xt72rb6vz72z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt72rb6vz72z/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1934 journals kaes_circulars_001_1_098_02 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 098 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 098 1934 2014 true xt72rb6vz72z section xt72rb6vz72z V
`*'**‘}>‘· Extension Division
THOMAS P. COOPER, Dean and Director
1·1·t. it ___
|wM___ CIRCULAR NO. 98
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Small-Fruit Project
it t··‘t‘ for 4-H Clubs
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Lexington, Ky.
July, 1934
l‘t1\·11>h•··l ill 11·111111·ti¤»t1 with tht ;t;1·t1-ttlttt1·z11 •·Al·‘llSi*'!I v.‘j·t‘_k
~.t1·1·1»-11 ..1. 1.1 ....·11•·1·:1t1·11, .11 111. <‘.»ll·:¤· ht` ;\gt‘i··1tltt11·1·. lttt-
‘—i·t`>i¥\ ¤1t` K1-ttttthltt, with 1h.· l`. S, Ire-]·;11·t1111·11t 111 .»\;1·i.·11ltt11·1· ;1tt·t
·i`t>t1·1ht1t1··l 111 t`tt1·tI1»·1·:1111·¤· ··t` Iilv wwtrk 1·1·t»t‘i1l·~1l 1`<\l` ill t|l1· »\t‘i of
t1111:1·»>~ ··t` )I.t\· \ lt•lt.
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l l. 'l`<· l'1ll$¤' tlu· l»1·sl \'{l|'l<'ll\'< ot` st1‘:11\l»1·1·1*i<·s, 1;1s1>l»•·1‘1·i1·~ 1.1- 1,:F.t
4 Slllilll l.l`llll<. :111-1 In ·l1·1111»11sl1‘:1t1· Ilu·i1· \\¤¤l'lll :1s ··:1sl1 ¤'l`l>l*$r wi
Z. llin tt·;u·l1 ilu- l11·st 11u~Il111·ls nl. ]>l'4\*lll¤'lll;[ ;111·l lllj|l'l{>‘lll|;_[ .1111 Ill
fruits i11 l{1·11t111·ky. 4
Il. To sti11111l:1l1- ilu- i11I¤·1‘1·:ln· l·1>l` Il1lS [¤I‘4¤vl~‘<‘I1 :1g<· li!11i'—_
` lllrls y1·:1rs. i111·l11six‘1-.
Z. l{;11·l1 Ill¤'I\llr\‘l' sl1:1ll grow :1 plot 1·t` l lll :u·1·1· or 111or1· oi. lu-rrir~. ~11
.\ 1111:11·t1·r nf :111 lil‘l'¤* is 1·1·1-1»11111u·1ul~··l. I
Ci. 'l`lu· 111··111l»1·1· sl1:1ll lI\i|l{l‘ :1 stiuly ull ilu- Slllilll l'l'llil* \‘.l1l¤'l1 l1·· i- l
;_[I‘l>\\`lIl§_’. "Y
4. l`;2l¤‘ll 1i1··111l»1·r. it` 1·:1ll1·1l llltllll, sl1:1ll ¤·Xllllrll ;1t l¤·:1st :1 <111:11‘€ ··i` 111
l>1·1‘1‘i¤·s :1E :1 ¤·4·l111t}' or 1lisII'i1·l Iiilil', I¤I' :1t :1 l<11·:ll 1*l\1l» Sll<·\\‘.
.7. l`;Jl<‘ll 11u·111b1·1· sl1:1ll writc il story of lli$ 1»1‘1»_i1·1·t i11 l.is 1··~···~:·§
book. 1‘:1
G. At thc close of thc projcct thc rccord book and story Illllft be In
forwarded to thc county zigcut or homo dcmonstrntiori ngcut. I
... » l
i. Basis of awards: l
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Yicld .......................................................1.. 30 points
Iucomc nbovc cost ...........................,........ 30 points ‘lI
V Exhibit ...,..,,................,......r........,,......,,..,, 20 points
· Story ....,,......r......,........,,.......,....,.....,......... 20 1»1»i11t>¤
L‘I'$ llll4l¤‘l' li may llII\'\‘ ll(‘l]l with tl11— lu~:1x·i<·st p:1r1 trli " ,]|
work. (·llJll',Lf•‘$ t`··1· llllll§lll‘4l l‘N]N‘l‘l&ill_\' l.t1l' httys 2llll:11111·· llI<'ll! (‘2ll']'}' tm
***·Y thu \\'¢vI`l( 1·<»11111···1<·\||Illfl\\`l]lQ' 1<»h;11·t·1» or
W ll *tlll¢‘l` ··11l11x·;1t<··l l'l`t1]>S. Shtl l:111l'l|l~ illltl th·· wh1t<· L!‘I'|llr.
  )l1·~t >·»1l< 111‘·· lI|lI!I`tl\'l‘tl hy §llllll(' ]I|2|lIlll`<‘ :1|11»l1··1l 211 the
l A 1·;1t1· 1·l` 11 h:1lt'»t··11 tn UNIU >1|11111··· t`1·1·t. »111¤1»l··111t·11t1·1l hy 13
Y lf 1»t·11111l~ 1»t' ~111>1~1·1>I1·»>]>l1:1t1·, ll<¤\\`t‘\`t'l', :·z11‘·l•·11 soils wh11·h llilYC
h1···11 Ill&llIlll`•‘ll l`·‘!'\ll2l1'l_\` l.t1l‘ ~1·y1·1·;1l _\`t‘&ll`S Ill1l}` ht· xh I‘lt*ll llllll
ltlll !Il`¢>\\`lll is 111;11l1· att th1· <‘X|1<‘ll>t' ·»l` l'1‘111tl'11l11<·<~. Nllvll sttlls
£lI`<‘ ht·11··l1t··l11·:1t11»11 1»l`s111w1·1»l1<¤s]1l111t1·.
I'/1111/.<_ l1:11·:··. v1g11»1·1»11s |»h111t~ wh1··h hetw lllll l>¢>l']l<‘ ll1'lllT
sh·>11l1l h1· lI\t‘tl. '|`h1· sIlI`t'SI wtty 111 gvt uwttl lllilllls is to 1·z1i»t·
lh lllt‘lll. .\ 1·1»w lil t`1·1·t long sllwllltl l.Ill'lll>ll ;1h¤»11t 21111 ])lilIllSfl'1•lll
I`l\Illl<‘l‘<. l`1»1· >t‘lllllL!` ll }'<'ill` l:1t1·1·. Slllllll v111·1t·t1t-s 1>1··»1l111·1> 111111*11
1·1111111·1· 11I;111tstI1:111 1»th1·1·s.
(Wm ~_/` I'/an/x. ll` |\l2llIl.< ilI'1‘ I)lll`l'll1l$llll 1`1·11111 11 lllll'St*l`}'
tl1<·y shtttthl h1·s··t 11t 1»111·t— 1»1· Ulll'\‘lt‘(l i11" lllllll tht- |1lilIlllll;!' eau
l>~· 1l<1111·. llt-01111g 111 is 1l(‘I\lll{.{‘ the l)llll(ll(‘S.

 1 1 4W' 7 " "
l —l K1`11/111*/1‘_1; ICJ/1*11x1`1111 (ll.}`1'll[HI' N11, 91*
[*/1111/1`111;_ Yl`ll(` l11·s1 lllIl\‘ l`111· Sl‘lllIl;,[' >ll`Zl\\*lN‘l`l`_\` Illilllls 1,11 ,,,,,
1‘Zll'l}' i11 1l11— spring 11s lllll s11iI 1‘ilIl l11· \\`(\l'l{l‘|l, l1 is s1·l1|1.1,1 H.;
1111ssil1l1· 111 g·1·1 il g*11111l Nlilllll \\`lll‘lI lllllllllllf is 1l¤·11¤· in 1l11· l;;11» {111
spring. lv$llElll}` llllk lllillll‘ll`lll 111` 11l:1111i11g‘ is 111·1~l`1·1·1·.-11_ 11,,
_ )l11s1 g1·11\\‘1~1‘s lllill{1‘ 1l11· l'U\\4S l·1lllI' l·l'\`l 2l|\2ll'l, :1111l s1·I 1l11· pl;11111
i — 24 lll1‘ll\‘S il}\ill'I i11 1l11· 1·1111·. ,\1 1|1is 1lis1z1n1·1· illilllll l_l1l11 111111,1, _
21l'1‘ 1‘1*1[11i1‘1*1l l'111‘ l1 ;11·1'1*. (`21l‘1* sl111lll1l l11· lill<1*l1 In ~¤‘l 1l11· 11l;1111s lb
1 211 1l11· sz11111~ 1l1·111l1 lll1‘_\' ;;·1·1~w lll'l;i'lllilll_\`_ ll' lll|` s11il 1~. i11 g11111l UH
{ 1·11n1li1i11n illltl lll°\‘$$l‘ll llI'IIll_\' ;11·1111n1l 1l11· 1·11111s \1`l11·11 lllll 11l;111:1 M
. 2ll'l` s1·1, \\-Zltlxlllllui will 11111 l11~ ll\‘l'(`>\ill°_\`. .\ll lllilllls 11l1i11l1 11111
l 111 Q'l'l*\\` Sllllllltl l11· 1·1·11l111·1·1l i1111111~1li:111·ly. 1,;,
l'111‘{1f1`»s. Klnny \'ill'l•‘lll‘S 11l` s11·z1xx‘l11·1·1·i1·s ill'1‘ lis11·1l 111 |.I
1nn·s1~1·y 1·;11;1l11g$_ l1111 llllly 11111 ;1l'1* \\illll'l·\` :‘1‘11\1‘11 i11 l{1·111111·l11_  
A\l`Ulllzl ill1l‘lIl;.I' Il1‘1'll1‘1l 111 l<1·1·11 11111 1l11~ 11‘1·1·1ls will l11· u1·1·:11l_·1· 1·1·1l11·-1··l
N<11‘lllil\'iIll1•ll is1l11111· in lllll s]>l`lIlQ` ll1‘l.|1l`l‘ l1;11·x·1·s1. lm!
.l[l({1'}ll-ll]/, 1\ 11111l1·l1 11l` Nll‘i|\\' ;111|1l11·1l i11 l;1\1· llnll is l···11~- W
1i1·iz1l, 'l`l11· llllllvll lll·(‘\'l°lll$ l11·;1\‘i11;;* 11l' 1l11~ |Ilillll\ 1·.1ns1·1l    
z1l1111‘11;111· l`1·1·1·xi11u 11111l illi1\\'lllg'. l<1·1·11s lll¤‘ l11·1·1·i1-~ 1·l1·1111 llllllilll ’€11
1l11· ]'l[l1‘lllII§;` 111·1·i111l lllll l·llll(l\\·lll!l Nlllllllf illlll 1·1111~1·1·1‘1·~ ~11,E in
n111is1111·1·1l111·111g1l1·y \\‘1·:11l11·1‘_ .\ll(llll 11n1· 11111 lll. ~lI'21\\ i~|1~·1·1l1`1l ··1’
lll llll* ;11·1·1·_ 111· 11111 l1:1l1·s l'111· :1 llxlllll z11·1·1·, ill
` 41111 nf [11//1·}1, 'l`l11· lllll‘Nl l11·1·1‘i1·s ;11·1· ll(ll'll(. i11 1l11· li1·s1 1-11111 lll
V 2ll:i<‘I'ill<‘ 11lz1111s111·1·s1-1. l·`111· 1l1is 1·1·;1s1111 ~l1]Ill* |1l`l‘l.1‘]` 111 s1·1 ;1ll··`·‘· Q
11z111·l1 1·z11·l1 }`l‘2ll` ;1111l l)l|l\\` i1 1111 zis s111111 ;1< 1l11· 1·1·1111 is 11i1·l<·~·l
ll(l\\i\°\'|”l'. lll2lll_\' Q'l'¢>\\`l‘l’S lliII'\`1‘Sl 111*11 111- 1l11·1—1· 1·1·1111s l'l'11lIl 1111
lllilllilllf. l’1·111i1e1l1l1·1·1·111·w11l 111` 1l11- ll;ll\°ll 1l1·111·n1ls1111 1l11· ~liIl1lIl l`1‘11n1 \\`1‘<'ll\.
II1r1·1·rs/1111;. I)11 11111 21ll1>\\' lllll l11·1·1·i1~s 111 l11·1·111111· 11x·1·1·1·i1··e
'l`ll1'}' Slllllllll l11· pink 11ll 11v1·1· \\'ll\‘ll 11i1·l<1·1l l.(ll' SEll1‘. l’i1·l< 1·\‘·‘1‘j~` lll
111l11·1· ll2l_\'. (ll'(llllEll.ll_\·. l)lll’lIlQ‘ l'2llll_\' \\il’illlll°l., 11i1·l< l‘\'4‘l_\' 1l:1}`. li- lll
1111ssil1l1·. all
1 ` l·l
Y1`1 /1/s 1:111/ I1’11/1n=11.<. lllll1‘ ;Z—l-1111111·1· 1·1·1111- is 1l11· Vllllllllllll 111

Nm¢1//I*`1‘1/{/ /'1‘r»_}r1‘/ /·`r»;· f—// fl/1/bx 5
an m:n1·l<··Iinu‘ ··¤·n1;¤ir1¤·1· l'·¤1· l{<·1a1u··|<_x· ~1x·:uw|»¤·1·1·i··s. A\ lmmlrwrl
llll l·r:n1··~}>¤·l‘2¤<‘1'·‘ i~:¤ |`z¤i¤· _\‘i··|·|. l|·»u··x‘··¤·. _x·i··|·l~ ·»l‘ ZHU »·¤·;m·` {wr
;q.· ;l.·1··· ;n··· mv! ¤·\··¤·|»ll¤m:¤l. .\.~ as 1·11I·· 1h·· |;»1·g···;·1h··_vi¢·I··r:11iv¤· HI2|I'l{l‘llIl2`
  ..;-g;mix;¤1i<·rn. N\r:nu‘l»··r‘|·l··~ :¤l‘•· ;»··1·i>l1:al»l·· uml must l»·· lIlHl'l{<‘l¥‘il
HM ul1hi112l lI·*|ll'~ :1l4I¤·l‘ 1h··_x’ ;¤1··· ]»i·-l<··¤l,
`ull Um ~/l fin I’·r/w/I .l_//rr //¤n·¢·».t:¤1·l··Ill4l l»·· r•zu·r<·xx··¤l In ;1l»·»·11 ¤ llI¤‘ll•‘S_ ;m·l giwh ;u
lll »i.l.· lln···~~ing· ¤·l` ~ult';¤t·· ·»i` J||ll}I¤*¤lIl;| ·»1· |ni11·u1<· of smlu. ul 1h··
kh y·;|1·· »·l` ;¤l»··u¤ B'! |»¤¤|1!1¤l> lor l lll ;n<·1··· ¤»1· BU ]»1llIl|¢l< fur] 4 ;1¤·1*•·.
'l`hi~ i~ :nl»·»u1 ·»11·· |»<»¤1n·l 1<» Sl! l'····1 ¤»l'l‘1>\\’,
lm swf {rm! _rn·il`//;·z//~;», _\ ·l~»~;»_ 1'.·1·:i|·~ ~»·il. l'll‘ll in lIlIlll|l*.
Wl mul \\'·'ll —
.,\,.. E···n·1·_x i` h»-nl- \\··»¤·l l·»1¤ uml ··l·l l'··n»··· ····1·r»··1~. ll :’r·<>w~ l···~1
g,;_ xxll··r··- Ih··1··· §~ :4 1hi¤·l< mlll¤·h ··t' ¤··~11~··l l•·:¤\‘··~. I1n~m·hg¤l;n»···~<·?¤<·
,],1: li»1·I~ ;·I;¤11!~ uhh |;¤»·g··_1|¤¤·i1`l_x ··;m··\ \‘»l!l·‘ll |·1·»»»l¤n·-·· h··;¤x·_x ¤·1···g»~
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.,],.,l ··l'1u;11em·····:n··h_\¤·:¤1‘h<·l]¤~1<·]¤r‘·~\l·l··Il¤··~<·lA:1\‘··1‘;1l·l¤·¤·<»11¤llIi¤»1n>
in 1h·· ti··l·l. .\m·u;¤| ~i·l·· ·l1···~~ing M QU q»¤·¤m»l~ ·»l' nit1*;11¤· ··1'
~··l;1 ··1· ~11li';»l·· ·»1' :1mm··11E;n l'··1· l l4l;nl·1·¤· i~ l···11··lil·i;1l <·n mlwi
""’l` »»u~,
|{,.ll_ l`Irr{·/{·\-_ '|`h·· l'¤»lI¤»\\‘ing \·;e1·i··1l··~ ;¤1··· 1·······mm··n1·l¤··l.
lm'; l$|.x¤·1<; 'l`|n»· (`l|lIllH'l`lI||l ]»1··~I`··r lu plum 1h··m in 1h¤~ ¢‘&ll'l_\'
\_`  spljyyg l»l·f]l;·(· gy·4»\\{]] `|;l]·{`4 'l`l14· l1l;1l·l{< Nlllllllll l>1‘ >—4‘I il l'l‘<‘l
` :1]>z11·l. in 1wms ti {IM znpawl. 'l`h·· lwls IIl2l_\‘ lw wi lhw szxmv ;1<
l·l:1¤·lliIllllll;{` in hills tixli i`<‘¤·1.\\‘Etl1
nuwu hm plum` I»¤·1· hill. llSlIilll_\' is ]»1·vi`¤·1·1·ml. l·`<»1· Ihv TlI'r¢l lllvlllwll.

 1 . 1 1 ·
Q 1 11 I1'1111/111·I.·_1/ IJ.1·/1·11s1'1111 (lIiI'1‘ll[1II' N11. 91*
1 242 11121111S 111·11 1`|`(l1111'll(1 1-(I1' 11111 Ell‘1`1‘. 1<`111· 11111 s1·1·11111l_ 131 ,1,,.1
‘ 11111111s. ;; 1‘,
(`1|111\`{lll(1ll $111111111 1>1*Q_'1l1 lll 1\ll1'11 211111 1'(l111111111l 11ll`11 .\11Q`I1~1_ 511111
` '1`w11 111· t111.(`\‘ 111111111gs 111il}` 1111 111*l‘l‘$Sil1`_\' 111 11111111 11111 111111·11 1`1·1·1·111' g1·111
\\`l‘<‘l1S. my
I ~ T1‘111`111'1111_ '1`111· 11111111 S1111111(1 1111 1·111111111111 111 hills 111· 111 11 1 1"l'
11211'1'1\\\' 111111;*11 1*11w. \\'i11111111 N11(°11 11‘€111I11lg‘ 1111· 11:111·l1 will 111·1·11111.. l"“ 1
11, 1h11·1<111 111 21 $11111*1 1111111, \\'11l‘I1 1lil1'\'1‘!<1 is ||\'1‘l`, 11111 11111 1·11111·; `"lll
1 s11111111111111·111 11111 11111111·11i1111·1_1·11111l11111·111·11. '1`his 111·111·111·1· g1-1·111]1- ""ll
, 1·1111111·1·s 11111 1·1111111·11 111. 1111·(`(·1111g 11111 111*\\' ;i'1`11\\'111 \\'1111 111s1·;1~1·\_ AY"
I)]`}I)[(-)l1]_ 1{;1$1)1)1‘l`[‘-\' 1'}lll1'S g`l`l)\\' lll 1lll1‘ }`1‘i11'. 111'U|1111‘1' Il
· 1·1·1111 111 11111 111·x1 1l`1'11\\'l11Q` s1111s1111_ 1111111 11111.
B11.\L`1{ 1{.1s1~1:1:111111»ts. \\'11(`11 11111 11l‘\\' s1111111s 211`1* {11111111.2 131111 l|1‘1'1
1 ` 111111l1111i11s $111111111 1111 11i111·l11111 1111.. 111 1111` 1.111l1l\\'1llg' S1>1`11l1_[‘ 1111- 11111-1
111101.111 111-11111*111lS $111111111 1111 I1l.1111ll(l 111 111111111. 111 1111.111.N 111 11'l|Q1ll, 111111
'1`1111111111·11111·s s111111111 1111 1`1`111(l\'1`(1 11s s111111 11s 11111 l‘1`11[1 i~ ll1ll'\·l.$11}\1. 111111
111111 1{.1s1·111;111111—;s. Yllllll 111·s1 111'11l1111;_[' \\'1111'1l 11 1·1·11 1·11$11-
‘ 1l1*l'1'}' $111111111 l'1*1‘l'1\v1‘ ix 111 11lll S1>1'11lg;' 111. 1111· l·1'1111l1I1_[' }`1'E1l'. '1`11·· `lml
1·111111s $110111Ll 11(X L‘1l1 11:1111; 111 il 11111;*111 111` 4 111 5 111111. (11”1lll11(11111l lll"
1111 1l11‘1I' vigor. S1‘\`\‘1.`|‘ (°1l11111;.[. 1111111: l·1.11111‘1\S 11111 y11·l1l_ '1`11·~ gin"
w11111{ 1€21111*S $111*111111 1111 111·11111111 il\\'il}' 111 111111·1· 111111111 Z1 >11·1111;— 111111 l `ll
11111· f11111 111 1111) 111111u·11 1·11w $_\·$11`111, 111· T 111 111 (421111A$ 11 g·1·1111·11 lll lm
hills. '1`1111 (°{111(\$ l1lil}' 1111 l'\‘1l1(l\'1ll1 11s $111111 11s 1111l)· ll11\'1’ 11111‘11»· TEN
11111i1· 1·1·1111. 111· 1111‘}` 111211 111*11*1.1 1111111 1ll'111Ill1g' 111111* 1111- 1`111111wi11: UN
1 1'1'1/111111J r1 111111, 1·]11l11·1· 11111 24-1111111·1 111* 11111 24-111111 1-111111
1 is 1111* 1;111111111111 111111'1{1'1111Q' 1·1111111111111· 1'111· 1{1`l1111('1{.\· 1·11~1111111·1‘11·~
111111 y1c1111s i11'1‘ (‘$l1111Z111°11 111 1·1·1111·s 11111* 111·1·11, 1·`1l'1_1: 3’1·11111l1·1 111
1:1·11111s, 111* Q1 111111111·1·11 24-111111 1‘1'2l11‘S. 11111· :11·1·1· 1» 21 2111111 _1·11·l11.
'1`1111111·st 1·1‘1111 is 11l'1}(1111'l*(11111‘ s111·111111_x·1·111· 111·11'1' 11l&l111111Q`.11111 111·‘ 11111·
y11·1<1 will he 111ss 1111111 111111` 11111 111111111111 1·x11111·11·11 1'1·11111 1111·1·1‘11|1~ M 
1 that f111111w. A 11111111i11g s111111111 l)1.(l(1111'(` ll1'1l111111111° l‘1'1111$ l`111‘ 211 wm
11é11s1; 111*11 years.
` ` D(:\\'1)(}1`I`10S 2ll'Q gI`()\\’11 111 S1>11111\\'(‘S1(5l'1l 1{11111111;1ulz11·t,
Il l`<·¢·l upurt in ilu- row. l‘l2ll'l_\' S|ll`lll{I mul Sl|lIllU(‘l‘ (‘lllI[l\`2ltl0ll
l. Sllillllil lu- givvn us n·¤·¤·o1unu·¤ul¤·¤l l'lI(llll(l lu; 1u·¤l 1|];10
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P- l·`»»1· l¤u·;¤l ~;nl··s tlu· <`¢nu·<·1·¤l is llu· lust \‘:11·l•·t)‘. 'l`l1<· \'l11¥‘F
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$l`Glil-fS'l‘lCl\ (H"1‘l.lNl~: vm: ’l'lll·) S’1‘¤¤1c\`.
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is 2. \\'ll_x‘ l s•~l¢u·i<·ml ilu- Slllilll-l.l'llll |»1·o_jl·¤·l.

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