xt72bv79tv4c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt72bv79tv4c/data/mets.xml Alabama Alabama Museum of Natural History 1928 Other titles include: Alabama Museum of Natural History museum paper, Geological Survey of Alabama, Museum of the Geological Survey of Alabama. Other creators include: United States. Work Projects Administration, Geological Survey of Alabama, Tennessee Valley Authority. Issues for 1, 3 carry no series numbering. No. 2 also as Education papers no. 1. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call number AS36 .A2. journals English University, Ala. : Alabama Museum of Natural History, 1910-1960 This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Alabama Works Progress Administration Publications Museum Paper, no. 8, 1928 - including "The Terrestrial Shell-Bearing Mollusca of Alabama" by Bryant Walker text Museum Paper, no. 8, 1928 - including "The Terrestrial Shell-Bearing Mollusca of Alabama" by Bryant Walker 1928 1928 2015 true xt72bv79tv4c section xt72bv79tv4c i A
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Miscellaneous Publication No. 18 ' — j 1 I
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The T errestrral Shell—Bearmg Mollusea _1 _1
0i Alabama 4 2
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1 ‘ BRYANT XVALKEH · 1 ‘.z»
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ffjg Plll)llSl1C(l lll Co-operat1o11 Wltll the Geological Survey of Alabama ‘ "
T _I`' and the Alabama Museum of Natural History
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i The pub11ez1t1<»11s 01 ihc Museum of Zoology, L111ve1·s1ty nt )I;··lUm_ I I ` )_
i ’ ; ; , , . . . ` . as 1:n\‘¤· .011
`; gil g (wnmst; Ut two su1·1<=s——H1c Occa1s1011z1l Pz1p<*1·s and the M1s<:<·IIz1m~¤>11» IMM;. A1 1 gl 1
, ‘ » ‘ _ V . , Y V X ‘1 1211:129 » H
§ . ; (fEltl()]1S. B<>’rh s<·1·1<~s wow founded by Dr. Bl'}'2lllt V\z1H
{ * H. Swedes and Dr. \\’. \\. BC\\'COlHl). e _ _ U
`· ./ 1 ~ . . . , . . » s ¤·w·s111A 1:
I _ j); The Occamonal Papers, publ1cz1t1011 0f whnch was begun 111 NT3}, wg P H Q H
, ` * ` . . . . , . . . 4 , , A I'. i ml 1
3 ` ` as 21 1l1Cd1lU11 101* The ]}l1b1ICilYl<)]1 oi l.)l‘lCf Orlgmall p21p01‘$ based 1)1'lI1<_‘1]W;1[§Z` R ,_` ] H T
‘V Y . . . . ' · Bw vzl m·
i { ‘ ‘ upon the COUOCUOHS 111 thc Muscuul. The ])&lf)C1’S HTG 1SSU€d s€pz11·z110lyx` COIN I 1 I, U
a . . . . . . ` >..<<*< M A
g \ ,- ~ l ]1b1·zu·1cs and sp0c1;111sts, amd, when ax suFf1c1cnt number 0f pages 11;mebe·;; ? the Wil _I_ T,
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f ily E The BI1S($CU2l11C()US 1.)lll)Ill‘2ltl()HS 1m·h1(l0 wawcrs 011 field and 1¤111~=:ui. .
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THIQ 'l'l·§liltl·]S'l`ItIl\Il NlllCIlIl—-IZICAIIINII lltllllll S<`.\ (IF l\l,AlI;\l\l,\ _ ‘I.
By Bltvlxxr \Vlxlllt'I‘ is based lllftlllly upon the collections made by the late llerhert; _ I. I r
_ I H, Sllllill I)C‘I\\'<"(‘ll 1903 and 1.920. I have included also sueh other reeorlls ` I I I
IVIML . asl llllve litllllltl ill tllc literature and such as are iu the collections of the I I f
~ > I- I », . - · >
` IllI"" Allllllllall State AIIISUIIIII. Dr. George Il. ( lapp and myselt. I am also in- I1
m`I`III‘I dgbtlll to llrs. ll. ll. ]lacNeill foria colnplete catalogue ol` all the Alabama `_
__ . speeies ill lll: llacNeill’s collection.
"’_°IlI‘ lll; Slllitll began to collect lor llr. Clapp in 1903. In 1904 he orgauizell I if
"‘~‘ll“‘l···‘ a "$_l.'l!tIll‘2llt"` tor the systcnlatie ]ll'(>S<’(illl'ltlll oI’ the \\'(ll'l{. This is tirst I ' I'.
IMI} I COIlSl.l1i- l , _ _ - l · . - ·. . I —· ‘
lll late ·I¤*lLlI ll. l'l(‘1l(lCI`$O1l, Jr. In 1.908 Mr. Aldrich retired and tllc work lor . »° _,
°i °°I”" that vellr was carried on bv lilr. Cla l . Mr. llendersou and mvself. The ' · l · 3
W . . I P. . I I _
mlm ‘‘‘‘ S llieate ceased to function at the end ot that vear and alter lllilt time llr. . ‘ 3
St‘t'lIll?l; · . . l I l I I 5
_ I Smit.; c~;ll—etell land shells for Dr. Clapp and the Alabama State Museum . I g
`AIIU until his lIr‘Ellll ill 1920. I I ` A
"I I"` I tltllllll \\'ll(’lll(‘I' illly (rlllI(‘l' state ill the llnion has been Worliecl niore _ ° · I
thol-..lle·llly and systematically than Alabama, by Mr. Smith ’s assiduous col- 5 I _ T
lectin;. Ile not only personally collected over a vel·y large part ol? the state. li
both IIIIYIII Zlllll south. but lIll'Ollg`ll local collectors, ]ll{lll}' of them trained hy I I
lp hlm, .l¤· l'I‘Jl(Tll(‘(l into many localities that he did not personally VISII'. I * · I
"`m` Ill relllitioll to the extensive series illustrating the distributional features I ' `· `I I
Ofllw Iriillltil, he discovered the following new speeies and varieties: .. l
l _ " A.
PoZy~.=_ ~»‘~`· 1 Ilwlllltll (jlapp Olllp/lalillro g>iZ.sZ2l‘yi Clapp . I
P0Ill‘*~· ~’l‘ I»l‘·‘l‘Il»lIll Clapp l'{l‘l·¢·¢1 nllll·i¢·7lfull¢l Clapp AI 5 l
POM/~~`_¥l~‘ wl elplla ¢·llwl·oi,·l¤rllsl.< Clapp IYll{I‘i’lL elllllllw/tnlrlirzllrl Clapp I . _
POI?/"‘~"*F I"’}IIIII’II»QI·Y Clapp IYIIIF/(I <·oll¢l·lr7lw1l$is Clapp I '
POIytl’_l.al11.s{l‘i.s* Clapp l",,·{,t_t»,tt (-/t,·[,\·/yl
l I speeie-s— are with the northern fauna. ’i`»‘* ” "Fl"l;`€%’_’
l V . . . . . _ _`/{L/*`r Mw ' It
g · ( The eenter ol d1str1but1on of the northern fauna is the Appalaelinnilt. p0t.,.t.,,—,,v ,,/(,,,,4
3 t F; t 1 tean ot eastern Tennessee. From there the species have spread ont nmtt ;g§·»¤l~"’ l';l"["·?‘
V. ~ I l _ _ _ _ 4/{K'!/"1 J r.* 7`l(
~ west. and south. Many ol them have obtained a wide range through tx PaZ,»,».t.~·t» [while
j 1 . northern states. Home of these have a general distribution tll1'Ollg`l1*>lllt;\l;Z- ’/'»’ ’"‘” "`;’l’7é
,' t , _* V. _~}]}_wJ¢.’ ll` [Nl
l E hama. bnch are. MV N_mh(
I t ¢ . .
‘ · ·il t ]’oI_t;y_a;t·a 4,·lau.wt. Trzllouzrzi pulclmllat {h(·t·t. {W, Spyo
g V . it I’u/_1;y_1;ra inflrclrxt Pzmclumi pygmzvum S ._ _.
I "; ]’ul_:;{;ym prtllirrm. ]7eZie01Ziscus paralleltzs will "UYZ
3* t ]’ol_1;yy;u Z}'l([(’)Il(l[(I· H(l]1l0T1'C711£L COTZCCLUCL , P0[,,,,·,,,-U I.,/—,·,—,,g,
hl !’u[»oi»In.< n1¢1z·y;inu!u.s Jlcsvmjrlzin; Zaeivigata pay,/`,,_..A, (.,I.(Oy,
. .` {Q it /Ju.stm¢:optu. armifcra (;4lS{l'O{lO7lt(1. dcmissa. p0;`,,Q,.`_,,4, L., I., Oh
1` ‘ V § . (iash·0e¢»pta. {rmi/meta Gu.str0¢70ntrz iiirzieiiexla p0]`,,`,,`,,_..,, ,'_/,[{O(
‘ (Jasrmmptu, cm·!iem·ia. Gastrot/o·um ligcm p0z],l;,t;,,,·,, ,,.,,_,.m
l V · ji { (}a.str0e0ptav pcntodcm Zomvtoules avrborcus P01,;,,t.,,—, /,,,_t{1,;
l 2 j Gaslmeopta poyzlodont gracilis Zoniloidvs vnimzsculus PgZ_tt_t,~`t,,-,e» ,·,,,Z,,(,_.
l , (¥t1stroo0]»M procem. VitT1`GG ltltlwlftlftl POZ_tmj.w·tt ;·,t,;H,,_<
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\\'11i1e 1110 f()110\\'111g' a11·e 1'l‘St1‘1C1(}11 to 111G 1101·t1101·11 part: . 1
P01`~14·1_i1·11 11111/1011*.2111 ‘7l0}"771(IZ1S I1I’(IN(H11I(l pr:2‘.21i10i¤711s r·Him‘!ii e I. 11
II _ P0Z_111,111·1 11{1.~11*11·!·<11'1H117i ]n'11r;l1121¢H11a rosca 1 · 1
P011111, 1·11 1‘11,1111··s(1·u111lL aZu7mn1111.1' V¢1r1i_qn O·V(‘(l1`1(l7l(l ·T I ' `
P01~`111’g11‘1’ 1·1111‘1_/111*71115 1'(·;·f{g0 0r41Zix , .`I1
01. ‘1'.’ 111 'I'[1'1/I1)!/I 11’»·r/[gn ‘i'·Il{/USl(](l1 fI· · II
;0§1111;1v11 1111111111/1111 alieigv Zm1i!n1`17rs s1'11g710_1;r1211u.s E =;
°·"""I"' /’1’·°1111011111»* ]gil('U)Il(1i(S e71m·si1111s 5 1 1
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1°111" 111`·1’11101‘11 i1a1111z1 {111(1 35 to the $@111110111. I ' 1 °
_ 111 1110 111T11101' of syumiymy I have i11 :111 ensue; given 1·ef01·e1100s 10 1110 `I
Tm-‘1—11 11@>C11])11011 :11111 10 311 Algbgiiiigi, 011:111011S that I 1121\`C 101111d 111 1110 A 1 1 ~ ’
1 'J. ‘ 11 V · . ‘ , ' ‘ · -r az ` · I I . `
_ _t€§1`1y1·11, 1111010 the species R16 111e111(1e(1 111 13111110} S 3121111131II I 1121VC ‘ ‘ » _ 1
H1.:· · ·.'..i ,,. ., , , r_ · - · 1 ·' 1 ;
C ”1' **1 ·1 11 111111(1 10 1111111 11 01·1\ as those 1l11(’1’(*S1I1’(1 111 1'11(E 0211‘1101‘ S)'l1011— 1 {
— W; · , . , 1 , 1 ;
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(1 11.1*‘ 11111111* 111 ]1z11·011t11esis 1111(101· the figures is 1101 that of 1110 OI‘1g`111£11 V
°S“11’·‘1‘ 111 1110 spcems, 111111 of the m1t1i01- whose 121Q`111`C is copied. Where 110 I —I
DEW" 1* !`11‘··11. 1110 11Q111'(’ is <11·1Q111z11. V .
M if? W;
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· . lla ‘ 6 llizmsii \V.xi.1;i;n ’l‘
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‘ l ll: Class (li\STROl’Ol)A - .ltSOBRANC`HlA'l`.\ l;;,1t»·l ;ts tollo
Slll)0l‘llL*l’ TAENIOGLOSSA ` C0~:.t¢t.». ribs 1
i l ` _ H _ ,.1 , . . / ple; ltlllilllll
; , btunily l.Rl.B(.1\ l`ELl1lD1€E OH l' midi
· . , , , !<· `~. 'x
lf] . Animztl with et very lung; inuseulur, 21HHlll&llCLl. snout; tent;u·le. aD:..m..,lH]_,,
_ i i znlmrt. ll'l2lllQ'lll2ll' uml short; eyes sessile. })lEI('(‘(l gxetietwtlly on the 1tt»ttt·l»,tV 11].,...... MN.
., t'et<.·e ol' the n<·<·|< mul Iveltiml the bztse of the teittzteles; t‘t’llll'2ll tooth oil 53`_lQ.iH]·1·7
. Ita l‘2lLl11l{l.TI‘l21l1§§lll{1l‘, with it series of basal tleiitieulntioiisg lateral tooth lm; -—_\ emu,.
'| multieuspid; lll2l1'Q`lll2ll teeth curved, nai·i·0w, niultieuspid. anti ..t..\.._ gg_
_ Shell more or less elongated, Sl1l)C}'llllCl1'lC2ll, truneutecl when zulult ; tg;
E t ture ovul; peristome continuous, thickened; opereulum oval, pzttteiwttrj `
Q ~ with ein exeeutrie nucleus.
,.- i tl .' _ _ . .\ltlllIEtl W
2 = ; . (Jenus 'l`lll~X(]1\’l`l·ll.l.-\ Rlsso .
i E`} · 'iarlws long; r
{ Shell i1np<—i·l`ot·;1te, but with an umbilienl groove. C}'llI1(l1‘lQ2ll. tui·1‘<~t» _ Sljytt W—..]]jH
i` ig', trutuczitetl when zttlult, shining. striate or eostulztte; z1|»e1·tut·e ovetl. ·~itti;·- ]Q]u>]y;t1·]·(,\\·_
{ ~‘ `Q *3 |lt’l'lSlUllll‘ eontinuous. siuiplo or tlouble. soinetintes 1·<·lit·et<·l'll(*(JUS, subspirul, with an exeentrie nucleus. Shell tml
if i\uimztl with at short foot, roundetl at both ends; tentacles short. zt·:i* Sg]t.j..~,V.t!_ nm
` - ll'l?lllQ\Il&ll‘g eyes sessile. lvlzteetl behintl the l'(·‘lll?l('ll‘S on the ll})|N*l' pmt ·>!`* ]]Qt»t:~ oy W].
S A I {1] . neeli; snout very long. bilol»<·;.,.tl. wl
l , l _ _ _ _ lZ€Sl£r·‘t··»lls my
S lll Trmzcalcllu l)2l(ll)’l(llL(1. Pleiffer _
S i 1 , . . . . ,. ... V .
‘ ~i flrtmcat¢ZIa bzlabzufat Pleil`fe1·, \\‘iegm. Arch., I, 1840, y. LM {Q . E
i tj ; '·i_ ,\l1l'lLT. Viv., 155li, p. 192; Pilsbry, Trans. COIIII. Aezul., X, l?*""· l'-" V ·.
Q pl. LXII, fig. 12. A .
t` l l Original ])CSC}'i[)[liO7l: 'Festa eylinqlmeoa, solitlulzt. Mli .
; » · Q », <·z11‘ne21, lOll§llUtl1llillllC1‘ CO11l.G1"[11H eostulatztg 2llll1·¤"»- · gg
; ` » t ‘ ;_ _ ’ V . , . V ·_ .`..
g , V -.1 ennvexis; sutur;1 prolunlla; ;1pe1·tu1·o. oblique Owl]- l'··
w . “ . . - · --
E gi. Sl'OIll2llC iiterztssato, tluplieuto. Long. 2.;), nllzull. ·**‘ lt
, g tm;. S:. T. zu. t_ |’tfeiffei·.) .
· j ` luldum , ..—, . . . (~ h 5
g .l»Hsb,..>_ Type Loealtlyz Right bank of the Qunnnar Rlwll ll AE
Q .l ` -i
‘ t
2 { ` I Z
l 't‘i-;nn1;s·1‘inAL S11LJLL—l31-;ARIN<: MOI.1.t‘st*.x or i»\t,.x1;.u1A 7 - i i
_ _U{l/M/Jlltl ZBCCUVCZZ p
_ M..;.35.. tm.; llobile. · _ I' , ; ‘
t’p;it`1'er·`s more elaborate deseriptioii in the Monographia may be trans- · l f 1 Z
tap.? as tollows: Shell subriinate, eylindrieal, slender, solid, opaque, brown, . ,. _ i {
` , . · ‘ 1
CO\;;tressed at. the base- a ierture vertical oval seareelv _ i t
» 0 t t t - t 1 i
l'f< aD;~;}a;.·.l above; peristonie double. the onter white, thiek, expanded, passing _
l‘*‘l`>l. '_ ima basal earina. the inner eontinnons. only slightly expanded. liength ,
lt Wl V 5_i_ .§?;nn, 1.75. liengtli ot? aperture 1.5 nnn. _- _ {
in lm; " .\ strong`. eontinuous erest behind the basal and outer lips. Ribs fine t :
and V-loser 25-330 on the last wh0rl." (Il. A. P.) I I
li::.t; · . l
(Aiw. · Suborder RH ll’ll)OGL()SSi\ · ¥
Faniily ]tll·]l.TCllYIl)A§
Annual with a inoderatel_v long snout, truncated at; the extreniity; ten- t 1.*
tarlt-< lone; slender, pointed, with eyes placed on their outer bases on a . _ ° Y,
tU`l`l‘t‘ slidtt snw-lliiie; loot elongated, truneate in front. and narrow behind; radula p . {
. •‘lllli“ long, llJtl‘l‘tA\\'. with nntnerous lhllffltlltllllill series of teeth. arrangred tilt). 4. l. I ‘_ —
rrrn 4, rpt), Xt, imyx , ‘·'
Snell turbinate. l](‘ll(‘lii(>]’l]l. globose or depressed; aperture triangularly ` · »_ `· -‘
T.i1·i?“ seitrioval. entire; lip areuate; interior partitions absorbed; operenlnin cor- ‘ 5
Fl el" H€*<*l¤~ or ealearetnts. sen1iein·enla1· or seiniovalr non»spiral. with eoneentrie . t ._
l112»·~ ol ertnvtln lroin the eotnniellar lll5lI‘Q'lll. ‘ ` I
. t
, Genus ]]4~!2e2'·21u. Lainarel; · p [
Nletl nn >ert‘orate_ turbinattn elobose or de iressed, flat- it th i
3 . , C` i , _ , I
tem-·i and eallous at. the base; spire short; whorls not nu- A` · pj 2
M. H1(‘Y‘<· t<; aperture triangular or seinioval, entire; peristiome ._‘ · f· -—
Sllltple. straielit or retteeted. often dilated at. the base of I i’ . - ¤
. . . ‘lIG. 4. A ' :1 » ' S
tllr well; eohnnella, eallous_ straight; operenluin semioval, of H_ 0,.1,,1;,gTH ‘ _~ {
lZ€$?l~·¤*·*l< or L‘¢ll'11(’()llS, !r1lrz(Binney), . ‘
;5:.;1d~ .' R., /‘ 5 V l S
.._]._T‘ i e l i \ V ty
W" ips * ‘
+‘:"`Ak `Y‘ · V ’
t, mr : " . f;
_ . { .· ' ` · . t a
At',. » Z; _ ‘ V` I I
· .\ A ( . ‘,
li tt · 5 ` —. , ‘ l t
,ttl ii Q if { l 4 l l i {
tal _ . ;!
[ FIG. Radula of H. orbieulrzin (Trosehel). ’
` jr V, I | It
I I i `iil 2
~ i
Q - ll l * - V ¢
` ly ` '
l . { `
{ I · 8 Ilnyayr \\IxL1;1311 "€ r
. '{{l ;hl1l11`lLll as in the family.
li l lladnla with l'(}(’l'll 2ll'1‘2|ll§i'(‘(l (l(l, 4-. l. 4. (lll. (l(*1ll1';[ls (lm L
· ll . V
. {1 l apex b1·<1ad. l'(‘ll(‘(tl'(*(lg first and SC‘(5(lll(l lalerals lll'(lil(l(‘l‘_ 1·n»m,{, {
Z l at base, apex 1'(*Cll1'\`€(l; (lG11llClllHl(?(l; third lateral s11l1<11‘al_;t{;,i E
f l Fu, 6 l'(‘Cll1`\'O(l, (l011l1ClllHlO(l; ienrth lateral large, long, 11?ll'1`()\\` ca{t{;—_ .
(lperculnmi lil'<11·111, apex 1·(·<·11r\‘<·d. (l(*llll(*lll2ll'(*(l, lll2ll'{1'lIlHlS 1111111<·1·¤»u._ l.,;_ A
fi Ut]['O]·bl- llZll'l‘(l\\`, apex l‘(‘(flll'\`(*ll. (l(‘lllAlClll2ll(‘(l.
, _{. · euZ¢z·fa.
“ {’ T Y Ilclicime orbicizlam (Say)
l Ol~i.g7_1;1·a. orlzieulutn $:1)*, Jour. A. N, S, P., T, N18, p. 283; {Lewis, Alu. 1]. \\', l` .
17 " Shells, 1876, p. 25. _ _ _;
. l{ 1 ][(’]l-/*lil.(l· nrbiewllzfu XV. G. Bniney, -14. & l<`, \\1. Shells, 3% ‘ FGM Cd`),
? { 3 lll, 1865, p. 10S, tig. 217; Sargviit, Nautilus, Y1, 1892, p. 72; ‘ J _ O
{ llinkley, 1/lid., XX, 1906, p. 34; Wlneeler, Ibid., XXV, 1912, FU, 7_ H_ ,,_,,l;;;__;. wide. sh01‘l,
{ . '. l ; l’· 123- (Birml-1 ~. ]l0\`(‘I` clc·vat<
` ¤l I . . . . . . V . ·
{ , ' Q, { E Orzgznal Dcserzplmlz ; "Shell Slll)Q,'lOl)lll2l1’; S])11`€1lOlZ])1`O]11l11C‘11l, but my l1]·.
l _ l than erviivex; l%ll'(’l'2ll line s0111e\\‘l121t (50l1\'L‘X; Whorls five; Olwsolelely slriu;
—. ll I across, regularly 1'O1U1(lCLl; color pale g'1'C0111Sll, yellowish, er sliglnly lim, ,.,(m,_lH_;
‘ , . . . . , · .*‘ < ¢
{ ; with reddish, l’)211'llCUl{11'l}’ en the bedy, and ]1`1il1‘g111C(l ab0ve by an t»l1~r»;; A iu<_;_m{ (HW
g . , dr " L white line; on the middle 0f the bedy a white vitta revolves, SO11l(’lllIl(‘Sl~l OU, _,,_N;;m_
. *3 3 ' _ A11! .
; ,g { S(‘lll'(‘ or \\'2llll'lll§1'; 2l]>(*1'llll'(* aenle above, 1'(?{.{'lll2ll'l§' 1‘()ll11(l(‘(l at the hash. in .
L, { (‘XlCll(llllQ` `ll1'OlTl the centre ef rev0lnti011 er base el the c0l1111111 (0 aila-»/{11
,5 ll, (llSl>£l]1(J(‘ ll(‘l\\'(‘(‘ll the base and the apex of the spire; base ¢1l’ the <·<·|n1l1·L , .
{ , { slightly {ll'(>_](‘('l111Q' into an obtiise illlglv; (*Xl(*1'l(ll' lip whitish, I'¢‘ll<‘¤‘l··~
{ g, 1 { l1(‘llQ'lll one-lilYlh ef an i11cl1." (Say.) 1 ·
. -5. ,
{ ~ » Typo (U(‘(/(lil]/2 Nontli of River Sl; Jflllll, Florida.
N rlla.ba»11aRce0rds:
, ‘ l%2lll`l\\`lI1 C0.; 1Veek’s Bay; l’,; \\'etn111pk:1; N0l»lr`< l"•"Y~
{ { , l`ll(l\\`Jlll Co.; Keener. ]·‘1·;t11kli11 (Io.; BlIl'l(‘S(l]l; R11ssell‘»‘ill<.‘.
" *‘ ‘ li(‘ll(‘\`Jl. Cn.; High Bluff`. (ireene (Jn.: Boligee. __
, { { ·l:z<·ln (*0,; Squaw Shoals; ll:l¤*Yl'“ ‘—
; ‘ §` , \\'<><>dville; Sand Mt., l’isg:1l1; Slieveiisrnn; lloiitevalle.
{ _ ‘ ` l)l'lll(‘(‘l(lll.
{ ` ‘ l.:lmle1·(l:1le (Wt.; 1:`l01·e11ce, )l:l(llS(l1l (H1.; (—ilIl'l(’}`; 1’[1111tsvlll~l ll ·`
, _{ V g5l1l(l.
g . ; ,._ { Xlnbile (‘<»,; Ilohile. dl(l1ll’l1i ll" 2;.. {,Tl;`lm'
'_ { l%l11ll`. , .,l_'I°'
3- YlvJlllIllll‘;_fIl (/'l1,; Three Isl;111·l Shoals; Fort ’l`us<·:1l<>os:1. C0.; Tlldiml C1'€(’k¥ lliwl, {{l,,l{U{4`l'
5 \\'illi;•1n Nlmals. Mill; rl`lISC{ll(l(lS21. __ _ i "{;ff;N‘ll'
_; ~ \\`:rll<¤·r (W1.: l·`<»1·ks of \V:11·1·i<>1·. \\`ih·¤»x (W1.; Pine Hill; C{1lH(l(`lli l‘**° hl I“mtll(
Q4 _` { l1111·,<3.
.l ·
( l l {
, { V .
~ ~111:;_ » V V I » 1 ‘ I
II` nih S1111011:D1·1R SThvL()AlBL\TOPIIOR;\ I- ` . i I
1.~. 111; I. SIGMURE'l`HRA , I i
' 1
1 . . 1 1. ’
SU1>11R11A11111y HOLOPODA _ 1 1
Q ·I '
F110; edges witl1out1 ped11l grooves; sole 1111divided; 111a11·gi1111l teeth with 1
·i`_’ _ I _ I .
M _``, _ w11l1·. sh1i111t, s1{11:11·1sh l1z1s:1l—plz1teS illltl 0110 011 se\1e1‘11l eusps, The outer cusp 1 ` . g
~. 110111 1· t‘l(‘\'2li(‘tl 011 middle eusp. Shell 11s11z1lly witl1 {lll (‘X]72ll`1(lCt.l or 1·ell<·x<·1l ,,
111 111 »».· lil'- I
~|I‘l11`1 SU111u111111Y POLYGYRINEE P11.s11R1i 1 _ I
. 1 }
mi |ii£‘ililI;lllil without 2111}* Ql('OCSSOl'}' o1·g·z111s 011 the 1t`e11111le side; ms tlO`li(‘l‘Cl]S ‘ f
’l"`“I’_ ins1»1·11~1II 1li1·1~etly 011 the well developed lone penis, which has 11o (}pl])ll2llll`lS 1 1.
mw o1·ti1;e1~lh1111; 110 d111‘t s211·l< 01.1 11111e11S g‘l1111 ~ 1 1* 1
6—-- . "`1 ,>·. · A 1
~~.,· »— - ,;¥—’ ‘ I1 ._ cI
FIG. S. Geiiitulin of P. aZb0ZOllI). II ' ~ 'I _ I I
111* ;[_1 ·Ij“l_“‘**· (3. Vos (l(}fCl'C]lS. 1]. IlPl`]1l{`L`Dl11`0Llll`lC duet. ’ ` V { l
{ j' "· 7. Free oviduct. 12. I’IC]'I`Il2lPllI`O(lltlC glzuhl.
11;.:}* 'Q1 §;‘“lj‘l"*`· S. Uterus. . 13. Penis 1·et1·:1eto1·. ._ Q
Y1 2*****- 9. S[)(‘l'1I121flC duct. 14. ;\ll1llll1C11 glzmcl. 1 _·
1f;;_~¤ 11’· ”l"1l`¥'1iNl1PCH- 10. Tz1l011. i I I E
, I 1 _i_
. ir
_ E
(AA fe AA
' AA lg, — ASA
1 p 11 1
‘ · 1 1 '.
· 1 1 A‘ 110 1}1¢y11x*1· W1x111<1z11 * 1
-1 1 , . 1 _ ·
1 g., 1 ‘ 1 (—l1l('l; cggs smull Zllltl 11u11101*011S. Juw $01111, 1*1l>b0cl 01* $111001111; 111;11-0111,1* _ 1__ NWS 1,
1 _ _ . . . . . ` `> ' *4 * ‘
1 | 1(}(51ll w1t11 11101:0 1111111 0110 cusp. b1101l 11*1111 111) 11m·l<0110d \\/1111111, 0x111111.1,-.11 iw mmm. 1
1 ij 1 01* 1·0110x01Ql; 1110 CI11l)1'}`f)1l1(' \\'1101‘lS 1101 dist1m·t1y L11l!fC1'C1111;11(‘(l. Q1 7
1 A ‘ Gmxus POLYL1-YRA SAY _ 4 _1111·111111·0
‘ 1 · 11 - · · . _ Q 1us il
1 511011 l1Cl1(*O1d, \'i11'}`111g 11*0111 gl0lJOS0 01* <10p1*Css0cl—gl0b0s0 10 1011s-s1111111_