xt734t6f4s5n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt734t6f4s5n/data/mets.xml Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company Kentucky Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company 1895 220 pages, 30 leaves of plates: portraits 23 cm. Call Number: E189.89.T8 H560 books  English Evansville, Ind.: National Afro-American Journal and Directory  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed. Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically. Physical rights are retained by the owning repository. Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Please go to https://exploreuk.uky.edu for more information.  Segregation in transportation -- Kentucky History of the Anti-Separate Coach Movement of Kentucky, 1895 text History of the Anti-Separate Coach Movement of Kentucky, 1895 1895 1895 2021 true xt734t6f4s5n section xt734t6f4s5n  











TH! Cu: 1): FULL 01“ W. H. Axntnsox vs. L. 3: N. Rummmnm

.1. State Central and Executive Commit’tées







Books and Periodicnls of all kinds.


Dmxc'roav Punusnma (30.,
Nos. 417 Ind 419 Upper Thin} Street,
Evaxsvmu, Ian.

Z. W. Hm Msnsger.




Page 12 should read:
“Such a. recommendation would be made and offered no

suggestions or objections until Mr. James W. Woolfolk, feel-
ing a deep concern in the mutter, went before the Committee
on Thanksgiving Day, 1891, and, on behalf of his race made
on earnest and able appeal for justice ”and right in thetmntter,
taking them not; to recommend the passage of such an unjust
and infamous 1am” 9th etc.




Half Tone Photographs.


Interior Jim Crow Car ......... ...........................Fronti5piecc

*1- Rev. 55. E. Smith, D. D. 9
Remjames M. Turner :9
E. E. Unduwood LI. D. .............................................. 39
Hon. Geo. W. Gentry ........... .. ..................................... 39
XV. H. Steward. Esq.. 49
Ham]. Allen Ross 59
R931. W. H. Anderson, D. D 69
bits. W. H. Anderson .................................................. ..

Hon. John Feland, 5r "9

...... ,1

Associate Councii ....... ................................. . ........ . ..... .. 39



Rev. Iohn H. Frank, D D ...................... . .............. “.109
Edward Chenaulr ................ , ........ . ............................ ......129
. Edward Lam: (pen drawing) ........ . 129
Hon. jordan C. Tackson....... ....................... . ................... :39
Robert Lander, Esq ............................................... “.149
'Marfin E. Boy.d....... ..........t59
Hon. Cassius M. Clay, Sr ............................................ ..169
.jix‘\ Prof. C. H. Parrish, A. M .................... . ................... ......x79
~ 8. Lonesome Riding ..... .............. . ............................ .. ..... 189
Group of Lndncsxgg

Hon. Thomas S. Patti: ....... . ................. .. ............ ............209


Group of State Central Committee.
Group of State Executive CQmmittcc.
Group of Committee on Correspondence.
Group of Local Committee of Frankfort, Ky.
Interior “Ladics’ Coach.”






In pnmvnting thin [lzllllliilie‘i in ”.113 public, we My nu claim
to literary ufl‘ort. lint hun- endmvoml to give a menisci:
history of tin» “Antifi-purnné (fumuh Mun-nwnt.” Ni-ithm- time
nor space will permit of our publishing min-r than hurts briutly
mlmpilvd, with no MTm-t tnwun} litvnn')‘ prvtonsinus. \VL- hun-
lurvn rump-UNI to make Imr hiugmphiml nu-ntirmiugs brief
and in the point, walizin: that this is not 'thv Iinm to 1m ‘Ildu
individuni zlrhicvmnvnif .md high :atininuurum, but 11th to
blend mn' i-ffm'ia (mun-d placing mirswln-u inn-iligt-mly iwfur'
Hue ”linking and jnslirv-lmiug pimple at our muntl'y. Thuso
wig) :Irv mvnlimwd hvrvin am: uu-uiinlmi nu acuuunt nf lhuir
uctivunms in and close 'idontilimtiun will: (In: movement of tire
omnmiiiun. Utlwm jllNii}' lit‘HPl‘Vill rand vntilird in nwngniiinu
m: ()ur pug”: ham.- iwm: mnilfmi un account; uf «.‘ircuummnccs
over which. the publiahvrhns 11ml nu mull-u}. ‘Wc Impc that
this little Imuk will find :1 {vii-ml in ltw hmms of every Nogm in
Hm land, fur it is in their iutvrml; that it is dedicated. .
Z. \V. hll'l‘i'llISLL, I‘uhlislwr, Evuusviilv, ind.



leiljng ”w m-rvssit} nf faring this important ismuv \s‘iih
(123m \h‘libi‘l'flfiun. prmmwlilutmi thunght mu] mm'iw-ing “1""11'
. mvuf, WP hzn‘u mum-d this “H'I‘ hunk [u 1w publish-:1, u'hit'h
speaks with m-vumry and [rug in ”mum-ring Iunm. that will
go rnllinguudmm influx-Inst syllnhlv nf (inw, uf an injustix-v
IXWIwII‘zl‘HI upnn an inufivuxinx 1am abiding and it prngrv»
MVP people. Tho lnmsugt- nf a “Svluul-u'ls- ('unrh Lam" hy 11w
IA-gigluluw of livufnrk) mm :m unmilml fur. unjnsl 1|!“1 PM”
(liwd pivm- of «luvs loginlutinm 'l‘lwn- m-wr was a. Ina-vanity
for thq- [flaring nf much :1 law nu Ihu- Mnlntv hunks at uni“ mm».
The unforlumnv virvumxlunm-fi whi -II In] In a uh-mmul for flu-
111W “'t‘l‘t': snub m: the good [nmplv nf hum rum-a dm-ply do»
plan-d. 0n n‘n t'xruminu H'uiu vn mum from Inuixvilh- to
ankfm't, n Whiw am] :1 mlurml mngh hwamu- im‘nln-d it: a
difficulty. “'in 111M ilnjx‘tumm Imam» and lmHulmnh-d pamaion
m which Kentuckiunk :xrp often Inn (l'lit‘k to yivhl, Hwy tank
an appeal in arms. In flw vxvilmm-nt at 1111- nfl'my, with my
sun dvthrmu‘d and pzmfiimm ranging, [hr Minn-d unm. in 811m“:—
iug at his ummm-m, miwu-d his mark and m-rimmly but not
fatally shot. an immm-m whim woman. The “11in m-wspw
pens of the stun» m-m- HIM] with Hu- lmmt vxugge 111m! and
umgnificd account of NW dt-luilu nf the “mm: l'npulur indig-
nation waa amusvd. That an innot'vm. wimp. xxx-man should
he slmt: by a column] rowdy '\ ma regarded as n rrimu fur whirh
the unfin- ('0]0rvd I‘m-4r 111nm, aufi'vr punishment- At. once
the white nvwspzqmm began :1 Imw‘l um! or) far Hm sn-Inlm-
rim) of the macs on the trains. ’T7’mnimlfu‘l of Hm fart that
for years both mom had bum riding tugclIu-r without flash or
friction, nnmindful of The fact that if mm :m uufurlu-ml'o. 111w.
lugs (mourn-nun whirl: all lm‘um uf [wan-v, hrgurtllt-Hs 01‘ mm or
rotor, deplored, blindvd by tho vxritvd Invjmliw of the hour,
they made their unfair and nurmmhmu-lmi dmnuudfi.



v \mhn<_




Tim influence 0f the fair white womanhood of the state
was; {11111-41 m ”11- I'mu'm' m lvml thu-ir bvznlty and rlun'nm In fin»
humble ull'nm'.

‘ ()m- 1mm hm] sinm-d—-—thmmuuls uf hum-nuts munt my

Hm [M‘ll:|“_'\'. Win-u u whih- mun. éhnuliug I'm-khaki}? a? 11:!
«(her whin- man. in ; lmm- {-ruwd ul‘ 111nm. \vuuwn :md chil-
dn-n, m u dvpu! in Fugkfiu‘t‘, um uuly \ms sm'vmxfni. but also
\muli 1an «w ihrw imuu-um M‘smmh-rx. mu whit» prvrm
ans 2-"!‘111 :m (hr gmw. Win-n, :It. :mmlu-r tilnv, (m u mmmy
mmrt day. on tho main thM‘ 411' film «*upihfl (my, a! whih- 1mm
slum-hm! 01w uf his mm rum when was “mum-d mu! [rhym-
imllyhisil‘lfrriunmul rum-(Hess; nf ”w surging: 11mm: of Im~
tummy :mmml, fill”? him In drum. Injm'ingz thrw ”them, 1m
\‘nivv of pron-x1 Wm»: hmmi.

Exvum-s uf vxivmmling u-irrumslum‘vs mm: maria for
Ilu-ir (-l'hm-N—Ulv imiix'isluuf was ha-h] u-xpnnsihlv—4In: \‘vrdirt‘
0f llw mum was :wrvph‘fl~»lhv ju'lmhfi' mm mxmidvn-d [mid—-
ilmlirn mm I‘XI’VIHNL

“hon 3i whim )n-al-Iln-r um! :z c-ulurml man vlagzmsml in a
fight in :l amid! 1mm. and thv tum-r ln-m Hu--.fnmn~r up qqim
l'zuil}. and, :m vnmgml umh, n'iilumt awaiting thu 31mm. of
M“ illjlll‘it‘hr win-d Hymn Hm mlurvd 1mm and Inmgmi him “pm:
1111- mix!” nf Ihv smm- day that the puddlvr mu: ran-Him: hi};
warm in (1w sumo 10mm); nut trvxon an inclimun-m was hand
by Ilu- L'rzmd jury.

But, in 11w mmv gnu-vinusiy 'm-fvrlmi m, :nlthrmgh 1-1": .301.
owd man was trimi, muvirtmi :md mam-mm}, Hu- individual
jmnivlmwm mm not mtlivimn. It must go fnriln-r. inn:u:<.:nt
um: um} mmwn must sulfvr. ’I'Iw untiw mfurml ran-c mum
my the rum“): x‘t‘xau-dh'xx of “iv fart lhzni Hm uund 11mph
Id" (In: .‘Cozrm mm mm! Hu-ru :mx. sun-h, mum itllsmmlin: mfluu-
Cons; m ”w mntrm‘y), (-nm'krmmrd the wrimv and livmmnm-(f
rhc- ct‘milmh Yd this did nut in the xfiuhh-sr Jugrcv mlmsts
Hm llamm sf whin- I'vm‘nfrnc‘nt and hmrm‘l. 'f‘n palHimv fur
n lmmwntuv} [l!‘{'jll(“('{‘. Hur \x‘ln-vl‘s of pr-Lm-«s mm". Inn tnrnvd
barlnmrd :md 51 I-t'uifllulion mauled in lumping with lIM‘ dark
”brim! of athx-Hum days, Avmrdingly, when rlw hegixlntum ‘
nsm'mhlml in Dvcvmhvr, H91, :L bill Wm; pl‘th‘lll‘L‘d by Sunnmr
Tipkm A. Miller", of (‘nllnwuy County, having fur its purgnmc
Hm prm‘iximx nt' swam-mu (-0:erva fur whim and calm-(rd passw—






gem on all railroads in ("hex State. The pmfuals of tlw brand.
minded and lurngn-lml patriotic mun 01’ that. logislntim
body availed but litllc- and did xml, eatvnx 11w lidv ml blindt-d
mlor prvjudlro. ’.l‘lw law was puma-«l um-r the tearful and
'all‘nt'sl pl'ulra'lfi of flu" Intllvr :nul llu-n'fnru lax-gm Plvuwut (sf
iihv ndrgm rare. Tlml ngixlutum has gonna and its nwurd is n
nmth‘tr of public lliHlDl‘)’ Hlll|j(‘(‘l' to rnudvmnutinn m- :wpms‘ul.
“’0 am mmmuudml tn my [milling lmr, gnarl uf Ihv dnpm'tml:
thoml‘uru no wfmin {mm rmmm-nl upuu its. :u-tiun in Hm: pic-w
nf lugialnliun, oxmept tn n-nmrk tlmt it tlisgmm-«l Hm Stair by
plucing upon an inumqmirv and lmrrnlvm mum nf pmplv :m
mlimm law, whirl: inwurllul binary mm but rvmml as alvw
[wrulvljr impnlilir, nmlirlnusly uuvlnullulnln :nul glaringly in-

“'lwn [In-jmllro slmll lmw I‘m-n supplinllé‘d by [Wm-Inn;
when the "(inltlvu 'Iiulv“ xlmll m‘nmln 1km lu-ums ul all uwn:
\vlu-u llw "both-I- :mm-lu" xhall inllm-mv llw mimlg 0f {rm-
lfi'nlurkiznm, llwn will llw mrviving mmnln-m of Hull la-gisln‘
hm! z'vulizt- 11ml. llu-y lmw p.-nu~lmivtl :m injuxtiw and :l
wrung upon, a mun-mus and nnhlv pmplv. mm! {01* llml‘ wrung:
tlwy will zlnswvr m flu-Fr mum-ivnr-c.-, in {In-ix" rvligimx “ml in
their God.

Among the lax-smut nf American xnlslivm worn llw N1»
gram who wont. forth mum lhr‘ hall'h‘fiuld and fought. fur
their muntry. for t'lwir lw-r-dnm and for llwir rights. Among:
tlman who fx-ll pirrrvml by llw vnomin-s‘ bull-AL, ln-vzlllu-tl away
their lives far ”in salu- uf right, and jnth-m \wrv our Nd‘sgm
\‘nluulwr‘s. The blond a! mu" dmd am] dying m-iml ulnud in
Heaven fur frmdmn, lilmrty mul juslirm fur a lam: nl'mnwmf
um} enslaved w-oplv. l'l'r-nwn ‘hu-nrxl 1h:- vry. mm l‘lxmngh the
omni‘mlentlmnd uf God «liruvh-d (he lulmv (lmf fluVOcl the
“Union” am} gm‘o l‘rwxlmu in over four million slnvm. ‘Wil‘h
mlr {mflnm mmw lln- gnu 'unlm‘ nl‘ prnh-r-tlcm. “vql'ml rights
to all, irwgnnlh-xn of “raw. color “1' prvviuus condil’ifln of

Artie]? 14, Sue. 1. (If ”no federal vmmtlfnllm‘l. puwidas;
“All persons 1mm 01- ml umllzr‘d in the Tlnlh-{l States and aub-
jet-t to 11m jurisclirtiml flurr‘mfi um vitizmm of the United
States and of the Stair wlmviu Hwy rmidv. N0 Slate. nlmll
maker or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or






immunities (5f (-ilizwm of ”In United Stairs; nor Mull} any $3qu
' ‘ ' ‘ dmy to any [n'l'z-um within its. jurimlirlinn line mluul
11111190! inn ")f tlw hum."

’l‘lw mid M11 rinfulvs l'ln- fumgning [n-m'iz-dun, in that it;
“ubriulgvs Hu- privih'gm and inlumuiliws nf u-ilizmm nf the.
I'nilml Shaw“ :uui :ivnim m lhvm “vqmtl lol'utm'l‘iuu ”1‘ NW

Ii l]i.\‘(‘l’i1llill:|h"fi :xpxins! ifw minwd mvv. 'I'Iw Slum-um
(twirl su- IwM in 17 “Mszr, pug“ 455 :3le Ha:- FNiI’I'HI i‘um'ti
'(invrmdinll_\‘) 2w lu‘M in t5; Huh-ml ”vlun'H'l'. puw‘ ”-331

In .1"! V. :5" p. 223, .Il'vd ails” Hm I?, ti, p.1L HII' mhjwl. is
disrusml, hm Hn- (uh-Minn 3% nut clwiclml,

in 3:1 Fwd. “111., p, 5123, 11m! L311 Fwd. ”Flt. [mm-s 2H?" and
4217. it. is led that Hu- mmnuuu mn'ivr (it. Ii. "u. Mr.) may
mu'kv surh a wguizuiuu. Hm. that is uidvfy diam-m [mm the
puaxngv u!’ u Slum 32m rmmiring‘ smxh a rvg‘n‘lnlinn.

Arlivlw 1, SM: >4, pmvidva llml "('ungl'n-ss 51!?!“ have
[mm-r it» I‘I‘fjnhh‘ r'nll‘llm-l‘n' \x‘iih [’m‘vig‘n Imiiuns um! mumig
flu.- wirul 5mm; am! with (hp Indian lriIu-x."

3!; 114m lwru rvywntvdly mm by 111:» Supra-luv (“um-L that,
umlrr (hr fm'vguin: pms'ixinu, Hm n-gululhm ul‘ mlmuvn'e In!»
tm-vu llw fimhm i“ Mriusin-Iy wilhin 11w Imswr uf ('uugrvsa.
No Stun:- mu nil‘m‘H) ur indiwvtly infringv Hun. puu‘m- uf

Thu hamspnrtmimx uf pussvnga-m from mw Male to
:Inulvhvr is munnvrm- Ewin'm-u tlw Slab-s wilhin lhv "naming

nf suit] Sm“. 5.

The “>1va 'mu {‘unrh Hill" is. :1 rvgulnlinu H!” mm «full!-
nu-rm- and is: lilvl’vfun' mid, inn-mmv it \‘iulalh's 5;th SW, 5 0!
Un- I‘Vflu‘nl (‘mU‘L

Of mix 1;th jal'nplmilion, m: I'vgurd the Rum-om:- ifuurt
dwin’mn in HS i3. hi. p. 4115, as :runrlusiua .

Since this (11110 line Kminrky ngmm [mm bwn rising;
from tlw In“? and tluprmsing drpths uf (ll-'gr-aulnliun lo 'wllivh
flu.“ system of Aim-rival] slzu'vry hm] l‘mluvml me. l’nw'h‘iig: ‘
lion and rim-iv l'an-ill'l‘ll [2in m xlimlum! a 1m 711101 in the \mrld's
hixmry m the: \x‘mulm'fnl lu‘ng’rvss and 11pm stridvs of the
Negro within Hu- WW hrivl‘ yuum of ”Hun-funny and {rm-dam.
A glance) at Univ ngrn's ’mlvmu'mm-nt‘. um! pram-953 within
this the g 'and Connm-mvvuhh of Kentucky, the birthplace of

.. v. flytv





nlli‘ iu‘mml‘hll Lim-nln, Hm Inmu- nf’ Hw (":lfi'fl. Hu- Muhdmllrx and
HM- Huwkiuridgn-s, win speak in urn-uh: lumi ni' Hwir ”mix-in:
rtfnrlu m Hurumuut IlwInflylzill-rolm uf zu-muwlishuu-ut, high
u-hiwmuvut. and harm: 'i‘hrnug'lu 11w dm'k rlumln nf ”mm-
uiliuu nml uppn-ssiuu we \‘ivw 300.1"!!! vam inhulnilulnmlifi
[M'I' Wm. uf wlmm :Il‘l‘ aspiring: to rmu-h 11w high-s! phi): uf‘ viti-
Zuuship and civilimlinn. Amung Ila-m urr 1.31m minislul‘fie
who nrvslrivinx to paint thrir Imam In llv-uvvu and ii” lhrm
zrluu their fm'mnr mudilinu of drpx‘au'ifjv. ignm'uuw and suppr-
Htiiinn. Hohmla mu] a-n’l’lugvs urv to h» found in lung» numlu-m
Ihmughuui (lu' vulh'v Sluil‘; LIT!) [uzlrlwl‘x :ll't‘ ““1111”de in our
pulflir fil'lmulfi to train ilw mind uf Hu- ymmgvr gn-uvl-znin'n In
think. to not uml tn «In; 1.1m) uvlumi hum-:4 .‘Iffunl ”"410? In
$3.493 pupi’lzz, with u mlmul fund of WHILSHMH zmpmprihtvtl
for fin- luainu-Imum' uf‘nur publir m-hmfls in this sum. Uur
citizc‘ln‘s pn)‘ lum's un $7JHNLOOIB \x‘m'th Hf [Wow-Hy, Inning
$305,000 im'n-sh-d in svlmnl lumwriy, mum” in H'huu] {umi-
turv, braid”; mam)" thousands nf dullnm in chum-hm and olluu‘
rhuritublv inutilulinus lhmughunt the Slate. mama» {his nm‘
lu-ivnt'o Hclumlx and rollng mm; muung llu» fun-1mm! in [In-
lnud. Sixty Isuvyvm um] ":4 ll]:ll|)"nI¢winl'H rvpx-.,-wu't am in tlw
pmfs'amimml tit-1d, bushfire t-iglu. nmuhdph- nmvslmlu‘r mlilnrs
mud n acorn uf other me’c-usimml uu-n mul mum-u.

In the fam- nf all [his m- fell to mm: m uhnv nurm-In-x nu
11w lumpy «condition. of ufl'uiru Hui, alas! just its 11w fin» nl'
lxiglu'r alupimfiun bud lulu-u lam-twain]: ur uur‘ yuuug mum and
wuuwn and. Uu'fiurk Hands of upprvusiun 31nd ram-inns uhsturl-‘fl
HH‘Illl’d tn be rising ’hofnn- ilu-ir gum», und the. brilliant Nunlight
0f rivilizufiuu and higher :nmimm-ut lu‘vlinuml thvm "Inward
and. ulm'urd, ibo f'm- of tlu-ir aspirations was ”luau-IMF, tlw
mlulight nf their future durkvued by ”no pamsugv of :1 hellish,
infuumua and unjust “5‘11:qu Ilium-h Lawl" \‘1-1, wo am
asked tn sit Hul'npim-Iy 11mm and L'nutvnt «mrwlwu with this
drgruding um} drluuruliziug cunditiun of nfl'uirs. An: wv 1'0
do m)? The unsm-r mums Inn-k fnun Wury rzu-s- hu‘vfi in flu,-
lund, N1)! N0! Nut 'l‘n nth-mp! m «In w‘thv bland nf mu- futluu‘u,
in the. afloat wiilrhvs of zlw midnight hour, \muld ('l')’ nut in
tonca that would wulu- [lu- HIm-ping nulliona. Sn. :1 lhmmand
1311108, no! AH citizvnu \w mean to fight llxiu unjust law to a
finish. Future Immunity dvpvmlu on our prim-Ming uur rigghla,








guarding: mu‘ numhmnl nml mmnmluxnl, mu] defending llml.
whirl: lwlnngu in M “'v nmwnl ln n-w-J'y Nvgm man mu! My
Mum in tlw Stair uf 'Kvnluvky, )wi, n-wry News: buy and girl.
In ll“ simwlhiug: 1n :lr-‘rilfil‘ in Illis gnarl struggh- lur riglll and
justiw, my. hulw Hm! nun-3; mlurml 1mm Iln-unghmn lllv land
will hug.“ this hunk. and by llalugm ”hail?“ us in moulding Illlltlli‘;
wmlmvnl in favor (if u r'vpvul 01' {his tlisgruwfui and II“-
lmmunlzing Sopm'rtlnz- i‘nzwll Law. A! tlw same limp it. “ill be
mnlrilmllm: m llw summit» murlu rum}. llmidm llxlx, ln-lp UH
plum- ii in llw lmmls uf 11w nlaiiv [wnplv hull» lml'lll and mull},
Ilm: Ilwy might lw muwiuvml nf tlu- lujusl‘iru uf Silull u law.
\\’n~ nmwnl In llw rhl't‘nlry uf tlw llnlill‘-lll‘:ll‘ll‘|l while» [mnplt'
nf l{:-nlnul;_v that Hwy will uh! us in uur v'llul‘lfi m rill Ulll‘m‘ln‘fl ,.
1:! Mix lml'riv‘l' in unr pI-ugnm-z.

In Ilu» mmw uf rrliglnn “‘v rmm- um! :Isl; llml llw fullmv
rm ul llw lcmly :md Ilvxpimwl Kama-inn “'11qu lmnw \‘vlllll‘ nu
mwlll \\.1.-".l‘nmn;.:11u-lumx‘slm’l llllllllJlt'. luv Inn! :41le”. In (lu-
grm! vsumv nf humanity. ll is flw cluty uf tlu- pulpit In "cry
:Ilmul nml ijw um," find “'1“ ask llml. llm whim ('ll'l‘g)‘ lu-rnun»
umrv suuusml to Elu- alnliq-s uf tlu- [mm mm} muliv no (’Ullllll’n-
mirur \xilh iujuxlim- mnl Ultlll‘c‘hfilhn. In ”W uzmu- uf rumumn
jllz-llll‘t'; in tlw tumu- ul’ z'lmrily; in ”w nuum uf nniwrsul
lll'ullu-l'hmul; in llw mmw u! llw lrmll that “ Hf mh' lrlmul hulll
Hull mmlv all Imlimm ul’ llw vnrlh," WP l'illl nlmn lmnmuilur-
lama and mmnnpnlllm vu-ryu'lwrv lu aid us in slriLiug :1 hlnw
m {hm whirls lulu»: {mm us any right): and rolm us 0! nur lill-
t-rlivx. “’0 .v-wl; m rim: “3- \vizslt to awn-ml llw lildl'll'l' nl‘ 1m»
gn-ns. \Vu- mmld 54ml“ In mmvl lmn'vl)‘ llw Nll'l'll nlur'ws nf
lifv. “'v Imu- unll‘mwl lung and lmllvnlly. “’u Ni'lx’ for a fair
and Winn! rlmnw in llw rum- Tuz‘ :u‘lvunut-unenl; “a? laws urn
Iumml ms! m Ilw :wlllm; lun :u tlw rising: mm. W'- llll'ild
guilty in Ilw n-lmrgu ur Inning burn Iu-ld in n lll'lpll-RS, mun-i.
105.» um] lu-llish lmmlngu l‘nl- m-zlrly tum :3le “luv-half ul-l‘lt’urica.
\K'ltll gmlitmlr, with lmpv, with mummy m: vak to null-(“In
1hr wrongs which 1110 past has infill-1H} III on IN. and Wu gn fmu
mml in lln- fuhm- “with mnliw (mun-«ls numx but with rlmr~
ll); for all." Will tlml grunt and lunwrful raw whirl) llvlll us
fur su lung in Hl'llljwiinn and sluvm‘y, whirl: inlliclml upon um
Ilw hum of lgnnmnyv :uul sulwrsliliun, wlxivh sought to 1'01)
115 of all that “us-n grand and ('Illlulillllfl. whirl: Ulll]{.’l}.VUl‘l’ll m





(-msh nut ('1'07‘)’ Tosiugv of our manhnm! and (every svminmm‘
uf rum- pridv, will that I'IU'P :fl‘iflt“ to 11m gwut.:wna of the 1mm
and gin- m; uimplv juntiw-‘l’

“Win luv}~ refuse fivmpzuhy 1.0 Hm film-n or am in Hume
wlm mm kaing to risv‘.’

”Will (hr grmu thm- of KI-nhu'k)’. famous for her Uluyfl,
Crinumlmm. Man'shullx, 'T-lvuifm-s. Ulm-khurm, Ih-vrkixu-idga-x
and (":n‘liHlvx. 3:0 for”: upon nu-m’d hefurv (In- wm'hl ma fault-r»
ing tlw xpirit uf mlnr mud" and milirinus raw prvjudim-i’ Hum
mm :1 raw whirh has rut-Mm! uur mil “in: 1an Hum], munmr
it with 11w Wars, am} whivh has giwn ”w vigm- um] sin-Hg”: of
ln-r 31mm in ~huihl up mgr ruuntry‘s “swim-m, (In-sumo hflm‘
ir‘mmtwm? hum: nul llu- unselfish p211 rintimn of snob :1 run-
mm fm’ \‘l'm‘ um] jHRl I'N'ugllitilm‘.’ \Yv :u't- ('nnsvimm of our
bright rm'nhL \Yv frail ”mi :1, wrung has Its-HI dmw 11x. It
Immt Tu- fig'lnml Wu haw tn (ukv up 11w guunllu-t uf nm 11]
warfnfi', and do not inn-m1 in lay it, down nulil \‘ivlnry shun lu-








" 3,







REV. S. E. SMITH. “.13..

melflmru. Ky.


 Blank Page(s)






.a my»



nA'rn: Cousins—Tux INITIAL STEPS Tartan in Tim CITI-
znm or FRANKFORT~THR F135? COMMITTEE Appom'rxo
“CONVENTION m: Pnuumxm‘ Mm: Barons: Tim Govnn.
Mom SYNOPStS on Suzanna MAUI: AND Rnsoxunous
Pnnsxx'rxn—Govzmmk BROWN’S REPLY.

The wild vlzunor of an ignomii, prejudix-ml and bigoted
while [WI-‘38 of the Slain of Kentucky, following closely behind
llw unfortmmte and «lvplornble incident on a milmzui train
for which the eulurml rum: “ms in no way realmlmible, did not
full to hear fruit. (ii-e211, presume was brought ”to brill" upon
the railroad commissioners for :1 separation of white and rul-
m‘etl IMISdk‘llgi'l’fil on mili‘mid trains lo such an extent that at
their mgulm' amnion in the {all of 1:591 the matter- wzm thor-
oughly diacunnud. Not long afterwards they had a conference
wi'h Mr. J; W. Woolfolk, of Frankfurt, informing him that

‘sueh n. matter was under consideration and that it might

be possible that: they would recommend such a law, however,
stating to him "that they were open to conviction and any
suggestions that any of the colored citizens might have to
main: they would be pleased to hear, Ilud 111m pmhessts,
which have since been made against, the measure been made
at that time, possibly such a disgraceful Inn- would have never

" been placed on the statute books of our State. But the citi-

zens having implicit confidence in the members of the commit-
fees, which were composed of the following purl-£008:
Henry Kramer, chairman; John 1). “’oodn, W’nller Sharp,
M. Ferguson, B‘ B. Hensley, Thomas S. Pettit, E. M. Dickson,
W. W. Ayers, B. F. Bennett


Jnmm H. Mulligan, chnjnnan; Henry George, J. \V. Mc—
Cain, John Mchmn, H. H. Stewart.
Failed to attach any importance to the vague rumor that



concern in the matter, went before the committee on Thanks-
giving day, 1891, and an behalf of his. mm: made an mum-231;
and able 111)}qu for justice and right. in the matter, flaking
them not to mcomz‘ncnd the. punsugu of such an :m unjuxt and
spell n. rtwuuum-ndntion would ln- mndu, and ntfvm] 1m magmas-
tiona m- 0ijct‘iuns until Mr. J mum "W. “’wlfulk, rwl'iug :1, drop
infamous mw. I-[mvvwm his wumnutmnwg wmfi fruiilvss,
and when their report. was {meme-nun]. to Hi}; Excvllonvy, film
Governor, John Young Brown, it contained the dreaded and
prejudiced mnmnwndation that valor-ml and white pxmaengvrn
be separated on all railroad trains. As won am this Ina-mm!
known a mass mwiing was culled by the colored cilia-us of
Frankfurt. Km, with a via-w uf taking; :uriin- Htupn against flu.
measure and prvwnt, if [mssiblm its passing». Un mmfing in
the. First Baptist Church Wmlmrsday (waning, December- Sun,
1891, Prof. (J. (1' Monroe, 01‘ the Sum.» Normat School, was
elected chairman and In: E. E. Undvrwmd at-crvtm-y. Rev.
Eugene Evans pn‘svnmd a m't'ivs of resolutions, n‘mmnwnding
the appointment nf n. t-mnmitiei- ronaisting of mm from each
of the lending citim of the bump, to wait upon the Govm‘nur
December 24th, 1891, and, if possiblo. scam-9 his infinrnm‘
against the bill.

The following cumminw was vim-(ml on con-m]:0qumez

C. C. Momma chairman; E. E. finder-wax}, 15!. IL, H‘Cfi'v
tar-y; Rm; Engmw Evans, Wm. IL Mayo, Edward Lam», .lnhn
H. Jackmn, Rev. “’11:. A. Creditt, Rev. Jus. M. 'I‘nrnwr, Fix-v.
Flasher. ,

A collection :nnnnming to $2.81 was tum-n up to (h'fmy
the (exlumw- of wmmumh-uting with flu: Imding lllt'll 0f 11m
State on file su'bjmt, which was promptly (1mm, wrung}: thv
fuflow in g circular:

Frankfort, K3 . Dec. 11th, 18:11.

Dem- Sir:

We invite your card“! attention to ma following remnumms,
adopted unanimously at a mass meeting held in thin any Wudnt-sdny
evening. Demunber mix:

Wham”, Theimllruad mmmlaaianm or the State or Kt'ntltcky
haw rv-commanded to the Governor of this umlmunwenlth UIL‘ pro-
priety or establishing a separate. coach 3);»qu fur whiter: and blacks;

Wham-nu. There are twelve hundred colored trachea. mm mow
and adored preachers and a large number or bun-um men In all parts
‘ at the State. who, both by pram and example. are seeking- to elevate







their race. to numlmrmp tlu-Ir mnuntlm). mu] m place thmn upuu n
Inlghm' mum] and 1ntz-llr-ct‘:ml plum. who cuuslhuw a class that dry-rm
In'uvr trvnluwut than to tn.- lu-rdul 1lu'limrrimluun-ly with (In: numb and
uumulh vlvuu-m ur uur raw; um! (esqwciully HillCl‘ that Luv-lion wax lam-u
115-" nu- rnllrmu] (mmulssiunvm ln-fnl'h this class ul‘ citlzuus mm an
ulolxx'lunlly to Ian lu-xml In ”Mr mm hug-half; {Mn-fan's! [w it.
IlH-mh‘wl. 'l‘lmvt- Wu I‘t'qlfl‘fil [lu- Iumlim: vulva of Hue Slut» In
mm! mm n-prv-neumtln- mach. mus; running a mmmmw [U wait upnn
the ”Murmur 'l‘hurmluy. Um. 24m. at mum. fur tln- nunmu or 51);?
muffins: :mt-h nmlltlcnflun at tho prupwu! law ms will meet our apprw
lmthm. «
The Hum ls rip“ and ”w hunr Is now win-u Arru—Anmricnm
ihruuzlmut t‘lw Smh- uhuuld mkv sum:- :u-liuu tn H:1VP mu mxm tho cm.
luxrrnsauwnt and «llwrhuiumlnn which such Ioglxlntlnu wmlhl plum:
upun us. We 1m}; your nmpwuti-m in this, WurK. LN us; unlu- our
Yum-u us Ilw Writ? of unu mun manna: any urn-lumal claw: luglslutlon‘
Planar haw this “mum? hmuum at um-o bum-p nw citizens of
your city.
Yours fur ”ll‘ Raw,
1:. ft. MUNImE. ("-lmirxmm.
WM. 11. MAY“. '
1: EV, I-‘I .l.v."l‘t,.' H ER.
Committw um I‘nrrwgmude-um.

, Going Before the Governor

(in IM'm-xulwr 24m. mm. in rvmmmw tn thv all from the
('Zunn'uittw nu Cm'I-vslmndvnw, a. large and I'l'pl‘vfll'flfflfivv lmdy
of calm-ed mm mm in ankfm't, Kn. flu" capital at Hm Hmfe,
mu} cmurvd a firm and mnufy pmtmr against the [II’UPONNI
(*nnctuwnt of a “Sums-aw Comb Law" having fur in: purmsu
the twpumlim) of whin' and mlurm] puxaungn-‘m rm :le mill-and
trains in the Sum».

The mmting was ruliud to m'dsr'r by Prof. J. H. Jackson.
pnmidenf 0f the Hmn» Nurnlnl Svhml, and at his auggmtiun
Prof. (J. 0. Monroe, at tho Normal Melton], was alt-voted chair-
mam and slmkflsumu of the delegation and Dr. Underwo‘lxl
incur-Mary. ' '

(10v. Brown l‘H‘nile tho delvgution at his uflicn about
noon, and after bving introduced by Prof. Jackson, Rev. C. H.


 Parrish, president of Examin Norton University, rend a series
of resolutions expressing the sentiment of the better chum of
colored citizens in Kentucky.

Among Others were the Following :

lie 11 ltomlvul. ’l‘lnu lln: lntu .nwmnnn-ndniions of thy. rnllrwn
uunnniasluuera of (in: 5mm of lit-mucky in rufcl‘vlu‘l' to the M’pfll‘lut,‘
tonal: lnwu to the General Assembly and Lu lllu lil‘xcviluncy. thu Gururnur
or our Uummumvonlui um lu all intents and purpunm against tin: liberal
spirit oi“ our new mimuuuuu. against tin: tum; or our Slaw and country
and against that limlsvn'urthy nitlmlc in which Lln-ir hruilna'ly whim
cl 111nm; have been M’rr “‘th in link] thwmnulvna inmml iln- culur'cd eith-
zunn or this Btntm

And ll in nlm pntvnt that the L‘Olui‘l’d cilia-us in thin 8min. hum
net er nusmnml uu ul'fvnulx‘u and obtrunivu di‘lflt‘uuufi' toward llwli' white.-
brclhren. zit the 5mm: Hum [ht-1'0 inm been fur tin: nnmt part an lull-
nmtn rvlnilun between [hum ull nil public. political and ucuuumlu ques—
tluns relative to the general welfare. out the Suite. That inn winced cm-
sun has qnluuy accepted lliu nitundun growing mu. of and a natural

wmquwce to hls former omnlltiun wltlmut [be [emit sign at rebellion
nr mailman discontent.

That the ' have pi'ovidcnlinlly Lln'owu menuulvus upon tho un-
fllmble verdlct nt the dun-n in nwult his just LIL-c1851»: without obli'u'
sivenesn and nggmsaiun. “

That than: has never been any race war or friction In this amt».
due as much to the stutosmnnllke summation of tin: race 133110 by are
colored eltlmn an to the manly. uninwkun mmervutlam of un- whites on
all questions or this nature.

That the bond or union no intimately farmed should not In con—

nequenm or name misapprehension be no ruthlessly severed without a
metal. minute and accurate lnveatlgnuun of the muses therefor.

Tim the origin of this [mum-d enactment in cermlnly un.
founddfl. The difficulty In will to arise (mm :1 certain nhuotlng ultras
upon some railroad line In which n wiored man is said to figure, but
upon investigation and uwn Hinimuunm nunlc in own court by tin:
plaintiff herself, it is nntlonhtu‘lly curtain unit- tin: offense was commit
led by name whltn man.

That to pass a law at this J‘nncture founded upon a nature 10
rectify such conduct upon the mail» or public (turtle-res would jeopardize:
not only the lateral of such public currlam, but unjustly militate
ngnlmst the steadily incmunlng integrity or the colored citizen in tin:
luv 01‘ the Wmonwuaifli such as is he: forth in our new bill of rlglitn.
Sec. 1, Art. 1, and also disturb that condition of loyalty for which alle
in airway famous.

That we look to the whltc people at our State as 1118 must ardent
3 dementia: of our llberuu. believing mm in them since there is no rep-

rmentnuon or our own people in my branch of our government that




they will not approve an (llsaMrum: n mmnuro m prolific of evil and

audaclmmty undemocratic.

lt‘urtlwr. 'l‘hnt the rumunze or such nu enactment will be di-
rm-tly against, the mlvnnm». learning and intelligence 01' tho State to say
nothing of our rntwtttuilrmnl mmranlms stat forth in our new mnstim‘
tlnn in 3N3. 1 nl' tiny hill of riflhlfl. That all mm are by nature free
null equal nnfl fur whirls we 90 nvilrwhelmlnnly voted.

'fl‘llnt we am not ignorant at the law of tin? lnnd yet fnrth in Art.
14. ntiwrwiso known mi liw f'ruurim-nlh nmnmlmont to the constitution
of iim 'ilnilcd States. whit-ll ll: 11 («institutional guarantee that thorn shall
he no discrimination imiwunn citizens or the United Staten except by
dun process of. law.

l4‘urlhvr. That. it is um‘ r-xpnriom-v tlmt tn rush-r n’n aggrieved
rings within lilo mnilnvea nl" nur ("rymmnnwmlill lllli‘ii nrlt ennui-0 the lu~
trnmm of limt 91mm in 11w Slutn's proaqmrity nor ntimlnislor to that
dogma ul' inyuliy mullsiiv fur viiizn-ns tn hold.

That in it‘lzisinir- inguinal 1w. in m. nnre Um sun-x: way to destroy
nlil‘nlunm and in will nsunnlvr llum‘ inn: thndlm.’ imnds of unit}r M
i'wonn tin» mom whivh has so lam: lm-n our boast. The amicable rein.-
ilnn thus far nxlxtinz lu-twmn lino ram-s has im-n tiw more» of bring.
'lm: inm mtr Stutt- liw ini‘vlllm‘nt at our rnw- m settln and mt their
lot amongst us in tiw i-nim- of mlm'fliiffil null umwml improve-mom of
our own Drama .

'I‘lmt fl) mm any lair-[ls against mu“ iihvl'lis-M which Ill: host are
'nnt, ton llhm'nl will lung-(lo uur lnrllvimmi pram-ma and lunr proficient
inmim‘ntlnn and may llm wheels: of dovnlnpmnnt

'l‘hv-rnfnm. we chum-fully nuzumt in our c-mi-r umnla'trnm those
humble pntiflmm hogging: that no rtwnnnwnrln(inn im mnrtn in your
6th unnnn’l mmsnxr- that will (‘lll'illn mu- liiwrtlnn and intact! the privi—
logos and inmmniilm Whit'il tlm lm‘v lmn so far nxlmulml in its.

0. C. MONROE. (‘lmlrmnn 0r I‘M-Inflation.
(3. fl. PARRISIT. (’lmlrnum (‘unuui‘ttm rm Rmulutlmm.
in'ndlr-rmn. K32. fir-c. 22. 181)}.
TI: ”1K lewllu-ury. t'lm-vrnur John Y Tirnwu:

Dmr Sir-wt“). n rmrt nf llw i-iiizmw nf your rmillavut ('in nmi
munly, in mam lllt‘l‘fiflfl. imvinz: prurntmd 'rognrcl for youmli’ nml posi-
tinn. nnti bent-ring ynu tr: lw tho ("Mm-rum- ”r the whuln pmplp, and are
mliixllml tlmi. you know an unjust law. null nu the rc-lniinn llmt Prints
lK-tmwn ilw lwst plouu-ni‘ of iim w‘hil‘u :md mlnmd rmwx in lrlomlly.
prmvnt mnstilnlion nt' Knntupnruic- mr Inw" rrmnmmondwl try the,

in the Nest Intervals n! lmih mil. in lm both nnjnni and dommvntzu

mllmnd mmmisslonr'm. it' puma and aim in din-ct ommaltltm to the
We thm‘efore believe 'lhnt; "tho socky.
And helm: olilzwnn of Km‘lncky we mrnc-stiy. in the nnmc_of
