xt734t6f4b7n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt734t6f4b7n/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19680119 newspapers sn89058402 English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, January 19, 1968 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 19, 1968 1968 2015 true xt734t6f4b7n section xt734t6f4b7n 8 -- THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, Trulay, Jan. 1968 19, It's Vietnam Forum SDS Needs $300 For Students for a Democratic So- ciety (SDS) members will canvass faculty members in order to raise contributions toward the $300 needed tofinancethegroup's Feb. 9 Vietnam Forum. This was one of four items discussed at Thursday's meeting of SDS in the Student Center. Seven members were present for the meeting. The $300 will be used to pay travel expenses of the three speakers who will come here. Memorial Hall will be the site of the fonim. Acting chairman for the meeting, David Elkinton, said of the g plans: "I would hazard a guess the faculty would be willing to contribute because most professors want to do sonte-thin- g about the war, and they might see this as doing some- dell Merry, assistant professor of English here, who also is a poet and novelist, and associate professor of law Hobcrt Scdlcr, who will speak on the draft. Other speakers are Joseph Mulloy, a former Appalachian Volunteer involved in the Pike County sedition case, and also Gl's back from duty in Vietnam. The conference will be spon sored by SDS, the Peace Action Group, the Louisv ille Peace Conference, the American Friends Service Committee and others. Still another operation discussed was the local SDS chapter's hosting of a National Council here for SDS members from across the country. Alxmt 250 people would be expected to come for the meeting. motion was passed to have a weekly steering committee meeting in order to plan for the Council, which has yet to receive final approval from the A administration. The steering committee is to meet every Sunday afternoon at 3:30 in the Student Center. There also was discussion about SDS filing an amicus cur iae brief in behalf of four people at last arrested during a sit-i- n semester's protest against Army Chemical and Biological Warfare recruiters by the Peace Action Croup. The brief had been suggested by Hill Murrell, who was aimng the four arrested. FLOWERS TODAY and TOMORROW For Any Occasion fund-raisin- thing." g This form of was used successfully for the group's two previous Vietnam Forums. A Draft and Vietnam Conference to be held the day following the forum (Feb. 10) also was discussed. It will be a statewide conference. About 300 are expected to fund-raisin- Today Harrison Salisbury will speak at p.m.. Memorial Coliseum in the Central Kentucky Concert and Lecture Scries. Admission free with ID. Tryouts will be held for Theatre Arts Production, "Pantaglelxe," by Michael De Gheldemde from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m., Gu.gnol Theatre, Fine Arts Building. "For Whom the Bell Tolls" will be shown at 6:30 p.m. in the Student Center Theater. Admission Is 50 cents. 8:15 Tomorrow "For Whom the Bell Tolls" continues at Student Center Theater. Performances at 6:30 p.m. and 9:15 p.m. Admission Is 50 cents. Coming Up Speakers will include Wen - The first course In a FOB RENT Furnished room; one or Across from Coliseum. or see 370 Rose St 15J5t RENT Two-roo- FOR RENT Garage apartment, one block UK on Aylesford; newly refurnished; off street parking; lease through August required, longer if desired. Men or couple over 21 only. 0. Utilities furnished. $95. Call 17J5t Spacious, UK-tow- n. RENT 5. Off Waller 1 bedroom; RENT Royalty Ct., ances, $95. Ave. 1341 G.E. appliwalk to UK. 18J3t FOR RENT Furnished apartment for 2 or 3 male students, $50 each per 7. 19J5t month. Call urgently needed for academic year and summer teaching positions. The Southern Education Program, a private, organization with contacts at 94 colleges, can place you and free of charge. Write quickly Southern Education Program, 859 Vi Hunter Street, N.W. Atlanta. Georgia non-pro- 15J5t 30314. E. B.S.I: Mech. E., Met. E. (all A College degree a pilot license a better job! Earn both at the same MISCELLANEOUS WILL BOARD, break & train horses. New barn. Modern facilities. Excellent location near Lexington. Call 266-1919J5t after 5 p.m. time. . . . Join extra special low cost UK flight training. . . . PERSONAL the University Shop Winter Clearance Sale. Now through 15, 17, 19 J January. ANNOUNCING NEW COURSE STARTS NOW! Contact STANDARD TYPEWRITER CO. Set of Gramercy. GR9, drafting tools. Never been used. Will sell for $25. Call 18J3t SALE Bohmer Flying Service 252-030- DEALERS SMITH-CORON- SALES SERVICE RENTALS 255-632- 6 393 WALLER AVE. Imperial Plaza Shopping Center FOR SALE Harmony Folk Guitar; 19J5t good condition. Phone FOR SALE 35' x 8' 2 bedroom trailer, 7 or David Wood ext. 3301 258-900- 0, full bath; inexpensive living. $950 cash. Call after 5 p.m. or 19J5t weekends. 255-48- Kentucky Typewriter Service FOR SALE Stereo, mono amplifiers, record changer, AM-Ftuner, speakers. Call 19J3t after S p.m. 255-01- SALES WANTED PERSON student, WANTED to read for blind $40 per month. Call 8472. 15J5t OLIVETTI-PORTABL- trailer. ities. SERVICE TYPEWRITERS E ADLER WANTED Male roommate to share spacious 2 bedroom apartment. Royal Arms Apt. $42.50 a month. 7. Call or contact Greg at 17J5t WANTED MACHINES Girl to share two bedroom AND ADDING Phone Tutor for high school In evening. Spanuh II. Call lfiJtf Dial. 255-658- 0 417 East Maxwell College students: Like to be self-employe-d? Think life insurance! Send for Northwestern Mutual Life's free booklet "Perspective"! Going into business for yourself can be a good idea. Northwestern Mutual Life offers this opportunity and without capital investment on your part. A career in life insurance offers an chance for personal achievement and reward. No waiting to get ahead. Make your own breaks. Is there a "best background" for life insurance? No. Successful NML agents are from many academic fields. They have this in common, however: they are all strongly independent men who like running their own business. What you should know about NML We're among the ten largest life insurance companies in the U.S. We are a "specialise life company. We parn ticularly specialize in life insurance with high dividend return and high cash value. Specialization gives the NML agent a demonstrable sales advantage. n Northwestern Mutual Life is for having a fine training program and you earn while you learn. individually-underwritte- PRINTING CALCULATORS MAIL THIS COUPON T0DAY1 AND RIBBONS 252-02- 07 Send U: Robert I. Ttmplin, Vice President The Nerthwottern Mutual Ufa Insurance Company, Milwaukee 2, Wisconsin. copy of your 9th Annuel Summer: EUROPE EXPLORATION $694 UNIVERSITY of VIENNA rance, Swif Italy, Greece, Yugoslav!." (,7t't hoslovakia, Sweden, I'ast and tt'esi Merlin, Denmark, Austria, Germany I Transportation Within Curope MealsDay Without Txception All Hotels, Guide and I nirani t ees 2i Special Invents (Concerts, Operas, hamo Ago Addrais civ 8Uto" Collage All TUTOBINQ Tutor for Statistics FLORIST I'd like mora Information. Plusa sand ma booklet "Perspective". WANTED WANTED II L E R MIC MACHINES 18J5t Roommate for trailer at Fastland Mobile Home Court on New 7 Circle Road. Call after 6 18J5t p.m. $180 a semester. CALL RENTALS MALE HELP WANTED Student with car for Courier-Journmotor route in Gardenside. Carrying time, 1 hour per day. Weekly earnings $20. Phone apply 150 Walnut St., Lex18J5t ington. Also route near UK. Adm., Gen. Bus., Ind. Adm., Sales (B.S.); Chem. E., Civil E., Elec. E., Mech. E.. Met. E. IBS.). First Nat'l. Bank o( Cincinnati Acct., Banking, Finance. Bus. Adm., Bus. Mgt., Economics. Gen. Bus. IB.S.) ChemU.S. Naval Ordnance, Md. M.S.); istry, Math, Physics (B.S., Met. E. Chm. E., Elec. E.. Mcch. E.. Summer work also. Citizenship IBS.), Univ. of Alabama. Huntsvllle Teachers for graduate and undergraduate programs in twe've areas. V'rgfn'a Dept. of Hwys. Civil E. IBS., M.S.). Citizenship. Western & Southern Life Ins. Co. Citizenship preferred. Schedule 1: s Programmer-SystemAnalysts; Sched-u'- e 2: Actuarial. Math, Psycho'ogy B.S.t: Acct., Finance, Bus. Adm., Buy. Mgt., Economics, Gen. Bus., Ind. Adm.. Statistics (B.S). ELECTRIC AND MANUAL TYPEWRITERS CARBON PAPER $55 per month; includes util800 N. Broadway. Call 9. WANTED Call de- HI; WILDCATS REWARD for return of wedding ring; wide white gold band with yellow emblem. gold fleur-de-l- is 17J5t or grees). Citizenship. Com"innwalth Lfe Ins. Co. Math, Acct.. Finance (B.S.t. Crucible Steel Acct., Finance, Bus. REWARD FOB SALE FOR OPPORTUNITIES TEACH AT A NEGRO COLLEGE Graduate students with M.A.'s are 17J5t 0. FOR RENT Furnished apt.. 364 Rose. Across from tennis court. Newly painted; 1 to 3 boys only. Utilities 7. 18J5t included. $100. FOR JOB Nice. 15J10t Rooms: Men. Call 19J3t ed. mod- Single and double. $25 per month up. Kitchen. Off street parking. One block UK, Newly painted; warm. Aylesford. FOR SAE fraternity pin. If found please call ext. 39053. Reward offer- LOST m 15J5t AVAILABLE NOW ern, close, 'tween Must be mature. soph-om- LOST furnished apartment. Private bath, private entrance, walking distance town and University. Apply 260 S. Limestone. FOR three-pa- rt - CLASSIFIED FOR RENT two girls. Call 255-25- non-cred- Swim meet, UK vs. Ball State University, at 3 p.m. in Memorial Coli- seum. attend. series of lessons on Christian marriage will be given by Rev. Ronald M. Ketteler at 7:15 p.m., Sunday at the Catholic Newman Center. Club will meet at 6:30 The UK p.m. Monday in 111 Student Center. Young Republican Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, 316 Student Center. State legislators will discuss bills before the General Assembly. Theta Sigma Phi will meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday in the McLaughlin Room, Journalism Building. The University Counseling and Testit ing Center will offer a course in Reading Improvement and Effective Study Skills at 4 p.m. Monday and Wednesday during the second semester in Room 222 of the Commerce Building. Students may enroll by calling the Counseling Center, Room 301, Old Agriculture Building. Applications are now available for the YMCA South America Project in Bogota, Columbia next summer. Contact the Y Office. 204 Student Center. men's honorary, Keys, sophomore is now accepting applications of men with a grade point above 3.0. Write to Tim Futrell. 410 Rose Lane, for an application blank. Keys, sophomore men's leadership honorary, will meet at 7 p.m. Monday in 109 Student Center. Hillel meeting scheduled at 5 p.m., Sunday, will be held at the Chavey Zion Synagogue on Maxwell St., rather than Temp'e Adath Israel as previously announced. 1967 Kentuckians are on sale in Room 111, Journalism Building. Cost is $8.24. Below are the job interviews scheduled for Monday. Contact the Placement Office, second floor of the Old Agriculture Building for further information. Amsted Industries, Inc. Acct., Ind. Adm., Personnel Mgt. (B.S.); Elec. Claio Three 207. 19J4t UAUr BITTINO WILL DO babysitting In my home, by the hour, day or week as needed. Mrs. Linda Stewart, 430 Columbia Ave. 19J5t TYFINQ EXPERIENCED TYPIST available to type thffcts, dlrtaUons Jtid term ext. papers. Contact Terrie Cuhoon, 17JM 4 5737 or after 6:30 p.m. lu. ) For full itinerary tend coupon to Europa House, 802 W. Oregon, Urbana, III. Homo Address " el in u m m dj i& u so u. u m o Name An Address campus City NML representative will be on your Friday, Jan. 26. Ask your placement office to arrange an interview. *