xt72v6986h84 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt72v6986h84/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19291213 newspapers sn89058402 English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, December 13, 1929 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 13, 1929 1929 2012 true xt72v6986h84 section xt72v6986h84 i Best Copy Available p1 THE KENTUCKY KERNEL "LOCAL COLOR" WILL OPEN MONDAY NIGHT UNIVERSITY LEXINGTON. VOLUME XX OF KENTUCKY, U. K. Vs. GEORGETOWN SATURDAY NIGHT KENTUCKY NUMBER 13 13, 1929 DECEMBER 'CATSL TIGERS MEET SATURDAY First Stroller Production, "Local Color," Will Open At Guignol Monday Night MUSICAL SCORE IS WRITTEN BY U. K. STUDENTS Identity of "Mystery Man' Will Be Disclosed at the Tavern Saturday ELBERT BELL. GIVEN LEADING MALE ROLE Alice Bruner to Appear As Always, Sweetheart of Tommy Lumpkins "Local Color," musical comedy written and produced by the Strollers, University dramatic organization, will open at 8:20 o'clock Monday night, with a cast of forty University men and women. The play was written and is being directed by Prank Davidson, president of the Strollers. Music was composed by Earl King Senff and Katherine Davis. The Identity of the person who has been designated as the "Mystery," 1:30 o'clock will be disclosed at Saturday afternoon at the Tavern. The one solving the mystery will be presented with a prize. The story of "Local Color" centers around Tommy Lumpkins, played by Elbert Bell, who, as a conceited and spoiled young fellow enters college; Is pledged and whaled by a fraternity: writes a successful novel; is chargrined because his mother and former sweetheart, played by Evelyn Gall and Alice Bruner, visit him at his fraternity house, and then finally he returns home to repent of. his former attitude, and marries Always, his sweetheart. The first scene opens in the living-rooof the Lumpkins. .fafane; the second shifts to the livlngttfcom of the Alpha Kappa fraternity house three months later; and tbrstblrd act, in two scenes, opens tftAthe fraternity house and shifts to the Lumpkins home. The personell of he cast is as Tommie Lumpk!hj2 Elbert Bell; Always, Alice BrunerTMrs. Lumpkins, Evelyn Gall; Mrs. Akers and Mertie Jones, Miss Florence Morris and Louise McDonald; Edgar Garland, Jr., Jack Smith, Miss Mattie Stewart, Mary Elizabeth Fisher, Tipsy, Russell Stelgner. Flora Belle, Tommle's sister, Frances Baskett; Betty Tyler, the college widow, Mary Virginia (Continued on Page Eight) STUDENTS WILL STAGE PAGEANT Last Vesper Service Before Christmas Holidays Will Be Held Sunday Under Direction of Y. W. C. A. The last vesper service to be held before the University adjourns for the Christmas holidays will be held at four o'oclock Sunday afternoon in Memorial hall, and will be in charge of the dramatic group of the University Y. W. C. A. A Chirstmas pageant will be presented at this time. The pageant was written by members of the group and will be directed by Virginia Ellis and Margaret Lewis. The scene is laid in the great hall of a medieval castle and the time is Christmas night. The story concerns the lord and lady of the castle and members of their household who have gathered together to offer gifts Befana, a to the Christ-chilpeasant woman in search of the Christmas star, arrives and places her gift on the altar. Then the star appears at the window. During the final scene the University choir under the direction of Professor Lampert will sing "The Twelfth Mass from St. Cecilia." The cast includes: Lord of the castle, James Boucher; lady of the castle, Irma Strouse; Befana, Emma Mendel: ladles in waiting, DeFrosla Rone, Jennette Robblns; retainers, -O. B. Coffman, James Powell; carol lers, Isabel Bondurant, Ramona Nell Uiff, Rozanna Ruttencutter, Pulllam, Charlotte Shaw, Margaret Motch, Hope Keeney, Mary C. Watson, Elizabeth Thompson, Malcolm Barnes, George Busky, Art Fraser. B. P. Ramsey, Earl Mayes, Howard Patten. Costumes for the pageant were designed by Emma Mendel, Mabel Palmore, and Doris Smith. Joseph Ruttencutter is in charge of properties. Friday 13th Seniors to Meet A Senior Class meeting will be held at 3 o'clock Tuesday afternoon and all seniors are urged to attend. Nominations for the class and poet, historian, orator, giftorian must be in the office of the Dean of Men by noon Tuesday. An election will bo held at the meeting. CHRISTMAS TREE FOR CHILDREN IS PLANNED BY Y Organizations Will Play Santa Claus at the Campus HAGGIN ESSAY Should Follow CONTEST IS WON Students Are Asked to Make Donations by Sponsors of Movement Again the day of horrors is with us, the thirteenth has fallen on Friday. For the benefit of those who do not realize the grave danger in which they arc placed by this occurrence, the following rules are published. 1. In walking about the camp-H- s, keep away from buildings. A brick might strike you on the head. 2. Refuse to take any tests today. both ways before 3. Look crossing the street. 4. In case of injury, use first aid. 5. Stay away from dances. You might break a leg. 6. Don't open any packages, it might contain explosives. 7. Don't take any wooden nickels. 8. Last of all, don't go anyplace; stay In bed all day. ENTERTAINMENT GIVEN FOR MEN Program of Local Interest Is Presented by Woman's Club Tuesday Evening in Patterson Hall. The Woman's Club of the University entertained the men of the faculty Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock with a program of local interest phases. Miss Mary A. Shouse, well-knoLexington author was the speaker of the evening, while Mrs. several L. L. Dantzler rendered musical numbers. After being Introduced by Mrs. E. S. Good, Mrs. Shouse told the story of "Porgy," by Dorothy DuBose Heywood. "She read the crap shooting scene from the first act, the divorce discussion from the second act, and the entire scene from the fourth act in which Porgy returns from Jail. In commenting on the play, Mrs. Shouse said, it might be compared to many other plays not technically sound, but which give a panorama She of the life of the character. added that while the plot of Is not the "Porgy" is interesting, it fundamental basis of the play, but rather serves as a skeleton on which to build the author's portrayal of racial characteristics, primi tive religion, and fear of love and marriage. "The author," said Mrs. Shouse, "tries to show In the play that a race Is always subject to op pression, which Is exemplified in amusements, labors, and songs. Beauty is expressed through the rhythm of the songs as a background which plainly is seen in the acting of the play as it is acieoj under all conditions." At the conclusion of the program reception was held for Mrs. Shouse, during which tea and sandwiches were served. Eigensinn Will Staged in January Entertains Members of German Play Cast Dean C. R. Melcher comedy to "Eigensinn," a one-abe presented entirely in German, featuring Miss Anna Louise Rice and Mrs. Sarah H. Culbertson, will bo presented after the Christmas holidays at Patterson Hall, according to announcement made recently by Anton Grassel, director. The public will be aamiuea iree, Mr. Grassel said. It will be advisable for all freshman and sophomore German students to attend. The cast Is one of remarkable his trionic ability," he said, and would provide much amusement for those who understand the language. Dean C. R. Melcher entertained the members of the cast Wednesday night at his residence on Limestone street. A complete rehearsal, for the Dean's approval, was held at that time. Characters In the order of their appearance in the play are: a miner, uiarence Helnnch. Rothenburg; Llsbeth, a maid, Miss Louise Rice; Alfred, master of Anna the house, James s. Porter, Jr.; Emma, Alfred's wife, Mrs. Sarah H. Culbertson; Ausdorf, the father-in-la- w of Alfred, Richard M. Weaver; CHAMBERS IS ELECTED and Kathearina, Emma's mother, Dr. J. S. Chambers, head of the Mrs. Lola Robinson. hygiene department of the Univerof sity, was elected TAU BETA l'l INITIATES the Fayette County Medical assoTuesday ciation at a meeting held Tau Beta Pi, honorary engineer In the Lexington city hall. The ing fraternity, held an initiation association Is made up of all licens- Tuesday night at 7:30 o'clock in ed practitioners In Fayette county, were: and works in cooperation with the Dicker Hall. Those Initiated Fayette County Board of Health in R. K. Thornberry, W. W. Ford, Ben bettering health conditions in the Harrison, Sam Worthlngton, Fred Steers, and Charles Colvin. county. BY AARON LEE Winners Are Announced at Ag College General Assembly of Students RENICK W. DUNLAP IS PRINCIPAL SPEAKER Assistant U. S. Departmental Head Is Introduced by Dean Cooper Aaron Lee, junior in the College of Agriculture, from Depoy, Ky., was announced as winner of the Haggm Memorial Essay Contest at a general assembly of the faculty and students of the Agriculture College Wednesdays held at the Judging Pavllllon. Prizes amounting to $150 were awarded to five students who wrote on the subject, "The Eye of the Master Fattens His Cattle." Other prizes awarded were, second prize, $30, A. A. Williams, of Scotts- vllle; third prize, $20, William G. Survant, of Owensboro; fourth prize, $15, Theodore Milby, of Buffalo; and fifth prize, $15, Henry B. Cravens, Livia. Professor E. S. Good announced the winners and awarded the prizes. Announcement of the outcome of the contest came at the close of the assembly at which Renick W. Dunlap, assistant Secretary of Agriculture, was the principal speaker. Others on the program were Dean Thomas P. Cooper, who introduced Mr. Dunlap, and Russell J. Plue, who directed the assembly in singing "My Old Kentucky Home." Mr. Dunlap, said of himself that he was one member of the Department of Agriculture who was a farmer and who would always be one. He told of many of his while in college and of their value to him in later life. He continued by saying that the problem of the agriculture student today was to prepare to make profits by a study of economic conditions which lower the cost of production, rather than by raising the price of the commodity to the consumer. Professor Good, in announcing the winners, said that the amount distributed in prizes was made available by Mr. Haggln, a former student of the University, as a memorial to his father, who was always interested in the College of Agriculture. Valuable Articles Taken at Woodland Paraphernalia Worth 400 Is Stolen From Passion Players Saturday night $400.00 worth of costumes and antiques were stolen from the Woodland auditorium where the Passion Play was being presented. Ten swords, three iwlgs, one suit of armor, one sword of Pilate, which was a great antique, one helmet, and two Indian robes were taken. Students are suspected by the management as there were many In the cast who could have taken the articles. The management does not desire to prosecute anyone, but if the stolen goods are not returned at once they plan to turn the matter over to the police for investigation. The Sword of Pilate is an antique of much value and must be returned to avoid trouble as the Passion Players intend to exercise every possible means of recovering this priceless sword. The articles may bo left in the Kernel office or at any of the deans offices, or turned over to anyone connected with the presentation of the Passion Play and no questions will be asked. Taylor Addresses Fayette Teachers Dean W. S. Taylor, of the College was the principal of Education, speaker at the annual banquet of the Fayette County Teacher's Association held last night at the Phoenix hotel. The subject of his address was "What a Student Should Expect of a Teacher." Prof. W. S. Anderson, also of the University, who is chairman of the county school board, followed Dean Taylor, speaking on the topic, "What A School Shouud Expect of the County Board." The banquet program included several musical numbers by a quartet composed of University students. Among educational leaders present was W. O. Bell, superintendent of public instruction, in whose honor the banquet was given. 4 ml Wildcats' 1SW0 arranged for those who will attend, "Daddy" Boles and Coach Gamage have unlimbcred their fishing tackle and guns in the hope of bagging something besides a conference game. A special bit of game has been expressly reserved for Dr. Funk-dlrccthouscr. Residents have discovered a hugh mastadon about 10 miles i from Baton Rouge, and have wired him to bring his pick and shovel along, so that he can excavate and assemble the bones. The archacolo-cat- s' gist is pleased with the prospect and declares conference business will . have to wait until he has completed another chapter of his work on prehistoric animals. Plans for the New Year's Day Charity football game to be held in Atlanta, between teams picked from the northern and southern divisions of the conference, will be completed before the close of the meeting, Saturday. Word received from Baton Rouge yesterday indicated that Coach Gamage will be selected to coach the northern division team. KENTUCKY WILL USE "SUBMARINE OFFENSE' i Strength of Coach Mauer's Machine Is Very Potent Reserve By LAWRENCE CUUMP Saturday night at 8 o'clock, the edition of Coach Johnny Mauer's Wildcat basketball team, will tangle with the Georgetown College Tigers in the Men's Gymnasium. Three years ago, Georgetown took the State boys for a ride so we have the Wildcats in no mood for trifling. The Tigers are working under a Chester Dillon, who has recently completed a successful football season In his first year at Georgetown and who would like nothing better than to catch Coach Mauer's crew off guard to make his basketball team a howling success. All reports from Georgetown indicate that the Tigers will arrive In an ambulance and expect to be taken to the hospital immediately after the came which, of course, is so much bunk and for the reasons mentioned above the game .should prove unusually interesting for a curtain raiser. Coach Mauer will start a team composed of four seniors and one junior. The same combination that started practically all games last year. Captain McBrayer and last year's captain, Lawrence McGinnis. will start at guards, Milward at center, and Combs and Louis McGinnis at forwards. This comblna- bounce-pa- ss Kentucky's attack which was dubbed by Atlanta sports year as the "subwritters last marine offense" is one of the most spectacular of all methods used in advancing the ball down the floor. In the event that Coach Mauer is able to keep the jinx from climbing on board, .the Wildcats should enter the Southern Conference tournament In March as one of the most feared and respected teams in the South. In addition to the starting Jlneup, the varsity squad contains a number of capable reserves who can hold their own with any of the boys who will get the call tomorrow night. Spicer and Owens are just about on the par for forwards and George Yates will give Milward something to worry about at center before the season is much older. Bill Klelser, one of Coach Potter's proteges from the frosh of last year, is coming along fine and should develop into a first rate guard. McLane, who has previously played center and forward, is being groomed for a guard position and should see plenty of service before the end of the season. 1930 Guignol Players Display Talent In Season's Second Presentation "The Second Mrs. Tanqueray' Is Outstanding Dramatic Production ORGANIZATION TO GIVE BAZAAR DEPICTS TRAGEDY OF EARLY ENGLISH LIFE Y. W. C. A. Plans Sale of Articles at Patterson Hall Starring Honors Are Divided Booths; Woman's Club Do-at- With Meritorious Finesse r Cast in an Gifts. All-Sta- By THOMAS L. RILEY Plnero's "The Second Mrs. Tan queray" opened Monday night as the .second presentation on the. cur rent schedule of the Guignol theater and it is a production that the direction and management of that playhouse should feel justly proud. In fact, it is, in very way, one of the most outstanding plays that we have seen under the Guignol banner. "The Second Mrs. Tanqueray" tells a story entirely too complex to retell In a review of this nature. It is enough to say that it deals with English society and some of its strange facets that are hidden under the thin veneer of civilization. In individaul performances Edna Bradley Troxell in the title role Is paramount in importance, although. In our opinion, Ben Van Meter, in the part of Cayle Drummle who acts as a sort of confidant to the protagonists, deserves meritorious praise. Mrs. Troxell has a difficult characterization to enact which she does with a professional finesse and is materially assisted by George K. Brady, as Aubrey Tanqueray, her husband in the drama. The other members of the cask are, with a few exceptions, equally as convincing in their interpretations. Martin Glenn, Richard Car-ra- n, Joe Connelly, Willy King, HesMartin, Dorothy ter Green, Katherine Davis, John Noonan and Robert Thompson act in support. Miss Davis and Mr. Noonan are outstanding in this coterie. "The Second Mrs. Tanqueray" is decidedly a triumph for the technical side of the Guignol. Produced under the direction of Frank Fowler It stands as an almost perfect piece of stage artistry while the sets designed by Claude Walker are obviously the most pretentious In the history of the University's little theater. Beauty Queens W ill Be Named In Near Future Cecil B. DeMille and his associate judges are now preparing to select the Beauty Queens for the 1930 Kentuckian. Director Barnes of the beauty section announced last night that the names of the first eight winners would be made public by the staff next week. The annual "K" dance will be held on January 4, and will be the first social affair of the new year. At the dance the eight winners and all of the contestants will be guests of honor. Editor Couch and Director Barnes will introduce for the first time the young lady who Is nominated as Kentucky's Queen of Beauty. Judges this year are confronted with a greater task than ever beof the most beautifore. Forty-foful girls on the University campus are candidates for the beauty crown. This is by far the greatest number of contestants ever to enter the contest. Director Barnes is greatly pleased with the large representation and promises the largest and best beauty section in history. The beauty contest this year has attracted much favorable comment. candi Pictures of the forty-fodates have already appeared in the Cincinnati Post, and other papers. When the winners are announced, their pictures will be sent to many leading publications throughout the country as representative of the type of beauty to be found at the University of Kentucky. Political Science Faculty Members to Organize New Club Facutly members of the Political .Science department are sponsoring the organization of a new political Science Club. This club is to be similar to the International Relations Club which was formerly on the campus and which was sponsorUniversity Professor Named ed by Dr. Amry Vandenbosch who Editor of National is on leave of absence studying in the Netherlands. Publication The new Political Science Club first meeting Wednesday Dr. J. Holmes Martin, head of the held its afternoon in the Admlnsitration poultry department of the Experi- Building. Doctor Jones, head of ment Station and College of Agriculture, has been named editor of the Political Science Department, the Sickle and Sheaf, the official presided at this meeting, and N. W. publication of Alpha Gamma Rho, Williams was elected president pronational agricultural fraternity, ac the organization. cording to an announcement made tein of An organization meeting will be public by the national publication rn.,n nfllui If nnn held Monday afternoon I 1,.t at four rf thr htnhpst honors which enn he ' o'clock in the Political Science Liconferred upon a member of the brary in the Administration Buildfraternity. ing. All students interested in curDr. Martin was also elected to the rent political affairs and in Interexecutive council of Alpha Gamma requested to Rho at the recent annual meeting national relations are of the fraternity in Chicago. He attend this meeting and to join the was one of the principle speaker new Political Science Club. There on the convention program. He has are no prerequisites, anyone interheld numerous offices in the na- ested may become a member. The tional council. purpose of this organization will be He was one of the speakers at the af- meeting of the Virginia Poultry to encourage interest in political Federation at Richmond, Va. last fairs, In international relations, and to carry on the work along this line, week. i Alpha Gamma Rho Honors Dr. Martin Georgetown Net Aggregation May Give Big Blue a Hard Game Gridiron Schedule and Will Obtain flclnls, Continuing an annual policy of giving Christmas cheer to the children of Lincoln School, the Y. M. C. A. and the Y. W. C. A., at a cabinet meeting held Tuesday, December 10, voted unanimously to sponsor a Christmas tree and furnish Santa Claus for the children of the primary, first and second grades of this school. The visit of Santa will Wednesday afternoon bring Christmas to 180 children enrolled In those three grades. Plans for financing the tree were adopted upon the suggestion of the committee In charge and it was agreed that the custom of placing boxes over the campus as has heretofore been the custom, will be abandoned this year. Only the box under the decorated Christmas tree near the Administration building, will be used for students who wish to donate to the cause. It was further agreed that students and faculty members be given a special opportunity to contribute at the convocation to be held next Wednesday. The Pitkin Club, student luncheon club, and members of the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. cabinets, will furnish the remainder of the money necessary for the tree. Because the Christmas furnlsKed by the two organizations will be practically the only Christmas the majority of the children at Lincoln School will receive, a special plea to the students to contribute has been made by Mr. Peak, secretary of the Y. M. C. A. and Miss Margaret Lewis, secretary of the Y. W. C. A. The money will be used to buy toys, fruits, 'candles, 'and nuts for the children. Miss Bessie Stone, teacher of these grades, will assist the cabinet members in the distribution of the gifts. OPENING GAME Additional Games for Maurcr's Squad Approximately 150 coaches, of- and athletic directors of the Southern Intercollegiate Conference gathered Thursday at Baton Rouge, La., for the tenth annual meeting of the conference members. Among those attending from the University arc S. A. "Daddy" Boles, athletic Coach Harry Gamnge, Dr. W. D. Funkhouser, secretary of the conference, and Frank L. McVey, president of the University. Representatives from Kentucky will attempt to complete the Wild- 1930 football schedule and to fill open dates on Coach Maurer's basketball card. That this will be accomplished amounts to a certain-lt- y, according to Dr. Funkhouser, who said yesterday that the University is anxious to schedule anr other conference opponent for next year, thus giving Gamage's Wildcats seven conference games of the eight planned for the 1930 card. The people of Loulsana are planning to make the meeting a gala affair. Hunting trips, fishing and other forms of diversion have been COLLECTION WILL BE TAKEN AT ASSEMBLY PREPARED FOR University Representatives Will Attempt to Complete the Lincoln School Here Are a Few Rules All Superstitious Students BASKETEERS ARE Kentucky Athletic Officials Attend Annual S. I. C. Session A Christmas bazaar, sponsored by the University Y. W. C. A., will be held from 4 to 6 o'clock today In the reception room of Patterson Hall. The joint chairman of the committee are Bessie Bush and Marie Flora. Some of the things which will be sold are: fruit cakes, dolls, relishes, handkerchiefs, pottery, and stationery designed by the handicraft students in the university. There will be decorated booths which represent six foreign countries: Ireland, Spain, Russia, India, Italy, and China. During the afternoon there will be a musical program. Tzventan Nedelkoff of Kosludsy, Bulgaria, a freshman in the College of Engineering, will give a violin program, playing the folks songs of the Balkan countries. He will wear his native costume. Toward the end of. the afternoon Charles Spaulding will play selections from modern composers on the Vibra-Phounder the auspices of the modernistic booth. The Woman's Club of the University has given most of the gifts for the bazaar. This sale offers an opportunity to the Christmas shoppers to obtain gifts easily and quickly. The students who have offered their assistance are: Elizabeth Howard, k, Maryanna Lancaster, Marie DeFrosla Rone, Elise Bureau, and Nancy Kincheloe. THE AER0L0GIST SHOWS U. K. LAB National Magazine Tells of Percy H. Johnston Solar Laboratory at University of Kentucky. W.S. G. A. Gives Tea Dance at Pat Hall The new Percy H. Johnston Solar Laboratory on the University campus is the main feature of the December Issue of the Aerologist, national publication dedicated to the solution of the climatic and atmospheric problems in Industry and other branches of human activity. The article on the labratory is written by E. V. Hill. The Aerologist is considered by ventilation engineers to be one of the foremost national publications in its field. It has a crlculation of 5,123 copies monthly. The first five pages and the cover of the magazine are given over to tfie article and pictures showing Dean Anderson, and Mr. Johnston, who endowed the laboratory, and a number of views of Uie laboratory itself. Many explanatory diagrams are included in the description. In his article Mr. Hill takes the readers through all rooms of the laboratory, allowing Dean .Anderson. tho de5igUer of tne iab0ratorVi to" explain the purpose for which this Only University Women Are Invited to Novel Entertainment A tea dance, to which only women students of the University were Invited, was given by the Women's Self Government Association, from 4 to 6 o'clock yesterday In Patterson Hall. Katherine Kennedy was chairman of the committee In charge of the arrangements. The Boyd Hall council was in charge of the decorations and the Patterson Hall council was In charge of the serving. Miss Sarah Blandlng, dean of women; Mrs. P. K. Holmes, assistant dean; Mrs. Giles, house-mothof Boyd Hall; Miss Dora Berkley, house-mothof Patterson Hall; and Mrs. Sherill. house-mothof Smith Hall; were guests and chaperons at me aance. ' Mildred Dud- rind form Vnv of Patterson Hall; pmnts ana animals. Edythe Reynolds, secretary; and air conditioning and Mae Bryant, treasurer. Anderson is making monkeys, birds, dogs, other animals. Will Polk, ley, Pan Hellenic Gi'im Uance lOllltfllt , ii r In his study of sunlight, Dean use of plants, cats, mice, and 1,115 bOUU moratory nears me name of Percy H. Johnston who is tho president of the Chemical Bank Tho "d Trust Company, of New York dance for 1929 will be held tonight in the Men's City. Gymnasium from 9 to 1. Ray Miller CONVOCATION and his original 12 piece orchestra WEDNESDAY have been secured through the ic President Frank L. McVey will be efforts of the Council. Thorp will ho ! rpfrnlnr tin.hrpnlre the speaker at the next University 'and 2 extras. The gymnasium will Convocation, which will be held at . be decorated with the shields ' 10 o'clock, December 18, in Memorial of the 14 fraternities which com- - i Hall. The topic of the President's pose address will be "Between Us." He I Piecedlng the dance there will be will give a frank talk to the etup. a banquet at 6:30 in the Red Room dents, expressing his hopes for the I of the Lafayette hotel for wie mem University and for the student body. bers of the Council and their dates. Music will be furnished by the Glee 'The banquet, like the dance, will be Club under the direction of Prof. Carl Lampert. formal. , * Best Copy KERNEL THE KENTUCKY PAGE TWO Browning, Ruby Wilson, Virginia Charles Maxon, Bentlcy Simpson, Ellis, Bertha Flynn, Mildred Gra-B- V liuuaiiiMi jo Harold Martin, Jack Strothcr, MonPortman, Clay, Ruth Kai)I)a roe Perry, Horace Helm, Matt Pli ham. Lcnorc Martha Rigglns. 1 Matthews, and D. Lchmcn. Richard Hlchards, Sam Parent, William Webb. Knnua Delta PI. national honor CORNELL APPLIES FOR PATENT Chn pennies were Mr, and Mrs. Onylc Moheny, Lieut, and Mrs. J, ary education fraternity, held Initia E, flees, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Webb, tion services at G o'clock Wcdnes-- ! Corncn university has applied for hotel Mrs. Edward P. Farquhar, Mr. nnd day night, at the d lncxpcnslve f ' by a ,. ... Mrs. Oraddy Scllards, Mr. and Mrs. The Initiation was . n Pat Ryan, Mr. and Mrs. Homer banquet In honor of the Initiates process m mKinK um augui.M ,u-glvcSunday, December 15 by the active chapter. There cess discovered by Dr. Paul Sharp, Baker, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Webb. Vesper Services at 4 o'clock in Bids were also sent to the men's were sixty guests present. professor of dairy chemistry at the Memorial Hall. fraternities. Monday, December 1(5 John Howard Payne, president of University. The process is said to First night of musical comedy, Say "Merry Christmas" to Mother Moorchcad State Teachers College, yield n milk sugar not formerly was the principal speaker. Initiates used on the market, which may be "Local Color" presented by Strollers The Ladies Home Journal, Skinner, Helen ' substituted for ordinary table sugar. of the University and continuing with per year. Phone Ashland 3798. were: Elizabeth $1.00 throuoh Wednesday, mnnnmnn:mtmnmmm:mmmj:::tmmumtmnm:mmmmnmmmmi Wednesday, December 18 Christmas Bazaar Pres. and Mrs. McVey's afternoon a Christmas tea for tho students and faculty of This afternoon bazaar, sponsored by the University the University. Kentucky Y. W. C. A., will be B. B. SMITH & CO. Convocation at 3rd hour. Pres. of held from 4 to 5 o'clock in tho Frank L. McVcy, speaker. recreation room of Patterson hall. Thursday, December 19 Misses Bessie Bush and Marie Flora Stroller tea dance. arc Joint chairmen of the commitCORRECT APPAREL FOR WOMEN AND MISSES tee In charge of the affair. Alpha Sigma Phi Dance represent Decorated booths will Alpha Sigma Phi fraternity of the Ireland, University of Kentucky entertained six foreign countries 2G4 West Main Street and with an enjoyable dance Saturday Spain, Russia. India, Italy, repwill evening nt the chapter house on China. The Italian booth resent an Italian garden scene, nnd East Maxwell street. Modernistic designs formed the those in charge will wear costumes tttttnKtKtttttttmttmttntmttmttttmnmmmmtmtutttttttmtttttttttm decorations and the mural panels of that country specially designed carried out the same design in the by Miss Rosalind Angeluccl. Tea representfraternity colors. An orchestra play will be served at a booth ing a Chinese cafe. The Irish booth ed during the hours of 9 to 12. The active chapter are Messrs, win rpII fruit cakes made underJack McOurk, Edward Baute, Mar- - the direction of Miss Marie Bark...v. i iey, ui mu ucjjui snan Bterate, J. uwen Jones, Day, Harry Day, Dudley Slsk, Wll- - Economics. son Lowry, Richard Lowry, Joe Mc- The musical program will consist Ourk, John Epps. William Barton, , of two parts. Mr. Tzvetan Nedel-MariCustard, Joseph Martin, koff of Kosiudy, Bulgaria, a fresh-ThomBeard, Glen Wieman, Don man In the College of Engineering, Williams, Henry Wieman, Glen will give a violin program, playing Prince. Norman Halnsey, Kern Pat- - the folk soncs of the Balkan coun- terson, Ray Mayes, William Saund- - tries. He will wear the holiday the newest dance record by Guy Lombardo and His Royal crs. costume native to Bulgaria. Later Canadians, so of course it's another peppy Mr. Charles The pledges are Messrs. Harold! in the afternoon Lombardo plays llicsc two snappy hits (no need to introduce Butts, William Carney, Milton Ca- - Spaulding will play selections from vana, Hershel Cave, Fred Cunning- - modern composers on the vlbra-hn- m them to you I) in the smooth, moderate tempo you bear on nnihprt. nhone under the program of the Monrv Tinrimm all the smartest dauce floors. And into each number be injects Squires. Edward Van March, Frank modernistic booth. skilful musical embroidery or his own that will have you sayMvcrs. James Saunders. George Tho Woman's Club of the Uni- ing, "Give mc that oncl" Evans versity and the Advisory Board of Stewart, Conrad Smith, Hear these other ne