xt734t6f4r78 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt734t6f4r78/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1906-05-26 minutes 2004ua061 English Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, May 26, 1906 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, May 26, 1906 1906 1906-05-26 2020 true xt734t6f4r78 section xt734t6f4r78 //(o /d/((/';)/‘. ('fl_ Wfé/v" /P[or7 awcAm/LM 16/ CZI/Llifu (2% M. @Meig/bj/W @0241“? {/MWWMWWW Wefé‘flhzl 025m jWM/ /rW~“‘/m Mm E KWWMW We“, mfg/{WW W/ffA/W/ W/W W :25 WW“??? @W/ ”MOW/74R' //,ML1/W Cum/Wm 3% L/W 122% W/WW J33 MWVmMmWM/Q/éo WM Ma»; MMQWM/WM 0mm ”WV/”WMW W? / ”gum WM Va AZ Mm/ Maw Kym-”47% (ff/(Wflfm/fi/Véjw {/V/M #7 / flood/WtZ/ZWW ""13" 3 M / K um LW MméLW/M m W/Vfi W/fv'ww Wk 2/ ”47 flit/Mir} 6%WW . @WJ M @//W 2%}M WWW /€/C/Z<,.,.W Wq': (Am/V M' 1722,” ’ Cf/fim — [/le W ymMcO W W /7 3m 2:, MW 755 W La“ M 5/2/W016 WW y/I/MWMW [XV/'3' " ' V__-/ fl'j/v/ ”MW 91 m/ m :1; f 1. .__—————- MW— WWQW my W~ W W ‘*//7“M°‘;W /W wad/£41 H0! . 1116111011115 ”(i/two /{/wu/#‘ 07%» W LZX’W W 0%»: ma 7115611711514, W %a/( /W W/Wf/ /W ”7/ W— , {M/Q/ MM 5/123 fW (WWW/14, 1 buxom/52? W 14/02/14: W66 FW/ EL}:2: 2' Canohdcfl/fl /?%“Uu/w€ 12/ [1% 1401/ M my W 1' U)" M W [5“Wy 6” ,J flow? WWW1 WWW. 12%me M:/Wm74z7 75144: 19le M/ ”Waco, ' I d) WYXMW ”7.6L émfv A fixW W _~7;3-_§'-__. *' E C”. Lam/4f ,/(’i /i’ 19% ”’7/‘7/6Wy1 Q g E/wwm, , 1' O W , flyy, 3/37W 1, kn.» / \J) ' z / A m, ”(M / f1 C). W M/ammyazy- m4, hymm V' . ‘ C, 8 W/J/W‘ WW” \ '1 yo WM .pyyg.(/%W 1 ‘ {Hanummj P , .W PEA/(35,; W fijgyf/ W ‘ 1 11 £141 fig“ 60 ‘ r" , . / ‘ 1‘. . 73' “1311111:wa#on 3‘ iv ”7er 2% gm 2% 4h 1 :7 7/77 «77777 7777777 77 7 “I?- tutu/4:76 £7 "I 7777/ / / ' / m (/24 W “Mac 174%; WM /W%/ #7 7W¢v6 W M dog’é H01 LOWW’K‘VHMflL/é/t MMW %M Zg/L “W70“? M- 4/ ‘fi/érw 111a4217~1 (CLA/izi/{éicfj/ fly //{4,2AL44A,(;2§7 53—422251//’/127L{225’;15 :Dffil H N L! ’7 1-71ij CWZa/a MM, 34W 6L ’45, TGLCOKKFiEIFIOiI 71/ 4»0//6(/(/(&%¢~ MW \(W W; W7 L “07 THH div/x «'”H¥ OR ”““H“N‘ ENGINEERETGG :- | I / . M 7‘ ’1 -~ ..- f -- ,. N + ,7 D" 1 DaVLu dugn 111en mharlee Jarreut hQLnarson Rrenk LU "t m A3 .J :3 ,1. Wallace Hopklns Hagee L 11v: Ghauncev Brawn Fred Coit Mahan [4 Daniel Boone Brvfin $30179 Caruer Montgomery Alexander Julia: Chinn aane C pvmidpn Newman 41‘_ I“, -7 Robert Estil; Dvagoo Wrench Warder Rankin Rwflrv Bosworth Dnr11n7 prenrv English Read W] A v (D ? ‘1‘“’am Fr? nkl‘n Uuwniufi,71 Philip Riefkin George Peek Edmonds Herman Clayton RobinSFn Themas Rillrafitt Fvuflhap Henry Shillman Scott “7&¢,1 Achitins Gallowav (:oug h Nélfififl Levi? 010 ‘M James 01J3 Hamilton, Jr. Frank Raymond Hellman I E Bay L"1d'@‘1 H0 pgood T.~ohn Eucxner Trice, Jr. ’ Alexander Thcrnton Lewis horace Hildebrand Wilson Omar McDowell Henry Ray Moorea _ .1’, I (1, WW X421. L/AA. Fag/L24“ '77 7 v, Wm 715 Mtg/50w ”bk;