xt72v6988w39 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt72v6988w39/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1941 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, July 1941 Vol.12 No.9 text The Kentucky Press, July 1941 Vol.12 No.9 1941 2019 true xt72v6988w39 section xt72v6988w39 5:" ,l I ,
z, ll‘ifil Published In the Interest ol: Community Ill .
fl Journalism - - OF, by, and For III
fI Kentucky Newspapers III
‘ l Volume Twelve Number Nine II

 ”7». III,,”I l ' . I1 'v:
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l1: II"I Il Page Two THE KENTUCKY PRESS July, 1941 I
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I I I Paul by R31 reads 1n I “2::
9; I -< , I‘ 552' C
‘II I: I breé
~ III I Kentucky in 1940
ll I I ll -I Col:
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I , I- ’53? last
I M z::::=:::::s:52255255222395: _ . . 5:33:
Z II .Ill : Il Railroads operating in Kentucky paid You can readily see by these figures l star
I I III“ ll a total of more than $5,300,000 in taxes to that every section of our Commonwealth l brr:
1 El, I ll ii the State, counties, cities and towns last shares in the prosperity and earnings of l T
I "I II I I . . I,
I , llll IIl year. Of this amount, at least $2,645,000 Kentucky railroads. So it IS to your in- ~, MT-
' ll “l I ll l: went ““0 SChOOl Funds; approx1mately terest, as a progressive citizen and tax- \ l cha
II III '3 1 3555;;
. = II: II 2 ~ - - 10C:
, WlllI' II I $960,000 went to build and maintain payer— I ’1
I l l l I county roads and city streets, and the re— l he
" Ill I I maining $ wen n 0 enera 1. TO OPPOISE unfair national or l tior
”TI Ill l l state subsidies to competing forms of . spe
I Il I II Thus the railroads paid a generous transportation. Ilvhf
l l -Il share of all the money required to con- . bre
II Ii. I ll duct State, county and local business. 2. TO SUPPORT fair and reasonable ‘ 39w
I I i l' :53;:5:;:::;’:3£3255:E=515I:: :53
. III I ;s 55555Eéi§§§§§€§5§2§E§i§§§555§5 - - - . 11“
l EII l III Thls includes public education, streets measures to put 51]] other carries for hire ant
I I' Ill Is IIII' and highways, public health work, police under regulaflons Similar to those pre— - ilie
1 ; I i; I * and fire protection, mental and tubercu- _ _ . b
i I LIII: scribed for razIroads—which bear so er
l I I ‘IIIII losis hospitals, penal institutions, public I
"I . . . . ' 1 th 1 d
ll char1ty, administration, and all the other arge a part Of e genera tax bur en 2:51
5 II , . . .
I 5 III Eli serv1ces that you and other Citizens re- and carry over thelr own roadways the l am
I I, l‘: quire of your State and local goVern- bulk of the country’s transportation Ioad {111:
I ll lIl lII ments. 1n peace and in war. rep
= 17 = i-I' I ag(
I a! R 'l 11 ~ . . I E11
I SI II Kentucky a1 rea Association I Re-
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1941 1 July, 1941 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Three EEE 1 I
EEiE- E E .'
E Two Prominent Kentuckians fodils of many species, which Mr. Elkin Miss Hutton Attends Convention EEE; E
,1 Die Dmmg Thzs Il/Ionth cultivated. Visltors annually flock _to Miss Mary Elizabeth Hutton, Harrods- EEE .1
555;; . . . . the farm to see his fields of daffodils, . .
E The Press JOll’lS 1n mourning the his collection of which is re arded as burg Herald, presxdent of the Kentucky EE'E
1 death of two of our most prominent uni ue g Press VVoman’s Club, took an active part I E g
E Kentuckians during the month. q .' . ., , in the annual convention of the Na— EEEE' ;.;.
E Robert Lee (Colonel Bob) Elkin life _Besmles hls Wlfe’ son and brother, sui- tional Federation of Press Women Inc EEEEIEE 3
_ _ ’ v1vors include a grandson, Daniel Col- . . " EE‘E'r-E
, E member of the KPA, saddle-horse breeder lier Elkin Jr of Atlanta in Milwaukee on June 26-28. She was “ELM
r and retired editor of the Central Rec- ' ________~' accompanied by Miss Jane Hutton, na- ‘1 -
0rd, Lancaster, died on July 5 after a , tional vice- resident of the Federation, 5 -E
E three-days illness. The Rev. D r. George A: Joplin, 80 Miss Mildfed Babbage, Breckenridge EE,EEE ‘E
E Known throughout central Kentucky years Old’ retlred Presbyterian minister News, Cloverport, first vice-president of EEEEx E

v .E as “Colonel Bob,” Elkin for 25 years and secretary emeritusof- the Kentucky the state organization, and Miss Janet ”E

E was editor of the Central Record, Lan- Sunday. SChOEfl Assocratron _Wthh he Shutts, advertising manager of the Dan— EEEE ‘

E caster weekly newspaper, retiring in 1936. served _m various-capacmes slnce 190,9’ ville Advocate—Messenger. EE .-

E He was a specialist in the saddle-horse led, 0E a heart all?“ at hls home m —————— IE‘E

E breeding industry and many of his horses Louisv1lle on July 1' He was; the father 14' . l ‘

~ are at Elkin Place, his 300—acre estate of George A. Joplin Jr., editor of the 1 155 th zmds Buys Russell Banner EE,

E near Lancaster. Somerset. Commonwealth, and a W61. Miss Lillian Richards, who leased the E

E Mr. Elkin was the father of Dr. Daniel 2:113:61]??? :nrilvegrlfiitnspeakm at many Russell County Banner in January from E3

E1 Collier Elkin of Atlanta, Ga., prominent A native 0‘; Barbousrville K and J R. Bernard, purchased the Banner EEE

surgeon at Emory Medical school, who b 1. d t b [1 1d t ’1 y" l and goodwill the early part of this Ei

E last year won the Matas award for out— 061:“: Coll e 1:6 0 es .a pmpuls 9 month. The Philadelphia Inquirer re- E;

E standing work in vascular surgery. His way?) ‘ O egle— he (1133;31ng at ya e mt cently ran a feature story on Miss Rich— EE E

i brother, Dr. W. S. Elkin of Atlanta is Mt St 11..J0leJn dla m d 1:5 orlatlesba ards who is one of the youngest, if not EEEC

aretired millionaire surgeon. f .’ 6? mg, hu OW an uec 16 e the youngest, women editor and owner ‘llftit

E Though never a candidate himself, ore reltlrlng t ree years ago. In earlier of a newspaper in the country. The EEEEEEE

E Mr. Elkin was prominent in Democratic yefars 116 also. served as assmtant pastor Press welcomes her to the fraternity of ‘EEEE

. circles and had served as Garrard county 0 a C lurch 1n Pittsburgh and was SCC’ Kentucky Fourth Estate. E|E{E,

5.3;; . , , retary of the Y. M. C. A. at Omaha, ,iEEi

chairman. He was a membe1 of the , _____ EEEEE‘E

E local draft board. N61)" and 3} Lexmgton, Ky. - . EE

1 Though retired from newspaper work, S D3. Joplllln lattended _ severlal world1 Ashland Newspaperman D163 EEEE ‘

he recently was voted a lifetime mem— En 22/ “(1 90 lgcpilventlons 3“: ant James Dunn Cranley, 75 years old, EEEE

E bership in the Kentucky Press Associa- $1131: :crhodilda ” _Lnfigrfiiatlf go-to- veteran newspaper man who had seen E3..E7

tion. Oneyof Centre Collle e’s Ritz; boost- service on many American newspapers E

E. Mr. Elkin was born OCL 8, 1866, and h 1 . d g 1g . . including the Ashland Independent, died EEEEEEE.

spent most of his life in the home in ers, edrarey mus; him a umni meetmg July 27 at his home in Ashland. He EE

E WhiCh he died. He long had been a or gra uatlon an ls ta11,_spare figure was unique because in all his years of EEEEEE

. . . . and whlte beard were familiar to a mul- ~. . . . EHE

horseman of note, spec1a1121ng 1n the t't d fth h l’ d t I 1915 w11t1ng copy, he never used a typewrit- EE‘EEE:

breeding of saddle horses, many of which 111.11 (1:0 e tsc 00 ngra dua es'h n ., er. Associates said that he could write E

now are on his 300-366 estate. A past DIS :mafIB? 65‘1“ng erre an pnoraiy legibly with a pencil as fast as others EEEEE

director of the Kentucky Saddle, Hunter laggzrgtor 1v1fn1t1ye E3515: 111? OHS 1m; f could on a typewriter. 'EE‘E

and “7alking Horse Association, he was the Presb teiian Chi“? E11 SEIKO ion _.____ EEE

_ in charge last year of the horse show at 1911 he th been clerk ofEth Eb '1’] ~ A P HE R l _ F d EEE

the Kentucky State Fair and was a mem— P 1’) . K k f e e ezei rmy u 26 e attons 1m s E’

ber of the board of the fair association. res Ytery 1fn entuc y or many years, Included in the War Department Ap- EEEEE

He long was a member 0f the Lan- reséginng-a ewryeags ago.f _ t propriation bill, which passed the House, E E

caster Rotary Chlb and also was a mem- Géol: :leilg Jr e an: ngharvlvo J::;S’ is an item providing for the distribution E

ber of the Lancaster Christian church C't gN _' d" ht M g A EW L y of mats and plates to newspapers, pri-

and of the local draft board. Among his ‘Y’ E afi aug er’ rs' . ' ' 66’ marily weeklies. Another authorization +52;

numerous civic achievements _was his Jr.,1of Cferir (Dild’ Pa., and a SISter’ Mary allows funds for the Army Bureau of EEEEE

leadership in obtaining the project [or JOp 1n 0 ex1ngton. Public Relations to pay for a limited E EE; -
replying 311d mgCifl‘niZiélg the 1142mm“? ————— number of trips for newspaper writers ‘EEE

_ pu ic s uare, e icate severa mont S . . . to cam s and at maneuvers. Estimates EEEEif-v?

E ago wit1l1 GOV' Keen Johnson as th€ Speczal Advertzsmg Pages call for? an expenditure of $10,313 for sE

3 Chief speaker. _ An excellent suggestion for increas- mats for small papers, and it is likely { i

E Son of Zacariah and Mary Beasley ing ad linage is for publishers who need that the Army will revise its plans and E"

l Elkin, he was married in 1888 to Miss a central theme for one of their periodic use plates more extensively. 1E!

E1 Bertha Collier, who died in 1925. In special pages or special editions, the -————~— EEE

" 1927 he was married to Miss Joan Mount. campaign of the U.S.O. for funds to Miss Helen F. Randolph, 60 years EEEEE E

E Mr. Elkin’s farm, located two miles finance entertainment of the men in old, Louisville newspaper woman and EEEEEE

EE frOm Lancaster on the Stanford pike, is the services furnishes an ideal subject. author, died at her home on June 24. E‘{E ‘;

E a central Kentucky Showplace. In addi— It is a worthy cause, possesses a patriotic Our genial secretary, J. Curtis Alcock, EEEgE E
5., § tion to considerable horse pasturage, motive, and is another contribution of was made a director of the Danville EE‘ 3
5.,,.,.,,,.,,,,,,.,.;.;.,........ the farm contains several acres of _daf— the weekly press to national defense. Board of Commerce at its July meeting. EE‘. 1

' {it
’ {Er '

. 1941 I
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I I ‘ " bll’ly Rep tucky land . we irman f sllv .tmc Ved' regu a bV ‘ . 1110 ,he 11 _I C CO- _ _ 5
: 5 : ; , II C3 qburg Ken Ash mm" t C1121 homas 0 161ml follOV and Trig / d {01 by L ‘ V [1 E If I
; i“! ' ‘5 “an“ an“’ orgey’ tive 0° avoca eie: T vardv frw‘ic C ~‘ct1" laws mall1 calle used a tollo‘ 1 0“
I W I Portmcey F LOgism field A Gazet nl‘y.‘ JF-v 0 ‘ be 501 ' as”1 for the post" 188 Ca d6 01 , fim VH5
; 5,5 5: ‘ :5 Chan" Organ Clinton: 1d? HeJoplm I" l ()Uld . the p .sion 1398 of ay Of 521 I‘Cce be [0 Or (10‘
: 51 a ‘ 50rd. “4.559ch. Hela R- some 51 whlle provl nd Ta . her “1 to P ould 1.3 up - nal No ,
I; III ; III 1‘ Mun “me; XingpnGeO‘Tgfivilliams' ‘5 _ , . ake n0 1 SS poll publls . ients, yarn ry’ W VC gol ~ £65510 5
I I I" Tyle Lee 0a, Le crflt' cecll ~0ns m nd-ca ~h a e feel? the . ' o~ 5“) ~ieShEl f 1’10 ther '
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. ‘ ’ n r, - CO . JeI‘ 3 ex bed - a r here frlen 10]], ~ 11 In lull . 1111‘ [U
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1 a :5 1 5 wtol‘ r05 ocd . re _ sen 165,. IS rso . A ’ 18 c0 , ‘eas \ =
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5 5 II'?‘ - 13.1“ . IV e vs, p _ the - ess . . ’ng VIIC IVC - 11‘
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, 5 ’ :35 L5 H NAL E clATl rath Unlte mtemp d-clas f sue k6 a( _~— .
: 5.5.: >1 ' . he 1; Co , econ r O ta 00’ Eel
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' 1‘ I'k '-I Ii I NA 'za/ A I 'S does blisher a, nu t 15 5365 ‘ ’ .
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5 1 II I ‘5 MEMBER W L Spapels 1 lulflbel O St WhaLS_ 1 Oh a b1€ blishel O 1940 W? 1‘65 InC f 1‘ I H
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v 1 ; 5' ‘5 II; . “”25 —' thls able , any )recl ' , - ~ 1666‘ 1.
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11' i I I! W d€ath O E are the 11 ur ““7513 1s€h°1d In Co“; for job plr' s and Sew 340 00 " to b(
: , I I: :I i . ' . le - t 0 ‘ hot I" 16 . , . - 2 . i -
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15‘ I 5 I' The 111:1; are “1011111 frierldsI :t it 15 111"111ity sgrvworrymg 2:1 rural nteolgeVery StOCk anispaper . - - . _ . . . - 104%) of a
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I I. I i I“ 1nd Comrade ’tO make the Press mourn And the wethat canl - reference Dues ‘ . 'i'ncidental . - - ' ' ' 15W
5 I II; I‘IIII an . lives nd ‘ATG . _ ' tion 'Cu 211 . ther . . ' . - ' ‘
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1941 3 July, 1941 THE KENTUCKY PRESS ' Page Five 3:3 3
l 33 . :
, I-‘ 1'! . .‘
r or six l Newspaper Promotion from a different person every week. The dict is considered important because it llgll
Depart- l . l b 3333.) .3 3 3 . 3. enclosed stamp makes it easier for him to upheld the universal practice of pub- If,
tat show ‘ A Slmp e3 u3t ” cctne “all? Implmt answer, since, as Publisher Roy A. Gal- lishing the opinions of readers in news- I l.
Ons and ' the numbei 01 a newspaper s telephone linger remarks, some of them are not paper forums. Otherwise, editors would ,I
to local I number on the m3md383.0f Its readers3is overly supplied with funds. He testifies have been forced to track down every I if:
th those to prov1de a handy seiVice that SlleCI‘lbi to the popularity of the service by point— letter to the sender before publication. il‘ }
dities as ers W111 find themselves usmg because 01 in out that the Observer was scarcell ill ' .
: its convenience With the result that the g . l _____ 13,} ~
‘, bread, ~I3: 3 b ’ 3 3 3 d 3 off the press when prospective members .333 3
her way l newspapei 6133011195. m301€ “{3 11110163321 for the “Observer Home Fires Club” Wage And Hour Bullg/[n 33’3‘l '
Opinions 1 necessfily Wie XVISH? {30 ve1333103ilne 1;] began to phone the office, asking to be _3 3 _3 3 _ l3l3l - _
rid mart 3 the v1 a anc suiiouncingrneigioOi 100(. enrolled. There are no fees of any kind, 1‘01 those publisheis under the Wage 3. ,
bankerS, The PleasairtVille (N.&.) Townsman the newspaper standing the expense of and Hour law, the recently issued In- 3333 3
dealers, 1 carried a brief announcement on the sending out postals each week to the terpretative Bulletin Number S31X relat- ll; :-
the sta- front page of the June 6 issue that filled members, containing a soldier's name. mg to retail and serum establishments 3333333 '
Nearly l the bill. Several other papers have been Will be informative. Generally €033“qu 3
en furn- I domg the same tliiiig,3bii3t here is what ______ (33d a 1113633117333 3361:5101] 0t preVious 33,33
_ the announcement said in case others 3 mterpretauQns 1t 15 not expected to 3‘lII 3
I 3131;111:3133 want to adopt the Procedure: “In order ca’l'mllalm" Clauses bring thh mum" to newspapers or ‘l‘
. to pro- l to prevent conflicts in the dates of exvent FOT Ad Contracts I)rinting plants. l3\’rite the New York l3 .
ses. Or, I being sponsored by organizations in Below are given two types of cancel- office of the U. 5. Labor Department, 33333
oduce a 3 Pleasantvflle and Vicmity, the Towns- lation clauses which publishers have used Wage and Hour Divismn, 341 Ninth 331,13
a scien- . man Wm keep a calendar OE coming in advertising contracts to protect them— Ave., New York Cm“ ll
1 1'33“ a l events In Its office. Whlch may 1336 C?” selves from federal regulation of taxes __¥__ ll;
D , - - tall
ater be 3 dance or other activityl. Thef calelrlidar (1115333333, tax imposed on advertising Third Assistant Postmaster General 3331‘ 3
‘gument 3. Will3sei3ve as a cleaiing 3103use 01 a 01- will be paid by the advertiser from time Ramsey S. Black has warned that when 3333'
ncreases ganizations 1n thls “0””th Just call of tax imposition by the government to publicity furnished by national adver— 333333
lset loss the Townsman at PleasantVille _248 II end of contract. tisers is used by newspapers either on 33ll
A good your organization WlShES t0 1‘6g15t01‘_a In case of change by the federal gov the threat of withdrawal of national 333 ll
cost-of- 3 (late, or t033find out what dates are still ernment in value of currency, rates in advertising or on promise 0f such ad- ll‘ll '
out if 3 unclaimed. this contract may be changed on 60 days’ vertismg, the public1ty must be plainly 33
r down, ______ notice. marked With the word “advertisement.” “hill
555303331 { 3 3 3 2.—If due to tax, 01. other extraordin» Furthermore, the matter is subject to l3,3
n other 3 No Pazd Bond Advertismg ary cost increases, a change in the charge the zone rates of postage applicable to 33
1b1€ for “ Special Assistant Harold Graves to for advertising hereunder is necessitated the advertismg 1301110“ 0f the publica- 33H
1 if 50’ . the Secretarv of the Treasurv testified in the judgment 0f thC publisher, the tion. l l
3' linage : before the House Appropriations com- publisher may on 10 days notice to ad— ______ 'l‘l33
3 mittee that it was the treasury’s policy vertiser, change the charge for 5311163 it 3 ”ml;
‘ not to buy advertising in the various being agreed that the advertiser before RUM] Educatzon ' 333'
media. He pointed out that 2,000 banks, the (late 0t the CECCUVCHESS 0t SUch new The federal government is expanding 313 .‘3
however, Purchased advertisements 0f charge. hereunder has the option of vocational work in small towns work‘- “ 31‘
ontains defense savings bonds. Explanation of: 931“?ng the contract as “9 future Ob' ing under a ten million dollar grant to l ll
;ted by the department’s attitude was found in ligations hereunder 0nd WHhOUt short extend trade and industrial education ll‘3ll
iecord. hi5 Statement that the various media rate for space used. for out-of-school rural youth. The state llll ‘
019.40, were generous in PTOVidhlg free public— _____ board for vocational education will be- 'fl
includ- ity. On the other hand, $1,710,000 will 3 3 come the agency within the state 30 set 33 3
rve for ll be Spent on printing and binding sales UPhOZd nghl T0 Publzsh up the courses and decide where they l3 .3‘
:ized as 3 Promotion material. Letters—To-Edztor shall be located. 33 3
3404 75 —:-———— The Bufialo Law Journal, June 26, _____ 3‘3 j
' . _ carried under a Washington dateline a 3 3 3 33332"
165522.335) S New Twist on Draftee Letters jury’s verdict upholding the right 013 a no? rpsumliethltl): 3Ke33:u:3:y etlllitotrsmgiixl: 33l
19:79 . The Marcellus (1\31.Y.) Obseryer last newspaper to publish in good laith re nestellebv 3h; P(i*ess arid 2313313333336:- 333l
427.78 3 week organized what it calls the Observ- letters sent to the. CdltOI‘: The deCISion sitq D ”3 3/ t f ‘ n l' M {3 ,
3 61‘ Home Fires Club.” The purpose of was reached in a libel action for $50,000 Y3 eptlr men 303 J30“: 23‘ 15m' 33 a: 31
352310 ' ‘, the organization is to write to the boys filed in a Washington, D. C., U. S. Dis- 2::1331é3’3incgse re uinec a your ear les 33:
240300 A now in training. Homefolks are asked trict Court, against the Washington ' 3 3 33333
104310 l to become members and-the Observer Afro-American by a local attorney. The Warren R. Fisher lit, busmess man- 13 3
111375 3 Supplies each member With the name attorney sought to recover damages from ager,3 and \lValler Boyd, editor, of the 3L3 3
19350 0f a soldier boy each week. The meme the newspaper for publishing a letter 3Carhsle Mercury 3were painfully in» $3 3
her then writes a letter to the lad and purporting to have come from him, de- _3ured on July 25 in a motorcycle acc1- l3; 3'
471313 encloses a stamp for a return letter. Each fending a high school princ1pal m3 a dent while returning home from 3Lex1ng» )3 3;
_— member gets a different name each week, controversy revolvmg around the prin- ton. They are now back at their posts 3' 3
‘549'99 thus giving the trainee a chance to hear cipal’s crossing a picket line. The ver- but retain memories and some bruises. ’33 j

 511 E
1 1115,, 7'1 ‘
'5'155"'5 "5E
11‘ ‘11
“.55. 5 13:; 5 Page Six THE KENTUCKY PRESS July, 1941 E
1 ‘1 1 '
: 1.15% ‘1 E 1 _
51 515555 5 15 Mz'meographed Sheet Held the 1940 census figures, weekly editors store had burned down, yet had been 5
5 5'1 5 “News a er” I) Att0r.—Gen. ma find increased ho e for the future rebuilt to ‘0 on servin‘ its custom 1 12
'5' 5 ' y {Yb 1 p F'f “1 1g B 11 11 g e's' '
‘ ;."a 0‘ t ru" news a ers. 1 t —two 361‘ Men tie e ev' II.
.555 E_ Attorney General Earl Warren has e M p P. y 5. . 5 _ ‘1 e .t 1) Advocate
255:,1 1,, . . . , cent of the population of the entire installed a photographic department
.1155, 5 E issued an opinion that Angels Camp . . . 7‘ . 5 . . 5 . ’
55 555, 5 D .1 N C If . iii 0 ra )hed nation live in the country or in towns pages of local advertrsrng pictures were 5
1.55.51. . 1 all, EEWS’ a a 1 ornia ' me g t of under 10,000 inhabitants. The 111— sold under the copyrighted title of“Cam-
51,15 5 5 publication, meets the requrreinents of 5 . . . . . , ,, . 5, .
51155 -5 5 . . . crease in Cities of more than 10,000 has eiads. The Editor s Forum suggests;
155111555. a newspaper Within the meaning of the . . . ,, . 5 5, _
511555; .1 1 . . . been approxrmately 48 per cent since Take a picture of the mayor s srx-year- (1
ES 551_ 1 . public resources code. The opinion was . 5 .5 _
155551155 . t a u r as to the sufficienc of 1930, an increase 4 per cent less than old daughter Sitting up at the counter
5‘; 5.5 5 5 5 given 0 . q. e y . Y in the rural areas. sipping a soda, and lay out an ad using
15‘! 1 .1 1, the publication of a legal notice of ap- . . 5 . 5 , ,
5 5 5 5 E, 5 5 5 _ , this illustration for the druggist. Hell
555551 55 plicatron for ore buyers license in the _____ buy it” 5
1‘: 5'15 511: 5j Angel Camp’s “newspaper." ' '
55 5'5 5 1‘ 1'5 1. - Local Bab Pictures Ma 1 ————— 5
5‘1‘5'15'1 '1 The code does not require publica— Tie-in Witji'i AdvertisemeDnts '
5 511 5 5| tion of the application in a “newspaper ' Wage Increases Cannot 5
5'1 555551 55 55 of general circulation,” but only that A combination of the ”baby picture” Cover Overtime Payments ‘
5 5'5 51' 55 Publication in a “newspaper” pulplrihefl series and a ““5110’5 This" feature is an General Philip B. Fleming, admini- ,5
555 E 115 5 55 1n the county or counties wheret e usr— ldef" suggested 1h the Georgia Press A5" strator of the Wage and Hour Division,
155 5515155 'E ‘ 55‘ ness is to be conducted. . . SOCIathh pulicatron. Baby or ehhdhOOd has stated that wage or salary increases
55 The opinion stated: ‘ ' ‘ 2 And 1t. is pictures 0t grown folks in the community cannot be later claimed to cover over-
‘11 1 55 too narrow a construction, in relation might be obtained either from them or time payments under the Wage and 5
' 5 51' ' 55 to the facts 0f thls particular “he [.0 from their wives or sweethearts and thh Hour Law. Part of his statement follows: "
; 5 5555 -. 55 hold that the newspaper 1h question 55 under a ”Who Are They” heading. ‘Payments made to employees cannot i
5' 5