xt72bv79vr8k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt72bv79vr8k/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky University of Kentucky Chemistry Department 20140425 A brochure for the Naff Symposium, an event hosted by the University of Kentucky Chemistry Department supported by the Anna S. Naff Endowment Fund. This brochure belongs to the University of Kentucky Chemistry Department Records collection, accession number 2014ua075. archival material English University of Kentucky Chemistry Department Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Chemistry Department Naff Symposium brochures 40th Annual Symposium on Chemistry and Molecular Biology: "Complexity and Self Assembly" text 40th Annual Symposium on Chemistry and Molecular Biology: "Complexity and Self Assembly" 2014 2017 true xt72bv79vr8k section xt72bv79vr8k t >5 W” ANNUAL SYMPOSIUM ON .: g 0) K 5 § 1% g 0 c” E i C15 0 _ 9 3 l C C n. < 012 o “3 .o. c 23 OHEMISTRV O MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 8 AM HEBlSTRATlUN 8 CUNHNENTAL BREAKFAST internal molecular scaffolds, which also orient most of the cell’s D J 00:) Gallery, WT Young Library biochemical processing machinery. This structural perspective has led to new insights into the molecular basis of cellular . 1/ mechanotransduction — the process by which living cells sense , I" /, 8 AB mechanical forces and convert them into changes in intracellular . _, 4/ . . . i AM WELCOME biochemistry It also has led to the creation of human "organ~on— . ’ .‘ »' . Dr. Eli Capilouto, University of Kentucky President aachip" microdevices that recapitulate the complex structures and .‘ . . Auditorium, W.T. Young Library functions of living organs, which represent powerful new in vitro “ . I. '. \ , ,1 , tools for modeling human physiology and disease. EST, l: I M ED Ellflllll‘wlg ,, NTUN NAEF . 9AM iiii HAO VAN N. " imv Q‘Tilllifig NAFF . . 'l , l7 .- Arizona State University lligm AM LUNCl-l o 3'3'12253 any; ° ' Designer Architectures for Programmable Self»assemb/y : ...,-" , \,, . .512:fo . . . The centraltask of nanotechnology is to control motions and l'gm CUMDLEXITV AND SELF ASSEMBLY organize matter with nanometer precision To achieve this, ' DM DUSTEH SESSlUN ,. ., , , .. . scientists have investigated a large variety of materials including Ballroom, ng Alumni House ' vfl’t - . . W“ ., inorganic materials, organic molecules, and biological polymers , 7 9V” “(l ll— "(,3 i[ w l as well as different methods that can be sorted into so-called litllll a A, APR“ )9 'zl _,. . @5133 , ‘ "bottom—up" and "top»down" approaches, Among all of the 2.3% pM DR TODD VEATES " ' _ 'T l g, ' remarkable achievements made, the success of DNA self— '. . '. . "1:“:‘7‘ . . . Univer5ity of California Los Angeles .2 , assembly in bUIlding programmable nanopatterns has attracted Gi nt Protein Ca es and Assemblies in Nature and b Desi n l 7, broad attention. in this talk I will present our efforts in using DNA a g y g D fillplE/Alyqumfin .' , , ‘ _ l ' l ‘ ‘ ‘ 'i23‘al'fifii’1;:1,:.7 _ as an information coding polymer to program and construct Nature has evolved myriad sophisticated structures based Lu 9) :11 l 51‘] '3‘ ",1 Ma DNA nano—architectures With complex geometrical features Use . . I— ; »,,,_v,;,,;_cg,;;3;.{z;gt . . on the assembly of protein subunits Many types of natural 7 7 l , i , ,.,;i,,7‘,,_;i-,;tyl.yv,£45,333 of deSIgner DNA architectures as molecular sensor, actuator and . . , . . U) m I] Ill l [l \\ (1 §\ if}:"ll"li'l,,’47:§§’725il1} r . protein assemblies (such as Virus capSIds) have been studied l], p ,l l {,1} i‘3 scaffolds Will also be discussed. . . . , L0 LIJ ‘ 7:7,:5,7E,~,_,7,.z~ extenswely, while a number of equally sophisticated natural > LO 3 , 7 7 1,. _ . ~ 4;, protein assemblies are only beginning to be appreciated Among h 0 0 ”ll DUN/M l1” lllflllwgfll , ” 1m AM 8 the latter group is a broad class of giant, capsid—like assemblies *5; > Cl) LIJ r . , w 1i _. I i. . u an if BREAK REFRESHMENTS referred to as bacterial microcompartments. They serve as "' x to D: ‘7, - .7 ,, , A N f primitive metabolic organelles in many bacteria by encapsulating g g o LLI lUlBL lllfllllllllll \VAE/Alllgy : sequentially acting enzymes within a selectively permeable .C 4.. L0 U 'lm 3% protein shell. Our laboratory has elucidated key mechanisms 0 C O S i AM DR. DONALD E. lNGBER ofthese protein-based bacterial organelles through structural i... g V CK , l, , , V ,, , I p, ’m" 7V Harvard University studies. On the engineering side, sophisticated natural protein 0 “_ >- DJ ngllllllllllglllll 1m: iLlllglllll'ylmM From Cellular Mechanotransduction to Biologically Inspired assemblies like these have for many years represented an ultimate E O X u) , , h z , r. r 1,. , , I, , Engineering goal in protein design. By exploiting principles of symmetry that (D > c" U) Ullll/Qllgllll'l/ i“; l/lflll'llUL/Y are shared by nearly all natural self—assembling structures, we have fl: 0 U) r , [T T‘ Fr In this lecture, I will describe the fundamental role that developed methods for engineering novel proteins that assemble E e “a LU l.£lellllOJlllllJllL LVN! [llllllflllllU—[lllfloo mechanical forces play in control of cell and tissue development, to form a variety of complex, symmetric architectures. Recent a G) C D: 1,, as well as how this knowledge is being leveraged to engineer successful designs include hollow protein cages composed of Q 2 '>_< D l new bioinspired materials and devices. Living cells form and 12 or 24 identical subunits in cubic arrangements. Symmetric (1) C (D D l function as dynamic hierarchical assemblies of nanometer scale materials that extend by growth in two or three dimensions are D D —l < l components, yet they exhibit great robustness, mechanical also possible. Natural and engineered protein assemblies will be ° . .l strength and biochemical efficiency. This is possible because discussed, along with their future prospects for synthetic biology a they use ‘tensegrity' architecture to mechanically stabilize their and biomedical applications, I. J O V ‘ ARTCSC 833i slices UNIVERSITY [ll KENIUCKV RRESENIS llNllI ANNllAL SVNRUSIUN [IN ESTABLISHED BY M. BENIUN NAEE IN MEMORY BE ANNA S. NAEE ERIBAV, APRIL 25. EBIAI I 9 AM I AUBIIURIUM. WILLIAM I. VBUNE LIBRARY ‘7 Hao Yan is the Milton D. Glick Distinguished Professor in Chemistry and Biochemistry and I Director of the Center for Molecular Design and Biomimicry in the Biodesign Institute 7.1) "f at Arizona State University. Hao Yan studied chemistry and earned his bachelor’s degree at ..,. ‘ Shandong University, China. He obtained his Ph.D. in chemistry under Professor N. C. Seeman 3‘5" 7' at New York University in 2001, working on design and construction of sequence dependent . A DNA nanomechanical devices. He then moved to the Computer Science Department at Duke % _. University, where he continued to explore his interests in DNA based molecular computing and programming. He joined Arizona State University as assistant professor in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry in 2004. In 2008, he was promoted with early tenure directly to full professor. The focus of his research is to use nature’s design rules as inspiration to advance biomedical, energy-related, and other technological innovations through the use of self—assembling molecules and materials. He aims to create intelligent materials with better component controls at the molecular level. He is leading an interdisciplinary team to design bio-inspired molecular building blocks and program their higher order assembly into systems that will perform complex functions. Dr. Yan has published more than 130 papers and has received honors including the Rozenberg Tulip Award in DNA Computing, Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship, NSF Career Award, AFOSR Young Investigator Award. _ . .;, Donald Ingber is the Founding Director of the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired { If" I “as Engineering at Harvard University, the Judah Folkman Professor of Vascular Biology at s. 1; Harvard Medical School and Boston Children's Hospital, and Professor of Bioengineering " ., 2"": at the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. He received his B.A., M.A., t M.Phi|., MD. and Ph.D. from Yale University. Dr. Ingber is a founder of the emerging field $35)!“ of biologically inspired engineering, and at the Wyss Institute, he oversees a multifaceted " effort to identify the mechanisms that living organisms use to self-assemble from molecules ’~‘ and cells, and to apply these design principles to develop advanced materials and devices "%W_ for healthcare and to improve sustainability. He also leads the Biomimetic Microsystems " platform in which microfabrication techniques from the computer industry are used to build functional circuits with living cells as components. His most recent innovation is a technology for building tiny, complex, three-dimensional models of living human organs, or ”Organs on Chips," that mimic complicated human functions as a way to replace traditional animal-based methods for testing of drugs and establishment of human disease models. In addition, Dr. Ingber has made major contributions to mechanobiology, tissue engineering, tumor angiogenesis, systems biology, and nanobiotechnology. He was the first to recognize that tensegrity architecture is a fundamental principle that governs how living cells self-organize themselves to respond biochemically to mechanical forces, and to demonstrate that integrin receptors mediate cellular mechanotransduction. Dr. Ingber has authored more than 375 publications and 85 patents, and has received numerous honors. He also serves on the Board of Directors of the National Space Biomedical Research Institute, and is a member of both the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering, and the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies. All w:1: F“ ‘ Todd Yeates is a Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of California, ‘ ’ .3: Los Angeles. He earned his bachelor’s degree at UCLA in 1983. He stayed on at UCLA and 1.5; _ gfigf earned his Ph.D. in 1988. There he helped determine the crystal structure of the bacterial “tnf'éw‘fi _ _‘ photosynthetic reaction center as part of a team racing to determine the first crystal structures , ”I of membrane proteins. He then moved to The Scripps Research Institute to do his postdoctoral Allllllllt nil research on the structure of poliovirus with Prof. James Hogle. Yeates returned to UCLA in I‘l)l , ll," Lug 1990 to join the faculty in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. His interdisciplinary ' I research, combining molecular biology with computing and mathematics, has focused on . tr 7 " ‘93 macromolecular structure and computational genomics. His varied research findings include: an explanation for why proteins crystallize in certain favored arrangements; the development of new equations for detecting disorder in x—ray diffraction data from protein crystals; the discovery of thermophilic microbes rich in intracellular disulfide bonds; development of comparative genomics methods; development of designed protein cages or ’nanohedra’; the discovery of novel topological features such as links and slipknots that stabilize thermostable proteins; and elucidation of the structure of the carboxysome shell and the shells of other bacterial microcompartments, which serves as primitive metabolic organelles inside many bacterial cells. Yeates is a member of the Molecular Biology Institute, the California Nanosystems Institute, the UCLA—DOE Institute of Genomics and Proteomics, and a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He has published approximately 150 research papers. For additional information, contact Professor Jason DeRouchey at derouchey@uky,edu. 2014 Committee: Professor Jason DeRouchey, Chair Professor Marcelo Guzman Professor Chris Richards Professor Anne»Francis Miller Professor Stephen Testa Symposium supported by the Anna S. Naff Endowment Fund