xt72ng4gqj4s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt72ng4gqj4s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-10-31 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 31, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 31, 1986 1986 1986-10-31 2020 true xt72ng4gqj4s section xt72ng4gqj4s - ' ‘ ' . I. . » . . , £9? 45'WSZ'Sas ,;9,_;,ij,;~9;,» J , . r ‘. ' »
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I Vol. XCI. No. 48 Established l894 , university of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky Mm 3m 9 9 PM: Octobor 3‘9 9“ l _ 9. -
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my-.. ,... A A ., .. A M p ior serVice d > . .
Managing lxditor ’1‘» 4t 99 $ t A I A...» - . -, fig 39ca'5f , . *9. A; 9. 9 .' .
. . ‘g, .1 .' ,9) ‘ i9 " ' 9 _. J, “9" M.{ ”,‘l .- By BRAD (‘OOPER of Engineering who assisted sands » 'v » ' , 'V
l SL.-\l)li. Ky The sign says ,9 f 9‘, . _9 9 2‘ "s pvt; 993 4 V“ M fig, 9 ASSistant News Editor with drafting the proposal - ,- . .' 4
('ot‘it'i'iioi'si: lttK‘K— -. * . , - ‘ ' «iii v ‘ . r» r . t.» .:. V As a result teachers who do not - ." . . »
I “Ill, 9 '. ‘ _ 9!) _‘i, A. "A '» W‘s. “tr-34g”; 9’ 9 '9 ' 3 9,999 The Senate Counctl yesterday have their prior service '.\£ll\'('(i and , g » V" .,
~ ' ‘ ll‘Wllllmfi' llt‘ 1 “ . " .yr. : gig} “‘ ‘ q _ O _ 9 wfik‘ ”all V, ‘ . 3;," stamped its approval on a policy cotne to t'K with three oi four years " - =9: .
’ it s more like to '99 ‘ ‘3 ;-.9 1’9. 9‘ 9 3:53: 9 g i 9 ‘ '3, 9&4 ' concerning instructors prior serv- of experience are left “till little time . ' , '
» lpark "" "i". ‘1‘ ‘l'~l'1'-""‘r "”19 from are ' fit 7'1 .~. ’ ' ‘2'“ " i- .b‘l' i‘” " ~‘ I' i ’» “ " . ice. toearn tenure ' . - ".‘I' ' .
l HUDPUNl"”9"““5"* 5“k"“‘“d“‘"k "' A . 33' 1' ';—,: _, "3» ‘ {We :3 t ' 3,, , . i The proposed policy would elimi- The inherent} s L'UH‘I‘IHHL‘ i‘cgu . ’VI .~'
l toand from itevei'y day Don't even ,5', 9, 9 3,9, .1 ii ‘ 9 ’9w‘9 $1211»,- .V ’3'» . 99' '2' ”2:475 9,3,513‘9‘ ' ' ' nate a committee that helps decide lations requtre associate professors , .‘ > .‘V.
l MW”, 9, “w,” 9:» ~* ‘ . 9 :9 9 9 . , , 3&- >3: ~ ,_ 9 '9 ’ f ”5%,; s: y ' " § it prior service should be applied to to earn tenure by their sixth year If ~ . . »_.' ’
'l'h‘lS‘llhl l0“ lllllldri'd."ill'll* UP » .9 9 far; ' ‘g’hv “1'3 7 w " ‘35»: “till ‘9??? 'r ‘V_ _, ‘ t 9 tenure. they fail. they must leave the tin 5 J 9» .
l" m” 73 foot llllill plml‘wl" that 3:: 1’ I"! 172' .;_‘. d‘“ )‘L Wt " '3' A ’i‘. ~ 'jfi'}: ‘ "A? :3"? T" _ , ’5, ». " Ulldt‘r the L'niversny‘s adminis- \‘et‘Slly til the end of their seventh ' . .I '
overlooks lied River Gorge is tio V a"? 12AM" a»: 99 99 9 , A?!” .9 . ' 9 9: . i' «mfgflfvy , ,» 9 9* d . trative regulations. instructors year. 9 9 9 9 '99 t 9 »
lllhirtet' mile ‘1; . 1.59.99: 1 .i 5"»1 [7‘ ' T f .~'3' .35“ ‘Zlér'§»t‘i99', 9 1;}; ‘ " 3 transferring from other institutions The problem is compounded when " - , V :‘ ‘9 ‘9-
2 ll ‘lll"“"llk“3" ‘5‘! A* W .. I »,_‘ *5 '9: , 5.9594991! "'7 '32:: - H’ 1‘ . 9 9 V are required to meet with the dean the instructor come from a school . - '
l Straiuhtiip ,Vfw ' .. r l! 9* 9 ‘99:, 9 "7 . 99 ' 9‘ ",5' r. . 9 “ W “93 of the college and the department where research is not emphasized 5 _ ‘~" ' . , 3
l 'l'lléilF lltdlnl} \\ hat lltl' aortic LN 3 ‘s Q» v ,4“: i’ ‘ , L ,_ ,_-~«5 '5; 1‘3 .1 3‘" ‘ _ ' , 99“.,“ chairman of the area in which they Bowen said. . ._ ."
i tict‘esandacresot‘hills.valleysand 127% 9' la; :6: ‘ .: '3 . It » V“ '-:‘" “ - .‘~ ”"5 J ‘ “1599 ‘ ”g; 31‘ are applying. Sands said the policy arose be» .» , ‘ “
i ‘l)‘“"*““l“'l“"‘k"’r”“‘“””5 “'13 1" ,9 f “is" V 9’ ‘ i. “la. *9; " =9“"V""' ff“..- "'23: In cases where prospective ['K cause some college deans found _. - 9‘; ' ’ j,
l _ , , ,. , . ‘fi ' ~ ”3'3. ' »’ » " ‘. 9» x " ’9‘ 3" =- " A '- _‘ ‘- ~ . p.73}; employees think it is unfair to apply “they had trouble recruiting instruc ~ ‘ r ,
. tttially Ahtii snosuththing ., _ . h ,. _ Q, V5,, . x {A 99. l 9.9, , . _ _ 9
‘ istlit-"ltt-d ltivertiorge ‘ .‘ ”“2 REM“? .~ . 9 » «if» “M «1-» 9:“; l a, o 4 their service at another school to tors at another tour-year university , - 9 '-
‘ . :l‘h- .- . . , , "“ '7. '1‘: y “ ‘ " 39. > . ‘ ‘f ,‘» ' A ' ' .,»» ‘5; 5? ‘* _f, g A: .35. A, ~ ’ f their time at L'K. thev can ask the that didn't have a lot of research ex ‘; ' 9
. at \tl(()ll()(llllill nAiniethdt ,» » , - r . 5. .. _ . ~ . .- . 9 99.), . ~» . . g .' . .. r , ‘ - -
h ,\ nun.“,,,m.,.,l\,.,lu\ .9 4 . A9 w; _ . ., if ,9»; m l“ . » . V, I 9;;— 3. ,f 99.9 _ a; 9. 9 college dean to submit a recommen- perience. » 9 - -. _. .' 9
1 2,9,9 9, ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘9 ._ 9, 9?“ ,a. ‘ 111.». ->‘~’. 9,. " "' ”. .‘ A. 1 "' ‘ ,9 V " a , “ . ,i t, A. U4 dation to Art Gallaher. chancellor When a prospective employees ‘ ' > ‘
9 A ; e \ndtison distritt lAlllthl for .\ fl ,9 r .9, 9.9.. 9 . Jr at“ .9 2, 9., _ _ 99,. A. 9 th Le . t 9 9 9 ha' . 9 9 9 9, 9 9 9 9 9» 9
l .h,__\,99m,,m“an“,1,199,919,smdmo egg 9 "9 99., 349%,? _ 9 999\-9999 9‘9, .9 .' .9 , ,A .9 9 $99,999:», 9,“, # ,9999991 or e 9 xmg on campus. 0 ve prior S€r\lc€9 canno )( .iaiiet. 9 ‘ 9 9 . 9 ..
i ,. . .9 _ .. A; ,» j», u.“ :7 fl ». . {-3. It aw; - . 3. £93,» ,3 V. . ». 4» "t theprior service waived. some colleges tend to shy away , . V» . -,
| icuion generally associated with the , ‘- fi .. *4 .. g ,s .. . it...“ i , _ .. f» ' . 9* W: "~ ' A. s - - t - ‘ * . .
. i ,. . - . A . . Q. ~ '5' ' ;,, A _9 .. “x s, t i 9 49,93 wt A~ ' . . 3' , The administrative regulations re- from the candidate lX‘(‘.’lll>t‘ oi the . . » ».
. aatneistlmt illl\ “lltit‘flit’ss Area. , m» ’9‘ w A, . . write-- .39 . ‘23: ~ . . . , . . . . . A - '
2 m H 7oz, “1,4,,“ 0, lh,.1).,mp] ‘r’ , , .. .5... g“ a i. v .9. 9 929 ‘ , 9‘4. -,,; 9"}7’; ~ qutre Gallaher to ask the Lniversity limited amount of time aiailahle to V. . V .2
. .l K}, ‘A ~ . I -‘ , ' it 1"“ r " »., :"fiii'fir. it .,- ‘ - '_ ‘1 Inflfig A». " Senate‘s prior service committee for earntenure. Bowen said ‘ ' ‘ _ .
, outit .\.i.1on.il lortst that s been » ».9 . - ~-‘>. .7. ,9 i , . . «i at, . 9 9 9 _ . _ _ V A .
T Alpsigiidlt‘tiln (interest is t i‘ £355.»? ‘ . ' gig-9.. _aV‘Pi-f - :,.999 .- “ a recommendation upon which he “pr€l‘l€nce has show that it s . .~ . 9
i Mldpmp“ 1}“ H h "m“ -'~. _ 7,, V,V A ‘ ' iffy . ‘ fig!" »- 9A 9 , can baseadecision. very difficult to get prior service i .
l 'I‘hv-H- 9 9 9 ,. . . ‘ A9,» , as » 53 . ’- ~.9 “"- - ', ‘ ,.»=.~""-r ’1‘" 9. ’ Although there are exceptions. waived. if not impisstliie. ' he said _
. tit sAilsiithc littililuitiiirge , . 9,. » . ‘ ‘ ,5‘ ~ ». A? _ 99 , . , - .
l (“.mllmpop mi, 49,191,,1mhm.“ for ' ,9 - ' ' .339! 5; A9 ?9, ' Gallaher usually follows the c0m~ The decision is matte by peopie , 9
i ii uniquerix-kforniatiovi “huh 3, .92» _ “ski. IL; ' 15.!“ V". ' .irf‘ 3,33» " mittee's recommendation. said Don- who do not entirely understand the ~ '9' = V‘
, i-A\ ..\_ 9 ' 9 ' 93?, 9 h . 9 .9. - l. . ». {990:9 u », ,9" 9“ _;'«~"99.. 9 . 9 9 V._ _ ' _9 _ 99 . 9 .. ~ . . .
i takes tipanother H.439 acres The $999.. ‘ ‘ ' 'W fifi fig' .1 ;, ,A ,5.“ 31d Santdfs flu—J chancellor for aca discipline . . ' A ‘
l Vth‘llt‘l'Et' Red River Gorge extends {1‘93“ “ . ‘ 9 9 _ fit?“ ,QVV- “$9" 5» 99:9. 9 i“ ‘ »‘ emica dllh- 9 Instead of havinu a centraiized 9 . . ~ ~ V 9
l ll'iilll Most Liberty tot'lay (‘ityand . :". c9§§fi9f x‘99, gt?» . 9., 9 . 9 9,99,97 .. . ThlSdS where the problem lies. policy governing prior service the ' ‘9 .> -‘
_ - l 9,” 9),,”‘15 ”nymph” ~ _mmwwm \rfi »,99f»f—~9_99"-" ~19~9~99“*A$9~‘9r‘r it 2,9 s " u ‘ ~99 according to some counCil members proposed policy alioxis the decision 9 9 9 '
' s‘lltl ind is pl'llll'il‘llV loc'ited iii " s, ‘ ' ”‘3“. 3’33" r'~“".'-'3A.“-?“: s "‘f‘ viii; " ‘ "" 4““ ‘ ' ' V‘ " r and college deans. to be made on a ctisotiycase oasis \ ’9 A '
' ‘ ' " ’ ‘ » ‘ ~ -. est» I.” ~ A, < » . . ? A . . . ».
l \Milieand Henna-counties 99 wily :1 ".3935? xhéf ; Act‘wtw’ . 9 . " -« Instructors coming to UK from an- b} 'h‘ ‘ndmdm‘lw'l‘ L‘ . » ' '
! It'sopenyear-round 'l‘helandis - fir- .. 7A.»! "5' . 3% 1,99"‘%, 72.9,: 'th 9 other school often face difficulty The 9“” 5<’V‘-'l("’ “’lllmlllt‘t‘ “'1“ i‘
l any-way soitiettiiies roads and ‘ ‘li'fiifwH 99 ‘2 “WW" ‘9 9‘9,» {19", ‘29" '05,," ' e» having their prior service waived be replaced by the department . ‘ .9
. designated campgrounds are closed . ’ A 99.999 . V W .9 A”? "94'”‘912'93'39, .. V . said Ray Bowen. dean of the College \L‘: PROPtisu 9 pm A - ‘ ~ . _'
E The whole region is managed by : i~ "~ .9 , ‘ 9' 9 «”9 ( 9 ‘ n,» 29:59 99,9“; 9% , -99 “1‘3, " ‘ ’ - V _ 9 9
i the Forest Seri ice .1 di\isioit of the » ‘1" '\ ' 9_ 99%;; 0994’" ‘gvV-fi; . .9 . 9 .
9 | 9V to . “‘99 9.» x I. »-, .; r‘ .& I .. ,a '
l l \ lieiartiiient of Agriculture .~ *1 .“‘ ., s. .“ » out! _‘ 7‘ .‘.“ 3- , _ K v: — - 9;»? h c a h ‘ I ‘
, i .939: .. ,1 __._V.__._,_. co 0 o 1 re c es ‘ _ .V
i lt'\\ feet after the sign, my a . :c V, t. .‘g W l r. 4 -, '2, _:.., ’» 319,, {‘3' ‘3.’ 9 - r? . 9 _
l l'. i s . ‘. .s \ A d W >' ‘V 9"» -' s _ a» 3.». -9‘ . ~ ‘ " »- ’ ‘ «3.45,». ”3», "A‘ -9 5‘ » . .
. l“ “W WW" '. ”as ~ , ~~ a; at,» ,. a, some. .
i ,2... s». .- A» as ~. .- 9! es 0 a minis ra ors . ~
9 weakness lsaf. 1 iii title and there‘s 'li " 9 ' "s; 9,9 ' ""“s'i‘m._"1- . "A: is. . 3,99 9 'tz‘u‘" 4"?" ' ’ '
. rt-AAiiy hunt-iii lit's’lwt‘llllt‘l‘t’ We} ,_ 7‘13... " 11%;:99-Ax9, afiwep .9»: ByJAYBLAXTON .A . ' 1 . ,
twiot‘eand he s taken backpackers K fl #99 ~ V‘.‘ "999, 9 .9 ‘2 99., . “'999’9999 99999 999 99:99 AV; ' *‘,,¥.: 9 News Editor 9.9%.; » > . 9; .
, ui'eeiit-rthantiie lcantell lle _ ' ;_ 4&9 . .‘ z ' 3", :2 . A? 4,», , ‘ -' ” . .r'r. " .- , ‘ ' .
l points out that there's .i rock here “*9 " x9 ' ‘ "~ 7" 1‘ " ». ' ~' 3': >3 9;" A so (in Oct ~) the Student Government - 9 V A ' A
l “(‘V‘lll‘ll “’1 ollll ll “”Ul‘l Pllllflllll} ska? a? - ‘ *- .‘ . ‘ a .’ ' ' Association passed a resolution stat- " '. x, ..,_., . . 1. -9 '
S llt' .i Litmti Hit'ti lit L'ttdllt'dtl Allld tilkt' ‘ 9,» 9' LMZQ‘ A; 13% .9, r- V {g 9. t; .9, mg that L'K‘s alcohol pollcy Was un. » 9 ‘99 ' ‘ , 9 ' ’ --
l a breather “y" " in“ "-1,” ' ""5"“. fair toZl—vear-Olds ‘ 7 ~
. Ale-4;, -.-.9_9 a» 5,9 «99 9 9 , ik ut‘~'» 99 9 . ' 9 ‘ , 9 . ,' 99 A
i As it turns out he s rieht ‘ M'- ' v‘ ‘,§a~" . ,5.» ~25: 4'» 9999- ': By passing the resolution. SGA 9 > ‘ ’. -‘ . »‘
I lsit down and my glasses start to .‘i. “ ‘s‘rfi $95“ 9335"" 9 ’ " at; ‘ #1.. ‘9 ' Senator at Large David Botkins said . ' ‘ ~V ’ -‘ '9, ' . .'
- i “x ‘ r ' " J 4" A A' u“ ~ " "K‘ aw»: 37"“ 4 x “ ‘ “ ‘a. ‘ “ ‘ A
. ltrLlll). Aisdoniy guidt . .and steam 99 sh ggv’gfibfl , .39. 9 Vi, .9 99 9999 99 the senate had sent a Clear signal 9, 99 9 “V 9 99 . 9 9 9
I slAillSIUIlM’Uptill lll_\ body he ye 'f» 59 , ,, it.» Auriga-Ag 9.93», fit»; 939 W‘ to the student body and the admims- / i » , . . - ‘
E goi‘it'about three miles arid I've 3.9.. 999 9H~ 99999" t 93"" , tration." “- '- 999, "I 3‘ 9 _.= t- '9 9' .9
. t lil‘iikt‘ll Utll llllttJ thltlti >\\{‘;ll :1?!» 3% :fi $9,599: “ 9 99 . ‘ "’5“! for” It seems that "slgnaL" in at leas[ '59" 7.99, . ,9 9. .9 9 1' .
l ll‘M'oltl ‘ 1“ ‘ ‘ “‘ “" '~‘ “fie ~ some form has been heard. ':.I ' . ‘ ' - ' '
_ l ' .1» 'A ~‘;! 1.». , , v5. . 4 - ‘ . . , - . . ' -
, And \iet A ‘ 3‘ 1' ta . ‘a‘i A; was A . ~ _9 t A proposal to change the UniverSi- ' ' 9. .. ' » ~ » . ,'
' ‘ It had been l'ullllllgltil‘ulmtlll l6 cuvowm Kernel Stuff ty 5 alcohol plolicyuis cfurretntly on ' 9 ' ‘ . ' '3
hours straight liefm‘t‘neilotHere. the desk of C ance or or t e Lex- r: ’ ' .' - ‘ . A '
i, 1W, mm ”A mw. llth‘t Natalie Coudill. a journalism junior, spends an turnin leaves this week in the Red River ‘ . » » is; ’. - - - . .
u t did a 9 A a a _ 9 9 9 9 ington Campus Art Gallaher. Q, 9 9_
inuchtroiiblewiththeweatheron afternoon hiking and taking pictures among Gorge area near Slade, Ky. SGA President Donna Greenwell £99 A _ ' 9.
m9, ”.9“, and Botkins met with Joseph Burch, "“7”" “‘ ' -' ‘. » ,' ‘
I We rested for a couple of minutes states. "but we get people from all “We‘re rovidinga habitat. so to the side of the roads and trails, bare actin vice chancellor for student af- ; ’ » _ ‘ .
. , ,. P . . g , .
_9 l and then donned otir packs again over the country speak." spots form “anditlooks terrible fairs. on Tuesday to discuss the pew \ . 9 _ .
9 » » l and headed upthetnountam.or _91 9,. 9. 9.V .- 9 ttoth n Hunting is allowed in the gorge, afteratime.“ cy. _ 9 9 _ ~ ‘
l mlllt‘l‘. lltll llvtort‘ long. \H‘L’ol tozi " 5° '. 5985'” oge9 . a according tostate regulationsas is . . Botkins was out of town and could DONNA GREENWELI, ; - A » ‘
. _ .. . , , .. othersthat sfor sure. butit sall t . . nfrontoquis RavensRock— 9 9 . .
, ltKh lolmatloti that was a hit ot a 0pm 90 the public .. hiking and camping that‘s the place where people notbereached for comment. .9 9 . , .
ilitlicultcliinb 9 lornieanyway .. ' . 'I‘herulosareprettysimple— used tohang glide,untilitwas Al the meeting ll was deCided [90 its consideration. or a committee * ‘9 . . » 9. '
: andthen we wetvuplolht‘ ltllml 9 \iilderness areas are different don‘tcamp within300feet of the outlawed because the wind currents send the9proposal '0 Gallllaher for “'5 could be formed to FOVIE‘W the alco- . , ,' .. »
tlietidge from national parks. likethe Great roads or trails.don‘t clear any are so tricky and so many people cogsiglegalionfigrgf‘gwg rsc‘liddeclined ml “5““ on campus “5 a Who'e‘ She . ' '- . » ‘ 5
’ hegoi'ge's sandstonearches. Smoky blountains National F9‘ark vegetation tomakeacampSiteand, weregettinginjuredandkilled; o 93 a th u l t ms 5‘3"" - « ‘ 9‘
ndgmpmnaclps and um. “U“‘de l‘“°“"ll9-Te”"--thh fall of course, makesure yourfiros are Haystack Rock,a goodplace to “Wine" on e proposa a ' Greenwell hopes the formation of _ ' ,9
hikinuir'iilsth-it wind ' underthe supervismn ofthe out rappel was toourright; and pom ‘ V 9. a committee will be the route cho~ ‘ .‘
l . ‘ ‘ ‘. . . .. . Department Of the Interior. ~ ~ Courthouse Rock theonel‘d later The proposal eventually “1“ end sen . “
I itiiough woodsandstieamsattiatt Anderson said the camping ll “Th de . k a, edt up 0" President Otis A. Singletary‘s _ 9 9 9
l about 300,001!\'l,\'llttr.\illlllllilll_\. "They‘recharged with regulations areaway ofkeeping the ca e ' erma er 00m 0 desk. Greenwell said. Singletary will At first. “I requested that he not - » _ 9 ,9
l Anderson said. iiiostol whom conic preservation; we're charged with forest from looking toowell- our left. probablv doone of two things. put it into a committee." Greenwell » ‘9 -
i from Kentucky and the surrounding management." Anderson said, traveled. If people Start camping on See WILDERNESS. Page 8 The issue could be brought direct~ said .
'—————..—____———___————— ly to the Board of Trustees as is. for See P0l.l(‘\. Page ‘ . 9 4
* ‘ Today last day to pay m So 'et 's't to Latin America "
. 9 9 .
$100 d0 H n-payinent fee ""' "’ " """""""' °‘ seen as move to increase hOId - ‘
‘ corn Ivor Jerry Claiborne to- ,
5m" r‘i'mr“ students P83 now '0 av01d “gem“? m WM m. CON 00c. By GEORGE GEDDA spective visit to Mex1co as a normal Gorbachev has been heightened by
’l' l' ' s (h l' 't dav for students Mon 0' adding extra fees to origi- Y'.'.".'l_- 7"" "h." b. ”.6 Associated Press development in relations between the recent strains in l'S ~Mex1can
t ”' tfith“ slixi'jjimn' “Anon: oh nalpayment. “Miriam lob. the two countries They said Mexico relations. The officials said a crisis
J 9?an $999999 hall 9999992199 {(999 for Also. Bob Clay. assistant dean of ””9”; WASHINGTON — Soviet leader has long been interested in expand- of confidence exists which disrupts
[ll(.lnoxl‘glem9:tpr g SlUdemS for residence hall life, SUS- Mikhail S. Gorbachev is planning to ing its diplomatic horizons and that cooperation on combating drug .
' ‘ ‘ gests that students who will be liv- _ , visit Latin America. apparently in three previous Mexican presidents smuggling and other issues. 9 9
Th': payment 5'10”” be m‘i‘de at "18 in the residence halls next year an attempt to penetrate peacefully have visited Moscow Shortly after Shevardnadze's \'lSll
tho Stud?!“ Billings llllll‘e In 25' apply early to guarantee the room an area where the United States has The officials added that Shevard- to Mexico. Argentine PreSident Raul
bludt‘nl l 9m” assignment and roommate of their m“ by w, the .9... long. been the dominant influence. nadze and his Mexican hosts. seemed Alfonsin became the first leader of ,
. Those failing to make the payment choice m W W admmstrationofficmlssay. intent on not saying anything that that country to VlSlt the Soviet
toda\ will be fined an additional $5. eiudems “v,“ in residence halls ' ~ 9 A. m The Soviet Communist Party Gen- could be construed as hostile to the Union,
“‘hlc'h ma" h“ pal" h" ”‘9 end 0' ”“5 ‘ ' ar nteedg ’ 't t w {3‘ “0 eral Secretary plans to visit Cuba. United States Aside from political issues. they
mmem‘ ‘ it: 3:919:98 andprslfii‘dgntgva‘honliitse "it“: ' Moscow‘s closest ally in the hemi- Other officials. however. said they discussed Argentina's $16 billion
The housing office prefers that off campus until April 159 Clay said. sphere, and also is expected to be- were concerned that the Shevard- trade surplus with the Soviet Lnion.
come the first Sov1et leader ever to nadze talks and the prospective ViSit which is the principal buyer of Ar-
. travel to Mexico, Argentina and by Gorbachev raises the possibility gentine grains.
Bands Vle for honors mm Brazil, the officials said. The trip. of an expanded “Soviet foothold" in Brazil, which also is on Gorba-
9 . 9 .. tentatively set for next spring, may this hemisphere. chev‘s itinerary. has had a less rig~
Staff reports am and end at 1 pm. Twelve ' ‘ ' ‘ ‘ include other South American com“ A long-term Soviet goal in Mexico idly anticommunist policy since a
bands will then be selected to com- ‘ ' r a Mr.” manswell. is the opening of consular offices in civilian president took office last
P‘iftyfight Kentucky high SChool pete in the finals, The finals will be u ‘ , ‘x » ~ Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard northern Mexico. which would en- year. Brazil reestablished relations
marching bands will Rather l0m0r' from 3 to 6 pm. Gates will open for . ,»»*-— w- A; . ”Q. I" Shevardnathe visited Mexico City able the Soviets to widen their intel- with Cubaafew months ago.
“N at (“‘mmonweallh Slad'um lo the finals at2p.m. 3., far ,A «j: “W three weeks ago and laid the ligence-gathering capabilities in the So far as is known. the only Soviet
compete in the 1986 Kentucky MuSIC The contest ,5 sponsored by the 99999 ".2”. ” ” groimdwork for. the Soviet-Mexican soutlnm United States, the offlcmls leader to have visited um, America
Educators Assocmtion State March» UK Marching Band. Admission is ‘4 9 9 ' 99 ‘9 _“h” summlt. according to9the offtctals, said. was the late bemid Brezhnev. who
mall-W“ hampl‘lnsmps for the preliminaries and $3 for the A, ””1, T“? : ‘ "" ' whoimmedonanonymity. The uneasiness of some officials traveled to Cuba for a Communist
Th9 Drollmlnam's will beam at 8 limb. or $6 for a combination. if?“ ‘ ' “sitar?!“ »’ *' Some officials described the pro- over the planned Mexican visit by Partycongrus in 1975.
. A o .

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 KENTUCKY KERNEL Frhhy, 013009131, 1985. 3
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I s u1gn0 eater, orms dunted bv poltergelsts from a mystertous past . ,
I 6' 'Lflo ' ’ , , . ’
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. I ’9 ‘ L V» 0. ,, , Pu ’I‘HUNIASJ. Sl l.l.l\',\.\ mm——~—————L-—————.~— , \ u h ”I t ' ' » J .
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. I?” I ~ lcltmbed up on the pm rant and all 01 t1 ”" L' L .. LL‘LLL‘” :
miii‘b‘ l ‘ _ ‘ lurttellttult 3w: Ktng allthe - .- ’ 1
E g 2 ’ . nt-wrj;tltu'ktrnrnt-r. tromthe sudden 11 got real COId, lIlCll I lL‘Il, [HUIC lIlLill (lwr‘ IR‘I-lnlIIllIlld.‘ tn- .l-ft hesald r L' ' , I. '1 .
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I l mttt rs (10M) to [ht Imminent a Bu' talk! ll. he (1‘... ML tluttwd that - .
I / I ‘ ~ ‘L “r . -) I \ t . , , . . - ‘ . .,- ‘ . .'
l ghostmnltnduhome ’lalesul 83 ’ IhlS thIL d1 [hk oppmut “Id ”1 [ht IL“!- mH‘m “"\'l’r“’“’“‘r‘ / 'I-V ' ’ ‘
' pomrmmsdwspunumdd) It transmitted tllls lccllng that l \Iltultdll t bc WI ’l u, “mgr. Almwr .. ,
t I Austin City Saloon 2350 Woodhull Shoppmg Center tomth and tomtmCM MUUH‘IK'MHPUWS Md late at ntght there Ilia)l-u\LLL1Htlt'.l but leir' 'tm ,1 "_ Lf :'- , {git
_,_ fl, ,~ «wuss tolmtry v. lv ploy ham 9 p H to | o m 33 per QGISOH 3'3 pm m "N‘M‘y 0M hUHSPS And lhllllgh ' ”WHIP“, ""('~11'Y"“Illll""‘ ‘l I‘l'u.’ ’ f ~ .- L
, I » pln mm -Llnh0u thew “HIV not be wtdelvkntmn. l‘K Paul P ‘1lll'iflfi llntm 'io-t«.1~!-I\ug.. «m: I“ .2 “a : - ._ 4
l The Bat 22-1 L Mo-L ‘3' thnght and tomorrow lop 40 dlsuj ’HLSIL 0' o I m” d “i“ gmxlstmtvsln115mm theater senior 2, "; ‘.'_. . ‘ {’5' .
"JM‘W‘" ~15 ”l ‘Lr ' 3 Lu LLHSU'UIdOYItcthI 30'03450711 33(0v81 . ”thgn”! ”191”“. 15~ I! ‘ “4" "fl" "' . F W L ' ..‘ :- 51:15::
Bosh Rtprocks 3% s WWK'MW . thltlllt-‘l‘dll the homent tvmghusts ————————-—_—_—— I It; ~.l . ,. Itml- L. L f, ff! 2‘1 .
'L' , , ‘ .V, - . . l H“ ..‘, -l v ‘ ,. t 1, , n, ' ..'.
the Bearded Scale :wjr Eptlll‘l Aw- lomght The Nelgnbortzood upbeu' 'l’l.‘ ‘10“ ”1““ I”! m‘” names. b“! of "A5 YOU Ink? I! Inc \(Atg..-_\‘.~; I,“ It. , , ,., ., ”V "“' I” “ “‘ ‘ ' L , "L L . .»‘ . s L, ,- 'LIJ ‘ s
I L . ,. . . t ., ‘ l “"H’ "\r‘l“ “’\ ’Ll I‘LL Vy‘,’ " L' ‘. . . “'4Lp 'lv'u .. ‘ I
I . ' l “iv IW'“ ‘ t M, U ”I lov'turrow Steve Comb 92-le Lmlwzt \ ”I H \ ‘ lull]. that “m 1"“ mall ‘md 5()III(‘UI lltt'SIUdt‘tlh lH't‘t‘ Inuktt‘ L‘t All -' I’l-Lw t‘l . 1 HH‘ 6: III l H. I; I A I. I ' ”I“ " 4- L ' "
V .. ‘. , . ll. .»,. t“ ‘l :_ 1 l..L: n... _.,. =.. , 1.. . , - - - . « L- .
l _ H. p a; at t. l., ,, lIlt lllllt’l t1 .mmm thhatlult'llmarll “H“ M Q ,1 1 , . . . ..Htu It ... “my . . l. .- V , '.~ I,“ It,” _‘
. .J . . ,, _ 4‘ LL“ “L .t' 1L 2 MI; allude. u. a... 1,.» ,,,‘. . , , 9" I, . l
I 8mm,“ um, 5,, 1-, 9,5,... l), lull, ls supposed tnlx .t \wman Btppert at: m ”Hum.” H, .H, I”, I "h ( .g “I M m _. ..., ,. . . ._ 3H." , ._ ~
‘ . L. 2, ,. y L " “ ‘ “‘ L ‘L‘ . ',! l'."‘L ltz.‘t:l.l.lllll Il‘(t \ t t _ ,, _, , _ . , . __' , .3. '. :»;I".. ‘1.
I Brass A Saloon NW kuhmlwo Road Tomght and tomoutjw the Co" v I "”mmmllmfilml “pd” ”W anat'tt'm ‘\IllL'Il \Iltlll'h mm" l‘ . . n t t' m} m h. 1“ l ' ‘ ' ' ‘ ' ‘, , ' L. » »' -‘. l 1.
L . ‘ ' . LL ~“‘.‘ "‘. .:t"" .l I "L’Ll‘t’ L1“\, t ‘ . ,Lt ‘. ,' ,_ _. _
l - . 4., 41,. . Mk, ,1 L, ,,. ,0 I O m 'ltL£:~ll'tlI. salt) Bl'lltn Holman. a _l. ,. . ‘Ll , I ' lfl'unn' 1.le ‘ , ,. , t i- . . ..y ; ‘ L,
I . "H ,W ‘n “\l‘h A .' ' L dlnlthn 1m >lllIJIll , .w , ..m‘ t , , ., 1.. , -, , -_
‘ ' ’ a'eEd“‘9‘ 7'") MU!“ 3: ""1” ' M‘J‘Ur " ‘il‘n‘ »hvt Um ntght. Blppert alx‘oc‘atms‘ thew “my I" 1'4"" Ru" \ltl W L t H 1L1" \h l H“ =. ‘H I" d. 7‘ .L'LLT, ‘ 3-
. ' V V L ‘ L L ‘ II 11-. :., 1 nth L g.,* N. ,> ,L’ .. 1" ~‘ I
. l Library 38‘? ,-,. odlorld Ave Tomght and tomorrow Thumper and ”If P-old ‘ (lurtng hISfreShman 39;": Mullms time: (hung the pprfurm'ingm m l- L, tw, - F. .. t I .1 lv-N w .. .y‘» It, \“M‘ ‘- L ;: . . .‘ .. "w
t ,. , . .., . , ‘ . ’L - . I” L ", ll“ V "A ..‘l ”A ..-" , ,_ ‘..j.,
» I Nut ’ l :L 4 “MI play lrtw' 9 pm to l o rn $3 Cover Happy HL~ LL 'l ‘ L~' ’l‘LLL'L‘L‘rl"‘1"“‘“"‘hdl"Ll-\UP Am YUUI IN.” 'r,‘ AL... .7" . I, . ,,.,_1 . .,. \v" 6 H, 11““: ‘.3 ‘1'").
_ . ,., 1p ,._.' U. ‘ I N. A ‘ ‘ " ‘ “" “ ‘L“' ...,L . ' \thln ’ .IILA ll 1"Lll-n 2 .1» H. H V ..L )r‘wflfl = , :V'.
. l . .. 5 5, wk. :tw ,~ 95 (enydroh beer Free pizza from 8-9;) m I ”It . tvllll tfutnAt lht «.th lll lht “0(me LUlIl 58“ “mm.“ 2L. . \ .\ W "H W 1 q \. .,‘:_. ,1 "mp \HI ”tall. ..‘,II.ll\[,‘» “-9.. l ('4‘ .t 3‘ L... K“ :I‘.“‘t -,
L 5 Main Street 30! and Grill Downtswn on Mom Street I IL "411‘“ \‘\ :tn ““Llppi‘lrnt T6850” I“ I’lllll't“ In a plan on '1“. \l tw‘ l u.» ..’ . r . y , ,l , , n 6,“ L'L‘: W'U-‘IN J”: “U” 3173-1“ r'L 'IL' : ‘Chi. ‘3 31- :'_L V
’ ~L , . , . . .. v ».v . ‘. "v t -.t O t L ‘ ' “ “ ‘ ‘ ‘ LL‘ tL“LL-‘LL“-L-"L’L‘L “-L"‘L‘L-L"'-L' .. , vv"f‘.L , ., '- 1-. 5. ‘
l Spit-'5 90.13.. V H‘ ”I Plaza lnntght ()de tomorrow Perfe‘ Sl’onqnw ' l ..‘ A? d”! ‘ILffll‘b \UllUfUl up ‘m n" ”1““ ““5 pl't‘St‘lll A" ‘l‘l " j ~lL 12 .l ttL.' .ml L .tt, u: Ll I' ’.‘\ .tx ”drum” (”Lilli it I All . . . j.” ‘ ii." U“... L
t t: M_. I. ., jn rvL Nt .de- I L..'. LIIE‘lelIAd} RU(I;.',¢‘I\"Vil‘t‘hlfilltl llmlt . . _.. '1‘ 1’” '7' ‘ t . 't‘ 1H llHKIQ‘I‘lldflfiltllbt‘ [111‘ IL ~2L : :L L ._ ‘ .12,‘ 2. ’LM.‘ .
- L M. . . - ,. L A lL‘ ‘l'wl‘l’t .thLtzxzttAztt..4: _ ., , ‘ , , ‘. \'
two Keys 4.43 5 tut-5mm) s. mulgrl and tomorrow Jurnpgfrgp' pvt.» t Eluullml upon theplttmtl‘tml xmhcn-k In: W” I, \ D ,, 1‘ H . I ». “Mk-”H” _., ”MN .,._ I” M .1 . 2 UK, 5 .
. E . M_ _ . t_ .,.t . {..‘} ~71\\t.u, L “M“ 1"“: J 6 ‘ > . .‘v.‘."’r ,. ,4_
1 L» rt Yaw 9; ,.. tut ., v 52 .l:.w " .l men no cover for wrm‘er- . . L'l .. \Htltlt'll ll £01 I‘Palt‘wlll. \It‘ltil'“ L L” V1“; H L past tutti prt'MLri L. .‘lL A ' - , t-' L L1,”. _"- , , .
_ ,. .i 2 L ‘t . .[x- hf 'L.-',l.t:'.nj',,;\ . '.‘,- .
'IOOIJIIP Club '53 1“ A“ u L) bl L eSan, I \l‘ttl 'o and ”It’ll I It‘ll ”1011' .H1‘ , I I y ‘1 hllfltt‘ ll: lIlt' \‘v L’ll 'f L ' 'r ‘13.: ‘.‘~' ~L. ,: L.
L ; ':t.lr \t:.\ Ituxtzutlrvnt tltcupptmtv ‘ ‘ “*‘Ulill' >Ll'v L L' v “ ' I m ‘ " ;;.‘ -. {sf}. i=5 L.
-—-——--———-——--——--——-'-«| whim. ,ttc-mtl ltttdtnmtttedthh M’MIL’II“ L » .M .. gm“... - v,.\lltdy,.:‘,g'[< \rlut‘lll‘w All '. :Z ;.. :L- ' 'L _ 2-1,: '_ Itw‘ L‘. '
I 'n-ium ‘Imt lslmultln tlwthen' l k91l,‘-L‘”“'L“""L' . ' _’ n «. 1L "'lll’ltllL‘ Uu’ A‘JL’ 14“" 'l'” "9 5' " ‘L‘ " :l‘qL’ _-,‘L ”1“" ’
“I. ‘ l , . , L‘ .. luv , .... l l ' I: .1. .~.5_..;
// /l . I ,, ; 'rjt .t ”mung Hmkard§ rm- and 1 Lu)! JUIIII‘I \thtm t ktllm .w ,t . _ .l H 6. ,V ,. . k ,. Ihlmiqixtmyq 1,3“. ., , h. ._ ..‘ ._ A. _ - t
. L ,. , . . - L . "L .' t L \_v , ’. . ~;.
“ o I 'thL tat-l: out at there “Unldll ..‘. _\t‘l pluwtx .m‘, l“: v, .M' . ‘ ‘. Y ,y- R f ‘
h .L , t ‘ ‘tllt‘ltrm .mlx 'htl? brmr lllthts. I’m liwrfl'ntng “'"HL ‘-~’ll’l-'LL~1 .: " 11'L’3-‘L‘Lv ‘ 'L ”413““ (‘XIK‘Y :vttl m ,3 I'r . u' r ,L ".- '-‘v.:u‘»' . i . '
t . . _ , t A L' '-'-t -
;,. l Lula!'wtrltnnthrtgutthvghtrstbull> ”‘LF‘YL‘HLW‘llLiUl""L“‘""‘~~' ' l‘” . ‘ .. L 'L L ""L’“‘l-‘LEL"“"""‘Y"L l‘lLl'LH" L""L"" 7' " ' -, "I 1: ”L "2/ \ ;‘\'
// ~ 0' \ I "L .l , lli'Itt".t‘I When I llrxt (Lame ‘llmillpflll‘llil’ hd’ l»“"~'1w'~:3 “ 7 ' 'lL‘m' Li ;.._ WL ”HUB “‘0” L»-L!.: L L ..'w: _ . . _ ,L . t w;
y g I . I ml h 1mm” IA‘II(‘\'L‘lll;lh0.\[>. H lht-lilltgttlll ghnsh Bu? llft‘ltn :L . w l: 'v ._ 2.1-» 111 {In “my, ':.lr. - j;.,. 4. thw .‘L "7 ' ‘- . .
\; . . t. L‘ . it 't .. 2 , ., ,.. . L, .»-" 'L. l. ~'
. l 452mm: ttl} I‘ellglum IK'IIt’I\. Ihvuter m. t Lht’ln'll} “with”. L ..L. , l. llr ..ll ..‘ ttlzLLvLS ~th .. ~.> .- \1' L' U» :.‘L'.' ._ ,L‘
. I ‘5. m j [)‘LIIIIIIIEQ‘Hl‘«11];I)i,)\ 1: n t ..t , . 1- am At 'Ilill tlth “In“; .1; .; , » l_.; 1.- lag." -. "at“; 1.5”,4' :
. ,.,. -mm»~~ —-»~--——~——-———-————-———-———-——~---—<——---I l’w' . ,M I“, “.115 the ‘10“ Mm IflUIyl‘I‘x,‘;1\\|\"(1!]l‘Il‘u’ ll: : ‘7.-L I m : ~ rnLL'f ”(L-"MHZ ..'.J:;:L 7» IL; - L.-,ltn-: l" ‘tm.’ v 1"; , :1 I» '5
Blue Velvet (my: Ly L l_.-~L;,_,s ‘sz htS (ult tum Emso'L-Oax :2, L I "-'~:: LL. <,.t\'t‘tlttt‘tuntluflllnlm It‘ut‘ “WIN!“ 7‘“ i'K"Ll‘l"5("‘llm‘ it ‘ l " l L 7 "4 5"‘IUIn'lr‘l'L j.-l~' L,\. f»' L 3"; 1;. i"-_’.' a.
. _ '1’; ‘ LL , x»: wy‘W; v leL strange ‘wtsts '3‘ Dr.‘ ,w M .,, 3 '.l-1‘L".'L"‘ Kht‘llitb angst} hulygt ('l.lllll>7|lf14l\t‘llx 1‘13“! l -.,l. "I" .r' l Lxr'v‘fl tlthl'L h-z i L_ ,-
, . - ~. v -,~ . Mg» m Rm . and Dem-ts Hoope' Row: 2 . t ,t; \L-m my. up'thvnpeoplestzart *‘H’VFM‘ "‘i'L L‘i‘l? ””51"" "' ' -' ‘ L5" " L' ' '9 lhl‘ l: » . » _ :. ~ ~. , . ; . z". L " '
‘ ‘-‘: L ‘L a .7 J‘: .. '(LlL’9"' lJ'ld V’Lmovrow only 0' mldl L»: n I '« Il‘tt' L‘ ttl'llll' INT.” XIUIlltb gtt’lllt'tl Illiflflil, lid: ' ' . " ll 4 “l :‘ “:‘ dry" Lnfi.’ I 'l-. .1 :13 f :j _. L - .l " f. 'ZII’I‘ A ‘ ‘ ..‘-’l -
(htldren o! a Logger God A .L,» )‘\,ly about a teor’n’y U" I} L .\ LL , I \I-I‘l‘ll‘ _le llllt‘lllll} pl‘l'SUH “It" ____-__-_. . _ -2 __ _.,,_~2 ”WV. H“ 7A.“. ,1. -__ __A____-W___ __ ”3:1,. 1 .; '5}. L5.) . . I , ,1, . . I. ' 1 "1'3: _
. ., ,. m, . I; v. n. .. Rated R Lexmgyur: Mall 12 43 3. 5 s , I 1’11»Il.lllt".})(‘l‘l('ll(‘(‘\HIhthe"pll‘ I" , .1, Ln. WIN-.52 .v .. - ._ - . ‘L L '17 5‘ -
. . . J.“ .. ., UM,“ .;.v 5;) I .1 gum? 'l‘lltttl l’lckott, a theater I twp-mum t- :u . ;I:L lL ~_-. » L' 1 A"
- the Color cl Money (two and Poul Newman 5'0: 'L ‘l H NJ" I ”ll-ll”. ”L" ”INN” nlllf'ji I .l, Illl "I" _'f. In .L f:- , - \2 I: 2'» L.’ ' I .1; . ("J " ',
WW“ :1 m. .t n 9de R -North Park l 315 5 2- 4:. . i 1'- ‘ML 121“! LfllLIlltl