xt72rb6w106z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt72rb6w106z/data/mets.xml Suard, Jean-Baptiste-Antoine (1732-1817) France Suard, Jean-Baptiste-Antoine (1732-1817) 1797-01-20 This bulletin is part of a collection of newspapers and journals published during the French Revolution, collated by unknown person, representing both sides of the revolution. Call Number Rare Books: AP20 .R235 bulletins Rare Books: AP20 .R235 French De l'Imprimerie des Nouvelles politiques (Paris)  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws French Revolution publications France. Assemblée nationale législative (1791-1792) France -- History -- Revolution, 1789-1799 Nouvelles Politiques, Nationales et Étrangères, 20 January 1797 text Nouvelles Politiques, Nationales et Étrangères, 20 January 1797 1797 1797-01-20 2023 true xt72rb6w106z section xt72rb6w106z ( 481* )
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(‘Vendredi 20 Jam’ier 1797 ).



JCI‘P-t ([6 la convention batavc, qui enjoin! it lnus [cs citoyens (is l’z?ge tie 15 d 45 ans ale se pouruoir d'arme:
et de firire [e scr vice dc gar/11.5012 dam: les villes frontieres. —-- 'I'mmes ales jacobins de Marseille ('1- l’appror/ze
(has LIA-odious. —— [chlréc (‘L [flocks/6r! de l’amiral Morard dc Galles el du général 1100/13. —— Duel entre les
rup/‘éxenlans Benéabofle et Gol'tpilleau (de Fenland] ).

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union D950 6 Jill. POW six nwis, 6t 50 liu. pour an an. Chi-1’0“” 1° mmmre .bamn dc Thug“ .’ 6‘ qt“ éioit
L1‘(:vicuulions $0111 111‘1505110111‘ faint rexpec—
t1-1‘ 1’01'111'1: 11; 111 11'1111111111111.é publiquc. 117 110 121111. 1121s 50
(1115111111101 00111111111111 11111.- 10 111-01111: 13-01111: est: c1'11c11c‘1111‘111
1111.111 111:3 Veleliuns (11111 110 17(‘H‘iC 1171:111‘011Vc1‘ (1113])1118 1’1115—
tmt 111: 1:1 001111111111: -, V1:‘-12111(»)11§ 11:11 so 1tci11o1n“;~111:11b 1511--
0011: 0111111111: 10111‘ 11011; 1011108 112:; fm‘mcs‘.

' 1.11:9 1111111231111: 1111111"; 1111s :‘1 1:11.1111'11‘1‘ 11’r.\.'111g11011 out 1.1.0111.-

1131‘11 111121111. 11111: 00110111351011 111111111111; (1111 1-11 :1 1‘011dé111111é,
111-1' , (1mm :‘1 1a 112:1211- (10 11101": cu 00056111101109 , 115
0511‘ 13113 1118311165 14; 1110-1111: 10111:

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.J‘S’drsui/la, 114 18 IIiVu‘se.

1‘1 1211111100111: (1119 1'-1:-1:!1;111-;, 11-5 exclusifl' 11c 1\Ta1'sci'11c
113110110111, 11.11112»- 1111111111; 1m 21111111'il1'm‘ 11111100111310: 113 111-110
1‘1111111111111‘ . r1111 1::111- 11111)_1;'111‘11111'11l,, $1; 50111 11411111»: S: S1:
5011! 111-1511111101: 1-11 11-;1‘17111191'11u: ; 1‘1“: 13011111119951.1131 111: I11—
1'1-1-1011'1‘, 10115‘1113011111H, 5"}; 51111-1, (11141111111131; '11211‘ 111°. 1115—
1'0111'5 10.4 11111; :11111'1‘11111111-4. (1:111: :1ssc1111216‘0 s’csl. 1101111130
11.! 1:1'1"1=1', (3011111: In. [31111111 111,- 1‘11011‘ c011x‘li11111011111‘1, 31111:
11111311 1111 1111'1-1‘11111‘0, 1:11 <71)111:11i-<»:;111'1: 1111‘s 11: 11111121111111-
L‘1'v‘11; 13111: :1 1-1110211': :111 1,1111'11‘11‘1111'111' 11.1311VO‘V151‘ 1111110 see
1110111171‘1“: 51 11’1111'1'1-11113. 110111 f." 11111111101 11 111:1;111111311'110.
11 y :11 11111111 10111 011.1 :11111111‘1 1111:1111-1'0 (11113111) 13.1110.

111: 11111-131111 001111211 1.10111 111‘ 11,111111 11111: amuliiniak; 11‘,
11111119111: 111: 1"]1111-1152111‘ i;1'c11c , est entréc , 13 21 11117030, (1:111<1a rude
(1c 11001101011, acc01111111g111'10'1111 vuisscau [a [{éuulution.
11 y :1 lien (11) cruire (1111) 1c 111‘13111‘111101110111 (1054 110111111
011 1111111113 , {1111101106 put certains journaux . 1101111c Z119
11’051, 13115 .5140]; Art Sci/meg , no. so sum. pas 1111111011113 521115111


La (11:1‘111‘110 RS 1118!: 112111; 10 P211111 11101153101201; C13 r1111
est: 1111 511121111 11111 pour 1111 11111111 111115 111111-111. (1116 1mm-
1-11'1t11ti. 11:,- 111111 1:;1. 111.113 grand. encore (111111111 sonl. 1.1;
1:111:13 11111 >313 11110111119111, : 070511.;1'10'.“ 1115111: gut/w, viriliat law/[:1
La) 11111110111 (30111111101111 ((11; 1501 . i‘:/ ) 1K“ 10171111101117.1011-
13110111: (mi. 111% 1111131'1-11'13, 011 11c 1111 11:13 110111- 1111111
,011 111611-1111 (1111: 1c 1),!‘011‘1101‘ s’csL 113111115 1111111111115 1111011135
5111‘ 1’:"1(1(111e11cc (1a, 5011 00119;;110 , it (1119 021111—11 , (1111' 11111-
131111 11:15 11119071 5111' cc 1101111 , 5’911 051'. scandalhsé ., n11 11111111
1111 11101111 :1‘ 1111 r: ,01 :1 son :11‘117111'42131'c. (10111111181111 .2 ry-
117171} 11: 11.1111 3 11cm: 01131111310111; so 50111 1‘1‘11111'1q (111 111111
1112 13091057210 0111, 1111.: 1’1'1111'10 :‘L 111 11151111. 110110111111: #51
111101111111: 110111‘ 7131;111:113010. 00111111111111 :1 1316 11105-113; 1111111
1131:1‘1'91119111. Lam“; 511111; :10 $011: 111:1:1'1105135 110111' 111617111111»
1111: 11.1.1", ;:r:1m10 : 31011 (1’1111 sung 11111113113; 21 1111 111111
(1111 5111101111111. 1011-: 1:29 101113. Lochi. 1111. (1116 c’cst 1111 31111111
111211 r1111; 111-»; *1'1‘111‘5911511111ns (111110111110 SC (10112112111 (11': 01111111
V — c: 11:19 1111 11191 111119 grand 2111:0112 (111-2
11111111110111; (‘1 (2011115 (10 12111011? Bella, l’zur-

', 16

11:; 1) I 11115 .~
)‘11116 061111.,

011 :1 611 avis 1.12 1’11111d1r111111c (1118 10 ci—dcvan!‘ 1111:", 11c

C11n1‘lrcs y 11.91 arrivé 110 11111111101111; C11 :17 10111‘-:. C051
1111c dos lravcrsées 103 11131.; 131011111103 (111’011 001111111550.

1 ~..NC}'JS.

LC 111096.131; 211119536 11:11‘ 10 Kircrloire 311 ranswil (1'1?
(‘iIH/*(‘£’Il/J;, 11: 2 1111 1110is' (1;)1‘111;1‘, 1‘9111'01‘1311: (111.1; 111N11-
vations 11'114—911gr9 1%: 111‘s' 1)11111110.‘\‘ {1113-11111411'10; 3 11 121111
1011c1' 2111351 111 111011 1111111011 111111? 11111111 111: (-1105 sr>11i,nxp1‘111:1"1'~1.

81 00111: 101111111011 111‘, 11011. 1111111119 11111; 0111:. 1: 1.111115 11‘3

11‘s 111110111135 0111, 01111‘7C111'x‘ , 1m 11113111011111“
50111: 1121‘; 1910501119 :111\’ ciioygna (1111 , 521‘
51w 1‘1‘1‘0111‘xf

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11:11; '1111'1'1111 11,111.1'1'1'111-1111'11; , >‘1111.:1'1:111, 111:

170111'val 1111:: 1-1!\‘1‘i 11- 1110111101111 1111; 111 11111111 (“111151

(1151H1‘1‘11 1‘1=1'<1:1'1:, 1| 11:111‘ 1‘s: 171121114 111: 111' 111115 111‘

1'111'111'1'1 (1111-, Is; 1‘1‘111'011133, 112.11 (1‘1‘11111‘111' 111111: 11‘ 11.11-
' 1

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1' ' "1 ('1.1n1:st1112‘ 1'1'p11quc , 11s o11-'1.11:1.'11'i 1.1111108—
'_11L";‘11.11}1J, 51‘. 11101111111: (1 1111c 3.1111111"(111'1131131'12159111;


(1111011 112‘ 08.111011, K (1111 (‘11 (111 1c: 119310

aver. 1:13: 113.: 117.1113, 8: sc i‘élicitcnt ('1‘111'1111‘1011111116 qui 11.1112
C111L'VL‘ 11011:: (1L1 more 1flesso111c12.

1113111111. 11:11' 5135 prflp‘vcs {11:11:19, par 193 10111711cn12 (.0
1:1 (1(11LKQC 1711111: sort (/..s .e..(r2'pt:on.s , I]: isn'zlwvmt
fm‘cé, .l. .2' l7l(lfl'd(1['i’i,85' pn-r 1’im1111i3sa111'c (11's 12‘5})"‘(110fl.§ 3:11,.--
lens; ((1111'111'110'11-(111’11 11 ’y. :1 1101111. (1e 500011122 “11111.32: 11.3 131111?
(361111 (1111' 11c [cs-501110111: (111.1111 moment (111 1‘1'201'1'1'; :ll'e
11.5 11103131112 (1'0 recdle m: simp1w1viscnl.p:1s , K 11:11: 11111»
pl'évoya-ncc 6:21 1:1 ruinL des 91111111 01., 1c L111Lc'1011'1'. avcrlit
113 (30115911: d-cs cinq cents q11'i1 11’}' a plus 1111 111.21.:1111' :'1.
pcrdre', 11 1e 00111111‘0 (1e 5’1101'1111-31‘ 3111' -11‘;~1!1::111p dc 1:1
finance , K 11: :1111'1buc‘ a la _/(/{(. 1.1.: 11. pm (1' '11‘11L'11111112 (11‘. 011
a donné jusqu’ici :1 c0110 11:11'111'.

'Les' 091151212 (1.“ c.3110 1'.1-1:.1i1é 119 .32 (.Pr11111"‘1'.1 6'11: h‘fip
:11'31"111:'111‘ c11L's 5:111! (1:113 1'0111111 (11": . (1'..11\:' d'm
131131101113 '110'1 11':1‘-‘.1111L‘.2', (1.1115 111‘s (11:1 1 ' 1:11.53 (1:: ("'11:
(1:111:1(1113 11-10111'11311-415 1111111113 . «1.1111 121 [11‘1"1'1 («11.71, award: '9
"' 111:3 (1111:15- (511'01'. 111-111 (111111121 5111'
Q11 ’011' 113 p.‘ 111. (1111".' 1'.‘ 3:1112' 111'1'1'1.

1:11: 13:11 :\:'111..:1.', 11’112'1—1'1 11:1»;
1:1-11-1 (11::111 ("11" 11111111
11‘111’591‘ (1331111311 1161'

.1110111'2- (1:: .cm 1 w .. 1""..11'12; on 01.11.19.

saclion g‘11(:11':11:';
sent , (‘11 (‘11.111111.‘ (1711;11’
11:8 :13 1111111111123 1111111411113 . (- ':":1---
11011 111:3 1111111111113 (.111 '. ~' . . ('11:
111111111111 (11‘. ('1132:1'i.:11. (1M . (11-3
11111111111311'11310112' L1'11‘1‘IJ11'3


(Marc ' '111' 3

.1011? c.1123 (11.1 51‘ (13111310—

11..-11§ . (1-5: 1"1.-- .-.'1'.~' 1101111.1~
-.‘.' (1:: 1"

111:111111'3 (11'.



LL‘ 1110111 («11131119
1“. 1.1'3 .1'.)N'."E.111; (111."
1'.,‘:11;1111‘ 1111111' |“‘ '1':' 1.1

111.3 C(1t'1' 11!.1111111'11'31'11'3 (1115 :‘1'

1131119 (11:. 11.150111111095



11.1115; 111111121111": Lu 1':11;U'.')1'211





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:2". Les mglcs 1111i concernent 111 formation 8: la police (11:
ocs 113m 2111111115 5

5" La inanicrc 110111 (:llcs 110ch111 111 cédcr 1‘1 l’éleclion
(10» fonciionlmirus 1111111105.

L21 1111151111111311 {x 135 101'): 01110111113111 qu’il y ait 81!.
111111115 111m 1121111111151 In'imnim 11111 canton'7

Que (111113 1111 1111111111 (11.11 19111111116 plus (11: goo Cilo'ycns
(1)1111 (111111 (11- volcr , i1 )' 1211 plus (111111: 11ssc11111l15c p1'i11111i1c;

Que 11115111111 y 11 cu pinsicurs (1551:1111111'363 pi‘iinuircs
1311113 1:11 1-1: 19,111, uncouc 111: soil composéc dc mains (10
4‘51) 2111131115 113111111. (11011, (11: voter.

C111 1'11 .22.;- (17111‘11'111 (11. £1 sea rcgl-ts qne cllaquc 11111111-
111511‘Nim1 041117111} 11 (111 . z1vz1ul 1:) 1“" 111113511 (1c l’an 1V,
{Em-1 11‘ 110112111; 111-5 a3.:c111111(':(;s 11111111111135 2‘: ionir cn cllaquc

Los 111111112115'111111-11151 (111 (ll‘lmflcmcns 111110111 soin do
11’c11111103’c1 11111611111: expression 11111 11111111111; ils 511111110—
3'0ient (unroyucr ‘11x—1211‘11ncslu3 11ssc1111111'115 dos (:iloycus
1“; (108 ("11301121115 3 1K 8’11; jugcnl 11 11101111.; dc dosigucr
171111013111 (10 11011111111111: (11‘s 11350111111écs 1111111111105 8; élco-
"“1111-1‘131 11‘21119111‘11'11111 5111‘ lcs 1111101105 lcs




, cc no 5
a1’11-.:1~:>. (11: 11 («11151111151111 qui 111113111. 1111111111110 (11:5 1111:—
1111 ”(111111.11 31:1‘111111111, & (tolls (11:3 scuondcs 1111 20



1121 1.1171111: 111m.

Ifuflnfinifludion «1111111112 (1c (‘lmquc 011111011 lient 1111
111111111: ciniquc 5111' 1131111131 (3111: 1113(‘111 11:5 1101115 (1c 1011.5
21(111111111111'21; qui 11111111551111 11:5 00111111111113 (1111:
.21 oo;15!i11111011 c3131: 110111 ('xmvcr 1125 (110115 do (tiioycns.

711:1 ('ouflilnliun 1121 1115.113 do l‘cxcrcioc (11: cos (11015.3
3111131111 (1.: 1:91.11: (1111 1‘1’111ii1soic111 1113111 louLcs cos conditions
an 1111111119111. 1111 1-111: 11 1-11" ;s1'0111111g111"c. .
11:5 111111111115'11‘11‘1111115 111111111‘1p;1l~1:3 (10111 1123 rcgislres ci-
11:65 111: 511111111111 point encore (-11 1‘cglc, dochnL so
11221121 do 105 11711112111. 11
L’iuscripiiou civique (1011'. 0111: acumwlfin (111111111 tons

7‘ (11: l‘unuéo 11 10115 11111151115 5131': do ving—un ans

(1:11‘1‘ (lo 1:123





(11121111111 11111111111111111101111111111011111.111, aprbs avoir 111151 1111
1"‘1111: 5011 l“L‘}_{1.‘"~1l'l.‘ 111111111: , (11111 , (13111; 111 (301115 (111. Innis



(11- \‘1‘1111Xx13 (11: 1111111111: 1112115121 (,11 131111111: 10:; 113108 (1135

r‘i’oycna 1111111} (111.1: 111- voter (111111»: 11111011110 (10: 11350111111603,


. 11111111111115: , 1:011 1'1:1121111!11;111-s (111 canton.
(9123115115 (111111111 (1111111111, 1111111111: 1111111'1- , lcs noms do
[0113 ccux 1111i 11‘1111i'mm11 11‘s condilions suivunlcs:

1". 131-111: 1111111 1111111 1’:111 5 5111‘ 11: regisli'c civique;

2”. 1121111111- 1171.1111 11:3 (la-11111115 511111111115) , (11111119 111111
11111111111111, (51:1111'111'1':119111111111 1111c. 111111131 $111 11: 11:11‘1‘11111‘1:
113: $131;

.1 . 171' 111111111 1101111 111111117 [1111' 111mm- 11111is 00115131111115.
11.111111111111, 1-111 (1111111111.: (11.119 11" 01:1111111, 1111 (in 1.111311
1110:1111“ 11:11 110117.; mois' 111111» 1:11 111111'c.

I1“. .13‘111'1111 ("11" 11711101." 1'1 111.1: c1.=1111'11111111111 (Hf-:6“) 11.11‘1—
(1)1111111, 11. 1.11- 1'11‘1ici1' 1111111111“ 1111—
11111! 1 ' 1.111511 ;3:1'1‘(4111'1111* 110111 111113
(‘11:17113;1:1i(111 Yolunwnu 111.111 11.1111 111: 111115 101.1111“ (11‘
L111vz1i1 (11‘ 1'111.1,i1' ' . 1>11 (11111111 1111111111) 11111311113111:
111.1111 1'1'1'1111' .1 11.111



‘ i]
0.1) 1'11'1(1\'|‘.L‘\‘

.. , 1., . .
(111 11(- :.1'11‘(' 111111-111


.111111' 111‘,


1* 1:11:12 (11:








$112K i‘


1".11 1131; (1: 111 nuliondlu



184 1

, .7 1 ~ 1.41“; f . . N‘uu. .- 2.4.? Lb1»m4 ...'~.."!.'r’EZ"".._u .14“? :.<,'"»._-".:':.'r:".-.mica”... 1&1?!


1 6°. Enfin, (l: 11'1‘11‘1- 11.1113 1111111111 dos. can do 31111111111111
' on 11110111511111 déicrmiués par 1:5 arliclus )‘Ui & X111 1:11;
1 le 1:011:11111'11011.

Les 11350111111103 conununulos 11’151isc111qu1: l’agmfl 111111.-
1 cipal do 111 commune {t sou adjoint.

Cos I‘unctionnaires 5010111 (11113 111 suilc 111111111165 1mm
' dcux ans ; 1111113 defumx (‘lus jusqu’n 111651-111 (111m 1:111:11“
C11111011 , 111 11101111} " oil' so 113111511111 mois do germinal 111:
l’an 5.

Aimi, ions les aguns inunicipaux composaut1’1111111i11i';~
lmlio‘n 11111111cipz1lc d‘un 111111111: canton , (11)ch111, dam I;
(Iélai (111 1“. 1111 20 111211113513 131031111111 , 111131 1111 5111111
501111: (11: la moilié (1’111111' cux.

LL‘S 1asscn1111éus Prinmircs ("liscnt lcs (*lccleurs , lc 11111111-
(lo—p.111; 81". 51:5 assesscurs , 8-; 0111111 on 11: piésidunl (111
l’11d1ninisir11lion 1111111icij121111,-ou lcs 01'1‘11:i(‘1»‘ mullii‘ipnux,

1". Lo 1101111111: (11:5 (111:1:1111115 (lépcml 1111 1101111111) (111
Ciloycns ayant (11011 do voter 1.111111 les axmcmblécs 111-1-

3111111112111 11011111113110, 300 ciloyons inclusivmncnl il 11’0-‘1
11011111113 qu’un (311111113111; 11 (:11 est 11011111113 Linux (11:11:11;
.301 jusqu’n 500 , 1101.1 (111111111 501 jnsqn’zl 700, quali‘u
dcpuis 701 jusqu’él goo.

L’ud111111i511'11lio11 nunioipalc , e11
(11:5~ (-lcolciu‘s 1'1 11011111161‘ p111 cl111q11c assmnblée 1111111111111,
y joindm lcs nonis (11:3 ciloycus 1111 0111111111 qui 0111 1311':
1'1lcc11:u1'.s l’annéc précédamc , 8; 1'11111301101‘111’111‘1.XXXlV
111: 111 (‘omli‘mli1)11, (111i (11"fcnd do 115 11‘1'211'1‘13.

2°. Les jugus—dc—puix 1k 11:111‘5 115535521115 50111 1101111116:
110111 11.:111c'11ns; 11i11~i il n’y 1111111 lieu cch 1111111313 11 1'6-
11:1zlion (1c (1133 fo11cli11111111ir1ts (1111; (111115 lcs c213 dc 1111211,
(1c (113111115ion, (19 (IL-slilulion (1-: quulqu’un (1’1'11110 011:1.

Les 1151111111111'2113 (tloclomlas éli'tcnl, d’ubord lus 1111311111111
c111 corps 1135111111117 &. com; (111 111121111411 dc cussellion -, &
1131111111 do ces ("h-cliom, 111 function dos aclniinish‘alioua
11121111111133 sc borne 1111 511111111: cnvoi due 1111:; 8:: dos 111-
111¢1111\; (111i 1]('1101111in1‘nl 10 1101111311: (lcs l¥1gi 111121113 8; (1C3
jugcs dc cassution 51 (3111c 1111111110 année en clmqne 111-11111-

(11111111111 asscmblée électoralc nomme 10115 105 11113 1111
1111111. juré.

Les jugns no 50111111 1‘_éél1’1s quc l’an 9.‘

(111 1111101111119 1111111111: aimée 1111 mumbre do 7211111111115-
11111ion c131111‘11113; 8c (111119 121 811111: (:12 $0111 toujours cc1ni
(1111 1111111 cxcrcé c0119 function 11111-111111“ cinq 111111115

J3111111111115112111011 11111111511211) doit 11111211131 pendant 19 mm
(10 1111111351: 1:1 11311: (103 1311611111115 qui 110 50111 11111 1115:1119
1111111 11:21 divrrscs 111111110115 pnlfliqucs. _

1168 assomblées 11111111111173 s‘ouvrcnf (19 (11011 10 1319117111
gci'unnul; 1115 a11s1'1111.l1'21:s (*lcoloralcs 113 2 K 1125 215x131}:-
1111'-1;,-; 11111111111211.1115 11: 1111‘11'1ic1‘ rléczuli qui suit 11 clolmc (165
as:;1:11‘11.111'-c:a 11111112111155 1111 (111111011.

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