xt72rb6w0k9k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt72rb6w0k9k/data/mets.xml Georgia Georgia Historical Records Survey 1941 Prepared by The Survey of Federal Archives, Division of Community Service Programs, Work Projects Administration; The National Archives, Cooperating Sponsor; Other contributors include: Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.), Georgia Historical Records Survey, National Archives (U.S.), United States Work Projects Administration Division of Community Service Programs; 14 leaves, 28 cm; Mimeographed; UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries; Call number FW 4.14:F 317/ser.9/10 books English Atlanta, Georgia: Historical Records Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Georiga Works Progress Administration Publications Inventory of Federal Archives in the States: Series IX The Department of Agriculture, Number 10 Georgia, Part 2 text Inventory of Federal Archives in the States: Series IX The Department of Agriculture, Number 10 Georgia, Part 2 1941 1941 2015 true xt72rb6w0k9k section xt72rb6w0k9k I IV VE I\I TORY OE EEIDERAE ARC H IVES II\I THE STATES SERIES I THE DEDAIUMEIIT OE AGRICULTURE I I\I© IO I I GEORGIA I I T l THE GEORGIA HISTORICAL. RECORDS SURVEY A 4 WORK PROJECTS ADVIINISTRATION Q-, W,. ,...4.;.. , ; ",.,.,.~ ;m,." y mg.,. .;m..... , .,;.._,.. , - K 0 e % I A r V I V _ { A &} O ¥ § } , 2 , i \ \A Z ‘ Y . keg § I ~ \. *" { .1 4 gk ( . i °ri [;\ " 23 _ _ I . ' `I · ¤*· e ·;_ 1.:. ` re; · 1%; f5 ;:_·.§i.5§s V ty = ·;., -: ·—x?ZE?S . `°' 4X;§·5?; ' [Lia? :4 } M fw V ..+7 ' ,-7; , . ‘ ¤ 1; ( . :_ I { l * *? ¤._ Z { ‘ i ·f x Q } I . é ‘ , I ` 3 1 g A " x ’ i- i l; l i t _ ya E r { ·¤ ; I 23 2 ,,___ M a Y ‘· I,·` ~ , !— _ * :1 l L . § r‘ ’ . L 3 . \ 2 * V S 1 ‘ T T 1 i ` ( * ]‘ , { 1 * ; I ? W ·_ & 3- ; ‘ {X ‘ i 5 z_ 1 ' vv ` \ FN -»-—€·h-&·a·.:»i£A»¤..;.- ». ..k:...»r;. ~- ;.;,....;;.,......1.§un,.-¤; _, ·,,..—. , , ..m,....,,,;4____,_ ,_,,M,,g_:‘ ____,___ _________ ____ _________ __ _ M N Iéi Q INVENTORY OF FEDERAL ARCHIVES IN THE STATES V}; é Prepared by Q The Survey of Federal Archives Q Division of Community Service Programs i@ Work Projects Administration jg The National Archives Q Cooperating Sponsor SERIES IX. THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTWE Q NO. 10. GEORGIA . E IN 4 PARTS § PART 2 § Atlanta, Georgia ki The Georgia Historical Records Survey A June 1941 A ·-.·.¢ 3 A 1 1 il 1; 5; I i- L ' £ { ` [LZ { ; WORK PROJECTS ADM NISTRATION ¥§ Q L: { _ _ _ J y; Howard O. Hunter, Acting Commissioner gu Vj Robert L. MacDougall, Regional Director . ’j { H. E. Harman, Jr., State Administrator ,r § I "' ` li L li a V i; I r 5, J 1¥* Y Division of Community Service Programs g in Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner § Blanche M. Ralston, Chief Regional Supervisor X { Jane Van De Vrede, State Director _Q l~ ¢, [ Z 4. y R if , Research and Records Programs i j Harvey E. Becknell, Director Q , Milton W} Blanton, Regional Supervisor $ R. V. Connerat, State Supervisor Q i > , 1 i The Historical Records Survey P Philip M. Hamer, Assistant Director R in Charge of the Inventory of Federal Archives _ ’ V y Frederick S. Hulse, State Supervisor S y l i V ·< 1 R Q I g f K : · 1; x Q _ - :‘ v___;,;,;};,,;,,_;_;__ 1 ,5,.,,; —..;__...,;;.-l...l.s4.•¤;.¤..`».. .. ..··» ···.~.»..-· ...· .»»...··--~— -.·—·--———·——»·——·~-— — Y» T T; Pusmcs Q The Inventory of Federal Archives in the States is one of the products Q of the work of the Survey of Federal Archives, which operated as a nation- §’ wide project of the Works Progress Administration from January 1, 1956 to i; June 50, 1957, and has been continued since that date as a unit of the Q Historical Records Survey, also operating as a nation—wide project of the A Works Progress Administration, and a group of state or local projects of lj that Administration and of the Work Projects Administration. Q The plan for the organization of the Inventory is as follows: Series I I consists of reports on the administration of the Survey, acknowledge- f ments, and general discussions of the location, condition, and content é of Federal archives in the states. Succeeding series contain the de- gl tailed information secured by workers of the Survey, in inventory form, § a separate series number being assigned to each of the executive depart- Q ments (except the Department of State) and other major units of the Fed- i eral Government. Within each series No. l is a general introduction to i the field organization and records of the governmental agency concerned; { the succeeding numbers contain the inventory proper, separate numbers § being assigned to each state in alphabetical order. Thus, in each series, g the inventory for Alabama is No. 2, that for Arizona No. 5, that for Ar- i§ kansas No, 4, etc, ( For each local office information regarding each series, or unit of 7% related records, is presented in the following order: Title, inclusive pi dates ("to date" indicating an open file at the time the information was ri secured), general description of informational content, description of Q the system of filing or indexing (if any), a statement of frequency and gg purpose of use, form of the record itself (bound volumes, sheets in fold- ? ers, etc.), linear footage, description of the containers, physical con- g· dition of the records (not stated if satisfactory), location by room VQ number or other identifying information, and finally, the number of the Q Form 58SA on which this information was originally recorded by a Survey § worker and from which it was abstracted for the Inventory. This form is 5 on file in The National Archives. `When it contains substantial informa- Q tion on addenda sheets which has not been included in the mimeographed Q abstract, indication of this is given by use of the reference "See ad- j denda." f In Georgia the work of the Survey was under the direction of Profes- g sor Merritt B. Pound from its inception until June 50, 1957. Since that S time the Historical Records Survey in Georgia, now sponsored by the State 3 Planning Board, has continued work on the Inventory of Federal Archives. gi This Inventory of the Records of the Department of Agriculture (Bureau of l Agricultural Economics, Bureau of Agricultural Engineering, Bureau of { Animal Industry, Bureau of Biological Survey, Bureau of Entomology and { Plant Quarantine, Bureau of Extension Service, Bureau of Food and Drug E Administration, Bureau of Forest Service, Bureau of Plant Industry, Bureau of Public Roads) in Georgia was prepared in the Atlanta office of the Survey and was edited before final typing by Lewis J, Darter, Jr. I of the Washington office, It is reproduced in mimeographed form through Q the facilities of the Historical Records Survey. é Atlanta, Georgia Frederick S. Hulse, State Supervisor T; June 25, 1941 Historical Records Survey in Georgia UI I .¢» · I r ‘ gf I I I I I I I I I · {I I YL I I' I I H I I: `I I- I¤ II I I I‘ ‘ _ PI I- I I 1 :' I . QI I `V 5 I I i.` -1 U 'I€ I I I2 I V I; I I I I I II II 5 ·» I I ,_I I ` c f I ·‘ I I I I I I [ II Q I i I c I Il,[ · I I I I · j j? I I ` l I A I . —Q I _ ' ’ AI gi If I · I I ' I I _ I I I I I I ` I I II I .. Im. I-I ...¤·.»......~...L¤.;...·......a.-“..........-.....~.......,... . .. I , . . I V i2 comwsurs F Page PART 2 f AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS, BUREAU OF A ? Atlanta, Cotton Marketing Field Headquarters ...e.n,,. I ..,...4t, A - ,... m....N 3 § LAtlanta, Fruit and Vegetables Field Headquarters- ..,t We ,,,,A.4 . 4.l.l . ._._...4..... 6 g Atlanta, Hay, Feed and Seed Field Headquarters ,.....4.,._...Ar - .t....tA..,4.,.,r..4.,.t. .. ..... A 7 `Q Atlanta, Warehousing Field Headquartersn- ,,.,...... HW. r......r._t.....,....,.,. . ......,.,. . .......,.... H. 7 é Savannah, Cotton Marketing Field Headquarters ..... T. ,..t,.....,......,,.r.,.r..... . ,......r . ...r,4,. LO A AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING, BUREAU OF »§ Albany, Mechanical Equipment Field Headquarters., ..,__ .w ,.....,.,L..,... ... ._.,L ,t.. . 15 Q Tifton, Mechanical Equipment Field Headquarters ..,.....,,... .. ..,.., . ..... m.M .4,. H. L5 I ANIMAL INDUSTRY, BUREAU OF § Atlanta, Meat and Public Stockyards Inspection and Tick Q ‘ and Tuberculosis Eradication Field Station ________________,_ _ _______,A,_,,,_,__ 19 j Augusta, Meat Inspection Field Station .,.,,rc.,,,.,...., L. L......,,, . .,L.._........ . .....,. . .,,L.c.,.,......LL - .,.. 2l lg Griffin, Animal Husbandry Experiment Station ...,._......L I .,c_,.4,... . ,.....,,. . ..,. . ....,......, W 22 A Savannah, Meat Ins ection Substation .,........c,,,.......,.,r......,,L M .,...,... ..mH c... .,.,. ... ,.., ,,.,..,...,,.,.,, 23 el _ P i Tifton, Animal Husbandry Field Station U._,.,..,...............,.,.,,....,. . .....,... . ..c........,.,.......,.,..,..,........,.. 24 § Columbus, Meat Inspection Field Station ......_........,A,,.,,.....,., . ..L,....,. M .c,..c..,,,..,.,,,.....,c..,,......,. .. 55 §. BIOLOGICAL SURVEY, BUREAU OF l Savannah, Game Management Agent ,.....,...,....,...,L..... . ,c,......,.. . ....,,..,..._c,...,,..L,.L . _,.,,,...,,,.,,....,.L,,...c,,,..... . ..t........ 59 I ENTOMOLOGY AND PLANT QUARANTINE, BUREAU OF é Albany, Nut Insect Field Laboratory ,.c..,...._,............,....l.,L,.,.,...,,., .. ,.,,..,.. . ..,.,.. . ..,,._..,,. . ,.,., . .,..,,..... 43 g Atlanta, Phony Peach Field Headquarters.. ._., . ..,.,_,..,,,,.,.,,,.,,..., . .,.....,.,..,.,..,._......, . .L..,.....,.,..., 44 { Fort Valley, Peach Insect Field Laboratory ,.....,..T,..,.......L,,.......,,..,,...,......,,.., . ,.,..,L..,.......... 5O Q Macon, Phony Peach Field Headquarters ..,...,....L...,..,,,.,,,.......c,._.,..,.,, . .L...,,...,.....,...,,..,., . ..,...,..,,...,..... 52 i Savannah, Port Inspection Field Headquarters ..,_....,,....,.,.,.. . ,,........ . .,..,.,L . .,,...,.c..,.,,,L_.,. 56 E Savannah, Sand Flies, Field Headquarters ,4.,...,.,,.....,..........,..,.. . .,,.....,..,...,.,..,.......,,.,.,.L.....,..,,.,., 56 S Thomaston, Domestic Plants Quarantines, Field Y Headquartersa ......,,,,A....,, . ..r...,,..,,,. .- _..,., . ...,.......,...... . ,_,....,. . .,,............,.......,.,.,, . ..,.,.,......,,..,..,....,.,....,.,.....,.,.... 58 · Tifton, Cotton Insect Investigations, Field Headquarters ..........,...,,... GO ` Valdosta, Screw·Werm.and Blow Flies Field Laboratory ...,........r......,.... . .,,,,,,., 75 § EXTENSION SERVICE é Alamo, County Agent ,,..,,,..,,,........ . ,....,.,,,.c...... .. .........., . ....,....,..........c....r,..,, .. ........ . ..... . .......... . .......... . .............. . ................ B7 I Appling, County Agent ............................... . ..... . ............................................................................................................,...... 88 ; Athens, District Agent ..............,........................................................................................................................................ 88 Athens, State Headquartersv .............................. . ....................................................................................................... 89 i Athens, State Director .......L..................................................................A..............................................,...........,................ 96 iv I A g J1 gy 1 f? co1nm1_·r_s_ {ji; L ~ A7 Q 1 Page tg V $1 f EXTENSION SERVICE (cont'd) ’ 111 1 I. gi Atlanta, County Agent- ..,..V»....,.A...,.4.I..........4.....4........,..,...,..A.,.,4.... . _.4»..,<.IA..,,............4.,........C.I.A.................4....,.............................. 109 A § Augusta, County Agent ...,,,.. . ....,.I..»...,.4...I,....,......I, . IA..,..,.....4........,4... . .I..,.. . .........,... . .......,,......,..,........»,... . .... . .,......,....,.4.....» H 112 lg ii Bainbridge, County Agent ..I....,..,.. . ,I4..I,. . .4,.... . .,,..,..,.,..,,I... . ,A.,.,... . .,,.... .. .... .4...4...........,.»....4 . ,......I....I....,.....,.....4...,....4..44, 114 Q { A Barnesville, County Agent . .,.... . ........... H ...,,.. . .,,.,..........,.,. . ...,,,,._ . ,..,., M. ...,,.,,,,..,..,.,.... 4 ..............,.,..........,.. - ...,.,,.. 118 QA g Blaokshear County Agentim ..,.. . ..., .. .... mm. .,,... H. .,.,,.. .A. ,..,........ ..1 ,,.,. ..._...,.,.. . .,.,....,,, . ..,_..... .. .... ....... . ........... 118 aj [ Cairo, County Agent . ................ .. ....... ., ............. . .................... .. ............................. . ........... . ............... . ..................................... 118 Q1 { . Calhoun, County Agent ............... . ....... . ............................................ .. ............................................................................................ 120 QA ;_ Cartersville, County Agent. ................................................................................................................................................. 121 xg Cochran, County Agent ......... W ....... . .............................. . ....................................................................... . ........... . ......................... 125 y. 1 i Colquitt, County Agent ..... . ....................... . ......................................................................................... . ......................................... 125 tj . Columbus, County Agent .......................................................................................................................................,...........,............ 126 ii ij li`` Cordele, County Agent . .......... . .......... . ............................ W. ........................................ . ............................................,....,........... 126 Q; Covington, County Agent .......................................................................................................................................................... 127 QQ E Crgwfgyflvj 1 ]_5 , Cgunty Age nt . ........... . ............. , ..............................,................ . ............ . .........,.......................,.................. 12 7 L· Cusseta, County Agent .... . ............ . ........... . ......................... . .... .. .... ............. . ............,................................................................... 128 gg@ [ Dalton, County Agent .................. . .............. . ............ . .............................................................. . ...........................,......................... H 128 Q5 L Decatur, County Agent .... . ....................................................................................................................,..............,.......................... 129 yff in Donalsonville, County Agent ................................... . ........................................................................................................ 150 QQ ‘ Dublin, County Agent .... M. ...,..................... . ................................................................................................................................ 151 t§ V Eastman, County Agent ............................. . ........ 1, .... .. ..... ....... . .......... . ............... - ..................................... . ........................... 152 *§§ 1 Ellaville, County Agent - ............................... . ............................................... . ....................................................................... 152 QQ ly Fayetteville, County Agent .................... .. .... ...................................................................................................................... 152 fj N Folkston, County Agent .... . ...................................... . ................................................................................................................. 155 Tg I Forsyth, County Agent ............... . ..............................................................,.................................................,...........,...................... 155 yi ' Fort Valley, County Agent ..........._....,.................................................................................................................... . ........... . 155 if A Gibson, County Agent . ...... . ..... U .... . ...... . ....................... .,Wl .... ....,... . .... . ........... . ........... . ................................................. 154 ji I4 Gray, County Agent H .... ..m .... ........... . ............... . ...... .. ............ .. .... ............... . ................ . ......... . .................................................. 155 gg Hazelhurst, County Agent ...... . ............ . ....................... . .......................... . ................................. . ................................. . ......,... 156 yf Hinosville, County Agent .... . ........,.... . ........................ . .... . ......................... . ........................................................................... 158 vg Homerville, County Agent ..........................................................................................................,............................................. 158 Q1 Jeffersonville, County Agent. ...............,.........,.............................................................................................................. 159 gj LaGrange, County Agent ........................................... . ................ . ....................................................................................,.............. 159 Q Lincolnton, County Agent .................................................... . ....................................................................,................................ 140 .f g Louisville, County Agent ...............,.......................................................................................................................................... 140 jj ' Lyons, County Agent. ..........................,..................................................................................................,...........A............................... 141 Q Macon, County Agent ......................,...........................................,..............,......................................................................,.................... 142 `j Macon, Negro County Agent .................... . ......................................A.......................................................................................... 142 E Marietta, County Agent. ....................,..............................................................................................,...,.................................... - 145 F 1bRae, County Agent ..... . .......................................................................,............................................................................................. 144 Q Millen, County Agent ..............................................................................................................................,........................................ 147 if Monroe, County Agent-. .... -MA- .......................... . ...........................,........ . ............................................................................... 147 ff ‘ Nashville, County Agent ............................................................................................................................................................. 148 jg Newnan, County Agent .............................................................................................................................................,..................... 149 EQ Quitman, County Agent, ............ . ............. . ..... M ........... . ...................................................................,.................................... 149 ,1 Roberta, County Agent W. ........................... . ......... . ....... ..1 .... ....................................... . ............................ . ....... . ......... . ....... 150 `Q ( ~ Rochelle, County Agent ............ .. .............................,.................... . .....,..................................................................................... 150 .2 , w 1} ··’‘ 3 I e \ ém..4,;.;,4·_,,,—_,;g_;, _,,_,,;___._,___·_¤,;,,“.g__ ,__ ,5.,.,,;,. · .- ,.1.;....,....;4.`•..,.,. . ..·»» .. .....-»—..·a..-.. r·-M we- A /-7* W ~ A A A It vii comams O Page 35 EXTENSION SERVICE (cgmtvd) 9 ll Rome, County Agent o..4.....,.... 4 .,4,..Ao...,..,...,..,,.V.A,,4,. g4 ....A....o,.... 4 ......,...,,.A...,..,A... 4 AA,,.. 44 ......,4 44 ,.4._.... 4 _...., 4 _..,4,, 4 ..AA 444 ..... 4 151 2 1 Sandersville, County Agent ...V.....4.4.4.......A.4.. 4 »,..,_ 4 .A,A.,,,,..,.4,.....,,..,.,o. 4 .....4,An,..... 4 ...,...., 4 _.,........A 4 AA4.,...,.. 44 ..,_....n 4 ..._.... 152 t gi. Sandersville, Negro County Agent ....,...o.......,4......A.C...,......4.........4 4 .,4.n..... 4 .,,.4..., 4 VV,4..,.A. .......nV 4 ....»V,..,,o.. 4 ....4.4..4Vn 155 B § Savannah, County Agent4 ...,.A_..4,.l...,A,........V....A......,....,.A..n.....,.......44..,.o..o4,,...4,. 4 ......,... 4 ,,.A.,.4,,...... 4 ...A»_. 44 ..,4,.AA..n...,......A.o.,...,...,.. 154 8 § Scperton, County Agent ..,.,.. 4 V.4..n.. 4 ....,o.n 4 .A.........4 44 ..n., ....o..A..4 4 4A.n. 4 .,,. 4 ...... 4 4,..4o4. 4 .5... 4 V..4...,..4... 4 ....4.,.,,, 4 A44.44. 4 ,.....4....44.4. 4 ..... 155 B i Swainsboro, County Agent ..44. 4 ,.........4........44,,... 4 1..44,.._4..4 4 .....4.44 4 .4,...44. 44 .... .4.. 4 .A44,,. www .,4. N14 ....4..4.4..4.4 4 .o4A4. 44 155 D ; Sylvania, County Agent4l .4.4444444... 44 ._4,_4.... 4 .4.4441,4..4..... 4 44444 44 44444444444. 4 4,44444444444444A4.444444444 4 4A44444 44 4444444 44 44444444 44 44444 44444 155 I A Sylvester, County Agentw4 444444444441444 4 4444 4 44444444444 4 444444444444441444 4 444444444444444 4 44444444444444444 4 4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 4 44444 14 4444 155 5 g Talbotton, County Agent 444444444 44 444444 44 444444444444 4 444444444 4 4444444 4 444444444 44 4444 444444444 4 444444444444444444444444444 44 44444 444444444 44 4444 44 4444 4444444 157 5 A Thomson, County Agent 44...44444 4 44444444444444444444444444444444444444 4 444444444444444 4 4444444 4 44444 4 444444 4 4444444 M4 4444444444 44 44444 4444444 4 444444 4 444444444 44 158 5 Q Thomasville, County Agent4 444.44 4 .444444.44444444.4444444444.4444444 4n4 4444 44 4444 4444.44444 4 4444 4 44444 4 44444 1 4444444444444444 4 4444 4 4444 41 158 5 Q Valdosta, County Agent 44.44444444444 4 444444444444444444 4 44444 4 4444444 44 44444 444444 4 444444444444 4 444444444444444444 4 44444.44 4 4444444444444444 4 444444444444444444444444444444444 159 7 Q Vienna, County Agent 44.4444444444444 4 444444444444444444444444444444444444444 44 4444444444 44 4444444444444444444444 4 44444444444 4 4444 44 44444444444 4 44444 4 4444 4 4444444444 150 7 g Watkinsville, County Agent 44444444444444444444444 4 444444.44444 4 4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 4 44444444444.444444444444444444444444444444444444444 A 150 3 ? Zebulon, County Agent 44444.44444444444 4m 44444444444 4 444444 4 44444444 4 44444 4 44444 4 444444444444 44 444444444444444 4 4444444444444444444444444 4 4444444444444444444444 4 444444.44 4 44444 150 3 9 pf FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION 1 5 L %E Atlanta, Field Inspection Service Station 44444444 4 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 4 44444444444444444444444..44444444 165 ? it FOREST SERVICE ) C S 1 Atlanta, Southern Region Headquarters 4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 171 9 A Gainesville, Chattahoochee National Forest Supervisor 4444444444444444.4.4444444444444444444444444 195 ) . j g PLANT INDUSTRY, BUREAU OF > Ii ; E Albany, Vegetable Crops and Diseases Field Headquarters. 4444444444.44444444444444444444444 205 A i Cairo, Sugar Plant Investigation Field Headquarters 4444444444444444444444444 4 444444444.4.4.444444.444 4 210 l § Fort Valley, Fruit and Vegetable Crops and Diseases ’ 1 Field Headquarters 444444444444444444444444444.444444444444444.44444444444.44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 4 4444444444.44444444444.444444 215 ' § Savannah, Plant Exploration and Introduction Field ’ Q Headquarters ..4444.44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444.44.444444.444.44444444444.444444.4.44.44444.4444.44444444.44.4..444444..44.444444444 217 ' { Tifton, Nematology Field Headquarters 44444444 144 44444 A 4444 444 4444444 4 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444.44.444444 219 - f Tifton, Tobacco and Plant Nutrition Experiment Station 4444444444444444444444444444444.44444444 224 Q Tifton, Cereal Crops and Diseases Field Headquarters4 444.4444.444.444.4.4444444.4444.44..444444444 251 I Tifton, Forage Crops and Diseases, Field Headquarters .444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 259 It PUBLIC ROADS, BUREAU OF C Atlanta, State Office 444444.44444444444444444.444444.444444.444.4444444 4 4.444. 4 4 44.4.4444444444.444444444.444444.444444444..44.444444.444444444.4444,44444.4444 257 E I C ff sj { I ¤j i [1 - K »‘ + Z; I ~ { Eg = %· 3 { A - gi · ` V · -5 [ 1 Z {' 3 `$ { > w x [ W ¤ S ;f [ »; .; 1V “ R ·i¥ , {_ 5 \` { J 4 I y .i~ F2 ` [eg `] Q s · " I ` ?» ». ·`··e? * {if 1 I ’· ‘ xx gw , { {g g x ‘ • A — ; .·,' I - ‘ 2 j» T ¥ » I . 1 Si *2 i L -IJ 1, i Y ` k 3 J. ·: I ` * 4 Q . E (f' , · z V V { ' ` VV . x : ` I ! Q F iz `. 1-*-¤&¤.4·¤.¤4¤.¢a .»»:,.u..»;`—.¤.4.¤e¤..¤,L..... .»..“».....=. r;._ ...............*......--..A. - . . . .. ., . . 1 . . V11 comnsms ee EXTENSION smvies (wm; ·d) Q; Rome, County Agent .,...,..,..4.tt...,,A..4,...4.....,.., 4 ,,,,4.. Q, ,.4....A.....V....4...4...,A4,.4..,.V,A4,4 , .,4..4 H. ..,....A . ..t....A.4. , .....V...,.....V..4. WA., .... - 151 4 Sandersville, Count A ent-, .4..........,......A.., . 1.A., . .A4.4 4 A,,.A._.4.4.1....,..4,. . 4._._ . ...4..... , A..n,4._...,.,.,.,..,.4.. . .n...1,...... - 4... .m .,,..,... 152 , Y S A Sandersville, Negro County Agent ........,..,4..,,.,A....A,...........4....,4.,.. , .,4......,A......,..,.......4..., .1 ,,C.,.4.C . ..,.,.,44..,,. . C4.._,.,.. . 155 § Savannah, County Agent, ,..,,..,,4....,.,,,,,.,.,,,.,. . ..,..,..,.,.,4,,,...., , ,,,,,,44.,....,,.,,,,,.,...4, 4 .,,..,.,, . ,4.,..4,..,,.,,, , ,,..,.,,. . ,.,4.,,.,.,,. , .,,..,4._,,,,,....,, 154 § Soperton, County Agent ,....,4,. . ,,.,,, . 4..4...,..,,,,,,,.,,, 4 ,.,,,, , ,,,,,,._,,. . ,,,,4,..44.,,,,.,,4 . ..,.....,., -. ,,,,,,,,.....,. . ,,.,,.4.., . ,.,,,..,,....,,,,.,,.,..,. . ,,,..., 155 i Swainsboro, County Agent ..... . .,..,...,,,.,.,,,..,.,.,, , ..,,,,.,,....,.,.,4...4,... . .,,,,,,, 4 ,,,,, H., ,... .,4,.... M ,,... W4 ,,., H., ,,,, ,.4.,,,,. . ,,4... C. 155 it Sylvania, County Agent,m 4.,.,,,,, wl .,4,..,,,.,,,.,. . ,,,.,.,.,,,, . ,,,,, 414 ,.,,,,,., , 4,,.,.,,,,,,,,,,A4,,,,,,,. 4 ..4.4.. , ,,.,,. 41., ,....... .. ..... ..,,, 155 g` Sylvester, County AgentA4 _........., . ,.,,.., . .,..,,,,,., . .,,,,....,.,, . ..,....,,..,..,. .1 .....,.,,.,, H ....,.,.,,..,. . ,,...,..,,.,,,......,,,,. , .,.,.,,, , .,., 156 § Talbotton, County Agent .,,...... I .,,.., ,, ,,,,,..,.,.,,.,,,,., .4 ,,,..,,. , .,,,,,, 1, .,,,.,..,,,,,.,,.,.,..,...,..,..,. . ,,.,,,,,,,,.,,.,, ,M ..,,,, 4 .,_. . ,,,., . 157 Q Thomson, County Agent .......... 4 .,,..,,,,,...,,.,,.,.,,,, ., .,,._.,,, A ,,,,, .m ,,..,..,. H. ,,.,,..,,, mill. ,,_....,,. . ,,,.. - .,,.,,,, W4 ..,,,,.... .. 158 A Thomasville, County Agent. .,,.., , ......,...,.,...................... ,1,1 ..... 4 ,.,....... . ...,. Ulm ..... W ,........,...,.. M14 .... 41 158 Q Valdosta, County Agent ....,.,.,........ . .... M .,...... , ..,..., . ,..... ,W,4, ,.., .,........... . ..,....... . ..............., 4 ,................,,........4,. . .4..,.,.,.,.,4....4. 159 IA Vienna, County Agent .4..,... . ...,4, . ..,....4,.......4..,.......44....4....4. . ....,,...,.. . .......4... 4 ,4,.4,...... . ,4...4..,.....44.,.4 MU, ....,,.. . ...4.. .UmM. ..4... I 160 f Watkinsville, County Agent ..,4.4..,,.....,.... , ,.4.,44..,,.. 4 ,.,....,.,..4..4,4....,,....4....,..4................,.,....,...4,,...4...................,..,,.,4,4...4,4 A 160 lj Zebulon, County Agent .,....,... M, ..4. , ..,,.4.4,, . ...... - ...4,4 , ,,..4 .4, .... .4,444...4. . ...,..... . ..... . ,...4.....4.....4,,.....,,..4..,.... . .,......,,. . 4..,,4... 1. 160 iii; 3 FQ FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION I _é Atlanta, Field Inspection Service Station ,..4.4.... 4 ,...,...,,4..,....4..,4.4.......,..... . ........,4.....................,..,.,4 165 ·‘ F2 lg FOREST SERVICE li Atlanta, Southern Region Headquarters ,.,4..,..4.4444...,4....4.4,.....,,.4.,........,......4,......,...,.,.........4.,...4,........,..,,..4.... 171 I Gainesville, Chattahoochee National Forest Supervisor .4.......,.........,................,,,...,. 195 % PLANT INDUSTRY, BUREAU OF EV Albany, Vegetable Crops and Diseases Field Headquarters ,......4,,.4...,.,,4.4...,.4.,....,. 205 ; Cairo, Sugar Plant Investigation Field Headquarters .......,....,....,.....44 4 ..,....4....,..........,. 210 3 Fort Valley, Fruit and Vegetable Crops and Diseases § Field Headquarters. ...,...,.,...4.....,.4.,......44....,.....4....4.4..4..,..4...4....4,4,,444........4....4..........,.4..4..........4..,4.,..4,,...,..4..,.....4..,.. 216 f Savannah, Plant Exploration and Introduction Field Q Headquarters ......,....4,...........,........,....4.....,,....,...,....44.,4..,.4.......4.....4,..........,...........,....................,...................4.......,...4.....4 217 Q Tifton, Nematology Field Headquarters ....,4 1 ...4,. H .,4. lm, .,4,..4...,..,.4,.,.,......,...4..,.,..,..4.,.4,,.4..,.......,.4... 219 § Tifton, Tobacco and Plant Nutrition Experiment Station ...,.,..........,....4......,.....4...., 224 » Tifton, Cereal Crops and Diseases Field Headquarters .............,...... . .........4..,...,....4 251 · Tifton, Forage Crops and Diseases, Field Headquarters 4..,,.......,...4,......4..,..4...,.4..,...4 259 4 PUBLIC ROADS, BUREAU OF it Atlanta, State Office ......,...4.4...,.........4....,.....,......4.....,,4.....,.....4........,.......44.4 , .4.,....,.4.....,,4............4.....,..4.,..,4..,4...........,.,4,..........., 257 i N 2 4;- I 1 Y" ’ Y · { . J . `I IL I . , E i 3 [ » ¥: g 7 , 2 _5 I * ? . ’ g * [_ ' · W ~$ . . E 1 ry. L i { .L_ 1 . `E ; ~ i g Q ` — { r `— `· 0 , .:· *’ * e ‘ P ? i , V , 3% @· · f A " I' { ~_i s .- 5 i , V Z . ; * ·“£ W V ’ 1 V L Y ~ · ‘ 3 P I I ee . ly % \ M Q I x '[ [` M \ ` L 2 3 ` M, { F 3 3 1* (If, J \ r Q t L \ U < I J? \~ :"**•hh•A.¤`. .••.•.• .;»».....‘......`4·.•.••.`.,‘..... .: -»••..4- `».............~.........»...,-r`. . · . · 1 is 2* `Q ‘ C5 BUREAU OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS ‘ 2 Ax F5 ri · _e I, V K ¤ “; { ; 5 gi I ‘ 2 ;£ k 1 A V 3 [_ a E;. * E4 ( ‘ i -' r, “ I - } p ii? nr = * W L, ` M '* bw . x- _ " { M , \' if E » `L V; Q E i 3. i 1 ¤ » s I I A . En I V 5 ’ xl Inn i ,1 1 * ‘ » a ? Q ’ \ »~=·•.-..¢-.-......... ..`. .. ..-.»............ ..,,....-- . .... __., .-..4_, . pg A BUREAU OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS VQ §_ ATLANTA F DIVISION OF COTTON MARKETING CLASSIFICATION AND MARKET NEWS AND QUOTATION Q FIELD HEADQUARTERS Q Federal Annex, Forsyth, Hunter, and Spring Sts. yi This office was established in 1927 on an experimental basis. On July g 1, 1928 it was put on a permanent basis by an act of Congress. No use- i less papers have been destroyed without authorization. This office has $7 jurisdiction over six states: Alabama, Georgia, Florida, North Carolina, i South Carolina, Virginia, and southeastern Tennessee. It is also the Q headquarters of the Grade and Staple Estimate Section. ? 5619. CORRESPONDENCE, Jan. 2, 1951 to date. Filed alphabetically. Q (Daily, official,) 9%·x 11% folders, 5 ft. 6 in., in wooden filing ca- ii ses, R. 522. (2617) AQ 5620. GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE FILE, July 1, 1954 to date. Letters I? of authorization, memoranda of field men, requisitions for supplies, pay if rolls (temp