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State University of Kentucky




University Begins Year
With Bright Prospects
More Than 900 Matriculate on First Two Days of School
and Many More are Expected Before End of
Whn the doors of Buell Armory
were formally thrown open Monday
morning for the beginning of the
annual session of the
University, a large crowd was waiting
to matriculate, and It was after 6
o'clock Tuesday night before the registration ceased. A total of 918 were
registered in the two days and this
number is expected to be considerably
augmented before the end of the


forty-sevent- h


The matriculation was carried on
very systematically, very little trou-"bl- e
being experienced by the students. After matriculation, the students were able to find out about
their courses, classes, et cetera, from
the representatives of the various
who were "'seated around the
Various changes have been made in
several departments, both in courses
and faculty. The College of Agriculture has added courses in vegetable
gardening and in floriculture.
greenhouses and gardens at the Experiment Station will be used by the
students this year more than ever before. Two additions have been made
to the faculty of this college. N. R.
Elliot, from Ohio State University,
takes the position made vacant by the
resignation or Fred Hofman, who accepted a position with the Bureau of
Markets Department, of Washington,
D. C, and Dr. Philip L. Blumenthal,
graduate of this University and of
Yale, has accepted a position as chemist at the Experiment Station.
Candidates for degrees in this department who have not done practical
farming work, will be required to
work on the farm at least two summers before they can graduate.
The College of Law has added a requirement for entrance that all stuyears of age
dents under twenty-onmust have one year of university
work. In this department two additions have been made to the faculty.
Reuben B. Ilutchcraft, Jr., graduate
of Transylvania College and of the
.Harvard Law School, will be instructor and George DuRelle, of Louisville,
will deliver a course of lectures on
"Federal Jurisdiction and Procedure."
In the Arts and Science College additions have been made in the Chemistry,, English and Journalism Departments. .1. R. Mitchell, of Westminister Collie; William H. Staebner,
embark College, and A. H. Waitt, of
havo been added to the Chemistry
went n8 professors of elementary
(Continued onPage 3)





Freshman Hair Not to be
Cut This Year, Is the
Faculty Rule


Beloved Wife of President
Emeritus Passes Away


antl-hazin- g


Blue and White Team Has
Best Prospects in Years
Strongest Preliminary Offerings Yet Made For Football
Work on New Barker Field Number of
Trying For the Team.




The many students of the University, members of the faculty, officers
of the administration,
friends and
acquaintances were grieved to hear
of the death of Mrs. Lucella W. PatOct. 2 Butler College, at Lex- terson, which occurred at her resilngton.
dence on the University campus last
9 Earlham
College , at
Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock. BronLexington.
chitis, contracted a few weeks ago,
Oct. 16 Mississippi A. & M.
was the cause of her death. Mrs. Pat
College, at Columbus, Miss.
terson is survived by her husband, Dr,
Oct. 23 University of the South
James K. Patterson, president emer
(Sewanee), at Lexington.
itus of State University, and by a
4 Oct. 30 University of Cincin- sister, Mrs. Lucy R. Yost, of Green
natl, at Lexington.
ville, Ky. She was 80 years old.
Nov. 6 University of Louisville,
The funeral services were held at
at Louisville.
the Patterson home on the University
Nov. 13 Purdue University, at
'.campus Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock,
the Rev. Edwin Muller, pastor of the
Uni- 26
First Presbyterian, Church, and the
versity of Tennessee, at Lexlng- Rev. Dr. Charles Lee Reynolds, pas
tor of the Second Presbyterian Church,
conducting the services. 'The Inter
ment took place in the Patterson mausoleum in the Lexington cemetery.
"It seems to me that only a very
The loss of one of Kentucky's most bad run of luck could prevent State
noble women was deeply lamented from having one of the best football
through the local press, and In reso- teams she has ever had," said Dr.
lutions adopted by the Alumnae Club Tlgert, the popular University coach,
and the faculty of State University familiarly referred to among the student body as "Tige," the other evenSaturday afternoon as follows:
ing after coming in from the new Bar"Whereas, It has pleased an
Providence to remove from our midst ker Stadium with his large squad of
Lucella Wing Patterson, the beloved prospective Wildcats.

On September 6 a letter was sent by
the President of the University to each
male member of the. Senior class, and
one to the parents of each male mem
ber, emphasizing the seriousness of
the offense oC hazing, which includes
and stating the penalty
for any Infraction of the
to. the' stunde. v The
dents follows:
Lexington, Ky., Sept. 6, 1915.
"My Dear Young Friend:
"At the coming session of the University, you will be in the Senior
"The object of this letter is to call
your attention to the fact that the
faculty has passed a stringent rule
against hazing of any kind, and especially against that form of hazing
which consists in cutting the Freshmen's hair. I also wish to remind you wife of James K. Patterson, president
that, last year, when certain young emeritus of State University;
men In the dormitories were reinstat"Therefore, be it resolved by the
ed for the offense of hazing, it was faculty
of the State University that
done upon the promise that hereafter 'we extend to Doctor Patterson our
all sorts of hazing would be banished
.sympathy In
sincere and heart-fel- t
from the campus. That was the con- this sad hour of his bereavement.
tract signed by all the students In the
"For many years his stay and helpdormitories.
mate, she brought into his life the in"Frequently, when students have spiration
and charm of a gentle womgotten into trouble In the University
anliness, the hope and steadfastness
and been punished, they have appeal- of purpose of a Christian character.
ed to me, as President of the Univer'Gtent'ie, kindly, patient, actuated
sity, on the grounds they did not know only by noble purposes, a gentlewoman
the existence of the law for the breach by birth and education, she left an
of which they were punished.
Thus abiding impress
for good upon the
far, I have always helped them out of lives of man
generations of stutrouble, but having obligated myself dents,
and into the atmosphere of
to the faculty to carry out this rule, It
(Continued on Page 2)
will be my duty to see that the law
against hazing la enforced next sesSTAFF MEETING.
"I hope you will return to school' in
The first meeting of the staff of
good health and spirits, and with the The Kentucky Kernel will be held Frifull determination to assist me In the day afternoon at 3:30 o'clock In the
enforcement of all lawful discipline Journalism Department rooms in the
on the campus and to uphold my hand basement of the Main Building. Plans
in everything for the good of "State." for the year will be discussed and
"I hope you will not consider this in details of the system will be worked
any way, a threat, but that you will out. It is absolutely imperative that
feel that it has come from my heart each member of the staff attend this
meeting unless prevented by someand for your benefit.
"Hoping to see you soon on the cam- thing unavoidable. This is the most
pus, I am
important staff meeting for the year.

No. 1.




Park, Thomas, Reed and
Wright Play Season
With Lexington


Dispatch to the Kentucky

PHILADELPHIA, Pa., Sept. 14.
James Park, former Kentucky State
University athlete, of the St. Louis
Browns, won his third successive
game, defeating ctr la a1 team here
today, score 12 to 4. Park allowed
only four hits and struck out three
The ability of Kentucky State Wildcats to make good outside of college
amateur circles has been amply demonstrated during the past summer by
the records of "Jim" Park, Ad Thom
as, "Rasty" Wright, and "Biscuit"..
Reed, all of whom have been playing
professional baseball this season, and
who have decidedly made good. All
of them were members of the Lexington Ohio State League team, which
was a contender in both of
races in that league, and the K. S.
U. boys were among the best in the
whole circuit.




points to a bright
year," continued the "long logician."
"We have a splendid field undoubtedly one of the best in the South. The
material at hand is excellent; the athletic committee is backing us more
than ever before and besides all these,
It seems to me that the student body
pitchPaul Gossage, the
is taking greater interest than in for er, who was a student In the Law Demer years."
partment last year, but was prevented
Track suits and scant football out from playing on the University team
fits are In etfdenpe every afternoon because of his professional
among the, forty fit SSty warriors who spent the summer as a member of the
are bravSng,ho spell- ifv,arm weath- Charlotte (N. C.) team In the North
Carolina League.
er and gainely cyjmJpg
kicking, passing ap"d te. otheVpe- - . "Jim" Park was purchased by the
llmlnarles Cpaclu'TigSrV" add .Mils as- Si.. Louis American League team for a
sistant, "Squirf eU; vTltttle 'ark. putting p'rlce said to be one of the largest ever
the men through. The'lJiiiyfersUy 'qnjf aid for an Ohio State League player
Coach Tlgert are fortunatVln securing and reported to them during the lat
the aid of Tuttle and Jim Park, who ter part of August. On September 7
will arrive soon from St. Louis to he pitched his first game In the
take up his duties at Kentucky State, majors against the Cleveland team,
who for the past four years have been with one of their strongest plt.ners
responsible for many a Wildcat vie- - opposing him and as was expected of
tory on the gridiron as well as in him won the game, by the score of 4
other branches of athletics. Park at to 1. Not only that, but the game
quarter and Tuttle as halfback have went to eleven innings, and "Jim" was
probably never been surpassed In their responsible for the victory by slamin the eleventh
respective positions on the eleven and ming out a
certainly never before ns all around and drivlnng In two men with the
winning runs. During the game he
athletes and stndents.
Everyone is familiar with the win- struck out six men and allowed only
ning powers which the head couch two bases on balls. This remarkable
(Continued on Page 2)
(Continued on Page 3)
split-seaso- n



