xt72542j710j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt72542j710j/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1934 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 04, no. 06, 1934 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 04, no. 06, 1934 1934 2012 true xt72542j710j section xt72542j710j JH
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    . _ , , ALUMNI NOTES
 _     . The alumni of the University liv-
4 l . " ing near and around Louisville
[ Qi . _ I P 4       were called to a meeting held April
»   _ ** 16 at the Kentucky hotel in honor M
2% _; I th Al _ A _ t f H University of Kentucky of the late Dean F. Paul Anderson Fell';
  OHiciB,l O1‘g8.1'i 0 B UIHH1 SSGCIS. 101} O IB FOl_In€1_ Students and graduate' tug
, r ` Published Quarterly on the campus of the _ _ t d Th _ 5 mg
  _ U“i"°"lly’ at Lexlngim iiizglse riiixesilcieiil oawieielby 1\/i1·simiiiuii;_ DF?
`   i ` Entered as Second Class Matter at the Postoftice at Lexington, Ky., Kl'l€Ei?1’,. LOll1SV1ll€, gl`9.dl12.ire of thg (Alu
» May 22, 1929, under the Act of Moron 2, 1879 Ulllllelslty lll ill'? cl?SS; Ol 06» 3-lid __
.. . secretary to the Louisville Womens V€l·-
2. Vol. VI JUNE, 1934 N0. 4 the Louisville alumni upon one oc. ¤€d
5: ¤_-_‘i'a__ i_____A_n_g W _4__ 1 casion when he was the guest illul
. ‘j -—*—'·*‘“"_’_"‘_" “ ’“"“`"‘“‘ "_“ ' speaker at a dinner—dance in April T
` ?,' BErrYHULE1‘r,30 . ..... Editor 1930. * * * Ma
L i .* . . . . A ‘r inn _ _ _ _ ami
’ HELEN KINL 29 ms an U Oy Collis Ringo, University alumnus, was
i ` ·   “yavS 81 B C tl 8 d and installed as  
" ‘ ` OFFICERS president of the Lexington Opii. gm;
‘ ll Chas. I. Dawson, `9S ....... President mistlclub at the weekly luncheon mes
T . j Mrs. J. M. Herndon ...... \’icc·l’rcsii>e¤e¤ Mad iii- tary’S report and the minutes of the J I v~~v       iiii;   ····#· e A  A·’ .   ‘    
Pho com last meeting, President McVey made i ‘* ·:·e·i      ,    .   ‘ A; I   `A    if 
{mg of ii}? a short talk, praising the alumni for   ,,   ,i..     ‘ {      
>·D¤¤1mit their loyalty and good will evineeri     .       -      ;ss.gA,.,gj>iAA ;A.. .
dctics the Yeee "I vect the Unk       n   i‘‘·   ~-e¢ V     ’i‘t‘  
versity alumni to grasp the idea of     A       A'   ‘ . Q;.   A'AA?  
if the Uni- service this institution can render.     ..i. A- AAAA   ,A.»,. ..   A_A    . .. ,,AAAA_ A —   ,  A  
accepted a the commonwealth. Justification of   .   3 _i_.     ‘ 4   ‘·V*   __AAA   -—   i if A;-_  gz,
1 the Ten- a University is in you and your     .,`     I       — ii;   .—AA A .A,A_   ‘·‘` ,  
‘ and has attitude as an alumnus tc your alma       A .  _..‘,-     `... ri A  -2 *; .Vi“   .   ~··ee=~  
r lance his mater It ie necessary tcbare “ei¤· ii t·.   A            ae e...- .,»·· .   .i..   
ed citizenship. to understand me           ‘     .ri · .°‘‘‘=i=—=-e::=i-;’  ii`·=;:;;:i§‘? —
i¤rci>1ein cf social creaniaaticnr and   »   *5        Ji?  ‘’‘i  
Association to support loyally your educational   °ti        ‘A“‘’            ·».·_   _`‘A      
at St. Louis institutions if you want a greater        gggi,     ei.   ‘‘‘``’   ~  ‘‘‘‘,  
Boldridio oommoo“’ooloh·" Dcctcr Movoy said-  A;TA:lA`*iil’ ’=· Q.   `»..i                 ·-?:S= .·r‘       .i—   ..‘,» - .;-;.   .  
New you the senior crass. do hereby enter into       i»., ez »·`r?   ......    
y H. Berkley the ranks of the University of Ken-   it‘” ~§gA;;.;_.E_-A ..i.`·   {A  
During the tueky Alumni Association, pledging   ‘‘, ` Q-¥;r;§_i;.  ;._¤. __,_. .  
as made by our support to its projects and ·our '
IOYQIW to those D1'ih0iD1€S f01` which N. B. Hays, Lexington and Tampa, Fla., and C. G. Blakely, Topeka.,
Vere; Doctor the UhiVf?I`$i@Y of K€hWCkY $mhd$7 Kans., two of the oldest living graduates of the University, attended their
, Margaret the service of tho Poop]? cf tue 55th amiiversary reunion. They were graduated in the Class of ’79 and are
;e H. G9l5€l· cgwnéomvealtn the education, cf Its the only surviving members of their class. They had a 100 per cent atten-
Juana Kal- gcgglggizallgghitoo p{§lm€·11gaF1Ot1i0f lance at the reimion and were granted honorary life memberships in the
Edward M Of Q p’ _S0 . a Qm V}? (gn Alumni Association.
BAVMSOHA ML Aeaaii eger; greater gngrersity xgi l e _ _A_ _ _ _
. TAMM. AlZ€ or our c 1 ren an our
§\g1§,h.S Cm ch1ldren’s children." sudden illness, Judge Dawson twas W. A. Newman, lilonzo D. Moore,
’ ' . Doctor Buckner raised Doctor unable to be present at the mee ing. Judge Lyman Cha kley, Mrs. Mary
Roberts. Jo . __ P _ _ . _ C,. _
. Ed. Wilson, the retiring president, for Doctor Wilson turned the meeting ctinehour and Mis. Ludlow Petty. ·
;idS?IttbmqA his capable leadership in that oiiice over to Mrs. Herndon, who presided Mrs. Stinehour and Mrs. Petty were
Smiéh ML during the past tw-o years. for the remainder of the time. fraternity housemothers. President
' JI, Farmer Doctor Wilson announced the new At noon, group luncheons were McVey presided at the memorial ser-
AZYA  d M1., otlicers for the ensuing year. They held by various classes, and at 3:30 vices and APr-of. Edward F.AFarquhar
j MYSA Edgar are: Judge Charles I. Dawson, Louis- o’clock, alumni attended the memo- spoke on A Presence Which Is Not
{edges Sam ville, president; and Mrs. Jesse M. rial services for the members of the to Be Put By. A
B1.€m'E1m. Herndon. Irvington, vice-president. faculty who died during the past At 4:30, the alumni were guests
/Irs J yilarri Wayland Rhoads and Miss Lulie year. The memorial honored Dean at Maxwell Place for the annual
n Acriiimm. Lcsan were reeiected to serve on the F. Paul Anderson, Dr. J. B. Holloway. "at home" eiven by the President
ieii Mills. Executive Committee.; Dug to a Reid P. Meacham, John B. Dicker, and his wife. Many alumni, S€¤i01‘Sr A

{ J S
Z and friends of the University were ded the life membership certificates 1893-J. R. Johnson, Lexington; ·1Q·[
Q in attendance. to these three men at the alumni Mrs. J. R. Johnson, Lexington, um;
Q Alumni Day festivities were con- banquet. The certificates were sent 1894-Mrs. Lillie K. Kesheimer, Mm
g cluded with the annual banquet at to the two absent members of the Lexington; Mrs. Pearl Oots Wells,
’ the Lafayette hotel. A feature of the 1884 class. B. P. Eubank, Hopkins- Lexington; Leroy Land, Lexington. "
Q evening was the awarding of five ville, and Dr. R. T. Ramsey, Denver, 1895—Mrs. Elizabeth King Smith, ___
[ honorary life memberships to grad- Colo. Lexington; Richard C. Stoll, Lexing-
f - uates who had been out of the Uni- Lee McClain, ’19, toastmaster at ton. ·
{ versity 50 years or more. The two the banquet, presided in a way which 1898—Margaret I. King, Lexing-  
g sole surviving members of the Class was a. credit to his alma mater, in- ton.  
  of 1879 were present. General N. B. troducing the speakers of the eve- 1899-C. C. Jett, Lexington; Sam
% Hays, Tampa, Fla. and Lexington, ning and officers of the association. B. Marks, Lexington; George Rob- z·
gr and Charles Graham Blakely, To- Senator Owsley Stanley made a erts, Lexington.  
I peka, Kansas, celebrated their 55th short talk, reminiscing on his days 1902—Clydc Grady, Lexington.  
f ‘ anniversary reunion and attended as a student at the University. 1903—Marguerite McLaughlin; if
i all the functions of alumni day and Alumni who were registered dur- Lexington; Bernadette Sha nnon, * -  ,  
x . . . . v 
y Commencement Day. This was the ing the day were: Lexington.  
  first time in many years that any 18'79—C. G. Blakely, Topeka, 1904-S. T. Howard, Jeffersonville,  
§ class had had a 100 per cent atten- Kans.; N. B. Hays, Tampa, Fla. and Ind.; W. E. Freeman, Lexington; J.  
{ dance at reunions. Lexington. Harry Clo, Baldwin, L. I.; L. E. Noi- °  
{ Of the three surviving members of 1880—A. M. Peter, Lexington. lau, Lexington; George H. Wilson,
t the Class of 1884, only one was in 1881-M. L. Pence, Lexington. Lexington; Mrs. Wood Wallingford,
  attendance. He was Scott Graves, 1884-C. S. Graves, Lexington. Maysville.
; Lexington. President McVey awar- l890——J. W. Gunn, Lexington. 1906-H. C. Robinson, Lexington;
3  _;  Q .g`__ _·g  #   A   ;.»¥_V  en, ·         `        jg Q! Q ‘
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,\ I   1,.             ‘/   I, g V I r, . : V1 M;   Luli
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  if ` *     ‘`/V     - . J- ’f"?; `V 'V`1   ,   V-1‘ ” ` , 1;. . U   ea!-5     i1··  ·.     ` '    L H
g Reading from left to right, L. E. Nollau, Hazel Nollau, Lexington; J. Harry Clo Jr._ and J. Harry C10 SM JIE
1, Baldwin, L. I. Mr. Clo and Mr. Nollau, classmates, were graduated from the University 30 years ago, in the Class Hm
; ` of ’04. On June lst, 1934, Hazel Nollau and Harry Clo Jr., were graduated as classmates. LEX

 ( 1
J. S. McHargue, Lexington. 1918-E. Maude Harmon, Perry- HEADS KENTUCKIAN
ngton; 1907—H·0we1l D. Spears, Lexing- ville; Russell A. Hunt, Lexingtorr
t Mrs D B Phelps Cloveiport J E M C1 0 b ’ STAFF
1. cn; . . . . · ‘ ; . . c ure, wens oro. 1
wimeri Mrs- J- M· Herndon Irvmgtcu 1919—J0hn J. Leman, Cleveland; Cameron Coffman, Lexington,
Wells-   __ Lee McClain, Bardstown; Margaret junior in the C0ll€g€ of ATG and `
lgtOP· Tuttle, Lexington; Lucy Younk Fisk. Sciences, and J3¤"{€S L- BBYSOV °
_S¤`}1Th»   Lexington; Vaneta Thomas Hor- Shelbyville, junior 111 the Q<>11¤g<=
~€Xm€‘   ;..'   i A ‘ 2 lacher, Lexington; Eliza, piggotg of Commerce at the University of
_ _ `       _,   · f .. Underwood, Lexington; Ben G_ Kentucky, were recently named
sexing- _     /ga/égfj  {Q Marsh, Cyuthiana; Laura Cassidy, €dit0{` and business man9#g€1`_1`?' ‘
S   A  m y   jg Lexington; Frederick Jackson, ver- specmvsly of gh;1935 K<·>¤t¤<=k1¤¤·
y; am   —:L _     ‘/r   v{L  ‘    .  Saj]]€S_ studen year 00 .
Q R°b·   g    if s   . iii`:'· 1   1920—Whayne W.HaiT1er,Lexing— ML Coffman i$_ m¤J°*‘?¤g in We
b gl  _   ,s...i”;      ‘ t/On; Clyde Bland, Lexington; J department of Journalism and is
  Y .   ‘·   · _       Winston Coleman, Jr., Lexington; @8 °f the Umversltys most prom}
lg ‘ ‘“’         4   ?~ ‘_ ¢  w s  =r=.   Mme R. Barkley, Lexington; D. L. mem Studems H6 IS ¤ member °
umm,    fw   _`i _ I     ·.’r»,  ·‘  l i.    Thornton, Versailles. g?;g;;’Pfr;g;;EtyK;%?€é ,I?;§“B‘§:
sonville,     " I-  — ~      ., 1923"`G 1O· _ M¤¤k,_ Lexmgtcm tg social fraternigy; Scabbard and
;t0¤; J. · 4 ’ ‘ " V l,   Sarah G‘ B a‘ndmg· Lexmgtou Blade, honorary military fraternityi
E. Nol- 3 `W 1924——Raym0nd L. Kirk, Paints- peyshmg Rings, sigma Delta Chi,
Wilson, · ·‘ I V ; ville; Ruth Tucker, Danville; Joe E. professional journalistic fraternity;
ingford, . Matthews, Indianapolis, Ind.; Mary circulation manager of the Ken-
· ;··/i Frances Kriegel, Lexington; Lucy B. tucky Kernel, student newspaper;
;ington;     Gardner, Vliinchester; Margaret M, a second lieutenant in the cadet
7.   ` Reynolds, Lexington, militarylcorps, and a member of _
_-"     V  1925—Helen King, Lexington; Mil~ the Varslty track Squad ‘
  __ _ dred Morris, Lexington, Louis Clit- Mr. Bersot, son of ·Mr. and Mrs.
' ton, Lexington; Ellen Butler Stuts— L. O\f€1‘t0}1 BGYSOE 15 also vui-
· Scott Graves, Lexington, member man, Lexington, standing 1n student gffagrsf 11:121;;
` 0* the cess M ’**· =¤·*°·=¤°°° his 5***** 1927—T¤¤€ Hamm F€€ba¤h» $$355% °S££,i€’aS$‘2.§£ SSM.
anniversary reunion fund was gram}- Carlisle;.Iva Dudgeon Roberts, Nich- HB belongs to Alpha Gamma Rho;
ed an honorary 11fe-membership olasville, l928—Mrs. W. O. Black- Social h_at€rmty_ Pan Pomikony
in the Alumni Association- bum- Dry Ridg°· . student group ro} the study or m- i A
‘ ··~’···~· — —?— ——·—-——i— _ 1$;29_g_i·)m€;O$& i1;;<;§;1;(;g*_·C5·]€;‘S‘ tgrnatidnal relations; Stroller Dra-
· · . ` mg On: m · · , matic club; Y. M. C. A. cabinet; is
P1§Q§iH§j§ia§§""g§§,‘§I;S‘g§§g?g1L‘§§‘S· S· Mathew Hamdsburg; Cymhm an associate mm of the Kemuc- _
FQ I1? H H A O b ’ _ G' Sm1th,L¤>¤¤€t¤¤· _ _ ky Kernel, student newspaper; cir-
" M1 er 0 an ’ -WBnS .0m’ ` 193O_J°hn J· Owen, L€Xmgt9n· oulation manager of the 1934 Kem-
Davis BuCkU€"· L€>¤¤g’¤¤¤, T- R- Forest F. C1eve1and,Lexington; Billy mckian; newly Elected editor of ·
B"*'““’y LEX“?g*°“? Ella Buckner Whitlow, Lexingt-vn: Betty H}11¤f'¤» me 1935   book, printed each
J°h““°“~ L"Xmgt°“· Lexington; Anne S¤¤Wd€¤ Pfélthfm mu for the information Or msn-
1999—H¤g¤ B" Sa‘ndErS’ Bessemmn L·€Xi¤§t0¤§ I-D10 L€mm€ R<>bmS¤¤. men students, and a member of the
A1a·· W; Crawford B€W1aY· C1€‘V€' Lexington. _ board of directors of "Bargains in
“ §§$€?h’gg1§araEI(§i;f¤;;;a Schxgg 1931—Mary Lydia (Bleek. L€>¤¤s— Bram, mc.,’· me hmdbooii pub;
. " ‘; °$ ’ ttm: L€0¤01‘& A. Howe, Lexing 0¤· lished by seniors in the C0 e¤e o
Lexmgtom Rhoda G1aSS· Lexmgtom 1932——R. H. Money, Ewing, KY· Commerce and sent out annimlly
~ H· H· L°““`Y» East Orange- N- J·? 1933—Mary Belle Vlfhite, Shelby- to business firms relating the qual-
(iwgl gharles A. J<>1m$,E¤stf>ra¤ge.N._J.; ,,1118, Gem-ude B_ Sams, Lexington. imcamns, anim-y and experience of i
s» gf M§._§I0r1ne,Lex1ngton, E. E. Horme, ____j._... graduating semm-S m the college.
` < 1m°m;;“" ;ay1O1_ Lexington UNIVERSITY STUDENT mms LEXI—rT0N C0_EDS WIN
V- g {Kiddie Deain wants, Gédsden, Am.; AT SANATORIUM Houons IN DESYGNING
i1`§iHia McClure, Lexiugtgmy G L M han JL 24 Bu Sw_ '  
I 1913—A. A. Ba.b11uz, Lexington; dB¤§(§§i1,€E%nivi1-sity of Kentucky, Miss Minerva- Pywelk 272 Clay
  _ , Lillie Logan, Lexington; W, 0, Wil- died April 19 at the Juuus Marks avenue, of the UI`llVE‘31°S1tY of Kiléé
“ 501% Lexington. S3.1]&t0TiUm· The b°dY “""S tfilfen tuclgy §m;d1£§; C§OT1i;?1(;;?€ani&
Q ~ ·* 1914-C. C. Wlilson, Meade, Kans.; to the home of his gr&Hdm0 €i`- nor YO _ Y ‘.
·¢ H. Tyler watts, Gadsden, Ala.; same Mm George D. Mahap. Dwviue- @0116%**, *”€‘;‘?“’€d }21°“‘§;‘b;f migltggf
· ‘ ’ PBUQB. Lexington; Taylor N, House, M1; Mahan was a Ju1’1101` at the m thgegariggfvgaihionucgntest for
       ; gB1iryEW·LSChO€ni¤ngé University and a Iglamb? tof ng; gglfege Girls conducted by the silk
; _~l-_. -_ : ar . auer, or Sigma Alpha Epsi on ra er . _ . . . . f
    A"Yh“.*`· Tcxasi W· D- H%m“*°“· He was ¤ Son Of MY and M¥`S~ C""¥’· $Sighail`a`§¥i'i°t`$;11€¤mCB;i$§?11cng-
~ .. léeismlles, Cem Harp, Lexington; Lee Mahan Fmnkfort. BeS1d€S h}S cago l, . i
  ‘ 90-E.K11,Lb ;M‘.G. - · d the', he 15 ‘ ‘ '
  · E. Kelly L§b;_,nOI·?·$1O1ILl4 Mggrudgg paiepts and g£?1;hI;l?M;'1·Sha1l C_ Miss Betty Shemwell, Benton,
* ··   · ’ ’ ` ' ’ Smvwed by a 10 L · ‘ t M ·· State Teachers
  . P€¤g¤s®¤u; Mary K. venme, Lex- Mahan, a student at the gnlvelgé   {ms ;;;;§’d€d the Eighth .
 ,.   _{  »‘   mg 011. [gy; an uHC1€, D- W- Ma am A ` ‘ .· ·
  m5`M1`S· Lester A. Rowland, eas; Maxwell street, Lexington. and D1`}? §¤2;>¤gV§E€h?10 5;;*; ggggggi
···"" L€><1¤gt0n; James Park, Lexington. four aunts. Miss Sarah Mahanf hgh; svg Bef.; College and Misé
1917—B=11‘t N. Peak Lexiu t;0n· M, I-ebay of state of Kentucky, S U En a ·
Y C10 Sr" J ’ g ’ SBC   . ·t— Miss Frances Brownlee, of Due WBSU,
the ClasS ‘ C1`ut·€h€1‘, Lexington; Mrs. R. A. Miss Alice Mahan. F1_3¤kf0i · S C Centre College cO_€d also .
Hmm Lexington; A‘ B‘ CrawfO1`d’ Nancy Mahan Danvma and Mrs. i·éce1x}Z-zu honorable mention. ,  
L"X1¤st¤¤. Walton Craft, H2\Z¤1`d- I

 1. 7 '   i " ;   r_ _¢¤ -   AJ V { . .
A , . ,
¥ ' I
. James K. Patterson Slalue ls Dedicated . Wt;
. i.......... SUC4
Before a large crowd, including __;__.M_. the
1 3 members or the faculty, student   mit
. body, alumni and friends of the   if;
· n University of Kentucky, the memo-   310,
.  - rial statue to Dr. James Kennedy   ma,
.  Patterson, for 41 years president of _  , dist
z the University of Kentucky, was un-   Wis,
f veiled on the University campus     GHC
; .,  June 1 after a dedicatory address   pm,
1 , by Former Gov. and United States _é .;_,_;’_Vf “·__     beq,
 V Senator A. O. Stanley. A perfect   V__,   n ··,
= ’ Jlllle dey lllelked the exercises       defi
  Whleh were held llhdel the Shede ei   mn
century-e-ld trees     ma
E i The statue, the work of Augustus   me,
 * l-ukemeit