xt72fq9q581k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt72fq9q581k/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1965-09-13 minutes 2004ua061 English Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, September 13, 1965 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, September 13, 1965 1965 1965-09-13 2020 true xt72fq9q581k section xt72fq9q581k .-‘ .1.“1‘."('-‘.‘-‘:...‘yx‘.-". x 4 . L ‘ L». .,‘ ‘h .. ,, a: 3‘ 11 V v . 5- ‘ RE! I» ‘1 ‘ : V . --, , . .1 .! . ,1 . .I my} ‘ ,3 , .. , r ._ g 1‘ i a“;..1 . i A ‘ :- * 1 5“,; v‘ 3.; I 1, . “,3 1 9 W ti 5‘: g :1 '- l 1 I g ‘ ‘ I I . 5.; ‘1 1 1;1n . ‘ i; Z 13" ‘. 1 at“: 1 .u r“ h ‘> 'l-'1l. . » ‘1 31,11. I , . g. ‘ y . =1; ‘ WW & ,. ii‘i: 1 . ‘1 y. o : ‘ XI 1" ‘ r .; ‘1 ' .1. M. g . . “ H . ‘ l. v < I I »‘ 1. . “ I '1 “. ., i ‘ i i 11' , 1 I z, I ‘i . . | ‘ .‘ :3 ‘ 'l ' 1 1‘; , 1| . . ’ : .l‘. ‘ ‘ V11 .5!‘ w [33 ‘1 i5 : “ at; 2:‘. ‘ :13} .t~3.{‘ I - If ‘ z 1- l1: ‘ \ '| 1“ 1 I 1- . ‘ H . 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' i l l I. 1 . . , I 1 l j .‘1 ' '11. «w " ' ‘3"if'_==“"~“m“flw¢:kmmax _.Nx , _“_. .1 . ... . ”v ‘ 4...-" ‘ MINUTES OF THE UNIVERSITY SENATE, SEPTEMBER 15, 1965 The Uni ersity Senate met in the Student Center Theatre at 4:00 p.m. in regular session on Monday, September 15, 1965. Council, Dr. Stephen Diachun, presided. Vice Chairman of the Senate The minutes of April 12 and May 7, 1965 were approved with correction in the May 7th minutes of MED 522 to MED 527. In the absence of the Registrar the Vice Chairman presented the list of August 6, 1965 candidates for degrees which had already been approved by the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees contingent upon approval by the Senate. The Senate approved the list as presented. GRADUATE SCHOOL Albert Dennis Kirwan, Dean CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY NAME Jackie David Batson Mary Ellen Curtin Walter Ames Dickenson Michael Joseph Gardene, Jr. Bernard M. Jones, Jr. Dennis Edward Poplin Homer B. Sewell Thomas Lockart Wilborn MAJOR SUBJECT Biological Sciences Psychology Psychology World Politics Animal Science Sociology Animal Science Political Science ADDRESS Bessemer, Alabama Lexington Lexington Verona, Pa. Park Forest, Ill. Santa Paula, Calif. Columbia, Mo. Werrensburg, Mo. CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF EDUCATION NAME Herbert H. Bruce, Jr. Paul Garnett Cantrell Sue Spears Lail Eddie W. Morris MAJOR SUBJECT Agricultural Education Education Curriculum Administration ADDRESS Versailles Liberty, Mo. Lexington Augusta, Ga. CANDIDATE FOR THE DEGREE OF SPECIALIST IN EDUCATION NAME Aq Walters McClure CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS NAME Martha Doris Bain Chloe Power Beaird Christopher L. Brown Louise Adams Brown Carol Sue Bugg Doris Barlow Cella Brenda Johnson Clay Sue Anna Dodd Grace Ursula Eastland Marlene Joyce Mann Flecke Larry William Griffin MAJOR SUBJECT English Speech English Physical Education Sociology English Anthropology Diplomacy Spanish English English ADDRESS Flemingsburg ADDRESS Versailles Tampa, Fla. Greenville, Pa. Nicholasville Alexandria, Va. Lexington Paris Lexington Milton, N. Y. Passaic, N. J. Evansville, Ind. «,‘—\./’—\,/‘ \ fi,# _..— .. ~. ,. ——‘W,.——‘,—— —~ . ~ 4‘. ”yr;- , unimunaz-y; 3-9..» 7,: Thy-4:4,?“ .1‘T--.-;¢.;;:;.qt-3:, .-. -.- . nu . 3..» _. g )_ .- ~ . MINUTES OF THE UNIVERSITY SENATE, SEPTEMBER 13, 1965 = Candidates for the Degree of Master of Arts (Continued) 12 ( NAME MAJOR SUBJECT ADDRESS .‘g‘ ( Janice Ann Lewis Mathematics Birmingham, Ala. f @i i Milton Malof Psychology Lexington ;‘t ‘ Carol Sue Manning English Marigold, Miss. ' , ”:yi { Don Quentin McNeilly English Mayfield .?;-j"1 ; Josephine Mazzie Nims English Winchester Elt'? \ Sue Ellen Riddell English Corbin i‘fi ; f Gwen Cranfill Slone English Georgetown f;} £.. ; Kathleen McCallum Smith Latin Richmond if? tifi ; Wendell Hunt Smock English Lexington E‘I'I n Edward Daniel Unger International ? ' Economics Vienna, Va. i g James Arnold Verbrugge Economics Edgerton, Minn. i l Herbert Victor Wilkins Political Science Overland Park, Kan. A CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE l NAME MAJOR SUBJECT ADDRESS . ( John Richard Barber, Jr. Chemistry Springfield ‘1 r Virginia Rapp Barrett Plant Pathology Lexington “ James A. Cunningham Zoology Lexington [ Philip Michael Fox Entomology and ; Botany Madisonville l George Richard Graybill Chemistry McAlisterville, Pa. 3 [ Soegyo Hastowo Microbiology Bogor, Indonesia ' { William E. Houston Microbiology Lexington Rose Ann MCGinnis Mathematics Lexington [ James Ernest Miller Mathematics East Bernstadt Gerald Ralph Roehrig Chemistry Aurora, Ill. Richard John Schantz Chemistry Rochester, N. Y. Edward Pryor Smith Physics Campbellsburg { Toha Sutardi Dairy Nutrition Bogor, Indonesia Freddy Tan Botany Bogor, Indonesia ? James Edward Weatherbee Mathematics Lexington { Sudiman Wirjoamidjojo Physics Lexington : CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN AGRICULTURE i NAME MAJOR SUBJECT ADDRESS Kassim Mohamed Al-Farhan Agricultural I Economics Iraq f William Rudolph Brinkley Animal Science Stanford ; Jimmie Ronald Calvert Agronomy Adolphus l George Wilson Garrison, Jr. Animal Science Ripley, Miss. ’ Verner Neal Grise Agricultural ‘ Economics Quality ‘ Josiah Hoskins, Jr. Agricultural { Economics Lexington } John Allen Jacobs Animal Science Columbia fl ‘ Marvin W. Ostberg Sociology Lexington i [ James Thomas Prewitt Agronomy Taylorsville EH Tej Singh Horse Breeding Delhi, India §t ( Margono Slamet Agricultural I Extension Bogor, Indonesia MINUTES OF THE UNIVERSITY SENATE, SEPTEMBER 13, 1965 Candidates for the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture (Continued) NAME Leroy K. Travis Frederick Dale Watson MAJOR SUBJECT Agricultural Economics Agricultural Extension ADDRESS Scottsville Stamping Ground CANDIDATE FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN HOME ECONOMICS NAME Harriet Elaine Bellew ADDRESS Crutchfield CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING NAME Wayne Finis Rogers Sudha Sankaran Cecil W. Thomas ADDRESS Lexington Calcutta, India Dry Ridge CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING NAME Donn Ward Brown John Kenneth Potts ADDRESS Lexington Cloverport CANDIDATE FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN METALLURGICAL ENGINEERING NAME Lien Shu Wu ADDRESS Lexington CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS IN EDUCATION NAME Jaqueline Stewart Abdullah Faye M. Bagby Virginia Macy Bakewell Joseph L. Barnett Mary Sue Barnett Charles A. Bates Rosalia P. Beard Robert Lee Blevins Billy Rexroat Boone Lydia Galliher Brtan Sara Virginia Burch Treva Butler Sidney Joshua Campbell, Jr. Robert Smith Cowen Frances Mae Dobbs Andy Dunn Marie Louise Gander Ramah Kidd Garland Joyce Jansen Gash Billy Kenneth Gordon Curtis Edwin Grider Stephen Douglas Grissom Herdisene Theresa Harris Ceicle Vaughn Heizer Bonita Lea Huffman William Valentine Hylton ADDRESS Lexington Bethel, Ohio Lexington Shelbyville Shelbyville Frankfort Lexington Pikeville Lebanon Junction Abingdon, Va. Lexington Middletown Wilmore Winchester Burnside Pineville Danville Lexington Lexington Waddy Russell Springs Lexington Blakely, Ga. Louisville Beverly Lexington g at‘- _,_fl__4_gi Ai—m ,— fl“ / '1 _ '/_\_ _ F‘s—NH Afl,—.—. _“ ,. .i. .- ‘- ..,~..-.. a , V,» “1, ,., 7‘. ‘W‘Ipmuqr-J'fihfifi‘s‘p; ”at y: 1;. yv;7,"mvv9h -:: . .‘f . ,l A 5:. w 2257 MINUTES OF THE UNIVERSITY SENATE, SEPTEMBER 15, 1965 Candidates for the Degree of Master of Arts in Education (Continued) NAME Jon Carolyn Landon Gayle Faulkner Lawson Ida Catherine Marshall Helen Earlyn Martz John Philip Mayer Lois Dedeaux McClellan Jane Bradley McClurkan Michael T. McGrath Elwyn Lewis Moore Alice Ruth Procter Richard Allen Ridge James Edward Roddy, Jr. Harold G. Roy Mary C. Sams Susan Rush Scott Leslie Clay Smith Paul Edward Stanley Robert Elvin Taylor William M. Traugott John Wesley Turner Muriel C. Varney Veda Tyson Wade Carol Tracy Webb William Preston Whelan Betty Jean White Sara Kay Williams Stella Hall Wise Jack R. Wyrick CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN NAME Reva Ingram Bishop Robert Alfred Engelhardt Peggy Ann Gibbs Dorothy Ann Heagen Richard H. Jett Junior Franklin Poling J. Lynn See Charles Douglas Wade Luther Whitaker ADDRESS Covington Harlan Columbia Lexington Versailles Frankfort Harlan Lexington West Palm Beach, Fla. Russellville Lexington Shelbyville Lexington Georgetown Lexington Mt. Sterling Campbellsville Lexington Versailles Louisville Lexington Whiteland, Ind. Lexington Loretto Louisville West Liberty Eubank Lexington EDUCATION ADDRESS Vine Grove Versailles, Ind. Corbin Ezel Ezel Grayson Louisa Georgetown Somerset CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION NAME Gary Lee Adams Roger Lee Blumenshine Henry Alvin Carroll Anthony E. Coomes Robert Clarence Stumpf ADDRESS Lexington Washington, Ill. Lexington Lexington Cincinnati, Ohio MINUTES OF THE UNIVERSITY SENATE, SEPTEMBER 15, 1965 CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN LIBRARY SCIENCE NAME ADDRESS Linda Ann Arnold Chicago, Ill. Raymond William Barber Akron, Ohio Janet Louise Cook Barr Lexington John Maxey Bryant Lexington Albert Paul Carlson Milwaukee, Wis. Lucy Ware Chapman Frankfort Herman Cole, Jr. Terre Haute, Ind. Woodrow Wilson Deaton Ashland Ann Thomas Gajdik Lexington Helen Chamberlin Humphrey Cynthiana Sue Grannis Kirk Maysville Mae Belle McKinney Eubank Joyce Wallingford Moore Maysville Joseph H. Morehead, Jr. Jamaica, N. Y. Eugene Lair Moss Lexington Nelle Blackmer Neafie Burlington, Iowa Thomas Allen Sutherland Owensboro William Henry Zimmer CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF MUSIC NAME ADDRESS Richard David Alberg Lexington Judith Kay Warren Alliance, Ohio COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Paul C. Nagel, Dean CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS NAME MAJOR SUBJECT ADDRESS Robert Keith Allen Chemistry Lexington John David Baynham English, Speech and Dramatic Arts Lexington J. T. Begley Political Science Lexington John Warren Bellue Art Ashland Harland Bryan Birdwell History Snyder, Texas Julia Blyton Diplomacy and International Commerce Lexington Ruth Ann Bodenhamer Sociology Roanoke, Ind. Collins Dale Brown Arts—Medicine Clay Merrill S. Caldwell Diplomacy and International Commerce Florence Donald Winston Campbell English, Speech and Dramatic Arts Lexington Paula Marie Clarke Russian Area Studies Bowling Green James Allen Combs ArtsmLaw Lexington Barbara Ann Deignan English, Speech and Dramatic Arts English, Speech and Dramatic Arts Elmira, N. Y. Barbara Kunkle Edwards Ashland Fergus Falls, Minn. A—‘_/—.-,——‘ ,—--..—.A—.H .— —_...__‘ _4\ nn. VR‘H'A ,_.V_—