xt72z31nk36n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt72z31nk36n/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1967 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, February 1967 text The Kentucky Press, February 1967 1967 2019 true xt72z31nk36n section xt72z31nk36n a ‘7 I. (a? 9
K ‘+ l ‘7 1%
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Kentucky Press Association Moves Headquarters 59

The first time since 1941 1930 and the most recent in ed to the old Guignol Theatre office. After many long andsat- S
the Kentucky Press Associa— 1942, Building on Euclid Avenue. The isfying years with the Univer- :9
tion Headquarters will not be For 30 years prior to 1942, office remained there for about sity of Kentucky, KPA, under ‘ ‘7
connected with the Journalism J. Curtis Alcoke of Danville 2 years and in 1951, when the the direction of Secretary-Man- ‘9,
Department of the University of served as Secretary-Manager. Department of Journalism agerrA. J. Viehman, Jr. has ob- 9
Kentucky. A suite of offices has In 1942, the Board of Trus- moved into its own building, tained a suite of offices in {
been obtained in downtown Lex- tees of the University of Ken— the Kentucky Press Associa— downtown Lexington. With ad— ":
ington to accommodate this tucky approvedameasure which tion went right along with them ditional space the Association l
rapidly growing organization. would provide for a Central and has remained in that loca- hopes to expand its operation i,

The Kentucky Press Assoc- Office of the Kentucky Press tion to this day. 1951 is also and provide more effective ser- 5
iation was formed January 13, Association on the University the year thatthe Kentucky Press vices to the membership. 79
1869 in Frankfort, Kentucky. campus. They, also, consented Service was incorporated, in A comment was made on E
At that time, 19 newspapers to allow Professor Victor B. order to handle advertising Friday, January 27, the day it
were members. In addition to Portmann to give up 20 per placement for Kentucky news- that the decision to move the ‘t
adopting the first constitution cent of his teaching time, in papers on an expanded basis. Central Office was made, that i
of KPA, the delegates elect- order to serve as Secretary- Thus far, 1966 and 1967 have history within the KPA was tak- « 2
ed George D. Prentice of the Manager of KPA. The first been years for changes, a new ing place at that very moment. ‘9
Louisville Courier-Journal as office was located in McVey Secretary-Manager and a new” Surely, it was. ‘
the first president of the or- Hall and occupied that loca- —-—-————-——~—-—-——-—--=—-—-——-——-———'—— ‘
ganization. Constitution revis- tion for about 7 years. In 1949, 7 ‘ ‘
ions took place in 1875, 1892, the KPA headquarters was mov- (7 t

A 2?..451, . ._J ., ‘
Newspaper Announces , [le ‘
Administration Changes Ken “If“

Four administrative changes He has served as both direc- gyfi/ es ’ Q
in The Lem'ngton Herald-Lead- tor and president of the KPA. ..-.-.=‘.-’:T-'--::—-2-.==;.-:;~.: ' t
er 00., including promotion of He is a member of the Lexing- FEBRUARY 1967 1
Thomas L° Adams to assis- ton Kiwanis Club and in 1965 _——‘___——‘——— gl
tant to the general manager, received that club’s Distin- 67 Newspaper CONTEST TO Be 3851' Ever g
were announced recently. guished Service Award. The 1967 Kentucky Press As- 1y study the entries.Awards will :9

Mr Adams previously was He is a member of the Inter- sociation Newspaper Contest be presented to winners dur- i.

1 t' di to of the Lex— national Circulation Managers promises to be the best in the mg the 1967 Summer Conven- . :_
circu alon rec r Association and in 1962 re- history of the press associa- tion to be held at KentuckyDam 9
mgt‘m newspapers‘ ceired that group’s distinguish- tion. Russ Metz of the Bath Village June 1, 2 and 3. Only 2;

Other changes, announced by ed service award. County News-Outlook, “Bud” first, second, third, and one
Fred 13' Wachs, meager“; and Mr. Matthews is a native of Calman, Jr.of the Sturgis News, honorable mention awards will 1"
general manager were. Bardstown and has been a resi- and Jack Viehman, Secretary- be presented. ' l}.

M. Howard Matthews was ap- dent of Lexington since 1922. Manager of KPA have lined -———-———-— l
pointed circulation director to He became associated with The up outstanding judges from all Newspaper In The
succeed Mr. Adams. Mr. Ma- Lexington» Herald in 1922 and over the country. Because of
thews formerly was country with The Herald-Leader in this every indication is that Classroom Workshop
circulation director. 1937. the 1967 contest will draw a Newspapers often publicize

Thomas M. Buckner, who has He has served as director of record number of entries. The television’s increasing role in
been national advertising man- the Central States Circulation judges who have accepted an education, but don’t exploit the
ager, was named promotion Managers Association and is a invitation to judge the contest newspaper’s value in the class- l
manager and assistant to Mr. member of Oleika Temple are: McDill “Huck” Boyd of room, a University of Kentucky (
Adams. Shrine. Philliprurg, Kansas; Janles journalism profeSSor pointed (

William Carroll Fisher Jr., Buckner Started In 1961 Finney, Jr. of Columbia, Ten- out recently. 3
a member of The Herald-Lead- Mr. Buckner joined the news- nessee; J. D. Fitz of Morgan- “Kentucky publishers and i .
er Co’s advertising department paper firm in 1961 as a mem- ton, North Carolina; Paul Sch- our Journalism Department can i
for 26 years, will succeed Mr. ber of the retail advertising midt of the North Dakota Press work together to change that d {
Buckner as national advertis- department and was made man- Association; Dr. William Bax- imbalance,” prof, Robert i
ing manager. 'ager of national advertising in ter of Samford University, Bir- Thorp declared.

Mr. Adams, in his newcapac- 1964. mingham, Alabama; Jerry Ka- Thorp cited The Newspaper
ity, will assume many of the He is a native of Winchester. vanagh of Conrad, Montana; in the Classroom, a special
duties and responsibilities of Mr. Buckner attended Kentucky John Jepsen of Townsend, Mon— workshop for teachers, as one
Edwards M. Templin, Herald- Military Institute and was grad- tana; Tom Mayhill of Knights- way of emphasizing the educa- i
Leader promotion director who uated from Transylvania Col- town, Indiana; C. Y. Nanney tional aspects of newspapers. 4
died recently. lege. He attended Vanderbilt of Union Mills, North Carol- Such a workshop will be of- i

Mr. Adams came to The Lex- University and did graduate ina; Phil Fourney 0f Ravens- fered at UK this summer, with t .
ington Leader in 1936 as assist- work at Harvard University. wood, West Virginia; Delmus Thorp as director, ' i
ant circulation manager. He Mr. Fisher was associated Harden of Fulton, Mississippi; The workshop’s main objec- 2
previously had been with the with the Winchester Sun from Richard Johnson of Booneville, tives will be to provide teach— (
circulation department of the 1935 to 1941, when he joined Indiana; Ed Meyers of Rich— ers with an understanding of t
Herald-Post in Louisville. the display advertising depart- mond, Virginia;EdSchergens of newspapers (especially their E

He was named circulation ment Of The Herald-Leader 00- Tell City. Indiana; Tiny Hunt place in and contributions to a i
manager of The Leader in 1936 He is past president of the of Versailles, Indiana; and free society) and to help them i
and was appointed circulation Winchester Lions Club and last Mrs. Sue Wahlgren 0f Lexing- develop ways touse newspapers {
director of The Herald-Leader year was president 0f the 10031 ton, Kentucky. in their classes. i
when the papers merged in Business Representatives Club. The deadline for entries has “Teachers who have partic- <
1937_ A native of Winchester, he is been moved up from April 15th, ipated in previous workshops, 9

Mr. Adams has been active a graduate of University High which has been the deadline and others who use newspapers {
in Lexington civic affairs and School and attended Kentucky in the past, to March 15th. This as teaching aids, have been
in Kentucky Press Association Wesleyan College when it was was done in order to give the enthusiastic about the new life _
activities throughout the state. in Winchester. judges. enough time to thorough- (please turn to page eight)

« l

 THE KENTUCKY PRESS ° ° . . . . '35:
Official Publication Clrculaflng WIfh BI" l N ‘ By A. J. Viehman. Jr. . ' , .
KentuckyleieIslgtgns5;;iation, Inc. _ By BILL GIBSON ac (- OteS Sec. & Mgr.KPA 1; K
A. J. Viehman,:1r. Editor You had better hurry If you J. Jay Aldous, representing 0nd most important point was .
Member plan _to a“??? the second CH" tne American Newspaper Rep- that we have to ‘get away from * I
tight:fightigggfgggm @113th D1V151°n 0f KPA mfet' resentatives office in New the idea that “good old ANR is '
’ . — 3?“ mg to be held at Rough River . ' - , 5:;
National Newspaper Assoc1atlon . York, spoke to the membeis up there in New York and out ___;
National Newspaper Promotion 3am St??? Park, April 21'23” of the Kentucky Press Associa- there in Detroit and San Fran-
’ Bette:gsu‘jsigaetggnweau (1161:6027; $12: tildoplaligk Exit 321:: tion during the recent conven- cisco and Los Angeles selling
we hentucky Press Association, Inc. h A .1 1 A 1 h tlon in LouisVllle. Aldous, ex- space in our newspapers. Why
s. C. Van Curon, President t an prl ° S usua ’ we ave plaining and depicting the chang- I didn’t even have to leave town ~ ~
' ’Favome ’ p a1 yan wee ' nue advertising agency,brought or that order. Of course there 'f
. A. J. Viehman, Jr. Secretary 1y newspaper men and women. out many points that affect Ken— are times when an account that t .
Manager-Treasurer, Lexington Everyone who attends should tucky publishers. Probably the I’ve been getting from the "
Haggai}; cG§§lrLSr??e’e-A5§3rg:r§§s‘{5ref be able 120 take back some 1deas most important point is that ad- agency has suddenly and mys-
. - : ~ ' Wthh Will boost your own Clr- - - - _ - ' - » .
son, Chairman, Hardlnsburg (Second) . , , vertlsmg agenmes today arere ter1ously started coming
“fink C: 1.3611: Vicephairmaf‘» Befiford culatlon and you 11 probablyflnd lying. more and more on re- through ANR and the Kentucky g
firmwwmlammDaVIS’EddyvmemFSt); the answers to many 0f your search and com uter t e in- Press Service Heck I even 3 -
A. J. Schansberg, St. Matthews (rhird); mail problems. By the way y0u _ . P YP ' i _ l -
Thomas M. Buckner, Lexmgton (Sixth); _ ’ formation. In other words, the called on those advertisers a. _
Warren R “Sher, Jr-rcamSle (Seventh)? may have read in the KPA bul' advertising dollar is being right here in town and now the , ' a:
Lows DeRosm’ commbia -; . 33
Charles T. Lipscomb Jr., many times as much per copy i ' ‘ 3 7 é 3
who heads the American News- or per. subscription as they outStandln You“ M an 3 3 3 , 3 3,
paper Publishers Association’s charge now. 3 3 3% V
advertising bureau, is urging The same applies to TV and . . . , , a A
U. S. business and industry to radio programs that are free Cynthiana publisherl Tommg the Cynthiana Publishing Co. 3 i _ 333
join in fighting what he sees as to the public. But for those fre- Lo Pljeston wastlzeotegttytnagrile thenDpubhshers of The Cynthi- . a
a steadily increasing drive by quent messages from those nu- Harrisclz/ii co‘fnghyg 1,1 S 3% ng ana Tfimocrat and the Log Cab~3 " é ._ a ,.
federal bureaucrats to hobble, merous sponsors, only pay-TV :50ng Can 0 e unior am m-d 1 5 P313811; 216% merged. \ _ 3 » $3: ,
t, hamper and curtail advertis- and pay-radio could survive, er 0 ommerce. , an a er a 1r publication, ‘ :3
ing privately operated, inthis coun- Preston, 332, received the or- The Robertson Go. News was , i 3:753: ' _
Vile see it the same way try— at considerable expenseto ganization’s first Distinguish- acquired. It too was eventually g -
o . - . ’ .zirlla: -
Herewith, our first but in all each and every customer. ’ ed Service award for hls ac- merged “nth The Democrat. 5,53 ;
likelihood by no means our last Without advertising, then, the complishments m , the weekly The Democrat has received ' i§ - .
comment on the subject. And public’s right to knowwhat goes newspaper fleid’ hls communi- 62 state and natlonal awards - A his? '
here are some of the aspects on in the world, via press, TV ty serv1ce achievements onboth Since 1960, being five times " :5; - ' 3
' of the drive against which Mr. and radio, would be badly cur- a local and state level, and for named Kentucky’s best weekly J- 1%
Lipscomb is sounding the alarm tailed, and the eXercise of what hlst leadership r0135 m private newspaperr ‘ _ . 3 333 ';
bells: was left of that basic right engrprise. If f St t Preston was a charter meme 3 3 ,.
ITEM: Some character in the would be outrageously expen- J e nowl 0121.3 1 lesh or th: e ber of the Carrollton Jaycees, ; a 3
U. S. Department of Justice has sive. Kayifiekie :0 £23336; ethic a Z: a Carrollton Rotarian, and is _, _
dreamed up a notion that big Hence, these bureaucrats and :21 c 1:36 will be cho e g xt past associate director of the . w
3, companies in a given field habi- politicians who are steaming En than S nne Kentucky Better Roads Council, , 3‘;
tually do much more advertis- up this drive against legitimate 01;} sto ’s back ound . in Frankfort. He is secretary of 3
ing than little companies in the advertising and established ad- . e 1, n b 1? e 0 Preston and Associates 3Engi~ _ .6? ’ ‘
same field, and that this gives vertising practices actually are 30:33” 51%, figanh 1y atrsvag neers, Lexington, a director in .
the “bigs’.’ an unfair advantage mounting“ an attack 3 on an es- w he “1 Atlg h SCUO‘O a 't erf the Kentucky Press Servicer ,
over the “smalls.” sential right, a fundamental 1i- :3“ disk h 5 e givetfim y 0d and a member of the State Coun-
So it is predicted here and berty, of Americans. en to yd'te W:Sth ea 3r e 5“; oil on Public Higher-Education. 3, ’ 3
there that the Justice Depart- Mr. Lipscomb, therefore is SPOT 5 e 1 or do :uéuvegag ‘-—‘_——~ _ e ;
ment sooner or later will try more than justified in calling on Eefispaper an dwotr fe 5:: 001d Only alldltOI'S approved bythe 3 3 _ 3
to prosecute one of these big industry and business to join in lat corresponléen orS 8,0 State 'Board Of Education may , .:
advertisers under the antitrust fighting this drive against the n ergaéogapr e’iVSt etrvmelz, au.d1t funds of 10031 $011001 '3dlS' - _ 3 “
laws, get a conviction, and right to know at reasonable cost. no; bu e 5155 11:23:23 igna. tI‘ICtS- " ~ 3
thereby set a precedent for It is their patriotic duty to fight, e ecame e S 3 y ung ,""‘—"“—“‘— 3 ~ , -
limiting the amount of adver- as well as economic self-de- est professmnal neWspaper edl' Guidance counsellors are3-be- ' ' i ' 3
tising any concern may do fense , tor in 1956 when he managed ing employed at State vocation- .3 .:‘ 33
ITEM- The Federal Trade ' the News-Democrat in Carroll- a1 schools as fast as‘they be-v _’;i j
_ ' _ _ It is to be hoped, 1300, that all ton. , come available the State'Edu-i " «4,: i .
Commiss1on is reported to feel thennews a ers magazines and 3 _ , 3 9 . 3 3 3 t
that it is somekind of unfair p p. ’ . In June of 1959 he Purchased catlon Department reportS-: - .. ~
, f TV and radiooutlets Will stand .__.__.._____________-________._____ 3 _ j;
. Piactme 0r newillapers'maglj' up, and fight- . . . v - , , p. . = -
> ‘i zmes a?“ telev1s10n net?“ S Their constitutional rights 3:; _ ' 3 _3 33 g - .» _ "3; 3,
,' or stations to charge3big ad- are being threatened 'by this . give? z ’ .. V If."
, ”use” “WP” “n” rates anti-advertising campaign in i, ' .7 ; _-
th-a‘? they Charge imam