xt731z41vf0w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt731z41vf0w/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1990-03-05 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, March 05, 1990 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 05, 1990 1990 1990-03-05 2020 true xt731z41vf0w section xt731z41vf0w Kentucky Kernel 2' University at Kentucky; Lexington. likenmcky Monday, March 5, 1990 Gov. lobbies tax plan crease in the sales tax, at- tempted to re- vivc his package last week. He vowed to meet with all 100 W'LK'NSON members of the House. “One-on- one, I am trying to explain to each member why I think they ought to vote for both the education and rev- enue packages.” Wilkinson said. Independent Since 1971 GSA wants international fee revoked By JAMES TEISER Contributing Writer ation of the International Students and Scholars Office. (‘hancellor for the LCXlntlltili (‘ampus Robert Hcmenway iriei w ith the newly formed Internation- at Student Environment (‘ornrriirrt-e Tuesday to discuss the fee "international students are spe tial assets to the institution,‘ He» irienwav said. “They are also re .eivrng. as are all students an education whose cost exceeds liii‘ amount of the infirm paid lhere tore, all taxpayers ol Kt‘litttek‘~ have a stake in the way that 2i ',.\', supports international stutter ts lines to be established that would ensure that student concerns would not be overlooked by the [is ad- ministration. "(‘lcarlv it's taxation without representation. And when we tried to lllcitldt‘ representation by gttllifl through the democratic process of the if 7K Student (iovcrnment Asso- crationi and the Senate (‘oiint if it was not heard," said (ierr‘. lhozri as. USA interim president. All international student. iiurriher about Wit) on the l exrnttorr (‘arnpus have to pax the .rtiiiiial $1.7“ ice to help l‘.i;iiili.ol:' rper- again two years after that with no end in sight,“ Wilkinson said yes- terday in a prepared statement re- leased by his office. Leaders in the Kentucky House are putting together an alternative to Wilkinson‘s proposed $1.057 billion tax plan in case the govern- or’s lacks support. It would add a penny to the 5 percent state sales tax and remove cigarette and ser— vice tax proposals Wilkinson has offered. Wilkinson, who has promised to veto any plan containing an in- Assoclated Press The UK Graduate Students As- sociation wants the University to suspend the intemational student fee because it says that the fee dis- criminates against international stu— dents. At a rally held at the Student Center Free Speech Area Friday morning and attended by about 100 people, the group called for the ad« ministration to reimburse students who paid the $125 fee this year. The group also called for guide- FRANKFORT, Ky. -—- Gov. Wallace Wilkinson continued talks with legislators during the week- end with a warning that only his billion-dollar tax plan will mean an end to the cycle of revenue short- falls the state has faced. “If parts of the revenue package I have proposed are deleted in fa- vor of a sales tax increase and the education package is fully funded, the General Assembly will have to raise taxes again in two years and w ho The governor planned to meet with at least 30 legislators today. Presidential Search Committee votes on qualities of next chief By TOM SPALDlNG Executive Editor Ht kerrnan said he hopes that it does not take as '2 ti...'. time to select finalists as it tiltf during the la»: .17. ."., it took a considerable amount oi time last time : nigrce on ail the qualifications, so we got over that UK’s 10-member Presidential Search 4 orrirrrurce said Friday that it will use the same criteria -t'i1'. ing UK's ltith president that was used to iltf.‘ .2: Roselle. ih; .orrirriittee will begin renewing applications "We decided —~ the committee has item ied : - .‘ i'orrrrr‘ninr-ns tor presaierit Ma; ll. tisc the same qualifications that were liainniereii. . r'rraa -.i.ti ii is .iiititult [1) determine how in the last search." l‘ls' Board of Trustees ("h it " , .. s .il take because it wilt ".tepend on foster ( )t'kerman said “We‘re tl\ili_t' the ‘ . . .2 ". rrrrirzees or e.’tlldlti.iic‘\. the .ii‘lili} oi cediires, the saint: guide-tires " ' hoard iii .perid its time reuiewinc therri and The committee also approx ed advertisements that making the various chcc ks." i will appear in three publications the ( li'rrfti.f1‘ . ' :ie out he tii‘s‘\ not expect to hire a new pr: «.1. rr Higherl.'t1'iir‘rirr~ri,[>‘~i.-' Imam lrr .H.‘..'Li’7 ."rr'a .. . {he start of the limit fall semester lion and Initials.” . -. . t-l‘. .io you have to make a victim, The committee also appointed Paul Stars 1:! b: out the times with the person astri: r. the group's secretary Sears served in the stain ...~ . ” -.:rrl We have to work use": ‘ pacity during the VISAS? presidential sear ‘9. ant n. t -.t :tfr haste." The search LtilTlllllUCC said it will ask for Hi‘i‘ril .;2 2 its .tti‘» ‘rtisemcnl. the University will ask lor .ir‘ trons and suggestions frorri t'K‘s 1.200 l... ah} ..r;i 22 ' :t. t .i and sat. essful academic .isiliillii\lf.'i'.r" administrators: It“ heads of selected rimxersiti: ._ the desire \isiori and proueri leadership both land grant and liberal arts; LK .iltr tar. as. 't.» enhance l’ls‘s national and internarii-nai community coiieee advisory board rnemla :« Because :il trrr: . constraints, ta. tilt} przt.‘ ‘.=.:' be contacted :‘2 . 2- tl’n‘sJIIT .iiiitiis.‘ he said. Net" SEARCH Had t‘zit'.‘ Lawmakers ponder: Time for a tax hike? 9 . Man S 5“" l«litd'fll‘i‘i‘ d” W 91’ By CHARLES WOLFE lliantltord made his litrrise tamer ‘\\llil extensive theatre . 7 debut m It)“ hen newts c’ct' O b f - >1;E2Cllii:t~.3f\'" CSt FICHd anti ieh vision ._ vile-rich. e. ed Republican (‘,,.\ i ""H WWI" \{"“‘1“““"*‘.‘ ““ ii ;. gr ~\\,;.\w_ . 2.}.1 ' {[3 \unn, [Gilli to avoid a Juli-err a in. at the \\orsh.irn Theatre. at... f- ._ 4;, i Letteral H‘ his idi‘sl‘itltdifgp asksd iii.- \h“ ”N' “f“ ‘mG f” 1‘ \eh-mra‘, ;_,;._.; Nilmkkc'g (reticrai .»\.sserrihi\ to ra. tht .r lit, at the Student (enter ' ' 37m” “16 tax rate u, 5 “a“ The it‘itsiLtl’Es‘ ViULJT-T‘ldl“ ii‘r!’ ‘ sales tax it r‘..is::ai:, i": electoral .‘uziiarl Ballroom. rims detaii a rte-«tieuii'rlt stornr} r' _ furs !' r. x 1 .tie speaches. which are . n i’ t , , .. _ '.i..: at v laud Salt .x‘s and lltalili} passage for \mmg‘ tax but. i‘di' {it lglllttltl‘i‘llc} f1” Slxmet’lstl tit‘iilarh in the House, where the v t 9 .’ . ’ 3' ‘ “1“ ”I ” ‘ “" constitution required it to or'igr. nate ’len iloor arrrer‘rdrncnts were attempted, ,-\. ‘:,r\'_it‘fl to .itiiotirn Correction .2‘i. stor) in Praia) ‘. k .oritained s‘trtii.‘ iii irrrtti r1; torriiation. r ‘.il" 3 ‘4 ‘5‘ .1 ”“9515“ flag,“ Fs a“ a... .4 g. Q-.. . . “ ‘5! PHOTOS BY STEVE SANDERS/Kernel Stall ‘ . O . ' *iizfi - . r' . . . I I. ' J“ 3 .g . - 23W“ Glenn McCombs, 23, a graduate stu- dent in the Philosophy Department and a native of of Lexington, Mich, and his dog, Red, 4, enjoy the spring-like weather yesterday afternoon behind the Gluck Equine Center. Yesterday's high was 48. files“ tonip ;r. .- has not .. ~z i.e,rrsi.r:. .. .. ...t.r. pondering another :rrk; .:. I "to hope times haul Ht; 2.5;. .. .'.‘:;'. '. il‘i».'l'Cil\'C '.i\ i.if‘\‘ ltitik r t '.ipirol last in tho \ hold tit. \Vc‘t‘k. lion». .. mi . w as reictred f:\t‘lt a motion tor a 30-minute recess «as deleated in a roll call note. “lift 3i trl lit. itnlmt" Republicans iioitirrig tzr‘rn, : bill finally passed fow' l . .i 7W vote cushion over the torrs‘v't. tronal minimum for rat rir:.-.-- urcs It later passed the Serrai-u 2147. anti carntge followed the campaign trarl. Of the Sb House members who voted with .\unn. 1?. were missing when the legrsiatrire convened next ill WW There L. Police prepare for spring break crowds By GREG KRATZ USA TODAY/Apple College information Network liftilltiftll'ti titsiiiitri‘ .itaii: pa Iatal‘l: . ; Wallace ‘.\ .rlsi .2 proposed 51.057 htiiit i. la“. fa. huge. He was r.‘t:rr ' specifically to a 7 use 't.’ a e ill the tax on a puts . t ind e\ten— sion oi t::.2 - .- .tif\t‘fll\- .v-rviccs during its spring break downtown “block party." .L Alcohol problems are intense during the three-week period, and police “enforce all laws very strictly during that time," said Palm Springs Police Lt. Lee Weigel. Steamboat Springs. 21 Colorado ski town, sees a major influx of college students during the. first week of the year, and then again during spring break, according to police Capt. JD. Hays. Alcohol and college rivalries combine to en- hance problem situations, Hays said. “All events start out quiet, but that can change after people have been drinking and the end of black colleges attended the . 'ii. shah has grown in scope and popliitlfll} siri. c it began in 1081. Racial tensions in Virginia i‘:..l. .- utqr. high before the event began. and err-v ('5 i 1-. rah tried to discourage potential celebrators . irrirrii: to the area because the town torrid : » 1 -: . port such a large lllflll‘t oi peoplt The celebration quickly erupted racial protest. About 1,200 police and rniliiars personnel moved in to restore order (it thsr‘t. were injured. as were 40 co. rlr..r.-.. talcd 158, and an additional i .‘ 3 ‘ as r at tiov. As spring break approaches, many college students’ thoughts turn from philosophy, chem- istry and calculus to the beach or the ski slopes. When many students head to favorite spring break hot-spots, they carry along a desire to par- ty. But they also may bring along some unwant- ed baggage — the potential for violence and crowd control problems. Daytona Beach, Fla, “the spring break capi- tol of the world," will be inundated with stu- i' slip in}; int c heretofore . i . “\\"fir\.1.“,.'.. tentative. t~:;t 2 tax: is the . .. : . .‘s. 'se to- “NC five new faves aimrig 2.. tiised on r?;. ' iilandford ll senators. but orrtg trait rht said. “'1 i‘iat seep... - ' Senate Slt,“d for Tt‘vc‘it‘kiltill. :rto troieiit :7 out any al— ‘ stiit‘s “Hum if) A \rr.‘sls It‘- lit“ ft" ' ‘ H I i‘s.‘ iilC \‘llC dents from around March 12-April 21 this year, according to Daytona Police Sgt. John Power. UK's spring break is March 12-16, and Day- tona is one of the more popular places for many UK students to go. Ab0ut 500,000 people are expected to visit the four-mile stretch of beach, each staying for five or six days, Power said. Alcohol causes the most problems when the students arrive, he said. “The drinking problem increases 1,000 times. We can't arrest every violator, but we make ar- rests for the most flagrant ones." he said. Palm Springs, Calif., faces similar problems the evening comes around,” Hays said. “It can start out with playful pushing -- five or six guys getting into it with another five or six guys — and get worse from there." All say their departments receive help from local county sheriffs‘ offices and state highway patrols to increase security during the break per~ iods. But the additional security might not al- ways be enough. An example of the worst that could happen took place during last year‘s Labor Day Week- end celebration of Greckfest at Virginia Beach, Va. About 50,000 students from predominantly violating local ordinances: «bout i1") i‘ti‘siilt‘\.s.» es were looted. Although the Virginia beach situation was unique, it is not isolated The Palm Springs "blot is parts~ used to draw several thousand more students and higname entertainment, but during the too) break. a rotk concert developed into a not w ith shootings and widespread violence. Since l96‘) spring break has been toned down and large concerts have been banned. Wergel said. See l’()l.l( 'I‘I, Hark page that, rf there is erit-to'h support overall. diat ‘.\i‘tiiti be the plan.“ His polls of the home folks in Daviess (”ourrtt, pitrs those tak- cn by other i.‘.1r».‘..ati‘rs. .onvince him that voters would prefer a higher sales tax. litartitord said. A penny increase at the sales tax rate would raise about SZlS million, as opposed to S30! mil- lion ox er the biennium from the cigarette and sen ices taxes. Republicans lost i5 House seats and “we never regained " said Gene Hutf. now a Republr can senator from London Huff was the only House R. publican who voted against Nunn's tax bill —-2 another ab stained .._ and “all of us had run on a nostax-inerease platform." he said. The sales tax was pulllledi d}- namite. Huff said. " ostner settles down in Mexico. Story, Pages. “ Cats end season tonight at Notre Dame. Story, Page 3. VWeather . .................... «Ms ....................... .......... -. . . Today : Sunny Hi gh ‘ 57o .. Tomorrow; 30% Rain . High55° 2—KoriudryKomol, “when 5,1990 f ampus Calendar Information on this calendar of events is collected and coordinated through the Student Activities. Office 203/204 Student Center. Univerdty of Kentucky. The intorrndtion is published as appled by the on-campus sponor. with editorial prtvliedge allowed. For Student Organizations or University Departments to mate entries on the Calendar. 0 Campus Calendar Form must be tiled outond returned to the Student Activities Office. Submboon of Photogcphs 8: Graphics are encouoged. DeodhezNoiderthontheMondayprecedingthepubllcationdate. week at glance [ monday - Other: 'Live at the Knitting Factory featuring Power Tools‘, WRFL - Exhibit: Washin ton University Scu ture Exhibition (thru 13/59) 5] - Sports: Wildcat Basketball at Notre Dame L tuesday 6 - Exhibit: Washin on University Scu pture Exhibition (thru 3/5-9i 0 Exhibit: The Oswald Research and Creativity Program: Projects, Paintings 81 Sculptureshhru 3 /09) - Concert: Central KY Concert Band 0 Symposium: UK Sports Medicine resents The 3rd Annual nner's Symposium 0 Seminar: 'Nutrition Support in [ wednesday 0 Movie: The Trouble w/Harry' ' Movie: 'An American Werewolf in London' - Meeting: Black Student Union Burns and Sepsif - Lecture: Suzi landolph: ’Hot. Sexy 81 Safer‘ - Other. 'Jock's Choice WRFL: Prince' gr, A Lecture/ Demonstration by SUZI LAN DOLPHI ON SAFER SEX 8: AIDS will be given Wednesday March 7th at 5:30 pm, A provocative, zany celebration of safer sex. 15/33 meefmgs/ I7: teem yes Tuesday 13/6 Wednesday 3/7 Ba1lroom; 5:30pm.: Call 7-6600 Friday 3/9 Saturday 3/10 — - Symposium: UK Sports Medicine presents The 3rd Annual Runner's Symposxum. Free: UK Sports Medicine Center. 7-9p.m.: Call 233-6363 - Seminar: 'Nutn'tion Support in Burns and Sepsif: Free: College of Phannacy 220: 4-5p.m.; Call 233—6040 OMeeting: Black Student Union: Free: Student Center 124; 4:30p.m.: Call 269—4869 0 Lecture: Suzi Landolph: 'Hot. Sexy 8r Safer: Free: Student Center - Seminar: The Challenges of Crude Oil Processmg in the 1990‘s; Free: Chem-Phys 137: 4pm.: Call 7-8844 0 Seminar. The Family coping w/ Alzheimer's Disease; Free: Center on Aging: 8.30:1.m.»12:30p.m.: Call 233-6040 Kentucky Kemel‘s Special Literary Issue will be taking submissions of Fiction, Art. Poems. Photography, & Graphics by UK faculty, staff, and students this week. the deadline is: 2 pm. Wednesday Bring your entries to ()26 Journalism Bldg. Monday 3/5 Friday 3/9 Saturday 3/l0 ,exmgtomKY Sunday 3/11 LexingtonKY ' Sports; Wildcat Basketball at Notre Dame; 7:30pm. - Sports. UK (:001 Cats Ice Hockey at Tennessee; 1 1pm. - Sports. UK (.‘uol (tats Ice Hockey at Tennessee: 11pm. - Sports: UK Mcns and Womens Diving: NCAA Zone Diving meet; -Sports: UK Mens and Women: DMng: NCAA Zone Diving meet; thursday 8 - Movie: The Trouble w/Harry' 0 Movie: 'An American Werewolf in London' - Concert: UK Orchestra: Phillip Miller. conductor [scum friday 9 0 Sports: UK Cool Cats lee Hockey 0 Workshop: Fa ette County J r. at Tennessee High String orkshop - Seminar: The Challenges of Crude Oil Processing in the 1997‘ L sunday to] 0 Sports: UK Cool Cats Ice Hockey at Tennessee rts: UK Mens and Wornens tving: NCAA Zone Diving meet - Seminar: The Family coping w/ Alzheimer's Disease' - Other. 'Sunda Album Feature: They Might Giants-Fiood' - Concert: Center Sundays Series: Central KY Youth Orchestra 0 Concert: Chamber Music Society of . 5 Central KY 0 Other. 'Saturd Album feature: Pale Saints— Comforts of Madness 0 Other: Air Traffic Controller Exam' 0 Concert: Center Sundays Series: Central KY Youth Orchestra 0 Concert: Chamber Music Society . S of Central KY ' Other. 'Bug Radio featuring Ofra rts: UK Mcns and Womens iving: NCAA Zone Diving meet L Conductor Phillip Miller leads the UK Orchestra. in a practice session. They will perform Thurs. at 8 pm. in the Slngietary Center. Tuesday 3/6 0 Exhibit: Washi on University Sculpture Exhibition (thru 3/5-9); "inc Fine Arts Buil ing, Center for the Contemporary Arts; Free: 9-5 0 Exhibit: The Oswald Research and Creativity Program: Projects, Paintings 8r Scul tures(thru 03/09): Free: SCFA President's Room: 8a.m.-4:30p.m.: all 7- 1706 . Concert: Central KY Concert Band; $3: Haggin Auditoriumfl‘ransy); 8p.m. - Concert: Art a la Carte: Jefferson Duo, flute/piano: Free: Arts Place: 9Aa.m.-4:30p.m.: Call 255—2951 0 Concert: UK Chorale, Roger Wesby, director: Free: SCFA Recital Hall: Call 7- 1706 Wednesday 3/7 - Movie: The Trouble w/Harry': $1.95: Worsham Theatre: 7:30pm.: Call 78%7 - Movie: 'An American Werewolf in bondon'; $1.95; Worsham Theatre: 10p.m.; Call 7—8867 Thursday 3/8 0 Concert: UK Orchestra: Phillip Miller. conductor: Free: SCFA Concert Hall; Call 7-1706 - Movie: The Trouble w/Harry': $1.95: Worsham Theatre: 7:30pm: Call 7-8%7 0 Movie: 'An American Werewolf in London': $1.95: Worsham Theatre: 10p.m.: Call 78867 Friday 15/9 - Workshop: Fayette County Jr. High SLrin Workshop; Free: SCFA Concert 8r Recital Halls; 7:30p.m.; Call 1706 Sunday 3/1 1 - Concert: Center Sundays Series: Central KY Youth Orchestra: Free: SCFA Concert Hall: 3pm.: Call 7-1706 - Concert: Chamber Music Society of Central KY; Free w/UKlI). 310 other: SCFA Recital Hall; 8pm.; Call 7—4929 Monday 3/12 - Exhibit: KY Art Education Regional Showcase: Free: SCFA Concert & Recital Halls; 8a.m.-5p.m.; Call 7- 1706 Monday 3/5 0 Other: 'Live at the Knitting Factory featuring Power Tools': Free; WRFL (88.1 FM); l-2p.m.: Call 7-1NFD Wednesday 3/7 - O;hler. 'Jock's Choice WRFL: Princc'; Free; WRFL (88.1 FM); 10-1 1PM; Call Saturday 3/10 - Other: 'Saturday Album feature: Pale Saints-The Comforts of Madness': Free; WRFL (88.1 FM): Midnite: Call 7-mm 0 Other: Air Traffic Controller Exam': Free; 14cc Oswald Bldg 109; 9am.; Call 254-1292 Sunday 3/4 'Othcr: 'Bug Radio featuring Ofra Haza’; Free; WRFL (88.1 FM): 9-10PM: Call 7-mm 0 Other: 'Sunda Album Feature: lhey M t be Giants-Fiood'; Free: WRH. (88. 1 FM): Jidnite: Call 7-1NFO 15h Mondays/l2 - Other: Live and the Knittingactory featuring Musica Elettronioa Viva“: Free; WRFL (88.1FM):1-2 :Can TINT-T) 'SP'RING BRFAK‘W‘SPRING BREAK’“”‘°‘SPRING BRFAK 4.. 7? ring Break monday 0 Other: 'Live and the Knitting Factory featuring Musica Elettronica Viva 0 Exhibit: KY Art Education Regional Showcase 0 SPRING mar-mo ma Weekly Events] MONDAY OSports: UK Judo Club (no experience required, men and women welcome): Free; Alumni Gym Balcony; 56:30 p.m.: Call 268-4499 0 Religious: Monday Evening Fellowship: Free: 412 Rose St: 6:30: call 254' 1881 0 Other: Ballroom Dance Classes (students. faculty. staff]: Barker Hall Dance Studio: 7 PM; call 278—7756 - Meeting: GLUE (Gays Lesbians United for Education); PO Box 647 Univ SL: 7:30 PM: (211 231-0335 - Religpus: lUCF small group Bible study. group 2; Free: Haggin Hall c226: 7: PM: call 8-6809 0 Other. Demonworld: St Cntr 113: 6:30-10 PM: call 255—8966 0 Other: Shadowdrum; SOA Office: 7-10 PM: call 255-8966 0 Meeting: Students for Choice: St Cntr 115: 5 PM: call 231-7917 TUESDAY -Meetings: Student Activities Board Public Relations Committee: Free: Room 203 Student Center (SAB Office): 7:30 p.m.: Call 78%7 OMeeti 3: UK Water Ski Club; Room 1812 Student Center: 7 p.m.: Call 252 900 'Meetings: UK Ski Club: Room 228 Student Center: 7pm: Call 252-4900 OOther: Aerobics: Free: Newman Carter Rooms 1 and 2; 52507 p.m.: Call 255-8566 OReligious: Tuesday Evening Fellowship (Meal and Program): 412 Rose St.: 6 p.m.: Call 254- 1881 'Sports: UK Fencing Club (no experience or equipment required): Free: Alumni Gym; 7:30—9:30 p.m.: Call 8-6591 'Other: Traveller 2300: Free:Student Center; Room 1 17; Call 7-8$7 - Meeting: UK T able Tennis: $5/semester: Seaton Squash Rm: 7 PM: call 7-6636 - Re us: lUCF small up Bible study. group 1; Free: Blandingl 214; 7: 0 PM: call 255—55g, - Reli ous: lUCF small group Bible study. group 5: St Org Rm: 6 PM: call 8 - Religous: lUCF small group Bible study. group 3: Free: Holmes Hall 205; 8PM: Call 8-5160 ' Other: Traveller 2300: St Cntr l 17; 7- 10 PM; call 255—8966 0 Other: Cthulhu '69; 7PM-12AM: call 255-8966 0 Meetin : Student Activities Board Performing Arts Committee: Free: St Cntr 04: 3:30 PM: ca118—6545 0 Meeting: Miskatonic Student Union: Free: St Cntr 1 13: 6:30PM: call 255-8SXi6 WEDNESDAY -Mee : Amnesty International: Free: Room 1 19 Student Center: 7 p.m.: Call 54-4938 OMeetings: Student Activities Board Public Relations Committee: Free SAB office; 8 p.m.: call 7-8867 OReligious: Holy Eucharist: Free: St. Augustine's Chapel: 5:30 p.m.: Call 25443726 ~Sports: UK Judo Club (no experience required. men and women welcome): Free: Alumni Gym Balcony; 5—6:30 p.m.: Call 2684499 0 Rellfious: lUCF small group Bible study, group 4: Free; Blazer Hall 319: SP : Call 8—6016 0 Other. AD&D 2nd Edition; St Cntr 113: 7- 10 PM: call 255-8966 0 Other: AD&D Variant: St Cntr 117: 7— 10 PM: call 255-8966 - Meeting: Amnesty lntemational: Free: St Cntr 1 19: '7 PM; call 254-4938 THURSDAY 00ther. Aerobics: Free: Newman Center Rooms 1 and 2; 5:50-7 p.m.: Call 255-8556 ~Religious: Thursday Night Live: Free: 502 Columbia Avc.: 7:30 p.m.: Call 2334x313 ISports: UK Fencing Club (no experience or equipment required); Free: Alumni Gym: 7:30-9:30 p.m.: Call 8—6591 0 Meetin 3: Student Activities Board Indoor Recreation Committee: Free: RM 1 9 Student Cntr: 6PM: 7-8867 -Reliyous: Fellowship of Christian Athletes Meeting: Free: 502 Columbia Ave: 9 PM: all 8—6650 0Mee§igngntervarsity Christian Fellowship; Free; St Cntr 228 or 205: 7: : Call 278-6809 0 Religus: Catholic Newman Cntr Night: Free: Newman Cntr Rm 3&4: 7: 8:45 PM: all 255-8567 0 Other ADaD 2nd Edition: St Cntr 113: 7-10 PM: call 255-896 - Other: AD&D 2nd Edition: St Cntr 117: 7-10PM: call 255-8966 - Re 3: Catholic Newman Cntr Night; Free: Newman Cntr 3&4; 7:30 P : (311 255—8566 - Meeting Black Voices: Free; Old St Cntr Theatre: 6:30 PM; call 8—2474 FRIDAY 0 Meeting: Commuter Student Board: Free: St Cntr 1%: 3 PM: (211 272-3765 SATURDAY OReligous: Mass; Free: Newman Center: 6 p.m.: Call 2558566 OOther: Sludowrun: St Cntr 117: 610 PM: all 255% ' Meeti ' Build Homes for Need Families: Free: lrish Town Neigh hood: :SOAM-SPM: ml 253- 1256 SUNDAY OWm Dinner. 82: Newman Center Rooms 3 and 4:6 p.m.: Call OReligous: Sunday Morning Worship: Free: Koinonia House: 10:30 a.m.: Call 254- 1881 IRcUgbuo: Mano: Free: Newnnn Center: 9 am. 11:30 am. 5 run. 8:30 p.m.: Call 256-8566 'Religous: Ho Eucharist; Free: St. Augustine's Chapel: 1030 a.m.. 5:30 p.m.: Call 2:54-37” 'Reliyius: Collefnte Worship Service: Free: 502 Columbia Ave; 1 1 a.m.; Call 233-031 - Otltr: Sludowrun/ADAD: St Cntr 2%: 4-9 PM; all 255% 00th:: Sun Nght Mere GmmzwAOfia: 9-12 PMztnIIZSS—m -Other:Cthulhu lntl.:511 PM:oa11256-m f L \_JEI Ill 0 IL Little brother Denny Crum gets slapped by NCAA Greg HALL Many redneck Big Blue fans are cheering today. They think that UK has again stomped on Little Brother and that Lexington is no longer the state head— quarters of the NCAA. University of Louisville signee Dwayne Morton was ruled ineligible to play for the Cardinals by the NCAA on Saturday. And many jeal- ous UK fans will interpret that as the death knell for the Cardinal basketball program. But only Morton will suffer from the decision, even though the reason he loses out is not something he did. In high school people are taught that they will be on their own in col- lege. Yet big-time college recruits have their decisions made for them. Players sit back and watch as the whims of their advisers overshadow their desires. Morton's fate was determined by his mother, Charlotte Morton, and his high school coach, Ralph John- son. At the time of the signing, Pitino said, “We were in an old recruiting battle with Louisville and we lost.” But did Pitino really lose to U of L? Let‘s step back through Pitino's Inaugural Ball. Recruiting Rick was hot on the trail to get one of the nation‘s best prospects — Louisville Central’s Morton. Rumors had it that the Pa- rade AlloAmerica was Lexington— bound. And the Wildcat staff thought so, too. “We really thought Morton was coming to Kentucky from his visit,” Pitino said last fall. The NCAA report, which U of L released Saturday, said that Morton was deciding between the intrastate ri- vals. But apparently Morton’s mother and high school coach wanted to see Dwayne in the River City playing at Freedom Hall. So during the 48-hour “hands off” period before the signing day (No. 8) Ralph Johnson arranged for a dinner between himself, Charlotte Monon, Crum and former Cardinal Robbie Valentine. “1 just don‘t think that Louisville would do that,” Pitino said at the Nov. 8 signing day press conference. “I mean, that is a blatant violation of NCAA rules." On Nov. 8 Morton signed a Na- tional Letter of Intent to play with the Cards. But while Morton’s name was being written on the line, his mother and coach were guiding the pen. What one might expect to be a trumpeted announcement was, but Morton was not the trumpeter. Pitino first found out via the radio, and then received a call from Central's John- son. “It was disappointing that we found out on the radio,” Pitino said. “But sometimes a 17-year-old really doesn't think things through." That is just it, Rick. Advisers were thinking for the recruit. The battle was not lost to Louisville but to Johnson and his mother. “Well obviously his mother’s opin- ion carries a lot of weight,” Pitino said. “But his mother can’t shoot bas- ketballs, so that’s why we kept (re- cruiting him)." Still, it was Morton's mother who determined in which arena‘s baskets his shots would land. “We wish Dwayne Monon the best of luck at Louisville,” Pitino said. “He is really an outstanding young man. He‘s one of the nicest recruits that I‘ve met in my life." Once again, the NCAA gives a nice kid the shaft. Morton will be able to play any- where but Louisville. His “second choice" —— UK — is also largely out of the picture. Pitino has already giv- en out the plethora of scholarships provided to him by UK‘s probation and has taken on another walk-on. This NCAA action does not indict Crum or the Louisville basketball program as a whole. U of L Athletic Director Bill Olsen said that the NCAA punishment probably will not affect the million dollar annuity Crum may receive in See U of L. Page 4 0 o @ {SPORTS MONDAYE Kentucky Kernel, Monday, mrch 5, 1990 - 3 Cats must have victory for winning season By BARRY REEVES Sports Editor just something to be proud of." Wildcats' only road win came against mis- Coming off a 98~67 victory over No. 3 UK.Notl-e Dame erable Florida. So the Cats do have some- Missouri, Notre Dame (15-11) could be It’s simple: If the Wildcats beat Notre ripe for an upset. Dame tonight, they have a winning season. If they don't, then they finish .500. UK is 14-13 overall, and with no chance for postseason play, tonight’s game is piv- otal for the Cats’ psyche. “Naturally, everybody wants to win their thing to prove — that they can win on the Records: UK 14-13, road “You never know, they might take us Notre Dame 15-11. “That’s the only thing that we haven’t lightly," Miller said. “I look for them to When: 7:30 pm. tonight. done so far this year," Pelphrey said. take us lightly. They killed us last year, Where:Joyce Athletic and The Cats seem to play Wllh reckless and with a big win (over Missouri), we Convocation Center, Notre Dame. abandon at Rupp Arena, but they lose just might sneak up on them. they’re Ind. some of their edge when they hit the road. last game of the season," said senior guard catch them sleeping.” Derrick Miller, who will be playing in his last game as a Wildcat. ”I think a win will send us into the off- season workouts in the right frame of mind,” UK forward Deron Feldhaus said be- fore practice Saturday. “If we can slip-up on going to be sky high, and that’s when you Radio: Live on WVLK-AM/FM with And with tonight being their last game, Cawood Ledford and Dave Baker. Miller said UK is going to “play like But UK sophomore forward John Pel- Television: Detayedon WKYTwith wolves.“ phrey and Feldhaus differ with Miller. Ralph Hacker and Jim Master. “I think that’s what we have to do all of them and beat them at their place, then look us,” Feldhaus said. we’ll have done something that we haven’t done well this season — win on the ma UK coach Rick Pitino said he thinks the Notre Dame game is important “because it will give us a winning season. And I think their last home game.” that’s really important to the players. It‘s “They’ll have a day to rest and there‘s going to be a lot of emotion against Mis- souri there’s a chance they‘ll have a let down, but I really don't think they’ll over— drain of the Missouri game might offset get on the road, we only do it part of the the time,” said Pelphrey, who's averaging 13.2 points a game. “We seem to play that way all of the time at home, but then we some of the Irish’s homecourt advantage. time.“ Pelphrey said: “They'll have no problem “I think they might have a slight let “I think it's going to have to be an all< getting up for the game. They’ll have two down or something," Pitino said during his out assault, effort-Wise. to beat Notre days to recover, plus it will be their last weekly news conference Friday. But Dame,” said Miller, who leads the team in home game and everybody wants to win it‘s going to be their senior night, so that scoring with a 19.3 average. "We‘re going should help them get up for the game." Pitino said he thinks that the emotional UK is 1-10 away from Rupp Arena. The See CATS. Page 4 By BARRY REEVES Sports Editor UK Athletics Director CM. Newton added one more duty to his job Friday afternoon — tour guide. Newton guided media representa~ tives through Memorial Coli- seum’s new facilities. And that was something new to Newton. “You all bare with me now be- cause I’ve never done this sort of thing," Newton told the two dozen media members before the tour be- gan. Shortly after Newton‘s arrival at UK last April, he started looking into renovating Memorial Coli— seum to add locker rooms, a weight-training room and offices. The north end/.onc bleachers were torn out and a two-story structure was erected that cost about $860,000. The project was funded through private donations, Newton said. Newton said a priority was placed on not interrupting the Col— iseum's architecture. “To me, architecturally, this is one the classiest buildings around,” Newton said. “We had to make sure that we didn‘t mess with that too much." Newton said he had reservations NCAA declares Morton ineligible The $860,000 renovation at the north end of Memorial Coliseum is 95 percent finished. to play at U of L By TOM SPALDING Executive Editor 'l he NCAA ruled that Louisville Central High School star Dwayne Morton is ineligible to play basketball for the I'riiyer- sity of Louisville. The NCAA Eligibility Committee ruled that Morton may not play basketball for the the Cardinals because L' of L coach Denny Crum had an unfair recruiting advantage. If the decision stands, Morton still would be eligible to play for any other NCAA school. U of L Athletics Director Bill Olsen said Saturday night that his institution probably will appeal the NCAA‘s ruling Morton could not be r