xt72542j9c28 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt72542j9c28/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2000 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material: 2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, March 2000 Vol.71 No.3 text The Kentucky Press, March 2000 Vol.71 No.3 2000 2019 true xt72542j9c28 section xt72542j9c28 .-. '. '2 r iUKi LEX 405 . ;:3”ROGRAPH‘V‘b l oNlVERSlTY ”F W ‘ a 2M KlNGllBRA'lY SOUTH .,. ‘ lFXlMGTi‘i': 4t Jot. Volume 71, Number 3 - March. 2000 HES S /* WWW PUBLISHED AS A MEMBER SERVICE OF THE KENTI'CKY PRESS .'\SS()(‘I:\'l‘l()N AN!) KEN'l‘UCKY PRESS SERVK'E N f ° 1 ' ° orm or Slng C COpy pI'ICB COHUHUBS t0 be 50 CCHtS By LISA (:ARNAHAN single copy pl'lce is the same Till lllitlt'i‘ filliltl, l\’l’;\ llllliitl the single pl‘lee ta; Mile \i\ ‘.\(‘l'(' charginl» KPA News Bureau Director cellls. copy price ranged l‘rolil :37» cents to 7.3 relils lor single copies, (llllt'l 'KI’A .s/m/ies single ”’1’” pm.” Twelve of the 15“) lllllltl-\\'eek_l_\' .—)ll cents. \xith the lllaiorllv 'l‘_’ ol’ price:. in that tll\'l.\l(>ll included We / (lm/ suhsel'zprlou lip-1,1,5. to QT,” [Hm papers ill the state also charge all ll. priced :11 Till eellts per issue. at 2m cents. one ll ll) emits am! llltt' N's/let‘s (III1i(1'(’(1H/Ill'lH'l‘t’l/I‘l’I/‘Hl'lt'h cents per issue." i he ('Xt't‘let-ill. the ‘ l‘lil‘ \\(‘i'l\'llt'.\ urth .‘l ellelllatloll at till i-ellls. Wiper slum/s in ”MW (lreus ”WWW l‘loyd (ollll1_\ llllles. gets in cents oi SUM“ to .l.‘lt)ll. all cents is still , . . " .. ' 3‘ _l_" 1‘“, per single lsslle. The 'l'lllles was the the l'aVol‘ell prlei hV lar \\i1h in ol~ Weekend ”him!” [)(I])(’I.\ of slim/(ll Ma and per/lam) .. . . ., ‘ .\n , .. ll . l‘ l' ,c 'tl . o/‘puh/lmrtlon / llrst Kentucky newspaper \\lth a the 2.} checked pl‘lced .ll that mark. ‘ ‘ H H“ ‘ H ( ‘H_ l' '_ R" l ‘1 ‘ TS-cent newsstand price. though Four charge 73 cents. three papers Fllll‘li‘l “‘l'l "We '10 tilll l. the Single copy prices others have followed suit. charge it?) cents and one paper was llrmiilmi 1h”! (hf *_‘:‘l't"”‘ "mg“ Kentucky's 24 daily newspa- That s where the uniformity priced at All) cents per issue. hm” “’ “”11" t” 51“" “”1“ I‘ll" pel‘s may range in circulation from ends. Among the states small For \xeeklles o\'el‘ »t.~too class. ll""“k‘l”“” ”” 1h“ “i““kl‘lld WW“ 6.400 to just over 240.000 but their weeklies. those with a ('ll‘t‘llléilll)“ 151 (ll tile 27 checked hall a .'_)(l~t‘t'ill See PRICE. page 12 BOOt camp Hall of Fame Inductees announced CD fOI‘ NIE _ 1 tlal part of their l " ’ ”M” 'f . date place set Hera'd Leader S “W mi .. l P1 OgI‘al“ HOW ’ among those honored Kentucky. The; is“ l . . . ‘ . . Hall is sponsored L.” . 1 bl Mldway College Six people Wlll be inducted into by the UK School i f _ i aval a e the Kentucky Journalism Hall of Of Journalism B LISA CARNAHAN chosen as host Slte Fame next month, including A 1 u m n i . .. ' KT’A N B D' Lexington Herald-Leader Publisher Association This ‘i ews ureau irector The first KPA journalsim “boot Tim Kelly. year marks the \ W“ "Old ““13“ I)“C"”“"‘T ”‘3” camp" has been scheduled and The induction will take place 20th anniversary thanks t” a NIP’ manual, dmtnb' information has been sent to at noon Monday, April 10, duringa of the Hall, and Kelly uted ”9" 1" K"ntUCky papers. Kentucky newspapers, who'll have luncheon at the Hilary J. Boone over 1()() journalists have been there no longer was an excuse “m first dibs on the 20 openings, to Faculty Center at the University of honored since 1981. to have an‘ltl-lln program. gauge interest in the program. Kentucky. Kelly is a native of Ashland Abs)?” '3') papers “wk us up on The three-week mini journal- The Hall of Fame honors indi- and he began his newspaper that-offer and W“ advantage 0f ism course will be offered July 17- Viduals who have made significant career at age 17 as a part-time t‘h“ ll‘rs'lflilmd printing of Ready. Aug. 4 at Midway College. contributions to the field ofjour- sportswriter for the Ashland Daily 5"“ (’0- _ ‘ The boot camp is designed to nalism. All inductees are natives of Independent. He later was a . BUl 11 8 not too late to get try and address the critical editori- Kentucky or have spent a substan- See INDUCTEES, page 6 mVOIVOd‘ _ al employee shortage most of our (Tl)s of the manual that allow newspapers are facing. It’s not : newspapers to customize the pub- meant to replace our university “g W .. See ME, page 2 and college J-schools. On the con- 1' § , _ trary. Kentucky has excellent pro- ",5 it 1’ fly; :‘g .‘ grams # as the recent Pacemaker . " i '.-. ' ..-- ii What, 4 head awards can attest. Instead, the mafa!’ J 7: I}. if “1"” ('- ' .3... ‘5, S boot camp will hopefully supple- '\ . “if ' 1 _. g; ' . 5;»? ' M06123: KPAIKPS Board . ment the labor pool. ff} K . . 1 . ;.' It _ ex ‘ 3 .- A 010:me The boot camp will be an inten- .1 ‘ i . ¥ j 95‘ oApril13-14: KPASpring Ad Seminar, five days per week naming M .:. u . *:;z ' .2 Holmmaarmwn period for newsroom employees or ' ru-r‘ii ~. m... .. . Q «June 1546: Summer Conventlon. a newspaper s new hlre. The course. {5* i .. 33....“ fl?“ Executive Inn, Owensboro will be taught by Ray Laakaniemi, , , - ' ' , , a journalism professor at Bowling 1 5‘1 ' i A” IHSlde (lreen State University ill ()hio. ‘ . -.'3-’1:‘?‘?"5"‘.¥,; // ' Newspaper professionals in . . . . 09.2. I ’ I mm. . Mark Whlte and Eddle Arnold of the Corbin News-Journal helped judge .p 41deme ~ Kentuckv Will also he called upon . . . . . . . 9 - ~ 1 I“ l ‘. . ‘ the Iowa Press Assomatlon s edltorlal contest recently ln Lexmgton. 4,974» WWW 0 (if; mmf Nahum”; .. V.” 1 . About 25 employees of Kentucky newspapers participated in the judg- ' your ff 1‘ l‘ 'm "’“t “mm “L ” ing. KPS Treasurer and Kentucky Standard Publisher David Greer (pic- '99- 101909!” W699 WW See CAMP- page 11 tured in the rear of the photo) was also a judge. flaw0‘W_"_u"9:_°"°'¥_'HgfllgLfl Page 2 - The Kentucky Press, March 2000 WllSon named editor worked for the paper as a city editor, previously worked as an assistant HleS r€tlres after 41 i . area editor, news reporter and sports metro editor for the St. Louis Post- i . . at Mt Sterllng Advgcate write}: since 1965. . ' ‘ Dispatch. She haslalso worked at the years Of COlumn WI’ltlng Steven Wilson has been promoted e attended the University of St. Petersburg Times, The Detroit Jack Hicks, a columnist for the to m'm'i rm” editor of the Mt Sterlin Y Kentucky from 1967 to 1970 and com- News, The Orlando Sentinel and the K1 t 'k . P st h g ind d 1 41- ,0“ Advocaif: where he has worked as ii pleted his joumalism degree therejust Grand Rapids Press and is a 1984 :r: $113119:an a”: Hicks 62 )has stiff writer since 1998‘ Wilson holds last summer. In the interim before graduate ofNorthwestem University's 'Cil‘i :vorked ”it‘trliepColumbus Dis atch :u; associates degree 1‘“ com mu ni ca: Herndon was named to the managing Medill School ofJoumalism. 911:; the CincinnatiflFn uirer 'ispiyell tions from the International College of editor’s position {it the Register,. he as other daily newspaiers. tie esti- Broadcasting and worked in radio and had worked. part time as a copy edit!" WKU Smdent takes tOp mates he’s written over 4 000 columns television broadcasting in Dayton, for the Lexmgrtlon HeraldLeader and h h h , in his career. A graduate of Kent State Ohio, before returning to his home. 31:11:: :0 riijiogtcagiszinterim editor for p Qthrap y 011013 in Ohio, Hicks said in his farewell col— tUVVn t0 pursue 21 career In print JOUF' “ , ‘ Jonathan KlrShnCr, a Western umn that despite the sornetimes frus- nalism Im extremely pleased to have an , . ‘. ‘ . . .1 , ‘h M ‘ ) . h) , H i ' editor with the experience that Mike Kentucky Lniversity student, took top trating t ranges es seen in t. c ntws- . Herndon brin ,5, t0 the osition ,, said honors in the Kentucky News paper business. he’s enjoyed his work. Hemen named Editor Register ubliifil‘ierehmeg Kerby’ ‘( Photographers Association‘s 1999 “For all its wear and tear, I . . . ‘ " ‘ ' p ‘ ‘ ‘ ’ ' competition. Kirshner won the awards wouldn’t have wanted to do anything (It RlChmOnd Reglthr . for professional photographer of the else,” he wrote, adding that that Mike Hemdon is the new manag- Kentucky EanIFCT flamers year, student photographer of the year doesn’t mean he’ll be picking up the ing editor for the Richmond Register. , ' 9 , , and best of show. The Lexmgton pen again anytime soon. . Herndon was managing editor of the AmOS t0 CdltOr 8 p051: Herald-Leader was named the 1999 “The only thing I want to write Kentucky New Era in Hopkinsville Denise Amos is the new editor of newspaper of the year among the from here on is a grocery list, Hicks from 1989 to March 1999 and had The Kentucky Enquirer. Amos had state‘s largest dailies. Janet Wome, a tells those who inquire about hls Herald-Leader staff photographer, future plans. —-——— I he K entuck Press ------- was runner-up for the professional y photographer of the year award. Herald-1£ader picks The Kentucky Press (lSSN-(JO23-0324) is pub- District 13 M G. . f a] d lished monthly by the Kentucky Press GlemiGra ,Manchester Fnte rise “if ‘ ’ C lnnlS 01‘ S CS awar Association/Kentucky Press Service, lnc. y rp cm 0rd Wlns governor S At t b t , Le , Tho Periodical—class postage is paid at Fra nkfort, , . ' a recen anque m. ’9“: “v KY. 40601. Subscription price is $8 per year. 9‘59““ ‘4 .. 1999 medla award Heather Donovan Mchnls was Postmaster: Send change pf address to The DaVld Thor nberry, Lommonwealth—Joumal Courier-Journal Columnist Byron named the Lexington Herald—Leader’s E9"'Lf“Cl:YK$rZ:;')1105:)2L2‘X8‘g2r‘1” Lane' . . Crawford received the media award salesperson ofthe year. m“ m’ ‘ ’( ) ' D‘smd 1.5'A from the 1999 Governor’s Awards in McGinnis is the newspaper’s tOP Officers and Dream” Don White, Anderson News the A?“ The awards, which are out51de account executiveand pro- Kentucky Press Association ‘ . administered by the Kentucky Arts duced nearly $40,000 In spec1al SGCthn D‘sm“ ”*8 Council, were presented during a revenue last year. A 1997 graduate 0f lTresideIiQt l h M [m C) N John Nelson, Danville Advocate-Messenger reception held last month in the Eastern Kentucky University, she CTCSd C‘\' 9 , C a 1.11 (L111 CW5 . - ty 5 Capitol rotunda 1n Frankfort. See PEOPLE, page 10 President Elect tate at Large hurry Backus, Appalachian News Express Tm“) Maddox, Henderson Gleaner W Another four papers checked Pa>tl’“’5id9"t Teresa Mullins, Berea Citizen NII i, out the CDs at the winter conven- Tom Caudill, Lexington Herald-Leader tion in January. Vice President Sharon Tuminksi, Winchester Sun Continued from page 1 “I was overwhelmed so many Dave Eldridge, JessamineJournal lication with their own paper’s tOOk advantage 0f lt_50 faSt,” said Taylor Hayes, Kentucky New Era name are available at the KPA KPA Vice-PFCSIdent-a Dave Treasurer Central Office for check out_ Eldridge Eldrldge, pUbliSher'Of the 38:32:52“ The KenkaY Standard, Associates Division There's no charge for use of the CD Jessamine Journal, was chairman ‘ ‘ Armando Arrastia so the only cost involved is print- of the Circulation DlVlSlOIl when District} Kentucky Department of Education ing. the prOject got underway. “FOI' Alice ROuse Murrav Ledger&Times The KPA Circulation DiViSion something-that tradltlonally has ’ Advertising Division partnered with KNNIE (Kentucky UOt been given much attention to {)5de Elaine Morgan, Owensboro NCtWOX‘k of Newspaper In by many papers (NIE); thlS prOJect led Dillingham, Dawson Springs Progress Messenger-Inquirer Education representatives) in the took Off beyond my WlldeSt imagi- project that made the NIE manu- nation. Dish‘ict3 Journalism Education als available. The manual is cus- KNNIE IS DOW working With Ed Riney, Owensboro Messenger Inquirer Buck Ryan tomized to meet KERA educational the Kentucky Department Of Di h. ‘ 4 University of Kentucky standards and is designed for Education to proniote the manual. Chh :FEP” F ikl' F w "t newspapers to soliCit sponsors to Ready. Set, (10! was recently arlt ( rmann, nil in a (n 6' GeneralCounscls bringnewspapcrs into the schools. featured in Kentucky Teacher, the District 5 ion Fleischaker and Kim Greene hPA committed $5000 to the newsletter that goes to a” teachers David Greer, The Kentucky Standard, Diiismoreszs‘hohl project which paid for the cus- in tht‘ Stiltt‘. and WO‘VU had about Bardstowii tomization ofthe materials and the 10 inquiries from 1021Ch0FS SO far," ‘ .. .. ‘. , initial press run 0160.000. said Johnson. “In the story, we told Districto Kentmky Press Association , . , , . , . . DEM] ' Ab )mflh , ()1 Hum I,“ Kentucky Pres“ gem“) Sm”. Kl\‘ i\lIL ch airperson Kriss them the manuals were available " ‘ v“ ‘ ‘ 5' ‘ ‘ “ DividT‘Thoni ‘wn er'iitii-»Dir~~ior Johnson said the 50,000~copy press and to contact their local newspa— Mgm-“ ‘ , ' p} ’ ‘ L ‘ “ run was distributed to about 30 per or KNNIE so hopefully, some ‘ k ’ . . . . . Bonnie Howardfiontroller ‘ _ ' . . . Kelley\V'amick,(.nllatincounty NW“ ““Cmmhm \‘mw Buwm Director papers who were the first ones to newspapers are getting contacted, ‘ ‘ " ‘ ‘ sign u for the )ro'ect. too." District 8-H RebaLOW“!R‘R'arch/MarkmngC‘K‘rdimmr Cropies ofI‘R’eady. Set. Go?" The next step, according to Ken Metz, BatliLounty News Outlook Sue-Cammack, Administrative Assistant were distributed to about 30 Johnson, is collaboration with KDE . Dwmct m-“ Buffy films: BWk‘99P“TRA55‘5t‘l‘“ papers, the first to sign up for the to present workshops to interested 10m. licnninghm Ashland Daily lndependent RaChel‘MCL‘irfY Afjwmfmg ASH-“tam project. teachers on how to use the materi- H””Y5“89’>I ””5119“Lmrdll‘almI “We had a really good response al. District 12 KM?“ Martin, WAN ACCOUN L'XWUUW and were very pleased.“ said “We want to make NIE a Stephen Bowling, lackson Times Tina Shryock, lNAN Bookkeeping Assistant Johnson. household name," said Jfihnsun‘ .. .. 1' . 'I'll --4 I'll'41‘ i. . The Kentucky Press, March 2000 - Page 3 Marketing strategy mu st focus on customers ’ needs . want. Research plays a key role in competitive. marketing requires knowledge of your Marketlng identifying various consumer seg- Innovate customers and prospects, their wants Insights " ’ ‘ merits and needs. Research findings Capacity for innovation will play and needs. Develop customer-oriented 3;:- Will help identify areas of strength a critical role in future competitive- communication programs that fit the ___—_ _ a and weakness. These findings will ness. Complacency is dangerous in needs of your customers and By 1”“ Dixon enable you to assess existing products the quest to maintain and grow your prospects. Remember, nobody ever . . and services, and identify new prod- customer and revenue base. wants to be "sold" anything...they're Nothing makts a.bUSll‘eS.S work ucts and services that will meet cus- Customers have numerous options more interested in how a product or harder at communicating mu.) its cus- tomer needs. available. This means they'll bypass service will benefit them. All of your tomers than the threat 0f losmg mar— DevelopASh'ategy those products and services they don't communication and marketing efforts ket share and revenue. . . f Responding to market and cus- find particularly useful. Technological should highlight consumer benefits. How. can ii.“ getermin‘e ifiyour tomer changes gives you a stronger advances can change customer Let consumers know how your prod- :3?t:]rrl::styb%l:h :gvgrrfislzigoanz 3.82%? competitive position. Assess your requirements and preferences almost ucts and services will help them! ers all it should _ or could? market and your customer needs overnight. Consumers today have Never Stop Learning . ’ The first clear signal is when you Know Your Competition much higher expectations when they . Remain competitive by continu- find yourself reacting to the market. Evaluate your existing products buy a product or semce. Value, quali' mg to expose yourself to new ideas When you’re in a scrambling mode and services. Determine your product ty, serVice and convenience are Just and ways to improve your busmess. the majority of effort is being spent on and serVice strengths and weakness some of these expectations. . . Jom .a professional or trade associa- trying to catch up versus tapping into es. Develop strategies to address these Learn From Your Competition tion in your industry. Read publica- new opportunities. Declining market issues Create a plan. With a focus and Find out what they're domg right tions that highlight future trends and share customer dissatisfaction and a a timeline. Strategic planning pro- and what they're dmng wrong. Ask market changes. Access the Internet downward trend in revenues in par- vides a framework that helps you questions. Investigate. What are their to find a wealth of business informa- ticular categories are other warning focus on staying competitive. strengths compared to yours. What tion. Attend busmess seminars. signs. You may be relying on existing . Compete are their weaknesses compared to Expand your network of busmess con- products and services and not focus- Rapid changes in technology, yours? Are they gaming or losmg cus- tacts and share ideas, successes and ing enough on the changing needs of communication, and business devel- tomers? How are. they marketing failures. Seek out "experts" and ask your customers. opments are all factors in the increas- themselves? Where do they advertise? questions. There are numerous nc- Here are some tips and insights ingly competitive climate today. You can learn from your rivals' suc- cost or low-cost resources to assist you that can be applied to your newspa- Staying competitive means regu- cess and mistakes. In fact, their mis- in growing your business! ‘ per: lar monitoring of customer needs. takes are an opportunity for you. If (Lisa Dixon, AdWorks, 1s a speak- Know Your Stufi Could your existing products and ser- their customers are unhappy, those er and marketing consultant based in Knowing who your customers are vices be revised to better meet those customers are interested in finding Dallas, TX. She conducts seminars and what they want is essential to needs? Are their needs not being someone else who will satisfy their nationally on behalf of community remaining competitive. The introduc- addressed? Making incremental needs! publications for their small business tion of new products and services, or changes in existing products and scr- Market Yourself advertisers. Call today for your [rim changes to existing ones, should be vices, as well as developing new and In business, you can't save your rwwslettcr copy and for infbrmation done in response to the patterns innovative, breakthrough product way to prosperity. Develop an annual on her small business advertiser semi- revealed when target customers are ideas and service programs, may be marketing plan and budget. Set rcal- nars. She can bcmaclwd al.972818-5472 asked why they buy and what they required for your business to stay istic goals and objectives. Effective orhye-mail at LADixon@aol.mm.) I O O . ‘ , Remembering nght—Ridder exec. Prepare for a paperless future yeSterday (AP) ——- As newspapers move toward an era “Before too much longer it will be more cost-effec- , increasingly dominated by the Internet, they need to tive to give away electronic devices than to maintain PrOdUCtlon COStS preparefor a paperless future l“ Wthh they'll reach circulation systems and departments” he told the _ readBeriirIi “‘iw ways,da Kflgfhgldg‘t‘rgfisunv Si‘d- newspaper executives. “We'd all better keep an eye on 0 ng e, presr en 0 ig 1 er en ures, - , ,S 0 - so S to forced Increased the investment arm of Knight Ridder's nelw media iblskgzlhzgtfiredttsli: biblfsuca’plil‘ty "econ mic n e ' ' o rations s oke recentl at the 53rd annua meetin . ‘ . . ‘ . '. ad, SUbSCI'lpthIl offliI‘he As’sogated Pres: Publishers and Editors 0% Ingle said publications Wit-h editors who are most , Missouri and Kansas. adaptable to what he described as the constantly I'aIBS In 1920 Ingle is a former editor ofKnjght Ridder's San Jose changing definition of news have the best chance of _ , Mercury-News, one of the first newspapers to move remaining viable in tht‘ "0’“ century. Eighty years can make quite aggressively into providing news on the Internet. He “My best guess is that the answer lies in looking as a difference,. as a recent item later oversaw web site development for 30 Knight deeply as we possibly can at what are the real values of published m the Central Ridder newspapers. newspapers,” Ingle said. “And I don't think they rest gentiécfiy .lllqewsl ipuznal m “Over the past year or so, it looks like everybody's on the media _ the paper Stuff." anig flailiiafyleZaO etshé News favorite .sport ‘5 guessing how qu1ckly newspapers w‘u Ingle said the day will come when newsprint no ’ perish like the dinosaurs, and leave little pools of l k , th “ - d d blsh , '1] Journal re 0,.th that the KPA ‘ . . ,, onger ma es e iconomic gra e, an pu l. crs w1 had adopted) a resolution “provid- p etgoleum around places hke Topeka and JOplm’ Ingle move to electronic devices. perhaps as small as a cigar ing for increased subscription sai Microsoft's Bill Gates, Ingle said, tried unsuccess- tube, with flexible, high-resolution screens that canbe rates,- and advertismg rates fully to get newspapers as partners and now “has pulled out and linked up Wirelessly to a Wide selection necenss1tated by CQStS 0f pTOdUC- decided we're history.” of news, eventually With communications and interac- tion at Its midwmter meeting. He cited a Microsoft advertisement featuring a tive capability. The suggested rate was no less timeline predicting that the last paper editions of As to the content of news, Ingle foresees a very per- than .$1‘50 per year for a SUb' newspapers would appear in 2018 as the industry sonalized mixture of detailed and specific information scription to a weekly, and _no less moves solely to electronic distribution. of high value to the people who want it. than 32 per year fozhsemirweiik- “I fear it could happen five to 10 years sooner than “One thing I know for sure is that we simply can't t;:;'0f01r0%%p::ie:: th: saints: that,” Ingle sald' . count on old habits to guarantee eternal life for our _ _ ’ ’ g3, People have developed interests and needs much ws a ers .. In le said “But if we focus on our his- ed minimum rate for advertismg different from those of a generation ago, and they're ne. p p ’ .g . ' ll' ‘ fl h d was 20 cents an inch. . looking for different types and sources of information toric values, acting as inte igent sorters or t e reia .er, News Journal columnist about those interests, Ingle said. and Sifting and packaging the news and prov1ding Marie COX included the informa- Now, Ingle said, the print media maintain a pro easy-to-use pathways to a deep well Of other informa- tion 1“ her Jan. 13 Early Days duction cost advantage over electronic communication tion, there's every chance that we can do that better column. methods, but at some point the scale will tip. than our new competitors.” Page 4 - The Kentucky Press, March 2000 O O I ‘ w a w 7 I oo much tinkenn g With typefaces creates sloppy look . o - _' .. -- ». the intent was to create a strong sans benefit from a bit of iiiinus-tracking the help ofsomeone \\ lio has had that D3819" IS serifdisplay face and/or some condensing. Caslon 1224, experience before alteringr the vertical Eve thin ’. Unfortunately, we can destroy for example. is a face that I recom— scale of your type. This is a high—risk 12'." g 551 5 that look in an instant by mishan- mend to some clients for headlines. move. ———————- Eh \ .. dling type in our computer software. But the (.lzislon is very round, Which 3, Once you‘ve decided on a figure ByEdward F. l ' Nowadays, it takes but moments to tends to give it a less newsy feel. So for your scaling, stick to it. [)0 not Hennmger over-track or over-condense a type- for those clients who like the C‘aslon, allow editors or paginators to "cheat ’5 " face—~or to kem some letters so tightly I recommend a vertical scale of 859'}. in" a headline by further decreasing How we handle type speaks vol— that those letters will actually over- Where did that figure come from? the vertical scale. If it’s going to be umes about our level of professmnal- lap each other where they touch. Testing, proofing, experimenting With 85%, demand that it be left at 8592. ism. If we treat type well, we treat Some definitions: ‘ different percentages. In the long Over—tracking or over-condensing a our readers well. If we treat type Track is the amount of common run, I determined that 8N7? was headline is a common shortcut edi- poorly, we treat our readers poorly. space between letters. When you about as far as Caslon could be tors use to make a headline fit _ What’s worse, we become less profes- adjust track, you adjust the spacing “pushed” without it beginning to especially when they’re up against Sional as a result. between all letters. appear overly condensed. The result - - - , , , , , , deadline. Havmg been a desk editor All typefaces were deSigned to Kerning is the amount of space is a display face that has a news1er, myself for 15 years I appreciate the carry a certain look. Some are more that we allow between specific letters. more assertive look. . , - ’ . . , . pinch they re in and I understand austere, some more elegant, some Kernmg requires you to place your Ive done the same With some th . . . . eir compuISion to cut a corner here more extended, some With a stronger cursor between a pair of letters and other faces. But there are some . . . . or there. vertical thrust. adjust that space. important pomts to be made here: . . . . But I remain convmced that To the typographer, there were Condensmg (some software pro- 1. I adjust typefaces to make . . . . . . , . . over-tracking or over-condensmg cre- important reasons for the type to be grams call it Wertical scaling ) occurs them work better Within the overall . . ‘ . ates sloppy typography. And your deSigned as it was. Perhaps the when we squeeze letters to decrease deSign of the newspaper. 3 d 't Th t be bl typographer was creating a face that their width. 2. Unless you’ve had years of “8 ers see 1 ‘ ey may no a e would hold up well as text. Or maybe Now, some typefaces can actually experience with type and design, seek See TYPEFACES, page 12 N 1 f t ' 1d f d rt ' “WWW gory imaginable. Each issue con— al of them for posters as well as black & white clipart. Though it’s TeCh " tainS basic elements a paper needs covers. I also appreciate the collec- missing some of the features of the Talk . ’ for day-to-day ad creation and tion of puzzles (word search, Metro and Multi-ad collections W marketing activities, along with mazes, etc.) and predesigned pieces (there are usually no articles, puz— . . ~- up-to-the-minute graphics and idea for children’s pages included each zles, etc), the quality is very good ByKevm Slimp . , [fish-mu. 0f Newspaper w, coverage of the current topics and month. and you re sure to find a lot you Technology ' trends. In addition, every issue of Ad- can use. - i - Most of the newspapers I visit Builder features weekly columns In the perfect world, newspa- About once a week someone who use Metro Newspaper Service from bridal expert Beverly Clark. pers would subscribe to all three of asks me which newspaper art ser- also use one or more of the other Just as Metro has other ser- these companies’ services to take vice I prefer for ad design. The subscription services provided by vices available by subscription, so advantage of each of their truth is I don‘t have a clear front- the same company. A few of these does Multi-ad. Similar to Metro’s strengths. I know, however, that runner. In my opinion there are include Classified Dynamics, Sales Classified Dynamics is Multi-ad’s budgets are limited and most three companies which provide the Spectaculars and the Holiday SCAN (Selective Classified newspapers subscribe to just one most usable artwork subscription Advertising Service. Shipped quar- Advertising for Newspapers). artwork service. My suggestion is services for our indnustry. As I terly, Classified Dynamics provides Multi-ad also puts added emphasis this —— if you’re pleased with the visit with newspapers around the innovative art, photography, ad on the ability to download artwork collection you’re currently using, country I hear differing opinions layouts and promotions specifically from its website, but I seldom find stick with it. On the other hand, if about which service works best for designed for your automotive, real the initiative or time to look any- you’ve been wanting to look at your them. estate and recruitment clients, where outside of the monthly col- options, or you’re not subscribing The two mentioned most often along with self-promotional ideas lections. to any artwork service, I’d suggest are Metro Creative Graphics for your publication. The final collection, Clipper (by you contact all three of these com- Newspaper Service and Multi-ad A couple of features I appreci— Dynamic Graphics), is a little dif— panics for sample CDs and deter- Publishing Systems AdsBuilder. ate about Metro’s collection are: ferent from the other two collec- mine which best fits the needs of The third service, which also pro— the ample selections of models tions. Clipper is also a subscription your newspaper. Here are the vides artwork for newspapers as (both photos and clipart) which can service which is provided on CD phone numbers and web addresses well as other designers. is Dynamic be mixed and matched to create each month. The artwork included of each: Graphics‘ Clipper. the effect you’re looking for in an in Clipper seems to be of higher These products work in a simi- ad (nobody beats all the Santa pho- quality than that from other ser— 0 Metro Creative Graphics, Inc. lar manner: newspapers subscribe tos provided for Christmas ads) vices. The upside of this is that (800) 223-1600 to a monthly service which pro- and the inclusion of appropriate much of the included artwork is www.metrocreativegraphics.com vides artwork, both clipart and artwork for holidays and seasonal perfect for full-color ads, covers . , . ‘ . . . . ‘. . 'Multi—ad SerVices photos, on CDs. Along With the promotions. and backgrounds. The downside is (800) 245—9278 CDs subscribers receive attractive For instance, the February that there are less individual wwwm lt'- d catalogs with full-color prints of 2000 collection included artwork pieces of art than in the other col- ' u 1 a .com the provided artwork. In addition, for Valentine‘s Day, Spring Home lections each month. °Dynamic Graphics, Inc. these companies are becoming Improvement, President’s Day, It’s obvious that this collection (800) 255-8800 involved in providing artwork over Newspaper in Education Week and was created for a more diverse www.dgusa.com the Internet. Here’s a closer look at Mardi Gras. group than just newspapers. each service: Multi—Ad’s Ad Builder has Rather than being filled with a lot (Kevin Slimp is the director of Metro Newspaper Service, the many similarities to Metro’s collec- of line art, most of the files in the Institute of Newspaper flagship publication in the Metro tion. One strong point of Ad Clipper are high-quality, full-color Technology, a training program for family, includes high-caliber origi— Builder is the Creative Cover Ideas pieces. If it’s black & white clipart newspaper professionals held on nal photos, artwork and ready-to- supplements which provide sample you’re looking for, Dynamic campus at the University of use sales-oriented ideas covering covers for special sections and Graphics’ offering is called Print Tennessee in Knoxville. Kevin can virtually every situation, holiday, inserts. These full-color covers are Media Service. Print Media Service be contacted at kslimp@newspa- special event and advertiser cate- very attractive and I’ve used sever- contains just that ~ high quality perinstitufecom.) The Kentucky Press, March 2000 - Page 5 Proper deletion of ii ht files E ' g very pictur