xt72fq9q545q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt72fq9q545q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1991-03-22 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 22, 1991 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 22, 1991 1991 1991-03-22 2020 true xt72fq9q545q section xt72fq9q545q  

Kentucky Kernel


University at Romy Lb

Cultural culinaries:
diversity celebrated

Contributing Writer

On an average day, students can
expect to enter the Student Center
and grab their usual meal consisting
of a hamburger or a pizza. Howev-
er, yesterday. students could have
feasted upon European bratwurst
and sour kraut or Antarctic snow-

The third annual “Celebrating Di—
versity: A Festival of Life" fea-
tured intemational buffets display-
ing cuisine from different

The festival also included exhib-
its that displayed artifacts and crafts
from around the world, and various

types of entertainment from groups
such as the UK Percussion Ensem-
ble, the International Folk Dancers
and the School for Creative and Per-
forming Arts.

About 183 students and 14 teach-
ers and chaperones from Winbum
Middle School were on hand for the
festivities. According to Jerry Ste-
vens, UK operations director for the
Office of Minority Affairs, the pur-
pose of the event was “to generate
awareness and sensitivity to cultural
differences and to extend hospitality
to people of various cultures."

He also said that the festival was a
way for students to learn without be-
ing in a regular classroom situation.

“We can learn more from people

than from organize structures of the
classroom," Stevens said. “The stu-
dents cannot value from what they
do not know, but they can benefit
from being exposed to the different

Terry Allen, assistant director of
the Student Center and chair of the
Cultural Diversity Committee, said
the festival encouraged an aware-
ness for other cultures at the Uni—

“We hope that people have
learned several things. First that UK
offers a multicultural environment,"
he said. “As different as we all are
in the things we do and in the way
we believe, the bottom line is we
are all very much the same."

Kuwaiti gangs are torturing
hundreds, rights group says

Associated Press

KUWAIT CITY Kuwaiti se-
curity forces and freelance gangs
are using lit cigarettes, knives and
other instruments to torture hun-
dreds of people suspected of collab-
orating with Iraqi troops, a human
rights group said yesterday.

Also, the body of a man apparent—
ly beaten to death was found in a
Kuwait City neighborhood, the sec-
ond corpse to appear in the area in
recent days. US. officers at the
scene said American officials were
urging the Kuwaitis to investigate
numerous human rights abuses.

Middle East Watch, a New York-
based group. said about 30 to 40
people have been killed since the
U.S.-Ied coalition forces drove Iraqi
troops out of the emirate three
weeks ago.

“We have interviewed people
who described tonure techniques
which are very similar to those per-
petrated by the Iraqis on the Kuwai-
tis,” said Andrew Whitley, execu-
tive director of Middle East Watch.

About 2,000 people are being
held, and many, “possibly the ma»
jority," have been abused. Whitley

Many detainees are Palestinians,
who claim they are being yictiinized
as a group because some of them as-
sisted the Iraqis during the occupa-

Iraqi President Saddam Hussein
won the support of many Palestini-
ans with his Scud missile attacks on
Israel and his repeated demands for
a Palestinian homeland.

Intent on revenge, Kuwaiti securi-
ty forces have used lit cigarettes and
lighters to burn people, knives to
carve words into the flesh and
forced glass bottles up rectums.
Whitley said.

In one case, a captured Iraqi pilot
was fatally shot in the head by Ku—
waiti security forces at the Ruma-
thiya police station in the early days
of March. Whitley said.

A Palestinian detainee since re-
leased said he witnessed the shoot-
ing, Whitley added.

He said there were reports that
hospital rooms were being used as

interrogation and punishment cen‘
ters by security forces. He cited
Murbarak aI«Kabeer Hospital, locat-
ed near a Palestinian neighborhood.

Security forces have posted an
armed guard at the orthopedic Wing
of the hospital for the past two
weeks and doctors say they believe
prisoners are held there.

Doctors at three Kuwaiti hospitals
say they have treated dozens of cas-
es of torture and that the bodies of
45 non-Kuwaitis, many of them
killed with a bullet wound to the
head, have been dumped at their fa-
cilities since liberation.

Resistance groups rounded up
suspected collaborators In the first
few days following Kuwait's libera-
tion, and openly boasted about beat-
ing Palestinians, whom they dis-
played to Jounialists.

When the soldiers retumed. the
process became increasingly orga-
nizcd and was CLUTICLI out with
“high-level army knowledge,"
Whitley said.

“Torture is taking place where

See GULF, Back page

Nursing school marks 30th birthday

Contributing Writer

The UK College of Nursing is 30
years old, and the festivities that be-
gan yesterday at the Radisson Plaza
Hotel will continue through this eve-

Yesterday‘s events included stu-
dent paper presentations and
awards, and the Delta Psi chapter of
Sigma Theta Tau Intemational
Nursing Honorary held its induction
ceremony. The guest speaker for the
evening was Ronald Norby, treasur<


The African Students As-

sociation is sponsoring a

lecture by Duke Universia
ty professor V.Y Mun<

dimbe on 'The Idea of At-

riea' at 8 pm. in the

Student Centre Theatre.

Free and open to the


Fem-Tu er Bat Cats

‘ ’ I: . beat Union

' , '3" College.



Viewpoint .......................... 2
Diversions ......................... 3
Sports ............................. 5
Classifieds ......................... 7




er for Sigma Theta Tau. The topic
of the speech was “Movmg the nurs-
ing agenda into the 1990s."

Today‘s activities begin at 9 am.
with Gail Wolf, vice president of
nursing administration at Shadyside
Hospital in Pittsburgh, Pa, address
ing the issue of “A nursing model
for changing times."

At 10 a.m., faculty from the UK
School of Nursing and other mem-
bers of the nursing profession lrom
across Kentucky Will present re-
search papers.

Paper presentations Will continue

front 2-5 after a lunch break at

The dean’s reception will be to—
night from o:i0 to 7:30. Carolyn
Williams, dean ol the College of
Nursing, Will host the reception
along with former deans Marcia A.
Drake (19534971! and Marion E.
McKcnna (W72— 198-1).

The banquet Will begin at 7:30
and include remarks front Doug
Bure, a director at the Albert B.
Chandler Medical Center.

This is the Ilf\l \llCIl celebration
the nursing school has held.


. ' .... lndopondentsinco 1971

‘ ‘ ..

Friday, 1:




We :14?



Nick Barber and his son Josh, 6. take advantage oi the tirst toil day ot Spli'l‘j .».:steiii.iy and the
beautiful weather to tly a kite on the front lawn of the Administration Buiidiriii

MICHAEL Clitl NGER're' o- Lila“



Nation’s elite gymnasts invade Memorial Coliseum

Senior Staff Writer

Some of the nation’s elite gym
nastics teams will fight ll out for the

Southeastcm Conference title to-
morrow at Memorial Coliseum at 7

Among the teams battling in
thel99l SEC Tournament will be
3rd-ranked University of Georgia.
4th-ranked Alabama, Sth-ranked
Florida, 9th ranked Louisiana State
University, Nth-ranked Auburn ,,
and the unheralded UK (J‘ym Kats.

“This is the highest level of com-
petition Lexington has ever seen,"
UK coach Leah Little said.

Among the top gymnastics per-
sonalities who will perform is last
year‘s National Champion Dee Dee
Foster of Alabama. 1988 Olympian
Hope Spivey of Georgia, and All-
American Rachelle Fruge of LSU.

Foster, who is tied for first as the
SEC's top all-aroundcr With ISU‘s
Frugc, has picked up Where she left
off last year. She also tops the SEC
in both the vault and uneven-bars


“She's a lot more accomplished
this year," said Alabama coach Sa~
rah Patterson. “She‘s one of the
great athletes ever to come to Ala~

Spivey enters the competition
second in the SEC in both the lloor
and balance beam exchIses, sixth
overall on the bars, and third on the

Two weeks ago the Memorial
Coliseum crowd caught a glimpse
of the exciting Frugc and her elec-
trifying floor routine. Her floor rou-
tine, tops in the SEC, is sure to be
one of the highlights at Saturday‘s

-The Georgia Bulldogs (I I-3),
who have won the conference title
two of the last five years, Will enter
the meet as the top seed. The Bull-
dogs are coached by Su/anne Yocu-
Ian, who has a record of H I ~30-l in
7 years.

Besides Spivey, the Bulldogs
bring in a host of talented gymnasts,
including the 1990 NCAA regional
Champion and AIIAAmen'can junior

Chrlx Rtxllx

(The Alabama Crimson Tide (lo
0) are the delending SH‘ champs
and the number two seed. last year
they broke a tournament record With
a team total ot W‘xSS.

The litle like UK is domi~
nated by lrcshmen. But With the
likes ot Foster. the Tide has been
able to overcome a basic lack of ex-
perience to beat teams like Georgia,
LSII and Auburn.

-(‘oach Ernestine Weaver has the
Gators of Honda (9-3) right in the
hunt of things this year as the thud

Behind AII-Alllt‘rlk‘ans Pam Titus
and Tracy Wilson. the (iators will be
out to recapture the SEC title. Junior
Christina McDonald also ranks
among the best SH‘ all-aroundcrs.

-Fruge, along With all-SEC per-
former senior Jami Snopck, has LSU
(4-6) in the fourth seed. But don‘t let
that record fool you. the Tigers are
capable of walking away with all the

See USA, Page 6



Last year‘s national gymnastics champion Dee Dee Foster. of Ala-
bama. Will be one ol several top gymnasts to perform tomorrow



 2 - Kentucky Kernel, Friday, birch 22, 1991

’HL‘H'I’OIN'I' ————————-——-————————'———‘—_‘—”

Editorial overlooked benefits of marijuana decriminalization


By Matthew G. Noell


It was With great sadness but not
surprise that I read Tuesday's Ker—
nel editorial, “A debate for the sake
of a debate is not a debate." In this
editorial, the writer took the UK
Student Government Association to
task for approving a resolution to
discuss hemp re-legalization, and in
doing so exposed his/her ignorance
of not only the marijuana issue, but
also of hemp re-legalization and the
impact it would have on the econo-
tny, the environment and UK.



The editorialist states: “Few stu-
dents will give serious thought to
the issue."

Fact: It has been estimated that 50
million Americans smoke marijua-
na. That‘s 20 percent of the popula-
tion, translating to about 4,000 stu-
dents. Several studies have shown
that college students are more likely
to experiment with drugs, so possi-
bly a higher percentage of the stu-
dent population is affected by the
marijuana issue.

Statement: The marijuana/hemp
issue carries “no real political risk."



The Unlvexsity 0:



Reg. 5209
YOUI' Headquarters f0, Pr ECISIOH PEMEI Instruments

106 Student Center Annex 0 257-6304

Fact: Hemp is illegal. Activists
working for the Califomia and Ore-
gon Marijuana Initiatives have been
arrested and harassed for exercising
their constitutional responsibility to
collect signatures to petition their

FBI and Drug Enforcement Agen-
cy agents are regular observers of
legali7ation rallies. This writer feels
certain that more than 4 .000 UK
students do not wish to be arrested
for their idea of the pursuit of hap-
piness,’ partaking of what DEA ad-
ministrative law judge Francis


Young called in 1988 “the safest
therapeutically active substance
known to man." 0

Statement “ it is doubtful that
UK President Charles Wethington
wants to —— or should want to —
discuss the topic SGA chose last

Fact: The list of products that can
be made from hemp is almost end-
less, including:

~AIcohoI and methanol fuels. AI-
cohol fuels, when burned at 100
percent efficiency, produce only
carbon dioxide and water. The car-
bon dioxide is then used in photo-
synthesis by the next year’s crop of

~Charcoal, lubricating oils, all
paper products. One acre of hemp
produces as much paper as four
acres of trees, according to USDA
bulletin No. 404, Oct. 14, 1916.
Also, production of paper from
hemp uses only 20 percent of the
sulfuric acid used in the wood-pulp

White hemp paper can be
bleached using hydrogen peroxide
instead of chlorine bleach, eliminat-
ing the creation of dioxin in the
paper making process. Sulfuric acid
and dioxin are the main environ-
mental dangers of paper-making.


Given that the colleges of Medicine and Agriculture
are two of the largest college's at UK and that hemp is ’
already a major cash crop, how could the president of
UK not want to discuss this issue and the billions of
dollars hemp re-Iegalization would bring to this state?

-Textiles and garments, plastics,
paints and varnishes, and thousands
of non-toxic medical products.
Hemp has been documented as ef-
fective treatment for asthma, arthri-
tis, bacterial infections. epilepsy,
glaucoma, lung cancer, muscle
spasms, nausea, stress and tremors,
among others. There is no known
toxic dosage of THC and its ana-

Total US production of marijua-
na (Sonora. Mexico slang for the
flowering tops of the hemp plant)
meant $41.5 billion in sales in 1988,
according to the DEA,end experts
estimate that to be only 5 to 10 per-
cent of total hemp revenues once
the plant is fully utilized.

Given that the colleges of Medi-
cine and Agriculture are two of the
largest colleges at UK and the fact
that hemp is already a major cash
crop, how could the president of
UK not want to discuss this issue

and the billions of dollars hemp re-
legalization would bring to this state
and University?

Statement: “It’s nice that SGA is
finally getting around to discussing
issues." Yes, it is nice.

SGA has historically been belit-
tled for being weak, spineless and
self-serving. It is unfortunate that
the Kernel chose to groundlessly
and irresponsibly criticize them just
when they are starting to get mov-
ing on an issue of such great impor-
tance to this state.

Yes, the hemp issue is worthy of
discussion. What responsible citizen
can ignore the prospect of environ-
mentally safe energy independence,
the renewal of the Kentucky farm
economy and the creation of mil-
lions of jobs in non-polluting hemp

Matthew G. Noell is an unde-
clared sophomore and a member of
Campus Hemp.


Hoop brackets

While Barry Reevcs’ knowledge
of the NCAA Sweet 16 teams and
players is admirable. it is a shame
that he doesn’t understand how the
bracket pairings work.

Did the editors simply run the ar-
ticle through a spell check? Or, (lid
they actually read in hopes of catch—

ing any gross factual errors (must
have missed journalism 204 class).

If his article (UNLV will win
tourney, March 21, 1991) had been
proofread, anyone with any slight
knowledge of basketball would
have been able to see that Ohio
State and UNLV will meet in the
semifinals. not the finals.

If UNLV can be beaten, and it
can, Ohio State will be the team to
do it. Jimmy Jackson Treg Lee,
Perry Carter, Chris Jent and compa-
ny will do what needs to be done to

win, as they have done all season.
Take Ohio State.

In the other semifinal match. take
Indiana over North Carolina hands
down. In the finals, Ohio State over
Indiana for the second time in the
Hoosier state and the third time this

Kelli Ryan is a journalism senior.

Editor's note: Because of a de—
sign error, the NCAA bracket— not
Reeves' column —— was incorrect in
yesterday Kernel


fagcite Night Tart I I

the 1991 Southeastern Conference
Gymnastics Champions

University of Kentucky Wildats

University of Alabama Crimson Tide

Auburn University Tigers

University of Georgia Bulldogs

University of Florida Gators

Louisiana State University Tigers

Visits With
-Free Pictures with the Easter Bunny
0 Lady Kat
oMickey Mouse

Free Hot Dog and Pepsi
to the First 1000
(starting at 6 pm.)

Tickets: $4.00 Adults

$2.00 Children

Saturday, March 23, 1991 7 pm.
Memorial Coliseum
for information, please call 257-6483








Kentucky Kernel, Frlday, March 22, 1991 - 3


Senior Stall Critic

“From where I am, there ain't no
turning back;
_ crack is the master, 1 am a new



Living Colour’s
“New Jack Theme"


The Hollywood gangster has un—
dergone several face-lifts and atti-
tude changes during the evolution
of American filmmaking. From
cursed villain to envied business-
man to misunderstood schemer, this
type of bad guy has been seen by
films as a man who works for a liv-

Being a gangster, unlike most
criminal professions, is a seven-
day-a-weck job. The lines of busi-
ness and personal matters are se-
verely and literally drawn.

Mario Van Peebles’ “New Jack
City” is a gangster flick interested
In the old-style gangster working in
a up-todatc criminal world, and,
yes, it’s also ajob.

The plot is old hat Nico (Wesley
Snipes) is a vaguely well~to-do drug
dealer whose childhood pal-partner
(Allan Payne) introduces him to a



EXPOSlng :
Students ’




Stall Critic


I cannot help but nouce as I
walk around campus the over.
whelming numbers of blank
walls. Even worse than that, are
some of the walls in graduate
students’ offices.

Some people will put anything
on their walls, no matter how
stupid, to keep from getting
bored. On the other hand, there
are many art students producing
interesting, innovative and “pret-
ty” works. desperate for wall

The only problem for art stu~
dents who exhibit their works on
campus is vandalism, i.e. the
sculptures on the grounds be-
tween Whitc Hall and Margaret
1. King Library that were de.
stroyed last semester.

Art students need to expose
their works now to get a feel for
the necessary evil of self.
advertising and marketing their
works, later. The truth is, there
aren’t many outlets in Lexington
for the exhibition of the works
of art students.

One art student, Helene
Steene, has already taken the ini-
tiative and has installed a few of
her works in McVey Hall on the
fourth floor and in John Conne~
ly's office.

There are a wide range of
works to choose from for your
office space or the halls of UK’s
fine buildings. To get a good
idea of what’s out there to
choose from. there is an exhibit
of student art at Central Bank
until April 26.

To negotiate an installment of
student art in a safe, but popu‘
late area. contact Linda John-
ston, 257-8l51.




WRFL Top 10

(1) Green Mind, Dinosaur Jr.
(Sire/Warner Bros.)

(2) Blood. Sweat and No
Tears, Stetsasonic (TammyBoy)

(3) God Ween Satan w The
Oneness. Ween ('1’ win Tone)

(4) Midnight Roses, Royal
Crescent Mob (Sire/Warner
Bros.) ._ ~

(5) Pretty Little Balm our:
Live in Japan, Shelton . Knife
ammo 1i;

(6) Gala, Lush (4ADIRep‘rise)

('7) 9995- ......... ‘
mac)...” .....................

(8) Ancient Heart Mandinko
and Fulani Music of the Gone
bio, Various Artists (Axiom)

(9) Divinyls, Dlvlnyls (Virgin)

(10) Torture Garden, Naked
City (Shimmy Disc) _

Midnight Album Features:

Saturday: Le: Myriam De:
Voix Bulgares‘, VariOus Artists

Sunday: The Power of Perry.








substance that is easy to make.
quick to get high on and guaranteed
to make customers into slaves.

The substance is crack, and it's
the kind of drug capable of making
Nico and his gang see their criminal
career Opportunities in a whole new
and profitable light. But with new
success comes new trouble from
Streetwise cops, Applegate (Ice-T)
and Peretti (Judd Nelson).

Much of this story’s success
relies on the modem-day twists
added to its cliche-ridden plot. Pee-
bles wisely uses music. particularly
the hip-hop-laced dance music
called new jack swing, and close-
cutting street lingo to vividly color-
ize the black and white story ele—

Peebles also brings a loose, re-
laxed feel to his camera move—
ments, making the Obligatory
scenes of crime and punishment
fresh and exciting.

The performances range from or-
dinary — Peebles‘ walk—through as

a cynical cop — to surprising —
Chris Rock, of recent “Saturday
Night Live” fame, as a self-
tonuring crack addict.

The two great focuses of the sto-
ry go to Snipes, who conveys evil
as a faceless core with many masks
cover it, and lce-T, whose acting
debut is amazing in its depth of
emotion, especially for a character
who could have been a stereotype.

The battle of good and evil coin-
cides well with the contrasts of Old
and new. It‘s interesting to note that
Warner Bros, the studio that re-
leased this film, also made Howard
Hawks’ “Scarface” and Jimmy Cag-
ney’s “The Public Enemy," which
is nicely alluded to in “New Jack

Another modern gangster flick
made by Warner Bros, last year‘s
“State of Grace," tried the same
technique but failed in substance
due to flatness of characters and
wasted time on boring subplots and
needless killing.

Violence is a noticeable and nec-
essary element in “New Jack City,"
but the film isn’t concerned with

See ‘JACK’, Page 4

‘New Jack City’ another glimpse of 1990s gangsters


nylon. WILLIAMS ’ ,
Senior Stall Critic .:::::


“I know you only=‘hurt yourself
out ofspt're: ‘ -
[guess you'd rfherbe 0 mar-
» tyr taught. . 1 " *
That’s yourdcci‘sio'ni" . ~



cal thriller is one~patts intrigue to
ave-parts Violence,the violence
usually occurring indie latter half
of the film after the innocent hero
. discovers the beinousconspiracy
cooked up by either supposed
“good” guys or unlikely bad guys.
Europeans, especially the Brit-
ish, see the political thriller as all
intrigue, mercilessly observing
the players of the dangerous game
as tiny organisms under a micro-
scope. , '
The intrigue discussed in “Hid.
den Agen ” is the on-going war


'7bilinguals-the highlight in
England’s ‘Hidden Agenda’


hasn’t lost
its quality




between the Irish Republican
Army and the British police and
military troops in Northern Ire.
land, and how their techniques
seem to have little difference be-
tween obtaining or maintaining

freedom and Outright terrorism.

Brad Dourif plays a crusading
lawyer who gets in over his head
when he associates himself with
IRA sympathizers. "the Belfast
police stage a supposed shootout
to silence them on a deserted
road, causing an investigation by
a strong-willed British lawman
(Brian Cox) and a personal obses-
sion to Obtain justice by the law-
yer’s female companion, played

by Frances McDermand.

See 'HlDDEN’. Page 4



Movies get even in ‘Guilty By Suspicion’




Associate Editor

It is the late 1940s and David
Merrill is on top of the film world.

Mcm'll (played by Robert De
Niro in Irwin Winklcr’s “Guilty By
Suspicion“) is one of Hollywood‘s
hottest directors, the golden boy of
Fox production head Darryl Zanuck
(Ben Piazza). Merrill‘s movies have
Hollywood talking, including Hum-
phrey Bogart, one Of the many stars
beating down Merrill’s down to star
in his next film.

Mern'll drives a sharp white
sports car, and has immediate ac-
cess to movie producers and pro-
duction sets. Nothing could be finer
for a man who only wants to make

Then he has a meeting with attor-
ney Felix Graff.

In a seedy apartment, Graff (Sam
Wanamaker, who was blacklisted
by Hollywood) instructs Merrill to
appear before the House Un-
American Activities Committee to
answer “a few questions" about
some of his past political involve-

Merrill attended a few meetings
of the Communist Party in the
1930s, and although he appears to
be no more leftist than Adlai Ste-
venson, HUAC wants to know the
names of other people who were
there as well.

If Merrill follows orders. he will
get to work on two major projects.
But refuses and his career —- and its
promise —— evaporate overnight. He
no longer has access to the movie
lot, his agent is afraid to talk to him
in daylight, he loses his plush mod-
ern house, his wife (played by An-
nette Boning) leaves him and not a
single door will Open for him.

Joe McCarthy is enjoying the ze-
nith of his political power, and al-
though his narne is never mentioned
during the film, his shadow lurks
throughout the movie and haunts
Merrill wherever he goes.

Down and out in Hollywood,
Merrill head to Broadway hoping to





David Merrill (Robert De NirO) goes before the Committee on House Un-American ACllVIlleS in "Gurlly

By Suspicion.“

find a play to direct, but he finds
nothing once his blacklisting Is dis-

Winkler‘s “Guilty By Suspicion"
is one of Hollywood‘s first attempts
to come to grips with HUAC and
the careers it disrupted 40 years

Depicting one man‘s experience
with HUAC, Winklcr, who wrote
and directed the film, wants the
American public to be aware of the
nasty things HUAC did to Holly—
wood and how people's lives were
ruined. And, yes, the infamous
question (“Are you now .__ or have
you ever been M a member of the
Communist Party") Is askcd. al-
though mclodramaucully.

But rather than being a fair look
at the HUAC years, “Guilty By
Suspicion" comes across as being
Hollywood's way to get even wrth
Washington. HUAC members arc
depicted as hideous. back-water.
scum-of—thc—enrth scoundrcls who
wear white hoods when they arc not
trying to destroy tut and Imposc
their fundamentalist Christian bc~
licfs on the nation.

Once the story picks up its pace.

The East Meadow by Zale Schoenborn

New, appearin live ,
or. lead warhead; 1+5
Bobfyllte boom! "'

Johnsonnnn- ' ‘ '

Nuclear Mrlmd


Bob gets tired — again

It is very engrossing as the audience
watches .Vlcrrill's world slip away
from him. Dc Niro. vcry convinc-
Ingly, plays it guy down on his luck
who refuses to compromise his

liven morc ImpresSIvc Is Dc
Niro‘s youthful scrccn presence that
gives no hint that he Is a veteran of
the silver screen.

But the film's heavy-handed
treatment of HUAC members .15
witch-huntcrs out for their own pct-
sonul gain at .inyonc’s cxpcnsc, lll-
cluding the nation‘s, Is a bit much.

Winklcr presents the nudIcncc
With a Congressional committee
that had little Interest in the nation,
although the communist threat to
America was very real In the late
19408, as the Inov1c highlights at
one point when It shows news foot-
age of Soth spies Julius and lithcl
Rosenberg before they were scnt to
thc clcctnc chair.

It HLTAC's dangers to the coun-
try were so obvious, one wonders,
then way was it permitted III the
first plticc'.’ Furthermore, all Merrill
had to do to be cleared was to tell
HUAC the people he had sccn at

(‘ommunist Party Incctinus and
the Bomb rallies.


While ll was admtrublc that \lcr—
rill did not want to cause problems

for his friends. .11 times ll|\ \
\c‘c‘nls like that of thc stubborn ll


rather than the man ol principles.
Politics aside. howcvcr, llic llllll
\Ull is \cry Interesting. Boning l\

very strong .is Mcrrtll‘s xx Ifc. R


One of llollyvvtxid's bnghtcr \l.lr\.

Bcning's pcrlonnzincc is solid
at times gripping as \llc‘ vclnlllll
dcrstnnd why her husband m


givc up lll.\ lllc‘\l}'lc‘ to stand 1.1) tar

\vhttl ltc thinks ll right.

(icorgc \Vt‘lltll. «\l

\ liccix

tunic, also }1l\c‘\ .In outstanding pr;

lorniuntc .l\ Mcrnllk friend lit:
Butler. .1 scrccn writcr who ;.
gcrcd by Ll minus» liclorc lll [\t
l’nrlicia \r‘l'cltIcv .ippcah .l\ in
thy (hudncr, .I \Ll'llgglllll; .itt
who .llN‘t) runs Into trouhlc '~\llll
cominlttcc. llc first major llllll
\Vctlig'x .itting .Iftllc‘x wt.
ncrycx morc than ll lllllfLN -.
lccl \yniputhy tor licr plight.

(it'll/[v [it Storm inn," '.l:i..‘/


it \\





13‘. l.\ shimmy A” Van 0' Hill lin—

vtw V and Ninth I’m/t t 'rmmm



What’s Happening
This Weekend


'Austin City Saloon, 2350
Woodhill Shopping Center, 266-
689l, John Michael Montgomery
tonight and Saturday night. Cover
is $2.

'Coconuts, 225 Southland
Dfive..2?8r549fh 0.4-. tonight. and.

Saturday night. Cover is 52.

Comedy On Broadway. 144 N.
Broadway, 254-5653, Louis Nix-
on, Art Divitis and Mark Sweeney
tonight and Saturday night. Cover
is $6 tonight and $7 on Saturday

-Goshin’s Tavern, l803 Alex.
andria Dr., Gardensidc Shopping
Center, 27&8229, Edison‘s Re-
venge tonight and SaIurday night.
NO cover.



dD’s, XlS Euclid Ave, 268‘
0001, DJ. tonight and Saturday

night. Cover is $3.

'Lynagh‘s Irish Pub and Grill,
University Plaza at the corner of
Euclid and Woodland Avenues,
255—6614, Kelly Richie tonight
and Skeleton Crew Saturday

night. Cover is $3.

-Two Keys Tavern, 333 S.
Limestone St.. 254-5000. Rock-
house tonight and Saturday night.

Cover is $3. '

~Wrocklagc, 3bl W. Short SL,
and Bob‘s Your Uncle tonight.
Cover is $4. 10 Foot Pole and

23l-7655. Government

Blackcat Bone Saturday night.
-2 Pub,

Saturday night. No cover.

-COmpllod by Assistant News
Edllor Mary Madden.

154 Patchen Drive.
266-056. The Duos tonight and







Stall Critic

Amato‘s, 836 E. EuclId
Ave, recently moved to its
new location in the Galleria at
Chevy Chase Plaza. Though
this location is more central to
metropolitan Lexington, it
seems to have given up space
from its former Vine Street lo-
cation. Whether thc actual
square footage is smaller I can-
not say, but the Chevy Chase
location feels much smaller.

Nonetheless, my wife and l
were seated immediately at
about 8 pm. Tuesday.

The restaurant had a smaller
feel than the Open. airy feel of
the pl’CVlt)U\' location. The at-
mosphere “its qurct, dark and
elegant. It was very romantic
and personal.

ifpon opening the menu. wc
ucrc bornburdcd With more
than 4? mrcc \t‘lt‘cllillls from
shrimp [\leo pI//;I to lasagna
to \c‘.\ ‘i'ork trip l‘ntrccs
‘Acrc tll\|tlc‘(l Into \cvcn cute-
lIOl‘lC\' pasta pasta \l‘.ll;l llow
in cholcxtcrol. sodium. and col-
orlcw. vcnl. t.llltk~‘il. lrnm lhc
. .onibv locals and
\;\'ci.il\ from tlic .liul

l ntrct.‘ l‘l'lcc'N' ranged from
Si“. linguim suttlccd in olive
oil. garlic. and rcd pepper. to
SHAW. lllrcc hauled Limb

'l‘licr: also were \Jfll‘lh .ip—
pctI/crx to mouse from. llicrc
was the ll\llLll prmulonc mari—
nuru and the diflcrcnt calamari
ll'llll. Ll brcadcd sqtiid tllill

On the back coycr of the
menu was a nice time ll\l ‘.\ :Lh
Italian uliilcs and rcdx domi-
noting: Also Included .tcrc
popular (lilifomia Lind French
wines and champagnes.

Doc to past experiences it uh
[)LLSILI. \xt‘ (lt‘c’ldt‘tl li‘ \il!‘ lilt‘
JppCU/CT tourm‘ l'r Nun rd
overstutlmg. 'llic ‘Xllltlllllt‘\\
\dllltl bowl and unlimilcd tur-
lic brcadxticky scrud mill cxcr

li.:r i“f”lix‘f

r} critrcc also influential our
“lbc ~.il'.id wm i‘Ic "3v, l

have ever had l. titling?
lhc Lirgc bowl plnccd lyslvvccn
us containcd Lish tTl\[‘_\ .rou-
tons .ind many ditcrcrit \cgc-
tablcs‘ itcbcru lcttucc. t‘lllt‘lh,
VLUTULS. .hcrry Ionmlocx. grccn
l‘ll\'L‘\. pcppcroncinis.

in addition to the great \Lll'lC-
l} wt ycgcuiblcs mc drcs‘slng

xv.“ perfect It Tutti .: Illltll-
.‘rcllc ".txc nllll .1 \t‘gclnl‘lc
purcc. our \crvcr laid llx. lht‘
taste »\_l.\ xcxly .xnd Lincy. l‘ut
\wccl .il lilc‘ \ttmc tinic. \Vc
l‘tllh ltnml ll

l-or dinncr l lmd llic Sworn-
~rn All ”M from tho tombo
r'ical \‘cll‘tlll. it toilsixtcd til ;1
l.ll'}.1C serving of lasagna. .1 .m-
.mgc—xi/cd portion of (‘liickcn
tutrnicsnn and it \lllllll potion ol
lollutmc .illrcdo. it proved to
truly N .1” cxccllcnt tlttilcc.

lhc lasagna \\ .Is mcruhclm—
snuiv ‘iill vl rim/Intern .Ind
:uoytuonc .liccscx lhcrc \\tl\
lll\l .‘Ilouuli lllk‘dl .lnd it‘lllt