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Symphonic Orchestra Exclusl Mutual and Universal Program of Moving Pictures G0 Where the Gos G0.
1**** IHE ORPHEUM IHEA IRE °"""'°"°°
Me At OPIN 10§dl:izsi:nPl0:
FIRIT-CLAOO IN IVIRY APPOINTMINT J. H. STAMPER. Jr., Own•r and M•n• •r. . . 0 . .
1 l
Lof the part. Her lines were not so ·|· 0 # O O O O O O O ·|• O O A FAREWELL TO A PIPE •
l numerous as those of the other women,   ·|»     4 .—. I     ` y
A D A M   D E jhur sho handled them well. l• COLLEGES 4 wp gn n1.m.» ln mp gathering dunk A
i Perhaps the most accurate portrayal ·|» ·|· O ·I· ·I» O O 0 O Q ·|· O O 4- Op Old friends Just you and I. ‘   I  
l · 2 - ‘—""‘ lA d n h rt l f friendly hand
SUPERIOR VAIIDEVILLE l‘” "‘° °"“‘ "`““ "°"° "’ ”"‘°’Y F'? l m·¤»¤·~· show that M W cpm of fw img'; ;_:r;’;’u‘; lim Kmdm _
Izlm-' who wok the part of Pfam"; the students at Sewanee have this L` ' l l for every Occasion. l
|(`hesney. Tall, commnndlng and com- Y r taken an in Mmeum | C I f t-_  
  lpactly built, he carried the part `Pn p ' \\'¢- sit mid the rulns of castles built,] 0 or as_ guamn'
2 IEW SIIIIWS WEE I ———— _ , , k , M H teed satisfactory.
@hl'0“Kh Without K lll“`h· A recent issue of the News ol the " "‘“ “"“’ E 0 Your K " r°• ulnsist on Arrow pp
3 ' '     ' ° 8 Louis McCloskey, as Jack Chesney. Umve,-Buy of Cincinnau was th,. Mid the ash that falls from your bowl! °
RCqultt€d     credit ln the "\\'0m€n‘s Numb€r"' and the arucltss IQDI   I      
heaviest speaking part of the ¤\¤y· were written and edited by the Uni-l " *" ""‘ "f “ fum"' py"' l enum, Peabody & Co., inc. M•k•r•  
      John Marsh, as Brassett, the butler, versity c0.edB_ y
      had an the Hmm and qngshed dggnm- You have given rest to the weary mind J ‘  Q U
iso necessary to the pam The Vnlverslty of Missouri boasts of And balm to the wounded gon];   &  
E James McConnell, as Charley Wyke· ”· freshmen who lm be"' ln *“"’ “*"!\\’ltl1 n generous pinch of the golden succuwr w SAR"', ‘ co. '
lham, a roysterlng lad. did his work Nona] balloon "*°°“·   weed   W Main St.
l"°“· Mlm unlvt-muy has inaugurated ul P“°"°" "°"'“ "‘ "‘° "°°" "‘“°" "°`”" nv ¤¤¤~ ¢¤¤~w~ ¤~ wr
  I A, ’••
I mm Shmmck as the designing plan whereby their graduates will be we have eaten of sm_mw,S bitter cITY' FINE cANml·
· V Spetugum in his quest for 20::8 secured at intervals to deliver leo-\ b  
*···¤*·¤ *~·¤¤ wd m*“*°¤**· pm Blum to me students. S · R _ 1
  a vetpmn His work was Snappy und} \\ e have drun en of laughters w ne. U • •
. igvkkn run or dun. The Kappa Alpha fraternity house In all that I’ve had you have always DIVCTS nty
HN`- if- All who saw the play were loud in at Sewanee was totally destroyed by shambd
  I,   their praise or the Stroller organiza- m·8_ And ¤“ that WM mlm was mine-  
  tion. Hamilton Lewis, of Louisville, ....._... K R ` I g
  A graduate of Harvard University, ggw Mme. Davenport, Viennese student of You have joined my laugh in my hours   y
  the pprformanpg and prgnguncgd   as €\1gEIllCS, startled tllfi students of the vof mlrtll. .              
  ’ the best amateur performance hg had i University of Illinois, when she in- You have echoed my sob or sigh,
' It ; ever seem not gxggptlng me play gwgnlformed them that their one object in l¥ut now ls the hour when our trails ments to the g ra d u 3 t e 5
e ' .
by the dramatic Club gf Hapvm-d_ lite should be to prepare for marriage. mm: par;} { i d dwg of Kentucky High Schools who
The play will be presented in Louis- -——— Good- ye, 0 r en , goo - .
‘ l r ` W , f O - . .
ville sometime in the early part of °"f°'“ C°"°’·" ‘°' °‘§‘°" immii —s, F, G, 18, are prepared to enter the Fresh
February under the auspices of the fOrd’ Ohio' is trying to ra Se $ ' .#».--..•.•—;- man Clas8_
for an endowment f¤¤d- lle: "Tho dentist told me that I
fraternal organizations of the city, it _, _
was announced Tuesday I had a large cavity that needed filling. Each county In the Sum is
e Harvard wlll not play Michigan next She? "Dld he recommmd any _
Dates have been made tor perform- ' _ _ Slwdal course of study?. entitled to und FREE of tui_
ance at Mt Sterling January 29 year in football. The general opinion
8 * · · ·   . . •
    and Cymhhma February 1 ls that if these two teams should meet The mm'- is the best hgmhmg posh tion, matrlculatlon, laboratory
' ' this fall Mlchlgan would win. ....l..•.._—....
l 1*........ s _ , and other fees, one or more ap- q I
AN **lDLE." ' ° ' P8tl'0IllZ€ 0\ll' AdV8l'tlS€l‘S.
l E. E. JOHNSON VjS|TS HERE.   p0intees_
* "-"" ._..
VS I 8** and "“ml““° Mr. E. E. Johnson, u graduate of DR J D KISER Necessary expenses moderate.
Over lessons antlquate, · El . ° ° °
l the College of Mechanical and ec EYE EAR NOSE lad THROAT I For f H infonnation rd
Being quite efmmmute trlcal Engineering, is in the city. He ’ §pEg|AL|gT u regs
In my mind I “°w debate ls holding a position in one of the Glenn Ground to Order. ing appointees, cgurggg of gtudy'
Things that to the men relate local banks, the company for whom Mcchlhnd Bl-'"dl”9· t fb d I to _
  Reduced 1l·‘orgettlng lessons amiquate). he is working having mmpommy W 0f||c• Pham 032-X R••Id•n¢• 730-X COS 0 Oar , etc., appy
leased some of its men due to the H .. H. S. BARKER,
Christmas comes but once a year.
And at Prices that Count Why does mere man day by day Eu,0p€,,,, wm, l President,
O I mlnln f lbles bray . . .
A1': as theireprzjects new mm ————··•~——·-UDEN S ENTER Patromze Our Advertisers.] L•¤1¤!¢¤¤. Ky-
HIGH SCHOOL ST T - -`--......_.....—....L....  
S ’ GV With merrlment and some dismay? _'"" ` O
    "Away, away, get home," they say, Quite a number of Lexington High     e   S
` ··T)m;•g the place for you to grgy!" {School students, graduating at this FOR PENS AND PENCHS, g y
  time, will be among the new students TABLETS AND FINE  
, Shoes, \
• ii t St t f tl t r beginning Feb- ,
Put hubbys slippers bly the re a a e or ie e m STATIONERY S   C
N k H t Patch your dear papas attire, IFUBPY ISL
ZC WCZT, 3 S, To me kitchen then .-wm, ~——··———— Jounsrows cmnv
Prepare a dinner quite enum; f   "Ma, why can‘t I go bare-  
C _ oo .
PS   rl lllil. {B   we   desire: l mini {Because it makes your feet W E    
’ lYou`re the girl we’ll then admire." grow lm.g€_»» m• .   , ,
I l Jimmy (after hard thought): "Then 309 w°" Mu" 8"°°*     C0•
Prices marked Way downv   ls it that they are afraid did "l`lny' go naked when he was
, H    
look at fhg wgnkows as you Of dinner gotten by the maid, mug? l
O th tu ir _ t r d W wm fade For the benefit ot the unsophisti· ' · •
Pa·$$• r 8 W Hep Q e B ay ’ cated: "Tiny" haq a compressive   AM I    
Or their °°mf°" r°"°gmd°’ stress of about 200 pounds when at- I
t—i lf a little "sufferage" {myd B yu Adgm_ To l
The dear, dear "sa<·red home" invade? »l.•.••-_; , _ `
. · k M . 1* Mi D
C l _ _ Q vw H gw ·¤ 6*; is 0; ** is LCXll'lgIOI1 fllg COIIlp3l'lY l
3V€S, OX `Patromze Our Advert1sers.i'“°'°" ¤¢~··¤¤·> M ¤ ¤·¤¤·*¤   L
` *4}  ,·· `E I,'Yi "   r · `I gr" Id?   ‘_ `V I` `  `       I
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`—¤        i t W ELS}-I & MURR
lnoorponkd _.  ` {Q ` ·;"";’g¤ 7,;% ._»_  _ r   :1.,. _   _  ` ._
l _, ·_\. vé » §·l¥·Ff*_,. mg.  7 · { ·? ., ‘,; L •l   ` ··`$·»
· t' »· »‘ .·~ lz 1 ·>`. f Y ";  l ’
The College Fellows' Sh;p · _;   , ·· ‘_}{;_·y£.·9};Afyl ,    » T 35 .l.. (
———————»————  ‘=*> ` I.
h••r»•l·• %j;‘w|· RY t   ‘ *‘· *    ‘
Manufactunre of #‘ ·*. {__ Wy.: ;’_ gg ‘ » N
HANDMADE °'GA"S `E **6   ‘   Th Ri ht N S ` "
1 ·f   _
.,F35£':‘£.§?,}’PJ:.¥.T l   .1....__e 9 °"’. “"‘”°“ = O
~ —-E--~~—~ - M A . .» i- l _   r
{ ` ’ Y
University Lunch Stand I _ __ _ , _ Q
mm. •¤¤¤..••v•¤y to •¢¤u•¤•• l __   Q; 4 p _ · COLLEGE WORK A SPECIALTY  
and Faculty of Inu Unlv•r•Ity   q; _f dh, 9,., M , L V l  
I  ,’;·`;·*, if • ” .' I O
A.        ·    ’*’ _ _ “* { 124-128 N0l'th Llm€Bt0l\¢ L8Xll\[t0l\, Ky. ·
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