xt72z31nkb00 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt72z31nkb00/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1915-12-03  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, December 3, 1915 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, December 3, 1915 1915 1915-12-03 2020 true xt72z31nkb00 section xt72z31nkb00 WWWWWW ‘s ~-v

4 ' ‘ who Is ulty met in regu'ar session Friday, Decem»

bc: t r third, nineteen hundred and fifteen, quorum present.
The meeting was called to order by President Barker


:nd the minutes of the last meeting were re;d and approved.



’ J
' l \ o t .. ,3 nu. r" ~ ,_ n .1.. .
{Leigh‘s .101 LLB-51,959? 111 UBCGIHLGI‘.

A. B. in Education,
Chesley W. Bailey
Mary Belle Johnson
hewell P. Smith


t 1



Cscq .Hall
A. B. in History.
Clyde F. Taylor
“1 fiction 1: woo ordered coat the list as presented
be reconnendco to the Boers of Trustees for the degrees named.

In the absence of Professor Rowe, Dean of the College

; of Cfvil Engineering, Professor Carrel presented the name of Rob"
‘ . v 1 II - 0—r ~- - o I
“é". ert Ehrlich for the degree 0: Bachelor of ClVll engineering in
‘ o

December6 On motion it was rec0omended that his name be pres“

for the decree named.


ented to the Board of Trustee

c +

On motion of Pro e following res“

olution was adopted:


"The acuity of the State University of Kane
tuck* in revuls session assembled. enurove the action
J 8 . r
of the Prssi en 'n orde"ing the battalion of cadets to

we inaugural parade at rranhfor+on the

participate in L

! seventh irst., nd in order to enable all too students
to take part in the inaugural ceremonies, a holiday is
hereby d cl ed on that day. And we recommend that all


members 0 t

on the inaugure.

‘ne faculty who can do so, go to Frankfort

day and participate in that great func”


This is not done in a partisan spirit but to
honor him who has been selected as Governor of all the

people of the Commonwealth oz Kentucky.”



Jo At the request of the Secretary, RewressWTMEsra

l? Gillie, Professors Mathews, Tuttle and Farquhar were appoint~


ed as an advisory committee to aid the Secretary in publishing

If . an abstract of the minutes of the faculty.
The special committeeato investigate and report on

the classification that should be assigned Mr. Ferris in the
0 ese 0 livi‘ aninaerin: .ad the fol owinf reoor wni .
C ll u f C l s 5 m de 1 ‘l L _ t ‘ ch




1“— _

2," 4
.., _ j - ‘ j 1 ' v 3 ‘ n .
was 1y» 1 , c wl.1» .1 co;

ort on t‘n stand~
e credits subs

the substitution
in our own course
study laid out

a cor Hf e1ence be-
'1s agreed that era




;, e tne class in Mva need Strength
of sttle any question as to hi s
prop . It was also agreed to add
i / one to the requirements, this short—
; age ion at first on account of the
confus ‘g y is record of Tennessee sss Virit-
é Lena fte a o i substitutions, Mr. Ferris has
2 J7 3/A credits (as computed here) which cannot be applied
? to our Civil Eng

111eerzing course, The course final 13

proposed gives fire Ferr 3.5 at least fifteen hours per

week class work througn the second semest r leeV vinea

5’ C;




as Dean Powe pointed out, no sufficient time in tl1e
r second nalf of the second semester fo r thesis work.
The opinion of tbs Committee on . Ferris' cas
was expressed in two motion :
U. ’o is LI“ 1: 1r. 1 :ao ”A. ""‘Ls .1 1
{9 1* ox Judge ort. t1 t l.r Fezris sloulo
r not so eligible For a degree before December 1916. (Passed
Wich Professor Carrel dissenting),

The Committee begs leave to make tvo recommend~

and Acored~
h, matter

, rx .

ii, at1ons;

' (1) That the Committee on Entrance

e e

ited Relations b ivsn entire control over t
of advanced credit transferred from other in

m CH


(2) That the Comrnitt of Deans or some spo—
f cial Conmittes, be instructed to collect and class sify
3 present conditions for senior clessifi cati on, and perhaps
to enlarge the statements so as to mer1tion specific cally
th, requirements in the various Col.leges of the Uni versity." “

, Ihairman

Paul P1 Boyd
W. J. Carrel
T. Jones
ward Tutnill

December 3, 1915.

On motion of Professor Mathews, seconded by Pro—
fessor Miller, the report was adopted.


The following report was made by Professor Zembrod,

. 1 1.7 .WW -._..,1._._.1-11 1

hairmen of the Committee on Student Activities - NonsAthletic:



” (1) We recommend the at all dances be held on
the Campus with the exception of the Junior From.

(2) There shall be no intermission. Rea~
sons therefore:


(a) Unwillingnese of Faculty to
attend dances at so late an hour.


(b) On account of Saturday cl.sses.
(0) Abuse of intermission, students

going about campus and into town,

(3) All dances to close at midnight.







0 e apE”
r p 1 dance
to t, Ent ’Ttdl£.OYt Committe:.
(7) Mn=re a Fraternity House has no roow
for i dance, it s1all be given on tie cam-

On motion this report was edooted,

he Secretary read the following trans script from the


tee 3- 1L? meetin held by the Committee of Deane in June,
3; b} Dr. Kaetle seconded by Professor Rowe,
that the Ent:snce Committee assign all con"
ents suffici nt work to remove entrance con-
thot ‘hie shiuld take precedence over college
which, 1hey were to be sent to the dean to com~
Motion was made and seconded that this be adoptede
Dr. Pryor: Chairman of tLe Committee on Student Or-
:ations, reported that he had made the following arrange”
with the fraternities:

"(1) Conduct all initiations in the Chapter
House, unless otherwise provided by your ritual.

(2) Confine initiatory ceremonies to that
provided by your ritual.

(3) Have e.n alumnus preferably a member of the
facultyH 16 ani‘“;gflgne Chapter House. If this is impose
sible,AprveferaDly a memos; of the Faculty, agree to visit
the Chaptez‘ House and Chapter frequently , advise with the
men, and act more or Je es as a Sponsor.

(4) See that in the futureS the rules of the

Committee on Entertainments, hon~Athletic: are strictly



the faculty adjourned,

On motion


, .
I WILL .f~«/M 9/