xt72bv79sp0r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt72bv79sp0r/data/mets.xml Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.) United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Professional and Service Projects. National Archives (U.S.) Kentucky Historical Records Survey 1941 books FW 4.14:F 317/ser.4/16 Historical Records Survey Project This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Kentucky Works Progress Administration Publications United States. War Dept--Archives--Catalogs Archives--Kentucky--Catalogs Kentucky--History--Sources--Catalogs Inventory of federal archives in the states. Series IV. The Department of War, no. 16, Kentucky text Inventory of federal archives in the states. Series IV. The Department of War, no. 16, Kentucky 1941 1941 2012 true xt72bv79sp0r section xt72bv79sp0r Q I I U A T I ‘ I ° 1 A.‘; ‘i;%§ . I ‘ ‘ I »,* . ““ ‘ Tw I I -, I A A Q- . I A M ¢WIIVIIUTUIIIUITITIMMHIIITId|IIT|WI1|MU||InLIMIJIIIHINII! A A ~ · { 3 l]'-IE5 Ll"|5"I?1.'-I A Q A · A { I w T{Y“+**·-=T I A I I I ` \ E;° `/A2 I ‘ · A ` I INVENTORY OF " I ` · A FEDERAL ARCHIVES ’ ‘ I I _ _ [ Q _1 A IN THE STATES I A ; . A é#®s€¤i;*‘5§*§;¢rw wwwggpgy A . 2 :`T » " , “" ’ ‘ M A -·». a Ow .z· f . SERIES IV. I V f THE DEPARTMENT OF WAR ‘ l f NO. I6. KENTUCKY ig? » HISTORICAL RECORDS SURVEY Z WORK PROJEC TS ADMIEISTMITION LW ¥‘<·§?;* M _~ I > M _~_"’“_'_.--W > vw- > AW qv-4_--M-M a;.-N rrr k _ I . J V V V I ; IIIRTEIITORY OF FEDERAL ARCHIVES III THE STATES I g, -•¤ I I . . { CL { ` \,\{eT<>fer.6k redo? S $’>¤`{V€L(·\‘°(r ? * [ Prepared by p e_ . P * The Survey of Federal Archives ‘ . Division of Professional and Service Projects A V T Work Projects Administration ii A » p The National Archives , Cooperating Sponsor ’ ·" lsii · SERIES IV. TIE DEPARTIUEIYT OF WAH ig 1:0. is. m21aTUc2;r ‘ Qiliij #3;; _ 1;. l, 23;%: Louisville, Kentucqz The Historical Records Survey Project ,»., . E FE;} EZ ge ’____ p ppp_ __p___p p I __ r ___h I VsM____../ :5; ri M ¤¤ x;_ y E`..-'7§... EJ" ‘`'» 7 V . J1 ` _ _ 2 *5/ 3 O cl ,i; ii rv, _ y \_ ·· 1 EE; Ike Historical Records Survev Projects t'Li`n? T ’fE§ * l . . ,- . . I gig Philip n. gamer, Assistant Director ( f¢ Clifford R. Rader, State Supervisor I Ye John Wilson Townsend, Supervisor in Charge j€¤ of the Inventory of Federal Archives : .’ Division of Professional and Service Projects QC Florence Kerr, Assistant Comnissioner i Elizabeth Fullerton, State Director - { WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION \_ i \r *' V . (cx V ' L I \.. - . . . . “ , Howard OQ hunter, Acting Commissioner ‘ George H. Goodman, State Administrator .H` Q Q iii · ?F9;FACE. o The Inventory of Federal Archives in the States is one of the products of the work of the Survey of Federal Archives, which oper- - ated as a nationewide project of the Works Progress Administration from January l, l956 to June 30, 1957. It has been continued since that date as a state project of the`Works Progress Administration and of the Work Projects Administration, and later as a unit of the His- torical Records Survey, a state project of the same Administration. The plan for the organization of the Inventory is as follows: _ Series I consists of reports on the administration of the Survey, . l acknowledgments, and general discussions of the location, condition, and content of federal archives in the states. Succeeding series contain the detailed information secured by worhers of the Survey, ° in inventory form, a separate series number being assigned to each ` ` of the executive departments (except the Department of State) and . .other major units of the Federal Government. Within each series Ho. l is a general introduction to the field organization and records of the ' _ governmental agency concerned; the succeeding numbers contain the in- ventory proper, separate nrmbers being assigned to each state in alpha- betical order. Thus, in each series, the inventory for Alabama is No. 2, ` that for Arizona No. 5, that for ArLansas Ho. 4, etc. For each local office information regarding each series, or unit of related records, is presented in the following order: title, inclusive ' dates ("to date" indicating an open file at the time the information L was secured), general description of informational content, description of the system.of filing or indexing (if any), a statement of frequency and purpose of use, form of the record itself (bound volumes, sheets in folders, etc.), linear footage, description of the containers, physical condition of—the records (not stated if satisfactory), location by room ·numbcr or other identifying inforrmtion, and finally, the number of the Form 5SSA on which this information was originally recorded by a Survey worker and from which it was abstracted for the inventory. This form is on file in The National Archives. Uhen it contains substantial inforhu ` mation on addenda sheets which has not been included in the mimoographed A abstract, irdieation of this is given by use of the reference “See adaendaT" ` ln Kentucky the work of the Survey was undertaken by Judge Samuel C. Williams, with Kr. John Wilson Townsend as his assistant, from its con- ception until October l956. Since that time hr. Townsend has been in A charge of the preparation of the Inventory, although in September lS3Q ji—— the Survey of Federal Archives ceased to be a state project and became E a unit of the Historical Records Survey and Kr. Townsend became State Li Supervisor of the Inventory of American Ivmrints. \— lThis inventory of the records of the Department of Har in Kentucky was i. prepared in the Louisville office of the Survey and was edited before final typing by Dr. Richard R. Stenberg of the Washington office. X, John Wilson Townsend Supervisor in Charge of the 9 Louisville, Kentucky lnventory of Federal Archives RJ March lO, l9él. ` A — iv CONTENTS ` Page ASHLAND Leek and Dam No. 2Q, Ohio River .°..¤.....¤.................. 1 BEIILE O Leek and Dam Ho. 1, Barren River ..,......¤.................. 4 I BOWLING GREEN ` Reserve Offieers' Training Corps Western Kentucky Teachers Co11ege.. .¤.........¤¤........L 5 _ BHONLSVILLE Leek and Dam Ne. 6, Green River .°..¤......¤............. C ..., 5 BURLINGTON Leek and Dam Ne. 58, Ohio River .....¤........¤..¤..°........ 7 CALIFORHIA Leek and Dam.Ie. 55, Ohio River ........ ,.,. .......¤..¤...... 8 CA2? IHLSON Camp Nelson National Cemetery .u.°.¤.¤......°...~..¤¤........ I- CELRZ1 OLLT Ol? Leek and Dam Ho. I, Kentucky River ¤¤.¤....¤¤¤......¤........ 11 CATLBTTSBURC Leek and Dam Lo. 1, Big Sandy River.r ....,...........¤..¤... 12 CHAPLAH Leek and Dam.No. 1, Levisa Fork of Big Sandy River ..°..°.... 15 COLD SPRIIGS Leek and Dam He. BO, Obie River ......,..r.L. t .u¢......... ... 15 COLLECT HILL Leek and Dam.No. 11, Kentucky River ...... . ......... H ........ 18 . v Page DAEUJILLE Danville National Cemetery .....¤ O ....,..q.................... 18 EDDYVILLE Lock and Dam F, Cumberland River ............................. 19 FORT KNOX Fort Knox ...¤....¤..........¤.¤.................¤........¤... 19 ‘ Post Headquarters ........... 4 ...¤.......r..¤........... ,.. 21 . lst Cavalry, Regimental Headquarters .......=.....,.....,.. 22 15th Cavalry, Regimental Headquarters ...................¤. 24 68th Field Artillery, Regimental Headquarters ....~..¤.. °., 24 Quartermaster Corps ....¤.......¤...,.... _ .....¤............ 25 Construction and Operation ...................... . ...... L5 Steck and Supply. ..¤.g¤...........¤,.....°.....¤......, 26 Transportation Records ......¤..¤....¤.................. é? FORT THOMAS Fort Thomas.J ....¤....¤......°...,....°c....,...¤,.... 1, ..... 27 Post Headquarters ...¤V . 0....¤................r..r......... 28 Finance Office .¤.........u....v............,..u...r...,.¤. 36 Medical Detachment .................................,. , .... $8 Quartermaster Corps .............¤......................... 40 FRAMKFORT Engineer Office ............ Q ..~. . .................. Q ......... 49 GEST Lock and Dam Ho. 5, Kentucky River ....................v...... BO HEIDELBURG Lock and Dan No. 1%, Kentucky River ........~.¤...,».,.., D .... Gl HIGH BRIDGE Lock and Dam No. 7, Kentucky River ...................,...... . 62 Ii/IVAIYAUCEIE I Lock and Dam Ho. 2 Bin Sandy River ...,...................... 62 J Q U KIRKSVILLE Lock and Dam Io. 51, Ohio Diver .............................. 66 _ vi Page LAWREIYCEBURG Lock and Dam No. 5, Kentucky River ¤......................... 66 IEBAROH Lebanon National Cemetery... .... .. ..°...... . .......... . ..... 67 LEXINGTON Army Recruiting Substation. ................................. 68 Lexington National Cemetery .... . .......................... . . 69 _ Organized Reserves .....,.... . ....... 4 ....q¤.......¤......... 69 Remount Purchasing and Breeding Headquarters ................ 71 Reserve Officers' Training Corps ............................ 72 LIVERHORE Lock and Dam Ho. l, Rough River ............. . ............... 75 LOCKPORT Lock and Dam No. 2, Kentucky River .......................... 75 LOUISA. Lock and Dam No. 5, Big Sandy River ...............¤......... 74 Lock and Dam Ho. l, Tug Fork of Big Sandy River ...........“. 75 LOUISVILLE Army Recruiting Substation ..................¤............... 76 Bowman Field ................................................ 77 Cave Hill National Cemetery ..¤.............................. 78 District Engineer ..................°.¤...................... 79 Accounts ........... . ...¤......v,,..¤.¤....( , .............. 80 Appropriations .......¤..¤.....¤.......°.....¤..» , ,....... 8] Construction Records .......... Q .......°.........;....¤..¤ 81 Correspondence ........¤¤¤,.¤.¤........................... 82 _ Flood Control Records .......¤..................r......... 85 Operation Records ............;........ V ...¤.....¤.....¤.. 84 Plans, Tracings and Maps ........................U........ BQ Property and Claim Records. ...¤.¤........................ 86 River Gage and Discharge Data ........... r ..‘.......u..... 86 Structure Permits ........¤...¤..........¤................ 87 Survey Records ..................... . ...u......... M .¤.... . 87 - Traffic Records .... . ..Dr...¤..................... ,. ¤¤u... 88 Louisville and Portland Canal, Engineer Office .............. 8Q National Guard, Regular Army Instructor ..¤.......,......,... gg Organized Reserves .....,...,........,.....¤“................ Q1 Reserve Officers’ Training Corps ¤........ r...r ,...°,.,...... Q5 Zachary Taylor National Cemetery ........¤....r....b..... .4.. Q4 vii Page LYND O1? Reserve Officers' Training Corps ........................... Q5 HAYSVILLE Lock and Dam No. 55 ........................................ 05 l NAKED Lock and Dam No. 5, Green River ............................ 498 HAUGY · Hill Springs National Cemetery ............... . ............. gg HICHOLASVILLE Lock and Dam N0. 8, Kentucky River ................¤.....,.. 100 OLIVER Lock and Dam E0. BO, Ohio River ..... . ...... , .... . ........., 100 OWEUSBORO Engineer Office .........,¤...“....¤..............,......... 101 Lock and Dam No. 46, Ohio River ............,.,...,......... 101 PADUCAI Engineer Office .................................,........,. 102 Materials and Supplies .... o ......,,..,.. , ......,........ 102 Miscelleneous ..,........°,,....................,........ 1CG Operation and Repairs ....,.,...,~..... , ....... V ......... 107 Personnel Records ........,.....,....,........,.,........ 109 Survey and Construction ........` 1 ....,..,..,.,..,,.,¤.... 111 Flood Control Project .......¤....,........,......,,........ 112 RAVEHIA Lock and Dam Lo. 12, Kentucky River ........................ 114 RICXKQOID Lock and Dam Yo. 10, Kentucky River ...,,...,...,,,.,,..... . 114 A Reserve Officore‘ Training Corps Eastern Kentucky State Teachers C011ege.. ,.........,... .. 115 ROCIESTTP Look and Dam Io. 5, Green River ¤............,.............° 117 viii Page RUHSEY Lock and Dam Ho. 2, Green River .............................. A 118 SCOTTSVILLE Lock and Dam Ho. 1, Green River ..... . ........................ 115 - _ U1?101f'1`CW`J1T Lock and Dam Ho. 49, Ohio River ............ . ................. 115 VALLEY VIEW _ Lock and Dam Ho. 9, Kentucky River ........................... 121 \f[i1?i3}H13IJT1<} Lock and Dam No, 52, Ohio River ...°.......................... 122 VERSAILLES Lock and Dum Ko. 6, Kentucky River ...................¤....... 125 VVIIJQOVI Lock and Dam No. 15, Kentucky River .......................... 125 WOODBURY L0ck and Dam Ne, 4, Green River ............. . ..,........... .. 124 1 LOCK APD DAM EO. 29, OHIO RIVER LOCKIASTER Power-house, East Ashland This office was established in 1916. It conducts navigation through locks and makes reports on weather conditions to the Depart- ment of Agriculture. Useless papers are destroyed, and reports on activities are sent to the district office at Cincinnati, Ohio. ` . 1. CORRESPONDENCE, 1899 — 1900. Correspondence between the Cincinnati district office, the field office at Louisa, Kentucky and Washington headquarters. (Never.) 9% x 11 loose sheets, A in., on clipboard in pasteboard box. Torn. Storage Room. (6252) 2. CONSTRUCTIOI PHOTOGRAPHS OE DAM E5, 1910 — 1916. Photographs of the dan site before construction, during construction, and after coxplction and of the machinery used for operation. (Rarely, official.) 12 x 16 vol., 8 in., in drawer of steel filing case. Office. (6254) 5. BILLS OF LADIQC, 1916 to date. Notices of arrival of shipwents, showing shipper, consignec, description of articles, and amount of charges. (Occasionally, official.) Si·x ll envelopes, 1 ft., in 2 drawers of wooden and steel filing cases. Older records dirty. Storage Room and Office. (62éS, 6241) 4. SLUEFHINTS AED CHARTS, 1916 to date. Showing extent of the reservation, construction plans of dam, locations of buildings and equipment, and record of purchases. (Rarely, Official.) 56 x 40 rolls, 1 ft. 6 in., in wooden drawer. Storage Hoon. (6257) 5. GAGE BOOKS, 1916 to date. Records of hourly water gage read- ings and weather conditions and of water temperature readings for the winter months. (Rarely, official.) A x 8 vols. (104), 2 ft. 6 in., in wooden drawer. Dirty. Storage Room. (6251) 6. GENERAL CORHESFOIDEHCE, 1916 to date. `With the district office and Nar Department. (Older records, never; current records, daily, offi~ cial.) 6} x ll envelopes, 2 ft. 4 in., in 2 drawers of wooden and steel filing cases. Older records dirty. Storape Loom and Office. (6255, 6249) 7. LOCK TESTS, 1916 — 1951. Showing .·,*‘ date of test, boat used, and gaye re dings. (Rarely, official.) s2 x 11 envolores, 1 in., in wooden drawer. Dirty, scattered. Storage Loom. (6260) 6. XISGLLLAYNOES REPORTS, 1916 ~ 1950. Wicket rejalr rejorts on the renewal and replacexent of parts; daily maintenance rojorts showing . general repairs; boiler reports showing condition of pressure chanber and conn ctions and repairs made; and records of loaves of absence, property, safety, fire drill, field office orders, contracts, and project sun- marios. (fever.) 6; 2 ll envelopes, C in., in wooden drawer. Dirty. Storage Toon. (CEQA) O 1 ii' 3; ‘.t·;i; - Lock and Dam.Ho. 29, Ashland 2 9. ORDERS, 1916 to date. For merchandise and supplies necessary to operation of locks. (Rarely, official.) 8%-x 12 envelopes, 5 in., in wooden drawer. Storage Room. (6259) 10. SEHIHORTHLY CIVIL SERVICE REPORTS, 1916 to date. On all civil service employees, showing status, whether discharged or reemployed, '1 and any change in rate of pay. (Rarely, official.) SL·x ll folders, 4 in., in wooden drawer. Dirty. Storage Room. (6265) 11. TELEPHONE BILLS, 1916 to date. List of long distance calls made, and monthly statements of cost of service. (Rarely, official.) 8%-x ll _ envelopes, 4 in., in wooden drawer. Dirty. Storage Room. (6261) 12. TRAFFIC BOOKS, 1916 to date. Record of boats and tows passing through the lock, showing name of boat, owner, and time of passage. _ (Rarely, official.) 11 x 16 vols. (5), 8 in., in wooden drawer. Dirty. Storage Room. (6258) 15. WEATHER BUREAU REPORTS, 1916 to date. Cooperative observer's memoranda, showing temperature, precipitation, and wind direction. (Fre- quently, official.) 2 x 4 vols., 5 ft., in wooden drawer. Dirty. Storage Room. (6254) 14. DAILY LOG OE CONSTRUCTION, 1917 — 1921. Showing personnel, daily duties of each employee, amount of time spent, work accomplished and notes on precautions taken against espionage. (Rarely, official.) 6% x 11 vols. (6), 6 in., in wooden drawer. Dirty. Storage Room. (6255) 15. CIRCULAR LETTERS AND REPORTS, 1919 - 1921. Annual reports on operations, monthly traffic reports, correspondence regarding orders and shipments of materials, and circular letters of instruction to the lock- master. (Never.) 6;·x ll envelopes, 2 ft., in wooden drawer. Damaged, dirty. Storage Room. (6256) 16. PAY ROLLS, 1924 - 1950. Showing names of employees, classifi- cations, rates of pay, and time for which payment was made. (Rarely, official.) 6i-x 11 envelopes, 2 in., in wooden drawer. Dirty. Storage asm. (szsz) 17. ANNUAL OPERATIONS REPORTS, 1950 to date. Showing operations and major improvements, gage readings, number of wickets and traps raised or lowered, reasons for operations, and accounting of property or equipment destroyed. (Rarely, official.) 10 x 15 envelopes, é in., in drawer of steel filing case. Office. (6245) 18. ANNUAL PROJECT COST SUNEARY REPORTS, 1950 to date. On expendi- - tures for maintenance and operations, supplies, equipment, pay rolls, etc. (Rarely, official.) 10 x 16 vols., l;·in., in drawer of steel filing Case. orriee. (ezso) U 19. BOILER INSPECTIOT REPORTS, 1950 to date. Showing defects, find- ings, and suggested repairs and improvements. (Rarely, official.) Ug·Z ll envelopes, i in., in drawer of steel filing case. Office. (6240) Lock and Dam.No. 29, Ashland 5 20. CONTRACTS, 1950 to date. With various firms agreeing to furnish materials and supplies for dam.operation. (Rarely, official.) 'I . ` . . . . 10 x 15 envelopes, 1;·in., in drawer of steel filing case. Office. (6255) 21. FIELD OFFICE BILLS AED ORDERS 1950 to date. Ce ies of orders J for supplies, with attached invoices from the Government depot. (Occas- . . . 'I . . . . ionally, official.) 8g-x ll envelopes, 2 in., in drawer of stool filing case. Office. (6229) 22. FIRE DRILL REPORTS, 1950 to date. LocLmaster's monthly reports showing order of drills and time required to place fire-fighting equip- ment at the hypothetical scene of fire. (Occasionally, official.) 8;-x ll envelopes, 1 in., in drawer of steel filing case. Office. (6252) 25. GAGE REYORTS, 1950 to date. Monthly reports on daily river stages above and below the dam, precipitation, and weather conditions. V . . . " ’1 . . (Occasionally, official.) S;·x 11 envelopes, 2; in., in drawer of steel riiing ease. orrics. (6250) 24. LEAVES OF APSETCE, 1950 to date. Record of permission granted employees to be absent from duty for a designated time. (Occasionally, »,. . . · . . official.) 8E·x ll envelopes, lg in., in drawer of steel filing case. Office. (6256) 25. MONTHLY OPERATIOIS REPORTS, 1950 to date. Showing daily oper- ations and work accomplished, names of employees, and daily work per- formed by each. (Rarely, official.) 10 x 15 envelopes, l in., in drawer of steel filing case. Office. (6246) 26. MONTHLY STATEIRFTS OF BOATS USIKG THR LOCKS, 1950 to date. Show- ing names of boats passing through locks, owners, time ef passage, and dates. (Rarely, official.) 10 x 15 envelopes, 2 in., in drawer of steel filing case. Office. (6245) 27. IOHTHLY WEATFER RBFORTS, 1950 to date. Reports to the weather bureau at Louisville showing daily readings of temperature and precipi- tation. (Rarely, official.) 10 x 15 envelopes, 2 in., in drawer of steel filing case. Office. (6247) 26. ORDERS OF DISTRICT OFFICE, 1950 to date. Copies of orders for supplies, showing firms or Government depots from which ordered, quanti— · . . . ,. . H . . . . 7 ties, and description oi articles. (Occasionally, official.) 8L·x ll envelopes, 2 in., in drawer of steel filing case. Office. (6242) 28. OULRT1lE REPORTS, lC50 - 1956. Showing excess hours worked by . ._. . . -. ,-`1_ employees and nature of work; iile discontinued. (never.) eL·x ll envelopes, 1 in., in drawer of steel filiny case. Of"ice. (6257) 50. FROFERTY RRCOLD, 1950 to date. Coverin; all movable property. (Rarely, official.) 6 x 20 vol., 5 in., in drawer of steyl filing case. Office. (025E) . Lock and Dam Yo. 1, Benleo 4 51. REQUISITIOHS, 1950 to date. To the district office at Cincin- nati, listing supplies needed. (Occasionally, official.) 8i-x ll envel- opes, A in., in drawer of steel filing case. Office. (6214) 52. SAFETY REPORTS, 1950 to date. Letters and bulletins received, records of enployees‘ safety meetings to promote safer working con- ditions, vehicle safety reports on accidents and costs of repairs, injury reports showing nature and extent of injury, and lock test reports show- ing names of boats used and gage readings. (Occasionally, official.) U 10 x 15 envelopes, 25 in., in drawer of steel filing case. Office. (6251) 55. SPECIFICATIOES OF WORK REPAIRS, 1950 to date. Special orders from the district office concerning repairs to be made on buildings and equipment. (Occasionally, official.) Sivx 11 envelopes, 1% in., in drawer of steel filing case. Office. (6255) · 54. TEN—DAY OPERATIONS REPORTS, 1950 to date. Showing gage readings, number of employees, river stages, and precipitation. (Rarely, official.) 10 x 15 envelopes, 2 in., in drawer of steel filing case. Office. (6239) BENLE0 LOCK AND DAM DO. 1, BARREU RIVER LOCKIMSTER Governmentiwarehouse This office, established in 1841, operated under the Bureau of Navigation until 1898, when it was transferred to the War Department. The records prior to 1906 were destroyed by departmental authority, but the originals of these records are on file at headquarters. It conducts river traffic through the locks, takes readings of weather conditions for the Weather Bureau, and submits reports on all activities to the sub- office at Owensboro and to the district office at Louisville. 55. DAILY WORK SHEETS, Oct. 1906 to date. Form 56 A, showing duties performed and upper and lower gage readings. (Daily, official.) 9 x 14 envelopes, Q in., in drawer of desk. Lockmaster's Office. (GAIS) 56. DAILY TRAFFIC LOG, 1922 to date. Record of traffic passing through the lock. (Daily, official.) 9 x 14 vols., 4 in., in drawer of acer. orrics. (6414) 57. BLUEPRINTS, 1950. Of the lock and dam. (Occasionally, offi- cial.) 12 x @4 bundles, 1 ft., in wooden blueprint cabinet. Damaged. orrlcc. (6418) ` 58. COOPERATIVE 0RS1lVER'S DAILY NEHORAIDA, 1954 to date. Daily records of temperature, precipitation, river stages, and other readings. (Occasionally, official.) BI x 7 folders, 5 in., in drawer of desk. orriee. (6420) Reserve Officers' Training Corps, Bowling Green 5 59. COOPERATIVE OBSERVER’S RETEOROLOGICAL RECORD, Apr. 1954 to date. Record of temperature, precipitation, and miscellaneous weather phenomena, showing date, station, county, longitude, latitude, hour of observation, . . . 1 character of day, and monthly summary. (Occasionally, official.) 10g x l1%·vols., 1 in., in drawer of wooden desk. Office. (6419) 40. CORRESPONDENCE, 1955 to date. From the district office; also bulletins and memoranda. (Rarely, official.) 9 x 12 envelopes, 6 in., in drawer of desk. Office. (6417) 41. MONTHLY TILE BOOKS, Jan. 1, 1956 to date. Showing the lock- master and his assistants, rates of pay, time worked each day, total time, and amount of pay for each. (Occasionally, official.) 4 x 7 vols., 1 in., in drawer of desk. Office. (6416) 42. MONTHLY GAGE HEIGETR RECORD, current. Daily readings of river stares showin, hiehest and lowest ares; this record is mailed to the E E z.> E; _ Louisville office at the end of each month. (Frequently, official.) 4 x 7 vol., 1 in., in drawer of desk. Office. (6415) BOWLING GREEN RESERVE OFP1CERS' TRAIRIRG CORPS Western Kentucky State Teachers College Physical Education Bldg. 45. CORRESPONDENCE, 1919 to date. Of the officer in charge of the ROTC unit. (Occasionally, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 1 ft. 6 in., in transfer case and in filing case. R. 109. (7567) 44. MILITARY SCIENCE DEPARTMENT, 1919 to date. Records of military science courses. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 1 ft. 2 in., in 4 wooden and steel drawers of transfer cases. R. 109. (7566) 45. RECUIAR ARMY PERSONNEL, Jan. 1919 to date. Records of Army of- ficers assigned to ROTC training duty at this school. (Occasionally, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 1 ft. 6 in., in drawer of filing case. R. 109. (vase) 46. REPORTS, Jan. 1919 to date. Ionthly rosters and reports on events, enrollment reports, training corps reports, and quarterly and annual reports to Corps Area headquarters and the War Department. Filed according to the`War Department Correspondence Pile. (Daily, official.) 10 x 12 folders, 12 ft., in drawers of filing cases. ROTC Office. (5288) 47. STUDEIT PERSOIEEL, 1919 to date. Record of students enlisted in »m · .— . . . . si ... s - ’ the ROTC unit. (Occasionally, official.) agp- 2; 4;;* cards, 2 ft. C 111., in filing and transfer cases. R. 109. (7569) _ Lock and Dam No. 6, Brownsville 6 48. STUDENT RECORDS, Jan. 1919 to date. Pertaining to students' work in military science. Filed according to the war Department_Co£— respondence File. (Daily, official.) 1O x 12 folders, 8 ft., in drawers E'f"f1TEg‘6a`sET` more Office. (szsv) BROWRSVILLE _ LOCK AND DAN NO. 6, GREEN RIVER LOCKMASTER (A) Lockmaster's Dwelling (B) Tool House This office was established in 1904. It conducts traffic through locks, reports on activities to the Louisville office, and makes meteoro- logical readings for the Weather Bureau. Prior to the flood of January 1957 all records were filed in the tool house. The daily traffic logs for 1925 — 1925 were destroyed by the flood. 49. DAILY TRAFFIC LOG, Apr. 1, 1905 - Mar. 1921; Oct. 1, 1925 to date. Record of boats and tows passing through the locks. (Older records, rare- ly; current records, daily, official.) 8 x 15 and 9 x 14 vols., 6 in., on wooden table and on desk. Damaged by flood, bindings broken. Tool Room (Bldg. B) and Locknaster's Office (Bldg. A) (6405, 6409) 50. HETEOROLOGICAL REPORTS, 1917 to date. Cooperative observers' meteorological readings of weather conditions and miscellaneous phenomena, showing month, station, county, state, latitude, longitude, hour of obser- vation, character of day, and monthly summary. (Older records, rarely; recent records, occasionally, official.) 12 x 14 envelopes, 6 in., en wooden table and on wooden desk. Tool Room (Bldg. B) and Office (Bldg. A). (ance, 6411) 51. CORRESRORDERCB, 1955 te date. With the district office and un- official parties; also bulletins, instructions, and memoranda. (Rarely, official.) 4%-x 9 bundles, 5 in., in wooden desk. Office (Bldg. A). (G412) 52. QUARTERLY STEAE GAGE OBSERVATIORS, Sept. 1957 to date. Showing daily observations of gage heights, date and time of readings, weather conditions, and highest and lowest stages. (Occasionally, official.) 4 x 6 vol., 2 in., in wooden desk. Office (Bldg. A). (eaos) 55. {ONTHLY TILE BOOK, Jan. 1958 to date. Showing lockmaster and as- sistants, rates of pay, time worked, and amount of pay. (Occasionally, official.) 4 x 7 vol., l in., in wooden desk. Office (Bldg. A). (C4lO) 54. XOITILY GAGE HEATHER RBPORTS, Kev. 1, 1955 to date. Form 56, showing temperature, weather conditions, and hourly river stage obser- vations; this data is later transferred to the daily log. (Daily, of- ficial.) B x lO vols., 2 in., in wooden desk. Office (Bldg. A). (O407) Lock and Dam ho. 58, Burlington 7 55. MONTHLY TRAFFIC REPORTS, Nov. 1, 1958 to date. D.O. Form 90-1, - reports on traffic passing through the lock, showing date of passage, name of boat or craft, owner, direction of passage, number of barges loaded and empty, and commodity carried. (Daily, official.) 8 x 14 envelopes, 1 in., in wooden desk. Office (Bldg. A). (6406) BURLIN GT OIT LOCK AND DAM NO. 58, OHIO RIVER LOCKHASTER Power—house and.Administrative Office Bldg. This office, established in 1925, is under the supervision of the district office at Cincinnati, Ohio. Its functions are to conduct traffic through the locks, make weather observations, and report on all activities to the district office. 56. GAGE AED WEATHER REPORTS, 1925 to date. Records of hourly _ observations, showing temperature, weather conditions, and river stages. (Daily, official.) 5 x 6 vols., 2 ft., in drawer of filing case. Office, za rissr. (6426) 57. MONTHLY COST REPORTS, 1925 to date. From the district office, showing distribution of costs for the operation of the dam during the month. Entered chronologically. (Occasionally, official.) 12 X 25 loose—1eaf book, 4 in., in drawer of filing case. Office, 2d floor. (6425) 58. STORAGE RECORDS, 1925 — 1957. Office records and reports prior T . - 1 to the current year. (Rarely, official.) 9%-x 14%-envelopes and bundles, 1O ft., in wooden boxes. Storeroom, basement. (6427) 59. ACCIDENT REPORTS, Jan. 1, 1958 to date. Showing details of accidents and injuries suffered by dam employees. (Occasionally, offi- cial.) 9i-x 14% folders, 2 in., in drawer of filing case. Office, 2d floor. (64s4) GO. CORRESPONDENCE, Jan. 1, 1958 to date. With the district office and unofficial parties; also bulletins and memoranda. (Occasionally, of- . . ‘ 'I ,,, . , . . . fieial.) 9g·x 14 o/E folders, 1 ft., in drawer of filing case. Office, za rissr. (6421) Gl. DAILY LOG, Jan. 1, 1958 to date. Record of daily activities, showing names of boats passing through the lock, destination, type, and time of passage of each boat, repairs to lock, labor accounts, supplies . I . . . . . . . '1 received, and general summary of activities. (Daily, official.) 9;·x · 14 5/Z folders, 1 ft., in drawer of filing case. Office, 2d floor. (5429) 52. DISTRICT OFFICE ORDERS, Jan. 1, 1958 to date. Correspondence and reports relative to the lockmaster's requests for authority to purchase . Look and Dam Ho. 55, California 8 supplies and equipment; also approved purchase orders. Arranged alpha- . . ’ . betically. (Occasionally, official.) 9% x 14 5/4 folders, 1 ft., in drawer of filing case. Office, 2d floor. (6451) 65. EXCHANGE AND TRANSFER OF PROPERTY, Jan. 1, 1958 to date. Reports listing property transferred to and from other locks. (Occasionally, of- ficial.) 9g·x 14 5/4 folders, 2 in., in drawer of filing case. Office, 2d riser. (sexo) 64. FIRE DRILL REPORTS, Jan. 1, 1958 to date. Reports on monthly I . . . ‘. . . .., . . ]_ fire drills and general inspections. (lwntnly, ofiicial.) 9Q-x 14 5/4 folders, 2 in., in drawer of filing case. Office, 2d floor. (6425) 65. INVENTORY OF PROPERTY, Jan. 1, 1958 to date. Quarterly reports showing inventory of property in the custody of the loekmaster. (Occas- - . A -.. . ]_ .., ’ . . . . ionally, oilicial.) 9; X 14 e/4 folders, G in., in drawer of filing case. orrice, za riser. (6424) 66. LEAVES OP ABSEECE, Jan. l, 1959 to date. Employees' requests for leave of absence. Arranged alphabetically. (Occasionally, official.) 9Q*x 14 5/4 folders, 2 in., in drawer of filing case. Office, Bd floor. (sazs) 67. KOITHLY APD TEE-DAY REPORTS, Jan. 1, 1958 to date. Showing daily activities, repairs, time and labor employed, and supplies received. , . . . . ]_ _. .-, Arranged alphabetically. (Occasionally, official.) 9g x 14 e/4 folders, l ft., in drawer of filing case. Office, 2d floor. (6452) 68. LOCKACE RECORD, Jan. 1, 1958 to date. Showing name and number of each boat passing through the lock, time required for passage, desti- . · . W. . 1 nation, type of boat, and tonage. (Daily, ofiicial.) 11g-x 16; vols., 2 in., in drawer of filing case. Office, 2d floor. (6422) 69. `TIZE ROLLS, Jan. 1, 1953 to date. Showing time worked by em loy- ees, type of work, and wages earned. (Daily, official.) 9% x 14 5 4 folders, 1 ft., in drawer of filing case. Office, 2d floor. (6455) 70. PLARS AID BLUEPRIYTS, n.d. Blueprints of dam, showing design and workin; plans of all parts; also plans of dwellings and other build- ings on the reservation. Index. (Occasionally, official.) Variously sized loose sheets, G ft., in wooden racks on wall. Office, 2d floor. (ease) Cf·.LIPORif`L“. LOCK AID DAM IO. 55, OHIO RIVER I.OCLQ.`ASTTJR Power-house and Administrative Office Bldg. This office was established in 1919 and is under the supervision of the dist