Thomas Henry Hines papers


The Thomas Henry Hines papers, (dated 1772-1954, bulk 1860-1889; 2.84 cubic feet; 10 boxes, 2 items, 3 folders) comprise letters, diaries, legal papers, manuscripts, maps, military documents, newspaper clippings, notebooks, handwritten notes, political papers, printed materials, realia, scrapbooks, and family papers, which document Thomas Henry Hines' career as a Confederate soldier, a Confederate spy, a lawyer, and a judge.

Descriptive Summary

Thomas Henry Hines papers
1772-1954 (inclusive)
1860-1889 (bulk)
2.84 Cubic Feet
Northwestern Conspiracy, 1864.
Military records
Military correspondence.
Collection is arranged into seventeen series: Correspondence, Diaries, Financial papers, Legal papers, Manuscripts, Maps, Military papers, Newspaper clippings, Notebooks and notes, Photographs, Political papers, Printed materials, Realia, Scrapbooks, Sproule family papers, Walcutt family papers, and Winn family papers.
Finding Aid Author
Amanda Hanner
Preferred Citation
46m97: [identification of item], Thomas Henry Hines papers, 1772-1954, bulk 1860-1889, University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.
University of Kentucky

Collection Overview

Biography / History
Confederate Army officer, spy, lawyer, and judge Thomas Henry Hines was born on October 9, 1838, in Butler County, Kentucky, to Warren Walker Hines (1812-1898) and Sarah Jamison Carson (1817-1893). He joined the Confederate Army in 1861 and in 1862 became a member of General John Hunt Morgan's cavalry. Hines was captured and imprisoned along with John Hunt Morgan and officers in July 1863. On November 27, 1863, Hines escaped from a prison in Columbus, Ohio, with Morgan and other Confederate soldiers. In March 1864, Hines was commissioned by Confederate President Jefferson Davis to plan the Northwest Conspiracy, an uprising in the North to free prisoners of war and create panic through arson. The conspiracy ultimately failed. Hines married Nancy "Nannie" Sproule (1843-1897) on November 10, 1864, in Covington, Ky.; they had six children, Alice Thomas Hines being the only one who lived to adulthood. After the Civil War, Hines studied law in Canada with John Cabell Breckinridge. He remained in Canada until March 1866, at which time he moved to Memphis, Tennessee, to edit The Daily Appeal. Additionally, he finished his law studies. In 1867, Hines moved to Bowling Green, Ky. where he established his law practice. Hines was elected to the Kentucky Court of Appeals in 1878 and presided as Chief Justice from 1884-1885. Hines retired in 1885 and died on January 23, 1898.
Scope and Content
The Thomas Henry Hines papers, (dated 1772-1954, bulk 1860-1889; 2.84 cubic feet; 10 boxes, 2 items, 3 folders) comprise letters, diaries, legal papers, manuscripts, maps, military documents, newspaper clippings, notebooks, handwritten notes, political papers, printed materials, realia, scrapbooks, and family papers, which document Thomas Henry Hines' career as a Confederate soldier, a Confederate spy, a lawyer, and a judge. The bulk of the collection consists of the Hines' papers but it also includes materials from the Sproule, Winn, and Walcutt families. Hines' papers contain military orders, correspondence, and notes documenting his work as a Confederate spy. Items of note include Thomas Henry Hines' diaries containing descriptions of life in Memphis during Reconstruction; a notebook that details the plans leading to the Northwestern Conspiracy (Box 2, Folder 17); a scrapbook with newspaper clippings that mention the Northwestern Conspiracy (Box 2, Folder 28); a letter giving orders for Hines to receive cypher instruction (Box 1, Folder 21); a paper key for secret messages (Box 3, Folder 16); and two cyphered messages that are in cypher. Also included are scrapbooks containing newspaper clippings about the conspiracy and Hines' editorials for The Daily Appeal. Correspondents of note include Jefferson Davis, Isaac Shelby, John Cabell Breckinridge, John Breckinridge Castleman, Basil Wilson Duke, and Varina Howell Davis.

Restrictions on Access and Use

Conditions Governing Access
Collection is open to researchers by appointment.
Use Restrictions
The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.

Contents of the Collection

Correspondence, 1810-1898

Scope and Contents

The Correspondence series comprises letters to and from Thomas Henry Hines relating to Hines' military career and personal life. Notable correspondents include Jefferson Davis, Isaac Shelby, John Cabell Breckinridge, John Breckinridge Castleman, Basil Wilson Duke, Varina Howell Davis, and his future wife, Nannie Sproule. Some of the letters are written in French.

Anonymous letter, night watch warning, 1865 May

  • Box 1, folder 1
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Joseph F. Bettersworth letter, 1865 March 12

  • Box 1, folder 2
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Issa Desha Breckinridge letter, 1865 January 20

  • Box 1, folder 3
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John C. Breckinridge letter, 1870 January 19

  • Box 1, folder 4
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John Breckinridge Castleman letters, 1865, 1867

  • Box 1, folder 5
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John Breckinridge Castleman letter to Andrew Johnson, 1863 October 9

  • Box 3, folder 1
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Correspondence in French, 1866

  • Box 1, folder 6
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Correspondence in French, 1866

  • Box 3, folder 2
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Correspondence, various authors, 1810-1898

  • Box 1, folder 7
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Charles T. Daniel letters, 1865

  • Box 1, folder 8
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Charles T. Daniel letters, 1865

  • Box 3, folder 3
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Jefferson Davis letter, copy, 1886 November 20

  • Box 1, folder 9
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Basil W. Duke letters, 1886-1888

  • Box 1, folder 10
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James A. Headley letters to "Father", 1860-1861

  • Box 1, folder 11
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James A. Headley letters to "Father", 1860-1861

  • Box 3, folder 4
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William Headley letters to "Father", 1860-1865

  • Box 1, folder 12
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William Headley letters to "Father", 1860-1865

  • Box 3, folder 5
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Nancy Hines letters, 1863-1865

  • Box 1, folder 13
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Nancy Hines letters to husband, 1865-1866

  • Box 1, folder 14
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Nancy Hines letters to husband, 1865-1866

  • Box 3, folder 6
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Thomas Henry Hines letter to Capt. J. Sproule, 1863 October 30

  • Box 3, folder 7
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Thomas Henry Hines letters to "Pa", [1862]-1865

  • Box 1, folder 15
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Thomas Henry Hines letters to "Pa", [1862]-1865

  • Box 3, folder 8
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Thomas Henry Hines letters to wife, 1861-1866

  • Box 1, folder 16
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Thomas Henry Hines letters to wife, 1861-1866

  • Box 3, folder 9
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Military correspondence, various authors, 1861-1886

  • Box 1, folder 17
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Military correspondence, various authors, 1861-1886

  • Box 3, folder 10
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John H. Morgan letters, 1864-1866

  • Box 1, folder 18
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John H. Morgan letters, 1864-1866

  • Box 3, folder 11
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Albert Pike letters, 1867-1868, 1875

  • Box 1, folder 19
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James A. Seedon letters, 1864

  • Box 1, folder 20
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Isaac Shelby letter, 1864 December 9

  • Box 1, folder 21
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C.G. Smallhouse letter, [1886 August 6]

  • Box 1, folder 22
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Alex W. Weddell letter, cypher instruction, 1864 March 26

  • Box 1, folder 23
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Diaries, 1865-1867

  • Box 1, folder 24
Scope and Contents

The Diaries series comprises two diaries belonging to Thomas Henry Hines. Spanning from 1865 until 1867, the diaries document travel plans between the U.S. amd Canada and describe his life in Memphis during Reconstruction.

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Financial papers, 1772-1894, undated

Scope and Contents

The Financial papers series contains currency, loans, checks, notes, finance accounts, receipts, and stocks, much of which relate to the finances of the Confederacy. Also included are stocks owned by Thomas Henry Hines from Kentucky companies, such as The Adair Packing Company and Kentucky & Montana Gold Mining Co. In addition, there is a receipt written in French which states that thirty-six dollars was paid by Captain Castleman for Hines to have a second course of French lessons (Box 1, Folder 35).

Colonial currency, 1772-1779

  • Box 1, folder 25
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Confederate currency, 1861-1864

  • Box 1, folder 26
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Confederate loans, 1864-1865, 1894

  • Box 4, folder 1
  • Box 1, folder 27
  • Box 3, folder 12
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"Confederate Notes Wanted", 1861

  • Box 1, folder 28
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Checks, 1855-1883

  • Box 1, folder 29
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Financial meeting notes, 1860-1881

  • Box 1, folder 30
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Agnes Ledgerwood finance account, 1812

  • Box 1, folder 31
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Mexican currency, 1814

  • Box 1, folder 32
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100 militia donation receipt, undated

  • Box 1, folder 33
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Receipts, 1810-1885

  • Box 1, folder 34
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Receipt in French, 1865 October 31

  • Box 1, folder 35
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Stocks, 1873-1875

  • Box 1, folder 36
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Legal papers, 1807-1889, undated

Scope and Contents

The Legal papers series comprises deeds, notes, certificates, an indenture, and insurance deeds and surveys, which detail Thomas Henry Hines' land transactions. Items of note include the court of appeals report for Shakers vs. Underwood and Davenport vs. Same (Box 3, Folder 3) and the marriage certificate for Thomas Henry Hines and wife, Nancy "Nannie" Sproule, in the form of a letter from the supervising pastor (Box 1, Folder 40).

Agreement for a trip to Cuba, 1889 December 11

  • Box 1, folder 37
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Descriptive leaflet for coins, [1887] October 12

  • Box 1, folder 38
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Land deeds and papers, 1807, undated

  • Box 1, folder 39
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Land surveyed for Morgan Eaton, 1818 October 13

  • Box 1, folder 40
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Land warrant for 173 acres, 1820 January 22

  • Box 3, folder 13
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Legal notes, 1812, undated

  • Box 1, folder 41
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Marriage certificate, 1864 November 10

  • Box 1, folder 42
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James B. McCreary certificate, [1875] October 23

  • Box 3, folder 14
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William L. Richards, indenture for $1000, 1807

  • Box 1, folder 43
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M.E. and S.R. Settle and N.S. Hines, deed, 1886

  • Box 1, folder 44
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State of Kentucky- Court of Appeals, 1874 January 23

  • Box 3, folder 15
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"10,000 Acres Coal, Iron, and Timber Land for sale... ", 1876 April

  • Box 1, folder 45
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Manuscripts, 1861-1864, undated

Scope and Contents

The Manuscripts series contains handwritten and typed drafts of poems and a paper, primarily pertaining to the Civil War. Included in the series is a typed poem and various handwritten poems concerning comradeship, honor, and love.

Barrie Hayne, "Confederate Exiles in Canada West, 1865-68" draft, undated

  • Box 1, folder 46
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John L. O'Sullivan, "Close the Ranks" poem, 1864 February 15

  • Box 1, folder 47
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Handwritten poems, various authors, 1861, undated

  • Box 1, folder 48
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Maps, 1882, undated

Scope and Contents

The Maps series consists of a plat map entitled Map of the City of Chicago and Colton's New Sectional Map of the Eastern Portion of Florida.

Map of the City of Chicago, undated

  • Case 4, drawer 8, item 1
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Colton's New Sectional Map of the Eastern Portion of Florida, 1882

  • Case 4, drawer 8, item 2
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Military papers, 1809-1877, undated

Scope and Contents

The Military papers series comprises papers pertaining to military orders, movements, and messages during the Civil War. Notable items include letters of introduction for Hines (Box 2, Folder 1), military orders (Box 2, Folder 2,9 and 12), cypher letters (Box 2, Folders 5-6), a paper key for secret messages (Box 3, Folder 16) and a photograph of Dr. R.L. Jeffries with a written inscription (Box 2, Folder 7). Thomas Henry Hines received the photograph around November 30, 1864 and Dr. Jeffries was killed by guerillas around the beginning of February 1865. The beginning of the incription reads "Dr. Jeffries - of St. Louis Mo. - Died near Paris Ky - about the first of Feb. '65, with his boots on Federal Detective."

Capt. Thomas H. Hines, Letters of Introduction, 1864

  • Box 2, folder 1
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Capt. Thomas H. Hines, Military orders, 1864

  • Box 2, folder 2
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Capt. Thomas H. Hines, Military railroad pass, undated

  • Box 2, folder 3
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Constitution for the [S.R.C.], [1868]

  • Box 2, folder 4
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"Cowards Only Flee" coded message, 1864 June

  • Box 2, folder 5
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Cypher letter to Wallace Pope, undated

  • Box 2, folder 6
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Dr. R.L. Jeffries photograph, 1864

  • Box 2, folder 7
Scope and Contents

Comprises a photograph that depicts Dr. R.L. Jeffries of St. Louis, Missouri who was killed near the end of January 1865. The photograph includes handwritten notes from Thomas H. Hines that state "Dr. Jeffries - of St. Louis Mo. - Died near Paris Ky - about the first of Feb. '65, with his boots on Federal Detective. Carried it to Richmond and back to Canada. Given to me by Capt. Seebring of the C.S.A near Germantown Ky. about Nov. 30 '64. Capt. S. received it from a lady friend who [] Dr. J. []."

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Emancipation Meeting notes, [1849 May 12]

  • Box 2, folder 8
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John Hunt Morgan, General orders no.12, 1863 March 4

  • Box 2, folder 9
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Military accounts of events, 1865, undated

  • Box 2, folder 10
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Military notes, various authors, 1809, [1865]-1866

  • Box 2, folder 11
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Military orders from James A. Seedon, 1864 April 27

  • Box 2, folder 12
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Military report on Henry Morris, 1877 September 20

  • Box 2, folder 13
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Muster and pay roll, 1864 March 1-1864 April 30

  • Case 4, drawer 8, item 3
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Muster roll of Captain, undated

  • Box 4, folder 2
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Secret intelligence paper key, 1863 August 29

  • Box 3, folder 16
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Soldiers of the Red Cross papers, 1868

  • Box 2, folder 14
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"$1,000 Reward", Military broadside, 1863 November 28

  • Box 3, folder 17
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Newspaper clippings, [1863]-1954

Scope and Contents

The Newspaper clippings series contains newspaper pages and clippings that concern the Civil War, Thomas Henry Hines, and John Hunt Morgan.


  • Box 2, folder 15
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  • Box 4, folder 3-7
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Notebooks and notes, 1863-1887, undated

Scope and Contents

The Notebooks and Notes series comprises notebooks and notes containing plans for the Northwest Conspiracy, prisoner names, and financial records. The bulk of the materials relates to the Northwest Conspiracy and John Hunt Morgan.

Handwritten notes, various authors, undated, 1877

  • Box 2, folder 16
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Notebook, account of plans for the Chicago or Northwestern Conspiracy, 1865-1866

  • Box 2, folder 17
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Notebook, names of prisoners with cell block numbers at Ohio Penitentiary and financial records, [1863], 1886-1887

  • Box 2, folder 18
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Notebook pages, 1863 December 13-1864 March 10

  • Box 2, folder 19
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Notebook, military events, undated

  • Box 3, folder 18
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The Atlantic Monthly, The Chicago Conspiracy, 1865 July

  • Box 2, folder 20
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Photographs, 1865-1897, undated

Unidentified female, cabinet card, taken at Klauber Photo in Louisville. Originally found on page 2 of the purple velvet album, undated

  • Box 7, item 1
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Unidentified male, cabinet card,taken at Rosch studio in St. Louis. Originally found on page 3 of the purple velvet album, undated

  • Box 7, item 2
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Unidentified female, cabinet card, taken at Douglas photo in Evansville, Indiana. Handwritten note on the back of the photo reads: "To Allie... From Sallie." Originally found on page 4 of the purple velvet photo album, undated

  • Box 7, item 3
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H.B. Hines, cabinet card, taken at Wybrant photo in Louisville, Kentucky. A handwritten note on the back of the photo reads: "H.B. Hines- June 27th, 1882". Originally found on page 5 of the purple velvet album, 1882 June 27

  • Box 7, item 4
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Unidentified female, cabinet card, taken at Mattern studio in Frankfort, Kentucky. Originally found on page 6 of the purple velvet album, undated

  • Box 7, item 5
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Unidentified male, cabinet card, taken at W.L. Elrod Portraits in Frankfort, Kentucky. Originally found on page 7 pf the purple velvet album, undated

  • Box 7, item 6
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Unidentified male, cabinet card, taken at Mattern studio in Frankfort, Kentucky. Handwritten note on the back of the photo reads: "With my kindest regards. I am your Friend J.M.F Jr. Frankfort, Ky 7.31.84". Originally found on page 8 of the purple velvet album, 1884 July 31

  • Box 7, item 7
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Two unidentified females, cabinet card, taken at Shartle studio in Bowling Green, Kentucky. Originally found on page 9 of the purple velvet album, undated

  • Box 7, item 8
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Miss Addie Sprowle, cabinet card, taken at Douglas studio in Evansville, Indiana. A handwritten note on the back of the photo reads: "Your Loving Sister Addie Sproule July 14th, 1881. Frankfort, Kentucky". In the bottom left corner, a handwritten note reads: "A.T. 76". Originally found on page 10 of the purple velvet album, 1881 July 14

  • Box 7, item 9
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Unidentified female, cabinet card, taken at C. Parker studio in Washington, D.C. A handwritten note on the back of the photo reads: "With much love Arnine Blackbun. National Hotel Washington D.C. February 26th, 1887". Originally found on page 11 of the purple velvet album, 1887 February 26

  • Box 7, item 10
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Unidentified male, cabinet card, taken at Elrod Photographic Art Studio in Frankfort, Kentucky. Originally found on page 13 of the purple velvet album, undated

  • Box 7, item 11
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Unidentified female, cabinet card, taken at Sittler photo in Springfield, Missouri. A handwritten note on the back of the photo reads: "Minnie Aug. 28th, 1886". Originally found on page 14 of the purple velvet album, 1886 August 28

  • Box 7, item 12
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Unidentified female, cabinet card, taken at Mattern studio in Frankfort, Kentucky. Handwritten note at the bottom of the photo reads: "Henrietta Blackburn". Originally located on page 15 of the purple velvet album, undated

  • Box 7, item 13
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Unidentified female, cabinet card, taken at Mattern studio in Frankfort, Kentucky. Originally found on page 16 of the purple velvet album, undated

  • Box 7, item 14
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Two unidentified females, cabinet card, taken at Sittler studio in Springfield, Missouri. A handwritten note on the back of the photo reads: "Sept. 9th, 1886" Originally found on page 16 behind photo 52 in the purple velvet album, 1886 September 9

  • Box 6, item 15
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Unidentified male, cabinet card, taken at Shartle studio in Bowling Green, KY. Originally found on page 17 of the purple velvet photo album, undated

  • Box 7, item 16
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Unidentified group sitting in canoes on a lake, cabinet card, taken by Shartle studio in Bowling Green, KY. Handwritten note on the back of the photo reads: "Camp Hamilton July 2nd - 10th 1887. Alice Hines". Originally found on page 18 of the purple velvet album, 1887 July 2-10

  • Box 7, item 17
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Unidentified female, cabinet card, taken at Douglas studio in Evansville, Indiana. Originally found on page 19 of the purple velvet album, undated

  • Box 7, item 18
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Unidentified male, cabinet card, taken at G.W. Davis in Washington D.C./Richmond, Va. Originally found on page 20 of the purple velvet album, undated

  • Box 7, item 19
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Unidentified female, cabinet card, taken at Elrod Photographic Art Studio in Frankfort, Ky. Originally found on page 21 of the purple velvet album, undated

  • Box 7, item 20
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Unidentified male, cabinet card, taken at Mattern studio in Frankfort, Ky. Originally found on page 22 of the purple velvet album, undated

  • Box 7, item 21
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Three unidentified females, cabinet card, taken at Sittler studio in Springfield, Missouri. Originally found on page 24 of the purple velvet album, undated

  • Box 7, item 22
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Unidentified group (2 females, 3 males), cabinet card, taken at Shartle studio in Bowling Green, Kentucky. Handwritten note on the back of the photo reads: "Dec. 20th 1885, Tuesday -Alice Hines Bowling Geen, Kentucky". Originally found on page 25 of the purple velvet album, 1885 December 30

  • Box 7, item 23
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Unidentified male, cabinet card, taken at Wybrant studio in Louisville, Kentucky. Handwritten note on the back of the photo reads: "For Miss Attie Hines. -Harry T. Jefferson". Originally found on page 26 of the purple velvet album, undated

  • Box 7, item 24
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Unidentified female, cabinet card, taken at Mattern studio in Frankfort, Kentucky. Originally found on page 26 behind photo 62, undated

  • Box 7, item 25
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Unidentified female, cabinet card, taken at Wybrant studio in Louisville, Kentucky. Handwritten note on the back of the photo reads: "Mimmie Porter Jefferson". Originally found on page 27 of the purple velvet album, undated

  • Box 7, item 26
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Unidentified male, cabinet card, taken at W.E. Johns in Lexington, KY. Originally found on page 28 of the purple velvet album, undated

  • Box 7, item 27
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Unidentified female, cabinet card, taken at Wybrant studio in Louisville, KY. Originally found on page 29 of the purple velvet album, undated

  • Box 7, item 28
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A handwritten note written to Mollie Barrymore, from her sister-in-law, on February 23, 1893. Originally found behind photo 66 on page 29 of the purple velvet album, 1893 February 23

  • Box 6, item 28a
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Unidentified female, cabinet card, taken at Brush studio in Bowling Green, KY. Originally found on page 30 of the purple velvet album, undated

  • Box 7, item 29
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Unidentified female, cabinet card, taken at Howland Photographers in Cincinnati, Ohio. Originally found on page 31 of the purple velvet album, undated

  • Box 7, item 30
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Unidentified female, cabinet card, taken at Sittler studio in Springfield, Missouri. Originally found on page 31 of the purple velvet album, undated

  • Box 7, item 31
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Unidentified female, cabinet card, taken at Mattern studio in Frankfort, Ky. Handwritten note on the back of the photo reads: "The Duchess, Dec. 10, 1893. For Miss Alice". Originally found on page 31 of the purple velvet album, 1893 December 10

  • Box 7, item 32
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Unidentified baby, cabinet card, taken at Miss Garrity studio in Louisville, Kentucky. Handwritten note on the back of the photo reads: "Elizabeth Jefferson- age when taken 3 mo. 20 days". Originally found on page 33 of the purple velvet album, undated

  • Box 7, item 33
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Unidentified male, cabinet card, taken at Alderman studio in Greensboro, NC. Handwritten note on the bottom of the page of the album reads: "W.E. Caldwell". Originally found on page 35 of the purple velvet photo album, undated

  • Box 8, item 34
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Unidentified toddler, cabinet card, taken at J.C. Elrod's photo studio in Louisville/Frankfort, Ky. Originally found on page 36 of the purple velvet album, undated

  • Box 7, item 35
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Unidentified male, cabinet card, taken at Klauber Photo in Louisville, KY. Handwritten note on the back of the photo reads: "Newland Jones Jr. June 16th, 1885. Written on train. Richmond to Winchester." Originally found on page 37 of the purple velvet album, 1885 June 16

  • Box 7, item 36
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Unidentified baby, cabinet card, taken at Brush's studio in Bowling Green, Ky. Handwritten note on the back of the photo reads: "Age 10 1/2 months." Originally found on page 38 of the purple velvet album, undated

  • Box 7, item 37
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An allegorical photo of an engraving of Presidents Washington and Lincoln in heaven. Back of the photo reads: "Washington meeting Lincoln in the clouds. Bought in Toronoto as a matter of curiosity Aug. 20th 1865", 1865 August 20

  • Box 6, item 38
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John Yates Beall, carte de visite, taken at the Photographic Art Palace in Chicago, undated

  • Box 6, item 39
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General Braxton Bragg, carte de visite, taken at the C.D. Fredricks & Co in New York, undated

  • Box 6, item 40
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A.P. Hill, carte de visite. Originally found on page 17 of the Nannie Sproule photo album, undated

  • Box 6, item 41
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Stoneall Jackson, carte de visite of an engraving, from Elias Dexter (a publisher, engraver, photographer, and frame maker) in New York, undated

  • Box 6, item 42
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General Robert E. Lee, carte de visite, from Charles Taber & Co. in New Bedford, Mass. Originally found on page 19 of the Nannie Sproule photo album, undated

  • Box 6, item 43
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Colonel Quantrill, carte de visie, published by E. & H.T. Anthony in New York. Originally found on page 20 of the Nannie Sproule photo album, undated

  • Box 6, item 44
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Rear-Admiral Raphael Semmes of the Confederate States Navy, carte de visite, photo of an engraving. Originally found on page 21 of the Nannie Sproule photo album, undated

  • Box 6, item 45
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General John C. Pemberton, carte de visite, published by E. & H.T. Anthony in New York. Originally found on page 22 of the Nannie Sproule photo album, undated

  • Box 6, item 46
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Composite image with of Confederate Generals, carte de visite. Pictured: P.G.T Beauregard, J.E. Johnston, Bushrod Johnson, A.S. Johnston, Jefferson Davis, Braxton Bragg, Simon Boliver Buckner, and Mansfield Lovell, undated

  • Box 6, item 47
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Composite image of the Rebel Army of Virginia, carte de visite, published by E. & H.T. Anthony in New York. Pictured: James Longstreet, P.G.T. Beauregard, John C. Breckinridge, Fitzhugh Lee, Richard Ewell, Robert E. Lee, and A.P. Hill. Originally found on page 26 of the Nannie Sproule photo album, undated

  • Box 6, item 48
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Composite image of the Rebel Army of the Southwest, carte de visite. Pictured: John B. Hood, Sterling Price, Nathan Bedford Forrest, Edmund Kirby Smith, Joseph E. Johnston, Franklin Garnder, and Braxton Bragg. Originally found on page 27 of the Nannie Sproule photo album, undated

  • Box 6, item 49
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Composite image of the Confederate Dead, carte de visite, published by E. & H.T. Anthony in New Yok. Pictured: W.O.B. Branch, Earl Van Dorn, J.H. Morgan, W. Barksdale, A.S. Johnston, J.E.B. Stuart, "Stonewall" Jackson, J.S. Bowen, Zollicoffer, L. Tilghman, A.J. Jenkins, Ben McCullough, Leonidas Polk, and G.J. Rains, undated

  • Box 6, item 50
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Fitzhugh Lee, carte de visite, published by E. & H.T. Anthony in New York, undated

  • Box 6, item 51
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Ben Cheatham, carte de visite, published by E. & H.T. Anthony in New York, undated

  • Box 6, item 52
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Napoleon Bonaparte, carte de visite of an engraving, from O. Thompson Photographer in Toronto, undated

  • Box 6, item 53
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Captain Dick Morgan, carte de visite, published by E. & H.T. Anthony in New York, undated

  • Box 6, item 54
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Unidentified confederate soldier, carte de visite, taken at Turner Photographer in Toronoto, undated

  • Box 6, item 55
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George Washington, carte de visite of an engraving, undated

  • Box 6, item 56
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John S. Mosby, carte de visite, published by E. & H.T. Anthony studio in New York, undated

  • Box 6, item 57
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General John H. Morgan, tinted carte de visite. A handwritten note on the back of the photo reads: "Gen. John H. Morgan, aken taken at Richmond, VA. in the winter of 1864 -Property of Thomas H. Hines, Frankfort, KY", undated

  • Box 6, item 58
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Artist David Broderick Walcut, carte de visite, taken at T. J. Merritt photo studio in St. Louis, Missouri, undated

  • Box 6, item 59
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Admiral George Henry Preble, cabinet photograph, undated

  • Box 7, item 60
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Clement L. Vallandigham, carte de visite, photographed at C.D. Fredericks & Co. portrait studio in New York, undated

  • Box 6, item 61
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Jefferson Davis, carte de visite image of an engraving, from Charles Taber & Co. in New Bedford, Mass, undated

  • Box 6, item 62
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Alexander Stephens, carte de visite, undated

  • Box 6, item 63
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John C. Breckinridge, carte de visite, undated

  • Box 6, item 64
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Robert E. Lee, carte de visite, from O. Thompson photographer in Toronto, undated

  • Box 6, item 65
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General John Hunt Morgan, carte de visite, taken b E. & H.T. Anthony photography studio in New York. A handwritten note on the back of the photo reads: "Taken at Hopkinsville, Ky. Oct, 1862 on the retreat from Ky.", undated

  • Box 6, item 66
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John Hunt Morgan and wife, carte de visite, taken at E. & H.T. Anthony photography studio in New York, undated

  • Box 6, item 67
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Col. G. St. Ledger Grenfell, carte de visite, undated

  • Box 6, item 68
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Simon Buckner, carte de visite, taken at Turner Photographs in Toronto, undated

  • Box 6, item 69
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Humphrey Marshall, carte de visite, taken at E. & H.T. Anthony photography studio in New York, undated

  • Box 6, item 70
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Thomas Jordan, a Confederae General, carte de visite. Handwritten note on the back of the photo reads: "Thomas Jordan August 10th '66", 1866

  • Box 6, item 71
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Col. Jacob Thompson, carte de visite, undated

  • Box 6, item 72
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Col. Robert M. Martin, carte de visite, photographed at Craters Union Photographic Gallery in Chicago, undated

  • Box 6, item 73
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General Richard Ewell, carte de visite, photographed at E. & H.T. Anthony photo in New York, undated

  • Box 6, item 74
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General Samuel Cooper, carte de visite, photographed at E. & H.T. Anthony photo studio in New York, undated

  • Box 6, item 75
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General Albert Pike, carte de visite, photographed at E. & H.T. Anthony photo studio in New York, undated

  • Box 6, item 76
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General Hardee, carte de visite, undated

  • Box 6, item 77
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General Richard Taylor, carte de visite, photographed at E. & H.T. Anthony photo studio in New York, undated

  • Box 6, item 78
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John B. Castleman, carte de visite, photographed a Turner Photographer in Toronto. Handwritten note on the back reads: "Miss Fannie don't you admire the artistic skill displayed in coloring this photo?", undated

  • Box 6, item 79
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Thomas H. Hines, carte de visite, photographed by Hope studio in New York, undated

  • Box 6, item 80
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Col. Ross Butler of Kentucky, carte de visite, undated

  • Box 6, item 81
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Col. St. Claie Dearing, carte de visie, aken at H.A. Balch Photograph Gallery in Memphis, Tennessee, undated

  • Box 6, item 82
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Jonathan [Porter], carte de visite, undated

  • Box 6, item 83
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Judge Mitchel of Mississippi, carte de visite, undated

  • Box 6, item 84
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Ignatio, carte de visite, undated

  • Box 6, item 85
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Alice Row, carte de visite, taken at T.W. Almond photo in Bowling Green, Kentucky, undated

  • Box 6, item 86
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Unidentified man, carte de visite, aken at Jas. Mullen photo studio in Lexington, Kentucky, undated

  • Box 6, item 87
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Unidentified man, carte de visite, taken at W. R. Phipps Photographic Art Gallery in Lexington, Kentucky, 1865 October 13

  • Box 6, item 88
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Unidentified woman, carte de visite, aken at Turner Photographer in Toronto, undated

  • Box 6, item 89
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Unidentified woman, carte de visite, taken at City Photograph Gallery in Chicago, undated

  • Box 6, item 90
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Unidentified woman, carte de visite, undated

  • Box 6, item 91
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Unidentified woman and young girl, carte de visite, taken a W. Chase photo studio in Halifax. A handwritten note on the bottom of the photo reads: "Think of me sometimes", undated

  • Box 6, item 92
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Unidentified young boy, carte de visite, taken at Joseph Krementz photo studio in Louisville, Kentucky, undated

  • Box 6, item 93
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Unidentified toddler, carte de visite, taken at Hallwig & CO Artists and Photographers in St. Louis, Missouri, undated

  • Box 6, item 94
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Miss Nannie Sproule's photo album (leather), contained carte visites

  • Box 9
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Purple velvet photo album, contained cabinet cards (items #1 - #37), undated

  • Box 10
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Political papers, 1868-1890, undated

Scope and Contents

The Political papers series contains a document detailing the delegates and alternates for the National Democratic Convention of 1868, an election certificate for the Constitutional Convention of 1890, and handwritten notes.

Delegates and alternates to the National Democratic Convention, 1868 June 5

  • Box 2, folder 21
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Election certificate for Thomas H. Hines, delegate of the Constitutional Convention, 1890 August 4

  • Box 2, folder 22
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Political notes, undated

  • Box 2, folder 23
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Printed materials, 1860, undated

Scope and Contents

The Printed materials series contains postage, pamphlets, programs, postcards, and a fashion broadside.

Canadian postage, undated

  • Box 2, folder 24
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Pamphlets, programs, and postcards, undated

  • Box 2, folder 25
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"The Following Treatise on Home and Hits at Fashion and Young America", 1860

  • Box 3, folder 19
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Realia, 1864, undated

Scope and Contents

The Realia series consists of two confederate pin flags and a saw. The saw is ones of the thirteen saws furnished by Thomas Henry Hines to Major John Breckinridge Castleman while confined in military prison at Indianapolis, Indiana under sentence of death, October 1864.

Confederate pin flags, undated

  • Box 2, folder 26
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Saw, 1864 October

  • Box 2, folder 27
Scope and Contents

Original in safe.

To top

Scrapbooks, 1860-1894

Scope and Contents

The Scrapbooks series contains scrapbooks of newspaper clippings concerning religion, poems, history, politics, secession, military, General John Hunt Morgan, theNorthwest Conspiracy, and opinions on slavery.

Chicago conspiracy scrapbook, [1866]-1877

  • Box 2, folder 28
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Gen. John H. Morgan scrapbook, 1860-1894

  • Box 5, folder 1
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Military and political scrapbook, 1861

  • Box 5, folder 2
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Political scrapbook, 1870-1871

  • Item 1
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Religious and political scrapbook, 1861-1865

  • Item 2
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Sproule family papers, 1817-1839, undated

Scope and Contents

The Sproule family papers series contains financial documents, a handwritten note, deeds, a plat map, and correspondence of the Sproule family. The Sproule family is related to Thomas Henry Hines through his marriage with Nancy "Nannie" Sproule. Notable items included are financial papers detailing power of attorney, agreements concerning tracts of land in Indiana with deeds included, correspondence from Nancy Sproule to her daughter, and from Maria Sproule to her husband.

Carlisle town plan map, 1815 June 14

  • Box 3, folder 20
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Financial papers, 1819, 1835, 1839

  • Box 5, folder 3
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Handwritten notes, undated

  • Box 5, folder 4
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James Sproule, land deeds, 1817 November 22

  • Box 5, folder 5
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Ledgerwood Mills note, undated

  • Box 3, folder 21
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Maria Sproule letter to husband, undated

  • Box 5, folder 6
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Nancy Sproule letter from daughter, undated

  • Box 5, folder 7
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Walcutt family papers, 1866-1918, undated

Scope and Contents

The Walcutt family papers series contains letters, legal documents, receipts, newspaper clippings, an auction list, notes, stock, and military papers relating to the Walcutt family. The Walcutt family is related to Thomas Henry Hines through the marriage of his and Nancy Hines' daughter, Alice Thomas Hines to Delano B. Walcutt. Some notable items are a military discharge and promotion for Thomas H. Walcutt, last will and testaments for Delano B. Walcutt and John Walcutt, and a certificate of stock for Frankfort and Glenn's Creek Turnpike Company.

Letters, 1866-1882

  • Box 5, folder 8
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Delano B. Walcutt, last will and testament, 1900 January 22

  • Box 5, folder 9
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John Walcutt, 10,000 acre tract of land papers, 1874-1878

  • Box 5, folder 10
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John Walcutt, land receipt, undated

  • Box 5, folder 11
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John Walcutt, last will and testament papers, 1880

  • Box 5, folder 12
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John Walcutt, list of private papers, copy, 1880 November 9

  • Box 5, folder 13
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Newspaper clippings, undated

  • Box 5, folder 14
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John Walcutt, auction list, 1863 September 8

  • Box 4, folder 8
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John Walcutt, power of attorney, 1866 June

  • Box 5, folder 15
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John Walcutt, stock with notes, 1871

  • Box 5, folder 16
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Thomas H. Walcutt, discharge from army, 1918 August 25

  • Box 5, folder 17
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Thomas Hines Walcutt, military promotion, 1918 August 26

  • Box 5, folder 18
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Winn family papers, 1929-1931, undated

Scope and Contents

The Winn family papers series consists of notes, letters, newspaper clippings, and a postcard documenting the Winn family. The Walcutt family is related to Thomas Henry Hines through the marriage of Alice Thomas Hines' and Delano B. Walcutt's daughter, Ann Brown Walcutt to John Jacob Winn. Among the items there are notes for an interview on the Hines family conducted with Ann Winn, Hines' granddaughter. Also included is a postcard from San Francisco to Mr. and Mrs. John J. Winn from Ann Winn's son Harry.

Interview notes, undated

  • Box 5, folder 19
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Letters, 1931

  • Box 5, folder 20
To top

Newspaper clippings, 1929, [1954]

  • Box 5, folder 21
To top

Postcard, 1939 August 14

  • Box 5, folder 22
To top

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You may come across language in UK Libraries Special Collections Research Center collections and online resources that you find harmful or offensive. SCRC collects materials from different cultures and time periods to preserve and make available the historical record. These materials document the time period when they were created and the view of their creator. As a result, some may demonstrate racist and offensive views that do not reflect the values of UK Libraries.

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