There was a call meeting of the Executive Gommittee of State University of Kentucky held in the President's Office at 11 o'clock AZ M. Tuesday July 29th, 1913. Present were, C.B-. Nichols, T.L. Edelen, Hywel Davi'f-s. R.O. Stoll and C.B. Terrell. President Barker submitted his written retort as required under the re- solutions of the Board, setting forth the condition of affairs at the University since the last meeting of the Committee. The death of Professor James Garrard 'White was report- ed by the President and the following resolutions were read and unanimously carried, RESOLTUTIONS OF THE EXECUTIVE COMM1ITTEE cF' STATE UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY ON THE DEATH OF VICE PRES1 IDENT JAM.ES GARRARD WHITE. James Garrard White has been called by his maker to his final reward, In his death the State University of Kentucky has lost one of its oldest and most faithful friends and ser- vants. He commended his life's work as a teacher within its walls, and he died holding the office of Vice Pres- ident. The lines of his life's work were conterminious with the existence of the institution; they began to- gether. The forty-fifth annual commencement of the University was the first of these functions foam which he was ever absent; while his body was confined by sick- ness to his bed on the 6th of June, last, his heart and his mind were on the campus with his boys and girls who were Joyfully commencing the life he was sadly preparin g to leave. Next to hi.s immediate family the University was the idol of his heart and he gave to it his whole 14ife freely without stint. laboriously without complaint. No man ever possessed to a greater degree than Professor White those splendid Qualities of mind and heart which so endear the teacher to the student; he was impartial, patient and gntle. Ne student ever apnealed to him for symnathy and went away without receiving what he asked. Both stu- dents and faculty loved him and his death was a common MiS- fortune to Us all. "His life ws gentle, and the elements So-mixed im him that nature might stand u'p And say to all the world 'This was a man*'#. BE IT# T'HEREFORE, RES;OLVED by the Executive Committee that our appreciation of the great loss the University and the whole State have sustained in the death of Vice Presi- dent White be srread upon our official records and that a