xt72bv79w056 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt72bv79w056/data/mets.xml Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass Kentucky Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass 1978-09-25 Newsletter of the Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass, previously named the Central Kentucky Jewish Association and Central Kentucky Jewish Federation. The Federation seeks to bring Jewish community members together through holiday parties, lectures, Yiddish courses, meals, and other celebrations of Jewish heritage and culture. They also host fundraisers and provide financial assistance for Jews in need, both locally and around the world. newsletters English Yiddish Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass records Jews -- Kentucky -- Lexington Jews -- History Central Kentucky Jewish Association newsletter, September 25, 1978, volume 2 issue 1 text Central Kentucky Jewish Association newsletter, September 25, 1978, volume 2 issue 1 1978 1978-09-25 2020 true xt72bv79w056 section xt72bv79w056 VOLUME 2 ISSUE 1 SEPTEMBER 25, 1978 THE PRESIDENT'S COLUMN OTHER CHARITIES In describing the purposes of the CKJA our organization By-Laws state in part ”one; and to provide financial assistance to the State fo Israel, Jewish people in all countries and selected charities ” Throughout many years it had been the practice in Central Kentucky to allocate a portion of the money collected in the Annual UJA Drive to a selected group of charities, designated as Federated Charitiesa The percentage of collected monies so allo- cated varied somewhat from year to year, and in recent years was approximately 15%, The CKJA has carried on this tradition, designating in the budget a portion of funds collected in the HDHHGI Fund Raising Drive to a category initially called Other Jewish Charities. Tho mflfllmi so designated from the first CKJA Annual Fund Raising Drive, I977, have now been allocated; a total of $25,8lk was allocated to Other Charities, representing, as in past years, about 15k of income from the drive. The complete list of these allocations is printed elsewhere in this newslettero Eel Lilflfl of recipients and designation of amounts was not a simple tasks First, after CViLflHIVG discussion, the Board of Directors developed a set of guidelines, indicating the procedures for allocation and the kinds of potential recipients. A copy of these guidelines may be obtained by writing to the CKJAD In brief summary, the following kinds of activities and organirations should be considered for allocation: organizations with national Jewish activities; Israeli organizations; and Hillel at U.Ko Funds may also be used to support Jewish non—profit groups providing a service to our community, non-Jewish or non-sectarian organizations, and institutions supported by governmental (non-Israeli) entitiesn No capi- tal or opwrating funds should be provided to the parent organization of any of our repre- sented organizations or to the represented organization itselfo Thv Budget Committee of the CKJA will solicit suggestions from the Jewish community and develou recommendations for allocations of Other Charities moniesn Fund allocation will be by the CKJA Board of Directors. Support of programs, activities, and organizations such as those to which we have allocated funds is an important and continuing responsibility of our Jewish community“ As in other aspects of CKJA activity, we invite and encourage your active participation, If you wish to make a suggestion concerning Other Charities allocations notify any member of the Budget Committee or the CKJA Board of Directors. Charles we Gorodetzky President, CKJA Ben Gurion University 3,000.00 Camp Young Judaea (Michigan) 1,500.00 Hebrew Theological College 200.00 Hebrew Theological College Library 200.00 Hillel of the University of Kentucky 500.00 H.U.C. Alumni Chair 500.00 HanC. Year in Israel 500.00 Jewish Braille Institute 300.00 Jewish Chautauqua Society 500.00 Jewish Welfare Board 500.00 Joint Cultural Appeal (Amer. Jewish Historical Soc.) 500.00 Lexington Public Library 300.00 L.N. Levi Memorial Hospital 500.00 ORT 1,000.00 Synagogue Council of America 500.00 Union Camp Institute (Zionsville) 1,500.00 World Union for Progressive Zionism 500.00 $25,8IA.OO CKJA FUND RAISING PROVIDES SCHOLARSHIPS FOR BEN GURION UNIVERSITY OF THE NEGEV One of the Israeli programs separately supported by UJA donations contributed through the CKJA is the Ben Gurion University. Dean Eli Aran of that institution has written to report that these funds have been used this year to provide scholarships for three students. One, an economics student, is from Argentina. Another, also an economics student, was born in Poland and immigrated to Israel in 1969. The third recipient is a geography major who was born in Israel. Her parents were from Holland and Indonesiao Dean Aran writes: ”We are very proud of our role as a social integrator and are pleased that you have decided to join forces with us.” CKJA GIFT T0 CAMP YOUNG JUDAEA A letter of acknowledgement and thanks has been received from the Midwest Camp Young Judaea for the recent contribution made by CKJA. The letter states: ”You will be glad to learn that your donation helped us in the purchase of our new camp van, which we have affectionately named 'The Lexington Express.'” «vlhna :724né ciklvu. Klbulz 5030. ON. Merom Gem. Israel VJNTSJ WIN WES 5151 mm y: 1m ,KDN‘C‘ yup Tel. 067-39065 Mr. David R. Neckstein, c/o Central Kentucky Jewish Asso University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky 40506 U.S.A. Dear Friends, A few days ago we were visiited by a group from your community that at the time were visiting in Israel. Among them was Mr. Steven Caller who was at that time celebrating his sons Bar—mitzvah in Israel. Unfortunately we were not informed of their coming visit, and although I was not personally present in school, they were guided around the school by Mr. Yitzhak Pahter, one of our teachers. Unfortunately, their visit fell during the summer vacation and consequently most of the children were not in school, except for the graduation class who are now doing their metriculation exams. I would like to thank you very much for your kind donation to the sum of $5.514 presented to the Anne Frank Haven during your members visit. With your permission I would like to put your donation towards helping equipping the living quarters, by adding individual cupboards above each child's bed. (I enclose herewith a photograph of such a cupboardin one of the bedrooms). These cupboards have been found very useful and practical. We would like very much to strengthen the contact between your association and our school' so please do not hesitate to let us know if any information is required. We would be most happy to accomodate any of your members on any of their future visits to Israel. Thanking you sincerely, AhronKDihar. ; U Copy/ Mr. N. Katz. Jerusalem CENTRAL KENTUCKY TEENAGERS AWARDED STIPENDS The Scholarship and Israel Stipend Committee announces the awarding of Israel stipends to two Central Kentucky teenagers: Lauren Wekstein, daughter of Merle and David Wekstein, and Larry Barr, son of Barbara and Martin Barr. Laurie, I6, attended the Young Judaea Summer Course in Israel. This is a AA-day program sponsored by the Hashachar movement of Hadassah and includes two weeks in Jerusalem, two weeks on a kibbutz, five days in Tel Aviv and eleven days in the Sinai areao Laurie enjoyed the home hospitality of Israeli Tsofim and a’sa participated in klbbutz living at Kibbutz Ketura. Laurie has been a member of Lexington Young Judaea for five yearso She has been a co- leader and leader of the Tsofim group and Senior Programmer for Bogrim. Next year she will serve as Regional Programmer for the Ofarim groups in Kentucky, Ohio and West Virginia. She attended the Hashachar national convention in Barryville, NY, in August as one of six dele- gates from the Central States region. Laurie is a senior at Henry Clay High School where she is active in Student Council and the German Club. She had her bat mitzvah at Ohavay Zion Synagogue in October, I973, and was graduated from religious school in May, 1977, Laurie is a life member of Hadassah. Larry, also Eb, moved to Lexington approximately two years ago from Mahopac, NY. He is vice president of the Temple Youth Group and a member of Young Judaea where he will be the co-leader of the Ofarim group when he returns from Israel. Larry will attend the High School Program in Israel, which is an NFTY-sponsored program. Although the primary focus of the course is on the history of the area, Larry also expects to learn about Israel's modern culture and present social aspects. He will spend approximately six hours a day in class and participate in many field trips. Larry is a senior at Tates Creek High School. He left Lexington September 3 for Israel and will return October 29 to resume his studies at Tates Creek. Both students are enthusiastic about their programs and have volunteered to share their experiences with the Central Kentucky community upon their return. CKJA feels fortunate to participate in the enrichment of our community by assisting these two young people in their pursuit of knowledge of their Jewish heritage and Israeli culture. AYIDDISH CLUB I O/JLID& KP’f/i’fl P’HC {775(6/T/2’3'1p/Lc [73M [‘71. "/C P'Ig P104, life 315.9 of} [Jr/7 7K6 {Tap/C (EB/t //_C will >'/(’ .5_/(‘ 7’KCJYU [NC 9;!” 325 I ,CJ‘KBJKEDOTDITC’P [e'j’IC Ub’i’lf‘ .>T@.’I@ /'/C /i/_(/V5)'?Q JU'PJ? CKJA ACTION RESPECTING JET SALE TO SAUDI ARABIA When President Carter announced his plan to sell jet fighter-bombers to Saudi Arabia, and to tie those sales to jet sales to Israel, a number of unpublicized efforts were mounted by members of our local Jewish community who contacted our representatives in Washington to express opposition to the President's decision. Some members of the community thought that a more coordinated community response was needed and this concern was brought to the atten- tion of the CKJA Executive Committee. After discussing the various additional efforts that could be made to let the decision makers aware of our views, the Committee sponsored the preparation of a letter concerning this ISSUL. That letter was signed by the two rabbis and by the presidents of the Synagogue, the Temple, Hadassah, B'nai B'rith and the CKJA and was sent to Senators Ford and Huddleston and Congressman Breckinridge as well as to several other members of Congress and the Administration. A copy of the letter was mailed to the Jewish Community with a request that individual letters, cards and mailgrams be sent to Washington as well. Although the accelerated timing of the Senate action on the issue caused the vote to come earlier than we anticipated, many received the CKJA communication in time to be prompted to send off their own messages to Washington. Senator Ford voted for the blocking resolution (against the jet sale) and a thank you letter was later sent to him by the signers of the initial letter. Senator Huddleston did not participate in the Senate vote on this issue. We can only speculate as to the impact of our community effort in this matter. Certainly it did not hurt. Very likely it helped. Perhaps it could have been even more effective. In any event, the CKJA can serve an important role in assisting our community to make itself heard on such matters. The Board welcomes suggestions for improving these efforts and en- courages any member of our community to come forward with such a call for action whenever it appears to be needed. B'NAI B'RITH MAILGRAM PROJECT The Mailgram Project was instituted by our local B'nai B'rith Lodge several years ago to assure better communication by our community with our legislative representatives regard- ing matters of special concern to Jews. Each year, participants in the project individually pledge $10 to be expended for mailgrams sent to our Congressional delegation and other public officials concerning issues of vital importance to the Jewish Community. For example, as a result of the Mailgram Project, several dozen individual mailgrams were sent to Senators Ford and Huddleston and Congressman Breckinridge in recent months expressing opposition of Central Kentuckians to the jet sale to Saudi Arabia. Any member of the Central Kentucky Jewish community can participate in the Mailgram Pro- ject. For further information, contact Terry Wilson at 277*0979 or Alvin Goldman at 269-6OA9. NOMINATING COMMITTEE INVITES RECOMMENDATIONS A Nominating Committee, chaired by Harriet Cooper, has been designated to submit nomina- tions to fill the four impending vacancies on the CKJA Board of Directors. In accordance with the CKJA Constitution, the committee shall make its report at the Board's October meet- ing, anda copy of the report shall be sent to the membership not less than ten (10) days prior to the November general meeting of the Association. Additional nominations can be made in writing at the general meeting if seconded by four members. The Nominating Committee invites recommendations from the membership. These can be submitted by contacting Harriet or Ernie Cohen or Alvin Goldman, the other two members of the Committee. page 6 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR MEALS-ON-WHEELS PROGRAM How would you like lo make yourself feel real good? It won't cost much money and there's no pills to take, no diets to follow. And...it only costs an hour and a half 0f your tine each week” Meals~on~Whesis is a community program that supplies nutritional hot lunches and suppers to people in their own homes who cannot shop and cook for themselveso Regular meals are pre- pared in the kitchens of Gardenside Christian “hurch and the Second Presbyterian Church and special diets come from the Good Samaritan ‘ ,"tal and are sponsored by Christ the King Church. The program can be only as large n , volunteer crew that packs and delivers the meals daily. Unfortunately, the need in Le; . 'on far exceeds the volunteers. If you are willing to serve as a driver or visitor you can remove 10 names from that waiting list. Think of it! Where else can you do so much in an hour and a half a week and have such a good return. Call 253u223A for details. NEWS FLASH FROM FORUM SELiCTiOH COMMlTTEE Ellie Goldmanls gummirtee (Lou Boyarsky, Ken Germain, Susan Gerstel, Esther Veil, William Leffler and Bernard R-nvnh) lies been busy se ecting and recruiting program talent. Although l the contracts have no; yet been signed, a most exciting Forum series has been booked! JOSEPH HISEMAN — distinguished actor in a program of dramatic readings from Jewish literature both classic and modern noted author of The Chosen, The Promise and by Name is Asher Lev whose new work Story of the—dews—lel be released this fall THE PAVARid ~ ”"4 most celebrated folk-duo Ticket ;a‘z will th; next item of business and volunteers are invited to call Goldman a: 269=6059_ CAMPAZGN CDMMETTEE REPORT (as of August 27, 1978),..Susan Caller 8 Mike Ades, co-chairpersons The i978 Campaign has reached pledges of slightly over $95,000; This represents an in- crease of over 227 from the pledges of the same persons of last year. The campaign is focusing upon completing all solicitations by mideeptember: Last year's total pledges were $l78,882 and hopefully the campaign this year will near $T003000C The committee is also beginning to plan for the l978 israel Bonds campaigno The Bonds dinner is tentatively scheduled for mid-November. SOClAL SERVECE COMMlTTEE REPORT Over the summer this committee, composed of Harriet Cooper, Sue Friedman, Alberta Gerson, Judy Levine, Charles Schwartz, Larry Sherman and Charlie Stern, has met to continue work on a community iesources file” Anyone seeking consultation or information regarding personal, family, vocational or health-related problems may contact Charlie Schwartz or Sue Friedman for services available in this or surrounding areas. Applications for interest free emergency small loans may be made by contacting Sue Friedman. These applications will be handled in a confidential mannera (continued on next page) SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTE REPORT (continued) Funds for these programs and others soon to be announced are available through the annual fund drive of CKJA. ideas for services needed in the Jewish community may be dis- cussed with any member of the committeen If we want Central Kentucky to continue being a good place to live, raise our children in and retire to then we need to be sensitive to those around us who have Special needs which, for various reasons, are not being met within the larger community. Please look around you and see, feel and listen to your Jewish friends and relatives. Bring to the social service committee's attention problems and situations where you think some kind of education, assistance or support could be usedo You do not have to have ”the answer,” just help us identify the problems which add unnecessary stress to people‘s lives. You will find each committee person responsive to your suggestions. YES.......WE ARE OUR BROTHER'S KEEPER ! l i SHARE-A-WHEEL The CKJA Social Service Committee is in the process of organizing a voluntary service that focuses on a need of many members of our community - transportation. Within greater Lexington there is a growing group of people - some elderly, some un- able to drive because of poor health, some who cannot drive in bad weather or at night, some who can no longer afford to maintain a car - who must depend on friends or relatives to take them to various civic, social and religious events. The CKJA Social Service Committee is in the process of organizing a voluntary service that focuses on these folksa its called “Share-a-Wheel” and we are asking you to do just that - if you go someplace regularly and wOuld be willing to pick up someone in your part of town, let us know. We will have a phone number to call for people needing rides to that someplace you are going and will arrange a pick-up time and place. You won't have to go out of your way very much. To you it will mean leaving a few minutes early, but to someone who must be dependent on others it may mean the difference between staying home and muttering to four walls and spending a few hours in stimulating social contact. This project can be effective only if those of us who are constantly I'on to go“ will give a few minutes and show that we care and are willing to share. Please take a minute to fill out the questionnaire. The second part of the questionnaire is for those of us who have some extra time and would be willing to ”drop off and pick up“ a few time a month. We have listed general transportation needs but you may know of some special needs that we have overlooked. Please write those in. If you cannot help with the second part of the questionnaire, complete the first part and send it in. We ask that you tear off the questionnaire and send it in NOW. We would like to have the project rolling by early Fall, but we cannot if you don‘t help us now, Until we know the type of volunteer response we have from the community we cannot advertise the availa- bility of this service. If there is more than one driver in your family who wishes to participate please use an additional sheet of paper. If you have any questions please call Harriet Cooper, 269-1136, or Sue Friedman, 266-5321. (questionnaire on reverse side) NAME ADDRESS (please include zip code) I. Please check: Attend Willing to Regularly Pick up B'nai B'rith meetin s Hadassa meetin s K Forum Series Temp e Frida Ni ht Services Ho a Services rot er oo meet ngs S ster oo meet n s u t ucat on re rams Synagogue Frida Ni ht Services atur ay rn ng Serv ces un a rning m n ans 0 a erVIces ster oo meet ngs u t ucat on ro rams Other p ease spec y Iia Please check those activities/excursions to which you would be willing to take someone: bank (give location) doctor's office barber shop general shopping (state which beauty shop malls Central Kentucky Lecture Series other (please specify) III. What is the best time of day to reach you at home? IVo Comments RETURN TO: Sue Friedman (signature) 307 Lakeshore Drive Lexington KY #0502 (date) COMMUNITY CALENDAR 4HADA€54H 1 3 Rash Rash Hashim ah Hushm‘d‘ 5. I l Yam Kippqr If I? Havqsse» AI- 2:21:11, mm .1—4 Am- 11. x4 simcHAT‘ TORAH 30 31 ”9an Hannssw M0456 6mm“ :1 SALE cm. a: .. GOA/ten slew: Central Kentucky Jewish Assoc., Inc. PO Box 401 Lexington KY 40585 Non-Profit Organ. U.S. POSTAGE PAID BULK RATE Permit No. 719 Lexington, Ky. 40585 u MIN- LMI‘K. David Mauburn» 106 W‘eetpate KY1». Lexinotoh, 4o§04