xt72bv79vt8p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt72bv79vt8p/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-01-29 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, January 29, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 29, 1971 1971 1971-01-29 2020 true xt72bv79vt8p section xt72bv79vt8p . ' ’_' '. ‘ l, ‘- . l _ .2 .. I\-—..’ "-- V V ;_ . 1:“? 1.1,», ‘ i". . ". V: V":- . ' I; r, ' .. I: “3.3 , ', . ’ ,x - or - , , .. ,__ Friday. Jan. ..J, 197] UNIVERSITY OF RENTI‘CKY. LEXINGTON \ oi l,\ll. \u it I", "y '- r, ‘ \ ' .h _ .y :’ s I} r...‘ .. O 2 ,. , .. , w. “s“f’srs’wwwa ‘3."- .'-' -'.'"~‘ 4 _ _ ,3 ._ _. .. . 7 m _ mawgggwrhfi‘ifiéfivvyAVKKxfw , ' .‘ '_ ,3 iii". ~s“ ‘ t n enat V” m'» ea. yuan - w tin-2. .- « - ' '- . f _ . p ’5’ A. « I ‘ ; . , ~ . * , l..’ ‘ . ‘K .‘ '. I'.? ' . 1'} " .|,' wa »‘v lo 6 OHS] ere ' * vwrw ‘ A} 1' , : , . '1'”; If," .-, . ,. ., \ . . 3 By RON HAWKINS “vhhih 1”,.“de for the addition . w 3 3. . Q, V a 7 3.1! ' Assistant Managing Edm’r of 35 student senators. Fletch a? ‘. ' ‘..'-' - vhf-31'.- . "-2: a, a.” A 1(‘50lllt1011 th‘ll \sould UHI- ers bill would be dropped from $ ‘1‘; 3- g '. - _( y. ' ‘ ’ g g " $9, vert the Student (,overnment (-nnslderatun]. . ,2. %mg 5% .3 s .. .' .."-'_§';'~' ‘ - V 2 , , , ' L- "j3 ..;:;I";:;_>_ "" - '1" -“""‘.W.u‘£». ., -. ‘“ 3A» _’ ‘. -. v .' -. '- 5. Assemblv into the Student hen» The resolution ias to remain gar /~ ' 32°91“ . A . ; ‘ ‘ . A- :3: §‘ 6“" ' . ". ::5.‘">".::. ' 15$ ‘5.. figs-33’. Ix, '1- ,~ , . . - e .- . .---5=%.. 5"?“- «3" iltt‘ as it part ()i’ tht‘ [ lll\t’l'.\'lt} in the S(; rules COITITTIlllCC for "Z“ "“1?" A. ~31 .‘i l" “_ 3.1.5. 3. f .. ' W" _. SCHMC W115 illtl'OdllCl’d and SH” two weeks. However. the Board ~ . ‘ I - .z - 2 ,5 to the rules committee at last a} rl‘usteeg “-1“ not meet t1” i ,, ,: . . 3v, -. . ~ """‘"‘ " “It-{ht 5 5(' lhf’f’tlhg- Feb. 16; thus it is doubtful that .- - .-_. 3-,. . .2 , 3 7 - it "2‘ Th" resolution. submitted hV the assemblv would act on the I J) " :1._.‘ I. Iii-X5 . Ben l‘lett'llcl‘. piondes that the ”25-01mm“ t1]! the F91). 2;) mm»- - .53.“. .. ‘ 1rd M‘""~A¥§‘ legislative powers and duties ot inq. . ' "if .- ’ th“ University “l Kt’hthkY St”- A resolution. submitted by .’ 3 ‘ ' ' ~ f 2.. J" , ;'=.K‘ dent Government be vested in [eff Currier. D‘Atlflf Kimmy . . ' ‘”-' “w ___ . ., -> . ': ‘ r ‘ i i ‘ K”? w; I i V ‘ y r" 1 ‘ , i I‘ ‘ .l .- . WW“ the Student Senate. [he Senate Keith Brubaker ano Graeme ‘ f» ,2 .~ .- .3 ‘ , . . . M, v..:.,-:r'-~ ' I .‘ i . ' K ’. . shall be composed ot the stu— Browning. providing that a ean— Ma ° " ' " dent members of the L niversiti (hdnhi For qr; rpprmenhltiw. ‘ 3 q j ....-"' . A n u . ” g}. 2. K : .' ""‘ .. 3 Senate. need only a 2.0 standing and 3,} -.~ .2. ‘2 3‘ The resolution was submitted candidates for 8(1 president and ‘ 3' 3;? t ., ya“ lit a fill!" when the Board Of vice president have onlv a 2.2 -' ‘ “‘ " " 5' ”21’: 4V“ lrustees 1* (“"151(1‘-‘l'11111 “(fill)“ standuuz. was also sent to the . -. :2..- ;;Z.-5~f '. ‘1 . ‘ i" = , .. '= ”'e'x":';1fiiéi=:§9;¢‘«‘,..'> '” - . . . 7 , .._‘;.;-.: :- < 9'3;- .~ u. . ~ ’-. - . . . ,3 Writ? affix; , ance of the Tripartite l‘leport )‘nlpg pommntpo. ., . :2. f;-.; iK , 2.; .. -. . “t ' that would add M student He“- A l)lll proposnnz that in. w - ' :t , 5'} ;= . ”2‘ M ators 1“ lht' [ “Wm-ht" 5911M“- .-\i'neriean studies maior be (-5— t i ' < ’2’ 2. 2.4 ). x22:- . 1 _ ' . ' . . .7 .3 .» mgj-kg 3.13;", '2. ’2; i _ A‘; .A l h e resolution eontinues. tablished in the College of Arts Ei- :«~ ;; - 2 . l' .5, a .' " v - 2 i V . . ,-.-.3.; .. -,' STE‘F BRIGHT [he Student Senate Shall be and Sciences was ping-pd by thy \ludenv (yuH'HHIH‘HI lei-rest Hl.lll\t‘ lnn lleglr it'll\llli{'i 23‘: 2:2"- 2-2’2,‘ ., ‘5 -;-' ..‘:= tin" ('Efi‘ltldl lt‘;‘ii~‘l.li'i'u .illil;i)i‘it}‘ ;1\ \ (i 111 ‘1’} 3- l‘lfititllelllnL’ fl“- ii Int si iiiaiiu s .liIlIHl .1 hiniwu (l bill .it Lox lilL’il: ~ ‘L ; «a g N r »~_‘._____. oi the l'l'iiVel‘sity of Kentucky Ah](irj(.dn Studhxg major would \t the meeting, a it'sulllllull \\.l\ illanlllrtli um.- h “mild .:;- "2;", it}: ,r M0 re «.10 8 Student Government. it shall continued on Page .3, (.ul. 2 \(. \s\(‘ll|l¥l\ inm rln \ind. m s, m“ 3.. Km, ,,. ;h, l W. -..:-. N g” 3 1‘, have the power to pass resolu- _ . -, 3 K. .2 . lions and investigate matters of . n 1 l. A '1 I _“ I] I] f g 1 . V 33"”) 1 ‘! ’ . ' "e r— - - . , r student concern. I To ll l (1 ll .5 l U ,7, . ._ ._ _ , . 10 Arrest - A ~ . I » Luu u: ’ , ()ttered as an amendment to ‘ .-' 3 :r‘ _ ‘3 SC's constitution the resolution “2 . 2 . . . . . _ , 7‘ ..5' a . 2 . . . 2 ’ ' ‘ 3 ‘ A‘sfilx , ( I. )1... )-. ‘ '1",x y r H“ _l . K . ' K_ .. -. H .l.' I _ A.“ ‘ h> *. . .- _' -' LIZXIXC'I U\. (Al’) —- The also provides tor several changes “h nt ‘3. (. ll )i\ ‘lA’l'l l1; \ ila st lt Qislaiiu piop(i~.1ls. 1 \ r slain. 3 land} .> .. a . ..v 5:... I“, ‘_ 2 - - . . , .VIXOI] e‘ e( 'i 1" . ' \--.. ' “ ., - ». .' :.:-.'\ " 3-. i‘.“2 r 2 '5 ml ~ , ‘ . 2- . , City of Lexington Increased its m the process of challenging f, 4k» p til; ‘ -ills( 1} ..l\(m said. uonld mom 1,) i or i went: .iu .11. . i. '3 auxiliary police force from 50 to St 1 t C . t 1..t‘ . It ‘” ma ‘2 9‘“? en( (“‘0' t0 cud substantiallv Closer to the goal z’H'U lXV twat tum (.ii'i'fllll'x -...~."“ 2,: , . u( en ,mcinmcn eéc ion the draft bv 'l‘ . .- f ,, ‘ ._ ll . > .. , , .. 3 2.; 75 members Thursday and gave provides that all challenges must 19—. . . Illlt summu o of an all \olunteer force. tontinua..} iizmannmne mir p. . 2':- , 14‘. "3'. them the power of arrest. be made bv candidates who . 1.3 as he urged Congress to \" . k 1 C sition as \w proeeed to“ 1rd 2?: at .,' f 5 l f '1 ' h l t' enact reforms to bring the na- ' ixon ‘13 9‘ iongress to ex- L'ml " he said. I" However, it was emphasrzed were, (e eate< in t e . on 1011 Mon closer to an m volunteer tend induction authority onlv ln t’ri‘tion \'i\ r In {1 . - ,, ~ ' “ , . ‘ ...' i ”i «:1 rr' ., 2 the arrest powers are to be in and that “0 elQCtIOhS shall h‘ Armv for two vears to lulv 1. 1913. l T. l f. it h l h ' f -. ;-.-: t, _- r3? . -- - .‘ ' 2 ' - ' '- " .- ' - ‘. ' . . e- is a ion 0 e an 7e . l' rev-z: --A 'i’ 2 force only when anxrliary police declared analld unless it is “No one knows preciselv The normal extensron period is lLft 1 t 1 kL ‘t a. p ., ;/= * “r . , - . . ' - ' ' , ' r — ‘ ‘ . (ra .‘i\\' o 1mm“ 1 as mnt'. - : w j ‘ ' Q" are on duty and that the} may clearly EStablISth thdt (ll-“(TOP when we can end conscription ,. for four years. ll 3 ‘ 'bl ., ’ ‘ ... _ , not carry Weaponsorbadges when anCies in the conduct of the \I' .1 . . ‘ “A” 2‘5 PM“ r. 3,2,1: ~32". ; 3 . _ . ixon sax in a special message no urged—”{g he (ha. K1. . r‘ - off duty. election were suffic1ent to effect _ (K .. - u . 4- “M; ., .- . . to Congress. But. he said The lQO—th’it underamdn-ih- midpm =“ " '-‘. ~" . .~ " 4‘ . . .. the outcome of the election and b' . - _ . _ . ---o----,,,,---,~-..-- . . . . _ 37...: .-‘,_..-,.a..._‘ ,.. The vote of the City coinniis- were more detrimental to '1 m“ o Jective of this administration 4‘4”,"th be phagpd out and 33.- -,‘- -. ‘; sion on the ordinance was 3-2. . . ‘ ‘ is to reduce draft calls to zero. ,x;.2.-..;.K. stud .m ..an h-MK h. didate or candidates than oth- subject to the overridinn ‘ ,1 . (”fo“. ‘ (\ P “ 2. .2 ._ 5. Mayor Charles Wylie, one of erg_” er'ltions of th t‘ 61‘0”“ ‘ W (‘iltht‘l' eliminated. v“, 2 ~«.,5 those opposing the move, said he Flet h sa'd l _ t d l itV‘ .. 9 na 10111 stun Hp also mill-d for a uniform .3,“ i _ 3! 4 '. .. . e ..i ~inr01' '. . ,- . , . was reluctant about making th b'llcb r {13th lllcm .N’i 1 C _ Forecast for Lexmgton and \i- national draft call bi lott.r«. ,» .- . . . 2 e1 e‘auA e ri . n , v- - .. . . , ». these fellows P011“: overnight 'dhd f ti 1. C 5‘ (1)] t 1 I); ) (1m Kath urget fonLress t” 1}? cmltv: Cloud)‘ and 00“ todm numbers to ensure relatiul. ,. __ a .‘ 2". .. - ~~ o . ' .\'n or .' 2 - . ' . . . . 3 givingthem the POW“ 0‘ arrest. {Ktmg enoug Aslin 0." q V111 $163595“? p1} O “i‘llfmim 3 With snow tlurnes late tonight equal iailulitx in the) lottt r\ 7'2. ’3 it. -. '- i . . . “at? 0 run. ' ' '. SO, It “on ( I .0 1 1.0m especra '\, in the and Saturday. High today in the numbers throughout tlu Nation "~"4 f -' . g3 Deputy Police Chief John Hi- avOid the conquion that would lower enlisted grades. initiate a 10-; low tonight 20 and high 2 - - _ , -. ,- . ten said those accepted for the result from having an assemblv test program ot speCial pay in- tomhrrow in the upper 30‘s Pre- l ”“3" himmhl" "“5"” rug? n auXiliary force Wlll have to meet and student senators in the Uni- cam-yes, and expand recruiting. cipitation probabilities are 20W" sional .1( tion iza these proposals 3 ¢ f3. " .15: 1'. certain SilJCCIflCiltlU“S and that '4 versity Senate.” medical scholarships and ROTC cent today tonight and tomorrow. to reform the duh and make :' .-‘ “.. ‘ training course 10' lht‘l“ M“ be If the Board of Trustees fails programs to make militarv life ' AS 110:1er {hr 41.“ We mm for the 2". _",‘;;-' conducted. to adopt the Tripartite Report, more desirable. ,,-,----,-,,---'----o’ time it is needed? by said .-K.A , .5, 12”} 2.“ .. .> 5:51. , .' V -{,, :. .‘2 l" .‘ I”. 1‘ 2.3,. it . y.“ :1, . _ ; fu- .. if}. p . . . 3 l . ._ ; . :- .V . w»,- .‘_ 2 . w . . . - 4‘ _ . W‘ ‘ Kan: ' . .' .' -~ + .' ' , .. I‘.’ Mmih‘“ 1mm m mm" lumiWsmucn. annwnuuuhfllfllmtfl T111" W o ' ' ' ” +\ ‘ ‘ s Cf HA " ~ " agzix'ssv-wn-"fiszx,’¢<-\'V 1‘ '2’" ‘ .. 'I' I3. . '., “ ~ .' théév“ 5’: i. t ‘33 _ ix ‘3 .. I. ll .'_4 5' _" i. _r .‘ hf“: 22% . F1325"? 2'- .-“ - Duals. ': " J ’- is ‘ , ,' '~‘ EN l E Q l Al N M E-N l EV E'L , _ .3: yr 3 3 . - ‘ 20a :1...:-‘va>..¢”*~cf« 2; . . . rah .2 aw 2:43: . .i i , . i." H; . i real ‘- W . -' I " - ‘ («95‘ 2 " r rs We 3 7 ‘. -, ~, . «2‘. \ ,_ A ‘ 2 . m. ' W h - » . 2 v -~ .~ . \\ (I: f” , § \ ‘ E . ,K_‘ :x 32%;.“ .- . ‘ . '- 3 , ‘1 . a . , . .. fig :2 :5» . «-.._.___ a . 3 .._‘* _ . 3. . L23 2x 5 M“ ~ kg?” at 9 ‘- ”2'5 2 ‘ , . - g ~- ‘ 2. \ '. _ vOMPUTER 5A, LL w, nu I Sr. "\l 3? W an wt .0 -- ..-- «in-8' ‘ . ‘ . ‘ @o R0 is 169‘” “i f 2 -- v . i- - - Mlluxull‘hjn ‘ .h g -..-- “1‘ .. . -> n “M‘Mml‘ A ‘ We- ‘ .. , - I. K " 2. ‘ 2,5“. I. Q . ‘ . . ~ ' ' ' - 2 _ it? n ‘N 2 . Kernel Photos by Diek \Vare . . . ' . . , . K . . . , K ' I . It [earn 27 had their plans realued. a three-span bridge arrow the (.arlventer. learn .l. right. prepares the model [or his glullP‘ llDII . . I I I o I o l v I ' ‘ r ‘ . ‘ > Brldn‘p Bligl’llJSS Ohio River In Louisville would become the "Louisulle National (epilon of “h.” a bridge (ould he. Students in the (.ollege ol \rih . . . 8’ Shrine for the Preservation and Promotion of Baseball Amerirana." ilerlure were divided into u-ams uilh instruuimis to make something . » . . Their plans for the "entertainment level" are at left. Dennis (Bones) of the old bridge. The results are on displ.n in Pence Hall. ’ V ‘L 2-— TIIE KENTI'CKY KERNEL Friday. Jan. 29. l97l ___________—___________—_———-——__. E Claims Sabotage t ”"7? f Pl S R t' nment E _ . l’li.\.\'Kl"()li’l‘ (AP) — (Joy. lature would not have its work i'edistrict the state according to Iii’ll‘ii'fll reasons, to tamper With but ”0t least, how V0” destroyed I ‘ .' , Louie ii \unn declared 'l‘liurs— iii a special session wasted by a this rule . . ." the executive budget." the science antl technology . . day that House l)eiiy()cratic gubernatorial y'eto. . ' The Constitution says nothing :Wi" Long Remember" . f'OYmIllS-‘iion. When it was needed :" . . ' leaders apparently recognized (.arroll is a Democratic caiidi- about a plan being submitted m, ”1" P901)“ 0f hentueky W1“ 1“ 0"" fight against pollution 0f . their past mistakes \xhen they (late for lieutenant governor in the executive branch Vunn l0“! remember how you 3b01‘ "“3; “"3 water and land. 5 ‘ ' .' asked for him to submit a plan the May primary on a ticket said. ‘ ' ‘ ished the Lincoln school for If you did not demonstrate g ' . . loi' legisliitiye i‘t‘tlppUi‘il()iiiil(‘lli, \yith former (Vioy. liert 'l‘. Combs, . Which I had prOVided funds," kl (“OOPCFIIUVC Spirit in following . , _‘ - hi a letter to House Speaker who is seeking another term as PW‘PIC Veto _ \liiiii asserted. “How you shut HI)’ personal recommendations i -. . ' p' J‘tllliill (lili'l‘idl. \liilil tlSSt'I'It‘tl L'OVt‘i’IlOI‘. ()II the Sllltji‘Ci 0f 11 pOSHblt‘ (l()\\n and put out bedridden Ill ”1050 matters 0f Vlt'dl COU- I; _., i that the letter which the fiye Letter Asked gubernatorial “WW1 Nunn t0“ TB patients at the llazelwood “‘1‘“ for the 001111110" good 0f A . i V i()p~i'lllll\'tilq House Democrats The House Democrats, letter (““9" that‘ any bill that is “‘“Pltill without leaving 1110119." 0‘” fellow Kentuckians, why do ' \y'rote hini \Vednestlay asking to Nunii asked: ”Does not our (."t‘l'ti‘lhlfi' fair, and ”f’t designed it! llti' budget 10 01"“ for them 3““ 115k for it “0W?” Nunn i > p , , ‘ him to submit a plan. "obyious- (Toiistitutioii eiiy'ision the goyer— for {“11me or partisan adyan— ‘1'”ng ”W 11““ fl5(‘iil year; 110W ”SkOd' = . . h leads .no sensible iii-ison to nor makingr a recoininendation— {“31“ “'1” meet “fill my ap— “"‘ leult"l “'ltl' “"1 "0t t0 Pil‘ Time Has Come , ' i .‘ lllIi‘t conclusions; to be considered fully by the Pi‘oyal. fer the teachers retirement fund; “Tllt‘ time has come and the ' ‘ '. Three Conclusions (lent ral Assembly—with the “f\\ an attorney “Ml lliinHtL hm" Y0” ripped 84-5 million people are 1001‘an to 599 if you ' ' . 4 "First. you hayc finally recog» goyernor assessing yeto pnyyer the advice and counsel of a for- frorii the state road buildingr \yill face up to your N‘Sponsibil- ‘ . iii/ed your own inability :is if he «lis irlrees with the (it‘iit‘l‘dl HH'I‘ iHHHlM‘I 0f illi‘ it‘dt'l‘iil lil' l’lt’ul'i‘mi boxy V)” 5l10“"(l ”it” it." in ”‘9 matter 0f "(Hipportion- . I ' deinonstiatid during the past \sscuihly ".3" diciary (Tombs. a toi'iiier federal disregard for the adyaiiceiiicnt ”Wilt." he added. i i' too st‘ssiiiii‘. To that hoiiit. Viinn re- illsl‘ér'." Vim” il‘ldt‘il. “YOU “l Ki‘ttt‘li‘kfi \VUHtilHlWOd by uThe}; too. can see your i "Secondly. you liaye ie-cou— *Iioiided that the state (‘oristi- should of course be Well my are "llltliil£|lli|fl filtlil“ l ltllil PW“ “ill“lmn'm‘.“ Who“ ““1 deem . p m‘ unit width-s i'liiiiL' flit i‘!'I.!7 iliy'deil state :uyeriinient ot the legal i‘t‘lltiiit'iiit'itis foi It" \lel for the commission on m‘ H"Comm!*Irdaltions us inter- . . . ~ ‘ Ms‘ \9 “int 11.3 it. \ c. . i; ii ilil't‘r brain lics‘: legislatiye Allin)!iliHiiilt'lil." \yoiiit-n how you necessitated it'H'YH'f‘ \Vllt‘ii I101 in accord with ‘ . .‘z‘L minim» utfyi .tiinl iiitiicial \iiilil also said he \\..is at a 3hr Aili-Hlilfl'itmt‘llt (if the l“I‘:iIIl\'- “”1" 0““ PWWWIl “WOW-Sh illld . .- hiriaily. .iri.‘ i7r"l."l‘\ :‘.t't; l‘ is ii'i_\ \y'ell—tstablished loss to understand \yliy the it” \t'HH‘W‘I' ti'LtlIiiitL' I)I">QI’&HH NW” ”NW“ ”W assistance if) ' 'iirifi important. yni: ire mm. ‘;‘=iii"-'r that the matter of re» l)i‘iiivi(‘t‘;iilt' hath-“hip out will“ tor young students from Ken» compensate for your own iri- . y , "7-iit ayorin: to s .t b o r a g e or «mm iioirnient is one inyested Iii: his remiiiiiieiidatioii iimy. t'“ l“ 5N” («Willows 11ml lLN “l“‘l'liK'MH l1“ (1"(‘l'dt‘t’d- rim“: Jm punch-”pm“ mm. (*thiishr-ly with the legislatiye since "during the last session of ‘ v ‘, .~ partisan effort for the passage branch 0f .L’oy‘ei'nment.n he as- the (Leireral Assembly you I Rs \ o ”y B b 1 . _ ‘ ot an acceptable, equitable and serted. sl|()\\'(‘(l an utter disregard for ' k ' 61 S ll 5 on] e] S ‘ , . lair ”Hippo”immient bill." Nmm said he based that con- my n*coiiiniendations." "‘T- BECKER All (AP) - explosives. it was dlSClmed so ‘ _‘ ' (.‘arroll told newsmen Wed- elusion on a section of the state Nunii told Carroll he won- Trying to cope with stepped up Thursday. “h .1 iiesday that the only reason for Constitution which reads: “At dered about Carroll's expressed bombings by radical groups, the AL- POSCY 0’ Tampa. Fla. Ti V V ‘ the letter to Nunn was to ask the OXDiration of that time, the concern for a cooperative spirit government has been training special investigator for the Al- ~- - _ for him to recommend a reap— General Assembly shall then, in the matter “when last Jan— Internal Revenue Service IRS 3- echo], Tovacco and Firearms di- ' ‘ ‘ portionment plan so the legis- and every 10 years thereafter, nary you proceeded, for obvious gents in techniques and types of vision of the IRS, said. ‘ Its g‘ . . WWI no secret that bombings have . ‘ gotten out of hand. "The Ku . , ,_.,,. Klux Klan had been doing it ,.‘;';;;'I_:,.fiii—d: a; (bombing) for a long time," he . . , 5; 7 said. Then other radical groups -- ‘. , ”##v—i fl~~~~~~w-o-~r~w“WM picked it up and it has now ’ ‘ ”A S "_ mushroomed into a sizeable pro- . . . , ' blem. .1 i, .. m. ' ”They're blowing up draft I- : ~ . ' I ' ‘ board offices,recruitingstations. the ' ' ' 7 college buildings. That's what H“ i _ we’re up against. You can't 24 . 1 , ' ' stop it unless you know how to the . « . : investigate it." “ . . Posey said the new training ‘ sibl . . ~ ‘ , program was made necessary by wal -. : the Organized Crime Act of 1W0 ceiv . ' . which gave the IRS division the g i 4 job of investigating bombings TIE: . ', ~ an and controlling explosives. sent . y . ' ‘ _ . W erty . ‘ . you quallfy Basketball Starts By: s - .. “ ' Tournament action began in K”! ,_ I ’ the intramural basketball inde— \ i1" pendent section Thursday night. the V ‘ . - f The Super Heads, led by ed D ‘ ‘ i ' White's 20 points, defeated the ata V . ' ' 7 Black Student Union B team. lasty .‘ ' ' '- ree 52-28. Porkers beat Slock'sCang, T i ' ~ I 28-15. ' ' . . In the 9 o'clock games, GNP ’. . knocked off the Baptist student 1 ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘. . Union, 27-17. Bearded Wonders ' ‘ ‘ _ . « They‘re young. Our average new officer is 26. They're flexible. won a forfeit from Major Rebels. ' ' The kind who rush out to meet change. They're self-starters. \ ‘ ' ' Because they know stagnation is not our style. , . ‘ THE GREAT SPIRITUAL . . ‘ We need managers. You need a job. Does this suggest anything READER g . ‘ . to you? Why not see (1&3. the billion—dollar bank at the S I s T E R g ' _ -, ‘ crossroads of the South? Where 80 out of the top 100 I . r, 2 ' ' . US. companies bank. M A R I E IdSh year i . ' (3&5‘ Don Rochow will be on your Gifted Reader and Ady'isor 30 h. . ‘ i - campus next week. Like to meet him? . l d” “9"")? chmnly swcar Pl'l"i - ' Check with your placement office now! m. "ml“. "0 (.hargc 'f l d” m." a d“ .4 ' . faithfully fulfill every word in [er , ‘ this statement. I'll tell you just pove ’ . ; what you want to know about acco _ r friends. enemies or rryals. .. . . \y'lietlrei husband. wife or sweet : heart is true or false: ll()\\' to Oflen . ‘ . " c 8 gain the hue you most desire ”VII? ‘ ' I. _- \ee with your eyes, your ther] - ‘ - heart will lielieye. Do you tune ‘ not . The Citizens and Southern Banks in Georgia had lurk? \oli bring,I your [I (t ' . ' problems to \ister \iai‘ie today for w - . _ and be rid of them loriioiroyy'. tutor ' \he .ttl\is('\ on all atlairs oi lite. Wels ' ' lhere is no problem so great “- she rari't solye . ll(t\\ to lit)l(l ' I '. “ \oiii l”l’ \\ll('ii you failed and 411 f , liou to \lltit't'il \lie “1” tell cente I you “hat you “an: in isllirh, Eradll ‘ giyriig Il.ircs .lilil liltis oi lhe ‘ business iii.iltris loyt health. ency. ' lairiil\ .itlaiis. \\lli'i part oi vided toiiriiiy l\ liitkiest and “hat to H Chll , . do to l)(‘ silttessliil Sp , ”it“ Prite “am This Ad! frarer ' ' ' 808 Ii. MAIN. RitzuyioNn to all \Vattli for the Big ”and Sign gifch y . t‘ ’ .' l.’ ’ j I“ s : ‘ . I . : I. ~. i —————-————————————-—-————_ THE KENTL‘CKY KERNEI.. Friday Jan. "9. l‘l7l — ”i , ...": 3 ; ’ - ‘ “s NTL‘WW" “Winsl‘hflnfl” “ . V (a. ... ~ ""9....‘ f...“ _. o 0 , l ‘ “ l I": A' ‘ «ax V§ ‘.., ...... a? fly-2'5" WA” ‘ . ‘ A d t t I) ) ‘A' :I ~\“_‘\ “N3! ‘3‘} 4', _ v7 " ..- . _. A - .. nevi?” .I‘ . . 3&3”? ' ccre l/ a 1/0" _ ll ( .3',’ .,. .' d ( 3 \‘x, M“! “a ‘_-...\ ., 1‘ I; a] k i “a; 33.424. >- 3.,“ ,1"! B‘K CHlIJEIKn“;ICI(’HI l')}\llltllllll A“ tillllllal 1'13“ 1" 1‘ £1"; :1 .../it: ‘,. . "5’I‘:fff“§51";.‘-.--':f~'3.=r:,:a::..--:.:._ “a L,‘ “> .V ‘ x ’ - . ‘ ‘ l‘ .. w "I emc .‘ta ‘rltCl’ \t um i» lt'\ lt“.\ Hi « aw i. l ." . '- h“ 3'. ‘ (Y1 Wli“ an 3...; . - ‘ ‘ " The L'K (Iollege ”i All lum— Wm; " 3.; 5r“ 3; 5:, f :TéVV§tl§¢wgnén _3 .3 titre \\ ill be re\ lt'\\'t‘(l for national B} t 3m \( hm,“ lt 3” (j. «(w ;‘ .1 3:: ..I‘ :7 ‘ I“: 7 \“fizi... “fig“‘é’i’ffifg W” '7’" v.5 , “*;fi”xt*;.tfw*-m . Arehit eeture Accrediting, Board . .. 3 ’ H l‘ l M f‘ ' ' “"l h .. . ,3 __. 3 '-;.3 e Twmima”/Wt % ' ., ”rhea“ 9-7 l NAAB) Feb. 7-10. “Ht “‘1”; "m ”H'f (” 4“” "\ ;-3." - .' ..i .l ' g ' 1? . H '31: I a Atqak§:%&z«‘\‘“§ ;\ . f‘.' V” :.e:§»;“,J/,,;;gv> '3 . Cl . ‘ [)ldlllt‘d, l)t‘t uliM' L K ix lld\l1lfl ll, 3' 3 3.; '.’_ p .2 » 3’ WW _,> 2,, .. ,3; .3 \- 3 _ . 33 . 3 the College of Architecture. em— is “”0““! b) 3}”. Southern M. .‘ - .1‘.',:.’. f h " 9“ ‘ ’3.” “at ’ P‘.u.mli-u.l the unportanceot W‘M)‘ “’“i‘lm” ”l (:"llt‘flt‘\ d! N 1 5t lnmh .7 ," “l ‘5' “l i « _- ' ' " .“- .--... .- M ”t was attret ltatlon to students. , , , , . , - ’ ‘ ‘ > ‘ ”Mn” & wow». ., “Almost all st' t - t- -l t 3 l U”) h “ 3N“) “ l. H" "‘1‘ ll‘" ‘,- . '.‘ T; {l l ., , ‘ v ‘ ' e-i“'-.-:_.:'_;f; “3;.” -‘°"‘~_{‘q. . _ d h d“ H {L l lt‘; in t1, 1* .1,» . 3 3 i ~ . ‘ ( ) 3 '~ ‘,‘ ‘L ’c , . . - ' a WWW mr':f;,,w_ m3; registration laws reqture appll~ l . ”K A ‘ M mm" m ';.-,.' ' ’. " .' 2‘ ' . I ”I” . cants for a license tobegraduatt's team “1“ ”‘_ "“f‘hw lm tune a ' l 1‘31. ‘ ‘ $5.3 of an accredited school," Dean part ”1 ‘l‘l‘ LK ““html‘ “"“I‘ ' ‘ “ ‘ ,‘ jig”) cr‘dVCS Said NAAB (l'K‘K not lia\ e t‘\ldl.’ll\ll~ .‘T‘ll-‘lfi :h‘ ’ a“ A fifteen-man It’Vlt‘WlilL’. team “_i norms, 12“ ll \‘l'm’l l"“”"‘~‘ "‘ ,“. .1. “~. 7‘ T ' * T” , Mi». .. ‘ sent by the NAAB “ill be headed ”V“ ”l h” At t [editing \tat' \ l"; surf-id," l, ' ' a " by Arthur Sidells ot the \AAB, l)c.w”“‘l ulttet ll\e\, t\t,l.tl;1\ h. M 3 9. L 6 . Other members oi the team \\ ill 1‘ ‘8 ””14””: ”WW ”ht” ll“ \ «1'1”: ‘3“ ‘.~J".. ‘l ‘ ‘ -» 9 be selected from \ariousArthitet- (“hull“h ”‘ "‘“h'hl‘ ”t": 1 . i ‘ ' “ hll‘t‘ “howls across the nation. ‘t al plant ..3 {-5.6 9‘1"”; ..“ i“ (3». Famlt} and llllt‘lt‘\lt'tl \th DNH (as: .zutl .sz : . l ,.‘ If? 3“." ' l . " ' ttue \\lll make a loi'lnal pimenta- 3’13“"th ”A \:\;\lin .: ». .' “Ti: it?“ 1. ' 33v llilll to the lt .un til the (IollegeK “iii WWW” "ml-“Ht" : . ‘ ~. , ‘ ." . programs alnl goalx attolnpanied i“ ‘ ”Whit; 3‘ I. =' . ., ‘ {‘9 : ‘,‘ “ K. la \lltl<‘\ slnl‘dllli!‘ student LI» 2‘ “‘1' 1' - ' ‘ -*' ,v“: ‘ ltt,l\ till yd) l. The lt'alll \\ ill 9‘ l" "3,1! 5‘ ’. . 3‘ ‘3} _ ‘3 w \lh‘lltl the tollvmlng thitt tl;1:\\ . ll» 3“” ..4. 1' \ 3’ SIIOWfaII meeting uith L'K Althltutural (mum “Why-1H; ‘ ,3. ... . :3.“ Someone ulwau seems to get ('iugllt b\ surprise ’ ' ' . '. ‘ ‘ ‘ Al‘m‘l‘L ”W state ‘(uhh‘u‘l'h "21.“. it“ 'l="1‘ " ‘ .’ i LL"; ‘3 _ . . ~ ‘ . . sthools Ill si\ htnturlu (ounlus. but it dulnt Mum} and the 3333313 “WWW [m . .' ‘33.. .. .‘. “'llt’ll \lllm' Is the issue and or the plmgrmnl‘h seem to slow much down in the um oi spirits. “KIM, ‘ "l " “f"r ‘2 I" ‘Z‘ “ "5 t’-,‘,'.C.i " The lilst measurable snow uuumulution (losed Kym... p, K, 3.3,, .3. AHL' ”All L'r't" llx’N \ “ h; -1 1‘ , "5;”; “if; f ' -., l)lt'\l(lt‘lll \ingletar; Will then ‘> ”Hi Villa" ‘: .. .:i L . ‘ .1, . y g :53: _ :3 ... b, a q . . ble gnen a pit-lininnan iletatif ml ‘1 Hi“ l3 ‘ :".' ” . 7 ‘ ‘, . tie team \ tint unis n inn ‘1. r' ;... ', . - 3’. "' ' 73". Wal l\ for H u 11 gel ()1 ganlzed; ...t l. ;.;;.~ . 3, K k 1 Mind Judgement 'Ih‘lt \';\.-\l"» an on.” 3373 ,,;.. (,r‘mm, t 51.1 « POVe l‘t 7 P 1.0 0 ect W] 0 11 B f. :llll‘3llllljkfllllfurl”?I313llilllll‘l“”ElmV ..9i;,§1,,:_,:mt3 3 .11.“; 33-5 " i 7 .. i K i ll- 'Eltllltllti.tl"li'\lt.’.-ti «3333:; '. " ) J z S l ene 1t ”hath attlt'tlltetl \klitltll. lsaslt retitlut lnt :fl- .. Ky; . .134 " 3“ v‘ 33.2., ‘ _. _ (ilLi\t‘.\ t‘Xllltilllt‘tl. ”h “117:“;th sklt‘lltt'N‘ t. 5'33}: ‘3 SUSAN COWDBEY The American Freedom from cides to stop. he takes his card Y3: - 3 , ‘3‘" Kernel Staff Writer Hunger organization With head- to his chosen sponsor: a local . . 'ft ._".~" ‘3 Walking for money? That's quarters in Washington, DC. business, parent, friend, or com- . :3 ($5.: j' 1 the objective 0f the “Walk for The first meeting 0" campus pany and receives whatever Hunger" that will start April was held Thursday night and amount of money agreed upon ...» I r ; :3 . 24 from UK and move out into a planning meeting will be held for each mile. The money is ' ,. ._.. the Lexington community. each week until April. then sent to the foundation head- ' ' T; ,‘ , Students from UK, and pos- - Karen said. “The main ob- quarters in Washington. urns me on 2 ‘ sibly Lexington high schools.will jectiveisto getcommunityaware- I ‘,' 3;. a - 3 ._ . 3 walk from 25 to 35 miles re- ness and concern for areas of Anyone interested in helping ., . 335,1. ,3? ceiving money from various poverty." Hopefully parentsfrom may-call Karen Eyrorl‘at 2574485 3. .- v; ._i '3 ’ sponsors for each mile walked. all over Lexington will volunteer O'D‘CK Deye at ‘57”‘66' J a 3' ,' r , The money raised will then be to staff the project. both at the - " r 5,-- sent to local and overseas pov- checkpoints and in the planning 1 9 er} ~ [.3 1‘, ertvvroiects. “an“ “[20010er Day [1‘ s. :31, . Campus coordinators, Karen Lexington's Mayor Charles ‘ I“, ..r (1-, - ‘3 1 . Byron, first heard about the pro- Wiley, and a number of UK . . . . 3’ .3 _ .- gram at “VCA Conference in professors. have ofiered their Tills Sllll(l(l’y l)‘ .31"; '1' Virginia and decided to bring help. a \ 3t 33,-3' ‘ the “walk" to UK. She TCCClV' The walkers will receive a l.l‘:\l\(lT().\ (AP) - Tllt’ T \ ~ ' .' 7:3. _' ,. ’ ed planning sheets and material card at the beginning of the (Iitx of Lexington. often the tar- ,3“ . ’5" at apre-organizationalworkshop 25 miles which will be stamped get of criticism tor pollution [HH- . 73, .2 ’, a last week-end in Indianaplis. at each of the one-mile check- l)lt’lll\. will ol)sel'\ e .t loml “no '. i; l) -- , _3 The program is sponsored by points, “hen the students de- logyday“ Sunday _3 3 1.;- The designation was declared 3 1- }‘ _ . Thursday by the city commis- u, H IWIanChes ter Center sion by unanimous apprmal. ln ...-3' ; connectionwith the ecology (la). - . ..t 3 _. ’ .43: ,- '1'. , a public forum will be held at ._‘ ,3 N d I/ l ‘ 2 [Lil]. Sunda) at the tit) hall. 3 3‘; : «t 3 Be 8 0 untee r15 Commissioner Paul Fouler - 3‘. ‘.:. t By MIKE MILAM ing will be held on Wednesday. :llllltlll:«ll(:rllll.:lal:dill ‘1”i4‘3't‘m ,- ,f. . f Kernel Staff Writer Feb. 3. in Room 308 at the Com- a” 0 ) mmmitf t‘ _. ”(3“ “l" ‘_”‘ \ 3 __ _ '-'3 L {.3 .' . In what is known locally as plex Commons to accept and 1 .tl .1, .1“ )t (l 3“)nl‘\..‘"}(r. , 33 .13.: .‘_. , Irish Town, Al Welsh, a second- distribute applications fortutors. (_‘l‘. “l N “l“ 03 u .1) s” H t " / ' ' critical problems ot our local . .. »' -- .0 -' 3 year law student at UK, enjoys He mentioned that a brief orien- I P t .. , I 3 , 3 ,. 1 _. 30 hours a week helping under- tation would be held for those h” (t,r.“l_“e'.‘..‘_ _ _ 3 , . /. ’A __" .33", t. 3‘ . , . at) otiltlals haxe been U’lll- 'l :2 , . . '. -, privileged children. W°15h ‘5 Who signed. eized by the state Water Pollu— \ ll" -‘ ‘ ‘5 " l“ a director of the Mancester Ccn- Four areas were discussed for mm Comm,“ COMM-N0” and“, “mm". _ -.- - 3 2 _‘K. a ter located in the hen" 0‘ this the “no“: CUb 5‘30“: projects. t‘it-ials of neighboring communl- ‘-r’ . ' I poverty-laden sector oftownand. the tutor program. personal- ms MUN“, pollution [)ml)lt'lll.\ l ,"ull’ ‘3'. .3 accordingly he needs volunteers. individual attention. and a pro- and inadequate sewagefacilities ' ' / ""I ' -‘ ' ' ‘ “ “Generally. h is an academic- gram in which the tutor would ‘ H ’ l i / a v , _ . . ‘. i ._ oriented program, but we are be essentially a counselor and DEPARTMENT OF I I . 3 . . 3 3: . t trying to establish the ‘Blll BT0- teacher. A health service is also '4 , I ‘ \ _ . .‘ -, ,. t '3 - 3- ther' type thing. But this does available at no charge. THEATRE ARTS AUD'T'ONS ‘..~\ . A‘ Q . . 3: it"?tL‘S‘fifigfi’mffi‘li'1.0“;“3333; mm we or so ...... w. \\ .. v: ‘ u last semester. the number of \ . . .‘ ‘ . .- '. for whatever the interests of the really “interested“ people dim- A FLEA IN HER EAR m ". (”m l f‘ 3 . —' . 3-3 tutor and cm” are, explained inished considerably as the year January 30 and 3] ‘ ’ ‘ ' \ . . .. _ . . 3‘ “ elsh. progressed. “We don‘t want , 10 ‘ -. . 4- .3 V‘ “Sh. noted that out ofabout people to sign and then fall to ‘ ‘ p n' . .‘ ’ 3 ~ 3 . 411 famililes locate-td‘groundl the show when they are supposed Guignol Theatre - _ 3 '\ ., ‘ _ ...... :ggmmmmm _~ “These kids do have a defeci- ' 3 5W , C3,, -. , .- .. . ency. but a work sheet ‘5 pro- ..ilhet kids are; (ile‘flzntthely re 3,0,,” 3,3,.)mlnmmw 32.5 ROMANY ROAD 3 . '5 ed for sons ve 0 any e p a eycan ~ :‘2‘:§i§"fi:‘li‘.§l" ‘ "“d .... n ...... be amount to «es ”m 5?°°~‘ 2=°° MW" ...... Thursdov _ » - _ Speakingat Phi Sigma Kappa a particular child to open up A acme ,mm FHA 4:00— 1:00 Friday and Saturday fraternity. “‘elsh made an appeal but that s strictlyaip to the in- S f; 420042.00 Sunday to all interested students to get dividual Chlld- ll 5 really amaz- ..5:.l)a‘t:lé"lll Elg'rTale . ~ ~ involved with“this rewardingex- ”‘3 what the Fhlld can teach the ch Am Butlqu I FOI‘ Fast FREE DEIIVEfy—SIR PIZZA pefience." He said that a meet- volunteer, Welsh concluded. _ 3‘ , ‘\ v-—-—«~_—-_—.~_—__A/ 7», .- 4 , .——.———‘ :’ "’ ‘fit‘ "' W“ T " ”’"" '7‘ H ~‘nMI“’_—>‘ ‘—- ' "‘1" -'~- > l L\ \ t W ‘ t t r , L \ D7 1-— f’tc ,\(),74t1rt\d fl/ lt’ . t ""X} '4,’ k 4 ‘~.\ L g L_ \ (I 6M0 05% v ) ”6’an . ' “ ‘ \ “ ss¢35§$?*<§‘s \ \ fl 4.‘ ‘s \ y , ll -' 7- E \i\ l ‘x 44 t‘ A ‘ ,\ 4 (4/ ' “jg/.4, \ \\ i" I - i l \s \ /"‘ ll t 4. a to. 33 . Q ~ 4/, i 44 \ ‘ ' 4 >.‘/ t l ' ‘ t \\ '~\ 4 “A“ y/ 4 i if? \ \(J t/ -5 j _ I “..‘ t\\ _ , ‘ 2A a \Jl ltltl ' (at \’ l Nix) kt“ / E" \ l ‘ ; t: d ‘ gt't‘b . ,4 . " l t ’ s \ l "I \ " ’ , \ (0 lion 4/” /\ l \l K V, \ I 4,, \ / \ \\\ ” o t' 4 4“\ . I ‘\ x // f,//// 4 \ ,_,\._. \ g l-tt : 4 u\ , / , , 4 i 0 - t ' - . t -i 4 « \ fl/ . M, /, i , ~ 0 ». 0 ) . . .'.'.‘ .’.‘.‘ \ 4' , 4;; . / / l///// /5,', ¢ ) , (f . , ' a. . ' “.4 .-:-:-'-:-:~:.:-:- ; ;/ / -:-:- , 5;; //¢ “us/7,. g 4 Y , . g .3 up ' I " l / 43:3:1'151",-:3‘:Z:3° kf/ \ " 52F" a (/f V 5 y/’/% ae’IC'r/Zé/é ( I] " ' - eem . . 4 ..'”? ..'. 3...... ‘ / 1/ a“... ..u ’4’. . n Y ‘14.: .. //#’,'l ,- ’Iu /‘ €_\ i ~ I ..'-.3. ' . §:..-_.'._o".:-_'.“ ‘ v ‘.'.‘ .'.'. 'u'.‘o .'.4'. o... ..'}. o. , u' ’1' I I /', I l I ..'-H . 4 $21..-. (i ' 4 ‘;3:1:3l¥-[:1:1:3."1:3' is} [fix I 3 t7 '0: l/W//%/ ////¢4¢4’//v/32 2"" l/ ' 1' '3": f" t(l\'( : I ‘ .4...‘....-.o.o.o’ .0 / / / '45.... ..-.:_:':.:.:.....‘o.o.4n ‘ . 7’. I ..‘. //’I/"I 1:; . ..‘... , \ .0... flier-”:10" ..'“ ..‘: 1 ~ . [‘4 i \.V.¥.‘.'.'Jv'. ' l, //'l 30...: 0":’.'.'.'.'o'o'-.-.-.-‘§_ . “Ai. o. /////// // II/ 33'. 3 l i' «1...... ..'. '5‘"... ..' .' o' v. ’ 4 4, 4. v.1 ,.;.; -:-:-:- ’ 4/ - 9;. - \ -. 497', / 4 [,4 / It ' , .4:=;_-.- ' t -. 4-..4 .\i.\( 7/ Sig, ) M } .-'-":°:'..-:-:-: "iziziziz-z-z-rrzs‘ .. 4. l\ 32.. 'v’é’. °°' 4%“?"3’4/1 22-. .-..\lll‘-.-.'-. .-.-:-:-S-. . / , 45.1533“ 2/ in , - , \ .r » » w.- 4/ , 4, .«: r‘zfi 9, ’ // ”’/// //z =2 -.='-.-.'-.-.-.--. / '-°--.-'-.-:-.-' -=.-- .-.4..-.4.4--4_.4.4..-.4 1~ '4 ..'..n'}u.0' 4/ 3-... '.'.'.' ' ‘o A: '.'.'.'. ' o_-.-_-. . / ’If, I who. b_'..'.u,'.-,’.-_'.-:,‘.- -_ _'.-.' i ff. / (“..'-3‘. -.‘.- .'.-.-,.-_‘.-.',-_-.'. 4 4 i ,, /- _-,-,--,-,- / -- .. 4 -_--£--.... u , - .. --.-'-~..--. - men 4 , 4 I, ,i’ /‘ 3.11;.- ,/ l/l , .;.;.;.' - ..z ..‘ '35:. -.-.;.:.;.;.;.;.:-2-:- .. ///4I - '-=-.=4::-::-.,-. 24-:- S‘- ’{ 5352...: - . ~ 4 - 'szzzo: , : -:-: --I-1....-:-:+.o'.'3 2.- ‘-~'-'-'-:-:-:-:-I'1:1:-:- / " -; '-"-"'-'-'-.‘-."-:- SW _ 4 ' , 4’ ~ 52.x; ’ “t W ' s ‘/ ' é? * , ant}... , - - ‘ «A» - -.-.~». / - - ' “i .-:-:-.- -'--=-:-:-.-:-.-:-:-:-:-.-:-:-:-:-.=.-..-..:-.:- “m- . . '\ 1.x \ I, ‘4: . _ $4131.:_:,:.:...;.;.;:;:::::,- V“ ~. 4‘ / A in ti ‘ t \\ ‘ “ 1* / ‘*\ ' . \_' ’ _ 4 ‘\. . ~ ' "-.'.'-.'.'.‘~.'.°-.'-.‘-'-:.'-.'.'.'-:.'-.-.-,'-.‘. , , 4 - _— 3%: 9‘11“} ~.:.;.;.:.:.;.;..:_:.:.;.:.;.;./" \ \’ - M 4