xt72jm23bt85 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt72jm23bt85/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19890124 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1989-01-jan24. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1989-01-jan24. 1989 2011 true xt72jm23bt85 section xt72jm23bt85 

        Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the
University of Kentucky, Tuesday, January 24, 1989.

        The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met at 1
p.m. Lexington time on Tuesday, January 24, 1989 in the Board Roon on
the 18th floor of the Patterson Office Tower on the Lexington Campus.

        A.     Meeting Opened and Oath of Office Administered

        Mrs Edythe Jones Hayes, Acting Chairperson, called the meeting
to order at 1:06 p.m. and the invocation was pronounced by Mr. Ted

        Mrs. Hayes stated that Mr. Robert McCowan's term on the Board
expired. She expressed thanks to him for his support of and interest
in the University and for his service on the Board.  She wished him
continued success and stated that he would be missed.

        Mrs. Hayes welcomed the two new members to the Board and
requested Mr. John C. Darsie, Legal Counsel, to administer the oath of
office to the following:

        Mr. Foster Ockerman, Sr., appointed by Governor Wallace G.
        Wilkinson to replace Robert T. McCowan, for a term expiring
        December 31, 1992.

        Mr. William B. Sturgill, appointed by Governor Wallace G.
        Wilkinson to replace Henry E. Hershey, for a term expiring May
        1, 1992.

        B.     Roll Call

        The following members of the Board of Trustees answered the
call of the roll: Mrs. Edythe Jones Hayes (Acting Chairperson), Mr.
Ted B. Bates, Professor Raymond F, Betts, Mr. William E. Burnett, Jr.,
Governor Albert B. Chandler, Professor Mary Sue Coleman, Professor
David R. Driscoll, Jr., Mr. Tracy Farmer, Mr. Lawrence E. Forgy, Jr.,
Senator Walter D. Huddleston, Mr. Foster Ockerman, Sr., Dr. Nicholas
J. Pisacano, Mr. James A. Rose (James), Mr. James L. Rose (Jim), FMr.
Jerome A. Stricker, Mr. William B. Sturgill, Judge Julia K. Tackett,
Mr. Billy B. Wilcoxson, and Judge Henry R. Wilhoit, Jr.   Absent from
the meeting was Judge Robert F. Stephens. The University
administration was represented by President David P. Roselle; Mr.
Edward A. Carter, Vice President for Administration; Chancellors Art
Gallaher and Charles T. Wethington; Mr. Thomas W. Samuel, Executive
Vice Chancellor for Administration - Medical Center; Dr. Wimberly C.
Royster, Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies; Mr. Eugene
R. Williams, Vice President for Information Systems; and Mr. John C.
Darsie, General Counsel.

        Members of the news media were also in attendance.   Mrs. Hayes
reported a quorum present and declared the meeting officially open for
the conduct of business at 1:10 p.m.



        C.     Appointment of Nominating Committee

        Mrs. Hayes stated that the Nominating Committee had been asked
to make a report. She explained that the Nominating Committee had
met; however, a decision was made to not come forth with a
recommendation. The Committee is not a standing committee and,
therefore, not a continuing committee.  It is an "ad hoc committee."

        Mrs. Hayes proceeded to appoint a Nominating Committee since
the Board did not have a chairperson and vice chairperson. She asked
that the Committee bring a slate of officers to the next meeting on
March 7. Appointed to the Committee were Senator Huddleston, Mr.
Burnett, Professor Coleman, Mr. Jim Rose, Mr. Wilcoxson, Judge
Wilhoit, and herself. Senator Huddleston will serve as chairman. She
emphasized that this will be an ad hoc committee, and these people
will serve from now until the annual meeting, when the selection of
officers takes place in September. She explained that she added one
new member to the previously appointed Nominating Committee because it
was an even number. The Committee should consist of an odd number in
case there should be a tie vote.

        D.     Minutes Approved

        On motion made by Mr. Farmer, seconded by Mr. Stricker and
passed, the Minutes of the December 13, 1988 meeting of the Board of
Trustees were approved as written.

        Mr. Stricker inquired about committee appointments. He stated
that the membership on the Investment Committee was down to four
members. President Roselle reported that Mr. McCowan was in the
process of revising the committee at the time he Gas replaced on the
Board. The Committee will be revised immediately following the
election of a chairman at the next meeting.

        E.     President's Report to the Trustees (PR 1)

        President Roselle referred to the items in PR 1 calling
particular attention to the following:

        The Community College fund-raising projects are reaching their
        goal. The Kentucky General Assembly enacted a stipulation
        toward state debt service regarding new funding authorized at
        the last meeting of the legislature. The institution is
        responsible for coming up with one-half of the first year's
        debt financing on building projects. Seven colleges in the
        Community College System are currently raising such monies.
        The fund-raising has been successful, and the building
        projects will go forward. This represents a nice testimony to
        the efforts of the local communities in support of their
        community colleges.

        The College of Education Social Studies Program has been named
        the 1988 Program of Excellence by the Kentucky Council for the
        Social Studies and will be listed in the directory of programs
        published by the National Council for the Social Studies.



        The Medical Center and the Shandong Medical University of the
        People's Republic of China have agreed to establish relations,
        fostering free communication and exchange of ideas in
        research, teaching and medical care.

        The University of Kentucky has again surpassed its goal for
        the 1988 United Way campaign by contributing $348,346 which
        represents 103.1 percent of the goal. Kris Muller and Ralph
        Derickson served as 1988 co-chairs.

        Dr. Venkateswara Rao Goli and his wife, Hemalata Goli, have
        established a $10,000 endowed scholarship fund at Hazard
        Community College.

        The faculty and staff have had some significant activities
        during the past month. President Roselle stated that he is
        proud of the faculty and staff for their significant
        activities, and one of the primary focuses is to do things
        that will retain the best members of the faculty and staff.

        F.     Report to National Collegiate Athletics Association

        President Roselle stated that there was another item to be
brought to the Board's attention -- the University's report to the
National Collegiate Athletic Association. He explained that this is a
report as it relates to allegations about the basketball program.
Persons named in the allegations are now being informed as to the
possible content of the replies to the allegations. They are being
given the opportunity to see it in near final form and react to it so
that the University has the opportunity to make any changes in the
response that might be indicated. It is expected that these meetings
will have been completed probably very late in the week.

        He stated that as soon as the report is available and
following submission to the NCAA, but prior to any meeting with the
NCAA staff, the administration plans to convene the Board of Trustees
and the Athletics Association Board of Directors in Executive Session
for a summary review of the report. A reserve copy, as has been the
case in the past, will also be available so that members of the Board
are able to peruse it, those who wish to review the report in its

        He explained the process by beginning with representation of
individuals named in the allegations. It is now the practice of NCAA
to issue invitations for such people to appear before the Infractions
Committee and to be represented by an attorney. That will be left to
the judgment of NCAA as to who it is and as to who is invited.

        He emphasized that confidentiality of the report will be
observed up to the limits of the law. The administration's only
purpose is to help insure fairness to all persons who are named in the
allegations. Moreover, it is very necessary at this particular point
in time to note the preliminary nature of the allegations.    He stated
that representatives of the University of Kentucky will meet with NCAA
staff on or about March 1 to determine which, if any, of the
allegations forwarded are called preliminary by NCAA and will be
altered or deleted.   Such decisions would be based upon the results of
the investigation as submitted to date.



        He explained that at the same time the report is submitted to
NCAA, of which University of Kentucky is a member institution, it will
be submitted to the Southeastern Conference of which the University of
Kentucky is also a member institution. The Conference also has a
compliance responsibility, and they may make findings based upon the
University's response to the NCAA allegations.

        President Roselle pointed out that a review of the response by
the Board of Trustees is certainly consistent with the Resolution
adopted by the Board at its meeting on October 9, 1988. The Board
specified a thorough investigation, and it should be an investigation
free of influence.

        He stated that in summary, the administration is coming down
to the reporting time. He expressed appreciation for the Board's
support and patience and welcomed their input as the administration
works through the remaining steps, the remaining steps relating to
resolution of the NCAA allegations about the University of Kentucky's
basketball program. The administration is cognizant of the great
interest in this matter and its importance to the University of

        He assured the members that events have not changed the
determination about the ability to do a thorough investigation. The
administration intends to defend the program and the personnel as
vigorously as possible against any unsubstantiated allegations, any
allegations not substantiated by it's investigation. The
administration will, at the same time, be willing to accept
responsibility for any wrongdoings that may be judged to have occurred
by the NCAA or the Southeastern Conference. He then asked for any
questions or concerns from the Board.

        Mr. Farmer made a motion that before the report is sent to the
Southeastern Conference and NCAA, the University of Kentucky Board of
Trustees's be made aware of the report as an information item in an
Executive Session. The motion was seconded by Mr. Wilcoxson.

        President Roselle stated that he had no objection to the Board
having full information about what is in the report.   He reminded the
members that the Board Resolution adopted October 9 reads that the
report, as submitted, should be free of influence.   Consistent with
the Board's earlier Resolution on the matter, full information is not
a problem. He stated that he is available to discuss the report with
members of the Board, individually and otherwise, at any time, and he
will be available throughout the remainder of the investigative period.

        He explained that although the report is called for on January
30, the investigative period can be extended beyond that date by way
of addendum to the report.   Concerns of the Board could be reflected
by way of addendum to the report as well.

         He reiterated that this is a preliminary report and
representatives of the University of Kentucky will meet with
representatives of NCAA on or about March 1 to decide which of the
allegations that were previously reported stand as allegations.



        Mrs. Hayes reviewed the motion and asked for a vote.

        Governor Chandler asked President Roselle if any effort had
been made on the part of the officials of the University to ascertain
which of the charges have any foundation and which of the charges are
long time. He stated that University officials have been notorious in
their failure to defend their own people. He then made reference to
the Spivey instance. He indicated that he wanted to find out now if
there are allegations that are sensible and just and to what extend
the University will undertake to give its people some relief if they
are entitled to it.

        President Roselle repeated Governor Chandler's questions --
have the allegations been investigated and which of them have
validity. He stated that "the answer is yes, they have been." He
explained that the meeting on or about March 1 with NCAA is offered by
NCAA as a time in which to go over with them which of the allegations
they wish to pursue as actual allegations. The allegations at the
present time are preliminary by their nature. There has been a
considerable attempt to find out which of the allegations have
substance to them.

        Professor Coleman expressed her concern that she did not want
the perception that the Board has influence of the court.  She stated
that the Board needs to stay away from the report. She did not,
however, have any objection to hearing what the report is but did not
want to be implicated as having sided with the court. She continued
that she had trust in the people doing the investigation.

        Mr. Wilcoxson stated that he did not have any intentions of
reflecting changing the report.  He stated that he only wanted to know
the contents of the report. He did not, however, want to be like the
mushroom in the cave and be in the dark all the time.

        President Roselle reiterated that he intended to call the
Board of Trustees and the Athletics Association Board of Directors
jointly into Executive Session to hear the report.

        Mr. Jim Rose stated that he agreed with Professor Coleman.   He
expressed that he did not feel that the Board should be meddling in
the report. He stated that the report should be free and clear of any
comments by the Board. The Board delegated the authority to the
administration to respond to the allegations. Once things move
further along, the Board will have to give guidance and direction. At
this time, however, it would be premature to go in and have any
influence on the matter.  He stated that he felt that the Board would
not have any hesitancy to defend anyone that has had an allegation put
against them. If there are some false allegations, the Board should
use all of the University's resources to defend those individuals for
whatever those allegations may be at the full expense.   He emphasized
that he felt it might be premature, and that he understood the other

        Mr. Bates stated that President Roselle's promise of
availability to ask questions privately satisfied his desire to know
about the report.



        Mr. Burnett, being a new Board member, stated that he was not
present when the NCAA matter started; however, he was not going to
delegate his responsibility for whatever action the Board had to
take. He felt comfortable in knowing the contents of the report
before an outsider reads it.  He stated that he felt it was incumbent
upon every member of the Board to know the contents of the report and
agree with those contents before the report is publicized.

        Mr. Sturgill asked President Roselle about the timeframe in
finalizing the report to the NCAA.

        President Roselle responded that those things are always a
little bit difficult to call because there are a series of events.
He stated that the administration is doing its best this week to see
that everyone named in an allegation has a complete report as to the
tentative response.

        Governor Chandler then asked President Roselle if Cliff Hagan
was named in that allegation or if there was a charge against him.
President Roselle responded "no sir."  Governor Chandler commented
"that is severe punishment isn't it, the fellow was never charged."

        Governor Chandler stated that he thought the NCAA matter had
been handled rather badly by the NCAA and expressed his displeasure
with them. He reminded the members that he had been through similar
situations several times before and all of it was a disaster to the

        Professor Betts asked what would be achieved by approval of
Mr. Farmer's motion that would not be achieved by the Board of
Trustees and the Athletics Association Board of Directors in an
Executive Session.

        Mr. Farmer then asked if the Executive Session would be called
prior to the report going to the NCAA or after the report was
submitted. He expressed his feeling that it is incumbent on all the
Board of Trustees members to be kept apprised unless it is something
so atrocious it is unbelievable. He stated that he did not mean to
try to influence the report one way or the other unless it is totally
unreasonable and that would have to be voted on by the entire Board.

        President Roselle reminded the members that he would he
available whether or not the motion passes to discuss the report in
its entirety or as close to its entirety as he is able. The report is
in no way final until the administration has had a chance to react to
it. He pointed out that the problem is getting schedules matched up
so that everyone mentioned in an allegation has a chance to respond.
He then repeated that he would be available at all times.

        Mr. Farmer expressed his appreciation to President Roselle for
making his time available; however, he stated that his desire was for
the Board of Trustees to meet as a group and have an open discussion
in order to avoid conflicting stories.



        Mrs. Hayes then asked Mr. Darsie, Assistant Secretary, to read
the motion.

        Senator Huddleston remarked that the only difference between
President Roselle's proposal and Mr. Farmer's proposal was timing.  H e
stated that if the timing could be coincided there would not be a need
for the resolution.

        Mrs. Hayes asked Mr. Farmer if he still felt that his motion
was sound and Mr. Farmer indicated that he had not heard anything to
the contrary.

        President Roselle stated that it is his intention to call the
Board of Trustees into Executive Session and give them complete
information about the investigation and the responses to the matter.
He noted that it was not possible to do that at the present time
because the administration is still working through the interviews
with the people named. He explained that the judgment is to go ahead
and try to make the January 30th date and then make any necessary
addendums to the report. An Executive Session would be called as soon
as possible at the conclusion of the report so that the Board may:
(1) hear the evidence and the allegations, (2) find out which
allegations will be negotiated, if any, in the meeting with the NCAA
staff, and (3) finalize the report.

        Mrs. Hayes then asked Mr. Darsie to read the motion and call
the roll.  Mr. Darsie read the motion:  "that the Board be given the
response in Executive Session prior to transmission to the NCAA."
Upon a vote being taken on the motion, the result was as follows:

       Yeas for the Motion             Nays for the Motion

       Professor Betts                Mr. Bates
       Mr. Burnett                    Professor Coleman
       Governor Chandler              Professor Driscoll
       Mr. Farmer                     Dr. Pisacano
       Mr. Forgy                      Mr. James Rose
       Senator Huddleston             Mr. Jim Rose
       Mr. Ockerman
       Mr. Stricker
       Mr. Sturgill
       Judge Tackett
       Mr. Wilcoxson
       Judge Wilhoit

       Mr. Forgy stated that he voted in favor of Mr. Farmer's motion
because he did not intend to attempt, and would oppose any attempt, to
superimpose the judgment of the Board on the processes that the
administration has gone through with regard to the response to the
NCAA allegations.  He stated that he felt the motion was a reasonable
request and believed that the people of the Commonwealth would also
feel that it is the reasonable thing for the Board, which is the
single final repository of authority within the University, to be
informed of the decision of the administration prior to its being
filed with the NCAA.



        President Roselle stated that the meeting would be scheduled
and the members would be informed of the time.   He reiterated that the
timing is difficult because the report is still undergoing preparation
based on any revisions that may be necessary due to the interviews
involved.  The administration is attempting to meet the January 30th
submission date to the NCAA. Presumably, it will be as close to
January 30th as possible, perhaps even January 30.   The meeting will
held as requested by the Board. He reminded the members that the last
time an Executive Session was necessary, Sunday was the date selected
as the most convenient for everyone's calendar.

        G.     Personnel Actions (PR 2)

        In recommending approval of the appointments and staff changes
in PR 2, President Roselle called attention to the appointment of
Thomas S. Foster, Professor named Director of the Center for
Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology.   On motion made by Mr.
Stricker, seconded by Professor Coleman and passed, the routine
personnel actions in PR 2 were approved.   (See PR 2 at the end of the

        H.     Supplemental Recommendation of the President (PR 3A)

        President Roselle deferred PR 3A to the conclusion of the
Finance Committee reports.

        I.     Appointments/Reappointments to University of Kentucky
Mining Engineering Foundation (PR 5A)

        President Roselle recommended that approval be given to the
appointments of C. William Connor, Gene Consalus, John Tellman and
David A. Zegeer and to the reappointments of Gerald Blackmore, Bill
Eads, George E. Evans, Jr., Wayne T. Ewing, Larry R. Finley, Roger
Gann, Samuel S. Johnson and S. 0. "Bud" Ogden as members of the Board
of Directors of the University of Kentucky Mining Engineering
Foundation for four-year terms.   Mr. Sturgill so moved.   The motion
was seconded by Mr. James Rose and carried.   (See PR 5A at the end of
the Minutes.)

        J.     Appointments/Reappointments to University of Kentucky
Equine Research  oundation (PR    )

        President Roselle recommended that approval be given to the
appointments of David O'Neal and Nick Nicholson for unexpired two-year
terms and for the reappointments of James E. Bassett, Edward S.
Bonnie, John A. Cashman, Albert G Clay, William S. Farish and Ted B.
Bates for four-year terms as members of the Board of Directors of the
University of Kentucky Equine Research Foundation. The motion which
was made by Mr. Bates and seconded by Mr. Burnett, was voted on and
carried unanimously. (See PR 58 at the end of the Minutes.)

        K.     Patent Assignment - Novel Method of Administerin
Aspirin and Dosage Forms Containing Same - Research and Graduate
Studies (PR 8A)

        On motion made by Mr.Judge Tackett, seconded by Mr. Stricker
and carried, the Board approved the routine patent assignment in PR
8A.  (See PR 8A at the end of the Minutes.)



        L.     Patent Assignment - Puffing Biological Material -
Research and Graduate Studies (PR 8B)

        With President Roselle so recommending, Mr. Stricker moved
that the routine patent assignment in PR 8B be approved. The motion
was seconded by fMr. Ockerman and carried.  (See PR 8B at the end of
the Minutes.)

        M.     Acceptance of Interim Financial Report for the
University of Kentucky for the Five Months Ended November 30, 1988
(FCR 1)

        Mr. Forgy stated FCR 1 is the acceptance of the consolidated
financial report for the five months ended November 30, 1988 and moved
its adoption.  His motion was seconded by Dr. Pisacano, and it was so
ordered. (See FCR 1 at the end of the 'Minutes.)

        N.     Disposal of Personal Property (FCR 2)

        On motion made by Mr. Forgy, seconded by Dr. Pisacano and
carried, the Board approved the disposition of surplus and obsolete
property as recommended in FCR 2.  (See FCR 2 at the end of the

        0.     Capital Construction Report (FCR 3)

        Mr. Forgy entertained a motion to adopt the Capital
Construction Report for the three months ending September 30, 1988.
The motion was seconded by Judge Tackett and carried. (See FCR 3 at
the end of the Minutes.)

        Following the vote, there was a discussion about the project
to add two floors to the University Hospital.  President Roselle
explained that two floors had not been entirely specified at the
present time. The building was being engineered for eventual addition
of two floors, but it is also being engineered as the landing site for
the helicoper.  He stated that the other consideration is cost, and it
is much cheaper to do two floors now.  All the bases have been touched
with respect to the certificate of need.

        P.     American Football Coaches Retirement Fund (FCR 4)

        Mr. Forgy so moved that the American Football Coaches
Retirement Trust 401 (k) plan be made available for eligible
University of Kentucky football coaches voluntary tax sheltered
contributions on or after January 1, 1989.   The motion was seconded by
Mr. Sturgill and carried.   (See FCR 4 at the end of the Minutes.)

        Q.     Receipt of an Endowment from the Knight Foundation and
Establishment of the John S. and Elizabeth Knight Professorship in
Equine Veterinary Science (FCR 5)

        Mr. Forgy made a motion that FCR 5 be adopted and deferred the
item to President Roselle who commented that it is a remarkable gift
from the Knight Foundation and the establishment of a John S. and


-1 0-

Elizabeth Knight Professorship in Equine Veterinary Medicine.  He
expressed his pleasure in having the Knight name associated with the
University of Kentucky. the $850,000 gift goes with a $150,000 that
was given earlier to endow a professorship in the amount $1 million.
The motion was seconded by Mr. Wilcoxson and carried. (See FCR 5 at
the end of the 'Minutes.)

        R.     Sale of Tract C of the South Farm (FCR 6)

        Mr. Forgy moved the adoption of FCR 6 to authorize the
conclusion of the sale of Tract "C" of the South Farm for $205,000 to
Ms. C. Elizabeth Zantker, 2999 Clays Mill Road, Lexington, Kentucky.
The motion was seconded by Mr. Farmer and passed without dissent.

        S.     Investment Committee Report

        Mr. Stricker, Chairman of the Investment Committee, reported
that the Investment Committee met on the morning of January 24 with
investment advisors from First Kentucky Trust. He stated that the
purpose of the meeting was to review the activity of the investment
advisor and that no action was required.

        T.     Appointment of Director of Athletics (PR 3A)

        President Roselle expressed his pleasure in presenting to the
Board the recommendation for a new Director of Athletics at the
University of Kentucky.  He stated that a screening committee was
established to consider nominations and applications for the important
position.  He indicated his indebtedness to Dr. Charles Wethington,
chairman of the committee, and members of the committee (Dean Peggy
Meszaros, Robert Lawson, William Sturgill, S. T. Roach, and Bruce
Rector). The Committee's recommendation was unanimous and
enthusiastic in support of the candidate to be presented.

        -President Roselle noted that the appointment of a new Director
of Athletics follows the resignation of Mr. Cliff Hagan whose
contributions are well-known and appreciated by all.  It also comes at
a time when the basketball program at the University is under stress
from allegations made by the NCAA -- a situation that is sad and
concerns all Kentuckians deeply.

        President Roselle praised Mr. Joe Burch for his willingness
and capable leadership of the Athletics Association during the interim
period. He informed the members that Mr. Burch would continue in his
present role as Interim Director of Athletics until about April 1,
1989. He stated that everyone can be assured that the business of the
Athletics Association will be conducted carefully, thoughtfully and
aggressively under Mr. Burch's leadership.



        He mentioned that the administration looks forward to
rebuilding the basketball program and the continuation of the great
tradition of athletics at the University of Kentucky.  It must,
however, have a person of proven ability and of a high, personal and
professional integrity. The University's goal is to have an athletic
program fully in compliance with NCAA regulations, and the program
must be fair to the student athlete to insure that the young people
achieve success in the classroom and on the playing field.

        He continued that the University's search had identified a
person with a management philosophy and a style that is compatible
with those goals. His leadership abilities will assuredly make him a
respected member of the University of Kentucky's administration.
Athletics is important to the University, and it is important that the
leadership of the athletics program evidences a record of competitive
success, a record of integrity and an understanding of the place of
the athletics program in the greater University.

        President Roselle expressed his pleasure in announcing a
person who possesses such leadership quality: a person who will be a
leader and member of the University team as well as a person familiar
with the traditions of the University, his alma mater, -- Mr. C. M.
Newton. He then reviewed Mr. Newton's education, experience and
professional affiliations.

        In conclusion, President Roselle stated that the action
recommended to the Board marks a beginning for a new day for the
University of Kentucky athletics program.  When the dust is settled on
the current basketball program's problems, the administration will
have established an exemplary athletic program and a continuation of
the University's excellence. This can be done under the leadership of
Mr. Newton.

        Mr. Sturgill moved approval of the recommendation. The motion
was seconded by Mr. Stricker and passed by acclamation.   Governor
Chandler stated that the University could not have gotten a better
person for the position. (See PR 3A at the end of the Minutes.)

        U.     Meeting Adjourned

        There being no further business to come before the Board, Mrs.
Hayes, Acting Chairperson, adjourned the meeting at 2:10 p.m.

                                    Respectfully submitted,

                                    John C. Darsie
                                    Assistant Secretary
                                    Board of Trustees

(PR's 2, 3A, 5A, 5B, 8A, 88, FCR's 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 which follow
are official parts of the Minutes of the Meeting.)



                                                Office of the President
                                                January 24, 1989

Members, Board of Trustees:

                           PERSONNEL ACTIONS

Recommendation: (1) that approval be given to the attached
appointments, actions and/or other staff changes which require Board
action; and (2) that the report relative to appointments and/or
changes already approved by the administration be accepted.

Background: The attached recommended appointments and/or other staff
changes require approval by the Board of Trustees in accordance with
Part VIII-B of the Governing Regulations of the University. These
recommendations are transmitted to the Board by the appropriate
chancellor through the President and have his concurrence.

Under the Governing Regulations, the authority to make certain
appointments and/or other staff changes is delegated to the President
or other administrators who are required to report their actions to
the Board. This report follows the recommendations requiring Board

Action taken:  Approv