xt72bv79vv87 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt72bv79vv87/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1980-07-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, July 10, 1980 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 10, 1980 1980 1980-07-10 2020 true xt72bv79vv87 section xt72bv79vv87 Vol. LXXII. No. l63 Ker 8] University of Kentucky

Thursday. July 10. I980 an independent student newspaper Lexington, Kentucky

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»\n e\ecutt\c (\ltlL’l' liom (NH. .lohn 4/“ .7 -...-- 'W W / fl / I 7 "‘t a
\ Brown Jr has t'lttninated Kentucky .. ’W l / ' t ‘ .
state tiimvtstt} plL‘NltlL‘lll‘ liom the ’ M‘/ K4,. ’17:: ' . "/ I? V a
(‘ottnul on Htghct l'dttcation f ' i ’ W; / x7, / ‘§\”

lltc temm'tl ot the non—\ottttu prcs'» ‘ .»/// "3 ._ a. ) "

‘ ‘ ‘ flit}. ' I / «5" " ' ' »

dents .ls L't‘llllL'll members was “few/i." /"" /”»(/ ' j ' v); ) \ <
tillllUllllt‘t‘tl .it .1 press conlctcncc on ° " / 7/, ‘ . M vi," .s‘,\ \
lticxtla) .ts putt ol ”town‘s "teoigani— 3‘" 1* ,-~"’»"'”' ,. .-// , /7/ / j I _/ l‘\ ' 1
“mm“ "l ”l“ “‘“m‘l . 'fi/ /.¢*///,:' /"J / , ,fi‘s I /_2" I , i z" » '5. 1":

lhe tttmcts:t\ pit-sttlcnts h.i\c senetl I . »- /¢"/ I” f 5/ ' /» 3/”- , - ‘ . . i ‘
.vtt lllt’ comical since It began lll l‘H—l \ ; 1/" -* ' it /"' // "(a/é/ 2‘3“ : _ f. .x‘vgm“
l he) ll tst Iht'tt \ l'l l tic pt |\ Mega tn I‘M} “ ’ I // __ {If ‘ if \l‘s‘\ ‘\‘ gig ,
«funny the: (tin! of (io\ l(l\\.ll\l l 3’ ' //.“:s_.. » 3“: ' 1“ f
llreat lllll hut teta Ittctl the ll gltt to make adds... , 74°71" / ’ 7‘5*f"<>"-“ ' I if I
t L' L U [ll m c I] ll .1 l i o H s t o t e H U ti e l l V > ‘ ' _ " are. 5:11 efiz‘sfissi") *:'-‘:_\.-

..-. :3 », - - . . ~. use-x rfijfig -. as“. -

consider .t t ion "».;.§;.5§§:-._. -\ . 6.: it!” .. ::

’ \ceoitltng to .m .tittcle ll] \cstei'da) 's Qt ,I‘" i
('om tct- lt‘llllldl. Blown \illtl the eight 31-55597" . 3". /-"- '. ° r. :,, -
presidents h.ttl .t conflict ol intcrcst tn ‘ ' ' f: (- ff?" . - :3, _, ’
their nonwotzng mentbctshtp and that -'-:::-§. ' »-" ."' .g- I" 3' ‘ j" *‘»=,*".“~=’.i.t»:.;. 33%}

~:‘-’::‘;:::=s:- :.;:;-. , ~ , tug.» .- g »-- , .:‘;=-= “ Xe:
thm shotiltl not take part It] the tormal “an ' ’t’ ..’/M} 1' g t’ ’3‘”?
tll\t'll\\tttll\ conect Hint.V their campthcs (Y 14-32::‘9 _ ’ . _:;;;' ,3“ 33%;. 11:3}, “"

“I o\\ n e\plaitietl that these presi— ’\ 5:» " " ' . i xvii:- ’, ,
dents \totiltl nou \L‘l'\C as an ilth isor} :;§.§?fjf'._-="”»»‘ ‘ F ' "I -
bod) to be called on occasionally to ' fig ‘ l . ' '3‘ ,
lL‘prtt'l ltt the (”l . V~ “a ’ '.- “I???" > avg: 55‘:

”you n .tppottttcd count ll tcptcsentw . 3. "3
ll\t'\ trom the state‘s sc\cn congi'cv ' . . i 55...
slt‘llill districts lot the lirst time. He also a“ . m“

, m. ~ » - . .*=.§>’¥?~=‘,‘.s§+13?§=3=~.. ‘ .
named the lust student member to the jj;.>-i--' .-:’» ‘5' \
L'UllllCIl. l um (i. l’crkins ol Vt est l th- v "1‘ ”341,: ”A; 71““
ct'tt. .i second-)cai l K law student He 3 ‘_:}' “I“:‘ésf 1 " “‘x ..
ls .t graduate ol Morehead State '- »’ .‘ti. -
l'nnctsits . - ”7/ . ‘ ' , g ,

l K President ()tis Singletan was in . ‘ .It s' i ‘55:?» Y
\' . tl (" t - - l - It ' . . ~ . . " ' . W. - . * - v“ a»

t l: I am ina ant cou ( not he “93 a. . . «m... s; - ; .v
teac icd lor comment

. .‘ . , Photo b J.D. VanHoose

Donald ( lapp. \ice president lor Ka-Boom y
administration. said he preferred not to .
comment on the matter. “It a comment It was “on with the show" despite inclement weather on July 4.1‘he fireworks display at Commonwealth Stadium was

. comes. It should be from Dr. Slnglt“ delayed because of tornado warnings across the state. Spectators were moved to the concessions area below the stadium
“”."~ “'3 “ald- until the warnings were lifted. -
86 p O 'des f 99 legal 00 I139, 10" students
By LISA l.AFAl.('l€ include a three—told systcm that lord. maintenance. cost. etceiera." he [Cf ‘0 the landlord asking for 3 rebut-
statt Wntu “imohes counseling. emluation and said. tal." he said.
informational sen iccs lor student The evaluation file would be submit—
Guided by the adiliitiislidlitm. the tenants." Sturgeon said. ted to Baker betore it would be open to Ski also plans to help the Dean: at
Student (iovernment. led by President “We lint ‘ m ll“ csalu ti m sur\e\ students. to ensure against defamation Students Office give out information
. . . . a t ' ' ,. a .‘ ' s . . . - - ..
Brad Sturgeon and Vice President Britt p . ‘ l - ot character. Sturgeon said. regarding off-campus housing. We
. . to see it things were handled properls .. - - - l'k d . dl
Brockman. are adwsmg students on between the landl "d an 1 (en nt It will If there are a fair amount ol contin~ would I e to send stan arize ettcrs to
consumer protection specifically that _ ( ( a ' ual complaints on the same apartment apartment managers askingifthey want
01 landlord tenant rights. be evaluation of the premises. the land- with the same landlord. we‘ll write a let- to join us." Sturgeon explained.

’l he) have enlisted the help ol attor-
ney Keith 1). Baker who is in the SG . - I
Draft registration for men begins July
weeks during the summer.

“Students don‘t know how to go : . : _ . . . .
about getting information.“ Baker said. Draft I'CBISWBIIOD f0" men born In will register when they turn l8 years of handicapped indiwduals and ministers
“Approximately 60 to 55 per cent ol the '9“) and '9“ W'” begin on Monday. age. must "38m“-

C“”“ I us had we”: "'"dlmd tenant JUI'V 2" and conclude .0" Saturday, lhe penalties for not registering area The M”. "9"“ press office “a.”
problems." he added August 2. at local post offices across the ..r .» that registration is merely the collection
_ . . . possible line ol up to SHHJOO and. or .

" I here tsa lacktng in rclerral serstccs nation. according 10 the White Home im risonntent 0' up to five years of names and addresses 0! people who
which we're trying to updatc.”Siurgcon ()l‘l’ice ot Media l iaison. p ' _ might be called to serve in the event of
said. “We need to coordinate the dts~ Men born in IQM) should register the lhe only persons not required to an emergency. No physical exams. no
scmtnatton ol information." first week. and those born in l96l register are members ol the actne classifications and no inductions are

In an cltort to correct this problem. should register the second week. aimed lorces. cadets or mtdshtpmen at involved in the simple rcgistation
Sturgeon and Broekman hate a plan to Beginning in January IQKI. men born the se r 'v tee a ca d e m i e s. a n d process. No one is being drafted for
he put belorc the Senate. It would in I962 will register. l'hereal'tcr. men nonimmigrant aliens. Disabled or militafy serwce at the present time.

 . _______________________________________________._._—.__——
‘ KENTUCK Anne W. (‘harks S.T. Robinson Paul. Anderson
Ker e] Edi/or Ifmerlammem Editor (‘l'l’l' Elli-’0’
i-cki Rudd Benjie Van Hook D-vid Cooper
.Rlunugmg Iftlilor I’Iiulogru/r/it Edi/or SI’U’L‘ [iii/IN”
I A cditorials$co ments‘
. m l
" B t' th h'gh cost of refugees
Give me your tired. your poor. your huddled likely to take them back at this point. Barring capable belput to work provrding their own houS-
, masses yearning to be free."The words of Emma genocide. the immediate course of? action would ing.’ lhe aid that is being poured into the camps
, lazarus. which gracethe pedestalofthe Statue of most naturally be to keep them in the refugee could become loan money. funneled into pro—
- i Liberty. have welcomed refugees to the United camps. ‘ grams forthe construction ofthe necessaryhous-
' . States foroveracentury.The poemis symbolic of The populace cries that they will take iobs mg. .Iiobs would be provided; hOUSlng WOUld b6
‘ ' those who dream of the freedom which can be away from good. wholesome Americans if they provided; the drain on the taxpayer would lessen;
' found only in America. They are the Cubans and move into mainstream Western society. it also good wholesome Americans would not lose their _
Haitians who cross the ocean in poorly con- cries that they will be a tax burden ifthey' stay in lobs—to-come to aliens. ‘
i - structed or overcrowded boats. risking death to the refugee camps. Well. you can‘t please everyb- The most obvious rebuttal is that it isn‘t consti-
- ' reach the shores of the "melting pot." ody regardless ofwhat you do. so no solution is a tutionai to dictate to a refugee seekingcitizenship
, _ Well. they're here , tired. poor.and yearning perfect one. that he has to work at such-and—such a job for
to breathe free , so what do we do with them it is reasonable to assume that these people :uch-and-such pay for sueh-and-such a length of
“OW? , . .. , they are. after all. people will require housing. ime, , -. ._ .
. In the face of rising unemployment. unaffordg- jobs. and something to occupy their free time. It is But 1:15! how likely are they to find Jobs on the
‘ ‘ bk h°“s"‘.g and spiraling inflation. one Wig I also reasonable to assumethat the Americanciti— OUls‘l‘d‘C.‘ . .
. expect the influx ofguban refugees to bean issue. len has a choice of a biggerjob crunch or higher it slust althought. But the worse things get. the
For some reason. It isn't. Everybody and the” taxes worse the Situation Will be for those who want a
. brother has an opinion and a brilliant suggestion ' taste of good 01‘ American freedom and the worse
, as to what to do with them. yet nobody‘s making America. after all. rose to become what it is the attitudes of the natives will get.
. a media campaign out of it. Well. that‘s more a now through a lot ofsweat and hard work. Why. If America is to maintain its ideal of Freedom '
blessing than a curse . . . then. ShOUld ”1056 who WiSh [0 enjoy our ”66' for All Men. regardless of race. color or creed.
. These opinions and suggestions are as diverse doms not be expected to work? . then the Open Arms policy is here to stay. How-
,- as the homemade cure for a cold. First and fore— This isn‘t to suggest that Cuban refugees ever. even Open Arms will have their price. and it
most is the suggestion to not let any more refu- should be given jobs that should rightfully he would be to this country's credit to start seeking
. geescome OVCr. A fine suggestion. but the influx going [0 good. Wh0iesome Americans- Rather~ answers that last past election day; solutions
' has already subsided. Then there are ”1056 who they ShOUid work for ’}“’"'5"/""“'- which will benefit al/concerned. with practicality
. want to send them back. but Cuba is not very Why. then. should not those refugees who are rather than prejudical bias in mind.
, . 7
w . : Is the Ivory Tower ofAcademe now leaning. .
, By NEIL R. (SROBMAN Also. lob prospects for new l’h.i).‘s. timc.andthe department‘s oddballwho rope. academics will start hanging
especially in the humanities.are limited. was tenured. themselves"? is the ivory lower of Aca-
A recent (‘hroniele of Higher Educa- l’crhaps students are beginningtogrow i he oddball was charged with “insu- demc becoming more like the Leaning
' (ion. XX:i3 (May 27. I980 . featured aware of these economic factors as well bordination" (he refused to participate lower of l’isa'.’ Is it being consumed by
. . four very revealing articles on the pres— as the contradictory testing and self‘ in the vote because he opposed it . petty politics and professionaljealous-
, . ‘ ent status of higher education today defeating recruitment programs pro- “gross misconduct"(he had been lateto ies'.’ Another myth is exploded. ihc
V ' One stated that two researchers at the \idcd by the lducation industry. lhey many of his classes . and “willful and ivory lower is no longer impenetrable
' ‘ Harvard lTniversity Medical School are angry and not going to take it grievous violation" of a university rule and sacrosanct in thesctroubled “mes
. have concluded that K A, 1 scores do an) mop; (he had been late in returning from sew llw t‘rm'i-s in the inwo*r\ walls have
not measure scholastic aptitudeand can And this brings me to the fourth arti— eral out-ol 1.. a g b‘ . (f ‘h‘d ) expense. deserihing their lam- heeause he had no reason to he “m".V no“. he Nuld- Individualtty S‘IDCC most 60% . ., "'a‘-
(, ,‘ em qut "'0. 5 d"). ‘2 “I“: ily as "eonsenatiw and sa\- "1 SChOOI 2" ”‘3‘ “m0 “In my Hughes. ratsed tnalog house le m that area either wentpnt «I =. j . ‘ ‘"
lrlestylesto pursuethetreollege mg." Her husband‘s income first expertenee “Ilh college I tn Bear lraek.‘ K)., satd he the CO' I m ,. t , I: 0 ,. . g _, ’
. Carlezr‘s. "I . ‘ 1 _” .. ‘ , pushed them m er the ltmtt for thought lht‘ “‘1an )0“ uent to hopes to leaw‘l K urtlrcreden- d (rnesor 0: 0 we .are. ’.y " '
f “bl-“rt” 3 U 'L“ tint-(l; financial aid. school “3‘ u, learn how to do ttals for teachtng tn a ( hrtsttan ontlnue on page 5 _ ‘ .. -
II“: tlllgsfr‘oudp I'nlthljnvth‘Y »‘\s tor t'itttng tn “llh other somethtng. and l “as mts- H. , .‘ f ' . l, V
Mfr j" "“1 ‘ dl " ff“); I9)Zfl- students. l tnde (’oueh said she WWW" '19 ‘a'd' ) JOHNNY PRIN t. Hr" .
“12“”: Int u min t a (I! h; "reels eomlortable mth )oung .. Although “C had ‘0 i‘dlu-‘l ( COPY SHOP . ' I ~,
119%)" ‘9’} {10?}; mm" or ti people."hut wondersvxhat the) “"i‘m'i'll} “l a 10““ standard '=~\ 9‘ ' '
. “vl‘m' “f «summer :U’ ”1an. Students tn some of her “‘ hung. he ““4 ” hi” MT“ "';‘~‘\ 15 W0 V r I - ' ’3
tflx'nl “1“:n:)'\ru'n HIPS?" U classes call her “Mom."and she \Aorth It and leels It \s t|l balance 0 I";‘ “4:3”. ,‘“f.%£ ‘11s " 7 :1 ‘ ' ."I
, ( CHM)“ fair? 1?]. . j Hunks that‘s great, She also out m ”W long run ,'5“_¢‘p' hf’fi’” 7 “k“ M 1‘ V ‘
. "{1} if}: 2;?” 3):.“ Am; expressed s_\mpath_\ for adult "I“ \stden '“_.‘ hort/ons. ‘” ”fiv"«"" 3:? US ‘1 C ; " . r
“'1" \j‘“ ldttl f It} fnd' n! students who are parents. and kmm a ltttle htt more I‘m :fi.fie&bflf ‘0 cl“ '_ 3 .
“ :3 '3: _ ‘t‘htfl‘tknd- :L’t?) tltat she failed In an earlter learmng hon the \sorld “‘5 m» 2» T“‘ 'm, ‘ - , , 4
l: 1|th , “311)” 13"?“ I ‘1‘: C. it attempt to return to college together, and that‘s “hat tt‘s all w), _____——Mm ‘. . . l ,
h‘“ 11“: ;) ”5““ n. Var_. heeause the “readtng was too “hm” ('iir.‘ ‘d'd- Although 54? S.LIME 254-659 “0 Mm ”0 g ‘ . i,
“1.qu Jer Olin. mtiflfia‘t‘to‘: ”lUCh when the ehlldren were “"“Wl'mc‘ he “l““W‘n‘ h" acmnonmtcommuutm m “1’ 2:00 _ v- ‘ ' J
l:nd $31333; {ritiuu‘g :53“ \nungcr_" deetston to return. he sa)s \\ hen .' . , , " g. I,
( L'. i C 'l ' ‘ ‘ i i ' ~fi ., ., >-77‘777 __ ,7 ##fl W .._ 77 >_»_ . . 7 . . _'_ 7 . ,___,,,A._A_ ' I. " I .A
students. I l ' " . H
linde ('otteh. hustness , . ' ' . .
adrntntstmtton tumor. leels her PREPARE FOR. } GIVE "As“ . >1 '3‘. 1‘“
return to college ts the best "GAT.DAT.lSAT.GMAT.GBE 1 ”:1.“ ‘0“ THE ’ [.1 '. . J
thtng \he‘s L.\er done lhe . 5 . ' E" _
(iermarrhorn mother ol t“ o l GBE Psvc" ° 6“! 8'0. PcAT l 1.3.: 'EA". ._ ‘ 1‘ 3" . .1:
began rt program called "l)ts- . o 1 fig; . ,1.- ; f ' 2’
' emertng a \eu You." “hteh I “BAT’VAT°MAT SAT TOEFL l ‘.-:';_.’- EAR. up '0 " ' . " '
motnated her to enroll tn the o : -.‘;'.';'.' N 4 3y
O 0 0 l 25.7. . ( V, ,4 >-
sprtng ol ‘76 as a part-trnte "MBIDII'III Earns FLEX v E l ' s'.. ,1 . V
lreshman She ad\ tses anyone N03 1, [1- "PB I-NLE l ‘ J “‘ "
else sttll tn the planning and Flutblo Programs. Hours a ‘ PER MT“. _ ;, ‘.
”“nklntl “3th 1“ "WI” part- Visit Any Center And See'For Yourself m a ’ fl It helps buy the ttckets fl : ‘. .' ,
time as soon as you can." Why We "1”“ The D’fle’once whtte you help save Wes . 1 ‘ »‘ I 4
Her goal is to get a job u hen Classes Sm" ‘H . v - $2 bonus for lst time ; . .9“ '
she lintshes. possthl} tn the MCAT August an. m N donors wrth this ad ' ‘ , . ,
mtport—e\'port area. taking DAT August 9th toucntouu “m" . .. ~- . . _-
ad\antage of her command ol LSAT AUQUS‘ 23rd s'g'sllfsl'tsvgmtct‘qg" 9 plasma all'ame " ’,‘ _ . "
sm cral languages. gaiTAggu‘stgom 2043 Oxford Circle/Phone 254-8047 - , . _ t . '
M rs ('oueh‘s motiuttion p, 1081 8' B'oadw.y Mon -Frr. 8 a m -8 D m /53‘ 8 a m '3 p m ' : ‘ ‘ I
came lrom "“anttng her own 233‘0737 ’Bonus om" ”pugs Sep‘embe, 1, 1980 = f : fl .
money" and the need to l - _ .3 g ‘4 «,, ’.
o ' ‘1 ' "“3,
FAST FREE 9 DELIVERY . 9M ,. 1 s .' .Qj
worsscrvctho a usoMmtmum . , L“ 5' .
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p P“. 2 i I .A. ”Hoff"
l ”ff 'l‘lllt “i “ ~
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 ‘ 4-1!!! KENTUCKY KEINEL, My, July I. I,“ .
_ _ . ' ——————-Correction———-—-—-
‘ According to Dermatologist rneantcrcnn Reverend wn- nary. He attended the. Episco-
’ g . liam Hubbell in last week‘s pal Theological Seminary m
-~ ~ Careless tanning a time bomb ‘
he attended and taught at the “"6 years. The Kernel regrets
' ' By Sushm Govindanjulu cases occur inthe United States and any type at clOthing. even Lexington Theological Semi- the error. “’
, Staff Writer each year. making skin cancer very loose knit. will keep out .
' . the most common type ul some sun.
Fair skin. once desired. is n0 cancer. it is estimated that 40 to g b' h‘ , .1? h g '
- longer chic. Ladies no longer 50 percent of all people who d ‘ unhat link)!” ”"51,“ ‘2
. V wear bonncts to shield their Inc to be 65 hmc at least one 0'“ “m“ “‘ d'm' “I“ an” “ l
faces from the >Un 'lanned hout \Mth skin cancer in thcr p.m A. ‘tilh ”l1; PTUILLtIon ol a .
complexrons, the in thing incs. Most are ot the reddish— ‘umklrf‘nl' ‘u; light-“Inn.”
' nowadays. ha\ c become some~ sorc \ariet}. which ts95 percent Irtctltp L lpdr‘lj‘uf ‘1“), {how “uh e0
thing of a growth-industry citruhlch)remonngthetumor tigit-fcororur LY; and r-leh‘y 09 6 DA\S A ‘WEEK
Who isn‘t going along “11h Ihc But others. Bark \d)s. could be A]: L“; Tm: ( {:01 dL 1 L"- _
. ”do I] he “15“” I\ man} d“. melanomas. which Mr potcn— tile [5 pu.suc.t tan ‘ llll-ltl'llnlllg KI“ kegs o
, ' matologists. who foresee A null}. tatzil my if” f,“ in} "Minimum“ I -
, , marked increase ()l skill cttrtccr l’rcritatttrc.igir1_fi Cillt .rlsti ht‘ “my” llltlll‘ttlt- ‘m\“m h” ”‘1‘ 345 s- '—I ME
and other sun-related (ll\tlltlt‘l\ L'JU\L‘(l h\ .ntIrL-xpostric to rm- pm 1"”? . C “I" hoping 1” “T
, I. as a result olthc '\lllt‘llc't1llplll~ sun's Miss. M unnklcs urc LN!“ .YL-er‘nmn Put ‘0” ”WW
‘. suit ()l a tan caused pl’lllléllli} h) sunlight. “\HZL“U I'll”! UH” ”Hm.“ 253"1 360
» 1 lhc onset oi tanntng parlors not won}. Hark su}s."l .ippcttl “A?“ :“HULR ”mm; A “my” .
and the decrcttsc ot thc alone to “omen to get out ol thc slll' ‘1‘.” 1' I'” ’]"\‘\lcii.gc ”t ”W
. ‘ layer art’ othci lactois leading h}. cxplarning the threat o1 (B‘VWTLCH ”“0““, Mb I),
" . to what will he " a ciituricotts \xrinklcs instcud ol skin cancer MK
' catastrophe nothing lt-sst'nan lhat scares them more " “It I could go up on .t iooi
» , i! dermatological disaster". Atsitlt- troni udnsing against and [CH PCUPIC 1” 1:01 HUI Ul thc
. . 1 according to Dr. Joseph Burl-t getting a tan. l)r Hark rccom- “”‘II “““M d” H “H“ th‘sulllC " TUG BO T
' ‘ He is one ol‘ the more ten cnt mends the use Ol a sunscreen at 'CV‘U’”h”1“““1‘H‘d‘cmlcu' .‘ ’
' W crusaders against the hazards all times Sunscreens are rated ”‘ll ”1““ ii homh “i“ gums 1“ ' r; '1 I ; '
. . of sun-bathing. and “fungi. ”n u madmuwulc U, [45' with explode and thcfd better run." . ' “c ‘. ll}.
,7 recommends a return to “the the higher the number .lgmtyc continues l)r. Bark. “ [he only | ' ~r‘ .‘
_ ‘ Scarlet O‘Hara look." mg the greater ellcctixcness ol dillcrcncc IX lhl‘ bomb lakcs ‘ ~
* . Bob Gray. owner of Former the sunscreen. Broad-hrimmed Wen!) )‘Cars 10 g” “ll- bl“ "‘5 g $
. Ian on South Limestone hats are also good sun-shields. going ‘0 £10 0”“ , V
' Street. says. “We feel for cer- "
_ tainthatittthetanningparlor‘s ”I ‘fimw V N 4' H CW”— 0 i . , .
. technique) is a whole lot safer . E‘EBE I I I H I (R . ,,. (I Lexmgton 5 Newest Entertainment Spat
, tha: titre sun itself. If yjou tan 3 A . 1 . 3‘ ° l This Weekend
. - V"? 0'5"" .3" ”" er ‘f 't “KM, c- I’ ‘ t w ' f; /-:-:‘“ 5 l Proudly Featuring July 7 7th 8' 72th
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‘ - i
THE KENTI'CKY KERNEL. Thursday. July IO. [”6 ~. ' .
. ,_ .. .
Several professors claim adult students are welcome addition "
('(MHIIIIGd from page 3 undergraduate or graduate stu- Montth art exhibits line the attend evening classes. and sec- tion to classes. according to .' > .
Hughes sought to improve edu— dents in the amount oliSl 25 per walls. pros ided b} adults. uring necessary courses is a smeral professors. Thcyarenot ~ ‘ -: »‘
cation. allowing students to semester. Also tor SIZS per (‘ouches.chairs. and atypewri- tricky business in conjunction alraid to speak upin class, and ' .- L'
compete better in society. semester. and based on com- ter makethe room comfortable Wlll’l a torts-hour work week. often have experiences from ' . Ii» ‘ ._ ,1
'l hough his new schedule petitise essa) writing.('ontiiiti- tor between class studying and lndindual departments ma} the work world to share. ‘i : i' x g
takes him away from his conu mg qucation Scholars is paper—tsping not be aware of spemtic needs lhe world of the university. I». . . 'i
gregation and his l‘amil). presented b) the Dean ot l inda Harris. scc‘t‘etut}— in this area. and AS() would liming broken withtraditionin 3. .
Hughes said he feels a need for Undergraduate Studies to sev treasurer ol the Adult Student likelossork timard better com- race. sex. and other areas of ., . -’
more understanding. not only eral adults. Periodically. local Organization. says the tall munication between adult stu- discrimination. seems ready to .r ' "
ol others but of himsell. clubs and organi/ations gi\e membership dri\e is in pro- dents and their colleges. alter the age tradition. and ina " ' 33".»
More and more Options are scholarships to adult students gress. lheir goal. she sa) s. is to according to Harris mme to prmide services and i i‘ 1' i
becoming il\&tll‘dblt‘ lor adult based on linancial need and be a \oice tor the concerns ol hs‘lP- shOUld ”6 BPPIRUdCd {0" " ’
students. l-inancial aid. \pcglul other lactors. adult students and to ease the In another \ein. most adult taking an open-arms approach " I, ‘ H ._ '
“”9”!“an programs. it room ()n the cxcningol AllgUsth. transition for adults coming ““19”“ are a welcome “dd" ‘0 returning adult students. ~i- - i
“l the" “VH1. and Iht‘ "C“l} .in oiientation loralladult stu— back to school. lhe) hope to ~ . '- -
lormed Adult Student ()rgattl- dents “Ill be held. beginningat create a grapenne of inlorma» ._ I l ='/" »
Iation are a lc\\ ol the ellorts the Student (enter and pro- tion. since the best adnce is :3. , 1 -.
that haxe been made toward gressing to Kingl ibiar} where sometimes from other students. a '. '. " . , 1:
generation of enthusiasm and .in Illslt’llClHC tour “Ill be con- Because time is a mayor lac- . . QM ‘! - f.»
boosting ol sell—confidence in ducted ol the lacilities. toi in most ol their club .9“ W - l", ii
the ”C“ role the adults pla). Orientation \sill mark the members' Ines. attendance is ..“l' " ' 3 .r ‘1
('arolin Meruin ol the beginning ol man) special is‘quln‘d ‘dl (ml) 1““ meetings. 7.3;; ' . :‘
()l'liee ol l-inanCial Md said e\ ents and scrxiees sponsored and emphasis is placed on spe- ' in 3,. ' .~
basicall} the same monies are to actuate and inspircthe adult “ill groups and Ol'l‘ld” “C“U' s3: 'i' ' '
a\ailable to adult students as scholar (‘ontinumg in the lull ties like picnics. \sine and .- ‘ W :5...» *5“ :Vs’ ")
other students. including and spring semesters will be cheese parties. a rid a ‘ ’__ .' ' ‘ . ‘ i,, . . -
Bl7()(i. state and other grants. stud} skills on Saturda_\s and neissletter. & a?” “ f . _
loans. and uork stud)‘ Prov menings lor updating math lhe -\dult Student ()rgani- . I M: ‘ ,' i
grams pro\iding eligibilit} and ““1ng abilities. and a Iation hopes to sensiti/e the ' ' ...“. " v. ' . i ' I f ,'
requirements are met. mini-course in \ideo taping rest ol the campUs. and to make I ,W " ' i ' -
i In addition to basic linanCial \\ here paiticipants can see them aware ol adult students‘ ‘4‘ s s ‘ 3. _ _,'2' i ’
help. .lane Stephenson ol Slu« thernsehes communicating on needs. l-or instance. \\ hat to do I . .. A ‘ .‘ 7‘. ‘ » I» .' '1 .
dent Sen ices. l'nl\ erstt} the screen \\ ith children on snow days is a 4* , fl ‘ ‘ was I' ’ " ' , .i
l’xtension ()llice. saidtherear'c l’ioiect «head is pimidiiiga problem. and piolcssors min . '4 at?“ f . ‘ . - I.
special scholarships ollercd to lL‘sIvsIUp and gathering place not be aware that the adult stu- ' 6‘ " :- Photo by .I.D. 3"!"009 . 1‘ {IA 3»
the adult student h.‘ her oltice tor adults on campus in Room dent is not |UsI skipping class » _ ‘ » . .- J . 2
Based on linancial used. the 4. frame Hall I he hidcaua) but that the absence ma) be tot Tom Burridge charges. toward "'9 finlsh ""9 '0 claim 3 VIC: . . ' . '
Scholarship lor \dult Stu— has a relrigerator lot leasing a \alid reason [cry in "'9 mfllls diVIslon 0“." July4Bluegrnss l0.000.Hls ' 3";3
dents. ltinded b_\ the