xt72bv79sd33 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt72bv79sd33/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19260721 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1926-07-jul21-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1926-07-jul21-ec. 1926 2011 true xt72bv79sd33 section xt72bv79sd33 Minutes of regular montE'y meeting of the Executive Com- .iittee of the Board of Trustees, Univeraity of Kentucky, July 21, l 'as 6 . The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, met in the office of President McVey, \"ednesday, July 21, 1926 at 11:30 a. in., with inembers present: ;.Lidge B. C. Stoll, Superintendent MoHenry Phoads, Senator H. M. Froman, President F. L. McVey and D. H. Peak, acting secretary. The mrinutes of the previous meeting, June 23, 1926, were qv'-proved as published. 1. Efnort of the Business Agent. The report of the Business Agent was receivred and ozdeered incorporated in the minutes. Statement of Income and Expenditures Month of June, 1026 Previously Reported General Fund Income Federal Appropriation 42,750.00 Vocational Education Board 9,572.78 Special Agricultural Appro. 17,089.96 State Tax 628,731.74 Interest on Endowment Bonds 8,644.50 Interest on Liberty Bonds 1,700.00 Chemistry Bldg. Fund (Bingham Tax Int. Cers) 99,575.08 Chemistry Bldg. Fund (Bingham Tax Int.) 2,405.53 Student Fees 86,499.96 Student Fees -Veterans Bu. 189.20 .Student Fees -Sutmmer-School 24,511.11 Student Fees -Univ. H. S. 3,815.00 Student Fees -Univ. Extent.. 26,212.97 Miscellaneous 9,284. 34 Rentals 6,343.93 Total 967,326.10 Expenditures Instruction 527,307.01 Administration Expense 178,039.03 Additions and Betterments 89%841.05 Total 53,7 11 Excess of Income over Ex. p2,138. 9 Cirls' Halls Income Board 54,351.97 Room Pent - Summer School 2 2,2"22.25 Total j56 74.22 Current Month 13,432.9E 12, 910. 04 48,879. 2E EXHIBIT "B" Fiscal Year To Date 42,;7s5.100 23,005.77 334,000.00 677,611.00 8,644.50 1,700.00 99,575.08 2,405.53 (172.67) 86,327.29 189.20 (36.00) 24,475.11 25.00 3,840.00 1,076.58 27,289.55 2,195.54 11,479.88 4.00 6,347.93 78X314.74 1.04=5 , 64784 52,866.79 31,493.73 18 L089 *64 102j.50.16 4,135.42) 1,728.27 1,728. 27 580,173.80 209,532.78 107 930) *69 14-8 Y.00 3 57 56,080.24 2, 22 .2 5 68, 30,3. t.9 2 . Ex-cenditures Ezxrerise 64,583571 6,985.42 k.ci ions and Betterments 2222.2C .33.80 Total 66 Q07. 91 7-119.22 E-.CesB of Expen. over Income (_0 _2;3.64 3 .95) CeneiJ-.l Fund Income 1,072237DTO.328,0423.0 rner;tl Fan.d Expenditures 8EjQ.02 1%, 569.38 Excees of General Fund Income over Expenditures 161,905.30 (29,526.37) Accounts Receivable for Current Yoar (27,026.40) Excess of Recepits over Expenditures for General Ledger Accounts (6,074.96) 10,864.61 1924-1925 Accounts Payable 1iqui- dated during Current Year ( 71,692.00,L_ Excess of Receipts over Expendi- tures for the fiscal year to date -- General Fund 84 ,13834 (, 688 .16) Excess of Receipts over Expen- ditures for the fiscal year to date -- General Fund Cash in Bank July 1, 1925 -- General Fund Cash in Bank June 30, 1926 -- General Fund 71, 57 1: l 2, 356. U0 _7 ", t9~ -2-_ S (15's 64.64) 9i71 ,564.40 132,378.93 (277,026.40) 4,789.65 (71,692.00) 38, 450.18 (65,295.72) (26,845.54) rT-ust Fund Income Bennett Bequest Student Loan Fund Student Notes Paid Total Receipts Expenditures Exrense Student Notes Total Excess of Expenditures over Receipts - _ , t. 2,579 .7t 0 6 592.,92S :R7;3 --.F 451.75 8 85 .00 . 306 75 Excess of Expenditures over Receipts for the fiscal year to date - Trust Fund Cash in Bank July 1, 1925- Trust Furd Cash in Bank June 30, 1926 - Trust Fund 20.00 44.75 304.00 368.75 74.00 636.00 710.00 (341.25) 20.00 2,624.45 6,896.92 9 541_37 525.75 9 , 51. .00 '.1(), 016 . 75 (475. 38 ) (475 38 ) 568.86 2.8_ F xperiment Station Income HuiLtch - Federal Appropri. Mrilk and Butter - Cash Rec. Beef Cattle Sales Dairy Cattle Sales Sheep Sales Serum Sales 15,000.00 12,721.07 1,823.46 944.70 948.67 4,581.15 15,000.00 1,006.10 13,727.17 2,015.20 3,838.66 941.70 13.88 962.55 30.00 4,611.15 3. Poultry Sales Farm Produce Sales Hc:cticultural Sales Soed Test Rentals Miscellaneous Fe.Y: vi1izer - Fees Public Service - State Arpr. Public Service - Misc. Feding Stuffs - Fees Adans - Federal Appro. Serum - Sales i - Virus Sales n - Live Stock Sales - Supply Sales it - Miscellaneous State Appropriation Creamery - License Fees Creamery - Testers Licenses Creamery - Glassware Tested Creamery - Miscellaneous Robinson - State Appropri.. W. Ky. - State Appro. Purnell - Federal Arpro. Expend itures Expense Additions and Betterments Total Excess of Expenditures over Income Petty Cash Returned Excess of Expenditures over 2,819.01 4,7 393.34 1,265,84 116.00 5.41-5 554 14, 573.51 42,19'. 50 9,0000 14_9.31 44,556. 71 15,000.00 5,25,1 .19 239.61 1,480.04 i47 .10 40.93 32,930.04 1,891. 50 1, 244.00 561. 34 1.29 .9,425.93 11,50:, .20 2C0, !o0 0 260,663.03 262,937.00 16,968.61 2701 5.61l (19,2,41.63) 300.00 Receipts 941.63) Excass of Expenditures over Recoipts for the fiscal year to date Cash in Bank July 1, 1925 - Exper. Sta. Cash in Bank June 30,19266 - Exper. Sta. i!tension DiVision Federal Smith-Lever 152,241.30 Federal Suprlementary 45,1C0.93 State Smith-Lever 61,248.90 County and Other 4,215.86 Totl 262 _06. Expenditures Exponse Excoss of Income over Ex- ponditure s 303,163.66 248.20 97 .7 4 68.40 77.66 2;-$74.25 9,000.00 3,408.90 908.41 43.95 204.35 37. 55 17,019.96 103. 0 67-.00 68.00 14, 506.84 8,492.80 60,904.69 28, 530.49 14 106.23 , 636 -72 18, 267. S7 18, 267*97 Ex. Sta. 80, S2. 40 50.00 4 _,02.4 3,067.21 4,837.03 1,.,37.24 116.r00 5, 5:3 3.20 14,578.51 45,065.75 18,000.00 .142.31 47,065.61 15, 000. CO 6,159.60 283.56 1,684.39 184.65 40 .93 50,000.00 1,995.00 1,922.00 630.34 1.29 23,932.77 20,000.00 20, 000 . 00 21,568.67 291,467 .49 31 ,074.84 3'-2 . 5t2 .33 (973.66) 300.00 j673.66) (673.66) 26, 07. 34 25, S;. 68 152,241.30 45,100.93 142,241.30 4, 265.86 343 049. 39 38,030.23 341,193.89 (40,356.67) 43,012.17 2G55.50 4. Excess of Income over Expendi- tures f or the f iscal year to date - Extension Divisiorn Cash in Bank July 1, 1925- Extension Division Cash in Bank June 30, 1926- Extension Division Oumrmary General Fund Income Trust Fund Income Experiment Station Income Extension Division Income Total General Fund Expenditures Trust Fund Expenditures Experiment Station Expen. Extension Division Expen. Total 1 Excess of Income over Ex. Excess of Receipts over Ex- penditures for General Led- ger Accounts Student Loan Fund - Notes Accounts Receivable for Current Year 1924-1925 Accounts Payable liquidated during current year 1,023,900.32 2,579.70 260,663.98 262, 8056.-9 1,549,950.99 361,995.02 451 .75 279, 905.61 30.3163.66 445, 16. 04 104,434.95 (6,074.96) (2, 262.08) 2 ,655.50 . *1,321-99 3 77 .49 80,043.01 1,103:943*33 64.75 , 2,644.45 60, 904. 9o :.4$21, 568. 67 81,042.40 343,849 .39 2Zp 054.85 1,772,005.84 109,569.38 971,564.40 74.00 525.75 42,636.72 322,542.33 38,030.23 341 193.89 - 190,310.33 1,635,826.37 31,744.52 136,170.47 10,864.61 4,789.65 (332.00) (2,594.08) (27,026.40) (71,692.00) Excess of Receipts over Ex- penditures for the fiscal year to date - Combined Fund.4, 405.91 15,25.0.73 (27,026.40) (71,692.00) 39,656. 64 Excess of Receipts over Expenditures for the fiscal year to date - Con:bined Fund 39,656.64 Cash in Bank and on hand July 1, 1925 - Combinod Fund(34,498.13) Cash in Bank and on hand June 30, 1926 - Com. Fund 52158.51 5. Abstract of item shown on Statement of Income and Expenditures as "Excess of' Peceipts over Exrenditures for General Ledger Accounts $4,789.65.t Debit Credit Accounts Beceivable 7,41110 Insurance Paid in Advance 933.56 Sundry Accounts 3, 030.74 Surplus 534 27 3,565.01 8,354.66 3, 565. 01 4,789.65 2. Accounts Considered. Account of Van Deren Hardware Com- pany for hardware for Basketball Building for $927.68, without interest, was ordered paid on approval. of Attorney P. P. Johnston, to be charged to Basketball Building account. The statement of the State Journal Company for $26.63 bal- ance, not showing itemized account, wras ordered filed away. The account of Combs Lumber Company for $516.35 was ordered raid to the extent ok approval by Mr. Whipple and Dean Cooper. It appearing from report of Doctor Dantzler that the total receipts for the production of the Beggar o~i Horseback by Pro- fessor Sutherland's class were $97.00 and that the total expenses were $469.09, leaving a deficit of $372.09, it was ordered that the deficit be paid. It was further suggested that the Univer- sity will not assume responsibility for such deficits in the fu- ture. 3. Chan.gs in Building Changes in buildings, to-wit: Mechanical F1all, Science Building, Kastle Hall and Education Building, were authorized.. President McVey was further authoriz- el to proceed with plans for library building. 4. Plant Quarantine, Act. Operations under the act above named were roaerred to a committee, viz., President McVey and Mr. Louis Hillenmeyer. 6. 5. NeW FORe Shop. It was ordered that advertisement for bids for the construction of a building adjoining Mechanical Hall to be oocuried as a forge be made and that construction of the buildojinR be started as soon as possible. The cost of the build- ing was estimated at t25,000 including electric wiring and fix- tLures andi plunabing and. floors. The equipment of this shop is to be don:Lted by the Buffalo Forge Torks of which Mr. W. T. Wendt is President. 6. Coal Contract. President McVey reported that the State Purchasing Committee had let contract to furnish the University of Kentucky 2,000 tons of coal to the Kentucky Home Coal Compa- ny of Pineville, Kentucky, at g1.35 per ton, freight rate : Contract to deliver the coal from cars to campus was let to the Fayette Coal, Grain and Feed Company of Lexington, Kentucky, at sixty-five cents per ton. 7. Practice House. Dean Cooper was authorized to lease from A. C. Kearns the property at 162 Maxwellton Court for use as a practice house, at rental of $75 a month. 8. Greater Kentucky Campaign Pledges. Whereas it has been reported to the Executive Committee of tfhe Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky that certain persons who subscribed to the Greater Kentucky Campaign Fund have failed to rmay part or all of subscription, now in order to facilitate and hasten collection of unpaid subscriptions to said fund, the attorney employed to collect the pledges is hereby authorized to notify delinquents that, unless payment is promptly made, suit will be instituted on the unpaid pledges, and he is further authorized to file suit thereon, after due notice has been given delinquent. 9. President McVey was granted leave ot absence from Septem- ber 13 to September 23, to take part in the survey of the educa- tional institutions in Indiana. 10. Appointments and Changes. Upon recommendation of Presi- dent McVey the fo1lowing new appointments were approved by the Committee at the salary designated: Appointment of Miss Mary Johnston as head of Stenographic Bureau at a salary of 91500. Appointment of additional help in Business Office referred to President McVey and D. H. Peak. Appointment of James L. Graham, assistant professor in Psy- chology for one year, at 925C0. 7. Aprointment of Emmet G. Sulzer, instructor of band and music, at a salary of $1800. Aprointment of A. B. Kelley, instructor in English, at a salary of $1 800. Appointment of Emmet Bradley, instructor in English, at a se.lary of $1500. Arrointment of Raymond KirIk, in cha.rg, of Bureau of Alumni .Affairs and 'Publicity, at a salary of $2500. Appointment of Dr. T. D. Rhodes. assistant professor of Hygiene, at a salary of $3000. Appointment of Louis Clifton, assistant in University Exten- sion Department, at a salary of 8200 a. month, beginning Septemberl. Aprointment of Mrs. M. C. Crutcher, in charge of women stu,. dents, s cond summer session, at a salary of $50. Appointment of B. P. Pamsey, student assistant in Physics, at a salary of M300. Aprointment of Daisy Allen Taylor, library assistant, at a salary of $100 a month beginning Septcmber 1. Appointment of Margaret H. Tuttle, library assistant, at a salary of $150 a month, beginning September 1. Appointment of Emma Jane Stevens, library assistant, at a salary of $50 a month beginning September 1. Aprointment of F.tauces L. Smith, high school librarian, at a salary of $60 a month. Appointment of Gladys Huling Club Camp Assistant, July 1 to Augst 31, 1926, at a salary of 100 a month. Reaprointnent of L. B. Shackelford, instructor in English, :O.t a salary of $1800. 8. 11. Re6igantions. Resignation if B. A. Hensley, county agent,Lee County, eof fact iv June l, 1926. 12. .Changes in Budge. Continuation of employment of Mrs. Roxie C. Parkins, home ciononstration agent Harlan County, from July 1, 1926 to April 30, 3 Sa7, at a salary o# $125 E month. Continuation of employment of Ezra Bell, mail carrieT, at a salary of $960. ( mitted f rom budget). Provision was made for an instructor in Art at a salary of 83000. Increase in salary of Lawrence Yates, instructor in English, to $2250. Increase in salary of D. E. South, instructur in matheratics, to $2000. Increase in salary of Beatrice Skidmore, stenographer in College of Engineering, to $1200. Increase in salary of Clarence Flynn, fireman, College of Engineering, to $1320. The salary of Professor L. B. McMullen was fixed at $4Q00.. Upon motion, duly seconded, th3 Board of Trustees adjourned. Respectfully submitted, D. H. Poak Acting Secretary