xt72fq9q4z61 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt72fq9q4z61/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 199301 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, January 1993 text GLSO News, January 1993 1993 2019 true xt72fq9q4z61 section xt72fq9q4z61 G: L S 1: i: if S
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“Hate State” Update First Issue of
This is a listing of groups boycotting -
Colorado which amended its state Pink Pages Premlers
constitution on Nov.3, 1992, to ban any The first issues of Lexington's Pink
discussion of civil rights for homo/ Pages, a listing of gay—friendly
bisexuals (Amendment 2) . businesses in central Kentucky, made
Cancellation of conventions alone their premier on Sun., Dec. 6, at a
since Nov.3 has cost Colorado over $10 festive debut at A La Lucie's hosted by
million in lost tourist revenues. the Diversity Business Coalition,
—City of Atlanta: voted to not use tax— promoters of the Pink Pages. Around 100
payer money for city business trips to people showed up for a debut toasting
Colorado. Atlanta hosts the 1996 Olympics with champagne and sparkling juices to
and the Olympic HQ is in Colorado celebrate this important accomplishment
Springs. Attempts underway to move for our community.
Int’l. Olympic Committee. Philadelphia, The Pink Pages lists over 60
San Francisco and other cities are businesses that value their lesBigay
expected to follow suit with heavy patronage and includes many of the gay-
pressure for the Conference of U.S. positive businesses involved in the
Mayors to endorse the boycott. Diversity Business Coalition. The Pink
—AmFAR (American Foundation for AIDS Pages are set to appear twice annually
Research): canceled Aspen fundraiser with the next issue to come out in time
-Nat. Council for Social Studies: for Pride Week. If you are interested
canceled 1994 Denver convention (loss of in having your business listed, please
potential $4 million/ 4000 attendees) contact Brad Garrett at 278-5109. Also
—American Law Library Association: consider asking businesses you patronize
canceled 1998 Denver convent ion to advertise in the Pink Pages.
(loss of 5000 attendees) The Pink Pages are distributed
—Coa1ition of Labor union Women: canceled free throughout the Bluegrass. Or, you
1994 Denver conference (loss of 1500 can receive one in the mail by sending
attendees) $5 to the Diversity Business Coalition
-xchange: publishing firm with $5 million at PO Box 1465, Lexington, KY 40592-
annual profits canceled move of its 1465.
headquarters to Ft. Collins, CO ' ' ' '
-Laure1 mtertaiment' Inc.: chose Utah Have you been discriminated against
over Colorado for the filming of in the Commonwealth of Kentucky
Stephen King's ”Tht ‘9tand" because of for your sexual orientation?
A2. Loss of at leafi: $6 million.
-National Education Association: THEN REPORT IT!
canceled Colorado Springs meeting of 450
top educators 231-0335
'Women's Sports Foundation: abandoned .
plans to relocate from NYC to Colorado “Siscrlm‘fiaflWigfl
Springs for new HQ for 300, 000 member/ filiwaTMfiScS
(CONTINUED TO PAGE 7) 155.. ppai rim?” .....e:e:::.. ”an

 -tia..§_.____i 9150 ms reflect: URGENT-
Published Monthl b the .
y y Contact Your Legislator
L'ulngton gay/£54.50»: 52W N I!
OH :2 Right wing extremists are calling
PO” BOX “471’ Lexmgton, KY 40575 and writing state legislators to pass a
Editors: constitutional amendment to undo the
IE“ Jones and Kristin Smith Wasson Supreme Court case which guarantees
3150 Annual Dues _ $10.00 the right of privacy and equal protection
to Kentuckians regardless of their
Dues for Couples - $15.00 sexual orientation.
Newsletter Only — $5.00 Legislators need to hear from the
——#————~————w . , majority of Kentuckians who don't want
m or apmimn mused in the GLBO Now. an than: of the . .
“Madam-t wouluily mm m... use. mom their privacy rights taken away. Call
mfifxgxtmlffi?m:fl'fig§:§: 1-800-372-7181 and leave a message for
nm.m untimmamfigm: manual-"1mm“. one or more legislators. Write to:
:Tugflgéwnmfz‘;;:;1‘;’$§gftf Legislative Offices, Capital Annex,
not d-noto - pox-en's “m origination no: . bu-ina-o' Frankfort, KY 40601 .
, ”m” ”mam H ,y. When you call, you will be asked
\\, , 1" (Cf Cf- ' for your name, address and phone number
"‘ " as well as your message. Your message
can be a simple, ”I support the Supreme
Pride Plans Undemay Court Wasson case on privacy” or ”I'm
opposed to a constitutional amendment
Plans for the 1993 Lexington Gay, thiat ViOlates. KenFUCkians' right tf,’
Lesbian and Bisexual Pride Week, June 3_ privacy as deCided in the Wasson case.
13 (proposed dates), are already underway. DO not leave a message for all
. . . representatives and senators. Those
Rather than haying GLSO coordinate Pride 1 d l b ll t'
Week as in the past, this year's events messages are p ace on a arge- u e 1n
are being planned by the various local board and seldom read by. legislators.
. Messages for specific legislators go to
serv1ces{groups gathered under the Gay their desks.
and Lesbian SerVices Network With each Calls and letters have a tremendous
group hopefully hosting or co—hosting an impact! Call and write and get your
event. A percentage 0f profits from the friends and neighbors to do so as well!
June events are earmarked for creating Some Key Legislators (to call as well as
a LesBigay community center here in your local Rep./Sen.)
Lexington. Such a center would provide —Michael Moloney (Lexington) : Senate
the community with meeting space for Judiciary Cmt.
information-sharing, meetings and social —Donald Blanford (Philpot); House
events. The national theme for 1993's Leadership
Pride Week commemorating the 1969 -John ”Eck” Rose (Winchester) : Senate
Stonewall Rebellion is ”A Family of Leadership
Pride" emphasizing our communities -Jo Elizabeth Bryant (Williamsburg) :
connections to our families, both House Elections/Const.Amendments
traditional and "alternative." G/L -Kelsey Friend (Pikeville): Senate St.
Services Network coordinator Ann Olliges Gov. Cmt.
is also coordinating Pride Events. If -Paul Clark (LouiSVille): House
you are interested in helping or are also Elections/Const.Amendments
planning an event, please call her at
266-6568. June already looks exciting (provided by the Kentucky Fairness
from preliminary plans! Alliance)

bi ' inform and mobilize peo 1e. If ou wish to
n Shamhs‘ be better informed and hilp out til/1e struggle
In the face of a recent surge in for human rights, please strongly consider
both pro—gay and anti-gay political joining Sharelist.
organizing, both local and statewide lesbigay If you are interested in having your
groups are finding a need for the creation address included in this free Sharelist,
of a mailing list to get information out on please mail in a postcard With your name and
matters of importance to our community. address to: Am: Bhlrclist, UK Lunbdn, P0
Social events organizers are also interested Box 5‘7: UK “‘13 station, Lexington, H
in such a list to disseminate advertising on 40505-
events ranging from Iris Events' Valentines
Dance to the remier of the Pink Pa es. UK ‘ ‘
lambda has agfeed to organize this Saarelist Shim “'05 mm m Info
to then be shared with local and state The AIDS Services Center is producing a
political and social groups such as the Statewide Resource Directory of services
Fairness groups in the state- _ for individuals who are HIV+ or have
WARNING‘ ,EverY effort? W111 be made AIDS, and their family members or
Egoffijre 2:2: flitgaggéy gi‘izvgfputizlég significant others. The Directory is
addresses become part of a, public domain and intended for use by human seerce
can be further released to other mailing workers, educators, {and .Other
lists without the authority or permission of pr0f95510nals- Any organization or
Sharelist organizers. Thus, Sharelist, agency that prOVideS AIDS related gel-Vices
GLSO, UK Lambda and GLSO News are and can not and wishes to be included in the
be held responsible for any damages or Directory should contact Jamie
inconvenience- Rittenhouse, Office Manager of AIDS
_ The need for a network of concerned Services Center, (502) 625-5490
lesbigay and lesbigay-supportive households (Louisville) by no later than January 8,
is great. Homophobic extremists already 1993
have solid mailing lists/networks to organize, '
9 I 1'
' fi ”" @@
§ (‘0‘)aaaqwafi M
- 9 £6 fl; mutgou. can cal? 24 lionu a. .
GLSO/may 1993- 3

OPHER R video from her "Erotica" album, the infi—
\S" 08” nitely tamer "Deeper and Deeper.” The only
%$ Iyl kinky thing in this video is Madonna’s hair
(I HOMO 6‘ which at one point looks like Barbra
Streisand afro circa 1977. The video is a
romp through a 70's disco, with buxom drag
queens, hunky men in their bare essentials,
and a very unattractive Sophia Coppola
(daughter of Francis Ford Coppola who should
cocoooocoooooooooooooooaoooo follow her father’s footsteps and stay
It's the holiday season, and the Hollywood BEHIND the camera) eating a banana for no
Homos have been mighty festive! apparent reason. IF other wordfil typical
Honorary gay man/rallifo torohsingor Madonna. Happy holidays!
Barbra Streisand denounced Colorado at an . .
AIDS benefit and called for a boycott. Kentucky Falmess filllance Forms
However, apparently some Hollywood big wigs , .
got the best of her and she backed down and In October, 3'" group Of Kentucky 8 leading
toed the official Hollywood line that a lesBigay activists and leaders gathered'in
boycott would only hurt our supporters. Not Frankfort to discuss the building right—Wing
to mention certain industry power brokers backlash against the Wass'on Supreme Court
who own resorts and such in Aspen. Sounds deCision. Out Of thlB meeting has formed the
fishy to me, Babs. KentuckylFairness. Alliance, a. "stateWide,
The previously mentioned benefit was non-partisan alliance Of lndlYldualB a.“
a concert featuring selections from the organizations dedicated to promoting equality
Broadway musical ”Guys and Dolls.” The f0? all. people regardless Of sexual
highlight of the event was Elton John singing orientation; advocating the adoption by
”I Feel Pretty." ”I feel pretty! Oh so local and state legislative bodies and
pretty! Oh so pretty and witty and gay!" governments, of legislation and executive
Indeed. orders which guarantee privacy rights and
Meanwhile, at that same benefit David the equal protection of the laws to lesbian,
Geffen, Mr. Megabucks record company owner, gay and bisexual people; educating the
finally came out. Of course, it's not as if public about the lesbian, gay and bisexual
we didn't already know. After all, this is Smmunlté’i faCilitating the passage .Of
a man who, according to Andy Warhol, told information between local and state-wide
Madonna on the eve of her wedding that he efforts; and supporting local efforts Wthh
would have gone strayt for her. But wouldn't are. consistent With the goals .Of the
we all? Hmmm. I wonder if he’s single? Alliance” (mission statement). An interim
A close reliable source of Christo- steering comm1ttee of five volunteers and
pher Robyn claims that her boyfriend's five people chosen to represent the
roommate is one of the many ex’s of Michael Commonwealth's different regions was 8:150
Btipa of REM fame. She said that Queer determined at a subsequent November meeting.
Nation, the Admate, and other groups were Faced with highly organized and well-funded
constantly hounding him trying to get a right-Wing. anti-gay groups, the KFA promises
confession out of him. This isn't big news, to be a Vltgl player 1“ the protection'of
as pop singer/alternative godhead Morrissoy lesBigay rights . 1n kentucky. Initial
had already spilled the beans on their meetings are forging links between P-FLAG’
relationship in British pop magazine, Q, but LouisVllle'B Fairness Campaign, Fairness Of
we’d like to hear it from his lips. Maybe LeXington, GLSP and many more groups. For
he’d let Christopher Robyn interview him more information, contact Keith at (606) -
(sigh). 266-3934.
The Diva of the Month oes to Ru Paul. ‘ ‘ ‘
Ru is an Atlanta drag queen 3.1.. made it big Louusvulle Has Group for LesBugay
on the New York club scene. She was recently youth
spotted in the B-52’s ”Good Stuff" video and
now has gone from the club scene to dance Gay, lesbian and bisexual youth face isolation, rejection,
gueen “nth a f’ldeomllfif hert 0“: Eliying 1:111 SET harassment and sometimes violence and suicide. For this
azrgyeaofieifssfllas shgeisl sulire towfdlise s23: age. group, there is a large and active support group in
eyebrows (get a load of this Tipper dah— Lou1sville called the Lou1sv1lle Youth Group. If you know
ling! ) , someone that could benefit from this group, contact them at
Finally, we have the bit of obligatory (502) 635-1502.
Madonna news. She has released the second

 . .
, 96 Classifieds
95: flit-Jim wast {504? TO SHARE immediately: large 3 bedroom
,_ 6:; ' apartment, renovated, hardwood floors,
m—""" high ceilings, fireplace, balcony,
91'504VWPW’1’5(fluid/mzfiwodWWO/s’iofymmmmd carport, brand new washer/dryer, full
dmmmaéMgourm/Wntogffio’ma93-0530“meth basement. $225-337.50 each. Call Angela
W40N5,mmfl'276—5583- at 259-2713.
I! )1
dialbkz/ 31c! anniveuamy to @“PPH [It gasp: u K. Bias RCPOHS sou!"f
sttin gait“ andgsttsz gem 75 7 O—gan IS . . . . .
.9 9 ’ ' ’ 99 ' ’ A comm1ttee at the University of Kentucky is
“ ” looking into the potential need for the
7993- £0U5; Rally inclusion of sexual orientation to protect
homo bisexuals from discrimination. First,
Sparse Turnout for W however, there is a great need to document
woma‘ns 0” cause for such a policy. Therefore, .UK
Lambda has been asked to collect information
Around two dozen hardy individuals turned on 1) cases past and present of discrimina-
out for a candlelight vigil in Phoenix Park tion at UK relating to a person's sexual
to mark a cold Dec.l evening as World AIDS orientation, and 2) statements from lesBigay
Day. Organized in late Nov. by the Lexington alumni and students about the atmosphere at
Friends of the Quilt (NAMES Project) and UK for lesBigay students, staff and faculty.
AVOL, participants listened to local HIV If you presently attend or work at UK or have
activists/educators and then marched down in the past, please consider mailing in a
the sidewalk of Main St. to place a large, short written statement to:
red AIDS ribbon on the city's Christmas tree UK Lambda, PO Box 647, UK Main Station,
in Triangle Park. (The GLSO News regrets Lexington, KY 40506. For more information,
that we could not notify the community of call Jeff at 276-5383. The University of
this important event due to its organization Louisville and Transylvania already have
after our deadline. Il‘he NAMES Project, AVOL these protections of human rights. It is
and vigil marchers deserve considerable time that the Univ. of Kentucky did too!
praise for not letting Lexington and local
papers/television station forget World AIDS
”a“ WashingtonDC
Loulswlle Oreamzes for MOW
Louisville's Community Health Trust is also
organizing a trip to DC for the March on APR/9425, 1m
Washington similar to the package arranged W.I xt‘,/,., f ///,, , V ,/// 4,
by GLSO. The CHT package includes a 5. \(JE RE HERE, W
chartered bus from Louisville leaving on 7.3;! ,_—'2V a],
Sat., April 24, a night's motel stay outside ”I! ‘5) \(JE) REGUED ' hf //
DC, and return by bus after the Sunday March 5" p 4 I ,_ , “9 65
to arrive in Louisville early Monday morning. & ‘ \." 1% ’ to» ‘ (1056?.
The cost is $125 and includes a contribution 1c; ,Jreéj" -310 7b 1'
to CHT for its efforts to provide for those QQfiW, " 1’ ~ ;' 17
in need with HIV/AIDS. For more info, call figM'é'r‘E ,_ :t‘lOO‘LQF-g ‘ 1
-Jeff Nally at (502) 625-5490. For info on $Q‘ ‘\ \gfiwf . V‘d e ' '4
the GLSO package deal, contact Beth Daly at 90/!" ~ L,’ w” ‘ at“ A".
(606) 253—0955. L [/3 V9)» ‘ ¢ 41,6
. ’ —, as ‘~ ’
MOW Coordinators for Kentucky #1 f.'L./7,:"/Z, «(5v
There are two coordinators for the April 25, r
1993, March on Washington for Region 10 that V 4
_ includes Kentucky and Ohio. These coordinators A '1
have information on events and travel. They ,
are: _
’ 1) David Rittner, Louisville: (502) 634- DON TMISS
: 9642 '
2) Carol Lipman, Cincinnati: (513) 241-3800/ ms .
GlSO/JMUGRY 1993-5

t' t' f
NTHEMoveKAmokE f
PlACE: UNITARIANCMURCH (3 564 ClAys Mill Rd) :3
mm: 9:00 pm S
PRlCE: $8.00 AT THE‘HOOR a
- t
Upcoming! Events: b
Actors Theater Yrin ”-
A TRip To LouisvillE To SEE SkiRlEy VAlENTiNE » A ROMANTiC comEdy THAT 1"
follows THE AdVENTuREs of AN UNpREdiCTAblE WOMAN who [moves iT’s NEVER :2?
TickETs , $42.00 DATE , FEbRUARy 7TH 9‘
TRip lIOME - bus TRip 0 lUNCl-I AT ACTORS pt
Deadline for reservations ls January 11th W]
- ,. - Sisters :1
._ A plAy by PATRiciA MONTlEy pRESENTEd by UK LAMbdA & IRis EVENTS
S | STE R S . C‘
3;: TlckETs , $12.00 DATE , MARCH 6TH

TiME , 8:00 pM lOCATlON , SiquETARy CENTER REciTAl HAll pe
AudiTiONs will bE hEld 0N JANUARy l ()Tl-I AT 1 :00 pM AT ST. AUqUSTlNE 1"“
CHApEl (472 Rose STREET) 1‘
. 3406 «(flute (:5. FOR MORE lNl’ORMATlON CA” 3:
(axing/tax, élf 405/ 7 IRis EVENTS AT 27221182 ta
606 272/722 M

s-crsonanuanv 1993 S

WINTER FEST‘UAL OF SONG $l million annual budget organization
-Aspcn Gay Ski Week/Robin Tyler: promoter
Robin Tyler pulled out from support for
by Steve R. Aspen’s Gay Ski Week which attract over 5000
Any type Of review on a public performance ?§:§ieR:?ri::l,l§onsthan Dom. (director of
is difficult. As a new member of the ”Silence of the Lambs"), Whoopi Goldberg and
Lexington Men's Chorus it WOUld be impossible Barbra Streisand (now softening her stance)
for me to not be prejudiced, bUt facts are have come out in support of the boycott of
facts—this group of men was fantastic. Some Colorado
comments from those who attended the concert: -G‘y/L.gbim Victory ma, issued a ”travel
”Unbelievable!” ”I'm really touched” advisory” for Colorado pointing to ”adverse
"Wonderful!” "Impressed by the quality." conditions" after Amendment 2
The auditorium was filled With red poinsettias— -U.s. student Association: canceled Boulder
four large baskets hanging from the ceiling, meeting of 100 leaders
candelabra with white burning candles, and -Qu.‘r Nation and The Lesbian Avgnggrg;
over fifty poinsettias arranged around the support the boycott
choir. The men wore black tuxedos, with red -NOW (Nat. Orgmiz‘tion cf Noam) : denounced
carnations and red AIDS ribbons—talk about Amendment 2 and will boycott Colorado until
a good-looking group! There are not enough its repeal
words to describe how each choir member feels —Unitnr1an Univ.rg‘1igt Church: General
about our director, Nancy Ward-all I can do Assembly meeting in Denver in 1997 canceled
is to say "Thank you—we love you". She has (logs of 1500 reserved rooms)
shaped and molded this group of individual -Unitod Tg‘qhgrg-ng m.1.gg nation’s 2nd-
singers into a professional caliber choir. largest teachers’ union voted to boycott
Our thanks also goes to our perfect Colorado
accompanist, Jan Martin. (NO: its not true -Bccial Workers of America: support the
that he will only play on Baby Grands!) boycott
The music for the program was memorized, -Cali£ornie Assoc. of Not-for-Profits:
WhiCh really adds ‘10 the overall effECt for withdrew support for Colorado-based American
the audience. The music showed the choir’s Fundware software
broad range Of expertise, from the popular ***Reported Hate Crimes in Colorado against
”A Place in This World” to the spirited 1.535533” have m since the p‘ggng. of
"Zion's Walls" to the delicate Robert Frost Amendment 2,
work "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening".
The choir signed the song, ”In This Very ‘
Room” for the hearing impaired—it was really Rooms are GOIDQ F35“
something to see. The Barbershop rendition . . f
of ”Jingle Bells” showed the director's Reservations for rooms and seating space or
power of control over these men, when she the bus trip to the March on Washington
whirled around and pointed to start the a sponsored by GLSO are being snatche up
capella piece. Almost 90 people attended the quickly. Only 5% few-spaces remain. If you
afternoon concert, and almost 130 were at the are interested in this trip, please contact
evening concert. The standing ovation was Beth Daly at 253—0955.
certainly appreciated.
The Lexington Men’s Chorus benefit
erformance will be at the Pine MeadOWS P T I ‘
gursing Home this year. The Spring season egasus rave “c.
is already filling up for the choir. In March ' ' ’ _ ' __
we will be one of the featured groups at the fl/Fflle 7é&& 6"wa 7020“,
Louisville Fairness Campaign Fundraiser, .
and the Spring Concert will be in April. Any .> .4 .. g -,-7
men who can carry a tune (yes, buckets will " ‘ 4 . . . "; . ;.:_._
do) should consider joining the chorus. It > .. f .' ' ' V . :5. ‘, I . .
takes a lot of work and commitment, but the ” l‘ p 1" ‘3
rewards are tremendous. Several members can
not actually read music—practice tapes are 800 228-4337 606 268-4337
given out. We meet every Thursday night, 2040 Idle Hour Center
stgrting Jan. 14. Pllease call 2131-0090 for Richmond Road Lexington KY 40502
in ormation. Congratu ations to t e Lexington ' ’
Men’s Chorus for a fantastic winter concert! GLSO DONATION WITH EACH PURCHASE!

. 9 Januar 1993 v Tell Your Sweetle Mushy Thmes v
v For the Febuary issue of GLSO News we,
. ' have a special Valintines offer: for $3 '
we are accepting Valintined messages up _
. O . Happy New Year from GLSO! \ v to 25 words ($ . 10 per word after the 25 v
Q 0 ' limit) . If you want to tell your special '
someone, a certain organization or group
1 2 ' holiday, please mail check/money orderv
New rmm WWW '11271EEE5EE-E: :EEiNENE :E 5:"
10:00 AM HIV/AIDS sw. .. v _. ex1ng on r y e v
-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-.-:-:‘:-:-:-:-3+.-.;.~.-:-:-.-.-:‘:-:-:-:-z-:-:-:;:-:-:‘:-:-:-:‘:~.-‘-:-:-:;(.-.-:-:~:-:-'.-:-:-:-:-.-:-.;‘.;:;:-:- -:‘:-:-:-.-:-:-.-.;:;:;:-:-:-:A:-'-:;.-.;.~:;:;:~:;:;:-:‘:-:-.-.-.-.;:A.; -:;:-,;:;
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 “UH-D00
MCC-L’viller 118m{6:30Pm 530 PM CAP 5:30 PM Lesbian’O'A. 7:00 pM WKU Lambda 7:00 pM Gay Men’s 9:00 AM Frontrunmrs l I
430° PM GE "EE‘EEN EA (AVOL) 7:30 FM Gay/1mm. Al-Anon 633° PM MC” NEE 7:30 PM UK Lambda Spirit.Grp.Pot1uck “*9" AM “MAPS SE -
, 7:30 PM Partners ofHIV+ 7'00 PM GLOBAL.U “f 1" 3-00 PM GLSSO—EKU _ - :55: m - - 33531
5:00 PM Imperial Court 7183 PM NMCH 8:45 PM Rainbow Bowlings... 8:00 PM Gay/Lesblnn AA 8200 PM HIV/AIDS 83PM Gay/LeSblan Alliance—Rxchmond and potOTZGZS
1o 11 12 13 14 15 16 PHIHTED WORDS
AVOL Mtgs. 4pm/5230pm 530 pM CAP AVQL 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian Al—Anon 5:30 PM Lesbian O.A. 7:00 PM WKU Lambda _
MCC-L'villez Mam/6:30pm 7.00 PM NMCi-I M1 ) 7:30 PM Partners of HIV+ 6:30 PM Mcc-L'viue 7:30 PM Men’s Chorus GLSO News Damn" w” weave an“ a “D IMHGES ON.
4:00 PM Gay/Lesbian AA ‘ . ' Sppt.Grp. 7:00 PM GLOBAL-U of L. 8:00 PM GLSSO-EKU 9:00 AM Frontrunners _ _
4:00 PM Diversity Business 7:30 PM Fairness/Lax. 8:45 PM Rainbow Bowling- 8:00 PM HIV/AIDS Sppl.Grp. VVChItIQS VHctul VMflgnctICS
C E- -A1fal ’ e, W - 9:00 on POE-mm ' . .
° fa s u “’0 PM GEN/”Eb“ M 8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 15 9 0m VWIndows VWood VqustIc
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 VBunners VWulls VShow Cords
MCC—L'villc: 11em/6:30.m Dr ML K‘ ' P d 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian Al—Anon 5:30 PM Lesbian O.A. 7:00 PM wa Lambda 9:00 AM VCmtlve tuflom II'IIII‘GIS '0'
- ”1 ara ‘3 7:30 PM Partners of HIV+ 0:30 PM MCC-L‘ville 7:30 PM UK Lambda Mtg. ‘ ' . business hOII'IG 0|. SChOOI
4.00 PM Gay/”shim AA Martin'Luthcr Kin Jr SppLGrp. 7:00 PM GLOBAL-U of L. 7:30 PM Men’s Chem 7:80 PM Gay Men's SPin’L Frontrmxgfirs/ D ' I '
; : ‘ ‘ 8:45 PM Rainbow Bowling- 8:00 PM Gay/Lesbian AA 3:00 PM GLSSO-EKU rP- 10:00 AM V AI S
“’0 PM ImPEm‘ Cw" 5 :30 PM CAP (AVOL) Southland 2:00 PM HIV/AIDS SppLGrp. 8:00 PM Guy/mum AA Spptfirp V7uint¢d backdrops for
7:00 PM NMCH Mtg. ' 3P¢¢i¢| events.
NE NE NE 27 EN EN EN 233-1452
5:30 PM CAP (AVOL) 5:30 PM Lesbian o_.A. 7:00 PM WKU Inmbdn 8:00 PM Gay /Lesbian 9:00 AM
7:00 PM NMCH M _. 6:30 PM MCC-L'Vllle 7:30 PM Men's Chorus :32; :32}:
MCC»L’ville-. Mam/6:30pm 7:30 PM Fair-maxim)!» 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian Al-Anon 7:00 pM GLSO Board Mtg. 8:00 pM GLSSO-EKU AA Frontrunners 5:3E3E;333£3333g:5E33;333E33:3333Egi;E523S35=33£523EgEg333335E3S3':53:jg:gEgi;:53323:§ig:3233§5§:335:32aE3:gS5‘22;3335E}?g23EgE352,:5:g:gE335E3S33:3a2gZg55:3:gEg:32gE3E3S3E3‘:53:;5255355333335333553322145335233533;
4:00 PM (Bay/Lesbian AA 7130 PM Fame“ 0f HTV+ 7:00 PM GLOBAL-U of L. 8:00 PM HIV/AIDS Sppt.Grp. 10:00 AM HIV/AIDS
4:00 PM Dwersity Busimss 8:45 PM Rambow Bowling-S... 8:00 PM Gay/Lesbian AA 9:00 PM COLTS Mtg.
31 December 1992 February 1993 MASSAGE
MCC-L’ville: 11am/6: S M T W T F S S M T W T F S
30pm _ 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 Swedish Massage Pre/Postnatal Massage
4:00 PM Gay/Lesb1an 6 7 8 9 1o 11 12 7 8 9 1o 11 12 13 Deep Muscle Therapy Sports Injury
AA 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 - - : -
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Instructlon Avallable Home V1s1ts
27 28 29 so 31 28 (606) 252-5271
Remember Dr. Martin L. King, Jr. Day! 12/20/1992 fiWNfiXfi‘DSON DMT

 ' ' 7. One of the Biggest gay events in the US
Homo Honda”: “mac TraW' annually is the Hotlanta River Expo taking
“by Jeff Jones place the first weekend in August when
l ked O inions a market surve in thousands of gay men and‘women descend on the
Over. 00 p. '. I 'l . y g Chattahoochee River Wlth rafts and then
Jan... 33:33.: 0mm to
. ’ evening.
£2:arias”.iztziag’einzaigiisrn ‘32: a. oizersrgan of women's
. ' music festivals that occur in various states
summer again approaches, our readers-may be have also branched into the travel industry
intefes'ced 1n.a llatlng Of some tiadltlonal with Olivia Records (800) 631-6277 and Robin
lesBigay-tourist locales. There 1.8 also'an Tyler Productions (818) 893-4075 involved in
International Gay Travel Association which cruises RSVP Cruises offer similar cruises
includes several local travel agencies. The for gay men thru the IGTA etc. Also
IGTA can be reached at l- (800) 448-8550' Womentrek (206) 325—4772 offers all-woman
1' Key West, FL: #l domestic travel safaris and cycling tours of exotic foreign
destination in 1990 according to the IG’I‘A. countries such as Tanzania and Nepal
This island town south Of the Florida Next Month: Bed and Breakfast Getaways
mainland has welcomed authors including
Ernest Hemingway as well as hordes of gay
tourists visiting its beaches, bars and bed '
& breakfast inns. Z [/6 / WW
2. San Francisco, CA: The "Promised Land" “Ma ' 60 all
to many lesBigay folk, SF's Castro District .. .
was an early center of gay political activism ‘ . dfimzaI/tfoa/a/h/o/‘gu
and the city as a whole has hundreds of bars, gwflf/e/géM/aa/pe/oM/Maf games/0r
great restaurants, bookstores set among SF's
beauty. The nearby Russian River area hosts __ 6191/74/44? fawn/bar:
many lesBigay campgrounds and beautiful ,
natural scenery. —-/.mwvf&5wb‘//f%’m ”éflfiwll‘fi"
3. Provincetown, MA: ”P-town" sits at the tip salmméw [“7 4740507
of Cape Cod and is a summer mecca for lesBigay —6’am}( aztlmxw / /
beachgoers and a large artist colony. Hets, I 606 254—9772
homos and his comfortably mix together in
this town where finding a man skipping by in
jiiggaeihff‘flg fgggflmgggfimrd Of oz 18 mt /,WW
4. Northhanpton, MA: Located near Amherst’s . ¢%
Univ. of Massachusetts in the rolling / W‘m %
Berkshire Mtns. , Northhampton's recent fame % /
has come from its reputed ratio that 1/7 of / /
all women in the charming college town are % AP 25, Im %
lesbians. Since a 20/20 news story on the / “Nu“ m“ /
town, more than a few womyn have detoured / * . * - /
thru Northhampton and found it worth the g’ .' " y "I %
drive. Besides, having been there, I'll % I’Hh“ - “WNW.” %
recommend the bagels! . . r i 4.. _o 1 ‘
5. Several large cities’ "gay districts" % f “ ¢fi$\‘ l %
attract many including: / f ‘ 5413, .‘i\ /
New York's Greenwich Village with its / ' "Hut" 3:51:54, In] /
thriving community and lesbian block parties; %’ K m“ u ‘ ' 'm‘“: %
Los Angeles area with West Hollywood (famed / “W" ’ ' :[ /
as the only city with an openly gay / %
MAJORITY!) and Lacuna Beach; Washington, %’ > 3 '. :Jj-"g. /
DC's Dupont Circle area; New Orleans’ French / , “l." "“I" .J‘lfiig'fl | /
Quarter where wantonness and depravity are / mm “ink. ‘ _ ‘ , nllll‘IH' ' /
merely a Louisiana tradition; Atlanta’s é" ' ""1 ,,,‘ 43:55" I %
Midtown; Chicago’s New Town and Miami Beach. % \ if I. I; "I: .. V y”
6. Some smaller towns host artists' colonies .
and large gay communities such as Asbury ’g' “W1 ‘ I - . “ \ \ “l/
Perk,NJ; Rehcboth Beach, DE; New Hope, PA; g; ‘3“. l ,, .V ‘ ill '
Ogunquit, ME; Asheville, NC; and Baugatuck, ' //
in. W /

 W“x,n~<‘~~/\ Pairwise confilngenf‘ .Marcfi Pliganlze” .are
"5'53'5' (CM/115:: &/] £23233; "xii, "J’7,* presence. A sizeable showing would be both
”Hiiwffg/,:m‘\,i a”! ibis4/i/' ({(J/{Mx historic and appropriate: Fairness shares
by Lisa Laufer lar struggle by African Americans repre-
The Lexington. Falirneass CampaLigrlilgn birtéhed in 22E22153t3rkObngifgygI-oiudre 3615;233:1151 9811118:
a year 0 reViva an accomp is ent or our . .
community, closed the last month of a busy movement: affirming the. struggle Of others
1992 with two goodwill outreach activities as we wéiltficfiifiiniiilflfffim' Fairness
and 52151;;ng tpfiiirzingirihngf‘fozfjg'up of Lexington is participating in the re-
on our presence in the 4th of July Parade, 353:1: 82:33:? 5:33:23, Oiaifi3:::irgl:;:::?
giifltiirgglgfdcggglzfih: meiigrgrenfgiz Vers to re-criminalize-private, consensual
the Dec. 5 Holiday Parade. rI‘his banner aogofiygiggoigh afcongtliitlogai amendment.
wished Lexington a Season's Greetings from Ja c M. tows Tir ur er e a1 5'
"our family.” Early in the morning, a small Man?” J. mg 11:“ 5.30 m t Alfalfa's
but devoted group braved the cold to post Re2t23£antanuary ' ' p a
handbills with the same message on kiosks and ,
telephone poles along the parade route. Monday, January 25’ 7:30pm at Alfalfa 5
any Apparel Project: Again, with the Restaurant
cooperation of The Bar and the Unitarian- ,
Universalist Church, Fairness organized the 9) ta (u
lst Annual Gay Apparel Project. With the on mg P
theme of "out of the closets and into the Don't hang up I'm not a heckler
streets," winter clothes were collected for I NEED ' h l b t I n’t
distribution through the Hope Center. A Your e p u ca
special thanks to all who made this important tell_you my name‘ ,
effort possible. I m in a phone booth while my mom
Steering Committee Elections: Look- bull's groceries:
ing ahead to 1993, the Fairness Campaign will SO I won't take long.
be electing a steering committee in Febru- I heard your talk show and I'm
ary. To date', this role has been filled by scared.
those attending the tw1ce monthly general Last summer, when I was just thir-
meetings. Elections have thus far been teen,
delayed to allow for direct participation by -
any and all interested parties. As our work I ballgd With a guy I met at
has grown and broadened, the need for a the bus Station'
structured coordinating committee has be- NOW I’ve got these purple SpOtS all
come apparent. Anyone interested is down my StomaCh-
encouraged to nominate others/themselves I drink fiv