



Nov. 5, 196g

Dear Victor:

I spoke to Father Abbot yesterday about the nossibility of his makinguan
exception and permitting you and Carolyn to visit here as you did before. “9
said you could certainly come, so T am delighted. T do not know how much longer
the good weather will hold out, so come as soon as you can. Drobablv Von
will want to stick to Saturdays as before, but anv day is all right from my
point of view. Perhaps next Saturday, the 13th or the following’ono the ?Oth?
The only day that would be not so good for me would be the lqth, Monday.

Please let me know if you are coming soon. T hone we will have good Weather.

If you come, just tell me the day and even if T do not reply at once, come that
day because it will surely be all right unless T call you or send an urgent message
we will meet as usual at the gatehouse abort 11.1%. However, T will confirm the
arrangements as soon as I can when you sunnest a day.

{ow nice to think that we will continue to have our nleasant meetings out bv the
lakes or at the edge of the woods.l miss them.
With cordial good wishes always and hlessings,
in Christ,
