xt72z31nk79m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt72z31nk79m/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2000-11-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 06, 2000 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 06, 2000 2000 2000-11-06 2020 true xt72z31nk79m section xt72z31nk79m  

‘83; art-ti: Day“


In celebration of Election
Day, here are some
interesting facts
about our Founding
Fathers. There's no
school tomorrow so
go vote!

George Washington

Believing that shaking
hands was beneath a
Washington bowed to
his White House

John Adams

The Adams' were the
first residents of the
White House. They
moved in during
November l800 while
the paint was still
wet. Mrs. Adams
would hang her
laundry in the East
Room to dry.

Thomas Jefferson

Jefferson wrote his own
epitaph without
mentioning that he
served as president
of the United States.

James Madison

Madison was the first
president to wear
long trousers. All
previous presidents
wore knee breeches.

James Monroe

The bride in the first
White House wedding
was Monroe's

John Quincy Adams

Adams was the first
president to be

Andrew Jackson

Jackson was the first
president born in a
log cabin.

Martin Van Buren

Van Buren was the first
president born in the
United States.

William Henry Harrison

Harrison was the only
presrdent who
studied to become a

John Tyler

Five years after leaving
office, Tyler was so
poor he was unable
to pay a bill for $1.25
until he had sold his
corn crop.

James Polk

Polk survived a gallstone
operation at age 17
without anesthesia or
antiseptics. Those
medical practices
were not used at the

Zachary Taylor

As a soldier always
moving from location
to location, Taylor
never established an
official place of
residence and never
registered to vote.

He didn't even vote in
his own election. It
wasn’t until he was
62 that he cast his
first ballot.

- Compiled by:
Amanda York

- Source:




Trying to


hold on
Cats can’t
bring down
the the dogs I 3




6.0 4.2

Refreshing cool with
many clouds. The winter
season is under way.

VOL. $8106 ISSUE £852


Call: 257-1915 or write:


Students question tenure policy

Disagreements: Law students upset by dean's decision to
not grant tenure to professor based on scholarship

By Ashley York
ASSISTANT hfws'tbiioa

The denial of tenure for a proli‘ssor iii
the l'K (‘ollege of Law has led many law stu~
detits to question the system used to grant


lien Dusing. a third-year graduate stu-


LCC students predict election outcome

whether the Electoral (‘ollege
should be abolished.
“The outcome of the Klee

The numbers: Students poll shows that Bush

her tenure.

dent. said approximately 85 students gaths
ered 'I‘hursday night at the law school to dis
cuss the oyerturiiing of the faculty‘s i‘t‘t‘lllll'
meiidation to grant Professor l)arlene (Tor
irig tenure promotion.

(loririg. an assistant professor of law.
has taught property law at [K since 199-1
and said she is shocked by the denial of


Courtney Reynolds, daughter of Ray and
Denise Reynolds of Lexington, and football
player Seth Hanson, son of Scott and Ann
Hanson of Dallas. Texas. were crowned the
UK homecoming king and gueen daring half-
time ceremonies at the UK vs. Mississippi
State homecoming game Saturday.

Reynolds, a history senior, Is also a Single-
tary Scholar and a Gaines Fellow. She also
serves as a UK student ambassador. a posi-
tion that requires her to participate in a
variety of alumni and other events and to
tour the state to urge high school students
to consider applying to UK. Reynolds was

sponsored by the Kappa Sigma fraternity.

Hanson, a management senior, Is a kicker
and three-year starter on llK's football
team. He Is president of IlK's chapter of the
Fellowship of Christian Athletes and a
member of UK Athletics' Frank 6. Item
Society of Character. Hanson was spon-
sored by the Alpha Delta PI sorority.

Other members of the homecoming royalty
were: Jennifer Blazelewski. a marketing
senior, Caroline Harralson, an lSC funior.
Emily Koehler, a marketing senior, Michael
Bowfln, a biology junior, Joshua Brown, an
agrlcnltaral biotechnology sedor. and I.
Cordell Pierce. a psychlogy senior.

team I motoring

cal behayior and American goy-
ernment courses. The students
work in groups.

"I earned the right to be a tenure facul
ly and I‘m going to fight for it." (loring said.

Goring said she intends to appeal the
decision and is pleased with the students" cf-
foit to reyerse the filial decision.

The linal decision to oyemirn the facul
ty's rtx‘onimendatiori to grant tenure to (lor
ing was itiade by Allan Vestal. the dean of
the (‘ollege of Law. Vestal was also in atteri
dance at ’l'hursday night's student meeting.

The process of tenure. under the rules
of the law school and the l'niy‘ersity. starts

with a report L’f‘llf'l'illt‘tl by the t'ttlllllllltei- of
tenure promotion. which then goes to the
tenure faculty. The faculty meets and makes
a rtconiniendation to the dean liased on the
faculty reciininiendation and report of the
tenure promotion committee and the full
tenure file. the dean has the option to make
a recommendation to the chancellor to see if
it should occur,

\'estal said all steps occurred and he
evaluated all information made ayailablv-
to him.

See TENURE on 2


Professors pick
the president

3-2: Political science professors chose

George W. Bush as Tuesday's election winner
By Kathy Wyatt

surr witch“

Predictions on who will win tomorrow's presidential race need
ed no crystal balls or psychic powers last week. inst a few political
science professors.

Students listened to tiye [7K political science professors giye
their insights on who would win this close election last Thursday
eyening at the Student (‘enter

The professors were giyeri Ill minutes to predict who the next
president would he and their reasoning behind their ('lllll(‘t'.\.

Penny Miller. an associate political science professor. was first
at bat. “In the presidential race. the total yictor will be \"ice l’ri-sr
dent Al Gore.” she said.

Some students applauded as she discussed how she thought
Bush would win the popular yote. but that (lore would win the elec
tron through the Iilectoral (‘ollege yote. Miller said that the states
that are key in the outcome are Florida. which holds senior Citizen
votes; Michigan. where yotes come from labor unions and black yot»
ers: and Pennsylvania. a mix ofeyery kind of person.

She said whomeyer gets two out of these three states will win.

Professor Mark Peilley brought up unusual research on how to
guess the future president. The Presidential Height Index. which has
had a history of the taller candidate winning since the 1960s. fayors

The next theory was the "blinks per minute" coming from
Boston College. which counts the amount of blinking done by each
candidate during debates. Bush is behind on this one. too.

A panel of seyen political science professors at a national confer-
ence all agreed that (lore would win. l’ef'fley said.

l’efiley also sees (lore as haying the upper hand because the
iconomy has faired well under President Bill (‘Iinton and the leyel
ot'approyal oft‘linton is a high on percent. I'sing the law ofayerages.
l’etlley made his ri‘ediction.

“Three for three are for (lore. so I‘m going for Gore." he said.

Assistant professor Stephen Yoss pl’f’tllfit‘fl a Bush win.

He reported that after the debates. (iore‘s fayor dropped To per-
cent because people found out more about him. In this area. liiish
did well. Initially. people thought Bush was less intelligent. but after
the debates. 36 percent of people were more comfortable with Bush.

\‘oss explained that the zigzag pattern seen in the polls is an it
lustration of how yoters' change their mind. “As they learn what the
candidates really stand for. learn how far they are on Various issues.
that helps them conyerge on how they will yote." he said.

Associate professor I)on (iross said the focus isn't on campaign
promises. but that the candidates plan to adjust (their campaigns)
when changes happen and alter their plans.

(‘yross used the political pins on his shirt as symbolism of whom
he fayors. ”l have Bush on the right. (iore on the left. and Nader oyer
my heart." he said.

He went on to say that he knows this third—party candidate will
be blamed ifGore loses. but he feels like it will he (‘rores own fault for
not pulling ahead early on. Gross predicted Bush to win this election.

With two panel members for (lore and the remaining two for
Bush. mediator Bradley f‘anon had to cast a tie-breaking yote.

He predicted Bush. using polls as the basis of prediction.

Poll results

wins presidency, Fletcher keeps 6th district

By Lamin Swann

In the past. political issue
polls coliducted by l.(‘(" political
behayior and American goyern.
merit students haye accurately
predicted election outcomes.

If llielr record holds true.
the next president will be He
publicaii candidate (ieorge W
liush and Republican I‘lrnie
Fletcher will keep his 6th dis
trict congressional seat inside




the (‘apital Beltway.

l'nder the guidance of fiye
I.t‘(‘ instructors. led by Tim
(‘antrell. students polled lyia
telephone) l.t37.‘t Fayette and stir
rounding county residents be
tween (lt't.l873ti.

The students plucked names
and numbers for the poll from
the frequent yoter list and tele
phone directories.

The polls liaye heeli (‘tlll‘
ducted for the past IE years as a
class requirement for in polltlr

“It's a learning experience
on public opinion." Cantrell

In the last Lexington may-
oral race between incumbent
Mayor Pam Miller and (‘harles
Ellinger. the l.(‘(‘ poll came out
with the correct winner yersus
a professional pollster that the
Lexington Ilerald~l.eader used.

“The lHeraldLeaderl poll-
ster had Ellinger winning the
mayoral race; we had Miller
winning." (‘antrell said.

The lit-question poll coyered
topics ranging from the hot 6th
district congressional race to

toral (‘ollege was my biggest

surprise.” he said. "I would
(have) thought yoters would like
to see it abolished.”

A detailed Bil-page copy of
the poll‘s analyzed results will
go to the congressional candi-
dates and state Supreme t‘ourt
candidates. (‘andidates will saye
financially on this poll. (‘antrell

“The candidates could
spend thousands of dollars on
professional pollsters and get
the same outcome on a poll con
ducted by college students."
he said.

- Political party registration
Democrat: 59 percent
Republican: 35 percent

Other/Undecided: 6 percent

- Choice for 6th District
Ernest Fletcher: 44 percent
Scotty Baesler: 32 percent

Gatewood Galbraith: to percent
Undecided: IA percent

- Choice for presidential candidate
George W. Bush: 52 percent
Al Gore: 36 percent
Ralph linden 4 percent
Pat Euthanan: 1 percent
Undecided: 7 percent



ersttyfofKentucky, Lexington








.The Low-down

Drew is
but she
knew how
to order
at Frosty

Poll: Bush leads Gore in intensity

NEW YORK With both presidential candi-
dates nearly neckand-neck Ill national polls. the
biggest advantage Republicans have is intensity
for their candidate lit a poll released yesterday
by the Pew Research (‘enteiu Bush had strong
sttpport from 32 percent of voters while 26 per
cent said that about (lore. Several polls also sug
gest the late revelation that Bush was arrested in
1976 for driving under the influence of alcohol
will not be tiittcli of a factor in Tuesday‘s elec-
tion. More than eight iii to say the news does not
raise doubts for them about Bush as a candidate.

Clashes leave two Palestinians dead

.Il. Rl'b Al l .\l Scattered clashes yesterday
across the (la/a Strip and West Bank left two
l’alesttiiiaiis dead. 17 injured and tensions high.
despite a truce agreement and plans for upcom
iiig meetings iii \S'ashingtoii. President Clinton.
who has beeii trying restore calm to the region.
will play host to Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat
on ’I‘liursday. and Israeli Prime Minister lihud
llai'ak three days later. on Nov. 13. the White
House said yesterday,


Cher has upset
Catholics with a
song on her
upcoming album
that refers to
nuns as
"daughters of

Britain's Prince
Andrew has
presented a

Iranians battle over media freedoms

TEHRAN. Iran , Iran‘s reformist-dominated
parliament approved a bill yesterday to block
courts from closing newspapers. after hard-liners
rejected similar legislation last week. “Journal-
ists are not criminals." said reformist lawmaker
Elias Hazard. “We approved yesterday that the
Security Measures Law cannot apply to the
press." The move is another challenge by re—
formist allies of President Mohammad Khatami
to Islamic conservatives who have shut down
more than 30 publications in the past six months.
nearly all pro—democracy newspapers.

‘Charlie's Angels' tops box office

LOS ANGELES Charlie's Angels got a
heavenly reception at theaters as the cheeky up
date of the TV series soared to the top of the box
office with $40.5 million iii ticket sales. The
movie starring Cameron Diaz. Drew Barrymore
and Iiucy l.iu as the glamorous detectives had
the second-best debut ever outside of the summer
blockbuster season. This weekend’s other new
movie. Robert Redford's golf parable The Legend
ofBagger lr'ance. opened iii third place with $12
million. according to yesterday‘s studio esti-

Dolphins best Lions in Michigan

PONTIAC. Mich. The Miami Dolphins



Continued from page I


“1 determined on the basis
of everything not to make a
recommendation to the chan-
cellor. not to initiate the
process for which tenure would
occur." he said.

Vestal's decision has made
many students question the
emphasis placed on scholar-
ship rather than teaching.

“The entire situation is
representative of the needless
emphasis of scholarship at the
expense of teaching." Dusing
said. “I understand the system.
but it is structurally flawed.“

Dusing said he. as well as
other students. disagree with
the idea that scholarship (the
law articles professors are ex
pected to publish) is the sole
criterion for tenure and that
teaching is given very little

Dusing said students asked
Vestal his reasoning for over—
turning the faculty's recom-
mendation and Vestal said it

made to the detriment of the
students. She said Vestal was—
n’t invited to the meeting, and
feels his presence skewed the
productivity of the discussion.

“I think he showed up for
damage control," Edwards

Edwards said she felt dis-
appointed after the meeting
and felt Vestal failed to be open
to what the student body had to
say about his decision.

Edwards said the student
body and alumni plan to start a
letterwriting campaign to the
Chancellor encouraging that
Vestal‘s decision be over-

Dusing said even though
nothing will happen until the
appeal process is complete. the
students will continue to dis
cuss the matter.

“It's a serious loss and peo~
ple are upset about it." Dusing
said. “The students feel like
they‘ve suffered and they are
very upset with the


showed how to win a football game in 25 seconds
when they returned the opening kickoff to mid»
field. scored a touchdown on their first play and
recovered an onsides kick to stun the Detroit Iii-
otis en route to a 23-8 victory yesterday. The Dol-
phins continued to make plays on offense. des
fense and special teams to keep Detroit from get-
ting back iiito the game. They led 23-0 before the
Lions scored early in the fourth quarter.

In order to be tenured. a profes-
sor must exhibit outstanding
efforts' in scholarshi teaching.
service and a vising.

We didn’t


- Leonard
Charlie '5 Angels
explaining why
beautiful looks
and “typical
young girl" style
matte for the
perfect Angel.

British film
prize, the
Stanley Kubrick
Award, to
director Steven
Prince Andrew's
appearance at a
gala Saturday
night ceremony
capped a three-
day Los Angeles

was because he. received nega-
tive feedback about her schol-

“In that respect, you can‘t
really blame the dean.“ he said.

Cheryl Edwards. a profes-
sional student in the College of
Law claims the decision was

American lifestyle linked to diabetes

Law students ask that all inquiries

.\ll£.\'l(‘() C‘I'I‘Y Mexican Alllt‘l‘lt'tllls iii San be sent to timbrele®aol. com

Antonio. Texas. are almost twice as likely to de
velop diabetes than Mexicans living iii Mexico
t‘ity. apparently because of American lifestyles.
according to a study released yesterday, “This re
ally does support the notion that IVS. lifestyles
are trending in ati unfavorable direction.” said
Dr. Michael P. Stern. one oftlie authors and head
of the clinical epidemiology department at the
I'iiiversity of Texas Health (‘enteix Eating and visit aimed at
exercise habits were pegged as reasons for the expanding busi-
ditl‘erence in type-3 diabetes rates among lttW'lllr ness

come groups in the two cities. The San Antonio and technology
group was also more likely to have high blood links between

pressure atid cholesterol levels England and the
United States.



The photo on the front page of Friday‘s Kernel was of the
UK Pom Squad. It was incorrectly identified as the Wildcat
Compiled from wire reports. Dame”

To report an error. call the Kernel at 257-1915.




Name: I. Got Game

Age: I”?
Date of Birth: 6/1 1/80
Street Address: it"iI‘i Strike filter suite Iii

Campus Calendar

November 6- November 12, 2000

The Campus Calendar IS produted by the Office of Student Activities Registered Student Orgs. and UK Depts (on submit information for FREE online ONE WEE t
PRIOR to the MONDAY information IS to appear at: http: //www. iiliy. odii/(oinpus (olendor
(all 257- 8867 for more information


IUIORING Mon turormo

'Muth IOU I09 I: TOpm Holmes Hull ‘Motli IOU/l0? b l0pni Commons Millet Na in Hull and Holmes Hull

'(liemistiy 7 Wow Holmes Hall ’(bemistry 8 I0pm, Noggin Hull

City: m nqisn State: r. “r’ Zip Code: $25305
'Biology lll0pin Hoggm HoII 'Biology 7 l0pm Holmes Hull
’History ION l0? 58pm Noggin Hull 'Sponish 7 lem, Haggai Hull

Classification: Sew»
I MEETINGS 'Vm'lloa/lol730430pm.(ornmomflnrliet
Major: Bo ... it _ m_ . - MEETINGS

'Proyer n Praise (ampuiCiusodeloi thirst 9pm lWOpal Churrh ._.-_
University Night”

litdfily K. hfilir‘flfiy T‘i-gl‘vlfi
CTN- lot“ both locations

750 E. New Circle Rd 0 252-3429 ii 205 Southlcmd Dr 0 277-5746

or United StudennlgotmtSmtshops iiig 7pm 745Stud (t' 'I “Meeting. 7 309m metStvd Union (hovel
’MAKI nowts Eleall‘ielllm Sooety 8pm, 203 Stud (It ‘lemmrstlllionie iiig 79m 705% (tr
l & S ”I” d SPORTS 'Gr‘e'en {lamb Mtg 7 wapm lyllzliaStudd (tr
' i 'le rst t Unioth pm_ Stu (tr
Monday through Thursday 90m 0" (E031 or 6 CU on l ‘UllludoCluli 5630p"! Alumni Gym loft 'ooi'sinomiidiiuiiiuiy 7309M IlflStud (It
Reduced Rates 'Slenm Deteitiyes Mtg 7pm lliStud (tr
SPECIAL WM 'Alphu Phi Omega Mtg 7 30pm 359 Stud (tr
Includes FREE shoe rental for 'Goldenlleytliitl Honor mourn Night snow iii Stud (tr ‘Alphu Phi Omega Pledge Mtg b30pm 359Stud or
students & TQCUlTy thh COllfiqfi ID '13 Tim luve’ Video Series 730 ‘lpm Worsharn theatre 'Unnarion UntVefSflllSl Brovm flag lunrh, II 300m Stud (ti food (ourt (orner table
'KCDA Intercollegiate Women 3, Men r (hoir Festival lime TBA Singletury (tr (H ‘UK llllGBt Picture 68pm Club Sports field
'Guest Rernnl Keith Sweger 8pm Memorial Hall ‘Ioe Kiion Do (lub Prortire Hours 6 30 8pm, Alumni Gym loft
'Posiekliom Egypt t7 Spin Singletary (ii Presidentg Room Gallery ‘Womensfioslretboll Foreign liliib 7pm Memorial Coliseum
UK Ailidutlub Biioiim uiiiumm Gym ton 'Posielstvumtgypi 175w" Singleton (ti Presidenisltoom Gallery





'Ieurning Inlionremeni and Assessment Program II I A P) 7 7 30er Wed ACADEMICS Thurs
" I
7” iaree V0” 'Orierrtution lor Internshipi and Shadowing limit I? noon lOl Studied Bldg

LAM. A 7 M wry PALG' mm», M, TUTORING

I; OPE 1 IBM Moth TOG t0? to mom Commons “pilot and Hoggm HoII .—
4 ' H YOU ALL W0 T '(hemniry ii Iflpm Commons Market Moth 108’ ‘09 6 WP” (”mm ”‘7'."

‘Bioloqy 8 10pm Commons Market MEETINGS
.;panrsh‘4 30 Z 309'" Commons “m" ‘Imnesty International. 8pm, 278 Stud (tr
ISTDW 104 IOS S30 7 30pm Holmes Hall 'lreshmen form 5W" Boot Stud Union Chapel

MEETINGS ‘SPU Mtg 7pm ”7 Stud (ti

‘ACIU Meeting 5pm 23l Stud Ctr :UKIWIMD “'9 730M ?3I Stud (tr

gum in the Dorms Hillet,)emsh Stud Org 6 I59” 31‘”th lord pm“ Dining Room Emotion} n lunrh IZISpm Bopt Stud Union Multipurpose loom
_ 'lable Iiuniaise irenifi (OHVCVSOIIM Group 4 69m Elmer Holt PM", DW'W lloom Campus Lrusode for Christ 7 30pm Worshom Theatre

‘Ull Greem Mtg 9pm 730 Stud (n 'lloron Study Group li ISpm, Student (tr Rm 115

‘Sooety of Women Irigmeert Mtg 7pm Mining and Mineral Imurre Bldg llm l0?

”Student Health Advisory (ounril Mtg Spin Kentuilry (linit Student Health m
'Ull llUGliV Prottire 68pm Club Sports field

‘lAen 5 Basketball ii New Yorii, 9pm


'Postels from Egypt I? 5pm Singletury (it Presidents Iioom Gallery



emu/r. BUT I CAN'T





‘PPASSA Mtg 50m (AHPRm llS

‘Ull Judo Club 56 30pm Alumni Gym loft
'Women s Sorter HIM First Round

‘Postekirom Egypt I7 5pm Singlelory [ti Presidentilloom Gallery

YEAR MAN AW ALL OF ’UK liltido Club, 6 30 8 30pm UK Alumni Gym loft

SERVICE LOCATIONQ ARE 1(ulillfl1l Event in Irenrh Mtg 56pm Keenelorid HolIBusemontFPi 1 0 MEETINGS sat

THE SPxérhflE
mfINl/l/Af .’

WM!“ WE 9ft? IN THE







CELEBRATING. THROUGH W ‘Newmon (enter Mon. 6pm
TH OF NOVE ' TAKE 'STbooflllrjon Do Club Proniic Norm So 10pm Alumni Gym loft
A5 ”MTME 0‘ ALL OF 0““ 'Menslluslietboll i: immi 630’9pm ‘


T_oe Kwon 00 Club Prortiie Hours Mom I? 30pm Alumni Gym Loft
'Womeni Boslietboll Preiriier Spam 7pm Memorial Coliseum UK RUGBY Vt Tennessee lpm Cub Sports Field

'Vollnibollt1 inclv'lle Ipm 'Iootboll vx Vanderbilt, l 30pm, Commonwealth Stadium

iE_CIURES 'Cross Country NCAA Southeast Region @ Greenville, SC

'llabitot For Humanity House Bldg. dam-59m, Newman Ctr , (all 255-8566 with 7';

‘A Prairie Home Companion, 6pm, Singletnry Ctr CH

'Dept of Entomology (olloovrm 3pm Ag Srienre (Ir North ‘7


'llubitot For Humanity House Bldg Born Spm Newman [tr (all 755 8566 will 7i
‘Golden Key Membership Deadline

'ttoppo Alpha Psi Mentoring Program I llSpin Cossrdy Elementary ll75 Totes (reel lid

'(elebroting Both The (ontortm of Multiple Keyboards 3pm Singletory (ii ltlt
‘Pmtek From Egypt ilbpm Singletory (ti Presidents loom Gallery

l‘UUd Sen lL’Cs











‘Matli IOU/109 6-l0pm Commons Marital l. Noggin Noll ond 77l0pm Holmes Hull
‘Sponish 6 Wm Holmes HoII

‘Htttory 108/I09, 66.30pm, Holmes HoIl

'ttistory I04/IOS 76pm, Commons Market


‘Nmnon Center Most, 9am, ll 300m, 5pm. and 830w

'tioon Bogel Brunrli, Hillel/lavish Stud Org. IY'OOpm, Manhattan Bagel on llirhniorid lid

'Phi Sigma Pi Mtg, 7pm. 230 Stud Ctr

'Sundoy School, Uplinlt Campus MINSlIIOS. “Sam, Calvary Baptist Churih

‘(ollege Prayer Group, Upliiili Campus Ministries, 6pm, Calvary Baptist Churrli s College House
‘(ollege Worship Seryito. Upliiilr Campus Ministries, 7pm, Calvary Baptist (hurrh s Sonduory Basement
'Sludy of Hymns Uplinlr Campus Ministries, 7pm, Calvary Baptist Churih s College House

Unitarian Universalist Dinner/Discussion, 7pm, St Augustine‘s Episropdl (liopol lose St


'UK Judo Club. 5 7pm, Alumni Gym loft

'Men t Sorter MAC (homomhip

‘Volloyboll Vt Tennessee, I 309m Memorial Coliseum


'KY Artist Series Orville Nuntrnond liio 3pm, Singletory (tr RH


‘UK Ailrido Club, I 3pm UK Alumni Gym loll
'Svn‘m Meet 5pm, lontostei Aguotiri Center

45?)- A3551? (3278)

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- Career interception by
UK freshman
defensive tackle
Dewayne Robertson.
It came in the second
quarter of Saturday's
UK loss.

- Duration of UK's
current losing streak.
The Cats haven't
tasted victory
against an SEC team
since a 19-” win
over Vanderbilt on
Nov. 13. 1999: the
good news is that
the 'Dores are here
next week.

- Turnovers for the Cats
on Saturday. Shame
they couldn't take
advantage of MSU's
five hiccups.

- Combined wins
between UK and the
vaunted Vanderbilt
football program. The
two titans meet in
the Cats' home finale

the worst
Jared has

-Hal Mumme,

UK head coach. on the
play of his redshirt
freshman quarterback
Jared Lorenzen

“I wasn’t
that. He
got one at
the end of
the game
but we


‘ 9’
‘Fred Smoot,
MSU senior cornerback,
on UK sophomore tight
end Derek Smith's two-
point conversion in the

waning moments of
MSU's win.



VA. TECH .............. 21

CLEMSON ............... 7
FSU 56

VANDERBILT ....... 20

MICHIGAN ...... . ..... 51

LOUISVILLE .........49

OLE MISS.............38
ARKANSAS .......... 24

ALABAMA ............ 28

TENNESSEE ..........I9
MEMPHIS .............. 17

H 1" Tubby & Co. will
. i .. try to ease your
, . pigskin pain









Kicker is
UK loses

They're still looking: Seven turnovers
send Cats to sixth straight loss

By Luke Saladln

ls'K kicker Seth Hanson
may be the last Cat to win
anything this season after
being crowned Homecom-
ing Kiiig at halftime during
IIK's 33-17 loss to Mississip
pi State on Saturday.

Plagued by inaccurate
passing turnovers. and a

menacing blitz courtesy of

MSI'. l’K (2-7. 0-6 SB(‘) ran
its losing streak up to six
Iieading into their final
home game next week
against Vanderbilt.

The day saw both of
lenses struggle. but it was
State's defense that made
the difference. I'K quarter
back Jared Lorenzen spent
most of the day rutining
from State‘s blitz. causing
him to force the ball and
miss his receivers.

“You know they‘re go
iiig to bring a bunch of peo
ple." Lorenzen said. “and
you never know when
they‘re going to bring them.
I try not to let it get to my
head. but I guess it did a lit-
tle bit."

I.oreiixen completed
only 21% of 33 passes for 26-1
yards with four intercep-
tions and one touchdown

Lorenxen's first inter-
ception would set the tone
for the i'est ofthe afternoon.
with 17K squandering op»
portunities after making
big plays.

()ii MSll‘s third play
from scrimmage UK cor-
nei‘back Willie (lary inter-
cepted a pass over the mid-
dle anti returned it to the
{\ISI‘ Boy‘ard line.

Six plays later. a pres
sured Lorenzen tried to
avoid a sack by throwing
the ball away. but it was in
tercepted by MSIT senior
safety Eugene (‘linton and
returned 81 yards for a

"I thought it was going
out of bounds and it just
didn't quite make it."

Wieyball Cats' slide
continues against ‘Cocks

31 .9!!! 59'???“


The [IK volleyball team dropped to lift
(210 in SEC) this weekend. but they went
down fighting as they fought South (‘aroli-
iia all the way in the first three games of a

four game battle.

“We fought hard in the first three

Lorenzen said.

()f llK's first five offen-
sive possessions three end-
ed with I.orenzeii intercep
tions. At the half. he had
completed only seven of 26

passes for 99 yards. Most of

Lorenzen's 26-1 passing
yards for the game caitie in
the final minutes when the
game was already well otit
of reach.

Lorenzen‘s counter
part. MSI' junior quarter
back Wayne Matlkin. was
no offensive powerhouse elr
ther, mustering only 21‘:
yards on if of 30 passing
with two interceptions and
one touchdown. Mississippi
State did sustain an eili-c
me running attack. with
both junior Dicenzo Miller
and sophomore Iloiitae
Walker each rushing for
over 100 yards.

l'K‘s first score came
with 6:30 left in the second
quarter when Lorenzeii
caught senior receiver
(Quentin .\lc(‘ord on a pass
over the iniddie. but Hati-
son's extra point attempt
was wide. leaving the score
its Mississippi State.

A third quarter field
goal and a meaningless
touchdown by freshman
tailback (‘had Scott late in
the fourth quarter was all
the scoring I'K could
muster the rest of the after

Scott ran for a career
high 119 yards in the game
btit squandered a scoring
opportunity late in the
game when he fumbled iii
the end zone and State re
covered for a touchback.

l7K coach Hal Mumnie
said he expects the team.
arid especially Lorenzen. to
bounce back from this de-

"The good news for
Kentucky fans is that we‘re
freshman and sophomores
out there." he said. “We're
not going to he that way for

cocks as they won 131.4 to take a 371 game


It all yyent wrong in game four for the
(‘ats as they never managed to get in the
game after falling behind early. trailing 11.
l. The (‘ats won two points back but it was
not enough as they lost the game 134': and
the match three games to one as the (lame
cocks improved to 20 1 overall and 111 in

games matching them and put them on de- SEC play.

fense." coach .lona Braden said. “As a team
though we did not sustain it."
A fourth game collapse cost I'K dearly
(lame one saw [fo3 win 15-8 in a score
that did not reflect how close the game was.
Liz .\Ic(‘aslin. a sophomore outside hit‘ "We countered well today." Braden
said. “Something went wrong though and
we faded out."
Weiskircher led the team again as she

ter paced the (‘ats in game one as she had
five kills. Megan \V't’~iskirchei‘. a senior mid
dle blocker. and sophomore outside hitter
Kristen Batt who each recorded four apiece rpmmpd amnhpr (thump (hump mm 1.;
kills and 1.") digs. Batt supported her as she .
chipped in with 17 kills and 1;: digs. unassisted free kick. nainent gaves. making mp pxcellem

\khitney Sample also recorded a dour
bledouble as she had 37 assists and 13 digs
Sample only needs six more assists to reach to press
the 2.000 mark for her career.

()ther players managing to get into doti-
ble figures included defensive specialist duo
Aleisha (raven. a sophomore. and fresh
man (‘andace t‘ogaii as they dug the hall 1.3
and 12 times respectively

Melissa Kracht. a senior outside hitter
also added It digs as the l‘ats out dug the
Gamecocks in the match at to so.

"IT“ lll‘ttUtI.” Braden said. “We gave otir seetI Bowling (ireen in the chambi taiii posted seasonbest times in both the
setter two or three hitter options through ‘
out the first three games against a team
who don't normally allow their opposition
to get in a rhythm."

supported her.

The (.‘ats‘ raised their play in game two,
which mirrored the increase in noise out-
put from the crowd. "Its nice to hear the
crowd screaming." junior setter Whitney
Sample said. “Its gives it a big match feel

and helps encourage us."

['K took the lead early as they won the
first three points of the game. The (lame-
cocks got back into it to take the lead at 9-8.
It did not last long though as the (‘ats closed
the game out to win 15-11 to tie the match


Freshman middle blocker Sissy (‘an
field paced the (‘ats iii game two with seven
kills as she had 12 iii the match.

In game three the (‘ats were narrowly
edged out in a close battle. After being tied
at 12 apiece. good fortune favored the (lame

"It was just a lot of little mistakes in a
row." Batt said.

Sample and Braden both felt that the
team played Well the first three games but it
fell apart in game four

king, but

Smoot: A
man for all

By Will lessor