xt72ng4gqm0j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt72ng4gqm0j/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2001-01-22 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 22, 2001 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 22, 2001 2001 2001-01-22 2020 true xt72ng4gqm0j section xt72ng4gqm0j Free pizza

Seven little days in a
long life may not
seem like a lot to
you, but you can
make life altering
decisions in that
little time span. You
could decide to sell
your car and join the
Peace Corps, ask out
that cutie (the word
cutie has iust been
permanently banned
from LOC for being
one of those words
that Just sounds
stupid i in your
English class. or
decide it would be
really cool to
delecate outsrde the
SGA office because
you are upset over
the punishment: not
enough or too much
(not recommended).

Along with your life
changing decisions.
here are some other
things that may be
happening this week.

Tonight at 9, the
basketball lottery is
taking place at
Memorial Coliseum.
UKAA is havmg lree
pizza. and music to
show thanks to the
UK students. This is
great and I say
thanks to them for
doing this, but how
about you save the
money for the pizza
and music and use it
to persuade some old
people to trade their
season tickets in for
students and we will
let them have our
seats. The only
reason I envy Duke
fans is the seating
they have.

The Tennessee lady
basketball players
Wlii gloat to the male
Tennessee players
because they barely
squeezed by us here
in Memorial
Coliseum. while the
men got beat by UK.
And by “squeezed
by" I mean by 70
something points.
Call off the dogs
after a 50-point lead
next time please

The Super Bowl,
otherWise known as
the Duper Bowl this
year, will take place
this weekend.
Amongst other things
you Will see when
watching the game (I
predict 9-3 Giants)
you Will also see over
priced glitzy
advertisrng, Iip~
syncing pop stars.
over indulgences of
alcohol, and a team
win the Super Bowl.
When does the XFL
start again?

Will more people watch
the Super Bowl or
"Survivor" right
after? I doubt it that
is a hard one to
figure out for most.

We face Georgia on
Tuesday at 9. Hope
everyone catches the
bus to the game this
time. Maryln, where
were you at Ole
Miss? We missed you.

-Ron Norton
RatifidllOli" hotmailcom

THE 411

4.3 2.?

Partly cloudy but at
least it is not snowing.



Call: 257-1915 or write:







Good gift
out the
i‘eyiew 5


Coalition offers their suggestion

Their say: Group will endorse candidate for UK presidency

By Tracy Kershaw

NEWS ibitoiz

I'oor relations between I'K students
and administrators have prompted some
students to publicly endorse one of the can
didates for the I'K presidency

l‘oiicei'iied Students ofthe I‘niyersity of
Kentucky. a coalition of mostly progressive
groups. will announce its choice at noon to
day in the free speech area

"In any lllil‘llll‘ decision being made. stu
dents are not asked what our opinions are."
said Sara 'l‘oilrl. a biology iunior.

Todd said the group had not yet chosen
which candidate to i‘lltitil'se, but it would iit'

a pei'soti who is aware of diversity issues
and social justice issues,

Also. they are looking for someone who
will pay attention to areas ofthe I'niversity
that do not get as much funding. such as
the arts

Throughout the search. the committee
hosted forums for students. asking their
opinions on what values the president
should have Last week. students met with
the three candidates I,ee 'I‘odd. a former I'K
engineering professor who founded a siic
cessfiil Lexington technology company. (ire

gory (leoll'roy. provost at the University of

Maryland. and .Ioii Whitmore_ provost at
the l’niyersity of Iowa.

Susan Roth. a biotechnology _lllll|l ir. i'ec
ogniles the coiiiinittees‘ eiibi'ts. bill also re
aIi/es that might not be enough.

”It is not so iiiiicii that we haven‘t been
a \’(il('t'. it is that we also hate the added iie
cessity that students are overlooked it\
more poweiful people.“ she said

Roth said the group has specific criti
cisms of the current administration and
they want to ensure those do not carry mm

”This is an extra step we ran take to
protect ourselves." Roth said

Students and future students ll‘illsl il\'t'
with this decision. she said. so it is iiiipera
live their voice is heard.

”It is important that we espress III in
terest in the future of the I'niyersm slit-

While the coalition is now lllrisll\ pro

gressiye groups. 'I‘odil s iiil she hopes it l lll
lie lticilisi\e til the t'lilllt‘ \llllit ri' liod‘.

'I‘iidd iiiiilcistiiids hummer the i i lll
cisin that they oiil. Ii‘lili‘st Ill libeiuii

"We the wantiin! people to look .it this
to sec that this is studenis whoi lll’ about
this I 'iiixei'sity sa\ in: ".e toi-l this . :iiiilidrite
will le id this school iiiio Top ..'H ‘ Todd said

In \Xirelltis .iiid I‘le\in Kidd or two
students on the search i oininittw who s»-
Iei ted the t :iiidid ites

student (ioteiniiieiit \s-ati I,lli