xt72fq9q4z38 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt72fq9q4z38/data/mets.xml North Carolina Historical Records Survey of North Carolina 1939 Prepared by the Survey of Federal Archives, Division of Professional and Service Projects, Works Progress Administration, The National Archives, Cooperating Sponsor; Other contributors include: Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.) United States, Works Progress Administration, National Archives (U.S.); iv, 28 leaves, 28 cm; Mimeographed; UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries; Call number Y 3.W 89/2:43 F 317/ser.10/no.32 books English Raleigh, North Carolina: The Survey of Federal Archives This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. North Carolina Works Progress Administration Publications Inventory of Federal Archives in the States: Series X The Department of Commerce, Number 32 North Carolina text Inventory of Federal Archives in the States: Series X The Department of Commerce, Number 32 North Carolina 1939 1939 2015 true xt72fq9q4z38 section xt72fq9q4z38 . ‘ ,,,_A.... A ,.,, V V » A · — A ; I I »” oV"‘gNggFR€.A;Oéxgyuégy A I 5 » I I III Ig I IV `VI _1 V I I I ‘ IA `IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III II I I i I II I3 IJLIE5 MIJIABIZU 7 I * * _ V V \ _____,_,,...A.Yr-m~»—~»~·—·-—· ·*·* W ` V _ I I _ V II ********14 #* V I I ° I I 2 j II I mwmwoxy OF FEDERAL ARCHIVES ` I A IM A A A I IN STATES ? smmzxs x ` ·I ‘ THE DEPARTIIIEINT OF comrzaca _ . _ N0. 52, NORTH CAROLINA I I The Survey of Fedora]. Archives I A I j Work Pro jects Adminis1:ra·biou · { I · » of North Carolina . Z f I Raleigh I I2V I 1939 II *=|<********·* - I ‘ iE I AI V fe I Aj A { V VV JVEFINMENT PUBLICATIQ, A I I I j: I . A I- - — V I A _ V V INIVEFISITY OF KENTUCKY I LIBRARIES ·gI I EQ II I y I .._. -A J E ‘ ` I ‘ l Vi E A 4 mi .` ` FV! - V _ 1% r *2 1[ , VN ;V Q Y ‘ _ ii; ;~ W ; V Pig;. é pj? · · ~ V V§ * * ‘“VV2Q¥* ;§$§i é ; V r—¤¤ *F?¥ §i§ · _ ~.;},~2;‘~_{L¢ E {yi; ¥!§ 4 ; ¥V ]*·i5ii E ¢;_ {.1 * ~ ... V ~` W} 1 H ·1f.`v M ; » ‘ ;, ki V 1 `_ ··; ` ` gg L ` ,` Q i ·-li V -` QM · Jsgig - ` F? 'i} . Wy ·` V I ' l V e I T L1? fg INVENTORY OF FEDERAL ARCHIVTS IN THE STATES FAC ai · ih Prepared by vg? The Survey of Federal Archives Division of Professional and Service Projects 9 ’ Works Progress Administret ion if ggv The Nat icnal Archives i, Coooerat ing Soonsor ‘ é ‘ . SERIES X. THE DEDARTPHNT OF COMMERCE ‘ ZN? NO. 52. NORTH CJWOLINA j 3 LP [4 vg Raleigh, North Caroline The Survey of Federal Archives 1939 » ii The Survey of Federal Archives Philip M. Hamer, National Director Emily Bridgers, Suoervisor Division of Professional and Service Projects I Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner _ I May E, Campbell, State Director ¥‘s‘¤P1< PROF CTS ADMINISTRATION F. C. Harrington, Commissioner . _ Charles C. McGinnis, State Administrator _ 5 \ , V iii r PREFACE The Inventory of Federal Archives in the States is one of the products of the work of the Survey of Federal Archives, which operated as a nation- · wide project of the Works Progress Amninistration from January 1956 to June 30, 1937, and has been continued in North Carolina since that date as a state project of that Administration. , The plan for the organization of the Inventory is as follows; Series I consists of reports on the administration of the Survey, acknowledgments, and general discussions of the location, condition, and content of federal archives in the states. Succeeding series contain the detaihed information secured by workers of the Survey, in inventory form, a sewarate series number being assigned to each of the executive departments (except the Department of State) and other major units of the Federal Government. Within each series No. l is a general introduction to the field organization and records of the governmental agency concerned; the succeeding numbers contain the inventory oroner, separate numbers being assigned to each state in alphabetical order, Thus, in each series, the inventory for Alabama is No. 2, that for Arizona No. 3, that for Arkansas No. 4, etc. For each local office information regarding each series, or unit of re- lated records, is presented in the following order; title, inclusive dates ("to date" indicating an open file at the time the information was secured), general description of informational content, description of the system of filing or indexing (if any), a statement of frequency and purpose of use, form of the reanrd itself (bound volumes, sheets in folders, etc.), linear footage, description of the containers, physical condition of the records (not stated if satisfactory), location by room number or other identifying information, and finally, the number of the Form 58SA on which this infor- mation was originally recorded by a Survey worker and from which it was abstracted for the Inventory. This form is on file in The National Archives. A When it contains substantial information on addenda sheets which has not been included in the mimeographed abstract, indication of this is given by , use of the reference "See addenda." In North Carolina the work of the Survey was under the direction of Dr. C. C. Crittenden, Regional Director, with hiss Mattie Erma Edwards as assistant, from its inception until June 1937. Since ttat time it has been under the supervision of Kiss Emily Qridgers. This Inventory of the records of the Department of Commerce in North Carolina was prepared in J the Raleigh office of the Survey and was edited in the Washington office _ before final typing. Emily Yridgers, Supervisor Raleigh, North Carolina Survey of Federal Archives June 30, l9§9 in North Carolina iv CONTENTS Page AIR COMMERCE, BUREAU OF Greensboro, Air Navigation`Radio Weather V Broadcasting Station . .,. .‘. . .?. ...... . . . . . . 2 CENSUS, BUREAU OF THE Raleigh, Records in Custody of North Carolina A _ _ ` Historical Commission and State Library . . ..... r . . 5 FISHERIES, BUREAU OF Beaufort, Biological Laboratory .2. .`, . . , . . [ ...... l0 Edenton, Edenton Fish Hatchery . . . . . . . .». . . . .... 12 Emmkemont, Fish Cultural Substation . . r . . .'. . · · · · · · l7 FOREIGN AED DOMESTIC COHHERCE, BUREAU OF Greensboro, Cooperative Office . . . . . . . . . .· ...... 19 LIGRTHOUSES, BUREAU OF Beaufort, Cape Lookout Light Station . t . . . .... . . . . 2l Buxton, Cape Hatteras Light Station ,,..... . .4. . , . 22 Coinjock, Keeper of North Landing River Aids ..... . Q . . 22 Corolla. Currituck Beach Light Station ....._ . . t . ,·. . 25 Southport, Cape Fear Light Station . ,..,.... . . . .·, 23 Wanchese, Bodie Island Light Station . . . , . . . . , . . ,·. 24 Wanchase, Roanoke Marshes Light Station . . , L . . . . . .·. .‘ 24 Washington, Lighthouse Depot , . . Q ........ . . , . . ·25 COAST AND CEODETIC SURVEY Elizabeth City, Hydrography and Topography Yield Station . . w 27 BUREAU OF AIR com-max 1 2 BUREAU“OF AIR QQENERCE GREENSBORO AIR NAVIGATION DIVISION RADIO WEATHER BROADCASTING STATION (A) Airport Bldg., U,s. Highway 421 (B) Broadcasting Station Bldg,, app, %·mi, from Airport Bldg, This station was established in 1928 under jurisdiction of the then Aeronautics Branch of the Bureau of Commerce, It is under jurisdiction of the District Manager of Airway Maintenance District No, 2 who maintains headquarters in Atlanta, Ga, Functions of the station include 24-hour service in radio broadcast of weather reports to pilots, radio range (beam) service, assistance in control of airway traffic, and frequent weather reports to airways teletype circuits, Out-of-date traffic messages are destroyed, N.B, When the Bureau of Air Commerce was succeeded by the Civil Aeronau- tics Authority, the station became known as the Airways Communication Station, A new building replaced the two old ones September IO, 1958, A l, MONTHLY REPORTS; INVOICES, 1928 - 1955, Monthly reports to Wash- ington and Government invoices, (Seldom, official,) Variously sized loose ( papers, 8 in., in 2 filing case drawers, SE, corner room (Bldg, A), (988) 2, OLD TRAFFIC MESSAGES, 1950 — l935, Radio teletype messages, Filed A chronologically, (Seldom, official,) 5 x 8 paper packages, 6 ft,, on floor, Attic (Bldg, B), (994) 3, CORRESPONDENCE, ACTIVE, 1928 to date, Correspondence with Washing- V ton headquarters and other Air Navigation offices, (Frequently, officiaL) , IO x 12 folders, l ft, 6 in., in filing case drawer, SE, corner room 4 (mag. A). (aaa) “ 4, NOTICES TO AIRMEN, 1928 to date, Teletype reports on weather con- 1 ditions, for routing airplanes, (Seldom, official,) 5 x 8 loose papers, 4 in., in filing case drawer, SE, corner room (Bldg, A). (992) 5, RANGE RECORDS, 1928 to date, Radio range transmitter records, ‘ (Daily, official,) 8 x 10 loose papers, 2 in,, in wooden filing case A drawer, SE. corner room (Bldg, A), (990) 5 6, DAILY COMMUNICATION REPORTS, 1928 to date, Form.408, (Frequently, i official,) lO x l2 folders, 4 in., in filing case drawer, SE, corner Q room (Bldg, A), (987) . Bureau of Air Commerce, Greensboro 5 J 7. DAILY TRAFFIC, 1928 to date, Radio teletype messages, (Daily, ; official,) 5 x 8 slips, 2 ft., in filing case drawer. SE. corner room (sidg. A). (989) ` 8, INSTRUCTIONS, MAPS AND BLUEPRINTS, l928 to date, Instructions, and maps and blueprints of all station equipment. (Constantly, official,) 10 x 12 folders, 2 ft., in filing case drawer, SE, corner room (Bldg, A). (991) BUREAU OF mm cmsus % 5 Q BUREAU OF THE CENSUS ( RALEIGH - RECORDS IN CUSTODY OF TH NORTH CAROLINA HISTORICAL ‘ COMMISSION AND THE STATE LIBRARY State Departments Bldg., SW. cor. W. Morgan and Fayetteville sts. _ These are original handwritten manuscripts, Entries No, 9 and No. 10 ~ T are in custody of the North Carolina Historical Com ission; others, of the * State Library. Subsequent to the survey, the Commission moved to a newly I constructed state building on the northwest corner of Edenton and Salisbury j Streets. 9, FREE INHABITANTS, SLAVE INHABITANTS, 1850, 1860, 1870, Schedule 1, free inhabitants, 1850, 1860, and 1870, shows number of dwelling house and of resident family in order of visitation, name of each person whose usual j place of abode on June 1 of each year was in family, age, sex, color, pro- j fession or trade of each male ever 15 years of age, value of real estate I owned, place of birth, date of marriage, if within the year, school at- M tendance within the year, ability to read and write, if over 20 years of _ age, and whether deaf, dumb, blind, insane, idiotic, pauper or convict, y Schedule 2, slave inhabitants, 1850 and 1860, shows name of slave owner, I; number of slaves owned, ago, sex, and color of each slave, number of ° $ fugitives from the state, number manumitted, and number of deaf, dumb, blind E insane or idiotic slaves, Schedule 1, inhabitants, 1870, shows number of A, dwelling house and of family in order of visitation, name of every person Q whose place of abode on Juno l, 1870, was in family, ago of each, sex, ? color, profession or trade, value of real estate owned, value of personal ? estate, place of birth, parentage, month of birth or marriage, if within g the year, school attendance within the year, ability to read and write, y§ whether deaf, dumb, blind, insane or idiotic, and civil status. (Rarely, Q public.) 15 x 18 loose sheets, (footage not ascertained), in stool filing K ease. Repair Room. (2159) E 10, CENSUS REPORTS, 1850, 1860, 1870. County schedules, some of which Q are incomplete. The brittle condition of these papers, which were in W ·§ process of repair, rendered it inadvisable to handle them. (Rarely, Q public,) 5 x 18 bundles, 44 ft., on shelves in metal cabinets. Repair Ream. (2145) E ll. CENSUS REPORTS OF MORTALITY, 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880. Schedule 5, ; 1850 and 1860, shows name of each person who died during years ending E June 1, 1850, and June 1, 1860, whose place of abode was in enumerated Q family, age, sex, color, whether free or slave, martial status, place of 3 birth, month in which death occurred, profession or trade, cause of death, Q and length of illness. Schedule 2, 1870, shows name of each person who é é ji ( Bureau of the Census, Raleigh 6 z , died during year ending June 1, 1870, whose place of abodé was in enumer- Y ated family, age, sex, color, marital status, place of birth, parentage, E month in which death occurred, profession or trade, and cause of death. g Schedule 5, 1880, shows name of each person who died during year ending ? June 1, 1880, age, sex, color, marital status, nativity, profession or f trade, month in which death occurred, cause of death, length of time de- , ceased was resident of county, place at which disease was contracted, C name of attending physician and statement of cause of death, and enumer- = ator's certificates showing place of residence of family of deceased as ¤ of June 1, 1880, if sudi place of residence was out of enuneration dis- Q trict, or place where death occurred if deceased died out of enumeration district in which family resided June 1, 1880, Arranged alphabetically by county and entered alphabetically by nane of family. (Rarely, public.) = 15 x 18 vols, (5) and 15 x 21 vols. (2), 1 ft. 2 in., on wooden shelves. Basement. (2158) ` 12. CENSUS REPORTS OE SRODUCTION OF AGRICUITURE, 1850, 1860, 1870, V 1880. Schedule 4, 1850 and 1860, shows name of ow er, agent, or nanager of farm, number of acres of land, improved and unimproved, cash value of f farm, value of farming implements and machinery, distribution and value i of livestock, amount of each crop, dairy or other product, and value of — orchard products, market garden produce, homemade manufactures, and ; animals slaughtered. Schedule 5, 1870, shows same information plus total I amount of wages paid during the year, including value of board, and ` estimated value of all farm products, including betterment and addition § to stock. Schedule 2, 1880, shows name of person who runs farm, tenure, 8 number of acres of land, improved and unimoroved, value of farm, farming j implements and machinery, and livestock, cost of building and repairing I fences in 1879, cost of fertilizer purchased in 1879, amount paid for j wages for farm labor during 1879, including value of board, number of ° weeks made by hired labor in 1879 upon farm and in dairy, excluding house- Q work, estimated value of all farm productions, sold, consumed or on hand ( for 1879, acreage in grass lands in 1879, grass lands products harvested ) in 1879, number of horses and mules on hand June 1, 1880, number of neat ( cattle and their products on hand June 1, 1880, and movement in 1879, f movement of sheep in 1879, number shorn in spring of 1880 and to be shorn, ( Weight of fleece, number of swine on hand June 1, 1880, number of pou1try,‘ E exclusive of spring hatching, number of eggs produced in 1879, and acreage, ( amount, and value of farm, orchard, market garden, forest and bee products, f Arranged alphabetically by county. (Rarely, public,) 15 x 21 vols., 5 ft. E 6 in., on wooden shelves. Basement. (2140) `i 13. CENSUS REPORTS OF NANUFACTURE,‘PRODUCTS OF INDUSTRY, 1850, 1860, I 1870, 1880, Schedule 5, 1850 and 1860, gives name of corporation, com- { pany, or individual producing articles to the annual value of taco, nate j of business, manufacture or product, amount of real or personal capital g invested in business, quantities, kinds, and values of raw materials used, E including fuel, kind of motive power, machinery, structure or resource, Q average number of male and female hands employed, average monthly cost of 8 male and fenale labor, quantities, kinds, and values of annual products. ‘} Schedule 4, 1870, shows practidilly same infonnation plus number of months Q in active operation, reducing part time to full time, Schedule 5, 1880, Q shows name of corporation, company, or individual producing to the value mb zi ‘ é, Bureau of the Census, Raleigh 7 n § of taco annually, name of business, manufacture, or product, amount of Q real and personal capital invested in business, and statistics on number 3 of hands employed during year, wages and hours of labor, months in oper- ) ation, value of materials used, value of product (including jobbing and § repairing), and information on power used; water, wheels, or steam. i (Rarely, public.) 15 X 18 vols. (5), 9 in., on wooden shelves. Basement. { (2141) i 14. MANUFACTURE, SOECIAL SCHEDULES, l880.· Shows same information as { Schedule 5, 1880, (see entry no. 15), plus itemized data on quantities and 1 values of materials used and all products of the business of manufacturers , of agricultural implements, boots and shoes, leather tanned and curried, = owners of lumber mills and sawmills, brick yards and tile works, flour j and grist mills, slaughtering and meat packing plants, salt works, and T milk products factories. (Rarely, public.) 15 x 21 vols. (2), 6 in., on , wooden shelves. Sasement. (2lA2) 15. CENSUS RE°0RTS OF SOCIAL STATISTICS, 1850, 1860, 1870. Schedule 6, _ 1850 and 1860, shows value of real and personal estates, how valued, true ; valuation, seasonal shortage of crops, extent, usual average crops, name ( or kind of each annual tax, amount, and how paid, statistics on number, character, size, and private and public endowment of colleges, academies, Y and schools, number, kind, and size of libraries, name, character, fre- Q quency of publication, and circulation of newsnepers and periodicals, 3 number, size, and denomination of churches and value of pronerty, average wages to a female domestic per month, and average price of board to a { laboring man ner week. Schedule 5, 1870, shows valuation of real and § personal estates, statistics on the public debt, taxation, pauoerism, crhne, { and wages to farm hands, day laborers, and carwenters, and same informa- Q tion on newsnaners, aeriodicals, colleges, academies, and schools as Q scneduie 6, 1850 and 1860, steve. (Rarely, eublic.) 15 x 18 vcie. (5), ( 6 in., on wooden shelves. Basement, (2145) E 16, DEFFCTIVE, PEDENDENT, AND DELINQUENT CLASSES, 1880. Supplemental Q schedules Nos. 1 - 7. Schedule of insane inhabitants shows name of each, E residence when at home, if inmate of institution, whether a pay patient, ( form of disease, history of attack, necessity for restraint, and history f of time spent as inmate of hospital or asylum. Schedule of idiots shows § name of each, residence when at home, whether self-supporting, age at Q which idiocy occurred, supposed cause (if acquired), size of head, nane ( of training school, if any, of which person has been an inmate, total i length of time spent in such schools, date of discharge, and other dis- 3 abilities, if any. Schedule of deaf·mutes and blind shows name of each, 5 residence when at home, whether self-supporting, age at which d€¤f¤@SS Q Occurred, cause, name of institution, if any, of which person has been ( an inmate, time spent in such institutions, date of discharge, and other Q disabilities, if any. Schedule of homeless children shows name of each, li residence when at home, whether parents are deceased, whether child has l been abandoned or control has been surrendered by parent to some institu- i Ti0H, year in which admitted to institution, if not born there, legitimacy, Q antecedents, police record, if any, and disabilities, if any. Schedule of 3 inhabitants in prison shows name of each, residence when at home, ilace of § imprisonment, whether federal, state or city prisoner, reason for imnrison— 5 V é Bureau of the Census, Raleigh 8 1 1 ment, date of incarceration, alleged offense, sentence, if at hard labor, . tyne and location, and whether labor is contracted out. Schedule of ,1 pauner and indigent inhabitants in institutions, ooorhouses or asylums, or > boarded at oublic exnense in orivate houses shows name of each, rcsid¤nce Q when at home, how suoported, vhethcr able·bodicd, habitually intemoeratc, { or an epileptic, crime conviction, if any, form of disability, if any, ; whether born in institution, date of admission, if not so born, and names ~ and disabilities of other members of family in same establishment. (Rarely, public.) 15 X 21 vol., 3§ in., on wooden shelves, Basement. (2144) g J E 2 ii - Ki . ’N , ' . g z: ‘ r Q1 i »‘= I , BUTPCAU OF IVISEYT-IRIES 5 • § gx ‘ W Q? CT Q, gi 5 I “§ J { w ·:· ’i _¥ si ii li >§ I » i w at I 2 r é· BEREAU OP FISHERIES mzluroars I BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY Q Piver’s Island E The fisheries laboratory was established in Beaufort in 1899, It was A located in temporary quarters in a building known as Davis Hall on the I southwest corner of Front and Turner Streets, The Biological Station on # Piver’s Island was opened in 1902, The director of the station supervises ; the operation and maintenance of the laboratory, directs and conducts re- search on shellfish problems at the laboratory, and has jurisdiction of p field investigations from Virginia to Florida, He reports directly to 1 Washington, Administrative and finaicial records of the station from 1899 » to 1902 can probably be found in Washington, Biological records are O` filed in this office, All records are stored in room 47 in the attic of ‘ the station, In most instances the number and type of containers was not i given, The station is reached by a bridge which connects Piver’s Island with U.S. Highway 70, An aquarium is open to the public from 8:00 a,m, I to 4:50 p,m, daily, So-called useless papers are stored in the attic, E Administrative and §inanpia1_RESprds é 17, CORRESPONDENCE, 1902 - 1908, (Never,) 9 x 12 envelopes (19), é 10 in, R, 47, (58) i 18, CORRESPONDENCE, 1902 to date, Relative to station business, 1 Filed chronologically since 1955, (Early records, never; later records, § frequently, official,) 9 x 12 paper packages (51) and 12 x 14 folders, é 10 ft,, in wooden filing case drawers, R, 47, (12, 21) g 19, NAVY FILES, 1924 — 1925, Correspondence, invoices, bills of * iading, etc. (Never.) 9 x 12 envelope, 1;2;— im. R. 47, (15) Q 20, CORRESPONDENCE, BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION, 1954, Correspondence relative , to construction of a bridge under the PWA program to connect the island ; with U.S. Highway 70, (Never,) 9 x 12 paper packages, 5 in, R, 47, (20) l ·i 21, COIRESPONDENCE, PAY ROLLS, REPORTS, ETC., 1955. Relative to 3 hydraulic fill leading to bridge, (Never,) 9 x 12 vols, and paper Q packages, 5 in, R, 47, (19) Q 22, CORRESPONDENCE, PAY ROLLS, REPORTS, ETC., 1955, Relative to con- § crete sea wall constructed as an approach to bridge. (Never,) 9 x 14 E paper packages, 5 in, R, 47, (10) V xi Bureau of Fisheries, Beaufort 11 (Q 25. TEMPORARY ANPOIFNETFTS, 1904 - 1905, Copies of temporary appoint- ,; ments, assistant engineers, etc. (Never.) 9 x 12 paper packages, 5 in. f R. 47. (25) 2 e Q 24. UERSONNEL RECORD, 1904 - 1908. Record of employees of Bureau of ( { Fisheries, showing nmne of employee, dates of employment, salary received, ( etc. (Never.) 9 x 15 vols., 1 in. R, 47. (41) ( 25. REOUISITIONS, CLOSED, 1901 — 1902. All requisitions for supplies Q and equipment which have been filled or disapproved. (Never.) 9 x 12 g envelopes, 2 in. R. 47. (45) E 26. INVOICES, 1901 ~ 1906. Original copies of invoices or bills for g supplies and equipment. (Never.) 8 x 12 envelopes, 1 in. R, 47. (45) ( 27. FINANCIAL RECORIS, 1902 - 1906; 1909 - 1953. Pay rolls, record ‘ of expenditures, requisitions for supplies and equipment, receipted bills, Q invoices for property purchased or transferred, etc., bills of lading, T monthly reports, vouchers, tables, record of leaves of absence, proposals, ; letters, etc. (Never.) Variously sized bundles, vols., and envelopes, ( 5 ft. 65 in. R. 47. (24, 36, 39, 57, 35, 35, 34) i 28. OFFICIAL FORMS AND ACCOUNTS, 1917 — 1925. (Never.) 9 x 14 paper ‘ packages, 1 ft. R. 47. (14) ( 29. MISCELLANEOUS NINORANDA, 1902. DirectorVs nemoranda to assistants e relative to laboratory work or office routine. (Never.) 9 x 15 envelopes, , 5 in. R. 47. (25) ( 50. MISCELLANEOUS MEMORANDA, 1905 — 1906. Office notes on laboratory Q work and other routine matters. (Never.) 7 x 10 envelopes, 1 ft. 6 in. R. 47. (40) ( 51. LOG BOOK, 1910 · 1925. Daily record of station activities. Q (Never.) 9 x 14 vols. (2), 2 in. R. 47. (52) ? 52. VISITORS* REGISTER, 1916 - 1952. Names and addresses of visitors. (Never.) 10 >; l2 bunnies, 2 in. R, 47. (ll) ) Bio1ogica1_§epprds 1 ( 53. INDEX CARDS, n.d. Index to subject catalogue, periodicals, notes, g and reports and bulletins pertaining to marine fauna and flora. Filed g alphabetically by author. (Occasionally, for student research.) 7 x 7 Q cards, 2 ft. 4 in., in 4 wooden filing case drawers. R. 47, (18) ( 34. INDEX CARDS, 1902 to date. Author index to catalogue of marine 9 fauna and flora. Filed alphabetically. (Occasionally, for student é research.) 4 x 6 cards, 7 ft, 6 in., in 5 wooden filing case drawers. R. 47. (17) __ § 55. BIOLOGICAL RECORDS, 1899 - 1902. (Occasionally, official,) 1 vol., i (size and linear footage not given). R. 47. (45-A) .7 ii Bureau of Fisheries, Edenton l2 2 36. SUMMER INVFSTIGATOR*S RFDCFTS, 1902. Also notes on terranin and gi fish. (Never.) 10 x 14 bundles (2), 8 in. R. 47. (22) § 37. SCIENTIFIC INQUIRY CORRESFCBEFNCF, 1902 - 1906. General corre- ( spondence concerning various experiments and scientific studies. (Never.) % 9 x 12 envelopes, 1 in. R. 47. (26) ( 58. FIELD NOTES, 1902 to date. Msc. information relative to experi- i mental work. Filed alphabetically. (Occasionally, official.) 6 x 7 and ( 14 x 18 cards, 9 ft. 4 in., in 4 steel filing case drawers and 2 wooden Cam cabinets. R. 47. (16) ( 39. NOTDS ON CURING FISH, 1903. Notes on methods of curing and pre- “ serving fish. (Never.) 8 X 12 bundles, 1 ft. R. 47. (42) T 40. NICHOLS' OYSTER WORK, 1905. Notes on habits, growth, feeding, etc., ( of the oyster. (Never.) 8 x 10 envelopes, 2 in. R. 47. (27) ) 41. COOPFRATIVF 09SFRVER*S NZTFORUIOGICAI RECORD, 1905 - 1932. Daily { record of weather conditions. (Never.) 10 X 12 covers, 6 in. R, 47. é (29) 1 42. RFPDRTS OF TTNPORARY A?$ISTANTS, 1907. Resorts of various screens ( emoloyed for soecific research. (Never.) 5 x 6 envelopes, 2 in. R. 47, (44) ( 45. NOTFS ON TFRRAFIN CULTTFF DY H. D. ALLTN, 1910 - 1920. Biological E notes on terrapin, their habits, characteristics, culture, etc. (Never.) { 9 x 12 bundles, 3 in. R. 47._ (F1) ( 44. CDRRFSDONDENCE, 1921 · 1928. Concerning terraain culture. (Never.) é 9 x 14 paner package, 3 ft. R. 47. (15) 2 · § 45. TFRRAFIN RTCORDS, 1921 - 1928. Record of results of study of, ( and experiments with, terrapin culture. (Never.) 9 x 14 newer oackages, 5 in. R. 47. (28) 41 ” Q 46. TETRAFIN MFADURENENTS, 1924 - 1927. Anatomical measurements of § terrapin. (Never,) 6 X 8 bundles (6), 9 in. R. 47. (50) i at-arrow: § FDFNTON`FISH HATCHERY ( Q 1 mi. W. of Edenton on U.S. 17 5 . ( This Station was established by Act of Congress unnroved July 7, 1998, q, and begun operation in 1900 for the breeding and distribution of herring, Q) White perch, yellow perch, large mouth black bass, and bream. It reports 6 Gifoctly to Washington and has jurisdiction over a substation at Weldon, Q N- C., which is a striped bass hatchery, The superintendent has super- VL ,% 8 Rureau of Fisheries, Rdenton 13 4, vision of the ooeration and maintenance of the hatcheries and of fistribu- fr tion of fish. He cooneratcs closely with the Division of Inquiry of the l {1 Qureau of Fisheries in Washington and the State Deoartment of Conservation %i and Develonment in Raleigh. All records are ~reserved. s The Weldon substation was first overated in 1903, though records show § that strioed bass eggs were hatched at Weldon as early as 1873 in exweri- ( mental work by the Government and the state. Owing to oollution of the § Roanoke River, the substation was closed after the 1923 season. Records 1 transferred to Edonton at that time are filed with those of the Edcnton § Station. The substation was rcoo=nsd in 1928 when exwerimcnt showed that § the city water was satisfactory for hatching, but it was again closed after 1 the 1932 season and records for 1928—19"2 were transferred to Edenton. { since 1937 when it was reobened, the substation has been located in a new { building of the State Department of Conservation and Develooment. Q A journal and log of the Coast and Geodetic Survey steamer NATOMA is in ( custody of this station. See entry number 77. ( 47. REQUISITIONS, 1899 - 1903. Form 554, requisition for material g and labor, showing name of office, date, aonronriation to which material 1 and labor are chargeable, soecific purpose for which required, nane and 3 address of person who will furnish material and labor, quantity, descrip- i tion, estimated cost, and actual cost of each item desired, total, and § signatures of officials. Form attached. Filed chronologically. § (Every five years, official.) 12 X 13 sockets, lt in., on wooden shelf. € Dirty. Storage room in attic. (14) j 48. ALVFRTI?HU"NTS, “ROROSA1$, All FRTCIFICATIONS, 1899 - 1915. For E the construction of mess house and fish hatchery on property of Fish Com- § mission near Edenton. (Rarely, official.) 9 x 13 folder, é in., on Q floor. Damaged by careless handling, dirty, ink faded. Storage room in § attic. (16) 4 é 49. RERORTS 0F GFNRRAL TX“F*TITV”R€, 1899 - 1920. For groceries, ice, é coal, hardware, lumber, and rewairs; conies of said exwress, marine rail- § way, and shipyard bills, with related correswondence. (Seldom, official.) g 9 x 13 envelooes, 1 ft. 6 in., on floor. Dirty, torn, ink faded. 5 Storage room in attic. (13) § 50. EGG AND TRY R”C9RD, 1900 - 1905. Daily renort of eggs and fry, ii showing by whom slanted and where; chiefly shed eggs and fry. (Rarely, % official.) 8 x 13 vols. and bundles, 4 in., on floor, firty, torn. Q Storage room in attic. (27) f 5 51. STOCK IFTGRR, 1900 — 1908. Permanent orooerty record, including 1 record of suoolies bought for the launch °ETREL; and early ohotographs of § hatchery. (Rarely, official.) 14 X 16 vols., 3 in., on wooden shelves. E Dirty, torn. Storage room in attic. (21) _.' 1 52. RRCURB if FISHING “IRMITS, 1900 - 1918. Record of versons to Q whom seasonal fishing permits were issued, and related correspondence; and j msc. expense accounts. (Rarely, official.) 9 x 10 envelopes and bundles, Q 2 in., on wooden shelves. Damaged by careless handling and faulty con- i taincrs, brittle, dirty, ink faded. Storage room in attic. (22) 4Q Bureau of Fisheries, Edenton 14 it _ ’ 55. VCUCUERS, STATE ACCOUNTS, 1900 · 1926. Monthly requisitions for _Q material, labor, and food, pay rolls, and paid bills. (Rarely, official.) il 10 x 14 envelopes and vol., ll in., on floor. Damaged by careless handling 5; and faulty containers, dirty, bindings broken. Storage room in attic. (15) ir 54. CENERAL RISORTS, 1904. Suoerintendentls reports of absences from ( hatchery; also daily reports from Weldon showing number of eggs hatched ?i and eggs received from other stations. (Rarely, official.) 2 x 5 vols. $ and envelopes, 2 ft., in wooden box in closet. Damaged by careless hand- , ling, dirty, ink faded. Storage room in attic. (18) § 55. TIME BOOK, 1904 — 1910. Laborersi time book; also record of eggs T transferred to Edenton from other hatcheries (on last pages of book), § (Occasionally, official.) 8 x 15 vol., 1 in. Damaged by careless hand- ; ling, ink faded. Storage room in attic. (20) Q 56. °RO““°TY WITUPN, 1905 — 1918. Record of exienditures for wrowerty { and eouipment, Edenton and wgigpp, and fish and egg record, Weldon. g (Every five years, oificial.) 9 x 14 vols., 4 in., on wooden shelves. { Damaged by vermin, dirty, bindings broken. Storage room in attic. (51) g 57. IAILY ACTIVITY WECGPT, Feb. - June 1909. Name of each man on duty Q and record of work accomnlished; record of monthly accounts and copies Z of requisitions in back of book, and two mans of field studies in malaria. ( Thumb index. (Seldom, official.) 8 X 15 vols., 5 in., on shelves.- E Dirty. Storage room in attic, (26) E 58. TIME BOOKS, 1909 — 1921. Number of days worked by each employee, § rate per day, and total amount paid for each month; also three gasoline § receipts and two expense accounts. (Never.) 4 x 7 vols., 2 in., in E pasteboard boxes. Damaged by careless handling, dirty, bindings broken. i Storage room in attic. (17) ( 59. FINANCIAL RSCORDS, Apr. 1910 - June 1955. Copies of reports on g purchase of supplies and materials, and receipts for same. (Rarely, of- § ficial.) 9 x l2 envelopes (4), 2