that the
               Comptroller be authorized to carry public lia-
               bility insurance in the amount of ten-twenty
               thousand dollars and property damage in the
               amount of five thousand dollars on the twenty,.
               three units (trucks) owned by the University
               of Kentucky, with the National Surety Corporation,



               through its agent, the Carpenter-Warren
               Insurance Company of Lexington, Kentucky.
               The various departments who use the trucks
               are to be inter-account billed on a pro-
               rata cost basis for the premium involved.
                          * * X * * * * * * *

    N. Fnes for Veterans under Section 164.480, Ky. RV.Stat.

    The question of permitting World War II veterans, who claim free
admission to the University under Section 164.480, Ky4 Rev.Stat.1944,
was again taken up by members of the Board of Trustees6  The Kentucky
Statutes with reference to veterans of the present war are not clear.
Some of the problems may be indicated by the following questions:

     1, What is the meaning of "course" in the following: "...entitled
to a free scholarship in any state higher educational institution
that he chooses for a period required for the completion of the course
of stu