xt72jm23f740 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt72jm23f740/data/mets.xml Texas Texas State-wide Records Project University of Texas. Bureau of Research in the Social Sciences United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Professional and Service Projects 1941 29 leaves: map; 28 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Library Program libraries and the Federal Information Preservation Network. Call number FW 4.14:T 312/2/no.237 books English Hempstead, Tex: Waller county San Antonio, Tex.: State-wide Records Indexing and Inventory Program This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Texas Works Progress Administration Publications Probate records -- Texas Waller County (Tex.) -- History Index to Probate Cases of Texas, no. 237, Walker County, October 1, 1873 - May 6, 1940 text Index to Probate Cases of Texas, no. 237, Walker County, October 1, 1873 - May 6, 1940 1941 1941 2019 true xt72jm23f740 section xt72jm23f740 ' ’ _ WWW“WWII?NWWW“If!”I'M/“WIN“ a» ~ v ,, 3 warms? ,, , ? INDEX 1 ' T0 > -' PROBATE CASES . FILED IN . i TEXAS ‘5)“E STAR .9 I {*3!’ I o 3 //,}Lg/° ‘ ‘ r'»,"‘}"‘~.£'e11¢..j1,‘.N023?I v . . ; WALLER COUNTY . : TEXAS STATEWIDE RECORDS PROJECT ‘1 INDEX TO PROBATE CASES OF TEXAS No. 237. WALLER COUNTY October 1, 1873 — May 6, lQAO Prepared by The Texas State-wide Records Project Division of Community Service Programs _ Work Projects Administration V Bureau of Research in the Social Sciences The University of Texas, Official Spenser ' Published by Waller County, Texas March l9l+l ' , ‘ :' PREFACE 1 1 The publication herewith presented, an index to the probate cases filed in Waller County, Texas, is No. 237 of the Texas series of counties. ' The publication is intended to meet the requirements of day—to-day usage by the officials of the county, attorneys, businessmen, and other citi- \ zens who have occasion to consult probate case records for the proper con— duct of their affairs. The publication may be used by historians and genealogists to obtain references to unpublished source material. The names of the deceased persons, minors, and other principals are arranged alphabetically, with reference to the filing date of the case and the case number. The notation ”no papers” following the name of the principal indicates that no-case papers were located during the inventory. Differentiation between probate cases assigned duplicate numbers is ac— complished by the addition of a letter following the case number and by numerals. The following numbers in series l~1293 were not used as case numbers: 8, 87, 197, 515, 696, 912, 1092. In Waller County the probate case papers are filed in 15 steel file 'draWers on the West Wall of the county clerk's vault. The papers of each case are filed in separate file jackets. The file jackets are arranged numerically by case number. Since the transfer of territory from one county to another has af~ fected probate jurisdiction and has determined the county in which the probate case should have been filed, a map and table of territorial changes are included herein. Notations concerning present location and availability of records pertinent to Waller Countwaollow:' ‘, Austin COunty, Bellville, records extant. Grimes County, Anderson, records destroyed by fire, 1818. Harris County, Houston, records extant. ' - Montgomery County, Conroe, records extant. ‘- _ Washington County, Brenham, records extent. I . _ 1:! .3 E MAP OF WALLER COUNTY SHOWING THE PROBATE AREAS a [E AND THEIR DERIVATIONS" E A in Municipality and County of Austin from 2/10/1828 (1) to '4/28/1873 F . H Waller County , H 4/28/1873 (2) " date a B " Municipality of Austin " 2/10/1828 (1) " 10/16/1835 E " ” and County of Washington ” 10/16/1835 (3) " 12/14/1837 fi ' " Montgomery County . ' ' ” 12/1A/1837 (4) ,” 4/ 6/18h6 E " Grimes COunty - ” h/ 6/1846 (5) ‘” 4/28/1873 g " Waller County . H 4/28/1873 (2) " date Ft C " Municipality of Austin ‘ " v2/lO/1828 (1) " 12/30/1835 E ” ” and County of Harrisburg* " 12/30/1835 (6) ” 5/24/1838 .a " Montgomery County , " 5/24/1838 (7) ” 4/ 6/1846 Q " Grimes County . " 4/ 6/1846 (5) ”_=4/28/1873 . i " Waller County " 4/28/1873 (2) " date ii (1) Feb. 10, 1828 is here used as the date of the establishment of the if municipality of Austin because on this date the ayuntamiento of San 23 Felipe de Austin was installed (see Eugene C. Barker, ed., “Minutes '” of the Ayuntamiento of San Felipe de Austin, 1828—1832,” §guthwest~ 1; egg Eigtgrigal Quartegiy, XXI (1917-18), 299). It is assumed that f the municipality had at this time jurisdiction over the territory t of Austin's Colony as legally defined Mar. 4, 1827 (ass H. P. N. Gam— I mel, Laws 9; Texas, I, 50). l} (2) Gammel, v11, 501. V (3) The date of establishment of the municipality of Washington is not ,1 known, but it was represented at the Consultation held Oct. 16, 1835 ) (ééé Gammel, I, 514). Nor has legal definition of its boundaries i; been found, but it is believed that the municipality included the g area embraced in the boundaries of the county of Washington as de— ) fined Dec. 14, 1837 (see Gammel, I, 1391) plus the territory of the E new county of Montgomery created on the same day, and described as i ”All that part of the county of Washington, lying east of the Brazos, : and southeast Navasota Rivers. . .” (see Gammel, I, 1375). §§§ also i George W. Paschal, A Digest gg the LaWS g: Iggag, I, 189, note 325, i . for general description of the probable boundaries of the munici— fl pality of Washington in 1835. 1 (4) Gammel, I, 1375. f (5) Ibid., 11, 1356. § (6) Ibid., 1, 1022. g (7) Ibid., 1, 1518. 1 * Name changed to Harris, Dec. 28, 1839 (Gammel, II, 396). 1 . l'I r ‘ *— Q a R A z o s N 1 ‘ . AVASOTA n BURLEsoN ( ,1. .3 o : '2, 3 K , \ p , ER E ‘ Q 0 '5/ g : “Vt! ouomeomsnv . _ ,. J > e R I M E o. 1 , ’ ‘ '~' +" 11 / OMDEPENDENCE WASHINGTON ‘ 'v “t o ,9 . Q 1 I V 9 r /.3 33, ,9 ' C I! E y: 7* ououm V ‘ 3.5 ‘ JAchoN o e 0 3 3 1 M o N T G 0 M E R Y ('3 33 .2“ 1 WASHINGTON a.“ l 1 I - ‘ . fl , - rzmn ° ‘ u f» \\ 1:“ I 4. . <= 9 2 r“ " ‘“ I\\‘_ I a 1: ‘V QBRENHAM 4. ‘ \ oucw‘m — a. opmzuunu 1 V" , 0ansz HILL 1 I ”’4‘ ——E — ‘ ». G I *—.-~ , .1. 3, 1 ' 1‘ \\ , /' 1 1° 1 1 a s 'l' " 9,13 ornunu. ./ — ' L3 ’3 HEMPSTEADT— — 1 -1, — e, . A ‘ . 3 0 (>1, -—-——v—. —°PRMRIE VIEW - H54- 3’ “:1" ‘13 I VALLERO 1,111 oxsmm ,1‘. a W_ < I r r L V‘ _ —— r: . \ ' 3—1 enema v . 1.1- " ’99.:- ,\ 3 ..‘ .v 3 231513333121:- ‘0 S W_A_L_L_ E_R 3 c v,“ “‘1 ’1 (\3 c n E E ocmsss ' “ °" 2 oBELLVlLLE 3 1 ,j' TSUNNYSIDE __A_ H ‘ A R R I S R ~—__— A U S T I N ‘1 ° _.__l___.— L333 ,« N I L fl 3“— ——-— _ - 1? 0 j. Z #0:“ (l a ~.—._‘ ~——— __ J. c , sf DPETERS ,_ X \ on 4- 01:” spam :1 A...— .—°pAmsou—_——._— ’4' r ' __ .—_~__ V, c ——— —- 4 “'7, \ —°aRoostmE— g 9“" c, E E ' I l \ \ ADDICDLSO , \ ‘ e f ‘ L . A v o u _ . 1 1 \ e .9 \ "———— \\ m . ficownaus 1, ) \ \ 0° 2 L manna “mm“ 0 \ ( \ ,. summon 09 a": R 4 1 \M o \ 7 JP 1." ‘ ‘ a o / \ I? o R . e 51' O 6‘ \ \ / Ir / p R \ é‘ WALLIS .9 / 6"? ° 0”. . C 0 L 0 R A D 0 ’ k 3 a. 1 R / / ‘ "r f 1. 6‘ ’w H A R T o N ,5 R .3, / — v: 31 mmm . RICH 0ND F O R T B E N D oaaam MAP OF WALLER COUNTY .1. SHOWING THE SEVERAL PROBATE AREAS *3 a; “ 3" ‘ \ , __ PRESENT aouuomzs 0F WALLER courmr a? _-__. COUNTY 1.1st o-rNER THAN WALLER couurv \ 0"“W'LL‘ . (FOR EXPLANATION AND REFERENCES SEE THE A ‘3 PRECEDING PAGE.) 3 , fi ‘ co / . gait“ /\ ‘ / I 1 PREPARED BY W.P.A. 03554-65469 l/a/I94I / B R A z o R I A M11. 3 INDEX TO PROBATE ChsES v VLLLER COUNTY COUREEOUSE, HENPSTEhD, TEXAS Name of Deceased, Minor or Lunatic Date Filed ~.~7E;;;d33: Lbbott, E. B., deceased Nov. 27, 1876 55 ; nbner, Westley, NCM Oct. 4, 1924 927 Lewis, Glen, Jock, Malcom, Ruby and Wayne, minors July 7, 1957 1214 ihronbock, Eiillizun, deceased Jan. 50, 1888 224 1 Allen, Eduond and Nathaniel, minors Mhrch 2, 1895 270 ' Allen, Clem, NCM Aug. 22, 1914 709 ; Allen, Lillian, NCM Jan. 29, 1925 895 Allen, Hertha, NCM, (no papers) Oct. 21, 1892 285 , Allen, Mollie Mae, minor Sept. 15, 1924' 925 1 Allen, N. M., deceased Feb. 20, 1882 ' 152 Allsup, Minor 2., deceased July 7, 1919 818 I,11310yro:2ds, Mrs. Elia, NCM May 20, 1901 4.59 Alt, Catherine, minor March 24, 1914 700 E ‘ Alt, John, deceased VMarch 25, 1940 1292 3 Ambron,fimelia,Dore end Eddie,minors Jan. 24, 1891 258 f Lmbron, Ed., deceased Jan. 10, 1891 259,256 3 Amslcr, C. 0., deceased July 16, 1874 27 1 .nnsler, Charles, deceased Oct. 1, 1891 271 A j Amslcr, Harriet M., minor . Jan. 2, .1925 950 Q Lmsler, L. D., deceased Jun. 9, 1925 951 i Lmsler, Louis D., deceased Jan. 7, 1925 929 € ' Amsler, Mary, deceased lhrch 25, 1896 557 Anderson, Joseph Edward, minor Nov. 26, 1885 186 f ‘ Anderson, Patricia K., deceased June 7, 1955 1102 1 Lnderson, U. B., deceased lhy' 12, 1890 245,249 Andress, J. G. Jr., minor Dec. 15, 1875 42 l Andress,Lele O. and Willie T.,minors Sept. 6, 1886 201 ' Andrcss, 3. T., deceased June 24, 1886 205 ‘ Andrews, 1. J., deceased, (no pcgers) Sept. 15, 1891 269 AndreWs, Jack and thor, minors Aug. 1891 268 J Applowhite, Arthur, deceased March 50, 1906 V 554 Applewhite, Arthur, deceased July 18, 1876 51 Applewhite, Mollie, deceased Oct. 7, 1925 945 j Archie, Nathan, deceased Nov. 5, 1958 1259 Arendele, J. J., deceased Jan. 12, 1905 475 ircndale, Kate and Minnie, minors Jan. 16, 1905 477 ! Armor, E. H., deceased March 26, 1915 677 1 Armor, Sallie, deceased Jan. 24, 1911 629 j Avree, Mary E., deceased Dec. 10, 1885 156 § _ B _ l Baethe, Karl, deceased, (to papers) Oct. 50, 1906 546 ( Bailey, Levi, NCM Feb. 12, 1955 1148 Bains, Susan M., deceased July 18’ 1904 500 1 1 I l : ' 3 2 I , ' 1193191913. 13392959111113}:19.111411119119...“”Belemfi‘ilewd Case NO- . m.._.__......._._..._. r Bains, 1.1., deceased Feb. 26, 1919 809(1) Balns, W. W., deceased Feb. 26, 1919 809(2) ) Balcer,fiiala11da,1‘/Iary A. and 7.71m. ,minors June 19, 1882 156 E‘ Baker, 0. L. and G. 8., minors Feb. 5, 1881 117,109 Baker, D. C., NCM, (no papers) Nov. 20, 1924.- 928 ,3 Baker, Horace Lee, Lola May and ) 11111iani Jeff, minors Nov. 21, 19:34 1140 ( Banks, Church 11., deceased June '7, 1958 1252 ‘ Barnes, Addie, NOB/I Aug. 1, 1951 1061 ( Barnhart, Bennie, minor Jan. 19, 1926 950 1‘ Bartlejr, John, deceased June 15, 1958 1255 I Bates, Aline and Wilbur, minors Dec. 8, 1925 915 1 Bauknight, Elias, deceased Dec. 1, 1885 18'? Baum, Harriet, J. D. and Oscar; McCoy, Joseph, minors May 2’], 1878 '78 Baum, Hattie and J. D., minors Nov. 11, 1878 84.- Baum, Oscar D., minor, (no papers) 91 Baum, Oscar D., minor April 7, 1879 121 ( Beasley, Emanuel, 1101.1 Oct. 12, 1901 44.5 J Bedell, A. r., deceased sent. 15, 1888 250 (E Behn, c. 11., deceased April 19, 1886 194 '; Bejhejian, Araxse and Koning, minors April 20, 1917 76'? 1 Bell, Annie, deceased Jan. 9, 1924. 916 1 Bell, Betty, 11011 Oct. 24, 1881 125 Bell, George, deceased May 2, 1955 1099 ' Bell, Henry, NCM July 25, 1929 1012 - Bell, Lydia, 11011 April 24, 1925 954 Bell, nency 1., minor Nov. 13, 1875 4 Bemus, Milum, minor Oct. 26, 1910 625 Bennett, Arel, John D., Martin A., : Mollie, Rachel, Robert M. and William 11., minors April 2, 1920 . 859 ‘ Bennett, Ida 0rd, deceased Jan. 3, 1922 876 ? Bennett, 1. D. and 11. 11., minors, 3, (no papers) July 15, 1925 959 (i Bennett, Lily and Ollie, minors April 14», 1914 704: 3 Bennett, Mollie and Ray, minors July 15, 1925 940 ‘ Bennett, William 1.1., deceased ' ' Oct. 15, 1925 9415,1011 g Bennett, Jellies, deceased Sept. 5, 1885 182 Benson, Frank, Justine and I’Iilliem, minors Oct. 25, 1904: 502 Berlison, Lurline, minor Iiiarch 18, 1950 1050 Berry, Bonnie Ruth and Sammie Howard, minors 1’1IJLI'Ch 17, 1958 124:4 Bethany, 111. E., deceased May 12, 1933- 1057 Bethany, W. 11]., deceased I'v'i'flI'Ch 14, 1896 555 Betka, 1., deceased SGP’G- 27: 1937 9'75 Bette, Nancy 11., deceased Doc. 21, 1895 504 ‘ Binford, T. 11., minor Feb. 28, 1882 155 Birdsong, Willie, minor NOV- 12: 1888 232(1) Bleekford, Mittie and Messie, minors Oct. 2’7, 1904 505 , Blacksheer, Isaac, deceased Dec. 11, 1918 805 z z I i 1 3 . 2EEEL£§12£EEEEEQJ_E}EBE.2Eléflfifiiigllm_m~ Date Filed Case No- 2 | Blair, Dorothy, Joyce, Marjorie . 2 and Olcnn, minors Nov. 2, 1959 1288 | Blane, E., deceased Oct. 14, 1886 202,206 1 Blasingemc, Joe M., deceased Sept, 16, 1957 1220 3 Blasingame, John and $Mn, minors Sept. 20, 1884 165 | Blasingamc, Joseph, deceased Aug. 50, 1905 521 Blumberg, August, deceased Feb. 2, 1884 161 2 Blunmerg, Harmon, deceased Jan. 5, 1918 778 | Boottcher, E. J., deceased Jan. 29, 1956 1170 Boggess, Sadie Eloise, minor Jan. 6, 1920 852 5 Boning, H. 8., deceased, (no papers) Dec. 8, 1890 250 Boning, Wilhelmina, deceased, 2 (no payers) 151 j Bosin, Judith, miner, (no papers) Jan. 6, 1914 ' 692 2 Bosin, Pinkie, ROM Aug. 1, 1911 640(A) Besin, William Sr., deceased ‘ Sept. 27, 1925 908 Bostic, Isaac, NCM July 25, 1928 986 ' Bostick, Dan, minor Nov. 15, 1929 1016 Boughton, Bertie and Terry, minors Aug. 4, 1919 821 Bouknight, L. M., deceased Sept. 14, 1959 1280 i Boulware, James L., deceased Doc. 20, 1925 915 I Boulwaro, Katie and Owen, minors Jan. 9, 1914 695(A) ‘ Boulware, Marie Louise, deceased march 22, 1959 1266 | Boulware,Martha,lnry and Sarah,minors Jan. 24, 1878 71 2 Bowie, Nillioin, NCM Nov. 25, 1908 584 Bowlos, s. 8., deceased Feb. 16, 1876 44 :2 Boyd, Jennie 5., doooosod April 15, 1929 1005 | Bozeman, T. 8., deceased Feb. 22, 1958 . 1241 ’ Bozman, Margaret, minor Dec. 11, 1897 560 ‘ Bozman, R. M., deceased Dec. 25, 1897 561,585 ; Bozman, T. 8., deceased June 50, 1957 1211,1212 f Braband, Peter, deceased Dec. 25, 1919 828 | Bradbury, Alice 1., Cornelius M., | Mabel J. and Robert E., minors June 1, 1901 ' 440 2 Bradbury, finite, minor July 15, 1920 845 1 Bradbury, Cornelius, deceased _ Aug. 6, 1920 849 | Bradford, Mrs. dmande, NCM May 12, 1915 678 2 Bradford, Austin, 80M Aug. 9, 1959 1278 2 2 Bragg, Anna, deceased March 19, 1917 765 2 Branch, Elaugh, NCM March 51, 1958 1246 | Branch, Elle Hugh, NCM July 5, 1917 770(2) 11 Branch, Ellie I-lugh, non Nov. 7, 1950 1044 i Brandyburg, Arthur, George, Margurite and Norvell, minors May 50, 1950 1035 Brantley, Lydia Ann, deceased Sept. 29, 1911 645 Brantley, 17111, NONI Feb. 5, 1929 999 Brian, D. 1.. Jr., Juanita and Marie E., minors Oct. 12, 1958 1258 | ‘ Brod, Anton, deceased Sept. 29, 1928 990 ' Erode, Antonia, deceased APTil 24: 1957 1204 7 Brodo, Jake J., deceased SOPt- 11: 1957 1219 ‘ Brooks, Jno., NCM NMTCh 2: 1918 782 1 1 - 1 4 i , 1 1 Brookshire, Mrs. 1:12., deceased July 10, 1905 485 1 Brown, Gabe, deceased, (no papers) 140 1 Brown, Nancy, deceased Dec. 50, 1919 829 I Brovm, Sebe, deceased Dec. 50, 1919 850 1 Brown, Thomas 11., deceased Feb. '7, 1874 19 1g Browne, Hal 11-31., minor . June 25, 1912 665 1 Browne, Laura, NCM April 25, 1900 11-12 I Brownlee, Sarah 11., deceased April 2, 1878 74,88 ‘ Brunson, B. F., deceased Oct. 10, 1928 992 I Bryon, Henriette, l-FCM June 22, 1888 229 ‘ Buchanz’zn, Mary Ann, deceased March 17, 1894 506 Buchanan, 11!. L, deceased March 17, 188'? 211 1 Buchanan, William T., deceased May 9, 1884: 165 : Buchlnen, Josephine, NCM July 50, 1886 200,208,209 ‘ Bungee, Inmnds,’ Benj., Dorothea A. , Hannah, Louis, lsiertin and Selma, minors March 28, 19011 495 1 Burford, Johnathan 13., deceased Aug. 19, 1911 642 ‘ Burney, Chas., minor June 1, 1912 662 Burt, Alfred, Le Roy, Moilene and g1 Virgil, minors Aug. 8, 1927 971 I Burton, Arie and Laure, minors 13on 6, 1912 660 Burton, E. 51., deceased Jan. 6, 1903 475 I Burton, G. 8., deceased April 25, 1907 554 Burwell, '1'Jillie, minor May 18, 1885 14:7 Bush, Lou, NCM Dec. 22, 1954: 1141 Bush, Lou, NCM Dec. 12, 1956 1195 1.1 , Butler, Ruthie Lee, NCM April 7, 1957 1205 Hyde, Sopha, NCM June '7, 1909 599 1- .. C _ 1 Cabeen, D. .'-_., deceased April 20, 1901 1158(1) I Cede, Marthe, minor Oct. '7, 1918 798 Caldwell, Mattie, NCM Aug. 223, 1915 75511 Calhoun, M. 0., deceased March 22, 1951'; 1122 1 Calhoun, Maggie, NCM Feb. 1, 1899 582 Calhoun, Mrs. Maggie, NCM March '7, 1906 552 1 ‘ Cameron, Cassie, deceased April 1'7, 1935 1097 11 Cameron, EVelyn, minor March 5, 1940 1291 1 Cmnpbell, Elle, NOE-1'1 Nov. 8, 1909 60‘? 11 1 Campbell, L. 0., deceased Oct. 15, 1894 512,515 ‘ Campbell, Willis, deceased Dec. 1956 1193 Cannon, Ludo, deceased May 8, 1929 1008 Cannon, Ludo, deceased Aug. 16, 1928 987 ‘ Capehart, Narcissus, 11011 Nov. 19, 1900 4-28 " Capohort, Harcissus, 1101-1 March 4-, 1901 1151‘; I Caprielian, Shahener, deceased Feb. 1, 1915 725 ; Carliele, Ida, NCM Nov. 29, 1906 551 j Cemsck, Hillary, NCl-JI Dec. 51, 1890 255 1 1 Carroll, Lou, NCM March 16, 1898 ~ 565 1 Carter, Laura and Maggie, minors 825 ‘ l ' 1 1 L : , ’1 5 I, .mui‘ Deceased, Minor or Lunatic Date Filed Case No. I I Carter, Nellie, non June 25, 1925 956 I Cetheart, A. ‘37., deceased March 12, 1917 761(2),762(1) I Corny, Alois, deceased Jan. 22, 1916 748 Chaddick, Clarence L. F., Lucy I Jewel and Ray, minors l-Iay 2, 1956 1178 II Chambers, Martha, deceased March 25, 1956 1175 ' Chambers, 11. 0., deceased April 7, 1902 455 I Chapman, E. J. and Thos. J., minors Jan. 15, 1874: 188 Chapman, “I. 8., deceased April 25, 1887 214- . Chapman, Warren, NCM July 2, 1957 1215 Chappell, Ernest, NCM April 24-, 1925 955 , Che-them, Maria. E., deceased March 10, 1925 955 5, Chatham, nary, deceased Nov. 15, 1929 1017 Chilton, 5., deceased Nov. 26, 1906 548 I Clack, II. 2., deceased Dec. 14, 1904 508 f Clapp, Jessie 1:17., K. G., Lizzie T. and III. 11., miners Sept. 15, 1897 556 5 Clark, George, NCM . Feb. 111, 1927 962 I Clarke, Amy, 11016.1an 19, 1906 559 i Clarke, 13. 12., deceased Oct. 25, 1887 219 II Clarke, l-Iittie, minor Doc. 10, 1912 669 II Clarke, 13.8., deceased Sept. 11, 1895 522 II Clay, Henry, deceased April 15, 1926 955 I Clay, Henry, deceased July 111-, 1926 956 II Clay, Hentz, deceased April 22, 1909 596 IE Clayton, J. N., deceased Sept. 17, 192-”; 924- II Clemons, Joe and tiny, minors April 11, 1954 1125 II Cliett, n. “3., deceased Dec. 10, 1952 1085 II Cliett, 1'1. E., deceased Feb. 6, 1955 1146 I2 Close, Ccphns 1‘1. and 151121. 5., minors Jan. 10, 18811. 157 II Close, Cephas 1.1. and Wm. 8., miners July 5, 1895 298 II Close, Cephas 1L, minor Dec. 11, 1902 470 ' II Close, Cephas 11., minor Oct. 5, 1910 625 II Close, Cephas Ifajor, deceased liltirch 7, 1901 455 I' Cloud, Alleniso and ROSE, minors ' April 11, 1917 765 - Cloud, Eloise, minor Jan. 6, 1919 806 II Cloud, Jerry J., deceased, (no papers) 10 II Cohen, Archie, Edmond, Lucy, Nellie II and Roche-:11, minors Sept. 25, 1897 557 I Cohen, Baron, minor June 28, 1921 865 II Cohen, Peter, minor 15320011 ll, 1881 111 I Coldiron, Monroe, NCM Oct. 51, 1904 506(2) I Collins, Cora, Pearl and Ruby, minors April 22, 1909 595 I‘ Collins, Elsena, minor May 16, 1912 661 Collins, F. 1.1., deceased April 10, 1908 568 1: Collins, Fielden C., deceased March 19, 1957 1201(2) I Collins, Mrs. Frank, MGM June 16, 1897 5541 Collins, John, deceased, (no papcrm May 1, 1885 189 I Collins, Pearl, minor DOC- 16. 1919 82’? 9 Comer, John Hill, minor Dec. 50, 1919 851 I Conner, Jeanette, deceased April 13: 1938 1248 ' Conner, Thomas, deceased April 4-" 1950 1053 : E E 1....Tame .0ILDrri-Crsii_1£i.rr£_enyssiia1...; -flis.§iifl......--£9.ae£ies E EE Cook, Alvin, Bertha, Flora, Junius E and Lillie, minors Oct. 12, 1920 855 1E Cook, Alvin, Bertha, Flora, J‘unius, ' E Lillie and Ora, minors Jan. 22, 1921 861 E Cook, Ias. 8., deceased Jan. 9, 1911 641 E Cook, Leroy, minor March 29, 1917 ‘764 Cool-:8, Alexander, NCM March 9, 1882 154 Cooke, Alice, deceased Jan. 6, 1915 6'70 E Cooke, Emily, deceased Ian. 19, 1909 590 E Cooke, Hugh III, NCM July 29, 1957 1215 E Cooke, Marion Harrold and Mary E Nell, minors May 19, 1957 1208 E Cooke, Sarah Anna, NCM March 2:3, 192:5 896 E Cooper, LE. and Lewis Ir., minors Dec. 11, 1888 255 E Cooper, Preston, NCM May 1, 1955 1098 E Cox, Jane Alexander, deceased July 50, 1950 . 1058 E Cox, William Henry, minor Jan. 19, 1875 55 E Craig, Louis, deceased April 11, 1922 885 E Craig, Lnoindy, deceased Feb. 28, 1925 952 E Grain, Annie, deceased May 4, 1937 1205 EE Crawford, Elizabeth. A. and E Ethel. 13., minors Oct. 20, 1902 464 ‘ Crawford, 3'. H., deceased April 12, 1912 658 Crawford, Lucy, EICM Sept. 26, 1895 510 Crawford, W. 3., deceased Dec. 8, 1902 471,472 .E Craven, Joe, NCM April 25, 1899 592 Crockett, Susan, NCM Aug. 11, 1905 487(2) 1 Cromeens, P... L., deceased March 29, 1922 884 E Crook, J'. J., deceased April 22, 1918 r788 I Crook, 1113311111 P., deceased Dec. 50, 1950 1048 E‘ Crook, R. 1., deceased Jan. '7, 1905 512 ‘E Crook, Mrs. R, 1., deceased June so, 1909 601 E Cross, John, NCM Jan. 1, 1914 715 Crowder, J. S. and W. R., minors Sept. 50, 1901 445 , Crowhurst, Ella, Gilbert and E Leonard, minors Sept. 6, 1952 1076' A Crumbo, Hirmn, minor March 5, 1874 22 Culberson, E-Eenrjr, deceased 1518:; 5, 1957 1206 E Culberson, Henry, NCM , Oct. 5, 1956 1189,1190 Culberson, Henry, NCM Oct. 12, 1956 1190,1189 E Cunnnins, Mrs. Ida, deceased July 5, 1911 659 E Cunningham, Bennie 11., minor Oct. 25, 1902 468 E Cunningham, Marguaret, NCM Sept. 19, 1959 1281 EE Cuny, Alice and Philippa, minors Jan. 19, 1905 478 E Cuny, P. 111., deceased June 2, 1925 902 EE Cuny, P. 14., deceased NOV- 27, 1879 98(2) EEE Curry, Dicie, NCM March 15, 1922 881 EEE Curry, 080., deceased Nov. 12, 1950 1045 EE Curtis, Blanche and Ruby, minors Oct. 15, 1910 624 EE Curtis, James 1., John 13., Loice A. E and Illartha V., minors July 5, 1915 682 .E Cyrus, Sam, NCM March 25, 1950 1051 E E EE E 1 EE 7 I; 1 7 11 11 . dWcsnsssniéilnwnenleL i9....__.___.13.918_41.l__ed __..._____C_s.s. e N 0 - h - I Daniels, Dora, deceased Sept. 19, 1952 1079 1 Darrow, Annie, deceased Aug. 19, 1885 178 Darrow, Ella and Nettie, minors Sept. 29, 1885 184 1 Davidson,Robbie,Roy and Ruby,minors Oct. 20, 1902 465 L , Davis, Claude, NCM May 1, 1959 1271 Davis, J. H., deceased July 19, 1909 602 Davis, J. H., deceased, (no papers) Dec. 26, l9l5 690 1 Davis, Joe, N05 Sept. 19, 1908 580 I Davis, Henry, NCM May 15, 1901 458(2) . Davis, Will, deceased July 17, 1906 542 5 Day, Annie and Edgar, minors Oct. 15, 1884 166 1 Day, Lee, minor March 21, 1900 411 , Deese, Daphne, deceased Dec. 15, 1887 225 ; Dege, A. 5., deceased Dec. 5, 1885 155 g . De Lyon, 1. M., deceased Feb. 28, 1876 47 Denmon, J. 8., deceased Feb. 27, 1904 494 _ Devine, Wm., deceased July 15, 1878 80 Dickerson, Spottsvillc, deceased July 17, 1876 50,51 1 Dinkins, Eula, Faola, Glcnwood, Ivra and Winnie, minors Sept. 8, 1914 7l0 ( Dison,Thompson, deceased,(no papers) April 20, 1910 616 , ,I - Dixon, G. B. Jr., deceased July 11, 1891 264 ' Dixon, Johnnie and Leela, minors Doc. 18, 1920 856 1 Dixon, Martha Jane, minor July 22, 1885 176 Donigan, D. 8., deceased Oct. 5, 1905 488(2) _ Donigan, Mary, deceased Jan. 25, 1958 1259 ; Doss, Alpha Elizabeth, deceased July 20, 1881 118 h ' Doss, John, NCM Sept. 10, 1957 1218,1221 1 Doss, John, NCM Oct. 9, 1957 1225 1 Downing, Henson, deceased Oct. 26, 1959 1287 ‘ Downman, H. P., deceased July 14, 1886 177 ‘ - Dozier, Joe Jr., Josephine and Maxwell, minors May 4, 1925 900 ‘ Dozier, Joe Jr. and Maxie, miners May 29, 1954 1129,1156 ( Dozier, J00 and Maxie, minors Sept. 15, 1954 1156,1129 ‘ Dradan, Anna, minor Nov. 9, 1914 712 ( . Draohn, Annie, deceased Jan. 7, 1920 854 I Draten, Annie, minor Jan. 14, 1919 807 1 . Ducr, Louise Meyer, deceased Feb. 28, 1955 1149 j Ducr, M. 8., deceased Aug. 6, 1878 79 1 Duor, W. F., deceased Feb. 28, 1910 611,612 11 Duncan, G. M., deceased Oct. 22, 1915 741 1 1 ,- E —- 1 Echel, AliCe, deceased Oct. 22, 1921 875 'Eckels, FranCOS, Iva Mao and ( W. D., minors Oct. 18, 1920 855 , Edwards, Joe, deceased July 18, 1905 486 “ Edwards, Leo, NCM July 12. 1900 418,459 1 Edwards, M. M., deceased, (no papers) Nov. 28, 1875 5 1 Edwards, Riley, NCM, (no papers) Jan. '28, 1892 278 1 ( 1| W 1 g 1 8 b “New 93.899619241422991.21".. ~14}11181329.1......“PEEEJLEAEELWW ngse No. :1, L N 1 Ehlert, W. F., KKWE Jan. 11, 1929 998 ‘ Eldred, L., deceased July 25, 1898 572 L Elkins, Elizabeth, deceased Jan. 27, 1959 1261 p Ellington, G.W.,deceased,(no papers) Nov. 29, 1902 469 h ‘ Elliott, Elias, deceased June 2, 1887 216 , Ellis, Lydia, NCM Feb. 19, 1884 162 A Ellis, Mrs. Mollie, NCM July 1, 1902 455 i Ellis, Paul, minor Oct. 15, 1884 168,196 1 Ellis, Paul, MGM Dec. 12, 1891 272,284 1 Ellis, Paul, NCM Oct. 11, 1959 1285 “ Ellison, Charles, David and } ‘ Harvey, minors Dec. 28, 1880 108 H , Ellison,Harvey; McCoy,Joseph,minors Dec. 18, 1878 85 U Ellison, Kate, minor Jan. 15, 1882 150 ; Ellison, M. A., deceased Aug. 21, 1879 97 Ellison, Ruth, minor June 6, 1879 95 fl Ennis, Carrie, deceased April 17, 1912 659 L Enos, J. B., deceased March 22, 1922 882,883 t Enos, 1. B., deceased march 29, 1922 885,882 ' Ephriam, Beretta and Louis, minors April 16, 1908 571 2 Ephriam, Nellie, deceased April 15, 1908 569,570 A , Estelle, Lizzie, deceased March 9, 1951 1051 ? Estelle, Mary, deceased Dec. 8, 1922 892 Q , 1 . " F _ i Faircloth,Amonda; Williams,norooe,mlnors Nov. 25, 1875 41 A Feircloth, Margaret, deceased Dec. 50, 1875 12 M Fdrquher, Alma, Charles and 1 Lewis, minors March 20, 1899 588 g Farr, Bertha F., Daisy L. and , 1 Mary V., minors June 25, 1896 559,549 2 Farr, E. 0., deceased June 4, 1894 507 . “ Ferrell, I. 9., deceased July 5, 1876 54 W Fecgin, A. J. and Sophie, deceased April 22, 1927 966 A Feegin, Mary, NCM April 15, 1892 282 A Feegin, Richard 3., deceased April 12, 1926 952 W Folder, Mike, NGM, (no papers) 1282 [% Felker, Addie B., deceased Ian. 12, 1900 407,410 y Felker, Annie, Edwin and Mary A.,minors March 1, 1900 409,442 W Felker, Annie lone, Edwin L. and it , Mary Arista, minors July 12, 1901 442,409 t Felker, c. E., deceased Feb. 21, 1894 505 y Fclker, Jae. A., deceased April 20, 1897 552 i Fcnton, Rodger, deceased May 29, 1900 414,415 t Fenton, B., deceased may 12, 1900 415,414 : Ferguson, E. 1., deceased April 18, 1904 496 y FerguSon, Henry 0., deceased Dec. 24, 1895 529 3 Finesh, N. 5., NCM Aug. 25, 1920 851 y Fisher, A. T., deceased March 15, 1886 192 A _ Fisher, Abel and Grant, minors March 24, 1919 810 h Fisher, Elizabeth, deceased Feb. 18, 1888 254 w z 1 , H i 41‘ 1 , 9 1E . ' 49.1.4 __P_C.92___9.9_2_.1£.__.1£um111§ _mmndidrllsl_____pnso.no- E ‘ E E Fitsserald. George Anna, non Nov. 50, 1888 252(2) E Flores, Vrigido, non Nov. 12, 1955 1167 E Flournoy, Lucinda 0., deceased June 5, 1877 64 E Flukinger, John, deceased march l, 1916 749 J ‘ Forehand, Louisa, deceased may 16, 1917 768 E . Foster, Anna Bell (Dolly) and E Maude, minors April 9, 1919 811 A Fester, F. J., deceased Oct. 26, 1955 1176 E E Foster, Ira J., deceased may 26, 1958 1251 1E Foster, Juanita, minor Jan. 24, 1924 917 M Fruizer, Curry, non Oct. 4, 1895 526 1/ Fraizer, R. D., deceased Feb. 25, 1888 226 w Francis, Augustus, Oliver and H ‘ Woodson, minors Doc. 1, 1876 57 E ‘ Francis, L. F., deceased Feb. 16, 1876 45 fl FrenKS, Jesse, deceased Rwy 19, 1895 295 E Fraser, Thomas, deceased April 7, 1909 594 E ‘ Freyard, Harris, lbggic, Ollie E and Robert, minors April 29, 1886 195 EE Frazier, G. 5. Jr., minor Mdy 25, 1958 1250 EE Freer, Luthenie and Resetta, minors July 20, 1927 970 d ‘ Freed, Isaac, Louis, Sereh and E Sophie, minors Feb. 1, 1882 151 EE Freeman, Allen Foster, deceased Sept. 26, 1910 622 E Freeman, Barbara, Eliza, Eula, E myrtle and Vermin, minors July 15, 1915 685 h Freeman, Queen, deceased Feb. 9, 1899 585 w Freeman, R055, minor June 28, 1921 865 H Freitdg, A. 0., deceased June 15, 1957 1210 U Frenkil, c. K., deceased May 28, 1955 1181 V Frenkil, Rebecca, NCM June 25, 1924 918 E Frenkil, Mrs. Rebecca, NCM Jon. 6, 1953 1169,1255 E Frenkil, Robecco, NCM Dec. 6, 1957 1255,1169 j Frey, John 8r., deceased Sept. 25, 1925 942 E Frey, Abry, deceased march 11, 1955 1092 Fries, T. 1., deceased NOV. 18, 1911 647 _ G _ 1 Gable, Barbara 0., doooosod June 8, 1897 555 E Gaidcsik, Ben, Delphine, Emil, M Emily, Frank, Julie and H Sophie, minors Mdy 10, 1920 840,948 . Gnidosik, Ben, Delphine, Emil, Emily, E Frankie and Sophie, minors Nov. 21, 1925 948,840 E GaidOSik, Frank, deceased Nov. 21, 1925 947 ' ; Gale, Annie, non April 25, 1906 556 , Galloway, Prince Albert, NCM Doc. 5, 1925 912 p Gandy, Annie, minor, (no papers) June 15, 1894 508 E Gent, Eve and Viola, minors Oct. 21, 1902 465,525 E Gent, Peter, deceased Oct. 21, 1902 466 E ; Gorebodian, Zdreh, deceased Jan. 16, 1895 288 E n E E E W 5 10 “ ‘ 53182829991289111111911,91.11.815.112---“_._.,-__?1‘112.E.il_9:~.1_-1__ Case NO- “5 1; ‘1 Garrett, Bob, Ethel, Julie. and “ Warren, minors Sept, 15, 1919 824 _ ‘ Garrett, Cora, 1101.1 _ Sept. 28, 1917 775 ‘, Garrett, Effie Ruth, Esther and m Williem.Everet, minors buy 15, 1920 842 ‘ Garrett, Harris Cooper, minor March 20, 1959 1265 ‘1 ‘ Garrett, 1. 11.: Martin, 8., minors Aug. 20, 1891 267 ‘? Garrett, 1. 11., deceased Dec. 21, 1957 1255 ‘1 Gnrrett,Jaek and Marguerite, minors Oct. 8, 1927 978 ‘fi Garrett, James, Lurline, Nell and fl ‘ Reginald, minors March 5, 1929 1002 ‘ Garrett, Lethe and Morris, minors Sept. 6, 1918 797 (H Garrett, May, deceased Sept. 16, 1921 871 3‘ Gaston, John B. and Sallie, minors July 25, 1908 577 H Gee, Ed., 11011 July 25, 1919 820 ‘; Gertd, Anton, NCM, (no papers) July 12, 1886 199 ‘ Glass, Annie 3., Dorris V., Georgie F., ,‘ Mollie v., Ruthie I‘dfiy, San Walker ‘3 and 11. 0., minors July 15, 1920 846 "‘1 Glass, Mrs. Bertie, 11011 May 4, 1914 705 ‘5 class, Emilia, deceased June 22, 1959 1275,1276 ‘i Glass, mine, deceased Aug. 4, 1959 1276,1275 ;‘ Glass, J. 1., deceased Oct. 16, 1901 446 Glence, Emma, minor, (no papers) 528 ‘ Glintz, Johnna and Mery, minors April 15, 1878 76,122 M Glintz, Saran, minor Feb. 25, 1878 75 ‘ Glover, E. 11., deceased March 5, 1874 21 “; Glover, Lila and Riley, minors Dec. 1, 1914 715 '1 Golden, Dan, deceased 'Oct. 5, 1899 402 3 Good, Elizabeth, Gertrude, Jeseph J., 1 Lucy and Ruth, minors . Sept. 21, 1955 1114 ‘ Gooden, Elias and Rose, minors June 27, 1924 919 ‘ Gooden, Elija, feeble minded march 2, 1957 ' 1199 ‘ , Goodrich, Elle, deceased Feb. 16, 1955 1089 (*3 Goodson, Constance M., minor Nov. 1, 1950 1045 t Gordy, Annie, minor Sept. 50, 1895 525 ‘ Gordy, Clarence, minor Aug. 24, 1874 29 ‘ Goss, Jennie, deceased Feb. 9, 1922 878 V Gould, r. H. (1181), deceased March 29, 1925 897 ,ij Gre, Marguerite end Selma ‘ Beatrice, minors AHE- 8: 1922 888 ‘ Grelion, 11. 0., deceased March 10, 1896 555 ‘ Gray, E. L., deceased June 25, 1911 657 ‘ ‘ Grey, 011e, 11011 Sept. 5, 1907 560 ‘1 Green, Abraham, minor Oct. 25, 1902 467 ‘ ‘ 1 Green, Celia and Watson, minors March 5, 1876 48 ‘ Green, M., deceased July 15, 1902 457 ‘ Greer, B. H. and Edwin, minors Dec. 21, 1889 245 h ; Greer, John and Josephine, minors Sept. 8, 1874 51 W 1 Grecr,Joseph,Nuncy and Sinnie,minors Nov. 8, 1882 141 ‘ 3 Greer, Orrin, minor, (no papers) April 28, 1880 18 1 ‘ Greig, Paul, deceased July 20. 1915 735 ‘ 1 '1‘ I 1 E 1 ‘ ‘1 ‘ - 1‘ 1| 11512521528@911119n.9£19155191mw 1,. .Dan 19.113521 _.___._.__Caee.mN0- || | :1 2 12 f | ‘ Oresliam,rrillis, deceased, (no papers) Nov. 22, 1911 648 "I J Griffin, Guy, deceased Oct. 2, 1926 958 m Groce, A. J., deceased Jan. 18, 1915 721 | mp%,0hmmmhm,Jmmdam. M \ John, minors Jan. 22, 1884 159 2 Groce, Ellison K., minor Oct. 10, 1875 5 (2| j Groce, Florence H., deceased Oct. 7, 1925 944 2 ‘ Groce, George F., deceased July 8, 1912 707 if; ' Groce, Jared E. Sr., deceased Dec. 22, 1920 875,868 2 , Groce, Jared E. Sr., deceased July 25, 1921 868,875 2 e ercce, Leslie and Lee Ada, minors Jan. 15, 1950 1022 5|? I Groce, M. B., deceased Dec. 11, 1907 565 H . Grocerman, Albert Julius, minor Aug. 27, 1895 521 2 Groi’f, Emmo, deceased April 6, 1887 215 | 1 Grove, Leroy Franklin Jr., minor Feb. 15, 1959 1262 | Guilford, E. G., deceased, (no papers) 24 || , . - H — |i 1 || Haak, August A., deceased Jan. 6, 1958 1257 ||| Hefner, Ada and Alfred, minors Jan. 16, 1909 588 | Hall, Cans Ada, Lawyer, Lula, Mary, M Mattie, Rebecca and Sophronia,minors Oct. 21, 1901- 448 ||? , Hall, Nettie Edwards, deceased Feb. 15, 1955 1088,1090 J Hall, Nettie Edwards, deceased Feb. 29, 1956 1171 ||.; Hall, Ophelia, minor Jan. 17, 1915 671 5|; Hammerling, A., deceased July 24, 1898 571,575 H ‘ Hammerling, A., deceased Sept. 21, 1898 575,571 2 I ’ _ Hwnmond, Julia and Mattie, minors Doc. 22, 1892 286 || ' Hammond, M. A., deceased March 50, 1891 260 | Hammond, Z. H., deceased June 15, 1905 476 2 Hampton, Lillie, NCM June 25, 1959 1274 || Hancock, Jesse, NCM, (no papers) Jan. 8, 1915 719 | Hancock, Mary Rebecca, deceased April 20, 1951 1056 p , Hannay, M. J., deceased March 16, 1901 456 5 Hard, Fannie, NCM June 29, 1955 1107,9230 M 2 Hard, Fannie, NCM Nov. 50, 1927 980,1107 || 5 Hargrave, Frank, minor Jan. 12, 1874 15 | _ Hargrave, James A., minor Jan. 12, 18