xt72fq9q5784 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt72fq9q5784/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1930-10-13 minutes 2004ua061 English Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, October 13, 1930 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, October 13, 1930 1930 1930-10-13 2020 true xt72fq9q5784 section xt72fq9q5784 m _ . .‘W .—_—‘.——-————-—-— ”M MIEUTEE CF T?F UKZVE?QITT 9?V’TE . "1 October 13, 1930 The University Senate met in the Lecture Room of McVey Hall Monday, October 13, at 4:03 p—mo President McVey presided» The minutes of May 30 add of August 20 were approved» )- JQ tie“ was anproved postponil the election of Senate representatives on the University Council until December- motion Was offered :or consideration at the next two “Moved that the counc 1 shall consist of the firesident, eges and of the Graidate of Women, the Registrar ( _ e Sc-ool, the Dean of Men” the Uead ( c ether with four members elected a It is further provided that the four members elected annually from :he Senate may not succeed themselves in office.” The motion is to be mimeog T Senate at least two weeks p The following recommendations of the Committee on Duplication of Courses were approved: Art 115a, lle a Independent Work; Three credits per semester. Pol~ Sci» 210a, ZlOb- ~ The Supreme Court and Politics- Two hours a Week, two credits per semesters Commerce 209» Comparative Banking and Monetary Systems” Three hours a week; three credits; second s mester. The Committee reported that they had aoproved Farm Engineering lOlaph Special Problems, which had been referred to the ficmmittee for approval after an o tline of the course had been submitted» This course carries three credits « Prereouisites, Farm Enzineering 10a Dr- Adams' re; ort on the handling of absences was submitted to the Senate and With s 4 lirht modification was astroved, with the undere tending slat '1 be mimeographed and sent to members of the s i t faculty fir their verification- . .-c___. __- .41..“ ' ives TO MEMBERS OF THE URIVERSITY SENATE: Thh following is Dr. Adam's report on absences as ape proved by the University Senatea October 13th. It is submitted to you/for vhrification at the next meeting of the Senate: section 1 No student shall be allowed any cuts in any course at the University of Kentuckyo §ggtion 2 The instructor shall keep a record of absences, and, when in his Opinion the number of absences for any student has become excessive, or when absences appear to be unjustified, he shall report such student to the Dean, together with the total number of absences and their dates. And the practice of reportm ing daily absences to the Registrar shall be discontinued except that all absences occurring on the day immediately before a holiday or on the day immediately following a holiday shall be reported at the time of their occurrence. Section g Absences shall be counted beginning with the first day of recitations, and late entrances shall be counted as absences. §§§tion 4 A student may be droyped from a course because of absence, upon the recommendation of the Dean and the instructor. When; because of absence, the Dean and the instructor recommend that a student be drOpped from the course, the name of the student and the number of the course shall be reported to the Registrar by the Dean, and the student shall be dropped (by the Registrar), When a student is dropped from a class because of absences the instructor shall report the grade the student is making at the time he is dropped, and if this grade is E it shall be a final grade” Section 5 When the number of courses from which a full time student has been droyped is sufficient to reduce his load to less JGhall 12 hours he must secure the written permission from his Dean and file same in the Registrar's office in order to remain longer in the University. §E§E§EEn§ All absences shall be considered unexcused except = When an excuse is given by the Scholarship and Attendance Come mittee for absence on the day immediately preceding or following a holiday. Section 7 A student with an unexcused absence on the day immediately preceding or follOwing a vacation or holiday shall have a penalty of three hours (and three Quality points) added -to his requirements for graduation, with the exception of the 0011989 Of Law, where the penalty shall be two hours and two Quality points. “NM '2“ 3,: ,9.-~w-"“7 ‘ " flap-W": .1 LAN—'mmnaa—wn «m 4. 90 tied he he 8. x '4 ~ 1 'aticn 11 be eXe 1 fierm id; Lradua d gha re of grad i I. H "/9 ~ 533531188 CL L. a bol reQL cea . 3 points ‘~ences he after an: 11 be n ‘ O. . 1 J. HUmber o: cred $ha ( before and 1" .'; befare an ‘ences genes 0f abs the rt g been star is 204 ;ort of Gr may 1‘9.ch ci. e ester sem ered a p 5eme I u . nav1n ‘311 be ccnsi( to; the N0 re‘ h S u 0, 1. V e r U truct as 8. instruc 1 .L . .m: 11.5 .35 ection n L ‘ DECulQn ch ,a studepi . ‘Ehe the end of students. A. considered as S tended the Section of the