149 June 24, 1868 Change in time of be- ginning of session Curator Sherley elec ted Decease of Cure tor Morton Relinqui sh- nent from Regent & Treasurer On motion of Curator A. H. Bowman, it was resolved that hereafter the session of Ky. University in all of its asso- ciated Colleges and its Academy shall commence on the Second, Monday in September of each year and close in the Second week in June following. On motion of Curator Woolfolk, Capt. Z. M. Sherley of Louisville was a Curator of this Board. On motion of Curator J. B. Bowman it was resolved that a Committee be appointed to prepare suitable resolutions expres- sive of the sense of this Board of the loss they haie sustained in the decease of Curator D T. Morton, whereupon the Chair ap- pointed the following Committee M:. E. Lard, Chairman G. W. Elley R. C. Ricketts On motion of Curator Worthington, the following preamble and resolution were unanimously adopted. Whereas the Regent of Ky. University has generously reline quished the sum of $7500 now due him on the Salary voted him as Regent and Treasurer, Therefore, be it resolved by the Board of Curators that they accept this relinquishment as a donation to Ky University, and that the most grateful thanks of this Board are hereby tendered the Regent for his generous bestowal. On motion the Board then adjourned till tomorrow at 84 A. M. Morrison College, Ky. University Thursday June 25, 1868 Curator J. B. Beck elected Com. on recon- struction of the Faculty. The Board met at 9 A. M. Present J. B. Bowman, Benj. Gratz, Andrew Steele, Joseph Wasson, D. S. Goodloe, F. K. Hunt, G. 'f. Elley, J. S. Woolfolk, A. H. Bo-rnan, C. T. Worthington, Joseph Smith, A. G. Herndoon, J. P. Tarbitt, W. T. 17ithers, Enos Campbell, M. E. Lard. 1150/ On motion of Curator Worthington, James B. Beck was elected Curator in this Institution. The Committee on reconstruction of the Faculty and selection of Professors presented their report through their Chairman, Cur- ti.tor Joseph Smith which report was received and after some dis- cussion by the Regent and Curator Lard on motion the Board adjourned to meet at 4 P. M.