xt72bv79vk6n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt72bv79vk6n/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19690311  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, March 11, 1969 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 11, 1969 1969 2015 true xt72bv79vk6n section xt72bv79vk6n Tie
Tuesday Evening, March II, 1969

ECmtocecy .EQeebjel
Vol. LX, No. 113


Senate Begins Debate
On StudentRightsBill,
Passes Code Addition
Assistant Managing Editor
The University Senate launched its debate of the proposed
Student Bill of Rights Monday afternoon, but managed to discuss
only the first two paragraphs of Article I before faculty senators
began filing out of the Law Building courtroom when the debate
continued past 5 p.m.
es or meetings, or prevention of
hour meet
ingress and egress from buildings.
ing began at 4 p.m. with a
"12. Falsifying, altering or
short address from John Ray, the
forging any official University
University's new football coach.
records or documents, or employAssuring the faculty present that
ing official University documents
his athletic program was "very
or records for purposes of mismuch in accord with the acarepresentation."
demic program," Ray said, "We
No. 12 was passed with no
hope we can give you a team to
discussion, but No. 11 drew conbe proud of both on and off the
siderable debate.
Prof. Robert Sedler, law, said
Immediately following Ray's
he believed the disputed provicomments, Sen ate Chairman J. R.
sion was necessary in case there
Ogletree turned the meeting over ever were a student
to Dr. Michael Adelstein, chairon the UK campus.
man of the senate's Advisory
"Then we can deal with it
Committee on Student Affairs, here at the
University rather than
which drew up the proposed Stuhaving to call persons in from the
dent Bill of Rights.
Sedler said. "I hope we
Dr. Adelstein explained that outside,"
can approach this in a positive
his committee had rewritten parts
manner. We must make it clear
of the bill in response to comthat this is not an attempt to
ment from the faculty and Kern el stifle
the students' right to demeditors and as a result of disonstrate."
cussions in the Faculty Club
Dr. Gene Mason, political scisince the first mailing of the
ence, responded to Sedler's comdocument to faculty members in ments
by expressing doubt that
the University actually would be
Although the Student Bill of able to keep outside civil forces
Rights was presented to the from interfering in
campus dissenate for discussion only (there turbances
simply by stating its
was no final vote on sections own
authority to deal with such
of the bill discussed), two sepmatters.
arate proposals, additions to the
"I agree that students should
Student Code and also offered be informed of their
rights," Dr.
by the committee, were brought
Mason said, "but I'm not sure
to a vote and passed overwhelmthis does it, and if it does I'm
ingly by the senators.
not sure this is the right way to
The modification of the Studo it.
dent Code as passed by the senate
"I think we are all trying
will now go before the Board of to
preclude campus disruptions,
Trustees for final approval.
but by this section are we just
Additions To Student Code
succeeding in getting the UniverIt calls for the addition of sity involved in addition to outtwo more student disciplinary
side forces?"
offenses to the current list of 10
In answer to Dr. Mason's aroutlined in the code:
gument, Dr. Adelstein said,"The
"11. Interference with any University should have the maximum use of options available
registered organization or any
individual on property owned without having to depend on
or operted by the University, civil law. I think it is in the best
or interference with the activities interest of the University that
of the University, including but we are not merely restricted to
the use of police.'
not limited to disruption of class
Continued on Pace 7, CoL 1
mid-Februar- y.














Kernel Photo by Howard Mason


Dr. Gene Mason, political science, raises a question about an addition to
the Student Code proposed by the Student Affairs Committee of the
University Senate and later passed at Monday's meeting. Dr. Michael
Adelstein, chairman, (at the lectern) and several members of the committee
are stationed at the front of the Law Building courtroom to field questions
concerning the code additions and the proposed Student Bill of Rights.

Grad Students Adopt Constitution

Kernel Staff Writer
The newly formed Graduate
Student Association (GSA) furthered its attempts Monday night
to become an officially recognized
University organization by adopting a provisional constitution and
electing a faculty representative
and an administration advisor.
The GSA also began establishing committees to investigate
such issues as parking, the possibility of waiving graduate student tuition, creation of grievance channels for graduate assistants, and the establishment
of graduate discounts at the bookstores.
About 80 graduate students
attended the second GSA meet-

ulty representative and George
J. McNulty as its administration

The approved provisional constitution described the purpose
of the group as its being "the

to discuss other means of financial support.
On the parking issue, theCSA
drew up a resolution suggesting
the continuance of the present
system which allows teaching
and research assistants B permits.
The resolution suggests im- Continued on Pa?e 3, Col. 3

sole organ and representative of
the graduate students as a body
for the betterment of the entire
graduate student program at UK
and for the individual student."
Acting chairman of the GSA,
Mason Taylor, emphasized the
need for official University approval but warned that UniverSteve Driesler withdrew from
sity approval of the organization
"does not mean financial sup- any connection with the Student
Government presidential election
Monday, saying he wanted to
The GSA is presently supportmake it clear that his support
ing itself by individual contriof Thorn Pat Juul had been strictbutions at meetings, but chairing.
inIn fulfilling the requirements man Taylor reported that plans ly on his own without the
volvement of the Young Republiset by the University to be of- were under way for a commitcans club or of Gov. Louie B.
ficially recognized, the GSA tee to meet with Dr. Lewis CochNunn.
elected Prof. Art Callaher as fac ran, Dean of the Graduate School,
Driesler, a member of the
YR's, was in the middle of a recent
controversy over a supposed deal
made between Juul and theYR's.
Both Juul and Driesler deny any
deal had been made.
"I want it made clear that
Young Republicans was not inCarver said that it is time ability to speak out for student volved," Driesler said. "It was
idency, announced Monday that
he was seriously in the race. for the University to use positive rights and fight for effective legonly myself.
At the same time, Carver, a incentives to motivate student
islation" during his term as
"Most especially, I want it unformer member of present SG actions, determining University speaker of the assembly.
derstood that the governor was in
President Wally Bryan's cabinet, policies, and for SG to take the
"With Steve Bright as my no way whatsoever involved. In
disclosed that his running mate initiative to inform students of
Continued on Pare 8, Col. 1
order to make both of these points
for the April 9 election will be what is happening on campus
very clear to everyone, I am getand also to mobilize their feelings
Steve Bright, present SG Assembting out of the Student Coveminto meaningful actions.
ly speaker.
ment race."
In a prepared statement, CarDriesler said he became inver said
'Replace Old Machine'
volved in the race because he believed UK needs a serious and ac"The issues involved in the
"It, therefore, is time to retive Student Government which
place old machine politicians that
coming Student
he said Tim Futrell could not
election have caused a major have made Student Covemment
a farce to the term 'governturn In my campaign for Student
provide. Futrell is an "unofficial" candidate for the presCovemment president. For the ment,' " Carver continued.
"Most important, it is time
first time to my knowledge, this
to replace this machine with stu"While I have not and do not
year offers the best opportunity
for a candidate with a serious dents of ability who have no
completely endorse everything
Thorn Pat stands for, I felt, that
dedication to the ideal that Stustifling political ties and who
at that point in time, he was
dent Covemment is to be re have the dedication to making the
the only candidate who had any
for and to the students, University scene relate to student
chance of beating Tun Futrell,"
on this campus to become rights and responsibilities."
Carver lauded Bright for "his
Driesler said.

Carver In Race For SG President
Assistant Managing Editor
Bruce Carver, who had up to
this time been running what he
termed a "feeler" campaign for
the Student Covemment pres- -





Bright Will Be His Running Mate



Driesler Out
Of SG Race

* 2

-- THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, Tuesday, March



Perceptive Norman Mailer Views National Conventions
Miami and The Siege of Chicago,
by Norman Mailer
Managing Editor
Last August Norman Mailer
the novelist and Norman Mailer
the Journalist found themselves
in the midst of this nation's
quadrennial coagulations of political
when the
brethren of the two political
organisms gather At designated
points to find or develop a personality ancV or ideology capable
of administering soothing balm to
a country which, as the former
Mailer put it, "was in a
throe, a species of eschatological
heave . . roaring like a bull in
its wounds . . . shivering at its
need for new phalanxes of order."
Mailer the novelist and Mailer
the journalist had once seemingly
undergone the mitotic process,
the splitting of two cells that
most writers have to do at one
time or another.
But recently some vague form
of fusion had occurred; the two
entities had joined to produce
a new literary form-t- he
journalistic novel, a combination of
fact and fiction, with the fact
never infringing on the fiction.
The Armies of the Night, an
account of last fall's march on
the Pentagon, was successful
enough to be named as one of


the top ten works of the year by
The New York Times Book Review.
Realizing such acclaim was
forthcoming for its work, the
Mailer team undertook to cover
the Democratic and Republican
national conventions with one
essential difference in method-Mai- ler
the novelist would not
be allowed to completely overshadow Mailer the reporter as
he had had time The Armies
of the Night; an equitable coexistence was in order. Miami
and the Siege of Chicago is the
Mailer the reporter kept track
of the convention histories,
speeches, maneuverings and related occurrences while Mailer
the novelist delved behind the
facts to present the reader with
Interesting if not incredible-analy- ses
of the events.
found Miami to be a
steaming concrete jungle. "Over
hundreds, then thousands of
acres, white sidewalks, streets
and' white buildings covered the
earth where the jungle had been.
In this twentieth century jungle he found himself surprised
that: 1. his hatred for Richard
Nixon had diminished, 2. he per--'
ceived an unpleasant emotion in
himself "He was getting tired of

Negroes and their rights," and
felt almost sympathetic toe
wards his
foe, the

3. he



Although he found "the new
Nixon had finally acquired some
of the dignity of the old athlete,
and the old con, much was old
Nixon, extraordinarily adroit at
working both sides of a question
so that both halves of his audience might be afterwards convinced he was one of them."
"'While homosexuality is a
perversion punishable by law,
and an intolerable offense to a
law abiding community, it is
to many of those who are
in need of it,' he might have said
if ever he had addressed a combined meeting of the Policemen's'
Benevolent Association and thej
Mattachine Society."
Following the head crashing
that pervaded the Democratic
National Convention, many a
journalist was led to form the
analog- y- with all of its inherent
triteness-- of
the bloody Chicago
stockyards with "thV police riots
in the streets of that town. Mailer
manages to overcome any triteness in his analogy.
After going through a lengthy
description of the gruesome workand
ings of the






could not break with Johnson.
"Politics is property. You pick
up as much as you can, pay
the minimum for the holding,
extract the maximum . . Johnson understood that so far as a
man was a political animal (and
therefore not searching for some
private truth which might be
independent of politics) he was
then, if deprived of his properties,
close to being, a dead man."
Humphrey occupying the
office of the
Behind all the troubles in
needed to unite the Left,
Chicago, behind the refusal to
not divide it, in order to win the
move the convention site, beelection but to do it he would
hind the tough and belligerent
Daley was Lyndon Baines John--. have had to dare the wrath of
son, who according to Mailer, Johnson (who wanted to make the
wanted to "create a cursed con- party vindicate him and therevention, a platform, a candidate, fore did not want Humphrey to
and a party which would be his win) and that would be daring
the chance that he might lose
own as much as the nightmarish
of a phantom ship is the the nomination "and that was
soul of a fever; he would seek to the one chance he could not take
for that would be the hollowest
rend his party, crack it in two
that party to which his own death of them all. He would be
allegiance in near to forty years lost in retirement, his idle flesh
would witness with horror the
could hardly be questioned because that party had been willing decomposition of his ego. A politician in such trouble can give away
to let him go."
the last of his soul in order not
Perhaps one of the most imto be forced to witness how much
portant chapters of the book is he has given away already."
chapter six of "The Seige of
A Vote For Eld ridge
Chicago," in which the author
Thus, Mailer concludes, the
sets forth his "politics in propolitical aspirations of Humperty" theory an adept analysis
phrey, a man "perfectly capable
which explains why Humphrey
of using the same word 'freedom,'
let us say, to describe award fix
in Minneapolis and a gathering of
Quakers," were doomed to failure.
Mailer concludes Miami and
the Siege of Chicago with the
thought that he would probably
not vote unless it was for
"Poor all of us. The fat is in
the fire, and the corn is being
popped. Mayor Daley, looking
suspiciously like a fat and aged
version of tough Truman Capote
on ugly pills, decried the shame
outsiders visited on Chicago. He
was a strong and protective
mother of a man, but for his
jowl which hung now beneath
his neck in that lament of the
bull frog which goes:
I was bom to run the world
And here I am;
(which he made a point of visiting), Mailer concludes, Chicago
was a town where nobody could
ever forget how the money was
made. It was picked up from
floors still slippery with blood,
and if one did not protest and
take a vow of vegetables, one
knew at least that life was hard,
life was in the flesh and in the
massacre of the flesh
breathed the last agonies of


Vice-Presidenc- y













"Perhaps good MayorDaley's
jowl was the soft underbelly of
the new American axis. Put your
fingers in V for victory and give
a wink. We yet may win, the
others are so stupid. Heaven help
us when we do."

WW rmmm





car. Clean
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Bump-gobblin- g





there in a hurry. And all the goodies.
Stereo. Buckets. Sport wheels. Whatever you want in your package, you
couldn't find a nicer package to put it in.


The Kentucky


The Kentucky Kernel. University
Station, University of Kentucky, Lexington. Kentucky 40506. Second class
postage paid at Lexington, Kentucky.
Mailed five times weekly during the
school year except holidays and exam
periods, and once during the summer
Published by the Board of Student
Publications, UK Post Office Box 4986.
Begun as the Cadet in 1804 and
. published
continuously as the Kernel
since 1915.
Advertising published herein Is Intended to help the reader buy. Any
false or misleading
be reported to The advertising
Yearly, by mail
Per copy, from files
Editor, Managing Editor
Editorial Page Editor,
Associate Editors, Sports
News Desk
Advertising, Business, CirculaUon 2319



Olds ads for college students are created by college students.






Income tax formi and Information
will b available between 11 a.m. and
p.m. on Tuesdays and Wednesdays
In the Student Center until
at the tax booth sponsored April
by Beta
Alpha Psi.
Students interested In participating
In a
student exchange program from March 14 thru 21 at
Institute in Alabama can apply
in the Human Relations Center, In
Room 120 of the Student Center.
The Donovan Scholars Arts exhibit
will be in the Student Center Art
Gallery March 3 thru 15.
The English Department Is offering
The Dantzler-FarquhAwards to the
student or students with the best
works In creative writing. There
is a $50 prize for the best poem and a
$50 prize for the best story. It is necessary that each entry should have been
published, but the medium of publication is not important. All entries
should be typed, double-spacewith
an original and a carbon. A statement
as to the place of publication should
also be included. Please submit all
entries to Professor Robert D. Jacobs,
McVey Hall, English Department, prior
to April 15.
The Violin and Piano duo of Peter
Schaffer and James Bonn will appear
In recital on Tuesday, March 11, at
8:15 p.m. at the University of KenScience Auditucky
torium. The recital is free to the
Geoffrey Vincent, Sunday Magazine
Editor for the Courier-Journa- l,
speak to members of Sigma Delta Chi
and Journalism
students, Tuesday,
March 11, at 4 p.m. in the McLaughlin
Seminar will feaThe
ture "University Dialogue:
Change on Campus," Tuesday,
March 11, at 7:30 p.m. .in Room 222
of the Commerce Building.
The Draft Counseling service will
meet in Room 307 of the Student Center from 5 to 7 p.m.
The Human Development Studies
Program and the Department of Physiology and Biophysics present Dr. S.
of Obstetrics,
Glasser, Department
Vanderbllt University, who will speak
on "The Influence of Radiation of
Mammalian Development An Endoc-trin- e
Oriented Hypothesis," in Room
of the Medical Center at 4
p.m., Tuesday, March 11. The public
is invited.





Non-Viole- nt

versity will speak on "Approaches To
Flow Studies In Urban Areas," at the
King Alumni House on Rose Street,
Thursday, March 13. at 3 p.m. All
interested students are Invited to attend.
The Physiology and Biophysics Seminar Series will feature Mrs. Mary
Gibson, of the Dept. of Physiology
and Biophysics, who will speak on
"Responses of Neural Units In The
Cochlear Nucleus to
Sounds," In Room
the Medical Center, March 18, at 4
to attend.
p.m. The public is invited
Focus '69 will feature a Focus on
Social Morality March 28 and 29 in
Memorial Coliseum.


UK Placement Service
Register Wednesday for an appointment Friday with:
Fayette County Schools, Lexington,
Ky. Teachers In all fields. Schedule
I: Elementary. Schedule II: Secondary.
Allstate Insurance Co. Accounting,
Bus. Adm., Economics, English, History, Political Science (BS). Locations: Indiana, Kentucky.
City of Los Angeles Civil E. (BS).
Location: Los Angeles. Will Interview
for summer employment. Citizenship.
Economy Finance Corp. Accounting, Bus. Adm., Economics, Computer
Science. English, Political Science,
Psychology, Sociology (BS). Locations:
Louisville, Cincinnati. Citizenship.
Will interview women for sales and
public relations. (Community Colleges
Bus. Mgt. Tech., General Education).
W. T. Grant Co. Accounting, Bus.
Adm., Economics (BS). Locations:
Midwest, Ohio, Ind., Ky. (Community
Colleges Bus. Mgt. Tech., General
Mutual Life Ins. Co. of N.Y. Bus.
Adm., Economics, History, Political
Science, Sociology (BS).
KinderPalmdale Schools, Calif.
garten; Elementary; Primary; Jr. High
School English and Social Studies;
Speech Therapy.
Prudential Insurance Co. of America-Group
Sales & Service Law; Bus.
Adm., Economics, or any graduate interested in Group Sales and Service
(BS. MS).
AcHumphrey Robinson & Co.
counting (BS, MS). Location:


An organizational meeting for all
English Graduate Students will be
held in Room 211, McVey Hall,
Wednesday, March 12, at 12:15.
The University of Kentucky Philosophy Club is sponsoring a Spring
Lecture Series. The theme of the
series will be "Science, Technology
and Philosophy." Dr. John Lienhard
will be the first speaker on March 12,
at 7:30 p.m., in Room 320 of the
Chemistry-PhysicBldg. His topic will
be "Steam Engines, Frankenstein and
the Men who Made Them."

Coming Up
David Prince, member of the Young
Socialist Alliance, will speak on his
experiences in Cuba as a guest for
the celebration of the tenth anniversary of the Revolution, on Thursday,
March 13, at 7:30 p.m. in the Student Theatre.
Dr. James C. Wheeler of the Dept.
of Geography at Michigan State Uni



91.3 mc


Tuesday, March 11 (Afternoon)
1:00 Afternoon Concert
Milhaud, "Kentuckiana"
4:30 In The Bookstall
5:00 Germany Today
5:15 Avenue of Champions
5:30 It Happened Today
6:00 Hodgepodge
7:00 Evening Concert Charbrier,
"Bouree Fantasque"
8 :00 Viewpoint
8:30 Institute on Man and Science
9:00 Masterworks
"Concerto No. 20 for Piano"
11:15 News
11:30 Night Call
12:30 Night Cap
1:30 Sign Off
Wednesday, March 12 (Afternoon)
1:00 Afternoon Concert Boyce,
"Symphony No. 8 in D Minor"

11, 1969- -3

GSA Committees Outline Plans
Continued from Page One
proved means of identifying graduate students eligible for the D
permits, and also proposes D
permits for medical, dental and
clinical psychology students who
have patient responsibilities.
GSA members suggested that
University employes might be offered free C stickers in order to
cut down the demand for B permits.
The widening of the circle
drive in front of the Administration Building to accommodate
diagonal parking also was proposed.
The comments were reaction
to current plans which call for
the denial, in the future, of B
permits to teaching and research
The committee on bookstore
discounts will seek to determine
why campus bookstores do not
offer a 10 percent discount to
graduate students. GSA members
said a 10 percent mark down is


out-of-sta- te

The committee on tuition will
investigate possibilities for waiv

N. Y.

Prof To Speak On Youth

"Youth: America's Illegitimate Minority" will be the subject
of a lecture here tomorrow by Dr. Edgar Friendenberg, professor
of education and sociology at the State University of New York.
The lecture, to be held at 8 p.m. Wednesday in the Commerce
Auditorium,! part of a series entitled "Todays University and Its
btudents. The lectures are being sponsored by the Blazer Foundation and Mrs. Paul Blazer.
A social scientist and writer,
Friendenberg has written several
books and articles, all dealing with America's youth and their
The February issue of Atlantic Monthly contain his latest article, "The Hidden Costs of Opportunity."





tuition for grading of
uate students, if not a full tuition
waiver for all graduate students.

common on other campuses.





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* The Kentucky


University of Kentucky





Editorials represent the opinions of the Editors, not of the University.
Lee B. Becker, Editor-in-ChiDarrell Rice, Editorial rage Editor
Guy M. Mendcs III, Managing Editor
Tom Dcrr, Dusincss Manager
Jim Miller, Associate Editor
Howard Mason, Thotography Editor
Chip Hutchcson, Sports Editor
Jack Lyne and Larry Kellcy, Arts Editors
Frank Coots,
Dana Ewcll,
Janice Barber
Terry Dunham,
Larry Dale Keeling,
Assistant Managing Editors

Muddle Of Honor
"We sometimes have a tendency to emphasize what is wrong
with America's younger generation," President Nixon said Friday
during a ceremony in which he
awarded three young soldiers the
nation's highest award for courage, the Medal of Honor. The
recipients, he said, represented
what is right with American youth.
In the case of at least one of the
young men we must strongly disagree.

Two of the soldiers were honored for bravery demonstrated in
actions taken to save the lives of
their comrades. If young men must
submit to the military, these two
at least exhibited their gallantry in
the most appropriate manner.
One, a medic, treated 30 injured
soldiers during an attack, crawling
more than the length of a football
field on two different occasions
to drag wounded soldiers to safety,
though he suffered rocket wounds
that immobilized both his legs and
destroyed his left shoulder.
The second risked his life to
lead his nine-ma- n
Green Beret
team to a rescue helicopter and
then crawled through flames to
rescue the pilot after the helicopter was shot down.
It is the circumstances surrounding the heroism of the third soldier
that is dismaying. To refer only to
the Associated Press account which
appeared under the subhead, "One-Ma- n
Array of Destruction":
"Hooper, a squad leader, won
his award for becoming a one-ma- n
army of devastation during an attack on an enemy position near
Hue on Feb. 21, 1968. Hooper,
although wounded several times,

destroyed three bunkers with grenades, three buildings housing enemy riflemen, and wiped out enemy
defenses single handed."
If this is the nation's idea of
honor, and for many it is, it is a
good example of that evil element
of the military its facility for brainwashing individuals into the belief
that there is glory in killing. Hooper did what he was trained to do,
and no doubt, in the eyes of his
superior officers, did it very well.
But will he agree for the rest of
his life?
Will the faces of


'When Are We Going To Europe, Dick?'

Next Move


enemy soldiers young men pressed
into service just as Hooper was,
perhaps, never return to his sleeping mind, to torment him and remind him of his basest, most fearful
animal characteristics. Could anyone commit such acts and never
resent the military indoctrination
which induced him to do so?
For those of America's youth
with the foresight to recognize these
possibilities, the problem acquires
a growing and more terrifying urgency. Can you kill? Of course, and
easily, if you go through the military indoctrination. But can you
live with it for the rest of your
life? And most of all, should you
have to?
The questions arising from Friday's Medal of Honor ceremony
take on even greater ominous portent when we realize that the man
espousing these simplistic, inhumane saber-rattlin-g
praises is
the same man who is leading our
nation. Perhaps this is a drastic
reflection of what is really wrong
in America.

The College of Arts and Sciences
Committee on Learning's forum
Thursday afternoon had both its
good and bad spots. The forum
was intended to give students an
opportunity to voice some of their
complaints about the climate of
learning at the University of Kentucky.
And the complaints were many.
Some of them were substantial,
such as the ones indicting the lack
of study facilities here, the inadequacy of the library and the need
for the various department heads
to listen to suggestions from students. Some of the statements aired
had little to do with the basic
problems here but instead focused
on individual gripes. These are important but should have been dealt
with elsewhere. Fortunately, most
of the students who showed up to
speak to the issue did have complaints that needed attention.
Some of these dealt with the
environment here
and the overemphasis of athletics.


EDITOR'S NOTE: The opinions expressed in the column titled Middle Man,
Cynic View and Scott Free do not necessarily represent the opinions of the editors but rather represent the opinions of
the authors.
The following might have been an interview with Student Government presidential candidates Thorn Pat Juul, Bruce
Carver and candidate expectant Tim R.
Q: First of all gentlemen, let me thank
you for what I hope will be a very
candid expression of views.
A: T.P.J. My attendance reflects my
A: B.C. I am honored to be allowed
the opportunity of expressing my sentiments.
A: T.R.F.
It is with ominous presage
I appear hence; I do so to negate malicious canards that my existence is substantiated entirely by surrogates and to
violate the proprieties of surreptitious

rendezvous which are the appurtenances
of my oppugnate confreres.
Q: What is your opinion of the infamous Housing Policy Statement Number Nine?
A: T.P.J. -- It stinks.
A: B.C.
It is the perfect opportunity
for students to take a meaningful stand
against an injustice.
A: T.R.F.
I have previously presented
program designed to
this problem.
Q: What do you think of the proposed
Bill of Student Rights?
A: T.P.J. -- It stinks.
A: B.C. It could be a step in the
right direction.
A: T.R.F.
I am in the process of prea
program of suggestions
in this area.
Q: Do you think the SC Assembly
is a truly representative body?

allie-viat- e

ten-poi- nt

A: T.P.J.-Y- es.
A: B.C.-- SC

is representative in the


The forum, at any length, is
over now and a number of substantial complaints and suggestions
have been recorded by the committee. The important question now
is what will be done to improve
conditions by the College of Arts

and Sciences.

We will all be waiting to see.


sense that the members, like the majority of the students, are vacillating,
apathetic and have an incapacity for
taking stands.
A: T.R.F. This depends on which
theory of representation one uses: (1)
idealism (2) utilitarian (2a) populist approach (2b) central decision (2c) direct
representation (3) formalist (4) pragmatic
(5) participatory (6) populist.
Q: Mr. Futrell, it has been rumored
that you are organizing your campaign
out of existence. I