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65 GET DEGREES New Issue of 'Letters' Features




Short Story by Mary L. Magruder






Twelfth Win from Blue Devils

Will Speak Here




Undefead Basketeers
r avontes to malee
re neavy r

Shows Deere: ise
Featuring a short story. "Flowers Enrollment
of 1S.1 Students From
by Mary Lniner Maof the Dust"
First Semester
gruder, a talented Kentucky nutlinr
:, who has contributed
to several
nationally known publications. Let
ters, literary publication of the unir.
versity, edited by Prof. E. F.
.1. Y. Brown Speaks p.t BanRegistration Closes Feb. 15;
made its second appearance
quet Held hy Alumni Club
Saturday Latest Date
of the school year February I.
for Class Change
In Commons
Dunsler Foster Petitt Re3.
Another short story by Elizabeth
places Margaret Lewis
Registration figures late yester
Sixty-fiv- e
S. Clay, "Alias Mary O'Brien" adds
students were awarded
as Helen Pettigrew
day show that 2,747 students have
at the annual mid-yedecrees
to the fiction of the publication.
commencement exercises held last
Both of these short stories are ex- registered for the second semester.
Opening at the Guignol theater
Friday, January 29. in Memorial
This is a decrease of 483 from the
ceptionally well done, the first be- number registered
last semester, Monday night for a week's run. J.
Dr. James Thomas Cotton r
ing slightly reminiscent
of Sax when 3.230 were enrolled in the L. Balderston's "Berkeley Square"
Noe, College of Education, delivered
is expected to prove one of the
Rohmer, while the latter is a
the commencement address on the
subject. "Your Alma Mater."
Complete figures will not be avail most popular productions of the lopungent story, cleverly
Rufus Lisle, candidate for the de- I
able until next week due to the fact cal season. Full rehearsals have
gree of Bachelor of Laws, was gradthat numerous teachers from near been held during the last week, and
Two aquatints by Mabel Palmore by towns are expected to register in order to assure theatergoers of
uated "with distinction." This honor is Riven only to graduates who
of the art department of the uni- for extension classes. Late registrar a faultlessly smooth performance
Director Frank Fowler plans two
have attained a standing between
versity, Shadow Melody, and Dorm- tions are expected to swell the total dress rehearsals.
2.4 and 2.6 and have attended the
to a figure nearer the enrollment of
itory Hush, show etchings of a difMargaret Lewis, who was cast
university for at least three years.
last semester
originally as Helen Pettigrew. withferent type than those usually attf " ; I
The academic procession began
An analysis of the registration
the exercises. It was lead by Major
figures discloses the fact that ap drew from the cast, and Dunster
tempted by Letters. The illustraFoster Petitt was chosen lor the
Owen R. Meredith, marshal of the
tions show nicely planned tonal ef- proximately the same number of part. Mrs. Petitt is remembered
day, and the assistant marshals,
freshmen enrolled this semester as
favorably by local audiences for her
O. B. CofTman, William E. Florence,
last February, when
The poetry section has attracted marticulated enrolled were begin- work in the Romany production,
B. O. Kazanjian, S. M. Harper, B.
120 of the 3.102
"The Visiting Lady," and in "Holiunithe attention of lyricists, both
C. LeRoy, L. M. Mahan, 8. E.
ning students
H. V. Smith, P. II. Woods,
versity students and graduates, and
The decrease of the enrollment is day" last season. will
play Peter
Director Fowler
and C. R. Yeager, R. O. T. C. cadets.
students from other colleges. The attributed to the prevailing eco- Standish, the young man who goes
The president of the university and
Doctor Frary, director of research leading as usual is toward the free nomic conditions, authorities said. into the past for a visit to his anthe speaker of the day were next of the Caluminum
of verse and blank verse type. Walter That it was not manifested during cestors, and other parts in the play
in tho order of the march. They America, New Kensington, Pennsylthe first semester enrollment was
were followed by the chairman of vania, will speak at the regular F. Wright, Anne Luxon, Harry Dent) due to the fact that former stu- have been assigned to Ouignol vetouvste Fosren ferrr,
the board of trustee.;, the trustees February meeting of the Lexington Silvia Graham, and Nancy Morton dents who were unemployed re- erans.
Bowden each has two or more turned to school for a semester of
The play, which had a Ion New
and official guest?, the deans of the section of the Ame.-icaChemical
York run during the 1929-3- 0 season
colleges, the alumni, the candidates Society in be held at 4 o clock Mon 'meritorious lyrics in this issue. Miss work.
and which previously proved equal- SELF-PORTRAI- TS
for the advanced degrees, and the day afternoon, February 8, in room Bowden is a young literary light of
freshmen were not conductThe
England, will lend
candidates for the bachelor degrees. 201, Kastle hall. The subject of the Louisville public schools.
ed through the usual freshmen ly popular In
Prof. Paul K. Walp of the po- week as Is the custom at the be- novelty and variety to the LexingPres. Frank L. McVcy presided Doctor Frary's address will be "A
over the commencement. Dr. R. H. Birdseye View of the Aluminum litical science department culmi- ginning of the first semester. In- ton season. Careful attention to
nates his "Sketch of Political Science stead, the new freshmen were al- casting and details of direction
pastor cf the First Industry."
should culminate in a finished and
Methodist church, pronounced the
speaker Is known throughout Literature" begun in November, In lowed to register with the old stu- professional production.
Current Show at Art Center
invocation and benediction.
this issue. Commencing with Gro-ti- dents. They were under the direcDr. the country for his accomplish
The complete cast: Helen PettiMcVey awarded the degrees and ad- ments in the field of metallurgy
he works down through Locke, tion of Dean C. R. Melcher, who
Consists of 52 Portraits
connecting him and Marx with the also supervises the first semester grew. Dunster Foster Petitt; Peter
ministered the class oath. Mr3. and chemistry.
by American, EuroStandish, Frank Fowler; Kate Petpolitical science of their respective orientation program.
William H. Hansen, Lexington, sang
pean Artists
tigrew, Christine Johnson;
ages, and concludes with the ina solo.
The last day of registration will
Martha Johnson;
fluence of modern agencies and de- be February IS. After that date no Ann Pettigrew,
Following the
Mar-- .
Tom Pettigrew, Parry Kraatz;
and Mrs. McVey were hosts to the
lerson may enter an organized
Wehle; Mrs.
graduates, alumni, and friends at a
"Ballads and Their Stories," by class. February 6 is the last day a Jorie Frant, Ruth McLaughlin; Am
The exhibition of
tea given at their home. Maxwell
Jean Thomas, is a study of some of change may be made in schedules bassador, W. R. Sutherland; Mr.
our more or less known ballads and or in registration without the pay- Throstle, George White Fithian; American and European artists
A banquet was prepared in l.on-their origins. Miss Thomas, for- ment of a fee. according to the reMurray Mortimer which began
of the graduates by the univerRoom Was Closed Three merly a court stenographer in the port of the registrar's office. After Major Clinton, Stanley, Duke jonn- - week will be at the Art Center this
shown until Monday,
Benton: Lord
sity Alumni association at ths UniWeeks Ago Because of
mountains of Kentucky of which February 15, no student may drop a ston; Duke of Cumberland, Blaine
versity Commons. John Y. Brown,
she writes, is capable of handling course without receiving a grade. Wilhelm Schick; Miss Barrymore, February 29, according to an anDisappearance of 50
'28, speaker of the Kentucky house
nouncement made by Prof. E. W.
this sort of thing.
Ardery Sparling: Wilkens, Annette
of representatives, was the princiRannells, head of the art departOther articles, "Recent DevelopNewlyn.
pal speaker, and Leon K. Frankel,
Philosophy" by
Costuming for the play is in ment. Beginning Friday. February
"00. presided as toastmaster.
INVENTORY TO BE MADE Kulper Inand "Up from Prof. John
charge of Eleanor Hopkins, assist- 12, Professor Rannells will speak
services for the
to Front Rank of American Dram-itist- s'
ed by Virginia Wilson.
graduates were held Sunday, Jan
The library browsing room will
G. L. Crutcher is stage manager connection with the exhibition.
uary 24, In Memorial hall by the reopen today, acording to an an- featured. Florence Crowder also are
and has executed capably the set The collection, which was assemblRev. Mr. Homer Carpenter, First nouncement issued by Dr. George
The usual penultimate depart
required for the production.
ed by the College Art association.
Methodist church, Louisville. His K. Brady, chairman of the commitment,
consists of 52 portraits. The main
subject was, "A Mind to Match the tee in charge of the room. The They "Book Reviews'' and "Who
Are," a glossary of the writers
part of the exhibit has been placed
room has been closed for three in
this issue, conclude the magazine.
in the large hall of the Art Center.
One doctor's, eleven master's, and weeks following the disappearance
fifty-thrand others are hung in the art
bachelor's degrees were of approximately 50 books.
Phi Beta To Sponsor Proclassrooms and in the glass exhibit
conferred upon the graduates at the
The room, which has been a popgram by Dwight Ancases In the basement of the li- -j
commencement exercises. The list ular innovation, will remain open,
derson, Pianist
brary. The galleries at the Art
of graduates and their degrees are: Doctor Brady stated, as long as
will be
College of Arts and Sciences
students do not abuse the priviAlpha Gamma Delta Distrib Center tft n'nl open . wJ n week-da-..,.!,...
frrm ft
Degree of Bachelor of Arts: Mar- leges. An inventory will be taken at
utes Mite Boxes Among from 2 to 4 o'clock
garet Louise Alexander, Mary Susan regular intervals in order to insure
Louisville pianist, will be the visitand
Armstrong, Nannie Louise Best,
exhibition is one of the most
the school against loss of addition- Scholarship and Attendance ing artist at the musicale to be held
Owsley Bush, Richard Cdle-ma- n al volumes. Students will be urged
noteworthy fhat has been shown at
Group Considers 125 Stu In Memorial hall at 4 o'clock SunCarr, Milton James Cavana, by authorities to cooperate with the
the university, and includes a num- dents' Petitions for Rein day afternoon. Phi Beta, honorary
Ellen Langlno Goode, Fred Morgan library in the use of the room.
Approximately 1500 mite boxes ber of pieces of especial lmoortance
musical sorority, is sponsoring Mr. have been distributed over the uni- - according to Professor Rannells.
Fross, Barah Lillian Jones, Robert
Persons suspected of taking the
statement in University
Joseph Kee, Alvin McGary, Pearl books from the room have been apAnderson's appearance at the uni- versity campus and In the city of One of the most important of these
Louise Mclntyre, Kermit Allen Pack, prehended by the committee
The scholarship and attendance versity.
Lexington by Alpha Gamma Delta is the unfinished canvas by the
Rosena were eliminated from further con- committee has held four meetings
Mabel Aleene Palmore,
Mr. Anderson has studied under 6orority for the purpose of getting late Abbott Thayer. Others of special
ShipCatherine Rogers, Lizzie Mary
sideration last week, when second during the past week to consider
donations to aid needy students and note, he said, are those by: Max
ley, Thomas Lee Smith, Charles semester registration was held.
applications for reinstatement from the most famous artists. He receiv- the unemployed of Lexington. The Beckman, a leader among modern
Mary Frances
Thomas Stewart.
Organized supervision of the room 125 students who have been drop- ed the g neater part of his musical drive started Thursday, January zi, oerman
pain'ers, whose canvas
may seem crude at first, but has
is prohibitive because of the ex- ped from the university.
education at Fontalnebleau, France, and will close February 12.
Degree of Bachelor of Science: pense. Doctor Brady said. Other
Since a comparatively large num
Three-fourtof the total money ereat breadth and vigor: Vincent
was a pupil of M. Phillipp.
William Paul Haller, Claude Lynn schools maintain such
browsing ber who were dropped have ex where he
the drive will be Canade, an American painter, whose
and also studied under Frederic contributedtheto student loan fund, double portrait has the intensity
Nesbltt. Travis Bun Pugh, Jr.
superrooms and have no organized
pressed no Intention of asking for
given to
College of Agriculture
Shailer Evans, American artist.
vision. For that reason the comreinstatement, it was possible to
which at the present time is almost of earlv Italian portraits: Raoul
Degree of Bachelor of Science in mittee believes that the university
present he is connected with exhausted.
of the pro- - Dufy, French artist, who has come
Agriculture: Noble Everette Bailey. should be able to conduct such a those who made application,
Louisville Conservatory
ac the
ceeds will go to the Lexington un- - to be recognized as one of the great
Degree of Bachelor of Science In place without a librarian to main- cording to an announcement from Music.
Lucien Simon,
employed. A committee composed textile designers:
Home Economics: Martha Juanita tain order.
the registrar.
The program:
a French painter, known es-of Dean Sarah G. Blanding. Prof.
Chapman, Julia Ann Dugan, Mary
will necially
The ruling is that any student
S. Webb, and Bart Peak
for his water colors;
I. Organ Concerto in D Minor
(Continued on page Six)
who makes a standing of less than Friedemann Bach (Transcribed by have complete charge of the dis- - Board mnn Robinson. Ame-ica- n
1 during a semester
is on proba
received in tist. who is
of all funds
as cartoon-th- e
tion, and If he makes a standing of
ist for The New Masses and other
II. Andante Favorl Beethoven
less than .7 the next semester, he is
also as a
The boxes have been placed in socialist publications,
Rondo in D Major Mozart
automatically dropped and may be
dorm-- 1
Scabbard and Blade, national hon reinstated only if his application is
ni. Sonata in B Minor, Op 58 fraterniy and sorority houses, of- - mural painterPoor, first importance:
H. Varnum
also American
itories. homes of town students,
orary military fraternity, passed res- accepted by the scholarship and at- Chopin
fices of the faculty members, the who is perhaps one of the country's
Allegro Maestro
Phi Psi Phi Is Granted olutions at a meeting last night tendance committee of the univerUniversity Commons. foremost ceramic artists; George
library, the
Chapter by Alpha
which commended the stand taken sity.
and other places that are frequent Luks. who is an outstanding Ameri
The committee was in session
by Hon. Virgil Chapman
ed by university students. Many of can artis'. although his canvas in
Lambda Tau
Finale Presto
Monday afternoon and special sesthe downtown business places are this particular exhibition is not an
national armaments. In a speech
IV. La Vallee des Cloches Ravel cooperating.
important example of his work:
National officers of the Alpha before the General Assembly Thurs- sions were held Tuesday morning
Leaux d' Eau Ravel
afThe slogan printed on the mite Henri de Wuroquler. French artist;
Lambda Tau, national social fra- day afternoon Mr. Chapman advised and afternoon and Wednesdaymeets
In D Sharp Minor, Op. 8. boxes. "An Earnest Appeal for a and Harold Weston. American paint
ternity, presided at the installation preparation for war as a means of regularly atTheo'clock every Wed- No. 12 Scriabine
Especially interesting is the
Penny a Meal", was started In the
of Phi Psi Phi, locaf social fratern- preserving peace.
nesday afternoon in the office of
La Danse d'Olaf
belief that if earh student would canvas bv Roger Prv.
ity, which was held Saturday, JanAn honorary membership in the the registrar, and checks are mude
contribute a penny for a meal duruary 30, at the chapter house on local chapter of Scabbard and Blade on irregular attendance,
failure in
(Gypsy Baron)
ing the drive quite a large fund $3,535.05
the corner of Maxwell and Transyl- will be tendered Mr. Chaprruv.
classwork and grants of permission Dohnanyi
would be accumulated.
telegram which was sent to him by to students who desire to carry exvania streets.
Following the official Installation the organization last night follows: tra work.
"Kentucky chapter Scabbard and
a banouet was held at 6:30 o'clock,
Members of
The annual Kentucky Education
Saturday night at the Phoenix Blade commends your courageous representatives the committee the
from each of
association banquet, sponsored by
stand for adequate national defense colleges, the dean of men, the dean
That the university is solidly beAccording to a recent announce- expressed in your s)eech before the of women,
the university, will be given the
and the registrar. Dr.
Lexington in its
ment. Alpha Lambda Tau national Kentucky Legislature on the occa- T. T. Jones, College of Arts and
For the first time in the history ninlit of April 14 at the Brown hotel. hind the citv of drive is
convention will be held September sion of the presentation of the bust Sciences, is chairman.
of the university, a university band Louisville, during the Kentucky bv the fact Chest with oneevidenced
day reconvention
1, 2 and 3 of this year in Lexingof Washington to the state of Kenwill be organized during the first Education
to obtain subscriptions, a
ton. Omicron and Sigma chapters tucky."
semester of the summer school ses- which meets in that city April 13 in linnii! S3.535.05
total of
has been amassed
Mr. Chapman's advocacy of ade
and the Lexington alumnus
sion. The band which is being or- 14, and 15. Jesse Adams, College of
quate armaments was made during
tion will act as hosts.
ganized to comply with requests Education, is chairman of the pro- bv the faculty and administrative
Officers of the university chapter his presentation seech of the bust
from musical supervisors and band gram committee for the banquet.
All men wishuig to try out for
In 1931 the total donated to the
are: W. J. Wigginton, Lexington, of Washington. Governor Laffoon
directors throughout the state, will
IUJ2 track squad are asked
Chest by the university was
president: John M. Clark, Mavsvllle. accepted the bust for the state.
be a regulur feature of the twiliuht
to report to Couch Benue Shiv-elSl'KY TRVOl'TS!
05. and the number of pledges
Walter Hurdymon,
track mentor, at Alumni assemblies Thursdaya'e being planned7
solicited was 423. This year t tie
Maysville. treasurer; James Temp, liriCIIINS SPFAKS TO C.KOl'P
evening from
for each
gymnasium at 4 o'clock Monday
Suky tryouts must sell at the
donation already exceeds that ot
l!n, scribe: and John Yancey, Newuntil 8 p. m. during the summer
of the basketball
last year by $!i9 25. The drive closes
port, warden.
The International Relation's club
It is not essential that the school term.
games in order to be eligible for
Other members of the chapter held a meeting at 8:30 o'clock MonThe class in band instruments
candidates for the field events
membership in the organization,
are: John F. Hart. E. M. Hays. Wil- day, Ybvuary 1, in the University
The amount received from the
sturt training at once, but all will meet five days a week and one it has been announced by memliam Hunt. W. R. Meredith, George Commons. President Hutchins of
various colleges:
hour credit will be given to the bers of the circle. Attendance
runners must report Monday.
Wotcott, W. C. Wineland. Harry Berea College, speaker of the eveAdministrative staff. S"u50;
Equipment will be issued at this members. This organization will be
and sales are the basis of eligiCarloss. and James Flowers. Pledges ning, spoke on India. President
of Commerce, $151 : College of
tune. Work will start inunedia-tel- y open to both men and women, and
bility, the members announced,
are: Phillip Hurdymon, Rav Hunt, HutchuiK was a member of a surEducation. S35050; College of En- it is expected that many of the
to prepare for the first meet
and attendance at basketball
Douglas Warders, Frank Hutchin- vey coniniLssion and as such rpent
gineering, S549 50; College of Arts
throughout the games is as necessary as attendmusic directors
of the season, which will be held
son, and Wood row Stuart. Dr. L. several montlis in India last year.
and Sciences, $1,090.40; College of
state will attend. The twilight asearly in April.
ance at football gumes.
College of ComH. Carter of the
Wlnle lime he had an interview
Agriculture and Experiment sru- semblies will consist of musical proI
merce is faculty advisor.
with Oandhl.
grams and supervised games.
tion, $796 40.

Unfits I. isle Achieves Honor
of Graduating 'With




J. L. Balderston's Drama
Will Open Monday Night















Mil-like- n,





Bar-wic- k,



Louisville Artist

Will Give Recital

In Memorial Hall






Ma-lln- da

two-thir- ds

Local Fraternity
Becomes National






Scabbard and Blade
Commends Chapman





Plans Beinjr Made
For Summer Band

To Community Chest
of K. Faculty


Light Practice Sessions Held
After Battle With Vandy

Centers Main Atten-

tion on Struggle With
Alabama, Monday





Coach Adolph Rupp'.s Wildcat
basketeers are heavy favor-

ites to take their twelfth victory from the Blue Devils of
Duke University.
The game
will begin at 8 o'clock Saturday night in the Alumni gymnasium.

Yesterday afternoon the 'Cats
worked out in the gym after their
battle with the Vandy Commodores Wednesday night in which
Sale, Darby, and DeMoisey received minor injuries that will
probably slow them up Saturday
A short workout probably
wiU be the program for Saturday afternoon. Foul shooting and
other light work to taper the men
off will be aU the practice necessary, Coach Kupp asserted.
Rupp not Worried
Coach Rupp is not worried much
about winning the Alabama strug- cyl
TnnHav niohf Tr a etota- ment to The Kernel he said, "If
Duke defeats us it really will have
some team." The Duke quintet is
coached by Eddie Cameron and according to advance reports it is
an excellent aggregation, although
It has been defeated this season In
the Southern conference.
The floorwork of the Kentucky
guards. Worth injrton and Johnson,
has been excellent during- the entire season and was never more
evident than in the VanderbUt
fray. In spite of the rough and
tumble In spite of the rough and
Nashville team, these men worked the baU down the floor with
brilliancy. They made many shots
possible kc their center and for- wards by fiieir accurate passes,
Vandy Game Rough
Coach Rupp was "disgusted" with
the officiating In the Vanderbilt
game. The game was like a football contest, with many body contacts In order. Only one foul was
called in the first half, and few in
the last half. Vandy scored first
and continued to score until the
Kentuckians caught on to their
rough style of play. When they did
catch on they gave tit for tat. Darby
was knocked into a wall and received bruises that may keep him
out of the starting lineup Saturday
evening. Sale and DeMoisey also
are a bit the worse for wear due to
their experiences Wednesday night,
and the rest of the boys nurse
numerous bruises.
The Duke game may be another
thriller, which results when two
teams are as tense rivals as are
Duke and Kentucky.
Ever since
Duke came into the Conference in
and defeated
the Wildcat
basketball team in the
of the Southern conference tournament in Atlanta a fierce rivalry between the two schools has resulted.
Duke defeated the Wildcat football team in 1930 and repeated
aeain this year, but last year at the
Southern tourney the 'Cats bumoed
off the Blue Devils in the quarterfinals. Saturday the Devils will remember that night down in Oeor-gi- a
and strive to even the count.
The Wildcat machine has rounded into form and the' mentcv Is
atrain uncertain of his starting team-Hprobablv will start the same
team that started against Washington-Lee
and Vaiulerbilt If Darbv
and DeMoisey recover bv Saturday
night Sale and Darbv will start at
forward positions. DeMoisey at cen-teand Johnson and Worthlnoton
at guard. If these two stellar plav-er- s
are unable to start. Kreuter and
possiblv Davis will start if Davis'
bad ankle is stilliciently healed by





State Is Presented
Bust of Washington


Col-U-i- ;e


The anniversary of the date on
which George Washington sined a
pact making the territory of Kentucky a state of the union was celebrated Thursday in Frankfort, with
exercises beginning at 11 o'clock In
the house of representatives.
Virgil Chapman, congressman
from the seventh district of Ken- tucky. will present a bust of the
first president to the state at a
Joint session of the senators and
