xt72804xkk4k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt72804xkk4k/data/mets.xml Indiana Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.) United States. Works Progress Administration. Division of Professional and Service Projects. National Archives(U.S.) 1939 vi, 109 l.; 26 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Library Program libraries and the Federal Information Preservation Network. Call number FW 4.14:F 317/ser.14/no.13 books English Indianapolis: Historical Records Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Indiana Works Progress Administration Publications United States. Federal Emergency Relief Administration -- Archives -- Catalogs Archives -- Indiana -- Catalogs Indiana -- History -- Sources -- Catalogs Inventory of Federal Archives in the States. Series XIV. Emergency Relief Administrations. no. 13, Indiana text Inventory of Federal Archives in the States. Series XIV. Emergency Relief Administrations. no. 13, Indiana 1939 1939 2019 true xt72804xkk4k section xt72804xkk4k w “ P‘NI‘VEF‘lS‘IT‘V CF KENTUgKy - n . I ‘ \ N I‘ N ‘ ‘ , - NIH/"HIIHHHH“ll/Hill!" 3 [1:425 HERMES Ci ‘ IlWE’TITORY OR FEDE‘JUIL ARCHIVES IN THE STATEr« 1 ' ’ ”1:551:73 SERIES XIV. ELERGENCY RELIEF ADIIINISTRATIONS viii ' NO. 15. INDIANA . :. , 3’ - i 5 7' 2H ' ”3W5; if} f " ' THE SURVEY OF FEDERAL ARCHIVES a DIVISION OF PROFESSIONAL AND SERVICE PROJECTS . ' - WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION 2‘“: ’ '~ INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA l // l . ‘ . :/’ INVENTORY OF FEDERAL ARCHIVES IN THE STATES’ mu“ Q .. y ' ‘5'}. 1:39“ p (3(5) X , Prepared by . The Survey of Federal Archives - Division of Professional and Service Projects Works Progress Administration The National Archives Cooperating Sponsor . SERIES XIV. EMERGENCY RELIEF ADMINISTRATIONS NO. 15. INDIANA I Indianapolis, Indiana A The Historical Records Survey ' 1939 i ' ‘ f ii . i r ‘t ‘I .“ ~1 The Hist ical Records Survey u ’ l y i p: . "‘.. . 1‘ -J 1 o: . I I) A( ",§ Philip M. Hamer, Associate Director in Charge of the . *_¢l Inventory of Federal Archives m ,., . Samuel J. Kagan, State Director, g! V ’ i: f' ., ' W( ' sz‘ - 1 a1 1 ‘ nu ,: g 7 i1 i i I“ fl 1 - ‘ d5 ‘ g5 1 ix ‘ .i Division of Professional and Service Projects ‘ t} 1 de . i , , > .9 se I ' 1 I fl 1 . Florence Kerr, Assistant Administrator _ re ‘ Mildred E. Schmitt, State Director T11 ) , in r .3 - ‘ at , fl ’ . W1 | 1 ti ' Fr . je '» Hi ‘ In wa . fi . du Su In WORK PROJECTS ADEENISTRATION { Se 1 r 1 F. C. Harrington, Commissioner j 5 John K. Jennings, State Administrator ; 1 ; 1 t iii 1 PR E FA C E The Inventory of Federal Archives in the States is one of the products of the work of the Surveyrbfmfbdbfal Archivesrjfiffifirbperated as a nation-wide project of the works Progress Administration from January 1, 1936 to June 30, 1937, and has been continued since that date as a unit of the Historical Rec— ords Survey, also operating as a nation—wide project of the works Progress Administration, and a group of state or local projects of that Administration. ' The plan for the organization of the Inventory is as follows: Series I consists of reports on the administration of the Survey, acknowledgments, and general discussions of the location, condition, and content of Federal archives in the states. Succeeding series contain the detailed information secured by workers of the Survey, in inventory form, a separate series number being as- signed to each of the executive departments (except the Department of State) ' and other major units of the Federal Government. Within each series No. l is a general introduction to the field organization and records of the govern- mental agency concerned; the succeeding numbers contain the inventory proper, separate numbers being assigned to each state in alphabetical order. Thus, in each series, the inventory for Alabama is No. 2, that for Arizona No. 3, that for Arkansas No. 4, etc. . For each local office information regarding each series, or unit of related records, is presented in the following order: title, inclusive dates ("to ~ date" indicating an open file at the time the information was secured), general description of informational content, description of the system of fil- ing or indexing (if any), a statement of frequency and purpose of use, form of the record itself (bound volumes, sheets in folders, etc.), linear footage, description of the containers, physical condition of the records (not stated ii‘ ,. satisfactory), location by room number or other identifying information, and _ finally, the number of the Form 588A on which this information was originally recorded by a Survey worker and from which it was abstracted for the Inventory. This form is on file in The National Archives. When it contains substantial information on addenda sheets which has not been included in the mimeographed abstract, indication of this is given by use of the reference "See addenda." In Indiana the work of the Survey was under the direction of Professor William O. Lynch, with Mr. J. Harley Nichols as his assistant from its incep— tion until July 15, 1936 at which time mr. Nichols succeeded him as director. ' From July 1937 to December 1938 Mr. A. W) Fishback was in charge of the pro- ject and since February 11, 1939 Mr. Samuel J. Kagan, state Director of the Historical Records Survey has been supervising the work of the project. This Inventory of the records of the Emergency Relief Administrations in Indiana was prepared in the Indianapolis office of the Survey and was edited before A final typing by Miss Elizabeth Edwards of the washington office. It is repro- duced in mimeographed form through the facilities of the Historical Records Survey. Samuel J. Kagan, State Director Indianapolis, Indiana Historical Records Survey ‘ September 29, 1939 in Indiana I . 1 l 1v CONTENTS ‘ Page INTRODUCTION a....o.........uo...n........................}........-.... 1 INDIANAPOLIS State Office ...................................................... 3 Office of Administrator .0000oIonooocooaoconcocnounoo-uooooooaco 3 Department of Audit and Control ................................ 4 Emergency Education Division ................................... 11 Department of Rural Rehabilitation ............................. 12 Social Service Division ........................................ 12 Work DiViSion .OOCOIIOcOIOOOOOOCUOQ.IIOOOOOOIIOODIQIJIIIU.09.... 15 County Office Records ............................................. 14 Adams County ooouoonyo-eoooooooooooscone-ccoo-Iounonoccaooouno'o 17 Allen County no.IInoInnaI...Itoo-oODQIQOOIcoo-Io-oooonoIO-OIIIQO 18 Bartholomew County ............................................. 19 Benton County DOIOIOOI000!Ict.OIIOOIIICOIIOODOOOOICIIOIOQIOIC'OO 20 ‘ Blackford County Coho-II-loc-cccoIt'0'.ocnooolcutocoo...l0loobnI 21 Boone County tooocoouuoc-uoao-o-oooooooooo'ccoco-cotcnooc-oocco. 22 Brown County oaoooonaooqooo-convene-lovaao-ocnounce-ooo-o‘clucno 25 carTOll County Ioonlooooooooooonnolvoocuoonoonloooucco-ou.000... 28 0335 County ona...ocoo...can-coonooocoo-oouonooo-coon-Iona-Iouuo 24 ‘ Clark County IODQIIIOIOIOIIOOOOOIOOIIIIIAIOCOOOOIOOIII'IIIDIIO-I 26 Clay County o.np..uo----onus-ooooo-nnoooo-nnoo-uuuuc..o-ooo-pcuo 27 Clinton County one...on.coco-coco...no.nn-oo-oaooooIOocoo-occo-o 28 Crawford County ................................................ 29 'Daviess County ................................................. 50 Dearborn county unaccoouo-ouooncoco-ocoo-cooIQ-cooocooo-ou-coco. 31 Decatur County ooooaoooooooaocn-ooooonaccou-ooogoocnoouucoouono. 32 De Kalb County noooonboooooonato.saturate-concounou-tnoncnuanouv 33 Delaware County ................................................ 34 Dubois County .................................................. 35 Elkhart County IIIIOIOOOOOQOOI'OIOOIDIDIOOOOIICOOIOIIIUIOOOCCIOI 56 Fayette County In.0000.000.OOIIUOOQOIIIIocc-Icanon-loo'ooocoluco 37 Floyd County oncoon-concoco-ooouutoooo-coo'oocno-ocooconoopoocoo 58 Fountain County cool-noochc-c-qcooccoo-oat...totoot-oanoooolnnc 40 Franklin County loo-cocoonooononootuouIonic-cooonto-cooculuououo 41 Fulton County no.oocuocoogcooyogbuoo-o-on.nauoioosncnoooo-ocuooo 41 Gibson County .................................................. 42 Grant County ouoouoooovoiooccoll.out.Io-oooooovootcuoo‘oOOIOIo-l 43 Greene County .................................................. 44 Hamilton County cacao.oocco-ooocoqooa-uoaosunbulcpoooooonoucoooo 45 Hancock County Iotocotococcocouuooonnouuocoucoco-oooo-tuoico-ooo 46 Harrison County goo-ouocov.no...coon.oncoaiuIt'd-nonggaonunoooa. 47 HendriCks County gov-ouooJ-v-ouuouncoouo-n-suooaooococoooc-o-oo. 48 Henry County IOOOIUIOOOICIOOOIIODOIO'cltnllllltOOOOODCIDIOQIIIOI 49 Howard County oouoIo-oc-oaoooou-noun...onuoo-ugo-onaoo-co-coo-c. 50 ' V CONTENTS . Page INDIANAPOLIS (Continued) Huntington County .............................................. 51 Jackson County .oouooo-oaacnoocan...nun-ooouooocouunoon-socaoooo 52 Jasper County .................................................. 55 Jay County ................................;.................... 54 Jefferson County no.ounco-on00.!IOIIt...otuooulucunoloouuoo-IOI' 55 Jennings County OIIOOODIIOIIIIQIOOOIOOI0000'.OCIOOICCIOOIOOCIOII 56 Johnson County ................................................. 56 Knox County .................................................... 57 KOSCiusko County count-no-aoconouono.Ion...otccnuooooo-o-oo-ooo. 58 Lagrange County ................................................ 59 Lake County voouIn...cunoo-uoooaooc-ooooo-nooaconnooo'nuoo-nu... 60 La Porte County DCOOIIIOOII00000-0...o0-00DOOOIOOIOIOIOOOIIQOOOI 61 Lawrence County ................................................ 62 Madison comty OIIOOIOIOIIOOOIIDQOOIODOIIIOOUOOOUOIOI0.0.0.0.... 63 Lhrion comty OOCOCDOOO‘OIIOIOOID...UIOIQIIDCIIODIOIQOOOO'DIOIIIO 64 Department of Audit and Control .;........................... 64 Social serVice DiViSion too... 68 Work DiViSion o-oocoucnocoo-oooo.auto-uoo...oooo-ou.oouoooocu 68 mrshall County 'IIIICOOCOIIOO0.0.0.000...IOIIOOIOOQIUIOOIUIOOOO 71 Mrtin Gomty OIIDIOIOOIIIOIOQ'OCUOOOCOQIQCOOOOIOOOCQIICDOOIOIIO 72 Miami County ................................................... 73 Mbnroe County .................................................. 74 ~ , Mbntgomery County ooonocou-anauoooonoooououncoooacuoo-coouv-o-oo 75 MOrgan County .a................................................ 76 Nemon County u.nooo-ooQoo-ooooot0-0.9...couccouoonnooocuoout... 76 Noble County on...o.clocnocnlnunaoiooooootououcoloOCOOICDIQOIQOI 77 Ohio County .................................................... 78 Orange County OUOOOIOQODOOIIOOIOOocuvooonnlltotlconoooIon-0.00.! 79 Owen County goo-coco.coon-.ovc-Ionooooa-nnnout-nou-oo-o-coocoooo 79 Parke County 0allot-OIOIIOOOI-UIIIIODIconnotoonollilooonlcocci-o 80 ' Perry County ................................................... 81 Pike County .nnu-cu-n-IuonouuI...onoooao-unuuouans-cocoo-I-ooo-o 82 Porter County toOOQOOOCIII-OoooloaounluIooouou‘oluooouGiotto-on. 83 Posey County OCIODOOICIoolo-OOUIII000.00Iccooaooo-IUUOI.OIQUQOOI 84 Pulaski County IOODUOOOOIOIOIOOIIllOOODOOCIOO...OIIOOOIOIICIOIOD 84 Putnam County .................................................. 85 Randolph County ODI00-0...DUI.00-00-000OOOOOICIIOOCOOIOGI‘IOOon. 86 Ripley County on:loo-conioao-vouoooooooauooo-ncooo-oooo-Ioooooo. 87 RuSh County out...OCOOIOOOIOOIcalcvcoolcoclaOIOOOOIOIIUOOOIOIJID 88 Saint Joseph County ............................................ 89 SCOtt County onococoa-oc-o-o-o-qo..ooooooco-c-onoounutooInc-o... 90 Shelby County cocoacocoopoouoI-ooona.onuI-aoo-ouolooolloallooo-o 90 Spencer County act-non.nonoooo-cooooo-ooo-ocoon-co-oocuoooon-ooo 91 Starks County OOIOOIOIJOIOOOOIIIOUUQIOOIO'IOIIIIIIOIIOIOIOOUOO‘. 92 Steuben County OOODOOIOOOOIOIOCOOOOUIIICOO-IQIIIOIII‘IUOOIDOD... 95 Sullivan County o-oooon-ooo-so-oo-coco-gnuo'oooouooucoco-concoct 94 Switzerland County OI...OIADIOOIOIOOOOIO'OCCIOOOOUIIOOIOOOOOOOOC 95 vi CONTENTS Page INDIANAPOLIS (Continued) Tippecanoe County U...-.....‘ol....'.O.‘.'...‘..I'.........U... 95 Tipton COW-by aonno...ouccooccn-oo-ooo-o-ooIcocoon-oooc-ooo-ooo 96 Union Comty ...'..........C'......I...C.....'.............I... 97 Vanderburgh County .‘.'..'.'CI.'....'...‘I‘l'.............l.... 9? Vermllion County .‘.....""..l.................".ID....'.I.. 98 vigo C(DIJ-r1-b3’I .‘I...I......QCCI..W....I........I.I.........."... 99 Wabash Comlty C.‘..°...I.."1........‘I.‘I...'.'I....I'l....... 100 Warren County .I'....“.."I.C...‘C'I....'-..'................. 101 Warricl': Coul‘lty IUUII....U.......'....."........'....O......... 102 Vras}lington Comty I...‘...I.0O.III..............I'..'......'.‘. 102 Waylle County .I'...‘I.....‘.'..'I..'..'..'...-.‘.'..I....O.C... 103 Wells County 'l.'...0......I.U.....I....‘.........I..I.'.C...I. 104 mite County ...'....'............'....I..........‘..I........‘ 105 W-hitley County Otto-CIA... 106 PORTLAND Jay CountyWork Director onooooooo-cncoo-aoocoo-oocoo-ooooocpcoooo 107 ROCKVILLE Office of Parke Township Trustee ................................. 108 VINCENNES KIIOX CountyWork Director no...con-ocon-concn-o-oou- 109 l EigRGENCY RELIEF ADIJNISTRATION INTRODUCTION The Indiana Emergency Relief Administration was organized in May 1933. It was under the supervision of the Federal Emergency Relief Administration and the Governor's Commission on Unemployment Relief. The Governor's Commission on unemployment Relief (referred to as GCUR throughout the Inventory) was a state agency that coordinated and administered all emergency relief activi- ties. By executive orders of the Governor, this Commission was abolished April 1, 1959 and reestablished August 11, 1959 as the Indiana Commission on Unemployment Relief. From.April l to August 11, its duties, activities, and functions were taken over by the Indiana Department of Public Welfare under the Division of Unemployment Relief. Prior to April 1, 1954 grants were made from the Federal Emergency Relief funds to the Federal Civil works Administration for work relief, and to town- ship trustees for a part of direct relief costs. After the Federal Civil Works Administration was terminated April 1, 1954, the FERA work relief pro- gram as well as direct relief was administered by the Indiana Emergency Relief Administration. work projects under the direction of county work directors were set up in each of the ninety-two counties in Indiana. The projects were planned to give employment to the largest possible number of relief clients. They were sponsored in accordance with the general TERA regulations, that is, by state departments and local political sub-divisions, and by the State ERA office. Projects were sponsored by city and county engineers, boards of county commiS9 sioners, town councils, other public administrative bodies, and officials. State projects were sponsored by the State office, often in cooperation with the state departments. Generally speaking, the projects in each county were coordinated by the county work director and the local public officials to assure that the work done was most essential to the general welfare of the community. Projects were distributed roughly in proportion to population, 6. g., Narion County, where Indianapolis, the largest city in the State is located, had three hun- dred ninety-eight projects, while Lake County, in which Gary, Hammond, East Chicago and‘Whiting are located, had three hundred three projects; Scott County had six projects; Union County had seven projects; and Switzerland County had eleven projects. Every effort was made to approve projects and put them in operation to alleviate unemployment. Workers were selected for the projects from the relief rolls by the social . service division of the ERA. Selections were made on a basis of the relief client's need. Every effort was made to place workers on projects that were best suited to their abilities. When projects were closed, workers were given preference over direct relief clients on new projects being started. workers with large families were given preference in all cases. The maximum time for any person to work was twenty-four hours per week. Some of the outstanding projects under this program were survays of sewers, county roads and bridges, grade and track elevation, coal mine drainage, rural 2 INTRODUCTION electrification, and location of section corners; county coordinated projects, planning for Indiana National Guard, and conservation work (fish hatcheries). The FERA program.wns terminated July 1, 1935. However, a few projects operated until the latter part of January 1936. At the close of the FERA pro— gram the state and county office records were placed in the custody of the newly organized WOrks Progress Administration. The records are at the present time in storage at the Indiana State Office of the Work Projects Administra— tion, 1200 Kentucky Avenue, Indianapolis. For records originating directly or indirectly under FERA auspices, now in other custody, and for records closely relating to its work, see the Indiana Inventories for the Federal Civil WOrks Administration, the National Reemploy— ment Service, and the Departments of Agriculture, Labor, and the Treasury. State Office, Indianapolis 3 INDIANAPOLIS STATE OFFICE (A) Abbot Laboratories, 217 N. Senate Ave. (B) RCA Bldg., 501 N. La Salle St. (C) Old Deaconess Hospital Bldg., 508 W} Ohio St. 4 Office of Administrator 1. CORRESPONDENCE, 1954 - 1955. From the auditing department to officials in the various districts regarding cash allowances. Filed numerically by district numbers. (Occasionally, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 9 in., in trans: fer case. 2d Floor (Bldg. B). (6249) 2. CORRESPONDENCE, OBSOLETE, 1955 — 1935. Filed alphabetically. (Never.) 9 x 12 folders, 2 ft., in drawer of steel filing case. 2d Floor (Bldg. A). - (6446) 3. CORRESPONDENCE, P. W} PARROTT, 1935 - 1955. Containing manual of fi- nanCial procedure for State and local CWA; bulletins in regard to CWA; corres- pondence with the different county administrators, colleges, and universities; report of canceled checks; copies of credit items sent to washington; corres-’ pondence with Mr. Bunch, General Accounting Department in'Washington, T. A. Dillon, A. C. Gernard, C. Gill, mr. Kassing, Ed Kelly, M. K. madden, R. F. r martin, mr. Miller, The Pullman Company, and H. L. Dammers; journal vouchers;‘ office memos received; college aid report to washington; requisitions to _ State stores; and various GCUR bulletins. Filed alphabetically by counties ’ and colleges. (Occasionally, official.) 9 x 12 vols. and folders, 2 ft., in transfer case. 2d Floor (Bldg. B). (6041) ' 4. INVENTORY OF ERA RECORDS, ADAMS TO WHITLEY COUNTIES INCLUSIVE, 1933 - 1935. An inventory of the records received from.each county when the program‘ terminated, showing name of each county, file drawer number, and contents of each drawer. See addenda for a complete copy of inventory. Indexed alpha- betically by names of counties; numerically by drawer numbers. (Occasionally, official.) 8% x 11 sheets, fi-in., in drawer of wooden filing case. 2d Floor‘ ‘ (Bldg. B). (4850) - 5. INVENTORY OF STATE OFFICE RECORDS, 1933 - 1935. See addenda for a copy of the complete inventory. Indexed numerically by drawer numbers. (Occasion- ally, official.) 8% x 11 sheets, i-in., in transfer case. 2d Floor (Bldg. B). (6003) 6. LETTERS AND AFFIDAVITS, 1934 - 1955. Concerning gas books lost, re- turned, and used (with receipts). Filed numerically by district numbers. (Occasionally, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 6 in., in transfer case. 2d Floor (Bldg. B). (6247) 7. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS, 1954 - 1955. Correspondence and records of all county offices; student and educational correspondence; administrative, fi- nance, commodities, educational, and various other bulletins; statistical memoranda; official bulletins; time sheet of air mailing; Gertrude Bowers’ correspondence; correspondence in regard to retaining or sending in CWA forms; - State Office, Indianapolis 4 T. A. Dillon's correspondence; telegrams; list of Indiana townships eligible for urban relief; vocation bulletins; and pay roll data. (Occasionally, offi- cial.) 9 x 12 folders, 2 ft., in transfer case. 2d Floor (Bldg. B). (6042) Department of Audit and Control 8. ADMINISTRATIVE PAY ROLLS, ADAMS TO WHITLEY COUNTIES, INCLUSIVE, 1934 - 1935. Copies of original pay rolls, showing dates, project numbers and lo— cations, name of each employee, sex, occupation, hours Worked daily, total hours worked during pay periods, hourly rates of pay, and total earnings dur- ing pay periods. Filed numerically by project numbers. (Occasionally, offi- cial.) 10% x 17 sheets, 1 ft., in transfer case. 2d Floor (Bldg. B). (6210) 9. ADMINISTRATION CURRENT PAY ROLLS AND SUPPLEMENTAL PAY ROLLS, Apr. 12 - June 21, 1934; July 5 - July 12, 1934. Showing pay roll numbers, names of counties, project numbers, and amounts of money paid to relief and nonrelief employees. Filed chronologically. (Occasionally, official.) 14 x 26 vols., 3 in., on wooden filing case. 2d Floor (Bldg. B). (5357) 10. ADMINISTRATION RECORDS; RELIEF DATA, 1934 - 1935. Pertaining to postage and express costs, travel expense, and salaries of officials, field workers, clerks, and stenographers. Relief data are also included in this file, showing the name and case number of each employee. Entered chronologic- ally by months. (Occasionally, official.) 12 x 18 loose-leaf books, 6 in., on wooden filing case. 2d Floor (Bldg. B). (5288) 11. ALLOTMENT TO COLLEGES, 1934 - 1935. Record showing name of univers- ' ity, student enrollment, ten-percent allotment record, monthly allotments, I check numbers, and total expended for college aid. Filed alphabetically. ‘ (Occasionally, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 2 in., in pasteboard transfer case} R. 11 (Bldg. C). (4163) 12. ALLOTMENT TO COUNTIES, GOVERNOR‘S COMMISSION ON UNENELOYNENT RELIEF, 1934 - 1935. Showing dates, check numbers, names of counties to which paid, amount of payments, and descriptions of and reasons for allotments. Filed alphabetically. (Occasionally, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 6 in., in paste- board transfer case. R. 11 (Bldg. C). (4162) 13. APPROPRIATIONS, POOR RELIEF, 1933 - 1935. Statement of appropria— tions allotted to townships in various counties for poor relief, giving claim , numbers, recipients, amounts, townships, counties, months, those receiving relief from.this appropriation, signatures of recipients, vocations, and notorizations; also some purchase orders. Filed by counties and townships. (Occasionally, official.) 4 x 8fi'folded sheets, 10 ft., in 5 transfer cases. 2d Floor (Bldg. B). (6043) 14. BASIC FIELD SURVEY, GOVERNOR'S CONWHSSION ON UNEMPLOYMENT RELIEF, ADAMS TO WHITLEY COUNTIES, INCLUSIVE, 1934. Showing names of townships, names and addresses of trustees, county commissioners, county council, auditor, treasurer, relief supervisor, work director, and relief chairman. Arranged alphabetically by counties. (Occasionally, official.) 9 x 12 loose-leaf ~ books, 2 ft., in transfer case. 2d Floor (Bldg. B). (6205) State Office, Indianapolis 5 15. CANCELED CHECKS, 1934 - 1935. Issued on the petty cash fund of the Transient Service Activities. (Occasionally, official.) 3 x 8% slips, 1 ft. 2 in., in transfer case. 2d Floor (Bldg. B). (6244) 16. CLOTHING REQUISITIONS, 1934 - 1935. Showing requisition numbers, dates, names of applicants, file numbers, sizes, quantities, descriptions, values, and signatures of case workers. Filed\numerically by requisition num— bers. (Carbon Copies) (Occasionally, official.) Variously sized bundles or paper packages, cards, and slips, 2 ft., in transfer case. 2d Floor (Bldg. B). (5275) 17. CASH ALLOWANCE SHEETS, DISTRICT A, 1934 — 1935. Showing dates, dis- trict numbers, names of employees, file numbers, occupations, project numbers, hours worked each day, total hours worked, cash credited, signatures of emr ployees, and grand totals. Filed chronologically. (Occasionally, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 7 ft., in 4 transfer cases. 2d Floor (Bldg. B). (6263) 18. CASH RECEIVED, 1934 - 1935. Work relief time sheet of the transient home, giving district numbers, addresses of bureaus, dates, names of employ- ees, file numbers, occupations, total hours worked, cash credited, and sig- natures of employees; also public vouchers for purchases and services other than personal. Filed chronologically. (Occasionally, official.) 8%-x 13 folders, 6 in., in transfer case. ‘2d Floor (Bldg. B). (6256) 19. CATTLE GRAZING AGREEMENTS, GOVERNOR'S COMMISSION ON UNEMPLOYMENT RE- LIEF, 1934 - 1935. Showing names of counties, dates cattle was ordered, dates of agreements, number of cattle, number of acres, and names of perSOns who have contracts for grazing. Filed alphabetically. (Occasionally, offi- cial.) 9 x 12 paper packages, 1 ft., in pasteboard transfer case. R. 10 (Bldg. C). (4161) 20. CERTIFIED POOR RELIEF CLAIMS, 1933 - 1935. Claims made by persons in need-of relief and certified by the GCUR, giving dates, townships, dates of purchases, order numbers, nature of relief, recipients' names, amounts, counties, names of debtors, vocations, dates signed, and notorizations. There are also included in this file some paid water bills, and purchase orders, showing names of townships, counties, dates, names of debtors and payees, case numbers, reasons of debts, and signatures of customers and vendors. These are records of Vermillion, Martin, marion, St. Joseph, and Monroe Count- ies. Filed by counties and townships. (Occasionally, official.) 4 x 8 and 7 x 8% folded sheets, 10 ft., in 5 transfer cases. 2d Floor (Bldg. B). (6045) -. 21. CHECKS, GOVERNOR'S COMMISSION ON UNEMPLOYMENT RELIEF, 1934 - 1935. A record of the work division pay roll checks, showing dates, number and gamount of each check, names of payees, and signature of disbursin officer. Tiled numerically by check numbers. (Occasionally, official.) 3% x 8%-paper packages, 984 ft., in 492 pasteboard transfer cases on wooden shelves. R. 10 (Bldg. 0). (4158) - c 22. COMMERCIAL AND DIRECT WORK PAPERS, 1934 - 1935. Giving requisition numbers, project locations, dates, and descriptions of articles; also local, state, or Federal appropriations. Filed chronologically. (Occasionally, of- ficial.) Variously sized envelopes and slips, 1 ft. 6 in., in transfer case. 2d Floor (Bldg. B). (6269) E State Office, Indianapolis 6 1‘ 23. COMMERCIAL TRANSNHTTAL SHEETS, 1934 - 1935. Sheets covering equipment borrowed and worn out; also telephone charges, coal consumed, plumbing ser- vice, reimbursements for transient care, gas books, etc. (Occasionally, offi- cial.) 8 x 10% folders, 3 in., in transfer case. 2d Floor (Bldg. B). (6241) 24. COMMITMENTS, 1934 - 1935. Records of direct relief orders including groceries and clothing, auditing reports, and a ledger showing the amount of relief in different counties. (Occasionally, official.) Variously sized folders, envelopes, loose-leaf books, and sheets, 2 ft., in 2 transfer cases. 2d Floor (Bldg. B). (6260) v 25. CONTRIBUTION OF MATERIALS, SUPPLIES, AND EQUIPMENT, 1934 - 1935. Showing counties, dates, project numbers, items, local caSh appropriations, other local contributions, and signatures of pay roll clerks. Filed alpha- betically. (Occasionally, official.) 8 x 10 Slips, 1 ft. 9 in., in transfer case. 2d Floor (Bldg. B). (5240) 26. COUNTY BONUS CHECKS, GOVERNOR'S CONTHSSION ON UNEMPLOYMENT RELIEF, 1934 — 1935. Showing dates, numbers and amounts of checks, names of payees, and use of checks. Filed alphabetically. (Occasionally, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 3 in., in pasteboard transfer case. R. 10 (Bldg. C). (4156) 27. CURRENT ACCOUNTS, SYMBOL NUNEER 95111, 1933 - 1935. Form 1019. Rec- ords of appropriations, fund and account titles, balance due U. S. from last account, collections, total of each account, Treasury deposits, and loan ac- count numbers. Filed chronologically. (Occasionally, official.) 9 x 12 pockets, i-in., on filing cases. R. 10 (Bldg. C). (4191) 28. DAILY CASH SHEETS, 1934 - 1935. Showing cash paid for relief, to whom the vouchers were issued, amounts, total cash paid out, and the district ‘ numbers. Filed chronologically. (Occasionally, official.) 11 x 17 loose sheets, 9 in., on wooden filing case. 2d Floor (Bldg. B). (5355) 29. DEPOSITORY BALANCES AND STATEMENT OF CHECKS ISSUED, SYMBOL 59111, 1934 — 1935. Check book balances at close of each business month; also state- ment of checks issued by T. A. Dillon, special disbursing officer, each month. Filed chronologically. (Occasionally, official.) 9 x 12 pockets, fi-in., on files. R. 10 (Bldg. 0). (4351) 30. DAILY COMMITMENT BOOKS AND RECORDS, 1934 - 1935. A breakdown of pay rolls in various districts; also ledger, trial balance, petty cash and traveling expense sheets, and analyses of commitments. (Occasionally, offi- cial.) 12 x 14 envelopes and sheets, 2 ft., in transfer case. 2d Floor (Bldg. B). (6251) 31. DIRECT RELIEF COMMITMENT JOURNAL OF TRANSIENT SERVICE ACTIVITIES, June - Aug. 1935. Giving relief order numbers, cost of clothing and food, lodging, transportation, and medical and relief order totals; also dates, names of clients, and locations of districts. Arranged alphabetically. (Oc- casionally, official.) 11 x 17 loose—leaf books, 6 in., on wooden filing case. 2d Floor (Bldg. B). (5285) State Office, Indianapolis 7 ' 32. DIRECT RELIEF CORRESPONDENCE, 1933 - 1935. In regard to checks mailed from the Transient Service Division in payment of direct relief claims. Filed numerically by district numbers. (Occasionally, Official.) 9 x 12 folders, 3 in., in transfer case. 2d Floor (Bldg. 8). (6245) 33. DISTRIBUTION AND PRICE CONTROL SHEETS, 1935. Showing names of artic- les, cost prices, amount of food shipped, and the name of each city or town receiving food. Arranged chronologically. (Occasionally, official.) 12 x 18 loose-leaf books, 8 in., on wooden filing case. 2d Floor (Bldg. B). (5287) 34. FUND CONTROL REGISTER, 1934. CWA Form A-2, showing dates, reference and project numbers, total forwarded, gross amount of purchase orders, pur- chase vouchers issued, and discounts and adjustments. The local CWA keeps a sheet for each fund, Showing obligations, payments, and approved project cost estimates applying to that fund. Entered chronologically. (Occasionally, official.) 10; x l4fi‘1oose-1eaf books, 2 in., on wooden filing cabinet. 2d Floor (Bldg. B). (5455) 35. MISCELLANEOUS INVENTORIES, 1935. Showing cash value of equipment, food relief orders, warehouse inventories, clothing, maintenance supplies, medical care, case work, occupancy cost, telephone, telegraph, stationery, supplies, and raw materials. Filed chronologically. (Occasionally, offi- cial.) 9% x 12 sheets, 4 in., on wooden filing case. 2d Floor (Bldg. B). (5289) 36. MONTHLY INVENTORY REPORTS AND INVOICES, GARY, INDIANA, 1934 - 1935. Showing dates, addresses, quantities and descriptions of articles on hand, in—v . voice numbers, and total number of articles. Filed alphabetically. (Occa- sionally, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 4 ft., in 2 transfer cases. 2d Floor (Bldg. B). (6266) ‘ 37. NATIONAL CHECK REGISTER, 1934 ~ 1935. Showing date of each check, name and address of person to whom issued, and number and amount of each check. Entered chronologically. (Occasionally, official.) 11 x lGfi-vol., l _ in., on wooden filing case. 2d Floor (Bldg. B). (5286) 38. ORIGINAL COPIES OF CLOTHING REQUISITIONS, 1934 — 1935. Showing requi- sition numbers, dates, file numbers, sizes, quantities, descriptions, values, and signatures of case workers. Filed numerically by requisition numbers. (Occasionally, official.) 5 x 8 slips, 2 ft., in transfer case. 2d Floor (Bldg. B). (6272) 39. OUTSTANDING ORDERS, 1934 - 1935. A list of outstanding direct relief orders issued during 1934 and 1935. Filed by months. (Occasionally, offi- cial.) 9 x 12 folders, 3 in., in transfer case. 2d Floor (Bldg. B). (6242) 40. OVERTIME SHEETS, 1934 - 1935. Supporting excess hours on the pay roll, - giving counties, dates, names of employees, case numbers, explanations, and by whom attested and Signed. Filed by counties. (Occasionally, official.) 85 x 14 folders, 4 ft., in 2 transfer cases. 2d Floor (Bldg. B). (6212) k State Office, Indianapolis 8 41. PAID BILLS OF SURPLUS PIG AND CATTLE PROGRAM, GCUR, 1954 - 1955. Checks issued for reimbursements for veterinary services, cattle trucking, and to railroads for handling cattle. Filed alphabetically. (Occasionally, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 4 ft., in 2 pasteboard tran