xt72z31nk51t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt72z31nk51t/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1975-09-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 26, 1975 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 26, 1975 1975 1975-09-26 2020 true xt72z31nk51t section xt72z31nk51t   

Vol. LXVII No. 38
Friday, September 26,1975



an independent student newspaper}—


2] University of Kentucky

Lexington, Ky. 40506


The last
of the last
Red River
Dam story

Kernel Sta ff Writer


(Editor’s note: This is the last of a two-
part series dealing with the controversial
Red River dam. Part one dealt with the
early history of the 834.1 million project
leading up to Congressional legklation
requiring environmental impact
statements on all public works projects.)

With enactment of the National En-
vironmental Policy Act of 1969, which
became effective Jan. 1, 1970, all public
works projects were required to have
environmental impact statements (EIS)
detailing all specifics of the project--
economic costs and benefits, en-
vironmental damage and alternatives
considered by the Corps.

Prior to enactment of the legislation
there was no documentation of the effect
the dam would have on the animal and
plant life within the gorge, nor the
project's economic aspects.

In 1972, the portion of Powell County
which included the gorge area was

red'stricted and placed in the Seventh
Congressional District, represented by
Carl Perkins. One of Kentucky’s most
influential and powerful congressmen of
the past 30 years Perkins began a
vigorous lobbying efforts In support of the

Later that same year, Lexington Mayor
Foster Pettit appeared at another public
hearing In Stanton and announced that his
city did not need and would not pay for the
water which would be provided by the

Dam opponents renewed their efforts
now that a public official was on record as
oppming the project. UK’s Environmental
Awareness Society, (now Environmental
Action Society) provided the impetus for
an intensive anti-dam campaign.

Though there were no more than two
dozen members of the organization, a
strong media blitz coupled with rallies and
leafleting brought considerable attention







willie»? ghee-1'22

concerts to raise money for planned court

to the Red River Gorge plight.

At the same time, state-wide en-
vironmental groups joined forces in a
vigorous campaign to urge Congress to
delete funding for the dam.

A new dimension to the project was
initiated with the Corps’ release of the first
draft of the environmental impact
statement in 1973. For the first time,
specific aspects of the lake and reservoir,
its effect on the gorge and the economics of
the dam were documented in a single

UK econanics professors attacked the
cost-benefit ratios established by the
Corps, contending the benefits were
overstated. University biology professors
were critical of the environmental impact
the dam would have on plant and animal
life in the gorge.

Two federal regulatory agencies-the
Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ)
and the Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA)--also challenged the EIS on the
environmental considerations for the


Local opposition to the dam increased
with leafleting and several rallies were
staged to urge Gov. Wendell Ford to an-
nounce opposition. Student efforts were
channeled through the newly-formed Red
River Defense Fund, which held weekly

news analysis

Several liberal state legislators and a
small group of armchair liberals began
their own “grassroots” opposition to the
dam complete with organized dinners and




Media coverage increased as a group of
young lawyers and law students working
through the Appalachian Research and
Defense Fund began laying the foundation
for a lawsuit seeking to halt construction of
the dam on the basis that the Corps
violated federal law in drafting the EIS.

Continued on page 11



lnadequacies remain in minority affairs

Assistant Managing Editor

( Editor’s note: This is the last of a series
concerning minority affairs at the
University. The first articles dealt with
enrollment and retention of balck students
and shortage of space in the minority
student affairs program.)

Although the appointment of Dr. John T.
Smith as vice president for minority af-
fairs represents the most significant at-
tempt to improve minority relations at the
University, many inadequacies remain in
the program.

Smith, who became one of eight vice
presidents in August, has the necessary
power to lobby effectively for the needs of

As President Otis A. Singletary said in
an interview on week ago today, Smith‘s
appointment provides “the structure we
need. Now we just need to improve the
effectiveness. But I think we’re finally
going to lick this thing."

An increasing black enrollment, ex-
pected to exceed 600 students for the first
time, evidences a changing environment
here. Similarly, more emphasis is being
placed on development of ethnic en-
tertainment and cultural programs.

Another positive element in integrating
the campus is the increasing number of
blacks in UK athletics. The fact that
bladrs, until recently, were not involved in
the basketball program added to the
University’s racist image.

news analysis

There are, however, many unanswered
questions concerning development of the

Retaining black students has been a
problem with no apparent solution. The
high drop-out rate among blacks is, in
part, the result of a unique campus “at

Essentially the atmosphere involves a
concept that blacks are burdened with



additional adjustment problems because
this is a predominantly white institution.

Moreover, pockets of racism still exist in
the University community — an obvious
deterrent to multi-racial development.

Although the “atmosphere” is perhaps
the overriding problem, the minority
student affairs office is also limited in
space and personnel.

There remains one aspect of the
minority program that, as yet, cannot be
determined positive or negative. That is
Jerry Stevens, director of the minority
student office. The 31-year-old trained
social worker has said he is considering
resignation. But, subsequent to publication
of that fact in the Kernel, Stevens said in a
Thursday Lexington Herald article, he will
not resign — at least not until the end of
this academic year.

Stevens is apparently well liked by black
students. and effective, as a black coun:
selor. He is not, however, well liked and
effective in communication with other
University administrators.

Stevens’ statements throughout his four-
year tenure at the University have led him

to be branded as a “radical" and a

For example:

In 1971, shortly after accepting his

present pisition, Stevens is quoted in a
Kernel article as saying, “this is a racist

In 1974, in another Kernel story, Stevens
said: “This school was not set up to admit
blacks. So now they say ‘we’ve changed
our minds so you all come on in now’. Well
that's not adequate. it just isn’t going to
work like that.

“This is a plantation. It is the tobacco
and horse farm capitalof the world. And in
it blacks are going to be stable boys,
grooms and housemaids.”

But Stevens’ outspoken views have long
been a thorn in the side of administrators.
The administration recognizes Stevens’
effectiveness in counseling students as

Continued on page 5





Lettas and Spectrum articles should be addressed to the Edwial Pam Editm
Room Ill Journalism Building. They should be typed. maespaced an sigied.
Lettasstmldnot exceedmwuHSand Spectrumarticlsmm.

Editorials do not represent the opinions of the University.

Bruce Winges

Ginny Edwards
Managing Editor

Susan Jones
Editorial Page Editor

Jack Koeneman
Associate Editor







. 5'4' ’

(Editor’s note: Because of the number of letters and commentaries received by
the Kernel, there is no editorial today. In cases where a number of letters and
commentaries are received about one or several subiects, more space will be
devoted to readers' views. All letters and Spectrum articles should be typed,
(buble-spaced and signed. Letters cannot exceed 250 words and Spectrum

articles 750 words.)




Every year at U K lend up standing in

a long line waiting to be admitted to the
drop-add circus. When it becomes my
turn I pick up my IBM admission ticket
and run across the floor to stand in line
to pick up my other tickets. These are
the ones needed to actually get in to see
some of the shows. Well, I wait and wait
and finally I reach the booth to find out
they’re sold out. Then I beg and plead
and argue because the last time they
sold out and time before also. But this
time I iust have to get in. You see, I'm a
second semester junior and I don’t have
much more time or money for the
University circus.

After I go from booth to booth seeing
"sold out“ signs I decide to go to the
ring master to see about getting to see

his shows. I explain that I don’t like.

paying money and not getting my
classes needed to graduate. 50 he says,
”if you don’t like it, go elsewhere!“

Anyway, after a couple of days I-

found a hole in the back of the circus
tent and got in, but I can’t depend on
this to happen every year. Maybe next
year it will be better. After all, I’ll be a

Kent E. Thompson
Architecture iunior



00h! — The Doobie Bros. concert
last Sunday night was so "far out." I
mean, like, you know—real ly. Boogie!
Get dawn! Andthey didall kinds of neat
tricks that I thought were mly possible
to the Wizard of Oz. Who cares if the
vocals are drowned out by noisy,
blaringgultars?$owhatifthe harmony
is “not quite” on key when you are
thrilled by the spectacle of great balls
of fire bursting forth fran the stage,
and other similarly spellbinding

I might add that the crowd brought
back fond memories of higi school
days. It is heartwarming to consider




that SCB opens the Coliseum doors to
adolescent masses yearning to
”boogie” and ”get down to some rock
’n’ roll. I think it was nice that some
k ids from one of Fayette County’s high
schools bd cheers for the Doobies
(between smooches and mouthfuls of
popcorn) thus spreading the spirit of

Dispensing with the sarcasm, I found
the Doobie Bros. most disappointing ~~
a true waste of time and money.

Brian Borelus
History senior


I am a student who approves of

busing. Busing is not the best way to
achieve equal education for all
students, but it is a valid attempt.
According to the U.S. Constitution, "All
men are created equal.” This means all
students have a right to a quality
education. If they do not receive it in
separate schools they will have to be

l believe that people who oppose
busing look only at the skin color of a
person. They make no effort to find the
human potential in every child, black or
white, America needs every intelligent
mind she has today. It would be a
shame to waste any of them on poor

Susan Carter
UK student



Social Work in Action, the club for
undergraduates in the College of Social
Professions, unanimously voted to sup-
port Moshe Dayan’s right to speak at
UK. We are not in any way supporting
Dayan’s views but simply expressing
our belief that he should have the
freedom to speak on our campus.

Social Work in Action
Richard FIeweIIing - Pres.

Carol Stewart - Vice Pres.
Anita Mendrup - Sec-Trees.





The Middle East


By Ray Cormier


As a visitor to this campus, I have been
amazed to see a majority of students who
seem to be ”marking time” without really
getting into the spirit of learning. A
university is supposed to be a place where
young, open, inquisitive minds search out
knowledge, understanding, and, hopefully,

I have attended several lectures here
and have been impressed with the
facilities available to any student who
wants to use them. Compared to other
universities l have visited, UK students
are truly fortunate. Unnfortunately,
however, I have noticed the ma iority do
not appreciate the opportunities available
to them here. I have been saddened by the
apathy of most students in classes and out
of class to this once in a lifetime chance to
develop their minds. In class, students
sleep, babble endlessly to each other —
mostly male-female —or otherwise sit
passively and listen without probing their

teachers to generate a deeper un-
derstanding of the subiects being


We know there are
monumental problems
facing mankind.


We know that there are monumental
problems facing mankind. The world is not
perfect when we realize that this country
with 5 per cent of the world's population
consumes 70 per cent of the world‘s
resources. We can see what the disparity
of wealth does even within the bordersof
this great country. I say that life on this
campus is unreal, being preoccupied with
getting laid, parties, getting stoned (not
high), and sports. ls each one of you really
preparing for the real world off this
campus? If you examine your own
motivations, you will know the truth.

Since I have been here, the big issue in
this paper has been the Dayan visit.
Almost daily, there is dialogue between
proArab and pro-Israeli viewpoints. Even
here, in comfortable Lexington, Ky., it is
an emotionally charged issue. l believe I
have a higher viewpoint than either of the
protagonists. I believe that this single
issue is of the utmost importance to every
citizen of the world. You may continue to
live your own little lives on this campus,
but what is happening in the Middle East
will eventually affect you.

Has any one of you really examined the
events taking place? The latest peace
initiatives so deeply involve the American
population you should be aware. We know
that during the last short war Israel gained
land. I should mention here that from the
Israeli viewpoint this struggle to survive is
motivated not only politically but
religiously. The State of Israel came into
being only in I948. To the Israelis, the long-
awaited promise of that ”promised land”
became a reality. I believe that Israel is
now consolidating that promised land.
This is an emotional issue so deep that it

. ..mmw.sawm - ..

defies all reason. The same can be said
about the Arab cause, and both sides have
valid points.

Let's examine the established facts. In
I973 Israel gained the Sinai Desert —~aII
sand ex cept for an oil field which since that
war supplied Israel with 60 per cent of
their oil needs. More important than the
oil, however, was the land, which acts as a
buffer zone to give a warning against a
surprise attack from an avowed enemy
that wants to prevent Israel from
inhabiting the promised land. After that
short war, both sides realized that they
could notafford to continue, both in dollars
and lives. Both sides suffered huge losses
in military equipment. In order to re-
equip, a state of no war-no peace existed.
The Arabs did have another weapon —an
ace up the sleeve —in the form of oil. The
Arabs used this weapon so effectively that
the whole world is still suffering from its
use —uncontrollab|e inflation. This
weapon affected the life of every citizen in
the world as each one of you knows to be
true. The American economy was shaken
to the very roots. American multinationals
were affected in every country. The
multinationals brought pressure on the
American government to stabilize the
situation at all costs. The Americans did
have a savior in the person of Henry
Kissinger. Off goes this prophet of peace
(Nobel Peace Prize, Viet Nam) info
shuttle diplomacy. The Israelis stood firm
mno firm world guaranteed peace ~no
return of the land gained. They were right!
The U.S. threatened not to sell weapons to
Israel if they did not sign. The world
economy was still reeling from the Arab
oil weapon. Discontent was widespread
both here and abroad. The slogan here was
peace at all costs. In order to convince
Israel to sign, Henry K sweetened the pot.
The U.S. would give Israel $2.2 billion of
the most advanced weapons in the world
for free! United States personnel would
monitor the area, if they would give up 10
miles of desert with an oil field. The U.S.
also guarantees to make up for the lost oil.
Who could resist a deal like that? Of
course, in the name of peace, the U.S. also
had to supply Egypt with weapons, and
Jordon. Has the emotionalism and passion
in this dispute subsided. Only time will tell.
We do have a treaty! Peace!

I doubt if any one of you remember
Chamberlain, the Prime Minister of
England stepping off the plane in London.
I939, after signing a treaty with Hitler. He
waved the signed treaty to newsmen ex-
claiming "Peace in our times." The rest is

Ibelieve the Chief Rabbi in Jerusalem is
praising the Lord, and the U.S. is passing
the ammunition. I believe that the events
unfolding in the Middle East are leading
all nations, all peoples to that last great
war on the battlefield of Armageddon.


Ray Cormier, a visitor to Lexington and
UK, describes himself as an individual
who "gave up everything I owned to make
people aware.“






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‘ Press box receives


’carte blanche’ service

There was a time when the sports writer was a
rather shabby individual who hovered on the sidelines
in an old tweed suit, waiting for a chance to speak to
the coach—a chance which rarely came. Foul weather
and fouler words buffeted the lowly sports writer
around, who picked up team chatter like a Times
Square pigeon picking up crumbs.




No more—at least not a Commonwealth Stadium.
Today the sports writer is a respected professional to
whom the coach is obliged to speak even in the
immediate aftermath of defeat. He and his brethren sit
behind a perspex facade which streches like a smile
across the face of Commonwealth Stadium. Far from
having to fight for a story, gentlemen of the modern


sports press are handed their stories on a platter. It
remains only to add the adiectives to taste.

Beneath these gentlemen of the press sit the
"gentlemen of the ground,” for whom Shakespeare
inserted bawdy iokes into tragic plays, or——in the
modern parlance—sit the schlepps.

The differentiation between the gentlemen of the
press and the general public begins as soon as both
arrive at Commonwealth Stadium. The schlepps wait
in line to park and pay $2 for the privilege of getting
stuck in a sotty field if it rains. The press park for
nothing, and on tarmac.

At the entrance to the stadium, the schlepps produce
tickets, while the press flash passes which bring carte
blanche service. Then while the schepps slog up stairs,
the press ascend the stadium at high speed along with
other celebrities and visiting dignitaries.

While the general public lines up for delicious
hamburgers and hot dogs, the gentlemen of the press
dine on ham, whipped potatoes, cheese and salad, and
catered Coca Cola. It’s all free, of course, courtesy of
the University. And there are enough takers. Every
scribe, sophist, sports scrivener and bona-fide iournal
ist from all over the state seemed to be in the press box
for the UK-Kansas game, and still the facility was not
filled to its capacity of 200.

If the effects of the luncheon should prove too much

for the sports writer, he can always bring a tape
recorder, turn it on, and catch the play-by-play and a
quick snooze simultaneously. Upon awaking at the
game's end, he will find four mimeographed sheets
containing the ”stats” for the four quarters.

Despite the dullness of the Kansas game, nobody
slept. in fact, if the sports writers are pampered it is
because they play an invaluable part in any athletics
program. Good press makes great football teams.
Good football teams make great press. Unfortunately,
for both, the Kansas game produced neither. After
their rather insipid defeat, the UK locker room was
like a wake. Lexington Herald-Leader Executive
Sports Editor Steve Wilson, sports writer heavy D.G.
Fitzmaurice and WLEX’s Tom Hammond waited
outside like grieving uncles. They had to speak to Fran
Curci and Fran Curci had to speak to them. It was as
much a part of the game as fumble or a touchdown.

The stadium was empty, the public gone home.
Upstairs in the press box, a plaque adorns the wall,
presented by the press, in appreciation of the working
conditions provided by the University.


Anthony Pearce-Batten is a graduate student in the
Patterson School of Diplomacy and International
Commerce. His column appears weekly in the Kernel.





Preliminary research would help
in the art of political reporting

By Koy Rubin

ldon’t know who David Brown is, but if
he plans to doany more political reporting
in the Kernel, l would suggest he doa little
preliminary research.

l refer to the Sept. 4 article, ”Political
Groups Plan Voter Registration Drive”. If
Mr. Brown had taken the time, he would
have found the campus arm of the
Republican Party is not the Young
Republicans — it is the College
Republicans. Unlike the Democrats, the
Republican Party feels that college
students are responsible enough to run
their own organization. The College
Republicans (CR) are federated on the
national level, under the College
Republican National Committee. The
Young Republicans (YR) are also
federated under the Young Republican
National Federation. As you can see, these
are two separate groups, entirely in.
dependent of one another.

Mr. Brown would also have found that
the University of Kentucky College






Republicans (UKCR) have seven officers
— none of whom is Hal Haering. l have
checked the rolls of both the UKCR and the
Fayette County YR, and neither shows
Haering’s name. Therefore we feel that he
is not a qualified spokesman for the UK-
CR. We do not know where he obtained his

information; some of it is correct, some is

A qualified spokesman could have told
Mr. Brown that plans are under way for
Bob Gable and the entire slate of
Republican candidates to make at least

one appearance at UK. This spokesman
also would have known, as Haering did
not, that UKCR will play an integral part
in all Fayette County races; already
there are several UKCR members
working in the campaigns of Larry
Hopkins, an incumbentseeking re-election
to the General Assembly from the 78th
District, and of Kent Masterson Brown,
candidate for the 79th District seat. This is
certainly farfrom ”no local campaigning”
as was quoted from Haering.

Up to now, the Kernel has always
maintained the highest standards
regarding the news which it prints. It is a
shamethatsuchafine paper would allowa
grievous mistake like this to be printed. I
believe David Brown owes the UKCR, the
Kernel, and the entire University an
apology and an assurance that he will
check out the facts before he turns in his
next article.


Kay Rubin is executive vice chairman of
the University of Kentucky College


 4—THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Friday. September 26. 1975

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fl news briefs


Federal agent knew
Moore purchased gun

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -— An undercover federal firearms agent
accompanied Sara Jane Moore to the home of the gun collector who
one day later sold her the gun she fired at President Ford, The
Associated Press learned Thursday.

The agent actually examined the same .38 caliber revolver used
in the asassination attempt, according to collector Mark Fem-
wood of Danville, Calif.

Law enforcement sources said the agent and Mrs. Moore visited
Fernwood‘s home Sunday after she had informed police and the
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) about possible
violations of federal gun control laws.

They said the ATF agent observed Mrs. Moore write Femwood a
$125 check for a .44 caliber revolver which she purchased two
weeks earlier. San Francisco police seized that gun later Sunday
after she hinted to police at plans to assassinate the President.
Howeva', she purchased a second gun, a .38 caliber revolver, from
Fernwood on Monday, then fired it at the President outside a
downtown San Francisco hotel.

The sources said the agent and Mrs. Moore were shown part of
Fernwood‘s weapons collection, including a briefcase containing
several ha ndguns for sale, then left a short time later.

Saudia Arabia initiates
walkout at OPEC session

VIENNA, Austria (AP) — Saudi Arabia, angry over Iranian‘
supported demands to hike oil prices more than 20 per cent, led a
walkout from a stormy session of the Organization of Petroleum
Exporting Countries (OPEC) on Thursday. Another meeting was
set for Friday.

“We are facing terrible opposition. They are getting violent,"
Saudi Arabia '5 oil minister. Sheik Ahmed Zaki Yamani. told
reporters as he left the fivehour session 45 minutes before it ended.
lie was followed by delegations from Indonesia, Qatar and Kuwait.

Yamani later flew off to London. Associates said he was having
communication difficulties here and wanted to talk over the
situation in privacy with his government's representatives in the
British capital. The informants said Yaniani would return Friday

House 'money' committee approves
$1 I 1.9 billion defense appropriation

WASHINGTON (AP.l A $111.9-billion dcfcnsc appropriation.
chopped $9 billion below President Ford's request. was approved
Thursday by the House Appropriations (‘ommittce

The reduction includes a $344-million slice ot'f U. S. intelligence
activities. The panel recommended also the termination of the
Safeguard antimissile system. once a controversial $211-hillion
system for shooting down enemy missiles.

An effort to chop out $132.7 million for the proposed new F18 Navy
jet fighter was rejected by the committee just before final approval
of the bill.

All $8.8 million requested for production of new binary nerve gas
weapons was rejected and the money diverted to protective
clothing to improve chemical warfare defenses of US. forces.

Senate intelligence committee says
FBI committed illegal burglaries

WASHINGTON (AP) — The FBI committed at least 238 illegal
burglaries upon one group of 14 “domestic subversive targets“
from 1942 to 1968 and hid the records in secret files the Senate
Intelligence Committee was told Thursday.

In addition, said Chairman Frank Church (D—Idaho), the FBI told
the canmittee that a separate group of three other targets was
subjected to “numerous" unlawful entries from October 1952 to
June 1966. The total number in the second group could not be given
because no precise record exists, the FBI said.

The word “targets" was not completely explained, leaving it
unclear whether the break-ins were upon homes of individuals,
offices of organizations, or both.

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Unique things found

in campus

Kernel Staff Writer

Along with handling ap-
proximately 40,000 pieces of mail
daily, the University Postal
System also handles frogs, bees,
lizards and booze.

According to Gerald Greene,
Postal System manager, animals
are not an unusual item in the
system. He says frogs are
delivered to the Medical Center
about once a week for use in

The agronomy department
sometimes receives bees. The
bees come in hives and are in
eight-inch square boxes placed
inside wooden crates.

For a few weeks after spring
break, baby lizards are not un
common items in the system.
“Faculty members and students
sometimes send them back from
southern vacations," he said.

Other unusual items also show
up in the mails — trees, for in-

Trees cause small handling
problems. “Since they’re about
six feet tall, they aren‘t quite as
easy to handle as a box." Greene
said. “Their roots are wrapped
and they have a tag with the
shipping access attached to the
trunk. The seedlings are usually

post office

from nurseries.”

Other strange items are tires
and transplant tissues “Tires
don‘t come in boxs, they just
have a tag attached to them
telling their shipping address.
They’re usually from mail order
catalogs,“ Greene said. Tran-
splant tissues don’t come often,
according to Greene. When they
do come however, they‘re packed
in thermal containers resembling
styrofoam coolers. The tissues
can usually be kept for 36 hours
before they are damaged.

Animals are usually delivered
in good condition. Greene said.
The packaging department puts
air holes in the boxes and adds a
moisture content. The bees are
provided with a sugar substance.

Now and then, he says a dog’s
head or something similar will
come to the station. However, he
says, these are usually for
autopsies and don’t pose much of
a problem.

As faras he knows, there aren‘t
any major problems in handling
the unusual i