xt72ng4gqm9t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt72ng4gqm9t/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-01-30 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 30, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 30, 2007 2007 2007-01-30 2020 true xt72ng4gqm9t section xt72ng4gqm9t Howls wtttt' et
.ll. ell

Page f

COLUMNlSi. Baseball team went door-to-door to build
support for renewed program and unprecedented success

See PAGE 6

ll), Illt)“

\ \lk ttsit tl‘t lti‘



your daily dose of entertainment, pop culture and fu


'I'Ile Di8I-l

Isaac Cohen called his
high school girlfriend

While shopping at the (‘hris-
tian Audigier store in LA. on
January 17. Britney Spears‘
man. model Isaac Cohen. 25.
gushed to Us about his new
squee/e. “She‘s the ultimate
sweetheart." he said. while pick-
ing tip four bags of clothes for
her. Turns out. his feelings for
Spears. 35. go back to his teen

(‘ohen‘s high school girl—
friend. Jennifer Sypal. 24. tells
Us he used to call her “Britney"
because she resembles the pop
princess. "He thought she was
hot." Sypal. \\ ho dated (‘ohen
on and off in WW) and 2()()() af-
ter meeting in summer school.
tells L's. "He “as into her muv
sic. too."

And no“. ('ohen is into
Spears. The day alter his shop-
ping spree. the pair hung out at
her Beverly Hills pad and met
up the next night at l..A.‘s (‘a—
bana (‘lub

Is this the real thing'.’ (‘ohen
tells l's. “I‘m taking it one day
at a time."

Sienna Miller Love Triangle

Sienna Miller has the Sun,
dance lilni Festival abu/x with
her performance in the Steyc
Biiscemi~directcd drama lnter'»
\ ieyy and \\ ith hcr ofl'scicen
canoodling. (in January W at
Lotus Lounge in Park (‘ity.
l'tah. a source spotted James
Franco. 38 (her costar in the up—
coming film Camille). \\ith his
arm around the actress. 25. and

“in deep conversation."

Tvvo nights later. another
source savv Miller and Josh
Hartnett. 28. acting “flirty" at
the Alliances Heineken karaoke
party at The Village at the Lift.
But the actress insists both men
are Just friends. "There‘s noth—
ing to make of any of the people
I‘m linked with." Miller tells
Hot Stuff. “If I‘d slept with that
many men. I‘d have 2() chili

Brangelina — Happy in the
Big Easy

Since Angelina Jolie con-
firmed to l's on January l5 at
the (iolden (.ilobes that she.
beau Brad Pitt and their family
were settling in New Orleans
(“We [me it there." she said).
the Big liasy has opened its
arms. "The community is
thrilled.‘~ former city council
member and realtor Jackie
(‘larkson (mother of ()scar-
nominated actress Patricia
('larkson) tells Hot Stuff.

Though the pair bought a
$3.5 million mansion in the
French Quarter and enrolled
.son Maddox. 5. in school.
sightings of the .lolie~Pitts have
been rare since Jolie‘s January
I: tll\L‘-l\‘.ll‘ outing. Why 2’ After
the (‘rolden (ilobes. Jolie head—
ed to Vietnam to \york “ith a
charity (not to adopt. despite
Internet rumors to the contrary l
and Pitt has been busy filming
The (‘urious (‘ase of Benjamin
Button in his neyy hometovyn.

But locals. vvhile curious of

their neys neighbors. aren‘t
frenzied. Tlltk‘vple‘il) trite

n we- VQP


Britney Spears' man
always had a thing for her

vvriter Kate Moran tells Us.
“People are far from starstruck.
The city has a live-and-let—live

Eva Longoria 81 Tony

Parker — ‘I 00' Details!

Eva Longoria has never
been secretive about her love for
fiance Tony Parker. 24. but she
has been trying to keep one
thing quiet: the duo‘s nuptial

Hot Stuff has learned that
the Desperate Housewives star
and San Antonio Spurs guard
(who got engaged in November
after a rocky two—year romance)
“ill vved on July 7. 3007. at
(‘hateau de Chantilly. a fairy-
tale-like castle north of Paris.
According to a source. “Tony is
extremely superstitious and
thinks ()7-(l74l7 is the day most
lucky to get married on.” Lon»
goria. 3i. will be traveling to
France in February \th event
planner Mindy Weiss to finalize
details for the reception. includ-
ing ordering the flowers. food
and cake. And. since Parker has
family in France. the couple vy ill
also have plenty of help frorri
the groom-to—be's mother.

“Tony \y ants her to feel that
it‘s her day as well as his and
Eva's." says a source. And to
top it all off. designer Monique
Lhurllier \vill create Longoria‘s
dress for the big day. a source
says. Longoria‘s rep tells Us.
“She‘s still yyorking out all the

-details. Nothing is confirmed."

(COPY)? SW 3'th 12‘} ‘r‘yl‘l‘l"








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an ll
son 1















Continued from page 1

Medicine. The clinic corn-
pletes assessments of atirisk
children and families. The as—
sessments are then provided to
ocral workers. Judges and
agency administrators
who are working on cases in-
iolsrng abuse. tieglect.
parental rights or adoption eli-
grbilrt). according to the CATS

“We are about providing
scrtices to traumatized and
rrraltreated children. training
and disseminating senices to
mental health professionals


and child welfare workers and
research on \iolence against
children." Sprung Stud.

’I'he CATS Clinic. located
on BIa/er Parkway near Man
0' War Boulevard. is also a
teaching site for social work.
ers. law)ers. adoptise and loss
ter parents. and students. In
W99. the state of Kentuck)
gave a SI million grant to sltu'l
this project. which Iloffrnan
labeled an absoltrte IICCL‘SSII}.

Sprang said she and the
three other principle tinesttga-
tors Kaak. Allen Bren/cl.
of the psschiatr) department.
and Jim Clark. a social work
professor were asked to
create the "Mercedes-Betti of
assessment programs."

Since its rticeptrort. the
CATS protect has trained and

Assessed o\ er I .500 clttltlrcn.

Kaak sers ed as the training
director of I'KK Triple Hoard
Residenc) I’rogram. whrclr
cenrties ix-diatrrcians and adtilt
and child PS}L‘II0IU§ISIS. for 15
)ears and is the founding
member of the Kentuck) A1.
tachrneirt I’roiect. whrcli offers
training for professionals
working with children who
ha\ e attachment disorders.

Sprang said Kaak‘ is the
top e\pert in Kenttick) on
childhood rrrental health and
Hoffman noted that he is an
exemplar) person.

"I arri reunenated." Is'aak
said abotit his e\per‘rence
working wrtlr CAI‘S “I low
in) work. This is a good w a}
It) Clltl a Cttt'L‘Cl‘ N



Continued from page 1

Students will be able to goe
blood at man) locations across
campus starting tomorrow. lll’
eluding Commons Market. lila/
er Cate. the Student Center and
the [K Chandler Medical Cert
ter. The blood dr‘rre will contrir
tie through l5rida)

'l‘he donations gr\eri b) stti»
dents and tacttlt} has e rrnpacted

the Ii\es of man) in the [K
commtirirt), including torrtrer

CK Homecoming Queen ,\me|ia

Brown. a graduate student in
the College of Izducatron. was on
the waiting list fora lr\-er transr

plant tor tour and a Iralt years.
she didn't thrirk she would e\ er
need blood because she wouldn‘t
sur\ me long enough to get a new
li\er \\ hen she did get a loci
transplant in lotto. she needed
4‘) pints ot blood during Iier II
hour surger) to stas aloe

Brown said students slioirld
reali/e the importance oi going
blood and sa\irig a person's lite

especiall) because the\ don't
know who w ill need help ne\t

"It could be anyone the}
know tlllal needs l‘Iiuull.“ sltc

It students plan on going
blood. Dickson recorrrrrrends that
the) do not come on an empt)

"l1at a meal before )oti at
me. and drink plent} ot fluids.“
he said "We‘ll ha\e srrat ks

lirestias Jartraiti .t‘ .‘tiiti‘ I PAGE3

a\arlable as well

Students should also bring a
photo ll) l)orrators must be at
least I‘ scars old and weigh at
lltt pounds Iliosc who
plan on going blood will base
Dickson calls the screening a
"mini Pl]_\\ls.tl ”


lit lt.t\\ .t stlcclltllg‘.

"We‘ll ask some questions
about the person's health histo
t‘\ l‘clott' lltcvtc able Itt gtH'
l‘IlNNI.” Illckvtll said

I)lsk\t‘ll said the blood that
Is \IUI‘..!IL'\I .ll lIIL' Llll\C\ Sits'S lit
b" hospitals iii the region Ititk
sorr also said that the top riser oi
blood in the region is the I Is
('Iltltlslic‘l \lk'tlical (L‘lllt'l Ills'
Medical Center tises air cstiitiat
ed jooiio "inls or

I I‘Iitt‘tl l‘k'l

Ky. economy subject of annual conference Scuoutnsmp

By Josey Montana McCoy

news@kylteiiiel com

Iicononrtc issues are important to all areas ot the
» Central Kentuck} included
once again be the focus of art anntial conference co


sponsored by UK.

I‘he Gatton College of Btisiness and Economics
‘.\1II be hosting the lb’th armtral liconomrc ()trtlook
( orrfercnce at the lexington Convention Center toda}
to assess Central Kentuck) ‘s economy and to look rrrto

the state's 2007 expectations.

“'I‘his time rns‘estment of one morning will pa)
do rdends throughout the entire )eat for those w ho at,
tend." said Devanathan Sudharshari. Dean of the (iat

tori College.

Attending the outlook cotifererice will prtwrde
business and gmemment leaders in Central Kentuck}
With \altiable rnformatiori regarding the ecorrorrrrc
\xcllrbeing of the state arid countr}. Sudharshan \‘dltl.

I‘he half-day eonterenee. w hrcli is also eo-sporr

and the) will

sored b_\ the (ireater l.e\irtgton Chamber of Corttr
merce. the Kerituck} .~\ssocratron of Manufacturers
and The Lane Report. a Kentuck) btisiriess rriaga/ine.
will feature speakers discussing rssttes pertaining not
onl} to Is'entuck}. btrt also the entire nation

Merlin Ilackbart. associate dean for :\tlllttnl\l1"ar
tiorr and .»\cademic .»\ffairs of the business college. has
been a part of the (iatton College tor o\er ill )ears
and will gr\e the introductory speech.

()ther focuses of the conference rtin the gamut ot
short~term adxrce to lorrg-terrr‘. ideas, Kenneth I'roske.
director of the (iattorr College‘s Center for Btrsrness
and Iiconorrric Research. will present a speech titled
“'l‘hc I2conortirc ()titlook tor the l'nited States arid
Kcrittrck}." Michael (‘hildress. e\ectrtt\e director of
the Kerittrck) long Ierrn Policy Research Center. wrll
foctrs on the future in his speech. “Current 'l'rends and
future Public Policy “hats in Store tor Is’erituck) "

.\lso featured at the conference \\lll be a presenta
tron of indrxrdual concern about managing intestrrrent
l‘ont‘olros b) Donald Mullrncau\. director of the (lat

market economies.

ton College‘s school ot management. and a worldw ide
ecorrorrrrc \ rew b} I)a\e /.iebart. director of the Von
.-\llrnen School of Accountancy about global capital

“We alwa) s attempt to prosrde some spec ial topics

w ltich tend to supplement the discussion ot the cco
nomic outlook." Ilackban said
In past )ears. the conterence has seen as man} as

300 participants This sear. orgarn/crs e\pect to see a

iSS‘li 25‘ Slit»

similar turnout ot business leaders. go\errrmerrt ottr
crals and crti/eris of central Kenttitk} .\ large student
participation is not e\pected. llackbart said

I‘hrs )eat"s ref—'istration tee. w hrcli includes a LUII’
tiriental breaktast and materials. is $95. for group reg
istratron ot lr\e oi more. a special rate ot SSH per [‘dl'
trciparrt is a\ailable I‘he suggested registration is be
tweerr S and S 311 a in The continental breaktast be
gins at S am in the I‘Irorotighbrcd Rooms 1 1 ot the
I e\rrigton ('on\ errtrori (enter with programs running
from t\ it! until ll 4* am for more rritoritratron. call

California strawberry crop finds silver lining in frost scare

By Jerry Hirsch

\Ia}be the Beatles were
ight strawberr} fields are

lt ttims out that instead ot
lr‘Slltt)Ing California‘s crop.
ll's month's free/e might ha\ c
an ed it.

I armers were hariestrng
tr. unprecedented amount of
~trawberrres until the free/e,
llre pending surplus could
Irate sent prices for earlysea—
son fruit crashing.

“We were probably headed

: an economic disaster." said

Bill Reiman. a riraior‘ ()\nard.
Calif. grower and secretary
treastirer of the California
Strawberry Commission,

He estimated that the big
chill cotild ctit w inter pl'tttlllt'r
tron b} as rntich as ”0 percent
b} destrtwrng flowers and Illlr
mature trtirt that would base
ripened iri l'ebr‘trar‘}. Assuming

mild weather in coming
weeks. Rerman said. most
farmers should be able to

mercorne that expected dip
and end the season with a liar-

\‘est at least as big as last
Bad weather alwass de

strtws some tttirt each wrtiter.
be said. noting "l'sualli it is
rain. this sear it was the
II‘L‘c/C H

\ctordrrig to the commrs
[‘Icllltltlldt} trgtircs.
(‘alrtornia tatmcrs haraested
2.! million tt‘ass ol berries this
month l'lrat compares with
IS million tr‘.i}s picked tn
.Ianuar‘) Zilito

.Iarruar) arid l‘c‘l‘l'll‘ttl} ate
the lowestproducing months
for California strawberries.
w hrch account tor more than
S15 billion of the state‘s any
riual “NZ—billion lar'm output

"\Vhen iou look at the big


picture. these months are rust
a small part ot the har\cst pc

\elop treating a more \tgorr
ous plant that will produce

r‘iod. btit because ii is eat'l_\ rrr more robtist lllltl when the
the season. the triirt has the weather warms.
highest margins." said Mark “\\e are going to lra\e

\ltirar. president ot the \‘lat
sot‘r\ille. Calif rbased
berri cttlllllllSSIttll
lrilike trtrtrs arid titan}
other fruits that li.i‘.c ttlll} one
crop arrriiiall}.
plants produce
rrrrich ot the )ear
l‘he} also can bcrrctrt from
the cold Chilling terirpera-
ltli‘cs slow growth ot the
plants .tl‘o\egttttilltl tor a tirrtc
But the roots corrtiirtic to dc


straw I‘Lll\


mart} as

\l 5 billion citrus \l'ttp


some great berries itrst lllIl oi
sugar.” \Iurai said

biggest Illl tronr the tree/e It\

lartttct's took the

llljg‘llllllllc‘ lL‘llli‘CIdilllt‘S lt‘l tIS

ti\e s‘JllSt‘clllH c

nights in some parts of the
state damaged air estirriatcd



million of

t ISM tlc‘\llt‘_‘.c‘cl

\lllll ttlrlltoti til .i\o.. ados

Continued from page 1

lilitl \lltl Kk l(.\ llttl‘c's Ii‘
change these barriers

" I he whole trriaritral
process is memhclttimg. and tlrrs
is a rtatrorial problcrri.” Ilrrd said

I‘lie most disturbing stii'»e\
Iiridrrig Iio\\e\er, showed that stti


tIc‘llls tIltI llttl ltc'lct‘iu‘ lllc‘ l‘t‘tSI‘ll
al and tworiorrtic berietits ot ob
tairiirig a
l‘Ill'«.I sttltl

"\\e need a rittrcli :iiore edit
cttlt'tl \sitlkltttct’ H Iiiltl said M“:
applaud l R's cttorts to create

lotir _\e.ir cdtit atrori

irrotc accessibil.t\ tor trarrstcr stti

In addition to l I\‘s littstccs
scholarship Is( ' It S students
looking to traitstcr to a tour \car
institution \Klll soori haw attcss
Itt .lIltllIlk'I

Is( l('S received a \l * irirl
lrori state grant r'ecoiritrtcnded b\
the CPI in Iarrtiari forth to pro

tinaric ial assistant c

\ rde triiant ial assistant e tor trans
lei sttidcrrts


said the new proctarr
Ist’l( S cart

rttattli the Ecgrsiattrre's grant wrtlr
proatc llllltlillL'

will ontc

w hit I; roux! m

as earE\ .rs llt'\l \t_'.rl

Irirr \pplcgatc Kite picsztteii
tor academic atra :s 1' tia Iset'.
ltlsb\ (i‘ltlicll oti I’ostsctotrrfart.

ldirtatioii said the .lc'all-‘lt or 'lrc
Ii‘ustees \tholars prograzr was .1
"wrsc ”buy on l I\ s part

”Iltis is .1 \cr\ poszt‘xc slc',‘
tor l Is because the)» lime beer:
' ;'ltt‘lt“rt'\\'ltflrc"'1.:I‘v\fc


\'1‘ \ ,‘ti't' ‘







Illftti-‘J 31 xiii/t

:3) Short trail/c to ( 'ttrrtptis‘
BI) l‘tlffi/ lr'tir'itt's/terl ttti'i/t . 1H, .lr’tt/‘m' . 1p; intent-t.

-71)YOU/”(HUNSHIICtiff/[(U'II'i’ ll'iu'i'coitt Mic


5') [rivet/11011 Speed Internet rttltf i‘i’rtstct rift/e


.r‘f ’ "
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.t; i \; r l
I"; I. l i (K I
It ‘ if it'll! ’t '




thria’firl, can tra' ~:’

- UK Students for Life

Meeting, 8:00 PM, 115

; Student Center



0 Cheap Seat Tuesdays

"Man of the Year",
8:00 PM, Worsham
Theater (Student

0 University Christian
Fellowship, 8:00 PM,
230 Student Center

0 Comedy Caravan
with Nicholas
Anthony, 8:00 PM,
Student Center Cats

0 Invisible Children
World Tour 2007, 6:00
PM, Memorial Hall

0 Bryan Station
Middle Tutoring, 4:00
PM, Bryan Station
Middle School


NAMENT, 6:00 PM,
Student Center Cats

0 New Orleans: The
Tale of the Crescent
City, 8:00 PM,
Memorial Hall



- Have a Great


0 UK Ultimate Frisbee
Organization, 10:00
PM, Intramural Fields





 PAGE 4 I Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Total smoking ban is new frontier in tobacco law

By Maria L La Ganga

Blil..\l().\"l‘. (‘aliffl When the
(‘ity Council of this San l‘l'dllclsct) sub—
urb voted to consider what cotild be the
most stringent tobacco regulation in
:\illL‘l'lt".i. dilllrsliltilklllg activists
cheered The proposal to bait smoking
everywhere btit iii siiiglelliiiiily dev
taclied homes and their yards was a big
step forward that captured worldwide

Then the blogospherc erupted.

Siderbyrside portraits of (‘ttlllic‘ll'
woman (‘oralin l5eierbach and Nail SS
chief Heinrich llimmler were posted on
a smoking rights “ch site 'l‘hreats
were emailed to (‘ity Hall. and police
and prosecutors w cie called in to lli\s's'

~\ strict new ordinance is still set for
more public discussion and an eyentual
\otc. But instead of the llaLout ban on
smoking in apartments. coiidoiiiiiiiuii