6 T H E I D E A 1
I I _-___ —·-____ I-—-_—!_-_—_—__ u’·—__ ———
; Nilsson Lola llartlett, Jackye Hall nlx Hotel.
n * * * \\‘1 ’l· tt l.- · t .t I. pen t ll, lt! A PRIVATE IN TH! RIA!. l
su) I     FI"RI·’I) l_ Ht _` " Hm M q 0 0 A · and Ellmhetli Farm were the guests Mrs. Dwight P. Green (Dm Min
      is Imtwtl it will hc of |ml'Ht‘lIIIH' IhtPl"·| -·--·--—— a f M I I
` I ` I ` inn tn Stn,t,.,n,r nr A,n,.rq,.nn [Unto'-}- Th" crowd ¤<**'¤ wild Nth D|’¤|¤*‘¤ lx! ‘ "· "’° Terr"'- F"d**Y INFN fvrl Ella K, Porter} of Chtqago, wm pg.
  r · . nnor.
'|`lt•· Hqnnl lllghts .·\ssot·lntlnn nf l MINI (`I\'It‘¤   As the "°°p' *° miarchml bY· t l\\||'|\ Y0? I NIION VID"- POUUIUYY 1- ,
Knntnrky is nnnrinn n prlzu nr gtolml 'l`h•· ·»otnmltt•—·· will hc glad to semli lh"` ’°‘° uw "“p*f““' ”*"`   M"“"" K“'·h'°"“ G*""°W wd Julinl Mt,. Anbyn Cntnn wm ld tp Hunt.
In 4-nclt of the vollegos lu-longing mI¥`•‘¤'<‘¥\¥ H¥¢‘¥`flIll¥`*‘ h*‘R¥`I¥ll-{ UPON the cx-! I And mei onion?}. hauling eye' lV¤¤ Andale l"P€¤t SUNNY MKII! Wlth Ingtnn, VV, Va, and Ashland, Ky,, the
,n,t K,.m,,r.kt- A,t,r,,rmtn,,, nr r·(,n,,¤,,,,!t»·iislt»n or snn‘mg•· to women to any I V": °h:’"`d“ M"; wm; 'h°'*‘ M" ""’“t° I M"- (V E- Adil? 0¤ Hilh Street. last or this week on oxtonalon work.
·ri..~ .·.mrininn,r rrrn as rniintrr; |~v¤¤·t·~nt ucslrtns it- il _   "` ";‘°° "$° ° °°°"’ I Judse and Mrs. Barker will chaper-S was Mary swwiey ta toavtng for
l. 'l`h•~ compotltlon ls open to nnyi V "—" *;°" ""_“‘   U3"! g mm Ti 1 h y lim? the- Strollers to Mt. Htbfllhg, !(‘h1(~gg0 next week
mntrl<·ulat•—d student of tho college. lUNI0NFiz;I0I§’gE;_TE¥v¥Bi1I3{cIQr(§y ms a pr V. e n ( 9 N"` I Kappa Kappa Gamma fraternity wllll Miss Elizabeth Moore ta able to con- '
2. Tl » tv f tit . L: " · , .° .
l_m___‘__1;‘m;"";‘x‘;m"m;;"‘;':;"_°:;_l_:4 The llnlon Literary smarty will r mt the shrleklng rrr the ahrapnol,   "°b`"”‘°"'“";";h°"P*!;°° l"""l' ""' '"'“ °'“" °"°"‘ ""°' ‘ ‘°"
. ‘ , ¤‘t· . ` , ' ll ', '
mawt Friday night In the Society hull And tho buratlng of a bomb, ammo B P OA Pm days mma"`
‘; *2 n · <· . r· 1t‘0 fam .- ' I
Il The papers must he sent to the I ld f (I Ot I: ull bg dl; d` IL (I 2 ·   0 ;he une
r or s wee w e ren e e- t
*·"‘·‘“ 0* **··‘ "·‘"*··¢*>’ *·*·····‘ '**=*·**¤"ZY r.....tZ. by ..... ...r.t,.. or on rte»:e‘tW1:;nn: ° °`° °"`YLL,..
Mstreisttnn, 72·: nr-<·1··11»nn1 nn1mmg,' ‘ 1 ` R ° ° ° “°°° `"m°° ‘
_ lrrrs for the second semester. t \\'lth the deaths of captalnn dear, I
Lexington. ky., hy April lst, wherci *l_ I l I D I
H y wm b mm d d H ’ d ..•..s .~-~- 1 ts tn- pans ng o poor anny, _
W P P np an W {mm     r \\'lto's a private ln the rear.
made. They will then be the property    
of the Equal Rights Assoclatlon. l ___ 1 \   A
4. A choice of the following sub- 'l`lu- lilrmlngham Chapter of the Hmugh wr"·°” Pxml the vh`t“°“
. I '
jects Is offered to the contestants: 'Konmcky State University AlumnI` of °°mm°*"d°"· mm *h°Y “* {
The l'rogr¢·sslv<> Application of the Asstwintlon held their annual banquet Th°"° am m°*“Y· mmy th°“”*“d" I      
Principle of Suffrage ln the l'nlted`nt the new Molten Hotel, Saturdayf mm "°m°I°S“· pass away;
States. `vve-ning, December 26th. 1914, covers IM Hwy "eve" mu the value
A Balancing of the Arguments Por heing laid for fifteen men. The mem-I of th° ”°ldk`" “`m‘°“t fu'?  
and Against Woman Suffrage,   nt-rsnip has sutfered greatly during thcl who B"` b"°m"'°' ul t° Dmny
I r v
'The Political Dangers of Prlvllege pu. year, but this was materially OE- “h°g u privne in uw r°°°r·
Vnaccompanied by Responsibility, sm hy the enthusiasm displayed by, "` · · . _
3. The contestants will sign papers ` every one present. lmpromptu, --—-—•-•-—-——-
with an assumed name, and give, in a`spt¤ot·l1t¤s and reminiscences of the old} nmd an American inventor get the q •
sealed envelope, their assumed and vollege days were the 0l‘d¢1' of th€’p8tem On patent leather sh0es?"      
NAI names. and their home addresses. ievenlng, while plans for the ensuingl UNO. R polish manufacturer'.-
mnr were discussed. I t I ‘
_1 _ _['
D There is usually an inclination forl   ""   S n
• •   1 many to gradually lose Interest in the I 'V • ‘•‘ 'P * '• * W 'P •' O • 'P O •’ O * V
t¤mrr·r··.¤» lnffalrs of the University after being + pATT_ HALL NEWS • (100d Shape,
THE STORE it......-ind mm the business world for •· ·•· • • • • ·• • • • •· • • ·•· ·• ·•·
_0F A_ several years. but not so with the ______   • ,
T H 0 U S A N D ittivitlbvrs of the local 8.SBOCI8.f,IOD. B0·l Miss Elizabeth Gibbs, from Sayre c   av        
sides the banquet, the Chapter h&8t(·0u€g€ was the guest Of Miss Eliza,
C     held nieetlngs during thé DRS!. Yélhlbrrth Eldridge, Sunday-        
ID E A S practically all members being present! mss Ruth Mcchesney was a visitor   Instruments
  nt every gathering. This can be at-Rm me Han Sunday
Your   01* Overccgt tributed chiefly to the ettlclent oftlcerai Miss Marion Horme spent me week
· • · ·  
Pressed for   at Mm hd`? umu let the Om Spmtlend with relatives in Nlcholasvllle.
’ umn- tor at moment, and have on- Miss Lucy Kavanaugh was the
9 · . _ _ . · . I / •
    S   h`°"°d the prmeedmgs bt attractive guest ot her sister, Miss Aleene, this En ravi.!] Sta, l · ·
· arrangements. ’ ’ ’
159 S. Lime. Phone 621-Y ,. “‘¤*=*¤·<>¤¤· ,
lhe University has received un-I Cut la " •
  The S[I'0“€l'S` IIGXI GHKBKGHIBHI.          
·   E I limited advertisement ln this soctlon·b9 in Mt. Sterling
....- · . •
durmg the past few m°mhs’ me med Miss Elizabeth Froman spent the     Supplies
E I N I Z iuin being athletics. The games with weekend with relatives in Fayette
IS. l. A. A. teams, especially Mlsslssip- Park.
Q) E W L L E R IM A‘ & M' &ndAT;ni€STe’itll€ mosbi Miss Mary Parker was a visitor out •
ling of the S. I. . . n ex ngton, e-’. _ Q
r l lin tonn last week.
n A _ __ T isldes sex eral articles in the Blrmiug-l Miss Mamie Stanley was R visitor   0
_ (\‘;5_I\ `I r `hatn papers by the local presldentwn wilmore last week.
I ‘ _ , _ 1, 3
`91 Vlttue prtsented the I nlversity to the _ Miss Frances Gaim met with apahp
rsonahern public in a very favorable ml accident when she let the trunk  
r 1 , ;. * . j I I Q
  ` lim"' MH mrmmghum Elhtpzer is top down on the linger, which cut
rstriving to have tho goo n uence
t through the nail. The  
  ·nrore strongly t`elt in this sectlon, not _ exe Store for College  
E l _ _ _ I H r Miss Florence Hughes took dlnner
B     a""iiyi;';e;""I‘;;l‘;“;t';;; ;:;S°‘b‘:n°;`::; with zum Natalie wood Saturdayl ]. F. Battaik. °08. Mgr. 233 W. Short
r HC ' .`. ·` •
r I l V I V night,. •
EI'] I   , Mud) the wud "ork gain impe?122 Miss Jane Dickey is lll at her home
T`} ` ' }·4_ ,]_ KO}-lh, B, M. L. . lm the Alpha xi Dena House,  
tl   `   W- R_"Q&BER° To- LECTURE I Why it Nat Woods taking a sofal
‘V I ilow to basket ball ractlce every`
.... {nl p .
\ ` xlr. W. lt. llolder, a missionary from g day? I            
g   isonthern Africa, will deliver a Bwfoop- Misses Darnall and Amos and I I
STICK PINS * “ I‘“`“" '*"`“"" °“ ‘**‘* "°““"*€S °' the Messrs. Weiler and Arnold vigltgdl
· ’ IIKT PKR! lllli PVHIlIllg III [IIB &l1dI[0I`- 'tligg lulig Vg]; Arsdalg Sunday •
I I ‘ ‘ ‘ ·‘ ‘ ‘ · *1It Isn egg *
`     ‘ {inn; of Centrul Christian Church. l Miss Olive Taul was the guest of ot alone nec ary   l“mb°‘ M M mod
  ~ The pictures were brought homo by Misses Lenore Zimmerman and Eva In the mst place, but     to retain   [M
5 Prot`. W. C. llower, ot' the College of Hawes Stafford Friday nlght ‘
’ ' RCSB D1 per °
  lthe lllble and by two other mission- The enggggmgnt of Mtns Ruby Jane ust have pro care and  
. t inrles sent out by the Foreign Chris- Tucker to Mr. Carl Miner or Louis- qEV¢l‘Y stick of Illmbot that ontara our yada ig
3  tian Missionary Society and will show rind was announced 3 da _ ,
` ` at reduced   r A the people, customs and mission work Miss Lucy Shepherd \II`as {neon con-   handled. Some is 't“k°d on lm me
I in China, Japan and the I’hillDDlu6S· tined to her room on account of Illness   lll OPC!}   and IOIIIB put ill M hm-
.   ; The public is cordially invltod to for the pngt week '. ,
I Store' 123 §'Ma,n St` nttend the lecture, which ls to be tree. Mtns vtrgtngn Mc(}[upe_ gmdune of ln‘·’ ·¤c¤rding to the   M- by BIC!}
The Ighbenix However, an otferlng will be taken to class ‘13, was the guest ot Miss Mary luxe will !°$$d\ Y0}! in thG M Mw mwbll.
, · pny the expenses of the machine and 5ntnnrd_ ' .
t V g HB Ulwmwrl   will ind, IIOPG, l\\_bO1’ I0! lily PMH ffqm
the smallest operation to any ordinary ¤nd•rtak·
M· s · 1> · ct HUMPHREY ·~
· · · ·· S lllll BI lllllllllly
Admission' 50 Lents. All New Dances Taught    
Iaoonoratad r
"'*°°'“ "°'L°'"°· ""°"° "°’· 341 V.I•l• St. PI•••1I35-1 Lexington, [·¤cky