xt72ng4gng4n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt72ng4gng4n/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19520620  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, June 20, 1952 text The Kentucky Kernel, June 20, 1952 1952 2013 true xt72ng4gng4n section xt72ng4gng4n The Kentucky ECeirnel



Dr. Scherago,
Minus Shoes,
Gives Lectures

City's Most Famous Tragedy
IsReca liedByDu e I ingPis to Is
j Recently Given To University

Japanese medical students who sit
on the matted floor in their stocking
feet is the latest experience of Dr.
A brace of dueling pistols, linked with what is
Morris Scherago. head of the Department of Bacteriology, who has probably Lexington's most famous tragedy, have
just completed a special government Ix-eexpresented to UK and are now
mission in Southeast Asia.
hibited in the Margaret I. King library.
Dr. Scherago, who left the UK
One-tim- e
campus in May of 1951 by direction
owner of the weapons was Col.
of the U. S. government to improve W illiam C. Goodloe, Kentucky statesman and
medical education in Thailand, has
finished his project there and cli- landowner, who met his arch political rival,
A. M. Swope, in a pistol-knif- e
affray in the
maxed his stay in Asia with a
lecture tour of Japan.
post office, with the affair resulting in the
In a letter received this week by
death of ljoth participants.
members of the University's Depart
Col. Goodloe did not have the pistols in his possesment of Bacteriology, Dr. Scherago
an appearance he made sion the afternoon of the fatal encounter. He was
- carry ing a large dirk knife, sharpened to a razor's edge
at the Medical School of Kyoto Union both sides, with which he stabbed his opponent 13
versity In Kyoto, Japan.
"In true native style the audience times. During the struggle Swope fired a bullet from
pistol which caught Goodloe in the
sat in their stocking feet on the his
matted floor so I also removed my lower abdomen.
Swope Killed Instantly
shoes upon entering. It was the first
Death came instantly to Swope, but the bullet didn't
time I have ever lectured with my
prove fatal to Goodloe until 48 hours later. Goodloe
shoes off," Dr. Scherago relates.
The University professor cites the dragged himself from the postoffice after the en"fine equipment and excellence of counter and. following treatment at a physician's ofthe work of medical staffs" in Ja- fice, was taken to a room in the Phoenix Hotel, where
pan as a "far cry from the situation he died.
The fight, as recorded in L. P. Johnson's "Kentucky
in Thailand."
Dr. Scherago's work In Thailand, Tragedies and Trials," was fought on the afternoon of
formerly known as Siam, consisted Nov. 9, 1889. The political rivalry of Swope and Goodmainly of teaching in medical loe, both natives of Lincoln County, dated back several
J. WINSTON COLEMAN JR., Lexington historian
schools and attempting to start re- - years before the fatal meeting.
and an authority on dueling weapons, displays one
Opposing Candidates
search projects there. Thailand is
of the pistols and a derringer presented to the
They were opposing candidates several times for
under sponsorship of the Medical
School of Washington University, St. revenue collector for the Lexington district, and GoodLouis, through a government pro- - loe was serving in that capacity at the time of his
gram aimed at the "development of death. Both aspired to become leader of the Republican party and governor of the Commonwealth.
better known today as the "castle," or Loudoun House
backward areas of the earth."
Word of the political feud between Goodloe and
in Lexington's Castlewood park.
The dance is described by Dr.
Goodloe's brace of pistols later became the posScherago as the favorite form of Swope became known throughout Kentucky long before the two met in the post office building. The
session of Charles H. Bowyer of Lexington, collector
amusement with the Thais.
The costumes are always very pistols now being displayed at the University were of paintings, china, silverware, and ceramics. The
story of the guns was often told by Bowyer to his
colorful and the young women are presented ,to Goodloe by his uncle. Gen. Cassius Clay,
beautiful, but the dances are always after he reportedly heard about the feeling existing
Donovan Hears Story
too long and the music too weird, between Swope and his nephew.
The relationship of General Clay and Goodloe had
Among those hearing the tale from Bowyer was Dr.
unmelodius and too loud." the provery close since 1861, when Goodloe withdrew
Herman L. Donovan, long before Dr. Donovan came
fessor declares.
to UK as president.
Although Dr. Scherago comments from Transylvania University to accompany his uncle
When Bowyer died his wife asked Dr. Donovan to
on the suffering caused by the heat to St. Petersburg, Russia. Clay had been appointed
accept the two pistols as a personal gift, but Dr.
in the jungles and urban sections of minister to Russia by President Lincoln, and Goodloe
Thailand, he confides that he has' served as his uncle's private secretary during their Donovan, who had since became president of the University, declined the gift and instead accepted the
not been "any more uncomfortable stay in Russia.
Told To Maintain Honor
weapons for UK.
than I have been in Lexington dur- Tradition has it that Clay gave his nephew the
Dr. Donovan recently turned over the pistols to Dr.
ing the hot weather."
Lawrence S. Thompson, director of the University liA book entitled "Laboratory Man- - brace of pistols with the injunction that he maintain
braries, with the request that they be exhibited propual in Medical Bacteriology," made the honor of the Clay family.
At the time of the tragedy Colonel Goodloe was liverly in the library for interested students, Lexing-tonian- s,
up of Dr. Scherago's lecture notes,
and other Kentuckians to view.
will be published soon in Bangkok ing in Loudoun, an expensive old Gothic-typ- e
for Thailand medical students. He
has at ranged for the mimeographed
printing of these notes because books
are so expensive in Thailand that
students are not required to buy
text books.
22-2- 4
The Kernel can use help, especially people who know how or
"Developing Good Schools for University elementary school which
want to learn how to write news Children" will be the theme of a opened in 1930. She was principal
conference program to be conducted of this school from 1930 to 1936.
copy. Anyone interested in workPrincipal speakers at the three-da- y
Mary Agnes Smith, who attended ing on the "biggest weekly in the June 22, 23, and 24 on campus under
affair will be Dr. Charles Long,
UK for three years as an English state of Kentucky" may apply in the joint sponsorship of the College
of Education and the Kentucky De- head of the Department of Educamajor, and her mother. Mrs. I. D.
Room 113 of the Journalism Buildpartment of Elementary School tion, Pennsylvania State College,
Smith Jr, were killed in an autoPrincipals.
and Dr. Harold Drummond of the
mobile accident near their home in ing.
The conference, first of its kind George Peabody College for TeachTrenton, Kentucky. May 20.
to be held here, is being planned as ers.
a tribute to Mrs. May Kay Duncan,
Dr. Long will speak June 23 on
professor of elementary education
Deand head of the Kentucky Depart- "The Role of the Principal in
ment of Elementary Education since veloping Good Schools for Children"
and Tuesday morning Dr. Drum1936.
proMrs. Duncan will be presented a mond will discuss the regional
gram in elementary education.
scroll in recognition of her service
at the opening session of the con- - Ten discussion groups for the conThe Cincinnati Summer Opera of one. The singing team of Jan ference. The presentation ceremony ference participants will be held
Association begins its thirty-fir- st
Peerce and Robert Weede in Verdi's will be part of a tea to be held from during the event. Thirty leaders in
season with the presentation of "La "Rigoletto" will again be presented 3 to 5 p.m., June 22, in the Music Kentucky elementary education will
serve as consultants and group
Traviata" on June 29. Featured on the Zoo Opera stage where the Room of the Fine Arts building.
artists for this first performance two made their start in the operatic
After coming to UK in 1925 Mrs. leaders for the discussions.
will be Eleanor Steber, David Poleri, field. "Rigoletto" will be presented Duncan offered the first courses in
The director of the conference
July 8 and 11.
and Robert Weede.
elementary education for experi- - program is Dr. Fred E. Harris, proTwo of the stars recently added
Miss Steber As Violetta
enced teachers and organized the fessor of Education at UK. Dr. Har
to the list of singers for the sumThe season's opening performance
iris will speak on "Developing A
mer season are Roberta Peters and of "La Traviata" will feature Miss
Sound Program of Elementary EdCharles Kullman, both members of Steber as Violetta, Poleri as Alfred,
ucation in Kentucky."
the Metropolitan Opera Company. and Weede as the elder Germont.
Also planned for the conference
Other singers announced previously repeat performance is scheduled for
are several group luncheons, picnics,
include Dorothy Kirsten, Stella Ro- July 3.
and film previews. Reservations will
The second opera of the opening
man. Blanche Thebom, and Jan
be required for all sessions except
will conduct week is "Carmen," with Miss ThePeerce. Fausto Cleva
the general meetings.
bom in the title role and Kullman
the orchestra.
Managing director Robert L.
as Don Jose, scheduled for July 1
Persons interested in attending
is presenting a variety of new and 4. A cast headed by Miss RoThe 11th Annual Exhibition of the event may contact Dr. Harris.
casts in almost all performances for man will present "Aida" on July 2
Art by students in UK's Department
the 1952 season, with the exception and 5.
of Art is now on display in the Fine
Arts Gallery. It will continue until
July 1.
Fish-Vendo- rs
This exhibition, which includes
paintings, prints, drawings, sculp- ture. design and textiles, represents
a selection from work done during
Dr. Alice Newcome Pickett, for- vania, was head of U of L's Ob- the past year in regularly scheduled
mer head of the Department of Ob- stetrics Department for three de- classes in art.
Unlike some other exhibitions held
stetrics at the Medical School of cades. She joined the staff of the
the University of Louisville, has medical school in 1909 after being In the Fine Arts Gallary during the
By Leslie Morris
been awarded UK's 1952 Sullivan awarded the MD degree from the year, this one is not a professionalshow. Rather, each piece on exhibiNow on display in the lower corMedallion, a presentation made an- Women's Medical College of Philtion is related to some particular ridor of the Fine Arts Building are
nually to the Commonwealth's "out- adelphia.
Miss Carson, daughter of Mr. and phase of the student's formal educa-- i two murals painted by Fine Arts
standing citizen of the year."
Honored with the veteran medical Mrs. W. M. Carson, received the AB tion and research in art. Because majors Beverly Davis and Louis
educator mere two members of the degree with a major in radio arts. of thus, the Annual Student Exhibi-- i Eades. Both were graduated this
University's graduating class of 962 She was a member of Kappa Alpha tion shows the type of problems May.
The work which has achieved parstudents, Ann Carson of Paducah Theta social sorority, Chi Delta Phi, necessarily undertaken in order to
and John Ballantine of Louisville, the YMCA cabinet, and was pres- gain competence both as a creator ticular favor among local art fanciers is a mural designed as a
who also received Sullivan Medal- ident of the Student Union Board and as a consumer of art.
During the month of July the Fine triptych by Mr. Eades. It has three
and the Women's Administrative
Arts Gallery will feature an exhibi- -' panels related thematically as scenes
Announcement of the selections Council.
AB tion of the Chicago Typographic Art by the sea. and structurally by a
Ballantine, who received the
was made at the school's 85th anmajor, is the Society. These works will include common horizontal line, and by
nual commencement program held degree as an arts-lason of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Bal- type forms, layouts, and commercial similar shapes and colors.
May 29 at Memorial Coliseum.
The larger center panel shows a
The Sullivan awards are presented lantine. He was a member of designs.
Running concurrently from July group of women flying
each year to a citizen and two grad- Omicron Delta Kappa, and Phi Eta
will be a series of paintings by kites on a sandy beach. The artist
uates of the state university in 15 Sigma and Phi Beta Kappa, scholsouthern states. They were estab- arship societies. He was a former Leslie Cope, prominent Ohio artist. explains that the kites serve the
lished in 1925 by the New York president of Delta Tau Delta fra- His works will be predominantly out- formal purpose of expressing the
Southern Society in memory of A- ternity, and the Student Govern- door and farm scenes. Plans for depth ot space towards the sea: of
Ballantine, who August exhibitions have not been establishing a link between land.
lgernon Sydney Sullivan, noted New ment Association.
War also was cadet colonel of the Air completed, but will probably include Pa and ky: of punctuating nnd re-York lawyer of the
viiig the monotony of an uninterForce ROTC, Wits prnilmted with a final showing of pieces by UK art
rupted horizon-linstudents.
Dr. Pickett, a native of Pennsyl high distinction.
and of echoing












Educators Will Hold
Conference June

Kernel Needs Help,


Smith, Mother,
Killed In Accident


Opera At The Zoo
Will Start June 29

Art Students
Display Work
Iri UK Gallery


Pickett, Carson, Ballantine
Awarded Sullivan Medallions


Four Movies
To Be Shown
Here Tuesday
"Variety is the spice of life," is
the theme of the summer cinema
program to be shown at 7:45 (CSTi
Tuesday in the Memorial Hall
The program, second in a series
of free movies, will include "Wicked
Wish,' a picturization of "Sleeping
Beauty"; "Tina, A Girl Of Mexico,"
which tells the story of a typical
Mexican family; "Yellow Jack," an
excerpt from a biographical feature
on Major Walter Reed; and "World
Series of 1951."
In addition to Tuesday's program
anA ViA ItifHnl r niMn 'TVia Van
a oil. on
oiiu iiic initial aiiutic
adaptation of Oscar Wilde's "Lady
which was
Windermere s Fan
shown last Tuesday, five more programs have been planned.
On July 1 "So This Is London," a
view of the British cap- 1 til,
nuu x lie VVCUU1115 ui miu,
feature, will be shown.
The latter is a story which shows the
customs and way of life of the
Eskimo tribes which inhabit Greenland.
"Historical Biographies" is the
theme of the July 8 program which
includes short films on the lives of
George Washington, Benjamin
Franklin, Daniel Webster, and Booker T. Washington, and a half-hofilm, "The Royal Wedding," which
depicts the marriage of Princess
Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh.
movie. "Pinky," is
scheduled for July 15. "Pinky" is
an exposure of racial prejudices
which shows the effect of prejudices
on a
colored girl. It
stars Jeanne Crain, Ethel Barry-mor- e,
Ethel Waters, and William
The July 22 program includes four
short musical films and a
condensation of "Madame Curie,"
starring Greer Garson, and Walter
The musical films are
"Sailing In Canada," a travelogue
with sea chanties for accompaniment; "Marriage of Figaro," an abbreviated version of the opera by
Mozart; and an adaptation of "The
Great Waltz," built around the
music of Strauss.
"The Black Rose." starring Tyrone
Power, Orson Welles. Cecile Aubrey,
and Jack Hawkins, has been scheduled for the final program July 29.

2317 Students Enroll
For Summer Session;
Special Courses Open
Seniors To File Next Week
All seniors who expect to complete the requirements for graduation by the close of the summer term and who have not previously
filed their applications for degrees are requested to do so on either next
Friday or Saturday, I'niversity Registrar R. II. Tuthill announced this

Dr. Tuthill said the commencement lists are made up from the
application cards. He said candidates for the A.B. degree would be
charged S9. This amount rovers the cost of renting a cap and gown
and pays for the diploma and a copy of the Kentuckian.
Candidates for advanced degrees, other than doctorates, must pay
a fee of $20 and candidates for the doctorate will be charged $25.
Graduation fees. Dr. Tuthill added, must be paid not later than August 4, four days before commencement.




Vvf i'tS'



full-leng- th


18-3- 0.


Night Stars,
Planet Mars
Seen At UK
By Jackie Chumbler
"Gee, lookit them stars! Thicker'n
Perhaps this doesn't seem like a
statement likely to be made by a
college student, but it's definitely
descriptive of the words that might
sum up the feeling of the uninitiated in astronomy when viewing
the heavens from the UK observa-

tory, located in Cooperstown at the
end of Woodland.
Under the direction of Dr. Morris
S. Davis, the observatory is open to
UK astronomy classes and to the
public any clear Tuesday night after the sun sets.
Some of the sights to be seen on
a clear summer's night are the red
planet. Mars; Saturn and its rings;
Lyra, the great globular cluster of
Hercules, and ringed nebulae.
The unusual sights of the night
skies are double stars, which appear
single to the naked eye,
nebula floating against a
jet, and and great cluters of
stars, so far away that the light we
see when we look at them has been
travelling; for millions of years.
One of the most rewarding sights
to be seen through the observatory
telescope Is the moon, which looms
up enormously In the eyepiece. The
observer may see many fine details
impossible to view with the naked






To Give Summer Opera
A modern-dres- s
production of
Richard Strauss' "Der Fledermaus"
will mark the first time the music
department and Guignol Theater
have combined their efforts in the
presentation of the summer opera.
In 1950 the Music Department
presented "Carmen"; in 1951. "Song
of Norway."
Each was presented
two nights, open free to the public,
to overflow audiences. This year
the performances will be given three
nights July 30 and 31 and August
2 and there will be an admission
The Guignol's regular staff Prof.
Wallace Briggs, Lolo Robinson, and
Ernest Rhodes will handle the production end of the show, and the
music department will be responsible for the play and chorus. Integration will be handled by the
three directors. Prof. Aimo
Mildred Lewis, and Prof.


The opera workshop, which is a
scheduled credit class, will produce
the opera as its project, but students
are needed to work on costumes,
stage, and properties, and may contact any of the directors Monday




iTwo Departments Join


beautiful sights in the sky, Venus,
rises a bit too early in the morning
for most observers amateur to see.
The brilliantly glowing planet precedes the morning sun, and is so
bright that it can be seen during
the day.

IStiitlent Tour
Will Be Held

fish-shap- ed





fish-vend- or







This Thursday
Have you ever seen Man oWar's
statue or heard of Faraway Farm
Elmendorf Dixiana Walnut Hall?
names are asThese world-famosociated with great horses and "the
Blue Grass region" all over the
world, and they're included in a free
Student Union tour of Blue Grass
farms Thursday.
Anyone planning to go should sign
up at the information desk at the
SUB by noon Wednesday, so ade- -i
quate transportation can be pro- vided. according to Miss Brucie
Cruise, social director.
The buses will leave from the
front door of the Student Union at
the Circle, at 12:30 p.m. (University
time), and will return at 3 p.m.

iDr. Sanders Named

Distinguished Prof

Dr. Irwin T. Sanders, director of
the Bureau of Community Service
and a professor of sociology, has
been named Distinguished Professor
of Sociology by the University Board
Not to be overlooked when looking of Trustees.
at the heavens are the cool breezes
Dr. Sanders is the tenth UK fac-u- lt
which waft through the observatory
member to be honored with the
at night . . . welcome relief coupled Distinguished Professor title.
one of the most with sights few people ever see.

the prevailing rythmic movement
towards the right.
The right-han- d
panel shows a
girl leaning against a
On top of the wall an
abandoned cannon faces out to sea.
and a semi-spirwooden staircase
connects the top surface of the seawall to ground level. In the
panel an old man sits on a
leading to a
A beam of light reaches out to sea.
The mural, entitled "By The Sea,"
was completed as part of a course
in advanced painting techniques directed by Raymond Barnhart.
In employing the triptych form,
Mr. Eades makes contemporary use
of an old physical form used in
Byzantine, Medieval, and Renaissance altar works. He chose Viny-lita vinyl resin
produces a brilliant surface for the
painting medium. The base was
made of Masouite panels to afford



maximum brightness, color, and a
"mat" surface to eliminate glare.
Visable From Any pistance
The mural can be seen equally as
well from a great or close distance,
and is suitably located in a five by
twelve foot portion of the north
corridor where it can be viewed at
various distances. Accompanying
the mural are several preliminary
sketches which are displayed on an
adjoining wall.
Miss Davis' mural is confined in
a rather narrow hall. No long range
vista is possible and her problems
differed from Mr. Eades'.
Her painting uses a continuous
running theme of horses on a landscape. There is no division because
an en face view of the mural is unlikely in the shallow depth of the
corridor. The color is blonde in
character and movement is effected
in the shape of the horses, trees, and
hills which parallel the natural
movement of people as they walk by.

13-3- 0.

Although the enrollment is below
that of the 1951 summer term. Dr.
Tuthill said. "I'm very optomistic.
since the number of students now
enrolled exceeds the number we expected."
The total enrollment for the 1951
summer session was 320O. Many of
the courses now being offered here
for the summer term were not given
in last year's summer school. Geology students went to Crested Butte,
Colorado, and the College of Pharmacy at Louisville and the Northern
Extension Center at Covington were
not in operation last summer.
War Causes Drop
Dr. Tuthill attributed three factors
to the decrease in enrollment. The
most obvious, he said, is the war situation in Korea, which has caused
a rapid increase in the number of
men inducted into the armed forces
each month, leaving fewer and fewer
men eligible to attend college.
Also, the 18- - through
bracket of students now in collese.
or ready to attend college, are the
"depression children" born
in a period of low birth rate. The
result of the low birth rate in the
depression years has effected the
enrollment of colleges and universities all over the country.
High industrial wages offered to
men was also given
as one of the causes of the decrease
In enrollment by Dr. Tuthill. The
attractive wages being paid by many
industries now have kept a considerable number of men from attending college.
High Schoolers Prefer To Work
Also, high school graduates who
are likely to be called by the draft
prefer to work as long as possible
before they are called.
The next big increase in enrollment for UK. Dr. Tuthill predicted,
will come in September 1953. when
the Korea veterans begin returning
to school.
The army has already begun it.program of releasing men who have
served in Korea, but the slow rearmament of the nation has kept
the number released at a minimum,
until enough reserves are built up
to replace the men who are now
either serving in Korea are who
occupy strategic positions.
By 1953. the veterans will be released in sufficient number to make
an increase in college enrollments.
About 200 new students were given classification tests and physical
examinations earlv this week.


And Flying Kites
Depicted In Murals Now In FA Building






Approximately 2317 students have
enrolled for the 1952 summer session
at UK. Dr. Richard L. Tuthill. University Registrar has announced.
This figure will slowly increase because of the students who arrive late
for registration and because the
University is offering special short
courses this summer which begin ai
late as August.
Of special interest to students takit
ing short courses are the
courses in atomic sciences which will
be given for students who have not
had more than six hours in the field
of science. These courses are especially designed for such groups as
high school teachers, majors in social studies, majors in literature,
philosophy and the arts, and civil
defense workers.
Poet Slimmer Session Planned
In addition to the atom science
and other specialized courses, there
will be four post summer session
courses. They are as follows:
prinTrade Analysis, Aug.
ciples and philosophy of indepenvocadent economics, Aug.
tional guidance. Aug.
methods in independent economics,

Merl IJaker Receives
Th.D. From Purdue

Mr. Merl Baker of the Department
of Mechanical Ensineeriiii; at L'K
received his Ph.D. in Mechanical

Engineering at Purdue University
on June 1, 1952.
He received the desrree of Bachelor
of Science in Mechanical Engineering from UK in 1945. After serving
a year in the Navy he was appointed assistant instructor in the Schi)l
of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue
University, in 1946.

The mat surface is developed to
diffuse rather than reflect the artificial lwht above. The color and
pattern of the four by twelve foot
mural are ued to work in its space,
to make a particular artistic statement, and to reinforce the genial
quality of the surrounding and supporting architecture.
Miss Davis has also done work in To WBKY
sculpture. She is the designer of
"Julia Sings" every Tuesday nignt
the walnut piece on the west wall of
(CST over UK stathe Fine Arts Building, a work from 8:15-8:3- 0
which has received hish praise from tion WBKY.
visit kig artists and critics. She has
This new musical program is the
received prizes in various regional latest addition to the regularly
art exhibitions and juried shows.
scheduled programs arranged by the
Mr. Eades is from British Hon- station for summer listening. It feaduras, and is a veteran. He has tures Julia Gailbraith singing popu- songs from past Broadway musi- been elected to Phi Beta Kappa lar
scholarship honorary. Both artists cal hits.
Miss Gailbraith. who made her
have been recently honored by
exhibitions at the Lexington debut last Tuesday, will be regularly
accompanied on the organ by Elmer
Creative Arts Gallery, and both were G. Sulzer, director of the Radio
graduated with high' distinction.
i Arts Department.

Julia Sings Added





Can Accept Criticism,
But It Should Be Reasonable


Dear Editor:
I object to the bias and inaccuracy of your recent poll of student and faculty opinion on athletics. The whole pnxedure from beginning to end
violated every principle of objective opinion gathering and n"vs reporting.'
First, the questions asked in your poll were
loaded. For example, your third question asked
whether we thought the athletic situation at the
University was worse than at any other college or
university. Obviously none of us are in a position
to answer this question, but the reader might imply
that a "no" answer would indicate the athletic situation is fine.
The faculty response to the above question is
even more interesting. Even though only thirty-fiv- e
questionnaires were returned to the Kernel (the
Kernel neglected to pic k up the questionnaires filled
out by memliers of the College of Commerce), yet
1.1,', answered "yes", according to your report. I
would like the Kernel to explain how it determined
which professor should count only as a fraction.
In short, not only have you sent out loaded questions but you have misinterpreted the replies. If I
were to enumerate all the examples of distortion in
your article this letter would run on endlessly. Is
it necessary to resort to shady journalism to defend
our athletic program from outside criticism?
William W. Haynes

Concerning the results of the Kernel poll, reader
llaynes seems unduly alarmed that we reported a
summary of responses that included the use of
fractions of per cents. Possibly reader llaynes is
not aware of the techniques used by most
experts. When tabulating answers these
gentlemen usually note the total number of persons
polled and then give the percentage of pro and
con answers. An example may make this method
clearer. Assume that 1000 answers, both pro and
con, are received. When the answers are Ixing
tabulated it is found that only 13 persons have
answered "yes." In the summary then, one would
have to say that 1.5 per cent of those polled answered "yes."
In a side note, reader llaynes complains that the
answers were not picked up. If he will check his
copy of the questionnaire, we believe he will find
that there is a note directing the police to return
his answers to the Kernel office. It further states
that the paper will not pick the answers up.
In answering the first two charges, it seems that
we have also taken care of the third. No, reader
Haynes, the Kernel did not resort to "shady jour-- "
nalism." We had no axe to grind, but instead tried
to obtain an objective report of what our readers
thought on a question of some significance. It is
hardly our fault if the answers we received, tabulated, and published did not coincide with any
particular individual's personal theory of just what
public opinion should le on campus.



One of the most welcome; contributions to be
made by any veterans organization since the close
of World War II is the international magazine New
Era, published by the World Veterans Federation.
With its empliasis on peace and methods of preserving it. Sew Era presents, readers with food for
valuable thought, rather than' a mere journal of organization activities.
"Peace By Trial And Error," by Ralph Bunche,
was the lead article in the publication's initial issue
and gives an indication of the type information the
magazine deals with. Bunche maintains that although there is no shortcut to security in today's
world, the United Nations has developed new and
useful techniques along those lines.
Staff writing in the magazine showed up well in
the first issue too, with the best example being







Yeah I know


bertha Ann, I got three



A Matter of Morals by Joseph Gies. Harper and
Brothers, Sew York, N.Y.
If simplicity of writing is a virtue, Joseph Gies
might well be called
His book, A

Matter of Morals, supposedly lashes out at the moral
disintegration of a pre-wAmerican university,
but, at the most, he achieves the style of a writer
of children's fables.
The characters, all adequately described by such
power-maadjectives as
get off to a poor start in the first chapter
and gradually work themselves up to a frenzy of
activity. The reader wonders if perhaps Gies was





The Kentucky Kernel
University of Kentucky
Entenil at the Post Office at Lexington, Kentucky, as second
cl.is matter unil.T the Act of March 3. 1N79.

Dick Chfrby

Ronald Hcti.eh .... News Editor
Bill Manskield .. Graduate Asst.

Dully Sixlivlnt. Lkslie Morris

In Which It Is Proved UK Is Not Dull,
Even Without The Help Of Students



co-e- d,

ican colleges and universities: "I
One happy note in the
didn't go to college myself, but you
tale: The pamphlets handed
learn things in my work that col- out in front of the SUB every week
lege professors don't. It's really not by the Reds usually wind up as
paper airplanes in classrooms.
the panties, you know."
clever, those Russians,
What was it, Lili, diplomas?
finding such a clever way to break
A student from the University of up our system of education!
Michigan has been tel