xt72rb6vx80t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt72rb6vx80t/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 18680224 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1868-02-jun24. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1868-02-jun24. 1868 2011 true xt72rb6vx80t section xt72rb6vx80t 147 Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky. June 23, 1868 Com. on recon- structi on Cor. on vacancie s Con. on Nomi nation This report having been received, the Chair proceeded to appoint the following Committees. Committee on reconstruction of the Faculty and selection of Professors, in conjunction with Finance Con. Curator Joseph Smith, Chairman #I Joseph Wasson, Chas. T. Worthington. Wm. T. Withers. Committ on Vacancies in the Board Curators. Curator A. H. Bowman, Chairman Joseph Woolfolk " Benj. Gratz. Committee on Nominations of Officers of the Board. Curator G. W. Elley, Chairman "' IR. C. Ricketts ' Joseph P. Tarbitt. On motion the Board adjourned to meet at 8 A. M. tomorrow. Meeting of June 24, 1868 Curators Wilkes, Lard & Yost appoint- ed. Report of Exec. Coe ratified in part. Curator J. E. Thompson's went vacant. Morrison College, Ky. University. Wednesday, June 24, 1868 The Board met at 8 3/4 A. M. Present, Curators Andrew Steele, Joseph Wasson, fl. S. Goodloe, G. W. Elley, Jas. S. Woolfolk, Joseph Smith, R. C. Ricketts, J. P. Tarbitt, if. T. Withers, Benj. Gratz. A. H. Bowman, EngSCampbell, A. G. Hern- don, C. T. Worthington. The Committee on vacancies in the Board of Curators made their report, where upon on motion Lunsford B. Wilkes and Moses E. Lard of Lexington, Ky., and G. W. N. Yost of Pennsylvania were appointed Curators, the former in the place of D. T. Morton deco . The report of the .m xecutive Committee was then taken from the table and on motion Curator Worthington the report was rati- fied except that portion which relates to the dismission of students. On motion of Curator A. H. Bowman, the Chair of James E. Thompson Curator from Mercer Co. was declared vacant. 148 Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky. June 24, 1868 Standing Com. for eachCol. to be appointed Act of legi slature of Feb. 5, 1868 officers of the Board chosen, On motion of Curator Joseph Smith, it was resolved, that in addition to the Standing Committees already appointed by the Board , a Standing Committee for each College, established and contemplated, be appointed, to consider and report as they deem necessary on the Regent~s annual report connected with the same. On motion the Boara then adjourned to meet at 2 P. M. Afternoon Session The Board met at 21 P. M. Present in addition to those recorded in the morning. F. K. Huft, L. B. tilkes, J. B. Bowman, M. E. Lard. The Treasurer's report was then read. On motion of Curator Worthington the Act of the Legislature amending the Charter of Ky. University, approved Feb. 5, 1868, was read. Curator Worthing offered a resolution that this Act be ac- cepted. After some discussion, on motion of Curator Withers the farther consideration of this subject waS postponed till the next annual meeting of the Board. The law requiring the election of Officers of the Board to be by ballot was suspended, and the following Curators, whose names were presented by the Committee on Nominations of Officers of the Board were then chosen as follows; Presi dent Treasurer Secretary R. M. Bishop J. B. Bowman Joseph Wasson. ( J. 13. Bowman Executive (Beni. Gratz. Committee (Joseph Smith 0Joseph Wasson (J. S. Woolftolk. The Chair then announced the following Standing Committees in accordance with the resolution offered by Curator Joseph Smith this morning. College of the Bible College of Arts R. C. Ricketts Z. F. Smith G. T. Elley E. Campbell L. B. Wilkes A. H. Bowman Agricultural & Mech. College C. T. Worthington J. S. Woolfolk R. J. White /p*149/ College College of Law F. K. Hunt Benj. Gratz. C. T. Worthington of Medicine Joseph Smith G. W. Givens Joseph Tarbitt. 149 June 24, 1868 Change in time of be- ginning of session Curator Sherley elec ted Decease of Cura tor Morton Relinquish- ment from Regent & Trea surer On motion of Curator A. H. Bowman, it was resolved that hereafter the session of Ky. University in all of its asso- ciated Colleges and its Academy shall commence on the Second Monday in September of each year and close in the Second week in June following. On motion of Curator Woolfolk, Capt. Z. M. Sherley of Louisville was a Curator of this Board. On motion of Curator J. B. Bowman it was resolved that a Committee be appointed to prepare suitable resolutions expres- sive of the sense of this Board of the loss they hate sustained in the deceose of Curator D T. Morton, whereupon the Chair ap- pointed the following Committee M. E. Lard, Chairman G. W. Elley R. C. Ricketts On motion of Curator Worthington, the following preamble and resolution were unanimously adopted. Whereas the Regent of Ky. University has generously relin. quished the sum of $7500 now due him on the Salary voted him as Regent and Treasurer, Therefore, be it resolved by the Board of Curators that they accept this relinquishment as a donation to Ky University, and that the most grateful thanks of this Board are hereby tendered the Regent for his generous bestowal. On motion the Board then adjourned till tomorrow at &0 A. M. Morrison College, Ky. University Thursday June 25, 1868 Curator J. B. Beck elected Corn. on recon- struction of the Faculty. The Board met at 9 A. M. Present J. B. Bo=man, Benj. Gratz, Andrew Steele, Joseph Wasson, D. S. Goodloe, F. K. Hunt, G. a. Elley, J. S. Woolfolk, A. H. Bov;nan, C. T. Worthington, Joseph Smith, A. G. Herndon, J. P. Tarbitt, W. T. Withers, Enos Campbell, M. E. Lard. /150/ On motion of Curator Worthington, James B. Beck was elected Curator in this Institution. The Committee on reconstruction of the Faculty and selection of Professors presented their report through their Chairman, Cur- tator Joseph Smith which report was received and after some dis- cussion by the Regent and Curator Lard on motion the Board adjourned to meet at 4 P. M.